Dr Mike Grace – Conference Papers – Oral & Poster...

Dr Mike Grace – Conference Papers – Oral & Poster Presentations
Conference Papers (Oral Presentations)
a) Mike Grace as presenting author
“Determining the major contributions to metabolism in a fourth-order, lowland stream”, M.R.
Grace. Joint ASLO/NABS Conference, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA, 5-11 June, 2010
“How low can you go? Maintaining an aquatic ecosystem.”, M.R. Grace. 47th Australian
Society for Limnology Congress, Mandurah, Western Australia, 30 September-2 October,
“Look. Up in the sky. It's a .... major nitrogen source!”, M.R. Grace, K. Lansdown, K.
Vanderkruk and K. Roberts. Joint Congress of the Australian Society for Limnology & the
New Zealand Freshwater Sciences Society. Queenstown, NZ, 3-7 December, 2007.
“Uncertainty in Nutrient Spiraling Measurements: Implications for In-stream Nutrient Uptake
Studies.” M.R. Grace, S. Hanafi and B.T. Hart. 30th Congress of the International
Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology (SIL). Montreal, Canada, 12-18 August,
“Using Ecosystem Functions for Stream Health Assessment.” M.R. Grace and R. G. Young.
54th North American Benthological Society Annual Meeting. Anchorage, Alaska, 4-8 June,
“Smothered in Sand - Stream Metabolism in a sand-slugged stream”, B.L. Atkinson, M.R.
Grace and B.T. Hart, 44th Australian Society for Limnology Congress, University of
Tasmania, Hobart, 28 November-2 December, 2005
“Ecosystem Function Measures as Indicators of Stream Health?”, M.R. Grace, 43rd Australian
Society for Limnology Congress, University of Adelaide, Adelaide, 30 November-3
December, 2004.
“‘Its all in the connection’ - Urban influences on streams”, M.R. Grace, Interact 2004, Gold
Coast, Queensland, 5-8 July, 2004
“Urbanization Effects on the Metabolism of Small Streams”, M. R. Grace, C. J. Walsh and S.
Taylor. Symposium on Urbanization and Stream Ecology, University of Melbourne, 8-10
December, 2003.
10. “Urbanization Effects on the Metabolism of Small Streams”, M. R. Grace, C. J. Walsh and S.
Taylor. 42nd Australian Society for Limnology Congress, Deakin University, Warrnambool,
1-5 December, 2003.
11. “Assessing and preventing stormwater impacts to streams and priorities for restoration”, M.R.
Grace, C.J. Walsh and J.A. Webb, 41st Australian Society for Limnology Congress, Margaret
River, WA, 29 Sept - 2 Oct, 2002.
12. “Assessment of Ecological Risk associated with irrigation systems in the Goulburn-Broken
Catchment”, M. Grace, B. Hart, P. Cottingham, P. Breen, R. Beckett & P. Feehan, 40th Australian
Society for Limnology Congress, 27 September - 1 October, 2001, Moama, NSW.
13. “Ecosystem metabolism in a large, urban river”, M. Grace, S. Bourgues, P. Breen, C. Walsh &
B. Hart, 38th Australian Society for Limnology Congress, Lake Taupo, New Zealand, Nov
29-Dec 2, 1999
14. “Ecological Assessment of Indonesian Rivers”, M.R. Grace, C. J. Walsh, S. Sdraulig and J.
Gooderham. Water Quality and Treatment Conference. University of Mataram, Lombok,
Indonesia, 19-22 Oct, 1998.
15. “Nutrient release from sediments: Measuring the key processes”, M.R. Grace, B. T. Hart, P.
Ford, I. Webster and Y. Tan. 37th Australian Society for Limnology Congress, Peak
Crossing, Qld, 3-6 July, 1998.
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Dr Mike Grace – Conference Papers – Oral & Poster Presentations
16. “Algal Blooms in a Turbid Australian River. Are Phosphate Levels to Blame?”, M.R. Grace,
B.T. Hart, R.L. Oliver and C.M. Rees, 4th International Conference on Biogeochemical
Cycling of Trace Elements, June 22-26 1997, University of California, Berkeley, USA.
17. “Toxic Algal Blooms in the Darling River: Are Phosphate Levels to Blame?”, M.R. Grace,
B.T. Hart, R. Beckett, R.L. Oliver and C.M. Rees, International Symposium on
Environmental Chemistry and Toxicology, July 14-18 1996, Sydney, Australia.
18. “Suspended Particulate Matter in the Darling River. Why is it so different? Implications for
Algal Growth”, M.R. Grace, R. Beckett and B.T. Hart, CRC for Freshwater Ecology
Sediments Workshop, April 30 & May 1, 1996, Albury, NSW.
19. “Darling River Nutrient Concentrations - Implications for Algal Growth”, M.R. Grace and B.T.
Hart, Nutrient Determination in Freshwaters Conference, Charles Sturt University, Nov 2930 1995, Wagga Wagga, NSW.
20. “Nutrient Cycling in the Darling River: Why is the soluble P concentration so high?”, B.T.
Hart, M.R. Grace and R. Beckett, 34th Australian Society for Limnology Congress, Jenolan
Caves, NSW, Sep 1995.
21. “The Effects of a Saline Intrusion under Low Flow Conditions in the Darling River”, M.R.
Grace and B.T. Hart, AWWA Environmental Flows Seminar, Canberra, Aug 25-26, 1994.
22. “Pressure Effects on the Self-Exchange Rate of the Co(phen)33+/2+ Couple”, M.R. Grace and
T.W. Swaddle. 76th Canadian Society for Chemistry Conference, Sherbrooke, Quebec,
Canada, 30 May - June 3 1993.
23. “High-Pressure Stopped-Flow Studies of Iron(III) Substitution”, M.R. Grace and T.W.
Swaddle. 75th Canadian Society for Chemistry Conference. Edmonton, Alberta, Canada,
May 31 - June 4 1992.
Conference Papers (Oral Presentations)
b) Mike Grace as co-author
1. “The effect of engineered features on sources and sinks of nutrients on a dairy farm in southeastern Australia”, R. Adams, L. Dowell, J.E. Lloyd, A.J. Weatherley, M.R. Grace and A.W.
Western, British Hydrological Society, Third International Symposium, 2010, Newcastle
University, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom, 19-23 July, 2010.
2. “The drying and wetting effects on clogging and pollutant removal through porous pavements”,
C.F. Yong, A. Deletic, T.D. Fletcher and M.R. Grace. NOVATECH Conference, Lyon,
France, June 27-July1, 2010.
3. “Flow-based analytical techniques as tools for water quality assessment”, I.D. McKelvie, P.S.
Ellis, B.S. Gentle, M.R. Grace, P.L.M. Cook, P.A. Faber and P.J. Worsfold, PACCON 2010,
Pure and Applied Chemistry International Conference 2010, Ubon Ratchathani University,
Ubonratchathani, Thailand, 21-23 January, 2010.
4. “A Question Of Scale: The effects of urbanisation and riparian vegetation on stream
metabolism”, S.J. Imberger, M.R. Grace and R. Thompson, 48th Australian Society for
Limnology Congress, Alice Springs, Northern Territory, 28 September-2 October, 2009.
5. “Are the Yarra’s values drying up?”, A.K. Sharpe, S.A. Treadwell, B.L. Atkinson, D. Crook and
M.R. Grace, 48th Australian Society for Limnology Congress, Alice Springs, Northern
Territory, 28 September-2 October, 2009.
6. “The marriage of flow analysis techniques and aquatic biogeochemical studies: Something old,
something new, something borrowed...”, I.D. McKelvie, P.L.M. Cook, P.S. Ellis, P. Faber,
B.S. Gentle and M.R. Grace, Flow Analysis XI, Pollensa, Mallorca, Spain, 14-18 September,
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7. “A Question Of Scale: The effects of urbanisation and riparian vegetation on stream
metabolism”, S.J. Imberger, M.R. Grace and R. Thompson, 10th International Congress of
Ecology, Brisbane, Qld, 16-21 August, 2009.
8. “A risk-based approach to the improved understanding and management of denitrification in
urban stormwater treatment wetlands”, R. Overall, M. Grace, C. Pollino and B. Hart (2009),
18th World IMACS Congress and MODSIM09 International Congress on Modelling and
Simulation, Brisbane, Qld, 13-17 July, 2009.
9. “If isotopes don’t lie, then where did all the nitrate go?”, K. Lansdown, M.R. Grace and I.
Cartwright, 4th Annual Australian Centre for Biodiversity Talkfest, Monash University, 28
November, 2008.
10. “‘What’s for dinner?’ said the microbe to the aquatic ecologist ”, S.J. Imberger, M.R. Grace
and R. Thompson, 4th Annual Australian Centre for Biodiversity Talkfest, Monash
University, 28 November, 2008.
11. “If isotopes don’t lie, then where did all the nitrate go?”, K. Lansdown, M.R. Grace and I.
Cartwright, 47th Australian Society for Limnology Congress, Mandurah, Western Australia,
30 September-2 October, 2008.
12. “‘What’s for dinner?’ said the microbe to the aquatic ecologist ”, S.J. Imberger, M.R. Grace,
R. Thompson and C.J. Walsh, 47th Australian Society for Limnology Congress, Mandurah,
Western Australia, 30 September-2 October, 2008.
13. “A risk-based approach for investigating denitrification in urban stormwater treatment
wetlands”, R. Overall, M.R. Grace, C.A. Pollino and B.T. Hart, 3rd Annual Conference of
the Australian and New Zealand Chapter of the Society for Risk Analysis, Canberra, ACT,
30 September-1 October, 2008.
14. “The quest for the ideal photometric detection system for use in flow analysis”, I.D. McKelvie,
B. Gentle, P. Ellis and M.R. Grace, 15th International Conference on Flow Injection
Analysis including related techniques, Nagoya, Japan, 28 September – 3 October, 2008.
15. “The clogging behaviour and treatment efficiency of a range of porous pavements”, C.F. Yong,
A. Deletic, T.D. Fletcher and M.R. Grace, 11th International Conference on Urban
Drainage, Edinburgh, Scotland, 31 August-5 September, 2008.
16. “Physico-Chemical Conditions Affecting Dissolved Organic Phosphorus Release from Slurry
Sediment Incubation.” A. Saefumillah, I. McKelvie, M. Grace and S. Roberts, JSChem ITBUKM 2007. 7th Joint Seminar between the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences,
Institute Technology, Bandung, and the Faculty of Science, Technology and Food, Universiti
Kebangsaan Malaysia, Institute Technology Bandung, Bandung, West Java, Indonesia. 1213 December, 2007.
17. “Investigating nitrate sources and processing in headwater streams using stable isotopes.”, K.
Lansdown, M. R. Grace and I. Cartwright. Joint Congress of the Australian Society for
Limnology & the New Zealand Freshwater Sciences Society. Queenstown, NZ, 3-7
December, 2007.
18. “Assessing the Risk on Denitrification in Urban Wetlands from Heavy Metals.” R. Overall,
M.R. Grace, C.A. Pollino and B.T. Hart. Wetpol 2007: 2nd International Symposium on
Wetland Pollution Dynamics & Control. University of Tartu, Tartu, Estonia, 16-20
September, 2007.
19. “The uptake of phosphate compounds onto the La(OH)3 binding gel”, B. Rumhayati, M. R.
Grace and I. D. McKelvie. 14th RACI Analytical and Environmental Research and
Development Topics, University of Wollongong, NSW, 5-8 December, 2006.
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20. “Smothered by sand: metabolism in a sand-slugged stream.” B.L. Atkinson, M. R. Grace and
B. T. Hart. 54th North American Benthological Society Annual Meeting. Anchorage, Alaska,
4-8 June, 2006
21. “A Bayesian Approach to Seagrass Management”, C.R. Thomas, J. Brodie, B. T. Hart, A.
Nicholson and M. R. Grace. “Catchments to Coast”: Australian Marine Sciences
Association Annual Meeting. Cairns, Queensland, 9-13 July, 2006
22. “Riparian zone and in-stream denitrification in three contrasting regions of Australia.” C.S.
Fellows, C. L. Conway, M. R. Grace, K. A. Markwell, H.J. Hunter, N.J. Beard, C. Russell,
R, DeHayr, S.E. Bunn and P.M. Davies. 54th North American Benthological Society Annual
Meeting. Anchorage, Alaska, 4-8 June, 2006.
23. “New tools for old problems: Bayesian networks assist seagrass management in the Great
Barrier Reef, Australia”, C.R. Thomas, B. T. Hart, A. Nicholson, M. R. Grace and J. Brodie.
American Society of Limnology and Oceanography, Summer Meeting, 2006. Victoria,
British Columbia, Canada, 4-8 June, 2006.
24. “Performance of the La(OH)3 binding gel for in situ measurement”, B. Rumhayati, M.R. Grace
and I.D. McKelvie, International Conference for Young Chemists, USM Penang, Malaysia,
24-27 May, 2006.
25. “A prospective binding gel for DGT measurement of filterable organic phosphorus from
sediment pore and overlying waters”, B. Rumhayati, M. R. Grace and I. D. McKelvie 13th
RACI Analytical and Environmental Research and Development Topics, Mt Eliza, Victoria,
10-13 Dec, 2005.
26. "Adaptive generalised flow analysis systems for water quality monitoring.", E. Reisman, M. R.
Grace and I. D. McKelvie. 13th RACI Analytical and Environmental Research and
Development Topics, Mt Eliza, Victoria, 10-13 Dec, 2005.
27. “Management of ecological risk from irrigation using Bayesian network decision making
tools”, B.T. Hart, C. Pollino, T. Chan, M.R. Grace, A.-M. Westbury, D. Tiller, M. Chapman,
ANCID 2005, Mildura, Victoria, 23-26 October, 2005
28. “Can nutrient spiraling measurements detect seasonal pattern of nutrient use? A case study in
Lyrebird Creek, a forested stream in The Dandenong Ranges, Victoria”, Sulfikar, B.T. Hart
and M.R. Grace, 10thInternational Symposium on the Interactions Between Sediments and
Water, Bled, Slovenia, 28 August-2 September, 2005
29. “A prospective binding gel of DGT technique for measuring filterable organic phosphorus from
sediment pore and overlying waters”, B. Rumhayati, M.R. Grace and I.D. McKelvie,
10thInternational Symposium on the Interactions Between Sediments and Water, Bled,
Slovenia, 28 August-2 September, 2005
30. “In Situ Preconcentration and Measurement of Filterable Organic Phosphates in Sediment Pore
Waters”, B. Rumhayati, I.D. McKelvie and M.R. Grace. 12th RACI Analytical and
Environmental Research and Development Topics Meeting, University of Melbourne, 5-8
December, 2004.
31. “Physico-chemical conditions affecting organic and inorganic phosphorus release from river
sediments”, A. Saefumillah, D. Holland, M.R. Grace and I.D. McKelvie. 12th RACI
Analytical and Environmental Research and Development Topics Meeting, University of
Melbourne, 5-8 December, 2004.
32. “Underway determination of total alkalinity in estuarine waters by reagent injection flow
analysis”, S.M. Gray, M.R. Grace and I.D. McKelvie. 12th RACI Analytical and
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Environmental Research and Development Topics Meeting, University of Melbourne, 5-8
December, 2004.
33. “Rehabilitation in the Granite Creeks”, B.L. Atkinson, M.R. Grace B.T. Hart. 12th RACI
Analytical and Environmental Research and Development Topics Meeting, University of
Melbourne, 5-8 December, 2004.
34. “Hyporheic Nutrient Dynamics in Creightons-Branjee Creek, Victoria”, K.E. Vanderkruk,
M.R. Grace B.T. Hart. 12th RACI Analytical and Environmental Research and Development
Topics Meeting, University of Melbourne, 5-8 December, 2004.
35. “Applicability of nutrient spiraling as an indicator of the ecological functions. An analysis of
possible errors in the enrichment experiment.”, Sulfikar, B.T. Hart and M.R. Grace, 12th
RACI Analytical and Environmental Research and Development Topics Meeting, University
of Melbourne, 5-8 December, 2004.
36. “Can nutrient spiraling measurements detect seasonal pattern of nutrient use? A case study in
Lyrebird Creek, a forested stream in The Dandenong Ranges, Victoria”, Sulfikar, B.T. Hart
and M.R. Grace, 43rd Australian Society for Limnology Congress, University of Adelaide,
Adelaide, 30 November-3 December, 2004.
37. “The effect of vegetation on nitrogen cycling in small streams and riparian zones”, C. Conway,
M. Lutton, N.J. Beard, D Holland, M.R. Grace, R. DeHayr and H. Hunter, 43rd Australian
Society for Limnology Congress, University of Adelaide, Adelaide, 30 November-3
December, 2004.
38. “Carbon availability and enzymes: The effect of urbanisation”, E.L. Harbott, M.R. Grace and
B.T. Hart, 43rd Australian Society for Limnology Congress, University of Adelaide,
Adelaide, 30 November-3 December, 2004.
39. “Hyporheic Nutrient Dynamics in Creightons-Branjee Creek, Victoria”, K.E. Vanderkruk,
M.R. Grace B.T. Hart. 43rd Australian Society for Limnology Congress, University of
Adelaide, Adelaide, 30 November-3 December, 2004.
40. “Ecosystem Function Responses to Stream Rehabilitation in the Granite Creeks", B. L.
Atkinson, M. R. Grace and B. T. Hart, Interact 2004, Gold Coast, Qld, July 5-8, 2004.
41. “Extracellular Enzyme Response to Dissolved Organic Carbon in Urban Streams”. E.L.
Harbott, B. T. Hart and M. R. Grace, Symposium on Urbanization and Stream Ecology,
University of Melbourne, 8-10 December, 2003.
42. "Flow injection analysis techniques for the determination of total dissolved nitrogen in natural
waters", S. M. Gray, M. R. Grace and I. D. McKelvie, 11th RACI R&D Topics Meeting,
Richmond, NSW, 7-10 Dec, 2003.
43. "Nutrient releases from the rewetting of a sand slug after drought", K. E. Vanderkruk, B. T.
Hart and M. R. Grace, 42nd Australian Society of Limnology Congress, Warrnambool, Vic,
1-5 December, 2003.
44. “Models for predicting algal blooms: how complex do they need to be?” C.A. Pollino, J.A.
Webb, B.T. Hart and M.R. Grace. 42nd Australian Society for Limnology Congress, Deakin
University, Warrnambool, 1-5 December, 2003.
45. “Ecological Risk Assessment from Australian irrigation enterprises”, B. Hart, A. Webb, M.
Grace, C. Pollino, M. Burgman, P. Feehan and M. Chapman. Australian National
Committee on Irrigation and Drainage (ANCID). Shepparton, Vic 19-22 Oct, 2003.
46. “Use of risk assessment to assess the ecological impacts of salinity on aquatic systems: Can
concepts of resilience and hierarchical analysis assist in developing better catchment-scale
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risk assessments?” B.T. Hart, P. S. Lake, J. A. Webb and M. R. Grace, Prospects for
Biodiversity and Rivers in Salinising Landscapes. Albany, WA, 21-25 Oct, 2002.
47. “Use of calcite active barriers to reduce phosphorus release from Lake Carramar sediments effectiveness and ecological risks”, B.T. Hart, S. Roberts, M. Grace, R. James, M.
O'Donohue, J. Taylor, E. McWilliam, M. Waters, D. Donnert and R. Furrer, Australian
National Committee on Irrigation and Drainage (ANCID), Griffith, NSW, 1-4 Sept, 2002.
48. “Risk-based natural resource management”, B.T. Hart, M. Burgman, M. Grace and J. A. Webb.
SETAC. Vienna, Austria, 13-16 May, 2002.
49. “Biogeochemical Interactions Within the Hyporheic Zone of a Degraded Rural Stream”, K. E.
Vanderkruk, M. R. Grace and B. T. Hart, 9th International Symposium on the Interactions
Between Sediments and Water, Banff, Canada, 5-10 May, 2002.
50. "Application of ecological risk assessment in river management", B.T Hart, M. R. Grace, J.A.
Webb, P. Feehan and M. Burgman, 9th International Symposium on the Interactions
Between Sediments and Water, Banff, Canada, 5-10 May, 2002.
51. “A deterministic model of blue-green algal blooms in Bourke Weir, NSW”, J.A. Webb, M.
Grace, and N.A. Linacre, 40th Australian Society for Limnology Congress, 27 September - 1
October, 2001, Moama, NSW.
52. “Sand Slugs: The hidden biogeochemistry within them”, K. E. Vanderkruk, M. R. Grace and B.
T. Hart, 40th Australian Society of Limnology Congress, Moama, New South Wales,
Australia, 27 September - 1 October, 2001
53. “Phosphorus in Fluvial Systems: Speciation, Transformations and Dynamics”, I.D. McKelvie,
N. Amini, M.E. Hindle, P. Gardolinski, M.R. Grace, B. Lovell & P.J. Worsfold,
International Phosphorus Transfer Workshop, Plymouth, UK, 28 Aug - 1 Sept, 2001
54. "Biogeochemistry of a sand slug stream", K. E. Watts, M. R. Grace and B. T. Hart, 3rd
Australian Stream Management Conference, Brisbane, Queensland, 27-29 August, 2001
55. “Spatial patterns in ecosystem structure and function in the Yarra River, Victoria”, P. Breen, C.
J. Walsh, M. R. Grace, S. Bourgues and B. T. Hart, Brisbane River Festival. Brisbane, Qld,
Sept 2-9, 2000.
56. “Issues Facing Australia in the New Millennium - Nutrients”, B. Hart, M. Grace, M. Harper &
S. Bourgues, RACI Environmental Chemistry Symposium, Canberra, 8 February, 2000
57. “Peeping in Sediments”, K.E. Watts, B. T. Hart and M. R. Grace, 7th Annual Research and
Development Topics (RACI Analytical Division), University of New South Wales, Sydney,
6-8 Dec, 1999
58. “Peeping into Sediments - An Introductory Guide”, K. E. Watts, B. T. Hart and M. R. Grace,
New Zealand Limnological Society and Australian Society of Limnology Joint Congress,
Lake Taupo, New Zealand, Nov 29-Dec 2, 1999.
59. “Nutrient release from sediments: Recent advances in understanding the key processes”, B.T.
Hart, M. R. Grace, P. Ford, I. Webster and Y. Tan. 37th Australian Society for Limnology
Congress, Peak Crossing, Qld, 3-6 July, 1998.
60. “Modelling nutrient transport and transformations in sediments”, Y. Tan, P. Ford, I. Webster,
M. R. Grace and B. T. Hart. 37th Australian Society for Limnology Congress, Peak Crossing,
Qld, 3-6 July, 1998.
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Conference Poster Presentations
1. “A question of scale: The effects of urbanization and riparian vegetation on coarse particulate
organic matter transport and standing stocks”, S.J. Imberger, M.R. Grace and R.M.
Thompson. Joint ASLO/NABS Conference, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA, 5-11 June, 2010.
2. “Effect of heavy metals on denitrification efficiency in constructed wetlands”, V.M. Folkman,
M.R. Grace and P.L.M Cook, 48th Australian Society for Limnology Congress, Alice
Springs, Northern Territory, 28 September-2 October, 2009.
3. “Strengths and weaknesses of four types of photometric flow-cells used for flow analysis”, B.S.
Gentle, P.S. Ellis, M.R. Grace and I.D. McKelvie, Flow Analysis XI, Pollensa, Mallorca,
Spain, 14-18 September, 2009.
4. “Atmospheric N deposition and urbanization: an eutrophic combination”, M. Grace, K.
Lansdown, K. Roberts and K. Vanderkruk, 10th International Congress of Ecology,
Brisbane, Queensland, 16-21 August, 2009.
5. “Effect of Typha domingensis on phosphorus and nitrogen in sediment”, M. Ali, M. Grace and
R. Thompson, 10th International Congress of Ecology, Brisbane, Queensland, 16-21 August,
6. “Effect of Typha domingensis on phosphorus and nitrogen in sediment”, M. Ali, M.R. Grace and
R. Thompson, 47th Australian Society for Limnology Congress, Mandurah, Western
Australia, 30 September-2 October, 2008.
7. “Urbanisation elevates the breakdown rate of labile leaf litter in small streams through an
increase in microbial activity.” S. Imberger, C. Walsh and M. Grace, 10th International River
Symposium and Environmental Flows Conference, Brisbane, Qld, 3-6 September, 2007.
8. “Solid phase extraction and characterization of organic phosphorus in slurry sediment incubation
by 31P-NMR”. A. Saefumillah, M.R. Grace and I.D. McKelvie, Pacifichem 2005, Honolulu,
Hawaii, 15-20 December, 2005
9. “The role of sediments in nutrient cycling in the Ornamental Lake”, K.P. Lansdown, M.R.
Grace, P. Symes and J.A. Webb, 43rd Australian Society for Limnology Congress, University
of Adelaide, Adelaide, 30 November-3 December, 2004
10. "In-situ measurement of Filterable organic phosphates in sediment pore water." B. Rumhayati,
M. R. Grace and I. D. McKelvie, Interact 2004, Gold Coast, Qld, 5-8 July, 2004
11. "Physico-Chemical Conditions Affecting Organic and Inorganic Phosphorus Release from
River Sediments", A. Saefumillah, D. Holland, J. A. Webb, M. R. Grace and I. D.
McKelvie, Interact 2004, Gold Coast, Qld, July 5-8, 2004
12. "Ecosystem Function Responses to Stream Rehabilitation in the Granite Creeks", B. Atkinson,
M. R. Grace and B. T. Hart, 42nd ASL Congress, Warrnambool, 1-5 Dec, 2003
13. "Applicability of nutrient spiraling as an indicator of the ecological functions", Sulfikar, M. R.
Grace and B. T. Hart, 42nd ASL Congress, Warrnambool, 1-5 Dec, 2003
14. "The Effects of Light and Nutrients on Phytoplankton from the Lower Darling River, NSW."
D. Holland and M. R. Grace, 42nd ASL Congress, Warrnambool, 1-5 Dec, 2003
15. "Extracellular Enzyme Response to Dissolved Organic Carbon in Urban Streams." E.L.
Harbott, B.T. Hart and M. R. Grace, 42nd ASL Congress, Warrnambool, 1-5 Dec, 2003
16. “Quantifying the risks to fish in the Goulburn Broken catchment (Victoria, Australia) using
Bayesian networks”, C.A. Pollino, P. Feehan, M.R. Grace and B.T. Hart. Society of
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC), Christchurch, NZ, 28 September - 1
October 2003.
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17. "Heterogeneity in Sand-Slugged Streams", K. E. Vanderkruk, B. T. Hart and M. R. Grace,
Ninth International Conference on River Research and Applications, Albury, NSW, 6-11
July, 2003.
18. “Models for predicting algal blooms: how complex do they need to be?” C.A. Pollino, J.A.
Webb, B.T. Hart and M.R. Grace. Ninth International Conference on River Research and
Applications, Albury, NSW, 6-11 July, 2003.
19. “Assessing and preventing stormwater impacts to streams and priorities for restoration”, M.R.
Grace, C. J. Walsh and J. A. Webb, 41st Australian Society for Limnology Congress,
Margaret River, WA, 29 Sept - 2 Oct, 2002.
20. “Using Ecological Risk Assessment to quantify the risks to fish in the Goulburn Broken
Catchment.”, C.A. Pollino, P. Feehan, M.R. Grace and B.T. Hart, 41st Australian Society for
Limnology Congress, Margaret River, WA, 29 Sept - 2 Oct, 2002.
21. "Dissolved Organic Carbon: Good Enough To EAT?" E. Harbott, B. T. Hart and M. R. Grace,
Enzymes in the Environment: Activity, Ecology and Applications, Prague, Czech Republic,
14-17 July, 2003
22. “Quantifying the risks to fish in the Goulburn Broken catchment”, C. A. Pollino, P. Feehan, M.
R. Grace and B. T. Hart, Ninth International Conference on River Research and
Applications, Albury, NSW, July 6-11, 2003
23. “Different sites, different denitrifiers: variation in the denitrifying community structure from
streams in an urban and a non-urban catchment”, S. Perryman, C. Walsh, G. Rees and M.
Grace, Ninth International Conference on River Research and Applications, Albury, NSW,
July 6-11, 2003
24. "Determination of Iron speciation in aquatic systems by flow injection analysis", E. Reisman,
M. R. Grace and I. D. McKelvie, Flow Analysis IX, Geelong, Australia, Feb 17-21, 2003
25. "A flow injection analysis technique for the determination of total dissolved nitrogen in natural
waters by photo-oxidation and bead injection", S. M. Gray, M. R. Grace and I. D. McKelvie,
Flow Analysis IX, Geelong, Australia, Feb 17-21, 2003
26. "Determination of Dissolved organic phosphorus released from lake sediments using in-line
photo-oxidation and flow injection analysis", A. Saefumillah, S. Roberts, M. R. Grace and I.
D. McKelvie, Flow Analysis IX, Geelong, Australia, Feb 17-21, 2003
27. "Flow injection analysis techniques for the determination of total dissolved nitrogen in natural
waters", S. M. Gray, M. R. Grace and I. D. McKelvie, 10th RACI R&D Topics Meeting,
Warrnambool, Vic, Dec, 2002
28. "Determination of Iron speciation in aquatic systems by flow injection analysis", E. Reisman,
M. R. Grace and I. D. McKelvie, 10th RACI R&D Topics Meeting, Warrnambool, Australia,
Dec, 2002
29. "Study of organic phosphorus released from aquatic sediments", A. Saefumillah, S. Roberts, M.
R. Grace and I. D. McKelvie, 10th RACI R&D Topics Meeting, Warrnambool, Vic, Dec
30. "Determination of total dissolved nitrogen in natural waters by photo-oxidation and flow
injection analysis incorporating bead injection analysis." S. M. Gray, I. D. McKelvie and M.
R. Grace, Interact 2002, UNSW, Sydney, July, 2002
31. "Determination of total dissolved nitrogen in natural waters by photo-oxidation and flow
injection analysis", S. M. Gray, I. D. McKelvie and M. R. Grace, 11th International
Conference on Flow Injection Analysis, Chiang Mai, Thailand, 16-20 Dec, 2001
Dr Mike Grace
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Dr Mike Grace – Conference Papers – Oral & Poster Presentations
32. "The Development of a Reversed FIA Method for the determination of Dissolved Oxygen in
Fresh and Marine Water", S. Muangkaew, I. D. McKelvie, M. R. Grace, M. Rayanakorn, K.
Grudpan, J. Jakmunee and D. Nakapricha, 11th International Conference on Flow Injection
Analysis, Chiang Mai, Thailand, 16-20 Dec, 2001
33. "Flow Injection Analysis Techniques for the Determination of Total Dissolved Nitrogen in
Natural Waters", S. M. Gray, I. D. McKelvie and M. R. Grace, R & D Topics Meeting,
RMIT University, Melbourne, 3-6 December, 2001
Dr Mike Grace
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