South Kitsap School District Policy Governance Policy Type: Executive Limitation

South Kitsap School District
Policy Governance
Policy Type: Executive Limitation
An effective public education system develops students who are globally aware, civically engaged, and
capable of managing their lives and careers.
Therefore, the superintendent shall not fail to:
1. Establish and maintain a forward-thinking and visionary technology environment that promotes
the best teaching and learning for our students.
2. Establish and maintain technology systems and applications consistent with the accomplishment
of the Board’s Ends through the District’s technology plan.
Superintendent’s Interpretation:
It is the responsibility of the Superintendent to ensure that we prepare students for success and
opportunities beyond graduation; thus, a purposeful and strategic plan for the use, implementation, and
integration of technology into student learning is essential.
It is the responsibility of the Superintendent to ensure our District Technology Plan:
 Is aligned with and serves our Ends
 Focuses on learning and teaching
 Is current and relevant for teachers and students
 Integrates technology into the curriculum
 Enhances communication with staff, students, families and the community
 Considers system-wide implications for enhancement, expansion and innovation.
I hereby present my monitoring report on Executive Limitations Policy EL-15 “Technology" in
accordance with the monitoring schedule set forth in board policy. I certify that the information
contained in the report is true as of September 7, 2011.
Evidence of Compliance: September 7, 2011
At the time of this report, I believe I am in compliance with the Board’s expectations associated with
this policy. I have not, to use language consistent with EL-15, failed to establish and maintain a forwardthinking and visionary technology environment that promotes the best teaching and learning climate for
our students; and I have not failed to establish and maintain technology systems and applications
consistent with the accomplishment of the Board’s Ends through the District’s Technology Plan.
Indicators Include:
Balanced leadership and vision that addresses both communications/infrastructure and teaching
and learning
Continued development, focus and responsibilities of SKSD’s Teaching, Learning and
Technology Team. This team is co-chaired by Derry Lyons and Shannon Thompson (Directors
of Technology and Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment. The team also includes parents,
teachers (various grade levels and departments, and administration (various grade levels).
o 10-11 Work of this Team has included:
 Revisiting the charter with the Teaching, Learning and Technology group to be
intentional about their advisory role in how to strategically infuse technology into
instruction. Examples include:
 the revised approval process for new technology
 discussion around the new “sexting” policy and its evolution to the new
anti-bullying/harassment policy
 developing a resourceful and responsible framework for the computer
refresh project (see below)
 building a framework for 6th grade technology proficiency expectations
 developing a digital citizenship framework and adoption of internet safety
curriculum by the IMC
 addressing impact of statewide on-line assessments and coordinating pilots
during spring 2011
Resourceful and Responsible: With the comprehensive funding reductions we have faced,
Technology has also been impacted. Therefore, with the goal of being more “efficient,” with our
resources, we developed a more elaborate process for technology investments (in buildings and
departments). The process included applications to address student need/rationale for the
investments, plans for implementation and rated applications higher for those with additional
funding sources (was the plan a partnership of building dollars, PTA’s, grants and district
o While the mid-year reductions from the state as well as the final state budget put a hold
on the site/department plans and applications, immediate and urgent needs were
addressed and a important shift has been made in understanding that technology is not
about a blanket allocation for schools to buy “stuff” – rather, the focus is on using
technology as a means to address a student/staff/building need to address/enhance
teaching and learning.
Support of Skyward fiscal/HR system conversion, being intentional about changes in business
practices to improve efficiency
Progress toward open network access for personal devices including implementation of the
districts anytime, anywhere web-based portal service.
Communications: SKSD continues to be a leader in the use of technology to communicate with
families, celebrate our accomplishments and invite/engage the community in our decisions,
actions, events:
o Facebook
o Web-Page
o Videos and TV shows
o ENews
o School Messenger