Incident: Date/Time Incident: of Incident Property Value Incident: Summary of Incident

Incident: Date/Time
Incident: IR # of Incident
Property Value Incident: Summary of Incident
4/1/2014 22:05
4/2/2014 10:30
4/2/2014 14:30
4/3/2014 23:17
4/5/2014 1:36
4/8/2014 0:00 $25.00
4/6/2014 14:00 $900.00
Campus Public Safety assisted a
student who had injured their ankle
during a sporting engagement.
Campus Public Safety was notified by
a student that they were walking down
a set of stairs and had a trip/fall
incident. The student fell on left side
injuring their left wrist. No medical
$35.00 Campus Public Safety responded to
retrieve property belonging to the
University that was in a students room.
The property was seized from the
student and the student was referred
to Conduct Review.
Campus Public Safety seized an
unopened case of beer from a
stairwell in a residential building.
Suspects are unknown at this time.
Campus Public Safety was notified of
damage to trees in a parking lot.
Through the investigation the suspects
were identified and referred to the
Conduct Review Committee.
Campus Public Safety found graffiti on
a University sign. No suspects at this
time. A work order has been
submitted to Facilities for clean up.
Campus Public Safety was notified of
a theft from a clinic by an unknown
female suspect. Case referred to the
Incident: Incident Category
Medical Report
Medical Report
Student Conduct Violation
Found Property,Suspicious
Alcohol,Criminal Mischief
II,Property Damage
Criminal Mischief III
Lost or Stolen Property
4/9/2014 18:41
4/11/2014 20:31
4/12/2014 0:52
4/11/2014 16:35
4/12/2014 21:45
4/12/2014 19:13 $7,000
Campus Public Safety responded to
reports of the odor of marijuana in a
residential building. A small amount of
marijuana and paraphernalia was
seized from a student. The student
was referred to Conduct Review
Campus Public Safety took report of
minor damage to a University building.
Alcohol & Drugs,Violation of
Residence Hall Contract
Property Damage,Vehicular
Campus Public Safety assisted
Alcohol,Criminal Trespass,
Resident Assistants on an alcohol
violation involving minors and nonstudents in a residence hall room.
Case referred to the Conduct Review
Campus Public Safety was notified of Medical Report
a male visitor that fell down a stairwell
in a academic building. The male was
transported to hospital in Portland by
ambulance due to head injury.
Campus Public Safety Assisted Forest Assist Police
Grove Police locate a student who
was arrested for an incident that
occurred off campus.
Campus Public Safety was notified of Property Damage,Vehicular
six Pacific University students in a
Pacific University vehicle were
involved in a non-injury motor vehicle
crash while off campus.
4/14/2014 13:37
4/12/2014 20:45
4/16/2014 15:43
4/16/2014 20:20
4/13/2014 18:00 $50
4/18/2014 0:24
4/18/2014 3:09
Campus Public Safety was notified
Suspicious Circumstances
that a unknown person concerned
about how another was parking that
they left a disrespectful, but hand
written, note on the vehicle. Then they
also wrote a two word note on the
driver's side window.
Campus Public Safety assisted a
Medical Report
student who received an injury during
Luau. Emergency Medical Services
was not needed.
Faculty member reported to Campus Criminal Trespass, warning
Public Safety that they witnessed two
individuals consuming alcoholic
beverages on campus property. CPS
officer arrived and made contact with
two subjects, both subjects were both
issued Criminal Trespass Warning
exclusions from all Pacific University's
properties. Alcoholic containers were
disposed of on scene.
Patient of a Pacific University clinic
reported to Campus Public Safety that
they had fallen on University property.
EMS was not called. Patient reported
that she has not sought medical care
at this time.
Campus Public Safety took report of a
theft of a blanket from a residential
hall laundry room. There are no known
suspects at this time.
Campus Public Safety Officer defend
themselves against an attack by
multiple unleashed dogs.
Campus Public Safety found damage
to a contruction area on campus.
Medical Report
Theft III
Safety Violation
Criminal Mischief III
4/18/2014 6:50
4/20/2014 1:50
4/20/2014 23:25 $100
4/18/2014 16:00 $400
4/21/2014 20:18
4/23/2014 0:17
4/22/2014 21:42 $18.90
4/23/2014 15:10
Campus Public Safety responded to
the activation of a fire suppression
system in a campus building.
Campus Public Safety responded to
reports of a student in distress.
Campus Public Safety found the east
pedestrian gate at the Soccer Field
was damaged by unknown person(s).
A theft was reported from a Clinic.
In an attempt to identify and seize
marijuana from a student a Campus
Public Safety officer was injured and
needed medical transportation to the
hospital. Student was identified and
marijuana seized. Case referred to
the Conduct Review Committee and
the Dean of Students.
Campus Public Safety encountered
two students parked in a University
parking lot in possession of marijuana.
False Alarm,Property Damage
Assist Police,Alcohol,Medical
Report,Welfare Check
Criminal Mischief III,Property
Theft II
Drugs,Failure to Comply,Medical
Report,Student Conduct Violation
Campus Public Safety took report of
Failure to Comply,Theft III
two female students stealing items
from the Aramark Bistro. After
reviewing camera footage CPS was
able to identify the students. Some of
the items were retrieved. Information
obtained was forwarded to Conduct
Review Committee for review.
Campus Public Safety and Forest
Medical Report
Grove Fire and Rescue responded to
a medical emergency in an academic
building. An alumni had reportedly
fainted. The alumni refused transport
via ambulance. Instead a friend took
her to the hospital.
4/23/2014 16:29
4/24/2014 22:01
4/27/2014 10:25 $100
4/27/2014 1:45
4/28/2014 21:10
4/29/2014 11:50
4/24/2014 9:00 $200.00
4/29/2014 19:05
4/30/2014 14:45
Campus Public Safety responded to a
non injury motor vehicle accident in a
University parking lot. A student hit a
parked vehicle, in turn causing
damage. The owner of the other
vehicle was contacted. CPS assisted
in exchanging information.
Campus Public Safety located graffiti
in the Lincoln Park men's North
Graffiti was found at various locations
on campus.
Two students were involved in noninjury altercation.
Campus Public Safety took report of
property damage to University
property. There are no suspects at this
Campus Public Safety took a report
from a student about unwanted
contact from a non-student.
Campus Public Safety took report of a
theft of a skate board from an
academic building. There are no
known suspects at this time.
Campus Public Safety took report of a
medical incident involving a student
that occurred off campus. The student
was taken to the hospital by a friend.
Vehicular Incident
Campus Public Safety located graffiti
on exterior of a University building.
Criminal Mischief III,Property
Assist Police
Criminal Mischief III,Property
Harassment,Violation of
Residence Hall Contract
Property Damage
Suspicious Person(s)
Theft II
Medical Report