Greenleaf Newsletter MAY 

Greenleaf Newsletter Mission: Greenleaf Elementary: Where high expecta ons foster life‐long learners and responsible ci zens of the world. Vision: Greenleaf Elementary is a school where students are empowered with opportuni es to achieve high academic and social standards. Students and their families collaborate with staff to develop passion for life‐long learning to be successful, contribu ng members of a global society.
GREETINGS from Mrs. Palmieri
Dear Families, The week of April 10‐16 was designated as Na onal Volunteer Recogni on Week, and I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of you who so graciously give your me and energy to make Greenleaf the successful school it is today. I am con nually amazed by the number of volunteers that come through our school doors or work at home for us throughout the school year. I feel very fortu‐
nate to work with a community of such dedi‐
cated parents and community members who are willing to help out in so many ways. These gi s of me and talent assist staff and help us enrich programs and experiences for all stu‐
dents. Countless hours of volunteer me are donated each year to Greenleaf. I want to personally say THANK YOU! Your support is enormous and makes a difference! The month of May is always a busy me of the year for us at school. This year is no ex‐
cep on. Upcoming highlights include track and field events, field trips, Books and Bingo on Friday, April 29, and of course, our annual Greenleaf Spring Carnival and Silent Auc on on Sunday, May 15. I welcome your involve‐
ment in all of the ac vi es we have planned this spring. Please mark your calendars! The dates for student literacy assessments have been set. The Greenleaf teaching staff will be working on August 23 and 24 to assess all students who are able to come to school on either of those two days. Each child’s assessment will take about 45 minutes, and parents will have the opportunity to complete beginning
‐of‐the‐year school paperwork and pay school fees. More informa on and sign‐up informa on will be sent home in late July, but please pencil these dates in to your cal‐
endars now. If you will be unavailable to bring your child to school either of those dates, your child will be assessed during the first two weeks of school. Now that the spring weather is upon us, I’d like to remind you that safety is always on our minds. More children are out on bicy‐
cles, roller blades, or on foot. Please re‐
member that children are not allowed to cross Galaxie Avenue or McAndrews with‐
out adult supervision, and that we do not have crossing guards for Galaxie Avenue. Thank you for helping us to keep all of our children safe. Happy Spring to all of you! In partnership, Michelle deKam Palmieri, Principal 2
Is your child going to be absent from school?
Please call to let us know if your child will miss any school – for a doctor or dentist appointment,
illness, vacation, funeral, or any other reason.
You may call the school office (952-431-8270) during working hours (7:45 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.)
or you may leave a message at any time by calling 651-683-6969, voice mailbox number 95146.
3:45-4:45 Homework
3:45-4:45 University
3:45-5:15 Girls on the
3:45-4:45 Homework
5th graders to Mall of
3:45-4:45 University
3:45-5:15 Girls on the
1st grade Music program
5th grade Track & Field
3:45-4:45 Homework
4:00-7:00 4th graders
sign up for Band at
Highland Elementary
6:00-7:00 Parents of 5th
graders: information
meeting at FRMS
3:45-4:45 Homework
3:45-4:45 University
3:45-5:15 Girls on the
4:00-7:00 4th graders
sign up for Band at
Highland Elementary
6:30 DaCapo Choir
3:45-4:45 Homework
1:00-2:30 Kindergarten
Track & Field
3:45-4:45 University
3:45-5:15 Girls on the
6:00-7:30 Open House
for incoming Kindergartners and their
4:00-7:00 Carnival &
Silent Auction
Dates Continued Page 2
Greenleaf Newsletter
Page 2
Raindate for 5th grade
Track & Field Day at
3:45-4:45 Homework Help
Dr. Brenda Cassellius, Commissioner of Educa on for Minnesota, visited Greenleaf on February 26 because of Greenleaf’s fourth year of being awarded the Reward School status. Senator Greg Clausen accompanied the Commissioner on her tour of Greenleaf, along with Superintendent Berenz and Director of Elementary Educa on Soliday. 3:45-4:45 University Spanish
3:45-5:15 Girls on the Run
5:30 Booster Association
3:45-4:45 Homework Help
9:40-11:40 1st grade Track
& Field
1:00-3:00 2nd grade Track &
3:45-4:45 University Spanish
3:45-5:15 Girls on the Run
9:40-11:40 4th grade Track
& Field
1:10-3:10 3rd grade Track &
1:00-4:00 Greenleaf Day at
the Twins
3:45-4:45 Homework Help
Greenleaf Day at Culver’s
3:45-4:45 University Spanish
3:45-5:15 Girls on the Run
1:00-3:30 4th grade GT/YS
Living Wax Museum at
3:45-4:45 Homework Help
Raindate for 1st & 2nd
grades Track & Field
3:45-4:45 University Spanish
3:45-5:15 Girls on the Run
Raindate for 3rd & 4th
grades Track & Field
NO SCHOOL – Memorial
3:45-5:15 Girls on the Run
4:00-5:00 Site Council
Pictured above are (le to right): Senator Greg Clausen, Director of Ele‐
mentary Educa on Sally Soliday, Principal Michelle deKam Palmieri, Commissioner Brenda Cassellius, and Superintendent Jane Berenz Are You Moving?
Planning for class lists for the 2016‐17 school year is currently underway. If your family will be moving before the end of the school year or during the summer or if your child will be a ending a different school next year, please inform the Green‐
leaf office as soon as possible so we can have an accurate reflec on of our enroll‐
ment. Also, please let us know if your 5th grade student will not be a end‐
ing Falcon Ridge Middle School next year. You may call the Greenleaf office at 952‐431‐8270 with this informa on. District 196 School Board Officers and Directors: Jackie Magnuson, Chairperson Gary Huusko, Vice Chairperson Joel Albright, Clerk Bob Schu e, Treasurer Art Coulson, Director Mike Roseen, Director Greenleaf Elementary 13333 Galaxie Avenue Apple Valley, MN 55124 Office: 952‐431‐8270 Fax: 952‐431‐8274 Nurse: 952‐431‐8273 Kitchen: 952‐431‐8276 Absence: 651‐683‐6969, X 95146 May 2016
Page 3
There are several families who have not entered emergency contact informa on for their child(ren) on School‐
View. We no longer have paper emergency cards, which means that if we need to get ahold of an adult for your child, and cannot reach you, the care for your child may be delayed. Another scenario would be not knowing your wishes for your child if there were a ques on about transporta on a er school. Please be sure to update your SchoolView account as soon as possible. If you have not set up an account yet, please contact the Greenleaf office for your access key (password). SchoolView/FeePay is a comprehensive parent portal for parents to access student informa on and the electronic
payment system. Student test history, health record, emergency and bus stop informa on is easily accessible in
SchoolView. A endance, grades, student schedules and transcript informa on is also available in SchoolView, depending on the school your child(ren) a end.
With FeePay parents can choose to pay for meals, transporta on services, and other school related items. Registra on and payment for co-curricular ac vi es is also managed through FeePay.
Thursday, May 12th, the incoming 2016‐17 kindergartners and their parents are invited to Greenleaf for an even‐
ing of fun and an cipa on. This is an excellent opportunity for all to become acquainted with our school. A variety of ac vi es will be availa‐
ble to these families. They will be visi ng kindergarten rooms, mee ng the kindergarten teachers and doing an ac vity in each classroom. A highlight of the evening is a short bus ride around one of our surrounding neighbor‐
hoods. Join us on May 12, between 6:00 and 7:30 p.m., for this exci ng evening. DO YOU QUALIFY FOR FREE MINNESOTA ZOO ADMISSION?
The Minnesota Zoo is commi ed to serving ALL Minnesotans. Each year, the Minnesota Zoo provides 10 percent of your annual a endance FREE through our Zoo Access Program (ZAP) to guests with limited incomes and their dependents. To qualify for ZAP, you must be at least 18 and enrolled in one or more of the following: TANF, SNAP, General Assistance, MFIP, MFAP, WIC ZAP does not include parking or fees for any special programs or exhibits. Valid only during regular Zoo hours. When you visit the Minnesota Zoo as a ZAP guest, simply show your current Minnesota ID and EBT Card or WIC Folder at admissions. 1300 Zoo Boulevard, Apple Valley, MN 55124 952‐431‐9200 Page 4
Greenleaf Newsletter
The ever popular STAFF RAFFLE is returning to Greenleaf’s Spring Carnival on May 15th from 4 to 7 p.m. More
than 50 staff members have offered special experiences to be raffled off at the carnival this year. Purchase ck‐
ets and enter your chance to win a great experience with one or more of your favorite teachers! Some of this year’s experiences include pizza lunch and playing basketball with the phy ed teachers, play in the Technology Sandbox, and being Zapper King or Queen! As the carnival date nears a complete list of the experiences being offered will be sent home as well as the guidelines for the raffle. The most important note to remember is that the raffle ckets can be purchased only with cash, not the carnival ckets used for games, food and other carnival events. Raffle ckets will be for sale for $1 each with a special deal offered when purchasing in larger quan es. Students may put all of their raffle ckets into one staff member’s box or divide them between many experienc‐
es. Winners will be no fied at school, the day following the carnival, if they won an experience with a staff member. Staff members will make arrangements with their winning student/s in order to carry out the special experience. Greenleaf’s Spring Carnival is a wonderful event for students and family. See you at the carnival! Earn a Free Staff Raffle Ticket Each student who brings in box tops, labels, and/or milk caps from the par cipa ng programs will receive one free staff raffle cket to be used during the school carnival. To receive your cket, stop at the staff raffle table at the carnival with your box tops, labels, and/or caps. Limit of one cket per student. Campbell’s Labels for Educa on
General Mills Box Tops for Educa on
Kemp’s Milk Caps
Land O Lakes Milk Caps
Milk Moola Caps
The end of the school year is approaching and it’s me for all of our library materials to make their way back home to our Greenleaf library. Library books and other materials are due May 27th. If you have a missing book, please, look high and low; under the beds, in the couch cushions, in the bookshelves. We’ll be doing the same at school; looking high and low in classrooms, behind tote trays and in classroom libraries. To mo vate students to read over the summer, check out the summer reading programs at the public library and local bookstores. Greenleaf Day at
Monday, May 23rd
May 2016
Page 5
Greenleaf Booster Associa on would like to extend a very hear elt THANK YOU to the families of Greenleaf Ele‐
mentary for their dona ons to our recent Direct Contribu on Campaign. We are humbled by your generous do‐
na ons of $6,425. There are a number of companies that will match employee contribu ons, so this amount has a great likelihood of growing. Addi onally, through the generosity of one of our families, this amount earned a matching gi of $5,000! The total amount of nearly $12,000 will go a long way in providing instruc onal materi‐
als, field trips, technology, increased safety and security for our students and staff. Receipts were sent home in the April 15th Friday folders. If you didn’t receive one, please contact our treasurer, Laura Schauf, at greenlea Thank You So Much!! Luke Wasilowski, Anne e Larson and Libby Vanderplaats are pic‐
tured here with members of the Apple Valley Fire Department and Mrs. Palmieri, following a ride in an Apple Valley fire truck. These three students, along with many other 5th graders, volunteered to make sure their local fire hydrant was shoveled out all winter. BAND OPEN HOUSE NIGHTS FOR FOURTH GRADE
(… formerly known as Band Registra on Nights)
Many students will be joining the Greenleaf band program and star ng to play an instrument this summer! The next step in the sign‐up process is to register online or a end one of the “Band Open House Nights” on May 9 or May 10, Monday or Tuesday, at Highland Elementary between 4:00‐7:00 pm. If you have band ques ons, please contact our director at Informa on about band is also available on the Greenleaf webpage – go to Specialists, and choose the link to Band. Page 6
Greenleaf Newsletter
Check out GLELPE on Twi er SPRING HAS SPRUNG! YIPEE! With spring comes several opportuni es for students and parents in the world of physical educa on. We will be having our annual track and field days. These are days that you can have the opportunity to spend with your child in a fun filled environment in a volunteer posi on! More informa on will be forth coming. The dates for these events are on the following: Kindergarten May 12, 1:00 – 2:30 Rain date, May 13 In the previous newsle er it was ini ally scheduled for June 3. This has been rescheduled for May 12 as stated above. First Grade May 19, 9:40 – 11:40; Rain date, May 26 Second grade May 19, 1:00 – 3:00; Rain date, May 26 Third grade May 20, 1:10‐ 3:10; Rain date, May 27 Fourth grade May 20, 9:40 – 11:40; Rain date, May 27 Fi h grade May 9, 10:00 – 2:00 at Eastview High School; Rain date, May 16 Along with track and field days comes fitness tes ng. We will be tes ng all students on their cardiovas‐
cular strength (PACER test), muscular endurance/abdominal strength (curl up test), muscular strength (sta c arm hang) and flexibility (sit ‘n’ reach). This is an opportunity for students to shine and a empt to a ain their fitness goals. Some of the other units that will be happening this spring will be: lacrosse, diamond games, track and field, soccer, and recrea onal ac vi es. At a Na onal SHAPE America conference that Mr. Beran had a chance to a end during this past month, the big push is 50 Million Strong by 2029: SHAPE America wants to ensure that by the me today’s youngest students graduate from high school in 2029, all of America’s children are empowered to lead healthy and ac ve lives through effec ve health and physical educa on programs. At Greenleaf we will con nue to emphasize the importance of finding enjoyment and fun in staying ac ve and the value it has on us as we con nue to grow and mature. “A HEALTHY BODY IS A HEALTHY MIND”
May 2016
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Greenleaf Carnival and Silent Auction
Sunday May 15th, 4 PM – 7 PM
We are hard at work ge ng ready for the Carnival and Silent Auc on! Please mark your calendar for this fun school event! The Carnival and Silent Auc on raise money for our Booster Associa on to help the school im‐
prove our kids’ experience by enhancing educa onal programs, sponsoring field trips and special events, and suppor ng ini a ves to improve the care and protec on of our students. Join us for the fun that is the Carnival and Silent Auc on! We can’t wait for the popcorn and co on candy, games to test your skills, and prizes the kids will love. There will be pizza and sno‐cones, face‐pain ng and crazy hair, and a Photo Booth to capture the moment. At the Silent Auc on you can find themed baskets and must‐
have items, bidders and out‐bidders, and lots of exci ng op ons for everyone. You can have fun with the Staff Raffle and Hobby Hop, candy straws and bouncy house, and connec ng with your awesome Greenleaf Commu‐
nity. Sign Up Now to Volunteer There are many ways to volunteer at the Carnival and Silent Auc on. We need you! And you don't have to sign up for the whole event, you can pick a shi to help during and s ll be able to hang with your family, too! Shi s are online here: h ps:// Silent Auc on needs volunteers to monitor tables during the auc on and help with the closing of the auc‐
on at the end of the night. Carnival needs volunteers to run games, serve food and do other fun tasks like monitor the bouncy house, make sno‐cone and popcorn, and help with the staff raffle. Adults are need for some of the events that require electricity, but high school and middle school kids are encourage to sign up and help out! Games will be assigned as people check in at the volunteer desk. Every li le bit helps! If you can’t commit to helping out for a shi , please email Andrea and Shannon at Green‐ ‐ we could use help se ng up or cleaning up a er, helping to put up decora ons, or even at cket sales! Please consider helping out! Page 8
Greenleaf Newsletter
Kevin Sayers, Keyboarding & Computer Teacher
Coding is a process where a set of instruc ons are linked together to tell a computer or a device to talk, turn, look up, look down and move in many different direc ons. Here at Greenleaf we began with Hour of Code, which is an Internet based computer program that gives students the basic fundamentals of coding. However, during these last few weeks while MCA Tes ng has been going on, I have taken the opportunity to go into all of the classrooms and teach your child about coding with something that is more physical using a robot called “Dash” and a fast crazy ball called “Sphero”. Sphero balls and Dash robots have become widely popular in elementary and middle school se ngs across the country and with good reason. While these very cool robots can move fast and talk, they also give our children some other benefits besides being fun. Here at Greenleaf, our students have learned the value of working to‐
gether in groups as well as problem solving skills that have exceeded my expecta ons. While the first couple lessons were centered around play and ge ng used to the devices, I have moved the stu‐
dents into a variety of different challenges where groups have to work together to solve problems even at the kindergarten and first grade level. I am very excited to use these types of coding devices even more as we ex‐
plore the endless opportuni es they provide our students. For more informa on about Hour of Code and about these great devices we use here at Greenleaf please look at these links below. h ps:// h p:// h ps:// Thank you to all who par cipated in the 2nd Annual Greenleaf Color Run, including Superintendent Berans pictured be‐
low with Mr. Beran! May 2016
Page 9
Save the Date for…
Before-School Literacy Assessment Days!
Tuesday, August 23, and Wednesday, August 24
Before school starts in the fall, all students in grades K‐5 will meet with their teacher individually for approxi‐
mately 45 minutes for literacy assessments. These assessments give your child’s teacher valuable informa on for literacy instruc on at the beginning of the school year. Giving these assessments before the school year starts will allow targeted instruc on to begin sooner. The assessments will be held at a pre‐scheduled me on Tuesday, August 23, and Wednesday, August 24, be‐
tween 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. While students are mee ng with the teacher, parents are asked to stay in the li‐
brary to complete some paperwork, and pay school fees. Parents may also use a school computer to make sure that the SchoolView account is up‐to‐date, and that emergency contact informa on is current. Having paper‐
work completed before the first day of school will also make for a smoother start to the school year. If at all pos‐
sible, please add those assessment dates to your home calendars. You will receive a le er from Greenleaf in late July. The le er will include your child’s classroom assignment, as well as informa on on how to sign up for an assessment me. Sign‐up will be completed online or by calling the school office. Students not assessed during those dates will complete assessments during the first week of school, though it may not be with their classroom teacher. GREENLEAF MAKERSPACE NEEDS YOU!
We are pleased to announce that a MakerSpace is in the works here at Greenleaf! A MakerSpace is a space for innova on, where students are inspired to use their ideas to design and innovate. We will have a variety of ma‐
terials available for students and teachers to use within their units of study, to enhance their understanding and experience with hands‐on crea ng and problem‐solving To start our MakerSpace, we are in the process of acquiring many materials, both high‐tech and low‐tech. We would love your help! Dona ons of the following materials would be very much appreciated! Please send them to school labeled, “MakerSpace."  duct tape & masking tape (variety of sizes)  new or used CD’s  cardboard  boxes (variety of sizes and materials)  felt  foam sheets 
ssue paper  wax paper 
n foil  plas c straws  ribbon  Yarn Ques ons? Please contact Molly Hammel at, or 952‐431‐8270. May 2016
Page 10
It has been a pleasure serving your child(ren) school meals this year. I would like to thank everyone for their sup‐
port and patronage of the school meals program. The end of the school year is quickly approaching, and I want to stress the importance of maintaining a posi ve monetary meal account balance. Beginning Wednesday, June 1, 2016 and through the end of the school year, the cafeteria will be offering a cheese sandwich, fruit and a carton of milk to the children who owe for past meals eaten and who do not maintain a posi‐
ve meal account balance. To avoid this situa on for your child, it is impera ve that you monitor their account balance and assure that adequate funds are available. Payments can be made to FeePay for Free or a check can be sent in with your child at their school. For elementary schools, the school lunch costs $ 2.40, breakfast costs $1.45 and a carton of milk purchased separately or in addi on to the meal is $.40. You may check your child’s meal account balance on SchoolView/Fee Pay Account or by calling the Greenleaf Kitchen at 952‐431‐8276. Please know that, at the end of the year, any nega ve or posi ve meal account balance will be carried over to the next year. Students moving from any District 196 school to another District 196 school will have their meal num‐
ber and balance transferred to the appropriate school. This includes any elementary school 5th grader transfer‐
ring to a middle school or any middle school 8th grader transferring to a high school. Again, I appreciate the opportunity to serve your children, and I thank you for their par cipa on in our school meals program. Sincerely, Jodi Thompson Greenleaf Elementary Food & Nutri on Services Manager Mrs. Ireland’s and Mrs. William’s classes earned Fine Dining privileges in April for their exemplary
behavior in the lunchroom.