Kurt Vonnegut Jr

Kurt Vonnegut Jr.: How to Write with Style
Content Questions
1. Vonnegut believes that we like to read certain writers for what they “choose to
show [us] or make [us] think about.” Why else do you read? Explain.
2. According to Vonnegut, what is the relationship between a writer’s style and his
or her audience? What responsibilities does he believe writers have to readers?
3. Which of Vonnegut’s seven pointers on writing do you find most useful? Least
useful? Why?
4. How would you characterize Vonnegut’s style in this piece? Do you think he has
followed his own advice? Explain?
5. Teachers of writing often assign essays and stories for their students to read.
What advantages does Vonnegut see in such reading? What, for you, is the
connection between reading and writing?