Impact of Temporary Fiscal Shocks on the Canadian Economy Jean-Philippe Cayen Bank of Canada Hélène Desgagnés Bank of Canada Preliminary version, April 2009 Abstract In this paper, we assess the e¤ects of temporary …scal shocks on the Canadian economy using the structural vector autoregression approach. We consider distinct shocks to government spending and tax revenues, and we confront three types of identi…cation approaches. The …rst one is the recursive approach based on the Cholesky decomposition. The second approach follows Blanchard and Perotti (2002) and Perotti (2004) who employed elasticities estimated using information on the tax system to identify the VAR model. In the last one, we impose restrictions on the sign of the variables’ responses to the shocks along the lines of Mountford and Uhlig (2005). We …nd that the e¤ects of the government revenues shock are more robust across the identi…cation approaches than the shock to government expenditures. For all the identi…cation approaches, the shock to government expenditures has a bigger impact on GDP than the net tax revenues shock in the very short run. However, on a horizon of two years, the revenues shock dominates because it has a larger stimulating e¤ect on the other components of GDP. In light of our …ndings, we view a speci…cation of the Blanchard and Perotti (2002) model in which the zero output elasticity of government expenditures assumption is dropped as the one leading to the most credible results. JEL classi…cation: E60, E62, H20, H50 Bank classi…cation: ... The views expressed in this paper are those of the authors. No responsibility for them should be attributed to the Bank of Canada. 1 Introduction The vector autoregression (VAR) methodology has become an important empirical tool for studying the e¤ects of …scal policy in recent years. For instance, the structural VAR model developed by Blanchard and Perotti (2002) is one of the most cited works on the topic. One of the major issues when working with a VAR model is to choose an appropriate approach to identify the structural shocks. To study the e¤ects of …scal policy using a VAR, we have to make the distinction between random discretionary …scal shocks and …scal policies that respond to the economic situation in a systematic way, such as the employment insurance bene…ts or the taxes on revenue. Besides the Blanchard-Perotti approach, other identi…cation strategies have been proposed to disentangle these two aspects of …scal policy such as the recursive approach (Fatas and Mihov, 2001) and the sign restrictions approach (Mountford and Uhlig, 2005). Unfortunately, all approaches do not yield the same results. For example, while most studies agree that a positive government spending shock will have a positive impact on GDP in the United States (see Blanchard and Perotti, 2002), this e¤ect is not always signi…cantly di¤erent from zero (see Perotti, 2004). There is not even a consensus whether an unexpetected tax cut will have a positive or a negative impact on the economy (see Perotti, 2004). Likewise, most of the empirical work on …scal policy has been done with U.S. data. Perotti (2004), and Phaneuf and Wasmer (2005) are among the few who have dealt with Canadian data in the VAR framework. The goal of our paper is to assess the e¤ects of temporary government spending and revenues shocks on the Canadian economy. For this purpose, we construct a VAR model and we compare the results we obtain using three identi…cation approaches: the recursive approach, the Blanchard-Perotti approach and the sign restrictions approach. We …nd that the e¤ects of the government revenues shock are more robust across the di¤erent identi…cation approaches than the shock to government expenditures. An unexpected decrease of net tax revenues causes a gradual increase in real output, no matter which approach we use. The results are less consistent following the government spending shock. With the sign restrictions approach, a positive shock to government expenditures will be followed by a sustained increase of real GDP, while with the recursive and the standard Blanchard-Perotti approaches, the same shock generates a modest increase of output that lasts only one quarter. 1 In the next section, we brie‡y review previous work using various VAR models to study the e¤ects of …scal policies. Then, we describe our VAR model as well as the di¤erent approaches we test. In the last two sections, we present our results and discuss di¤erent robustness issues. 2 Literature Review Many papers deal with the impacts of …scal policies using VAR models. In most papers, the authors distinguish the impact of spending and revenues shocks instead of working only with the budgetary balance. This is probably explained by the fact that we expect the impacts to be di¤erent whether the government decides to cut the taxes or to increases spending. The recursive approach presented in Fatas and Mihov (2001), and Gali et al. (2007) restricts the matrix linking the reduced-form residuals to the structural shocks to be lower triangular to achieve identi…cation. As a result, the order of the variables in the model is crucial. Both papers …nd that the spending shock has a positive and signi…cant e¤ect on the level of output. Fatas and Mihov …nd a maximal multiplier impact of three. To reduce the number of zero restrictions imposed by the recursive strategy, Blanchard and Perotti (2002) incorporate external information on the tax system in their VAR to identify the shocks. They also …nd that the spending shock has a positive and signi…cant impact on the U.S. economy. On the contrary, a positive tax shock has a negative cumulative e¤ect on GDP. The sign restriction approach has been popularized by Uhlig (2005) who implemented it to evaluate the e¤ects of monetary policy shocks. Mountford and Uhlig (2005) use it to assess the e¤ects of …scal policy shocks on the U.S. economy. The idea is to restrain the direction of the responses to a speci…c shock in a way that is coherent with economic theory. It is somehow less restrictive than the two previous approaches since it does not impose any speci…c value for the models’s coe¢ cients. On the other hand, imposing a signi…cant positive (negative) response of variables for many quarters could lead to upward (or downward) biased estimates. This approach leads to slightly di¤erent results than the recursive and the Blanchard and Perotti approaches. The rise in GDP following the spending shock is smaller than in previous papers. On the other hand, the tax shock as a signi…cant impact on GDP as Blanchard and Perotti (2002) …nd. 2 Since the results for the U.S. economy di¤er across the di¤erent papers cited above, Caldara and Kamps (2008) revisit all approaches to investigate whether the di¤erences are due to various reduce-form speci…cations or different de…nitions of the data. They conduct their experiment with the same set of American data than Perotti (2004). They …nd that the spending shock has a positive impact on GDP. The response to a negative revenues shock is close to zero when they use the recursive or Blanchard-Perotti approaches, but positive with the sign restriction approach. Perotti (2004) extends the Blanchard-Perotti approach to …ve OECD countries - including Canada - and he …nds substantial di¤erences in estimated impacts of …scal shocks across countries. As a results, conclusions of previous work using U.S. data can hardly be transposed to Canada. Besides Perotti (2004), Phaneuf and Wasmer (2005) also use a VAR estimated with Canadian data. Perotti (2004) …nds a very modest response of GDP to the …scal shocks. Furthermore, the reponses depend on the subsample used to perform estimation. The estimated impact in Phaneuf and Wasmer (2005) is signi…cantly di¤erent from zero, but still modest. Alternative empirical tools have also been used to study the impact of …scal policies. As an example, Murchison and Robbins (2003) estimate an indicator of …scal policy stance by the generalized method of moments approach. This work is of a particular interest for us because they estimate the output elasticities of …scal variables, which can be used in a VAR model. However, their methodology is suitable for an assessment of permanent shocks. And, further, it does not bene…t from the dynamic framework of a VAR. 3 Methodology Similar to Blanchard and Perotti (2002) and to Phaneuf and Wasmer (2005), we use a three variables speci…cation for our base case VAR. Other authors like Fatas and Mihov (2001), Mountford and Uhlig (2002), Perotti (2004), Gali et al. (2007), and Caldara and Kamps (2008) use more variables in their model, but such a strategy generally requires the imposition of less realistic restrictions to identify the shocks. Nonetheless, we also present a sensitivity analysis that compares the results from alternative speci…cations to our base case results. The remainder of this section is divided into two parts. In the …rst one, we present the data used, while in the second part, we describe the three 3 identi…cation approaches we use in this paper. The discussion around the additional variables and restrictions needed for the speci…cation involving more than three variables will be made in the section 5 where we present the sensitivity analysis. 3.1 Data Our base case VAR contains one measure of economic activity, real Canadian GDP (yt ), and two …scal variables - real government expenditures (Gt ) and real net tax revenues (Tt ) - to re‡ect the fact that the government can use either spending or revenue policies to in‡uence the economy. The sample goes from the …rst quarter of 1961 to the second quarter of 2008. The …scal variables, as well as real GDP, come from the National Income and Expenditure Accounts published by Statistics Canada. Our measure of real government expenditures corresponds to the sum of government current expenditure on goods and services, government gross …xed capital formation, and government investment in inventories. Net tax revenues include the sum of taxes on incomes, contributions to social insurance plans, taxes on production and imports, and other transfers from persons minus current transfers to persons and business. We do not account for interest payments on the public debt because the …scal authorities have little in‡uence on this variable in the short term. Since the components of the net tax revenues are only published in nominal terms, we de‡ate them with the government expenditure de‡ator.1 The series are seasonally adjusted and they are all de‡ated by the Bank of Canada’s estimate of potential output.2 We assume that potential output does not respond to temporary shocks identi…ed in the VAR. It should be noted that important low frequency movements remain present in the ratios of real government expenditures to potential output and of real net tax revenues to potential output (see Figure 1). In fact, augmented Dickey-Fuller 1 The series come from Statistics Canada database CANSIM. The mnemonic for real GDP is v1992067. The mnemonic of the components used to construct real government expenditures are v1992049, v1992050, and v1992051. The mnemonic of the components of net tax revenues are v498317, v498321, v498322, v498323, and v49328. The mnemonic of the serie used to de‡ate net tax revenues is v1997743. 2 Butler (1996) describes the extended multivariate Filter (EMVF) used at the Bank of Canada to estimate potential output. A subsample of the potential output serie is available on the Bank of Canada website. 4 tests show that these two series are non-stationary. In both series, there seem to be two distinct shifts in the mean of the series. For the ratio of real government expenditures to potential output, the shifts happen around 1980 and 1994, while for the ratio of real net tax revenues to potential output, these shifts seem to happen in 1974 and in 1986. In our view, those low frequency movements re‡ect permanent discretionary policy changes made by successive governments over time. As described in Blöndal (2001), Kneebone and McKenzie (1999), and Traclet (2004), …scal policy in Canada has substancially evolved over time. For example, important tax cuts and increases in subsidies in the mid-70s reduced government’s net revenues. This period also marked the beginning of successive de…cits. Some changes in …scal policy occurred in the 80s on the budget formulation (1980) as well as on the taxes side (1986) to reduce de…cits with more or less success. By the end of the 80s and early 90s, the de…cit reduction had become a major issue and strong policies had been implemented to create a healthier …scal climate. To account for these regime shifts we detrend the two …scal ratios in the VAR using a HP …lter ( = 20 000). The orginal and detrended series, as well as the gap between them are illustrated in the Figure 1. Other detrending methods are presented in the sensitivity analysis of section 5. We detrend the series because we want to capture only the e¤ects of temporary …scal shocks. If we were not detrending the series, the estimated stochastic shocks would be linear combinations of temporary and permanent shocks. This would not be a problem if temporary and permanent shocks had similar e¤ects on the economy, but theoretical models usually show that this is not the case (see, among others, Baxter and King, 1993). Blanchard and Perotti (2002), Perotti (2004) and Caldara and Kamps (2008) also detrend the series they use. However, they detrend all the variables of their model, even real output, with simple deterministic time trends. For Canada, the assumption of a deterministic time trend is problematic because there has been important changes in the growth rate of potential output over time, as shown in Cayen and van Norden (2005). This means that the output gap would remain non stationary even after it has been detrended with a time trend. This is why we use an alternative approach to detrend real GDP and the other variables. 5 3.2 The VAR and the identi…cation approaches We express the reduced-form version of the VAR as: Xt = A (L) Xt 1 + Ut (1) where Xt = [yt ; Gt ; Tt ] is the three-dimensional vector of endogenous variT ables, Ut = [uyt ; uG t ; ut ] is the corresponding three-dimensional vector of reduced-form residuals, and u = Ut Ut0 is the variance-covariance matrix of the system. The VAR contains two lags as suggested by the likelihood ratio tests and no constant or other deterministic variable since the series are already detrended.3 We use the same structural VAR representation than Caldara and Kamps (2008): A0 Xt = A0 A (L) Xt 1 + BEt (2) where A0 represents the contemporaneous relation among variables. Assuming that BEt = A0 Ut , one simply needs to pre-multiply (2) by A0 1 to retrieve the reduced form (1). This brings us to the topic of identifying the structural shocks. In the T VAR literature, the structural shocks, Et = ["yt ; "G t ; "t ], are usually assumed to be uncorrelated with each other, which means that the variance-covariance matrix of the structural shocks ( " = Et Et0 ) is diagonal. Since A0 , B, and the diagonal elements of " are not identi…ed, we need to impose restrictions on these matrices to identify the structural shocks. In this paper, we test three di¤erent approaches that have been used in the literature to identify …scal shocks. 3.2.1 The recursive approach The recursive approach requires B from equation (2) to be an identity matrix and A0 to be a lower triangular matrix with a unit diagonal. This approach assumes a causal ordering of the variables of the model. We follow Fatas and Mihov (2001), Gali et al. (2007), and Caldara and Kamps (2008) who ordered government expenditures …rst, followed by output, and net tax revenues. 3 Likelihood ratio tests show that higher order VARs up to eight lags are not signi…cantly di¤erent than a two lags VAR, while the two lags speci…cation outperforms the one lag speci…cation. 6 This implies the following relationship between the reduced-form residuals Ut , and the structural shocks Et : 2 32 3 2 32 3 1 0 0 uG 1 0 0 "G t t 4 yG 1 05 4 uyt 5 = 40 1 05 4 "yt 5 (3) T T ut 0 0 1 "t TG Ty 1 This ordering implies that government expenditures do not respond contemporaneously to shocks to other variables, while real output does not react contemporaneously to revenues shocks. In the three variables framework, the restrictions concerning the reaction of government expenditures seem plausible because government spending is in principle largely unrelated to the business cycle. It is true that the government could decide to implement systematic countercyclical policies when they observe major shocks a¤ecting the economy, but there is no automatic stabilizer among the components of government expenditures, so it is fair to assume that it would take at least one quarter before government realizes that there is a shock in the private sector, and reacts to it. Assuming the absence of reaction of real output to tax shocks is probably less realistic than the two previous restrictions, but it would be even less credible to assume that net tax revenues do not react contemporaneously to other shocks in the economy because of the numerous automatic stabilizers in the tax system. Consequently, we order GDP second. 3.2.2 The Blanchard-Perotti approach Blanchard and Perotti (2002) highlight that unexpected movements in govT ernment expenditures (uG t ) and in net tax revenues (ut ) can be explained by three distinct factors: the responses to unexpected movements in GDP (uyt ), to structural shocks to spending ("G t ), and to structural shocks to net T tax revenues ("t ). They also state that unexpected movements in GDP (uyt ) can be due to unexpected movements in government expenditures (uG t ), or in net tax revenues (uTt ), or to other unexpected structural shocks ("yt ). This can be written as the following system of equations: uG t = y Gy ut + T GT "t + "G t ; (4) uTt = y T y ut + G T G "t + "Tt ; (5) uyt = G yG ut + T yT ut + "yt : (6) 7 The above system is not identi…ed. Blanchard and Perotti rely on institutional information about tax, transfer, and spending programs of the U.S. economy to set the parameters Gy and T y . With these two parameters, they construct the cyclically adjusted reduced-form residuals of government exy y T T penditures and of net tax revenues: utG = uG Gy ut and ut = ut T y ut . t and uTt are no longer correlated with "yt , they can use them as Since uG t T instruments to estimate yG and yT in a regression of uyt on uG t and ut . To complete the identi…cation of the model, they must either calibrate GT to estimate T G , or calibrate T G to estimate GT . Perotti (2004) applies that approach on …ve OECD countries, including Canada. For all the countries, he sets the output elasticity of government expenditures ( Gy ) to zero, since there is no evidence of any automatic response of government spending to changes in GDP within a quarter. To estimate the output elasticity of government revenue, Perotti regresses individual revenue items (individuals and corporate income taxes, social security taxes, indirect taxes, transfers) on their respective tax base and aggregate them together. For Canada, his estimate of the output elasticity of government revenue ( T y ) is 1:86. Murchison and Robbins (2003) also estimate the output elasticities of government revenue and transfers, but with a di¤erent approach than Perotti (2004). They also report more disaggregate information than Perotti. Their estimates ‡uctuate between 1:65 for personal income taxes and 2:03 for corporate income taxes and indirect taxes, which is similar to Perotti’s estimate. Contrary to Perotti (2004) who calibrates the output elasticity of government expenditures ( Gy ) to zero, Murchison and Robbins (2003) estimate it at 0:9. For our work, we report two sets of results for the Blanchard-Perotti approach. In the …rst one, we use Perotti’s (2004) estimates of the the output elasticities of government revenue and expenditure , while for the second one, we use the estimates of Murchison and Robbins (2003). Since we are not working with the log of government expenditures and of net tax revenues as Perotti, but with their level (de‡ated by potential output), we must modify the value of Gy and T y to make sure that it is compatible with the type of data we are working with.4 Perotti estimates 4 As an example, the output elasticity of government revenue corresponds to T =T0 = Y =Y0 8 T y: of Gy and T y become 0 and 0:43 respectively, and Murchison and Robbins estimates become 0:21 and 0:43 respectively. Perotti shows that the results are similar whether he sets GT = 0 or T G = 0. Since our results are also similar whether we assume GT = 0 or T G = 0, and because it is also the assumption that is made in the recursive approach, we assume that GT = 0. This is equivalent to say that government expenditures are una¤ected contemporaneously by government decisions on the revenue side. Coming back to the contemporaneous relationship between the structural shocks (Et ) and the reduced-form residuals (Ut ) in equation (2), the restrictions implied by the Blanchard-Perotti approach can be written as: 2 3 2 G3 2 3 2 G3 1 0 ut 1 0 0 "t Gy y5 4 yG 5 4 4 5 4 1 u 0 1 0 "yt 5 = (7) yT t T T 0 0:43 1 ut "t TG 0 1 where Gy equals 0 in Perotti’s speci…cation and 0:21 in the speci…cation based on Murchison and Robbins (2003). 3.2.3 The sign restrictions approach Lastly, we follow Mountford and Uhlig (2005) who impose sign restrictions on the impulse responses to identity …scal shocks. Their key assumption is that, following a positive business cycle shock that push real GDP up for at least four quarters, net tax revenues should increase for at least four quarters because of the automatic stabilizers. They also assume that all shocks orthogonal to the business cycle shock are discretionary …scal policy shocks. Mountford and Uhlig make the distinction between three types of …scal shocks: the “de…cit spending shock” is identi…ed as increasing government expenditures but leaving government revenue unchanged for the four-quarters window following the shock; the “revenue shock” is identi…ed Because our variables are not log-transformed, we are concerned by the impact of T . Therefore, what matter for us is Tt = Yt T0 Y0 Y on T y: For G0 , T0 and Y0 , we take respectively the average value of the ratio of government expenditure to potential output (0:23), of the ratio of government revenu to potential output (0:23), and of the ratio of real GDP to potential output (1:0) over the entire sample. 9 as increasing government net tax revenue but leaving government expenditures unchanged; and the “balance budget spending shock” is identi…ed by requiring both government expenditures and revenues to increase in such a way that the budget remains balanced. They assume that the three …scal shocks are orthogonal to each other. We apply the same sign restrictions than Mountford and Uhlig (2005) to identify a non-…scal shock, a spending shock, and a …scal revenues shock, except that we force the response to each …scal variable to the shock of the other …scal variable to be equal to zero for only one quarter. We do not try to identify a balanced budget spending shock for two reasons. First, contrary to Mountford and Uhlig (2005), our VAR contains only three variables, so it is not possible to identify more than three structural shocks. Second, we view the discretionary …scal shocks as a deliberate attempt to stimulate or to slow the pace of the economy. It is hard to imagine the government trying to do this without letting the budget balance moving. Restrictions are summarized below: 2 3 2 3 2 G3 Gt + 0 "t 4 yt 5 = 4 5 4 "yt 5 : + (8) Tt 0 + "Tt Paustian (2006) demonstrates that, in order to uniquely identify a structural shock using a sign restrictions identi…cation approach, the number of restrictions imposed need to be larger than the number typically imposed in recent studies, and the variance of the shock of interest relative to the other shocks of the model must be large enough to ensure that the shock is the major source of ‡uctuations. Based on Paustian criticism, we believe Mountford and Uhlig do not impose enough restrictions to uniquely identify the shocks. For example, we could face a situation where government expenditures do not react to business cycle shocks and where GDP reacts negatively to what is supposed to be a negative government revenue shock. In such a case, we could not tell which shock is the business cycle shocks and which one is the …scal shock. To account for this criticism, we consider a second speci…cation with a larger number of restrictions. Since we are interested in the impacts of more than one shock, we cannot met the condition concerning the relative size of the variance. Nevertheless, Paustian (2006) also shows that if a su¢ ciently large number of restrictions is imposed, we don’t need to care about the relative size of the variances of the shocks. 10 For the positive business cycle shock, we impose that the budgetary balance, namely the di¤erence between government net revenues and spending, be positive for four quarter following the shock, in addition to the restrictions imposed by Mountford and Uhlig (2005). This is consistent with the government trying to reduce the debt level when the economy is growing above potential. To distinguish the business cycle shock from the two …scal shocks, we impose for the …scal shock that GDP moves in the opposite direction than the budgetary balance. This assumption may be too strong, especially for the revenues shock which may not a¤ect real GDP depending on the saving habit of consumers and …rms, but it is the only way we can make sure we properly di¤erentiate the …scal shocks from the business cycle shock. Finally, we do not impose that the …scal spending shock has no impact on government revenue like Mountford and Uhlig (2005) do because of the e¤ect of the automatic stabilizers. On the other hand, we do impose that the …scal shock to government revenue has no immediate impact on government expenditure since there are no obvious automatic stabilizers on the spending side. The restrictions for the alternative sign restrictions approach are illustrate by the following equation: 2 3 2 3 Gt + 0 2 G3 6 7 6+ + +7 "ty yt 6 7=6 7 4 "t 5 : (9) 4 5 4 5 T Tt + "t (Tt Gt ) + To implement the sign restrictions approach, we follow the procedure proposed by Rubio-Ramírez et al. (2005). Their starting point is any exactly identi…ed structural VAR of the form of equation (2). The results are independant of the approach used to identify the structural shocks, as long as the shocks are orthogonal between each others and as long as the VAR is not overidenti…ed. The goal is to …nd an orthogonal matrix P of dimension k (in our case, we need a 3 3 matrix) such that when we pre-multiply equation (2) by this matrix, P A0 Xt = P A0 A (L) Xt 1 + P BEt ; (10) the impulse responses resulting from this new system of equations satisfy the sign restrictions. To create a P matrix, Rubio-Ramírez et al. (2005) generate a random matrix Z (each element of Z follows an independent standard normal distribution), which they decompose with the QR decomposition. 11 Their P matrix corresponds to the orthonormal Q matrix resulting from this QR decomposition of Z. Of course, not all randomly generated Z matrices will result in a P matrix satisfying the sign restrictions. Rubio-Ramírez et al. (2005) use a four steps algorithm that helps obtaining impulse responses that satisfy all the sign restrictions. Step 1. Let (A0 ; A(L); B; " ) be a draw from the posterior distribution of any exactly identify structural VAR of the form of equation (2). Step 2. Draw an independent standard normal 3 Z = QR be the QR decomposition of Z: 3 matrix Z; and let Step 3. Let P = Q, and generate the impulse responses from the system of equations (10). Step 4. If these impulse responses do not satisfy the sign restrictions, return to step 2.5 The resulting outcome of this four step algorithm (P A0 ; P A(L); P B; " ) constitute the posterior draw of the structural parameters of the structural VAR with sign restrictions. For this work, we generate 1000 draws from the posterior distribution. 3.3 Bayesian framework We use a Bayesian framework because the sign restrictions approach and the method for drawing error bands proposed by Sims and Zha (1999) both involve Bayesian techniques. The Bayesian theory considers parameters as random variables and the priors re‡ect the uncertainty around those values before observing the data. Once we observe the data, priors may change and the new information is contained in the posterior density. Sims and Zha rely on this posterior probability in drawing error bands. We use the Normal-Wishrat prior for (A (L) ; u ) as suggested in Uhlig (1994) and Monte Carlo based numerical simulation techniques to simulate draws from the posterior density. We take 1000 draws from the posterior density to draw error bands. 5 Since we cannot impose a precise value for the zero restrictions, we restrict the response to be within the 1:0 10 4 interval. 12 4 Results In this section, we present the responses of real GDP and the two …scal variables to the non-…scal shock, the shock to government revenues and the shock to government expenditures we obtain with the three identi…cation approaches described in the previous section. Since we work with the level of the variables de‡ated by potential output, and we assume that potential output does not respond to the shock identi…ed in the VAR, our impulse responses report the movements of the series in dollar term. We normalize the impact of each shock such that a variable increases by one dollar following its own shock. In the …gures reporting the results, "RA" stands for the recursive approach, "BP1" for the Blanchard-Perotti approach with Perotti’s (2004) estimates of Gy and T y , "BP2" for the Blanchard-Perotti approach with Murchison and Robbins (2003) estimates of Gy and T y , "SR1" for the sign restrictions approach using Mountford and Uhlig (2005) restrictions, and "SR2" for the sign restrictions approach that incorporates additional restrictions. The …gures show the median of the posterior distribution of the impulse responses as well as the 5% and the 95% fractiles. 4.1 Non-…scal shock The impulse responses for the non-…scal shock are shown in Figure 3. We see that the positive hump-shape response of real GDP to the shock is similar across the di¤erent approaches. Government revenues also exhibit a similar hump-shape response following the non-…scal shock, which re‡ects the di¤erent automatic stabilizers that compose this variable. The response of government revenues is almost identical for the two Blanchard-Perotti approaches and the sign restriction speci…cation SR1, whereas it is slightly weaker for the recursive approach and stronger for SR2. The recursive and the SR2 approaches would imply respectively output elasticities of government revenues of 1:0 and 2:9. The elasticity of 1:9 estimated by Perotti (2004) and Murchison and Robbins (2003) is in the middle of these numbers. Our estimates are also consistent with Kneebone and McKenzie (1997) who …nd that a one dollar increase in GDP is followed by an increase of 0.28$ of real net tax revenues. The response of government expenditures to the non-…scal shock di¤ers somewhat across the di¤erent approaches. By construction, government ex13 penditures cannot move in the …rst period following the shock for the recursive and the BP1 approaches. This re‡ects the assumption that there are no automatic stabilizers among the components of government expenditures and that the government needs at least one quarter to observe and to react to any shocks a¤ecting the economy. In other words, this is the consequence of the zero output elasticity of government spending assumption. For these two approaches, government expenditures eventually increase somewhat, although we cannot reject the no movement assumption given the large con…dence intervals. At the opposite, BP2 and the two sign restrictions approaches show that government expenditures decrease immediately after the non-…scal shock, indicating that the sign restrictions approach supports the Murchison and Robbin’s (2003) and Kneebone and McKenzie (1997) estimates of the output elasticity of government spending and reject the calibration used by Perotti (2004). 4.2 Shock to government revenues Figure 4 presents the impulse responses to a negative shock on tax revenues. The impulse responses are quite robust across all the approaches. It takes about 8 quarters before government revenues return to their initial value. The shock does not to have any e¤ect on output in the …rst year, except for SR2 which, by construction, forces GDP to be on positive territory for the …rst four quarters. Based on the outcome of the other approaches, this restriction seems to be rejected by the data. A …scal shock that pushes government revenues down by one dollar is followed about two years later by an increase of real GDP situated between 0:4 and 0:55 dollar. The timing and the magnitude of the response of GDP to this shock are similar to what Perotti (2004) reports for Canada. As for government expenditures, they do not show signi…cant movements following this shock. Thus, other components of real GDP (consumption, investment, and net exports) drive the increase of output following the shock. 4.3 Shock to government expenditures Figure 5 presents the impulse responses to the government expenditures shock. The impact of the shock on government expenditures is similar across all the approaches. It takes about four years before the serie returns to its 14 equilibrium value. However, contrary to the shock to revenues, the impact on the other variables vary among identi…cation approaches. With the recursive and the BP1 approaches, a one dollar increase in government expenditures has a very small positive e¤ect on output on impact (0:5 dollar), and it lasts only one quarter as GDP decrease below its equilibrium value in the second quarter. Perotti (2004) and Phaneuf and Wasmer (2005), who both use the Blanchard-Perotti approach, also …nd that this shock has a small and non-persistent e¤ect on Canadian output. The results with the recursive and the BP1 approaches mean that the other components of GDP (consumption, investment and net exports) are signi…cantly decreasing the same quarter than the shock occurs. In fact, after two quarters, the size of the decrease in the other components of GDP is larger than the size of the increase in government spending itself. We believe these strange results re‡ect the fact that these two identi…cation approaches are unable to isolate a stochastic discretionary …scal spending shock. The shock we get is probably more a combination of a positive stochastic government spending shock and a negative non-…scal shock. To better understand this, remember that …scal policy can be decomposed into three distinct factors: (1) the e¤ect of automatic stabilizers (which should be nil for government expenditure); (2) the systematic discretionary response of …scal authorities to business cycles movements; and (3) the stochastic discretionary …scal shocks. In a perfect world, the …rst two factors would entirely be captured by the non-…scal shock, and the government spending shock would only capture the stochastic discretionary …scal component. In the data, the ratio of government expenditures to potential output is negatively correlated to the output gap. Given the absence of automatic stabilizers for this …scal variable, this probably means that the government undertook important systematic discretionary countercyclical measures over history. In section 4.1, we showed that government expenditures are actually increasing following a positive non-…scal shock if we use the recursive and the BP1 approaches. This means that these approaches do not allow us to capture properly the systematic discretionary countercyclical measures that happened in Canada in response to non-…scal shocks. These systematic discretionary countercyclical measures are rather captured by the government spending shock, which means that it is not solely a random discretionary …scal shock. At the opposite, the BP2 speci…cation and the two sign restrictions spec15 i…cations yield a larger e¤ect for a government spending shock on real GDP than the recursive and the BP1 approaches. A one dollar spending shock is followed by an increase in GDP of one dollar with SR1, 1:4 dollar with BP2 and 1:6 dollar with SR2. GDP remains higher than its equilibrium value for about three quarters in SR1 and for about four quarters in BP2 and SR2. The shock has no signi…cant impact on the other components of GDP in the …rst year following it. They are however strongly decreasing during the second year. Finally, no matter the identi…cation approach chosen, the government spending shock clearly has a smaller e¤ect on the economy after one year than the shock to government revenues. 4.4 Preferred speci…cation We prefer the BP2 speci…cation for two reasons. The …rst one is that the BP2 approach yields the most realistic impulse responses. In the case of the government spending shock, it does not generate unrealistic impulse responses like the recursive and the BP1 approaches. In fact, the impulse responses are in the same range than the two sign restrictions approaches. For the shock to net tax revenues, the impulse responses generated by BP2 is similar to those of the other approaches, except maybe the SR2 approach. The second reason why we prefer the BP2 approach is that it is the one that incorporates the less controversial assumptions. For example, it does not impose restrictions on the initial impact of output following a shock to net tax revenues like the recursive and the SR2 approaches do. It is true that the BP2 approach does impose restrictions on the output elasticities of government revenue and expenditure; however, these restrictions are based on previous empirical work and are in the same range than the elasticities estimated by the two sign restrictions speci…cations. In fact, the sign restriction approach shows that the output elasticity of government spending of 0:9 assumed in BP2 is supported by the data whereas the 0 elasticity assumed in BP1 is rejected. The SR1 speci…cation is another approach that do not incorporate any controversial assumptions. But it does not resist Paustian’s (2006) criticism since the number of restrictions used to identify the shocks is too small. In our base case results, this problem does not seem to be too apparent. But when we use di¤erent sample periods, or when we use di¤erent approach to detrend the data, the interval of con…dence around the impulse responses generated by this approach sometimes get extremely wide, high16 lighting the identi…cation problems. When we add extra restrictions (SR2), we have to impose that GDP must move in the opposite direction than net tax revenues following a shock to government revenues, which is probably unrealistic. 4.5 Decomposition of the shocks To have a better idea about the relative e¤ect of the di¤erent shocks on the business cycle, we conduct a decomposition of the forecast error variance of output. We also do it for government expenditures and net tax revenues. We only describe the results for the BP2 approach, since it is our preferred approach. The results are presented in Tables 1 to 3. In the …rst year, most of the ‡uctuations in output are explained by the non-…scal shock and to a lesser extent, by the government expenditures shock. The government revenues shock has little e¤ect on output in the …rst year which is consistent with our results presented in section 4.2. A larger share of GDP movements in the second and the third years are explained by this shock, but it remains generally low. Most of the ‡uctuations of the two …scal variables originate from their own shock. The non-…scal shock explains up to 40 per cent of the ‡uctuations in net tax revenues and about 15 per cent of the ‡uctuations in government expenditures. Based on the estimated structural innovations and the moving average representation of the model, it is also possible to measure the cumulated effect of each structural shock on the three variables of the model. In fact, the sum of the cumulated e¤ect of each structural shock on a variable should be exactly equal to the historical value of this variable. If we sum together the e¤ects of the two …scal shocks on a speci…c …scal variable, we can get a cyclically adjusted measure of this …scal variable. Figure 2 shows the cyclically adjusted series for government expenditures and for net tax revenues (see the red dashed line). Since most of the short-term ‡uctuations in these series comes from the structural innovations in the two …scal shocks, we can see that the cyclically adjusted series follow the actual …scal series very closely. However, the two recessions in the early 1980s and early 1990s caused important cyclical ‡uctuations in the government net revenues, as well as the period of strong excess demand in the early 1970s. 17 5 Robustness 5.1 Alternative trends In the …rst sensitivity analysis, we examine whether changing the trends of the two …scal variables a¤ects our results or not. In the base case, the series are detrended with a HP …lter using a lambda parameter of 20 000. We test three alternative detrending approaches: the linear time-trend, a HP …lter with a lambda of 1600, and a HP …lter with a lambda of 5000. It should be noted that when we use a HP …lter with a lambda of 20 000, the augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) test shows that both detrended series are stationary, although this is true only at the 90% con…dence interval for the ratio of government expenditures to potential output.6 When the variables are detrended with a linear time-trend, the ADF test indicates that the two detrended series still contain unit roots. Finally, when the series are detrended using a HP …lter with a lambda of 5000 or of 1600, even the detrended ratio of government expenditures to potential output is stationary with a con…dence interval of 95%. Figure 6 compares the impulse responses of our base case VAR with those obtained with the alternative detrending approaches. We only present the results for the BP2 approach since we reach the same general conclusions with the other identi…cation approaches. For the non-…scal shock, we …nd that the impulse responses of the variables are similar for the di¤erent detrending approaches and are generally within the con…dence intervals of the base case estimate. The results are less robust for the two …scal shocks. In the case of the government revenues shock, the responses of real GDP and net tax revenues vary greatly between the di¤erent detrending approaches. When the data are detrended with the linear time-trend, net tax revenues return very slowly to their equilibrium value and the impact on real GDP is not signi…cantly di¤erent from 0. At the other extreme, when the data are detrended with a HP …lter with a lambda coe¢ cient of 1600, the impact on real GDP is much stronger despite the lower persistence of net tax revenues. For the government spending shock, the government expenditures are the only variable that reacts di¤erently across the di¤erent detrending approach. The linear time-trend is the approach that yields the most persistent re6 For the ADF test, we use the same critical values than for a speci…cation that incorporates both a constant and a time-trend, since we don’t have the exact critical values for our type of detrending technique. 18 sponses for this variable. When the series are detrended with a HP …lter, the persistence of this variable decreases gradually with the lambda coe¢ cient. Despite these di¤erences in the persistence of government spending, the responses of output and net tax revenues to the shock are similar for the di¤erent detrending approaches. The purpose of detrending the data is to remove the impacts of permanent changes in …scal policy. If the impact of temporary and permanent shock was the same, the method employed to detrend the data would not change the outcome. Howerver, our results appear to be signi…cantly sensitive to the way we detrend data. If we had chosen an other method, the previous conclusions would be di¤erent. 5.2 Subsample stability With the Blanchard-Perotti approach, Phaneuf and Wasmer (2005) …nd that the impact of the two …scal shocks on the rest of the economy is not stable over time in Canada. Perotti (2004) …nd similar evidences for Canada and other OECD countries. We do a similar robustness exercise by replicating our experiment over two subsamples. We set the break point at the last quarter of 1981 as in Phaneuf and Wasmer (2005). Perotti (2004) used the …rst quarter of 1980. Our conclusions do not change if we use the same subsamples than Perotti. For the two speci…cations of the Blanchard-Perotti approach, we use the same output elasticity of government revenues that Perotti (2004) estimated for the two sub-sample. In the …rst subsample, it equals 1:61 and for the second one it equals 2:16. Figure 7 presents the impulse responses to the three shocks with the BP2 approach for the two subsamples. These impulse responses are compared to the error bands of our base case results that use the entire sample. Contrary to Perotti (2004) and to Phaneuf and Wasmer (2005), we …nd, for the shock to government revenues, that the impulse responses are similar across the two subsamples and are within the con…dence intervals of the full sample estimate. This is true for all the identi…cation approaches we tested. This reinforce our previous conclusion that the results we get for this shock are quite robust. The main factor that explains why our results are more stable than those of Perotti (2004) and Phaneuf and Wasmer (2005) is the way we detrend the data. To account for the low frequency movements in the data, Perotti 19 (2004) and Phaneuf and Wasmer (2005) incorporate a time-trend in their VAR speci…cation. As we showed in section 5.1, this detrending method does not remove all the low frequency movements in the data. Also, the fact that they incorporate the time-trend directly in the VAR speci…cation - instead of pre-detrending the series as we do - means that the trend of a variable in a subsample may be di¤erent than the one estimated over the entire sample. The results for the other two shocks are less stable. In the case of the government spending shock, we can see that the response of government expenditures is more persistent in the second subsample than in the …rst one. However, the response of real GDP is relatively constant in the two subsamples. From these impulse responses, we can indirectly infer that, in the second subsample, this shock has a pronounce negative impact on the other components of GDP (consumption, investment and net exports) two quarters after the shock occurs, whereas in the …rst subsample, the other components of GDP barely move. This may explain why net tax revenues increase after the shock in the …rst subsample but decrease in the second one. The unstable results we get for the shock to government expenditures are not that surprising given the important changes in …scal policy that occured in the late 1980s and in the 1990s. To …ght the recurrent large budget de…cit, the …scal authorities decreased their expenditures dramatically during that period and it probably modi…ed the link between that variable and the rest of the economy. Indeed, if we look back at the detrended series for government expenditures in Figure 1, we see that the persistence of the series increased dramatically in the second half of the 1980s, which could explain why we obtain such unstable results. 5.3 Adding additional variables to the VAR Fatas and Mihov (2001), Perotti (2004), Mountford and Uhlig (2005), Gali et al. (2007), and Caldara and Kamps (2008) include more variables than us in their VAR models to evaluate the e¤ect of …scal policy shocks. These papers include the in‡ation rate and the interest rate among the variables of their VAR and some of them also incorporate some components of aggregate demand like consumption and investment or other variables like hours works. Omitting key variables in a VAR may results in biased impulse responses. On the other hand, the addition of extra variables increases the uncertainty around the VAR estimates. It also necessitates the imposition of additional 20 restrictions to identify the shocks, which is not an easy task given the di¢ culty of …nding realistic restrictions. In this section, we check whether adding more information to the VAR change the results or not. We add two additional endogenous variables to the model: the core CPI in‡ation rate7 and the target for the overnight rate. We also add one exogenous variable, the US output gap, to account for the fact that Canada is a small open economy. The VAR speci…cation also includes four lags, based on likelihood ratio tests. Because we add two endogenous variables, we must identify two new structural shocks. Since we are adding an in‡ation rate and a short-term interest rate, we believe we are able to identify a cost-push shock and a monetary policy shock. In the VAR with three variables, these two shocks were embedded in the non-…scal shock. To the extent that we view the costpush shock as a type of supply shock, the remaining non-…scal shock in the VAR with …ve variables can be interpreted as a demand shock. Of course, the additional restrictions needed to distinguish these two new shocks from the others di¤er across the di¤erent identi…cation approach. For example, the papers that use the recursive approach and the BlanchardPerotti approach to identify the structural shocks all impose that the only variable that is a¤ected contemporaneously by a monetary policy shock is the interest rate. At the opposite, Mountford and Uhlig (2005), who used the sign restrictions approach, impose that the in‡ation rate move in the opposite direction than interest rate after a monetary policy shock for at least four quarters. A complete description of the restrictions imposed for each identi…cation approach is presented in Appendix E. It should be noted that for the two Blanchard-Perotti speci…cations (BP1 and BP2) we use the price elasticity of government spending and revenues estimated by Perotti (2004). Figure 8 compares the impulse responses of the …ve-variables speci…cation to our base case results. Since the qualitative impact on GDP and on the two …scal variables of adding extra variables to the VAR is similar across all the identi…cation approaches for the two …scal shock, we only presents the results for the BP2 approach. However, the impulse responses for the cost-push shock and the monetary policy shock di¤er signi…cantly across 7 Core CPI corresponds to the consumer price index excluding eight of the most volatile components (fruit, vegetables, gasoline, fuel oil, natural gas, mortgage interest, inter-city transportation and tobacco products) as well as the e¤ect of changes in indirect taxes on the remaining components. CANSIM identi…er for this series is V41693242. 21 the di¤erent identi…cation approaches. Because the goal of this paper is to identify …scal policy shocks, we do not present the impact of the other shocks, but these results are available on demand. We see that the persistence of real GDP following the demand shock in the …ve variables VAR is smaller than the one for the non-…scal shock in the three variables speci…cation. This re‡ects the fact that part of the persistence of real GDP in the …ve variables VAR is captured by the other two non…scal shocks, in particular the monetary policy shock. As a consequence, the reaction of net tax revenues is somewhat weaker in the …ve variables speci…cation than in the three variables one. In the case of the shock to net tax revenues, the reaction of real GDP and net tax revenues in the …rst year is similar in the two models. However, in the second year, the reaction of real GDP in the …ve variables speci…cation is about half the size than in the three variables speci…cation, even if net tax revenues take more time to return to their equilibrium value. Even though the reaction of GDP is smaller in the …ve variables speci…cation, it is still signi…cantly di¤erent than zero during the second year that follows the shock. Finally, the impulse responses to the government spending shock of the …ve variables model are generally within the con…dence bands of the three variables model. The response of real output to this shock is somewhat smaller during the …rst year for the …ve variables model, but a similar di¤erence is also observed for government expenditures during the …rst year. 6 Conclusion Our paper compares the e¤ects of temporary …scal shocks in Canada estimated with di¤erent identi…cation approaches. Our results show that, following a negative shock to government net revenues, the initial response of GDP is weak, but it increases and reaches a peak after about two years. All approaches predict similar responses to a revenues shock and this conclusion is robust across subsamples. However, when we add variables to the VAR model, the response of GDO is cut by half. At the opposite, the response of GDP to the government expenditures shock are not robust among identi…cation approaches. The RA and BP1 approaches yield an smaller increase than the rise in government expenditures, while the BP2 and the sign restrictions approches predict a more impor22 tant and persistent impact of the shock. Since the recursive and the basic Blanchard-Perotti approaches both imply that the output elasticity of expenditures equals zero, though the empirical evidence does not support this hypothesis (see Murchison and Robbins, 2003), we suspect that the government shock is not correctly identi…ed by these two approaches. We therefore believe that the responses we obtain with the other approaches are more credible. In addtion, the responses to the shock are not robust across subsample either. Given the changes in the persistence and the variance of the government expenditures (see Figure 1), it should not be surprising that di¤erent subsamples yield di¤erent results. In light of our results, it appears that even if the spending shock has the biggest e¤ect in the very short run, an unexpected discretionary decrease in net tax revenues has a more important impact on GDP after a year because the revenues shock stimulates the components of GDP other than government expenditures more than the spending shock does. Our experiments also bring to light the fact that the commonly used linear time-trend is not an appropriate approach to detrend Canadian …scal data because it does not eliminate the e¤ects of permanent shocks. We use a HP …lter to exclude any low frequency movements in the data because we are primarily interested in the impacts of temporary …scal shocks. 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Ratio of government spending to potential GDP 0.32 Original serie Cyc lic ally adjusted serie Filtered data 0.3 0.28 0.26 0.24 0.22 0.2 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 Ratio of net government revenues to potential GDP 0.35 Original serie Cyc lic ally adjusted serie Filtered data 0.3 0.25 0.2 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 Figure 2. Cyclically adjusted series. 26 2005 2010 B Decomposition of the shocks Periods Non-Fiscal Tax shock Spending shock shock 1 0:6865 0:0105 0:3030 2 0:7906 0:0103 0:1991 3 0:8272 0:0148 0:1581 4 0:8343 0:0301 0:1355 8 0:7240 0:1547 0:1213 12 0:6362 0:2293 0:1345 Table 1. Decomposition of the shocks for GDP. Periods Non-Fiscal Tax shock Spending shock shock 1 0:1120 0:8742 0:0058 2 0:2457 0:7442 0:0101 3 0:3111 0:6781 0:0108 4 0:3615 0:6256 0:0130 8 0:4389 0:5240 0:0371 12 0:4330 0:5000 0:0670 Table 2. Decomposition of the shocks for government revenues. Periods Non-Fiscal Tax shock Spending shock shock 1 0:1665 0:0026 0:8310 2 0:1579 0:0073 0:8348 3 0:1545 0:0105 0:8350 4 0:1493 0:0141 0:8366 8 0:1317 0:0416 0:8267 12 0:1241 0:0628 0:8132 Table 3. Decomposition of the shocks for government spending. 27 C 10 0 0.5 1 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 Periods 0 0 0 Periods 10 Periods 10 Periods 10 BP1 20 20 20 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0 0 Periods 10 Periods 10 Periods 10 BP2 20 20 20 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0 0 Periods 10 Periods 10 Periods 10 SR1 20 20 20 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 Figure 3. Impulse response functions to a non-…scal shock. -1 20 20 20 -1 10 Periods 10 Periods -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 -0.5 0 0 0 RA -0.5 0 0.5 1 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 Base case results GDP Dollars Net taxes Dollars Spending Dollars Dollars Dollars Dollars Dollars Dollars Dollars Dollars Dollars Dollars Dollars Dollars Dollars 28 0 0 0 Periods 10 Periods 10 Periods 10 SR2 20 20 20 29 GDP Dollars Net taxes Dollars S pending Dollars 10 0 0.5 1 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 -1 0 0 0 Periods 10 Periods 10 Periods 10 BP1 20 20 20 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 0 0 0 Periods 10 Periods 10 Periods 10 BP2 20 20 20 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 0 0 0 Periods 10 Periods 10 Periods 10 SR1 20 20 20 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 0 0 0 Figure 4. Impulse reponse functions to a government revenues shock. Periods -1 20 20 20 -1 10 Periods 10 Periods -0.5 0 0.5 1 -0.5 0 0 0 RA -0.5 0 0.5 1 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 Dollars Dollars Dollars Dollars Dollars Dollars Dollars Dollars Dollars Dollars Dollars Dollars Periods 10 Periods 10 Periods 10 SR2 20 20 20 30 0 0.5 1 -2 -1 0 10 0 0 0 Periods 10 Periods 10 Periods 10 BP1 20 20 20 Dollars -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 -2 -1 0 1 2 0 0 0 Periods 10 Periods 10 Periods 10 BP2 20 20 20 Dollars -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 -2 -1 0 1 2 0 0 0 Periods 10 Periods 10 Periods 10 SR1 20 20 20 0 0.5 1 -2 -1 0 1 2 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 -1 -0.5 Dollars 0 0 0 Periods 10 Periods 10 Periods 10 SR2 Figure 5. Impulse response functions to a government expenditures shock. Periods -0.2 -0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 -2 0 20 20 20 0 10 Periods 10 Periods -1 0 1 0.2 0 0 0 Dollars 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 -1 -0.5 GDP Dollars Net taxes Dollars S pending Dollars 1 Dollars Dollars 2 Dollars Dollars RA Dollars Dollars 2 Dollars Dollars 20 20 20 D 10 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 -1 0 5 HP filter (1600) HP filter (5000) Time-trend Base case error bands Periods 0 0 0 5 5 5 Periods 10 Periods 10 Periods 10 Reponse to tax shock 15 15 15 20 20 20 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0 0 Figure 6. Alternative trends (BP2 approach). -0.2 20 20 20 -0.2 15 15 15 0 10 Periods 10 Periods 0 5 5 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0.2 0 0 Reponse to non-fiscal shock 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 Sensitivity analysis GDP Dollars Net taxes Dollars Spending Dollars Dollars Dollars Dollars Dollars Dollars Dollars 31 5 5 5 Periods 10 Periods 10 Periods 10 15 15 15 Reponse to spending shock 20 20 20 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 -1 Base case error bands 1982:1 to 2008:2 1961:1 to 1981:4 Periods 0 0 0 5 5 5 Periods 10 Periods 10 Periods 10 15 15 15 Reponse to tax shock 20 20 20 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0 0 5 5 5 Periods 10 Periods 10 Periods 10 15 15 15 Reponse to spending shock Figure 7. Subsample stability (BP2 approach). -0.2 20 20 20 -0.2 15 15 15 0 10 Periods 10 Periods 10 0 5 5 5 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0.2 0 0 0 Reponse to non-fiscal shock 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 Dollars Dollars Dollars Dollars Dollars Dollars GDP Dollars Net taxes Dollars Spending Dollars 32 20 20 20 10 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 -1.5 Base case error bands 3 variables VAR (base case) 5 variables VAR Periods 0 0 0 5 5 5 Periods 10 Periods 10 Periods 10 15 15 15 Reponse to tax shock 20 20 20 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0 0 Figure 8. 5 variables VAR (BP2 approach). -0.2 20 20 20 -0.2 15 15 15 0 10 Periods 10 Periods 0 5 5 5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0.2 0 0 0 Reponse to non-fiscal shock 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 Dollars Dollars Dollars Dollars Dollars Dollars GDP Dollars Net taxes Dollars Spending Dollars 33 5 5 5 Periods 10 Periods 10 Periods 10 15 15 15 Reponse to spending shock 20 20 20 E E.1 Restrictions imposed in the …ve variables VAR model 2 6 6 6 6 4 E.2 Recursive approach 1 yG 0 1 0 0 1 G y TG Ty T rG ry r rT 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 32 3 0 "G t 6 "yt 7 07 76 7 6 7 07 7 6 "Tt 7 5 0 4 "t 5 1 "rt 0 0 0 1 0 Blanchard-Perotti approach Under the BP1 speci…cation: 2 1 0 0:12 0 6 yG 1 0 yT 6 6 1 G y T 6 4 0 0:43 0:28 1 rG ry r rT Under the BP2 speci…cation: 2 1 0:21 0:12 0 6 yG 1 0 yT 6 6 1 G y T 6 4 0 0:43 0:28 1 rG E.3 32 3 2 0 uG 1 t y7 7 6 6 07 6 ut 7 60 6 7 6 07 7 6 uTt 7 = 60 5 0 4ut 5 40 1 urt 0 0 0 0 1 ry r rT 32 3 2 0 uG t 6 uyt 7 6 07 76 7 6 6 7 6 07 7 6 uTt 7 = 6 05 4ut 5 4 urt 1 32 3 2 0 uG t 6 uyt 7 6 07 76 7 6 6 7 6 07 7 6 uTt 7 = 6 05 4ut 5 4 urt 1 1 0 0 TG 0 1 0 0 TG 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 32 3 0 "G t 6 "yt 7 07 76 7 6 7 07 7 6 "Tt 7 05 4"t 5 "rt 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 32 3 0 "G t 6 "yt 7 07 76 7 6 7 07 7 6 "Tt 7 05 4"t 5 1 "rt Sign restrictions approach Under the SR1 speci…cation: 2 3 2 Gt + 6 7 6 yt 6 7 6 6 7 6 t 6 7=6 6 7 60 T t 6 7 6 4 5 4 rt (Tt Gt ) 0 + + + + + + 34 3 2 G3 " 7 +7 6 ty 7 6 "t 7 +7 7 6 "t 7 76 T7 7 4 "t 5 5 r "t + Under the SR2 speci…cation: 2 3 2 Gt + 6 7 6 yt 6 7 6+ 6 7 6+ t 6 7=6 6 7 6 Tt 6 7 6 4 5 4 rt (Tt Gt ) 3 2 G3 0 " 7 + + + +7 6 ty 7 6 "t 7 + + +7 7 6 "t 7 6 7 + +7 7 4"Tt 5 5 r + "t + + 35