BEG I N YO U R CA RE E R IN AUTOMOTIVE TECHNOLOGY Interested in working in automotive technology? Begin your career today by enrolling in Dakota County Technical College’s one semester, 16-credit Maintenance & Light Repair certificate. POT E NT I A L E M P LOY E R S IN C LUDE: •Dealerships • Independent Service Shops • Franchise Repair Shops • Tire Shops • Fleet Service and Maintenance Shops MAINTENANCE & LIGHT REPAIR CERTIFICATE AUTM2005 Introduction to Maintenance & Light Repair 1 AUTM2011 Suspension, Steering & Alignment Systems 2 AUTM2025Brakes 3 AUTM2100 Basic Electricity 1 AUTM2110 Automotive Engine Electrical Systems 2 AUTM2015 Drivetrain, Axles, Automatic & Manual Transmissions 2 AUTM2035 Engine Repair, Heating & Air Conditioning 2 AUTM2045 Engine Performance 2 AUTM2970Internship TOTAL CREDITS 1 16 Most of the 16 credits received in the AMLR program are transferable to the Automotive Technician AAS Degree offered at DCTC and the remaining credits may also be transferable to DCTC or other MnSCU institutions through a prior learning credit assessment. Enroll Today! TO ENROLL, CONTACT DREW BOATMAN 6 5 1 - 4 2 3 - 8 3 8 4 • D R E W. B O AT M A N @ D C T C . E D U DCTC. EDU • 13 00 145 T H ST R E E T, R OSE M OU N T, M N 550 6 8 DCTC is a member of the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities System and an affirmative action, equal opportunity educator/employer.