Students learn that there are many ways to describe who... Students explore what makes families special. Kindergarten-Me and My World

Kindergarten-Me and My World
1. Who Am I?
Students learn that there are many ways to describe who they are.
2. Who Is a Family?
Students explore what makes families special.
3. How Do I Get Along with Others?
Students explore ways to get along with others and learn why taking turns is
important for getting along.
4. How Do I Make Friends?
In this unit, students learn four skills for making a friend.
5. How Do I Solve Problems with Others?
In this unit, students learn four steps to help them solve problems with others.
6. How Can I Be a Good Helper at School?
In this unit, students learn and practice four ways to be "handy helpers."
7. What Is in My Neighborhood?
Students learn that a neighborhood has buildings, outdoor places, and people.
8. Where Am I in the World?
Students explore the idea that they are part of several concentrically larger
9. How Do People Live Around the World?
Students learn that, although people around the world are different, they are also alike
in important ways.
10. How Can I Help Take Care of the World?
Students explore the three Rs—recycling, reducing and reusing—to learn how they can
help take care of the world.
First Grade-My School and Family
1. How Do We Get Along in School?
In this unit, students learn ways to get along in school. They discover the value of
cooperating to complete a task and read about ways they can practice getting along in
2. Why is it important to Learn from Each Other?
Students explore their similarities and differences and discover the importance of
learning from and accepting each other.
3. Why Do Schools Have Rules?
In this unit, students learn why schools have rules.
4. Who Helps Us at School?
Students learn about the typical duties of a school teacher, principal, secretary and
custodian and discover how each contributes to the school community.
5. How Are We Good Helpers at School?
Students discover that that they can make valuable contributions at school by helping
others, respecting school property, being positive and solving problems.
6. What Is a Map?
In this unit, students learn about maps by creating a story map along with practicing
reading a map.
7. What was School Like Long Ago?
Students discover what schools were like long ago and compare them to current
8. What Groups Do We Belong To?
In this unit, students learn about groups they may belong to along with identifying
and categorizing different types of groups.
9. How Are Families Specials?
Students learn that all families are special in different way. They read about family
members, homes, and activities.
Grade Two-My Community
What Is a Community?
In this unit, students learn that a community is a place where people live, work, play, and solve
problems together.
How are Different Communities Different?
In this unit, students learn about three types of communities. They learn about the features,
advantages, and disadvantages of urban, suburban, and rural communities.
What Does A Map Show?
In this unit, students learn about maps and how to use their basic features.
What is Geography?
In this unit, students learn that communities have different geographic features and that physical
maps show these features. Students practice identifying geographic features and locating them on
a physical map.
How Do People Use the Environment?
In this unit, students explore how people use (and misuse) the environment. They also explore
how people use natural resources in various environments, and discover the effects of pollution
caused by misuse of the environment.
How Are Goods Made and Brought to Us?
In this unit, students learn how goods are produced and distributed.
Who Provides Services in a Community?
In this unit, students learn about service occupations in the community.
How Can I Be a Good Shopper?
In this unit, students learn what it means to be a good consumer.
Why Do Communities Change?
In this unit, students learn how San Francisco changed from a small seaport to a large urban area.
10. How Can One Person Make a Difference in a Community?
In this unit, students learn how four people from the past made a difference in their communities.
11. How Do Leaders Help their Communities?
In this unit, students learn about community leaders.
12. What Does a Good Citizen Do?
In this unit, students learn what they can do to be good citizens in their community.
13. What Do Communities Share?
In this unit, students learn about some of the things shared by communities in the United States.
Grade Three -Our Community and Beyond
Where in the World Is our Community?
In this unit, students learn where their community is located in the world.
Where in the United States Is Our Community?
In this unit, students learn how to use a map including how to map and measure distances from
their community to other locations in the country.
What is the Geography of Our Community?
In this unit, students learn about the geography of communities around the country and then
compare the geographies of these communities with their own.
How Do People Become Part of Our Country?
In this unit, students learn about the immigrant experience. They explore why people immigrate,
the challenges that immigrants face in getting to the United States, and some of the benefits and
drawbacks of life as an immigrant.
What Makes Our Community Diverse?
In this unit, students learn how people of different cultures have made important contributions to
life in America.
How Do People Improve Their Communities?
In this unit, students learn about individuals who helped make a difference in their communities.
How Are We Alike Around the World?
In this unit, students learn how their lives compare to the lives of children in other countries.
How Does Our Economy Works?
In this unit, students learn about supply and demand and how it relates to their lives.
How Does Global Trade Affect Our Community?
In this unit, students learn about how global trade ties many parts of the world together.
10. What Are the Public Services in Our Community?
In this unit, students learn about public services.
11. Who Works at City Hall?
In this unit, students learn about some of the positions and departments in the government of a
community and what the people in those positions do.
12. How Do We Have a Voice in Our Community?
In this unit, students learn about ways in which people have a voice in their communities.
13. Whose Planet Is It, Anyway?
In this unit, students investigate three case studies of how people have solved environmental
problems in and around their communities.
14. How Can We Help the Global Community?
In this unit, students learn about things people do to help the global community.
Grade Four-Regions of Our Country
What Are the Social Sciences?
In this unit students learn why the study of the social sciences is important to understanding human behavior.
Exploring Regions of the United States
In this unit, students apply map skills in order to interpret a series of special maps depicting five regions of
the United States.
The Peopling of the United States
In this unit, students learn how five racial and ethnic groups-Native American, Latinos, European Americans,
African Americans, and Asian Americans-came to America and contributed to its growth and development.
A Train Tour of the Northeast
In this unit, students take a “train tour” of the Northeast region of the United States to learn about features of
this region.
Population Density and Life in the Northeast
In this lesson, students learn how population density in the Northeast affects the lives of its residents.
A Boat and Bus Tour of the Southeast
In this unit, student tour the Southeast region of the United States on a trawler, bus, and riverboat to learn
about the features of this region.
The Effects of Geography on Life in the Southeast
In this unit, students learn how geography affects life in the Southeast region.
A Crop Duster Tour of the Midwest
In this unit, students take a “crop duster tour” of the Midwest region of the United States to learn about the
features of this region.
Agricultural Changes in the Nation’s Breadbasket
In this unit, students learn how agriculture in the Midwest changed from 1800 to today.
10. A Big Rig Tour of the Southwest
In this unit, students take a “big rig” tour of the Southwest region of the United States to learn about the
features of this region.
11. A Case Study in Water Use: The Colorado River
In this unit, students explore the history of how people have shared and tamed the water of the Colorado
12. A Van and Airplane Tour of the West
In this unit, students take a “van and airplane tour” of the West region of the United States to learn about the
features of this region.
13. Cities of the West
In this unit, students learn about seven cities in the West.
14. Researching Minnesota’s Geography
In this unit, students research the geography of Minnesota using maps, atlases, library books and the internet.
15. Researching Minnesota’s History
In this unit, students research and learn about Minnesota’s history.
16. Researching Minnesota’s Economy
In this unit, students research and learn about Minnesota’s economy.
17. Researching Minnesota’s Government
In this unit, student research and learn about Minnesota’s state government.
Grade Five-Ancient Civilizations
1. Early Humans
In this unit, students will learn about hominids, hunters and gathers, the Sumerian
civilizations, and the Mesopotamian empires.
2. Egypt
In this unit, students will learn about the ancient Egypt’s geography, the pharaohs,
and the Kingdom of Kush.
3. India
In this unit, students will learn about the geography and early settlement of India,
including Mohenjodaro, the unification of India, and the Gupta Empire.
4. China
In this unit, student will learn about the geography and early settlement of China
including the Shang Dynasty, Emperor Qin Shinuangdi, the Han Dynasty, the Silk
Road, and Chinese philosophies.
5. Greece
In this unit, the student will learn about the geography and settlement of ancient
Greece including Athens and Sparta, the Persian Wars, the Golden Age,
Alexander the Great, the legacy of ancient Greece including democracy.
6. Rome
In this unit, student will learn about the geography and early development of
Rome including the rise of the Republic, daily life and the legacy of Rome to the
modern world.