Solid State Chemistry Scanning Electron Microscopy H.J. Deiseroth, SS 2003 1 CamScan 44 2 Interaction of a high energy electron beam with material Primary Beam Backscattered Electrons Cathode Luminescence Auger Electrons Characteristic X-Ray Spectrum Secondary Electrons X-Ray Retardation Spectrum Specimen Absorbed Current 3 Electron Gun Magnetic Lens Anode Scanning Coils Energy Dispersive X-Ray Detector Objectiv Lens Backscattered Electron Detector Wave length Dispersive X-Ray Detector Secondary Electron Detector Stage with Specimen to the Vacuum 4 Pump Comparison of W-, LaB6-, and Field emission-cathods W LaB6 FE work function /eV 4,5 2,7 4,5 crossover /µm (important for high resolution images) 20-50 10-20 3-10 Tcathod /K 2700 <2000 300 1-3 25 105 gun Brightness /A/cm2 sr 105-106 107 109 vacuum /mbar 10-5 10-7 10-9 service life /h 40-100 1000 >2000 emission current density /A/cm2) 5 Electron Gun (W-Cathode) Cathode Heating Current Tungsten Wehnelt Cylinder (500 V more negative than the Cathode,„Bias“) 20000 V Crossover (20-50 µm) Electron beam source Anode grounding The crossover is projected on the sample in a reduced size by the electronic-optical system (minimal diameter of the beam: ca. 5 nm) 6 LaB6-Cathode (also: CeB6): Graphite LaB6 single crystal - indirect heating (because of the low conductivity of LaB6) - lower work function than the W-cathode ( higher brightness) - demageable by ionic shooting ( high vacuum necessary) - expensive! 7 Field Emission-Cathode - W – cathode with a fine apex - two anodes: 1. one to bring up the work function 2. one for the acceleration - high brightness - high vacuum necessary 8 Interaction volume of the electron beam (pear-like) primary beam Auger-electrons (up to 0,001m)* Secondary Electrons (up to 0,01m)* Backscattered Electrons (up to 0,1m)* X-Ray (1-5m)* *information depths 9 Dependence of the information depth on the acceleration voltage and material (simulations) Fe (10 kV) Au (20 kV) Fe (20 kV) Al (20 kV) 1m Fe (30 kV) 10 Secondary Electrons: - inelastic scattered PE (Primary Electrons) - energy loss by interaction with valence electrons or with the atomic nucleus - Energy: < 50 eV - maximal emission depth: 5-50 nm - leads to high resolution images 11 Backscattered Electrons: - elastic and inelastic scattered PE - Energy: 50 eV – Energy of the PE (e.g. 20 keV) - maximal emission depth: 0.1 - 6µm (dependent on the specimen) - Intensity depends on the average atomic number of the material ( material contrast images) - high interaction volume ( low resolution images) 12 Cu-wire imbedded in solder SE-Image (high resolution) BE-Image (high Z-contrast) Cu Cu Cu Cu ZPb > ZSn > Z Cu 13 Backscattered electron images are less sensitive on charging: BE-image SE-image reason: the average energy of the backscattered electrons is higher 14 Auger Electrons: - Energy characteristic for the Element Auger Electron Spectroscopy (AES) 3. EAuger-Electron = E1-E2-E3 E3 E2 1. 2. E1 15 Comparison Auger / X-Ray Rate of yield Auger X-Ray Z small X-Ray yield for light elements (B, C, N, O, F) 16 Cathode Luminescence - not for metals - visible and UV radiation - special detectors necessary PE h conduction band valence band 17 X-Ray Retardation Spectrum Intensity Energy /keV - primary electrons are retarded by the electron clouds of the atoms - Emax of the X-Ray‘s: e × Uaccelerating voltage 18 Characteristic X-Ray Spectrum (without fine structure) L O L N K M L K M M L K 19 Energy range of the main series as a function of the atomic number: energy K K L L M Mosley‘s law: 1/ = K (Z-1)2 atomic number (K: constant, Z = atomic number) 20 Typical (characteristic) X-Ray spectrum (EDX) intensity Spectrum of Ag6GeS4Cl2 energy /keV - sulfur (Z = 16) and chlorine (Z = 17) easily distinguishable (in contrast to X-Ray diffraction) 21 Electron Detectors 1. Secondary Electron (SE-) Detector Szintillator-Photomultiplier-Detector (Everhart-Thornley-Detector) Amplifier PhotoMultiplier Light conductor VideoSignal Scintillator Metal net (+ 400V) 22 SE-Detektor: SE-D SE-D 23 Principle of an EDX-Detector P- i- n-conducting Si (Li) + 3,8 eV h + Si Si+ + e- - e.g. Mn K: 5894 eV X-Ray 5894/3.8 = 1550 electron hole pairs - + high voltage 24 WDX-Spectrometer: Scanning of a -range with one monochromator crystal Rowland circle Detector Axis of Crystal movement Monochromator Crystal Specimen (X-Ray source) 25 WDX Detector 4 Monochromator crystals Proportional counter 26 Comparison EDX - WDX Irel Ga L Ga L EDX Ge L Ge L Irel Ga L WDX Ga L Ge L Ge L (compound: GeGa4S4) 1.1 1.2 energy27/keV Detector‘s for WDX: two proportional counter switched in series 1: FPC, Flow proportional counter (for low energy X-Ray‘s) - the counting gas (Ar / CH4) flows through the counter (very thin polypropylen window, not leak-free for the counting gas) 2. SPC, Sealed proportional counter (for high energy X-Ray‘s) - counting gas: Xenon / CO2 28 Comparison of EDX and WDX EDX WDX spectral resolution 110-140 eV 10 eV specimen current 10-10 A 10-7 A analysis time 1-2 min 30-100 min simultaneous sequential spectrum develops 29 Sensitivity of EDX and WDX atomic percent EDX Be - window WDX atomic 30 number Applications: I) High resolution Images II) Qualitative and quantitative analysis 31 Principle of the image formation synchronised scanning coils Beam Amplifier Television image Signal-Detector (SE or BE) Specimen 32 Twinning of Crystals PbS Na2Zn2(SeO3)3 3H2O 33 Morphology of crystals CuGa3S5 K2In12Se19 SnIn4S4 CsIn3S5 34 Quality control of small technical objects Compact disc Cantilever of an AFM 35 Large area mapping (X-Ray-images) SE-Image Cu-Kmapping Ni-Kmapping Zn-Kmapping 36 256x256 pixel, moving of the specimen holder typical sample holder equipment typical preparation of small crystals conducting tabs (adhesive plastic with graphite) 37 Special preparation for insulating material: -metallisation with gold (sputtering process) better for high resolution images -carbon deposition (evaporation process) better for quantitative analysis 38 39 40 41 42