Some remarks on seismic wave attenuation and tidal dissipation Shun-ichiro Karato Yale University Department of Geology & Geophysics 12/15 MR22B-01 1 Why Q? orbital evolution tidal heatingQ -> internal state T, water, grain-size----- 12/15 MR22B-01 2 • What is the relation between seismological Q and tidal energy dissipation? – frequency, T-dependence of microscopic Q and tidal energy dissipation (phenomenology) • Q and internal structure of a planet – What controls Q? • T, water, strain, grain-size, ?? – Why is tidal dissipation of the Moon so large ? – What controls the Q of a giant planet (what controls the tidal evolution of extra-solar planets)? 12/15 MR22B-01 3 Conditions of deformation (tele-)seismic wave propagation tidal deformation 12/15 MR22B-01 4 Depth variation of tidal dissipation Energy dissipation occurs in most part in the deep interior of a planet. High-temperature non-elastic properties control tidal Q (similar to seismic waves but at lower frequencies and higher strain amplitude). (Peale and Cassen, 1978) 12/15 MR22B-01 5 Phenomenology 12/15 MR22B-01 6 models of anelasticity Absorption band model log t 12/15 MR22B-01 7 Maxwell model Q -1 (w ) = 1 wt q (w ) = mw × wt 1+w 2t 2 × e2 and q (w ) = m × wt w 1+ w 2 t 2 × e2 Voigt model Q -1 (w ) = wt q (w ) = mw 2 Zener model Q -1 = D × wt × e 2 and q (w ) = m w × wt × e 2 wt 1+w 2t 2 q (w ) = w M R × D wt 1+w 2t 2 × e2 and q (w ) = MR w ×D wt 1+ w 2t 2 × e2 absorption-band model -a Q -1 µ (wt ) (wt )a 2 q (w ) µ mw × 2a × e 1+ (wt ) » mw × (wt ) 12/15 -a and q (w ) µ × e 2 (for small Q-1) » MR22B-01 (wt ) m × w 1+ ( wt ) 2 a m w a × (wt ) -a × e2 × e2 8 Experimental observations on Q olivine MgO (Jackson et al., 2002) Fe (Getting et al. 1997) (Jackson et al., 2000)) • Most of actual results for minerals, oxides and metals at high-T and low frequencies show weak frequency dependence of Q. (absorption band model) Q -1 ~ w -a à 12/15 Q -1 a » 0.3 . ~ (wt ) -a µ exp ( a H* - RT MR22B-01 ) ( t = t 0 exp ( )) H* RT 9 Other effects Q -1 ~ (wt ) tµ tµ à -a µ t -a 1 (for small grain-size), d : grain-size d 1 (for most cases), CW : water content CWr Q -1 µ d -a , Q -1 µ CW a r “wet” “dry” Aizawa et al. (2008) Tan et al. (2001) 12/15 MR22B-01 10 Non-linear anelasticity (Lakki et al. (1998)) Amplitude of anelasticity increases with stress at high T (above a critical stress (strain)). This tendency is stronger at lower frequencies --> enhanced anelasticity for tidal dissipation? 12/15 MR22B-01 11 Non-linear anelasticity? e > ec • For strain (stress). e c » 10 -1 s conv m , energy dissipation increases with » 10 -6 • Linear anelasticity for seismic wave propagation, but non-linear anelasticity for tidal dissipation? 12/15 MR22B-01 12 Frequency dependence of Q from geophysical/astronomical observations tide (Goldreich and Soter, 1966) seismic waves (+ Chandler wobble, free oscil.) (Karato and Spetzler, 1990) 12/15 MR22B-01 13 lunar T-z (selenotherm) model (Hood, 1986) Lunar Q model ar Q-1 / Q0-1 = ( CW / CW 0 ) , a r = 0.3 Water-rich (Earth-like) deep mantle ? (Saal et al., 2008) Due to non-linear anelasticity ? Williams et al. (2001) 12/15 MR22B-01 14 conclusions • Tidal energy dissipation and seismic Q are related but follow different frequency and temperature dependence (for some models). • Tidal Q is likely smaller than seismic Q because of low frequency and high strain (no data on strain-dependent Q for Earth materials). • Solid part of a planet can have large energy dissipation (low Q) at high temperatures. • Influence of grain-size is modest, but the influence of water is likely very large (not confirmed yet). • Low tidal Q of the Moon is likely due to high water content (+ high strain amplitude). 12/15 MR22B-01 15 Tidal Q • lower Q than seismological Q • low frequency, high strain • non-linear anelasticity, distantdependent Q ( Q ( r ) )? • time-dependent Q (t) (due to cooling of planets)? 12/15 MR22B-01 16 MgO (Getting et al., 1997) ( Q -1 µ exp - HRT* 12/15 MR22B-01 ) 17 Deformation (generation of dislocations) enhances anelasticity ¬ deformed ¬ undeformed 12/15 MR22B-01 18 Q in terrestrial planets • Liquid portion – Small dissipation (Q~105) • Liquid-solid mixture – Not large because a mixture is not stable under the gravitational field (liquid and solid tend to be separated) • Solid portion – Large dissipation (Q~10-103) 12/15 MR22B-01 19 olivine 12/15 MR22B-01 20 Laboratory studies of Q (on mantle minerals, olivine) 12/15 MR22B-01 21 Conclusions • Significant energy dissipation (Q-1) occurs in the solid part of terrestrial planets (due to thermally activated motion of crystalline defects). • The degree of energy dissipation depends on temperature (pressure), water content (and grain-size) and frequency. • Seismological observations on the distribution of Q can be interpreted by the distribution of temperature (pressure) and water content. • Energy dissipation for tidal deformation is larger (smaller Q) than that for seismic waves. The degree of tidal dissipation depends on temperature (T/Tm) and water content of a terrestrial planet. 12/15 MR22B-01 22 12/15 MR22B-01 23 Jackson et al. (2002) 12/15 MR22B-01 24 Orbital evolution and Q (Jeffreys, 1976) dx dt xº » A ×x -12 c co A µ Q -1 * t µQ 12/15 MR22B-01 25 Macroscopic processes causing Q • Giant planets – Dynamic, wave-like mode of deformation – Very small energy dissipation (Q~105) • Terrestrial planets – Quasi-static deformation – Elastic deformation, plastic flow, anelasticity – Large energy dissipation (Q~10-103) 12/15 MR22B-01 26 12/15 MR22B-01 27 Depth variation of Q in Earth’s mantle -8 strain ~10 ® soft ¬ hard 12/15 MR22B-01 28