Incident: Date/Time Incident: IR # of Incident Incident: Property Value Incident: Summary of Incident Incident: Incident Category 00625-2014 11/1/2014 1:47 $10 Theft III 00628-2014 11/3/2014 7:38 $100 00629-2014 11/3/2014 10:02 $100 00631-2014 11/3/2014 21:01 00640-2014 11/5/2014 18:22 00641-2014 11/5/2014 23:29 00643-2014 11/6/2014 13:00 00644-2014 11/7/2014 9:32 00645-2014 11/7/2014 12:00 Campus Public Safety noticed a student taking food from Aramark. Student was contacted refer to Conduct Review Committee. Campus Public Safety was notified of property damage in an academic building. Campus Public Safety was notified of graffiti at the athletic complex. A student sustained a possible injury while playing sports. Medical transportation was refused. Pacific University received a report of a motor vehicle accident involving students in University owned vehicle that occurred off campus. Campus Public Safety was notified about the odor of marijuana in a University Residence Hall. Upon investigation students were found to be in violation of university policy and marijuana was confiscated. Case referred to the Conduct Review Board. The theft of a bike from an academic building was reported to Campus Public Safety. The bike was recovered the same day. Campus Public Safety located graffiti on an academic building. Campus Public was notified of a criminal mischief incident that occurred in a residence hall. $500 Criminal Mischief I, Property Damage Criminal Mischief III, Property Damage Medical Report Vehicular Incident Drugs, Violation of Residence Hall Contract Lost or Stolen Property, Recovered Property Criminal Mischief III Criminal Mischief III 00646-2014 11/7/2014 12:35 Campus Public Safety was notified of Medical Report an injury sustained by a staff member. 00647-2014 11/7/2014 14:20 00649-2014 11/7/2014 17:21 $100 00650-2014 11/7/2014 19:49 $20 Campus Public Safety assisting with mediating a disagreement between two university affiliated parties. Graffiti found on dumpsters near a residence hall. Graffiti found at the north restrooms. 00655-2014 11/8/2014 20:00 00659-2014 11/10/2014 16:53 00660-2014 11/11/2014 12:24 00661-2014 11/11/2014 15:25 00664-2014 11/12/2014 23:35 00665-2014 11/15/2014 0:12 00673-2014 11/18/2014 9:05 00675-2014 11/14/2014 10:19 $100 $325 $200 Welfare Check Criminal Mischief III, Property Damage Criminal Mischief III, Property Damage Marijuana was found in a residence Criminal Trespass, warning, hall. Students referred to the Conduct Drugs, Failure to Comply Review Committee. Graffiti was located on the athletic Criminal Mischief III, Property complex. Damage Campus Public Safety was notified of Medical Report an injury to a non-student that occurred at an athletic complex. A limb was blown off tree and hit a Property Damage students vehicle causing damage. Campus Public Safety trespassed an Criminal Trespass, warning, individual from Pacific University Harassment, Suspicious property. Person(s) A broken window was reported at a Criminal Mischief III, Property residence hall. Damage Staff member reported to Campus Medical Report Public Safety that a patient became unresponsive while under medical exam. EMS was called, patient refused ambulance transport. A family member transported patient to Hospital. Campus Public Safety was notified Medical Report about an injury to a student that was reported to the Student Health Center. 00679-2014 11/21/2014 22:12 Campus Public Safety received a Alcohol & Drugs, Violation of report of students smoking marijuana. Residence Hall Contract Upon investigation marijuana and alcohol was discovered. The students were referred to the Conduct Review Committee. 00685-2014 11/22/2014 0:39 00686-2014 11/22/2014 13:45 00689-2014 11/27/2014 11:45 $150 00690-2014 11/28/2014 7:56 $200 Campus Public Safety was notified of marijuana and alcohol violation in a residence hall. Students referred to Conduct Review Committee. A student reported the unlawful entry of their motor vehicle and theft of property to Campus Public Safety. The theft of a bicycle was reported to Campus Public Safety. A broken window on an academic building was reported to Campus Public Safety. Alcohol, Drugs, Student Conduct Violation Theft II Theft III Criminal Mischief III