CLASS MaryKayAsh in positive /f ^ty Kay Ash wasa big believer people, thinking. She liked to tell "If you l\ / I I Y lthink you can.vou can.And if vou think you can't,you can't." Wiih a salesforceoi sso,OOo and salesin the billions,the founderof Mary Kay Cosmetics Incorporatedhad ampletime to spreadher positivemessage, and plentyof peoplewho want to listen,but that was not alwaysthe case. I AnotherCareer For many years,Mary Kay Ash, a divorcedmother with threechildren,worked hard sellinghomecare productsdoor-to-door.Shefound that shewas good at it and eventuallyacquireda betterpayingjob with a home accessories firm in Dallas,Texas.In 1963, after 25 yearsin the workforce, Ash-who by that time had remarried-decidedto retire. But shesays, "I wasn'tvery good at retirement."Soonsheand her husbandweremakingplansto usetheir $5,000life savingsto form their own companysellingbeauty careproducts.Ash choseskin careprod.uctsbecause sheknew of one suchproductmadelocallythat she liked herself."To start a directsalescomoanv."she said,"first of all you needa productthat peopielike so muchthat theywill comebackto you for it. That's importantbecause, when you'retrying to sella product, peoplecan tell if you're not really sold on it, yourself." Almost a month beforethe new companywas scheduledto open, Ash's husbanddied of a heart 'V(ithout attack. her husband,saidAsh, "I only had half a company.I knew nothingaboutthe administrative sideof business, all I knew was salesand marketing." But Ash'sdirectsalesexperience, combinedwith her 2}-year-oldson Richard'stwo years'worth of collegemarketingclasses, got the fledglingcompanyoff the ground. Ash believedshehad a betterdirectsalesstrategy than otherspeddlingcosmeticsdoor-to-door.Instead of talking to prospectivecustomerson their doorsteps,Mary Kay consuitantsofferedto conductskin careclasses in customers'homes.Shereasonedthat althoughmany women hesitatedto try on lipstick or eyeshadowat a departmentstorecounter,they would welcomethe chanceto samplemakeupand get adviceon skin carein the privacyof their own homes. The company'sexpandingsalesand profits proved her right. Ghapter 3 MaryKayAsh MaryKayAshfoundedMaryKayCosmetics, thesecondlargest directsellerof beautyproductsin the UnitedStates,and remainedcommittedto thegoalof providingfinancialand careeropportunities for women. Keyto Motivation Ash's direct salesexperiencealso taught her the value of motivating her largely female sales force. She rewarded top sellerswith what she calls "Cinderella gifts," items they would not be likely to buy for themselves,such as jewelry or luxury cars. The highest achieversreceivedMary Kay's signature prize, a pink Cadillac fondly referred to as the "trophy on wheels." After three years in business,the Mary Kay cosmetic line was going strong. Today, with the addition of ftagrancesand men's skin care products, the company is the secondlargest direct sellerof beauty products in the United States;only Avon sellsmore. Mary Kay Cosmetics has continued to expand globally sinceL971, when it began operations in Australia. As of 2001, it boastedoperations in 37 countries, including Russia,Mexico, Japan,China, and Hong Kong. Throughout her career Ash remained committed to the goal of providing financial and career opportunities for women. "I always knew," she said, "that women could be very successfulif they were given the opportunity." Her own skills as a marketer, a motivator, and a manager made it easierfor that idea to gain acceptance. ,i E T o .9 c o oa)