Simplification of the hydrogenatom problem By substitution, the hydrogen-atom Hamiltonian becomes Physical Chemistry H Lecture 17 The Hydrogen Atom, a CentralForce Problem 1 2 PCM 2M H CM 1 2 p 2 H rel Decompose into two problems H CM CM ECM CM H rel rel CM rel The hydrogen atom Nuclear kinetic energy Electronic kinetic energy Nuclear-electron Coulombic potential energy H Tn Te pn2 2mn Vne pe2 2me Center of mass, RCM Relative position, r Total mass, M Reduced mass, E ECM 1 e2 4 0 | rne | The relative problem Consider relative motion of nucleus and electron, with only Coulombic interaction m1 r1 M r1 R CM r r2 M m1 m2 r2 M The dependence of 2 on angular variables simplifies the problem m2 m1m2 m1 m2 p12 2m1 p22 2m2 Erel A particle of mass, M, moving in no potential Like the particle-in-a-box problem Energies and wave functions known from that model Translational degrees of freedom of the hydrogen atom Center of mass Hamiltonian as a function of nuclear and electronic coordinates is complex Define Erel rel Center-of-mass problem Consists of two particles, a positively charged nucleus and a negatively charged electron Hamiltonian has three terms 1 e2 4 0 r 2 PCM 2M Eigenfunctions of L2 are well known H E 2 2 2 2 1 2 r 2 r 2 r r 1 e2 E 4 0 r 1 2 L 2 r 2 1 e2 4 0 r E (r , , ) R (r )Ym ( , ) p2 2 1 Hydrogen-atom energy levels The radial equation Use of the spherical harmonic functions gives an equation for the radial part 1 2 R r 2 r 2 r r 2 1 2 2 R r2 2 1 e R ER 4 0 r This can be put into dimensionless form by defining the radial distance in bohrs r a0 a0 0h2 me e 2 The dimensionless equation is related to Laguerre’s differential equation Rn ( ) Defined relative to the “vacuum level” States are labeled by n and Hydrogenic energies and eigenfunctions nm (r , , ) Anm r / a0 Ln (r / a0 ) exp(r / na0 )Ym ( , ) Laguerre polynomials 0 0 1 0 1 2 n 1 2 2 3 3 3 Ln(x) 1 2-x 1 3 – 2x + 2x2/9 4 – 2x/3 1 1 e2 1 4 0 2a0 n 2 gn Addition of spin The spatial part is incomplete One incorporates spin as a separate coordinate Wave function is a product n ,l ,m , I ,mI (r , , ) Energies of the state depend only on n En States of different given by letters s ( = 0) p ( = 1) d ( = 2) A Ln ( ) exp / n Products of spherical harmonic functions with functions related to Laguerre polynomials Energy level in which the electron and the nucleus are just pulled apart Energy is unchanged by addition of spin variables Increases degeneracy n2 Energies Electron spin Can give energies in “macroscopic units” S=½ Two states Joules Ergs Often convenient to use “atomic units” Hartree Rydberg Electron volt A Rnl (r / a0 )Ylm ( , ) spin , S ,ms 1 hartree 27.2114 electron volts 1 rydberg 13.606 electron volts 0.5 hartree 1 electron volt 96.4853 kilojoules / mole m = ½ or m = - ½ or Eigenstates of the spin angular momentum operators S2 = ½(½+1)2 S2 = ½(½+1)2 Sz = (/2) Sz = - (/2) 2 Summary Central-force (hydrogen-atom) problem separates Center of mass movement (translation) Relative motion Angular part is constant-angular-momentum problem Radial part is related to Laguerre’s equation Energy depends on principal quantum number, n, as predicted by Rydberg Degeneracy States with same n but different angular momentum quantum numbers, and m, have same energy gn = n2 3