Alumni Association | Bylaws

Alumni Association | Bylaws
The name of this organization shall be the Pacific University Alumni Association.
The purpose of this Association shall be to deepen the engagement of alumni and students in a lifelong
relationship with Pacific University and to further the welfare of Pacific University.
All graduates of Pacific University, Tualatin Academy, North Pacific College of Optometry, and the
Oregon Graduate School of Professional Psychology (OGSPP); all former students who have completed
at least one year of study at; or who have expressed a desire to retain ties with the University; Honorary
Degree recipients are eligible for membership.
Section 1.
COMPOSITION. (1) The management of the Association is vested in the Board of Representatives of
the Association. The Board of Representatives is supported by the larger Alumni Council comprised of
volunteer leaders who serve on committees appointed by the Board of Representatives. The Board of
Representatives is comprised of four officers and the chairs of each committee. The officers, along with
the Director of Alumni Relations (ex officio) comprise the Executive Committee (see article VIII,
Section 1) (2) The composition of the Alumni Council and the Board of Representatives shall strive to be
representative of all aspects of the Association. (3) The Director of Alumni Relations shall serve as an
ex-officio member of the Board of Representatives and the Executive Committee and vote only in
instance of a tie.
Section 2.
MEETINGS, QUORUM & VOTING. (1) The Board of Representatives shall meet at least twice
annually, and at such other times as may be called by the President of the Association, the Director of
Alumni Relations, or a quorum of the Board of Representatives. Two-thirds of current voting members
of the Board of Representatives shall constitute a quorum. Members representing voting members via
proxy executed in writing by the representative will count towards obtaining a quorum. Representatives
2043 College Way | Forest Grove, OR 97116 |
503-352-2057 |
503-352-2056 | |
may participate in meetings by telephone by request. Committees will convene at the request of the chair.
(2) The Alumni Association, represented by the Alumni Council, will meet annually. (3) Voting may take
place take place in person, via phone/teleconference, or via other reasonable electronic means. Members
representing voting members via proxy executed in writing by the representative are eligible to vote.
Section 1.
NOMINATIONS. The Alumni Council shall solicit from the membership of the Association suggested
nominations for all positions. The Alumni Council shall then recommend one or more candidates for
each voting position to the Board of Representatives for approval where Board of Representatives
membership will be granted by the affirmative vote of two-thirds of the current voting members of the
Board. Nominees approved by the Executive Committee will be invited to attend a meeting. Non-voting
Alumni Council members are appointed under the terms of Article VIII, section 3.
Section 2.
LIAISON APPOINTMENTS. At the discretion of the Committee chair faculty, staff and students may
be named as non-voting liaisons to Alumni Council committees.
Section 3.
VACANCIES. Any vacancy occurring in the Board of Representatives shall be filled by the affirmative
vote two-thirds of the current voting members of the Board of Representatives..
Section 4.
REMOVAL. Any member of the Executive Committee, Board of Representatives or Alumni Council
may be removed by the affirmative vote of two-thirds of the current voting members of the Board of
Section 5.
TERMS & ATTENDANCE. Board of Representatives members shall serve one (1) three-year term and
upon completion of one term, may extend their service for a second term, with no member serving more
than two (2) consecutive terms. The term of service may be extended for members of the Executive
Committee if Executive Committee term extends beyond Representative term. Terms will run July 1
through June 30. Members who are absent from two successive regular meetings without notification to
the President or Director of Alumni Relations is deemed to have resigned from the Board of
Representatives. The President or Director shall attempt to contact the member to discuss the situation
before the member is replaced. The unexpired term of office shall be filled as outlined in Article V,
Section 4. The officers shall be elected to serve two year terms by the same ballot procedure as the
Representatives and may not serve two consecutive terms in the same office. If an officer leaves the
board before the end of term, a replacement may be identified by an affirmative two-thirds vote of the
2043 College Way | Forest Grove, OR 97116 |
503-352-2057 |
503-352-2056 | |
current voting members. There are no term limits or attendance requirements for non-voting Alumni
Council members.
Section 1.
NAMES. The officers of the Association are President, President-Elect, Past-President and Secretary.
Section 2.
DUTIES OF OFFICERS. (1) The President of the Board of Representatives will preside at all meetings
of the Alumni Association and of the Executive Committee; will also appoint chairs of standing and
special committees; will delegate to other members of the Board of Representatives when necessary; will
perform all executive and administrative duties pertaining to the office; will work in consultation with the
Director of Alumni Relations; or those duties which may be assigned by the Association or the Board of
Representatives. (2) The President-Elect will assist the President and in his/her absence will assume the
responsibilities and duties of that office. In the event of resignation, disability, or death of the President,
the President-Elect will succeed the President and assume all responsibilities of that office; otherwise
serves as a member of the Board of Representatives before assuming the office of President. S/He will
also report once a year on the status of the Alumni Legacy Scholarship. (3) The Secretary keeps a record
of all proceedings of the Association and of the Board of Representatives. (4) The Past-President shall
serve on the Board of Representatives as an advisor to the President and officers of the Association.
Section 3.
DIRECTOR OF ALUMNI RELATIONS. The Director of Alumni Relations is appointed by the
University in consultation with the Board of Representatives of the Association. The individual is a
member of the University staff as well as an ex-officio officer of the Association and is responsible to the
University’s administration. The Director of Alumni Relations maintains the Association office at the
University, works with others at the University to keep the membership directory and files, and with the
cooperation of the Board of Representatives and the administration of the University, plans and
implements the program of the Association. In the event of the disability of the Director of Alumni
Relations or a vacancy in the office, the duties of the office are arranged for by the Vice President for
University Advancement in consultation with the Executive Committee. The Director of Alumni
Relations may vote in instance of a tie.
Section 1.
UNIVERSITY COUNCIL. The Board of Representatives shall be represented in University governance
in accordance with the Bylaws of the Pacific University Governance System. The Board of
Representatives will appoint a representative annually.
2043 College Way | Forest Grove, OR 97116 |
503-352-2057 |
503-352-2056 | |
Section 2.
The President of the Board of Representatives or Director of Alumni Relations may request to be heard
by or present to the University’s Board of Trustees by contacting the Office of the President or Chair of
the Board of Trustees after consultation with the Vice President for University Advancement
Section 3.
The Alumni Association and all councils and committees included within are unincorporated entities,
established, sanctioned by and affiliated with Pacific University, an existing non-profit corporation.
Section 1.
EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. The Executive Committee includes the President, President-Elect,
Secretary, Past-President and Director of Alumni Relations (ex-officio). It shall meet as needed to
coordinate long-range planning and to expedite the business of the Association and shall perform specific
duties designated by the Board of Representatives. All action of the Executive Committee shall be
reported to the Board of Representatives. The Executive Committee is not empowered to amend the
Bylaws of the Association or take other action without consultation with the Board of Representatives.
The Executive Council is empowered to make recommendations to the Board of Representatives when
situations arise that are not addressed by the bylaws. Resolutions to address unforeseen situations may be
enacted with an affirmative vote of two-thirds of current voting members. The bylaws may be amended
to further address these situations, in accordance with Article X.
Section 2.
Awards & Scholarship Committee
One of the officers, appointed by the President, will chair the Awards & Scholarship Committee. Any
member of the Alumni Association may serve on this committee. Members of the executive committee
are encouraged to participate. This committee is tasked with coordinating the selection of Award
recipients and make recommendations to the University pertaining to the selection of Alumni Board
Legacy Scholarship Recipients. All committee recommendations will be brought to the Board of
Representatives for a final vote.
Fundraising Committee
One of the officers, appointed by the President, will chair the Fundraising Committee. Any member of
the Alumni Association may serve on this committee. Members of the executive committee are
encouraged to participate. This committee is tasked with 1. Maintaining annual philanthropic
contributions by all Board of Representatives members; 2. Supporting University fundraising efforts as
directed by the Office of University Advancement. All committee recommendations will be brought to
the Board of Representatives for a final vote.
2043 College Way | Forest Grove, OR 97116 |
503-352-2057 |
503-352-2056 | |
Reunion Committee
A member of the Board of Representatives, appointed by the Board, will serve as chair of the Reunions
committee. This committee is tasked with increasing number of volunteers who support reunions with an
overall effort to increase alumni attendance at reunions and philanthropy associated with reunions. All
committee actions will be reported to the Board of Representatives.
Section 3.
REGULAR COMMITTEES. Each year the Executive Committee will review potential new committees
and appoint new committees to fulfill the mission of the Association. The chairs of all regular
committees shall be members of the Board of Representatives. Membership of each committee is
comprised primarily of non-voting Alumni Council members and can include faculty, staff and students.
Board of Representatives members must participate in at least one committee and all committees must be
led by a Board of Representatives member who must be an alumnus or member of the university
community. Nominations of committee members can be made by any member of the University
community and are approved by the committee chair and/or the Director of Alumni Relations.
Committees will meet regularly in addition to regular Alumni Council and Board of Representatives
meetings. All committee actions will be reported to the Board of Representatives.
Section 4.
OTHER COMMITTEES. Temporary and special committees are appointed as the need arises.
Section 1.
ALUMNI AWARDS. Each year, the Alumni Association recognizes alumni in multiple categories.
Nominations shall be reviewed by the Awards & Scholarship Committee and presented to and confirmed
by a majority vote of the Board.
Section 2.
OUTSTANDING GRADUATE AWARDS. Each year, the Alumni Association recognizes graduating
students from each of the University’s colleges and schools. Nominations shall be reviewed by the
Awards & Scholarship Committee and presented to and confirmed by a majority vote of the Board.
Section 3.
The Alumni Association has established a scholarship to recognize students who are direct descendants
2043 College Way | Forest Grove, OR 97116 |
503-352-2057 |
503-352-2056 | |
of Pacific University Alumni. This scholarship is awarded annually to students from Legacy families who
meet the stated academic criteria. The Awards & Scholarship Committee will work with University staff
to ensure this scholarship is awarded according to the fund criteria and arrange for opportunities for the
Board of Representatives to meet the recipients.
These Bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the current Board of Representatives of the
Association and then published for review least 30 days in advance of the final vote by the Board of
* Approved by the Alumni Association at its annual meeting in 1864. Amended 1892, 1919, 1924, 1927, September 1996, July 2001, May 2006, March 2013 and
March 2015.
2043 College Way | Forest Grove, OR 97116 |
503-352-2057 |
503-352-2056 | |