K‐12 ENGINEERING STANDARDS NORTH CAROLINA DRAFT Engineering: systematic application of knowledge and experience used to solve a problem Technology: human‐made products, systems and processes In 2005 one of the deadliest hurricanes in history bore down on the Gulf Coast. Thousands of people died and property damage was estimated at over $81 billion. Who is it that has the capacity to help in the face of such natural disasters? Engineers. In the case of a Gulf Coast hurricane, engineers can work to prevent damage by improving the levee system that protects low‐lying cities. They can use GPS and other satellite‐based systems (also designed by engineers) to restore and improve the infrastructure of the area. Engineers designed the rescue equipment, including hovercrafts, that was used to help an overwhelmed populace. Engineers help design the weather detection and prediction systems that give early warning. The engineering profession has organized its priorities for work and research around the fourteen global challenges identified by the National Academy of Engineering as the Grand Challenges for the 21st century. These very relevant and difficult problems are examples of the kinds of real‐world problems that can bring education alive in the classroom. They are part of the motivation for placing an emphasis on science, technology, engineering and mathematics in education. When considering engineering standards for the K‐12 educational space, it is very important to understand the conversation from the correct viewpoint. There are two perspectives that are apropos to the discussion. First is that of engineering as a profession. The traditional picture of engineering is strongly related to particular engineering disciplines and not particularly tied to any broad application. A university curriculum may list electrical, mechanical, chemical, etc. engineering as courses of study. A company in industry may recruit according to a particular degree, but this kind of perspective is engineering as associated with career development. Although it may appear from a college catalog that engineering is approached through such a dichotomous approach, in actual practice it is not. Engineering is not circuits, fluid mechanics, statics, etc. It is design within constraints, systems thinking, ethics, systematic problem solving—in short, engineering habits of mind, that apply to any individual, and not just those that will decide to actually study engineering. So teaching engineering is not teaching how to solve an electric circuit, but how to create a model of a real world situation and then identify the math or science or social studies or art that will enable the evaluation of that model. 1 There are courses already being taught in HS and MS that seem to be contrary to this definition, but, in point of fact, they are aimed at exactly the aforementioned career development. A circuits course can be taught in high school based on these proposed standards and the engineering habits of mind. A course on earth science could be done as well. Engineering as it relates to every student, however, is more concerned with technological literacy and systematic problem solving under constraint. With this approach, engineering becomes a means for bringing relevance to the classroom, as well as for teaching the 21st century skills that are very much a part of the educational conversation. Why NC, why now? A great deal of national attention has recently been focused on STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) education as an educational innovation. The truth is that science and mathematics have always been taught. Technology, in the sense of instructional tools, has found its way into some places and not into others, and most STEM educational efforts really exclude engineering. More recent conversation has centered on so‐called I‐STEM, or integrated STEM, with the implication that the four involved subjects are not stand‐alone but really have some interdependencies. Some groups want to use the term STEAM to officially recognize the important role of the arts. What is needed going forward is not a debate on semantics, but a true paradigm shift in education. This is the role that engineering can play in K‐12 and beyond, using knowledge and experience to solve problems. The state of North Carolina has had a history of leadership in educational matters. North Carolina career and technical education (CTE) already addresses many of the engineering topics that can be so critical to teaching children to think. Unfortunately, CTE does not extend into elementary school and is severely limited in some middle schools for budgetary reasons. CTE in high school has a distinguished history. Here, however, the teaching of engineering‐related topics has become strongly linked to specific engineering content classes. Other CTE courses and other programs throughout the curriculum do not contain engineering content. Thinking of engineering, not as a discipline but as an integrator and bringer of relevance to any class, represents a true paradigm shift. What should be the goal of engineering standards for NC? Engineering standards are not intended to represent a new subject area to be taught in already overburdened classrooms, nor are they intended to guide every child toward entering the profession of engineering, just as teaching science does not guide every child toward becoming a scientist. What they can do, however, is to add to the educational dialog elements that lack articulation in the current curriculum and that have heretofore been identified as 21st century skills, rigor and relevance and the like. As the vowel in STEM, engineering‐related topics are sometimes confused with the profession of engineering or with studying the elements of an engineering course of study at a college or university. Even more than the other elements of STEM, or of the equally important other curricular areas such as the humanities and the arts, engineering learning objectives do not stand alone but link with other subjects. Just as elements of mathematics, such as data analysis or graphing, must be used in social studies to understand population dynamics, and reading is basic to science instruction, engineering practices, such as design, require the synthesis of disparate topics to arrive at a solution. In fact, 2 engineering can act as an integrator that provides relevance and rigor to the study of virtually any subject. How would engineering standards influence classroom instruction? Just as with other subjects, engineering standards will require that existing curricula be examined with a new lens to include the new objectives. In addition, they will require teacher professional development on curricular integration, teaching creativity, teamwork and critical thinking, assessment techniques, and other topics. A companion document to the standards should provide curricular activity examples and techniques for classroom teachers. What does engineering look like in the classroom? The most important piece of how standards could influence classroom instruction is to point out that teachers already use engineering. Teachers use integration, they use problem solving, and they use relevant examples. The difference lies in deliberately claiming all of these things and applying a systematic approach to their teaching. The following lists contain some examples for various grade levels of what integrated STEM, including engineering, could look like in the classroom. They are not a complete set by any means, but serve to illustrate further how these standards could affect instruction. What follows is a short list of examples of classroom lessons that involve engineering. They are deliberately chosen to show how engineering can integrate across subjects and serve as a platform for teaching the same subject matter that is now taught in the classroom with a shift in pedagogical approach. For the middle and high school examples, the class where the lesson would be taught is indicated in parentheses. Note that none of these examples is suggested to be taught in an engineering class, but integrated into existing classroom instruction. Grade Band K‐2 Activity Examples ‐‐‐ Students will work in teams to: 1. Design a neighborhood a. List the places that belong in a neighborhood. b. Using a large poster board lay out all the places that are in your neighborhood and put streets between them. c. Using non‐standard measurements, measure the distance between different sets of places. Which places should be closest together? Grade Band 3‐5 Activity Examples ‐‐‐ Students will work in teams to: 1. Choose the best surface for an elementary school gymnasium floor. a. Test how different balls bounce on three different floor surfaces by measuring how far they bounce up from a fixed drop height. 3 b. Make a data table, find averages and compare results. c. Write a letter to a school system official making a recommendation for building a school gym floor. Grade Band 6‐8 Activity Examples ‐‐‐ Students will work in teams to: 1. Design a growth chamber for plants on another planet (in a science class). a. Research and identify constraints imposed by the alien environment and the growth requirements of the plants. b. Identify areas where insufficient information exists and make assumptions to proceed in design. c. Identify connections to the Engineering Grand Challenge of carbon sequestration. 2. Reverse engineer the interstate highway system (in a social studies class). a. Research the history of its creation b. Interview civil engineers and/or adult drivers to develop an opinion of whether it is efficient. c. Suggest modifications. d. Identify the consequences of modifying the existing system. e. Connect to the Engineering Grand Challenge of restoring and improving urban infrastructure. 3. Explore the costs/benefits of a new energy exploration technique such as fracking (in a science class). a. Prepare data‐based arguments that represent pros and cons for an area where fracking takes place. b. Identify areas where science does not exist to allow evaluation of the implications of fracking. Grade Band 9‐12 Activity Examples ‐‐‐ HS Students will work in teams to: 1. Rewrite The Lion King (in a theater or language arts class) a. Write an original or rewrite a major play (ex: The Lion King). A committee of students from different grades and core subjects will work together to write a shortened version of the play. b. A student team must design the stage for the play and all costumes and props. c. Using the design process, students will consider how to use engineering processes to create authentic characters, make them more interesting, or provide them with superhuman powers. d. In the case of The Lion King, the cast of animals should move in a realistic manner. For example, the elephant, giraffe, or other animal/beast in The Lion King must appear on stage, move its legs, trunk, and ears in a realistic manner and look and behave as the animal does in nature; birds should look like they are really flying. 4 e. The student team must design the stage to fit the play enacted. For example, if the play requires a moving stage, students will use the design process to create an appropriate stage, build it, test it and finally use it the student production. f. At the end of the term, students may offer a live performance. 2. Design a Golf Course (in a mathematics class) a. Design an 9‐nine or 18‐hole golf course for professional golfers. b. The course must be challenging for professional players with specific constraints such that golfers with a handicap of 2 or less can complete the course with a score of 34 for 9 holes or 68 for 18 holes. c. Natural and manufactured hills, sand traps, waterways or ponds must be included. d. When designing the putting course for each hole, design a golf ball pathway for a hole‐
in‐one shot. 3. Robots versus Humans (in a technology class or an anatomy class) a. Consider the ways in which robots are like humans. Are either or both systems? b. Evaluate the effects of human‐robot interaction (HRI) and how robots will change the way we live in the future. c. Classify existing models of robots as tools or task completers. d. Connect to the Engineering Grand Challenge of reverse engineering the brain. In summary, these proposed standards for engineering do not represent an additional workload for educators but a set of tools to enhance the rigor and relevance of instruction. This type of teaching has the potential to reach children of all learning styles at all educational performance levels and maybe to enhance the love of learning that children acquire in the classroom every day. By engaging in engineering design‐based integration early and often in their educational careers, students will have a broader exposure to the important role all the subjects they learn have in moving society forward. This will enable them to use their experience to choose coursework that will best prepare them for the workforce and postsecondary education. Engineering is… 
Use of knowledge and experience to solve problems Accessible to all students A defined and iterative process to solve any problem Challenging Fulfilling Helpful Making a difference in the world In the everyday and the world The engineering design process can be defined many ways. The suggested engineering design process for STEM schools in North Carolina is a combination of two, an elementary one based on the 5 Engineering is Elementary design process from the Museum of Science Boston and a high school one based on the high school design process from the same source. Middle school may use either process, or both, depending on the discretion of the teacher. Figure 1: Elementary engineering design process 6 Figure 2: Combined design process 7 Resource material: 1.
Clark Aaron and Laura Bottomley, “Defining Engineering as a Career: the States Career Clusters Initiative,” Proceedings of the 2003 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition, 2003. Trilling, Bernie and Charles Fadel, 21st Century Skills: Learning for Life in our Times, 2009, John Wiley and Sons. National Governors Association Center for Best Practices (NGA Center) and Council of Chief State School
Officers (CCSSO), Common Core State Standards for Mathematics, 2011, Common Core State Standards
Initiative, http://www.corestandards.org/assets/CCSSI_Math%20Standards.pdf.
Massachusetts Department of Education, Massachusetts Science and Technology/Engineering Curriculum
Framework, October 2006, http://www.doe.mass.edu/frameworks/current.html.
WestEd, Technology and Engineering Literacy Framework for the 2014 National Assessment of Educational
Progress, 2008, http://www.edgateway.net/cs/naepsci/print/docs/470.
National Research Council. A Framework for K-12 Science Education: Practices, Crosscutting Concepts, and
Core Ideas. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press, 2012.
North Carolina Department of Public Instruction, NC Essential Science Standards for K-12 Science,
http://www.dpi.state.nc.us/acre/standards/new-standards/#science, accessed January 2012.
University of NC Board of Governors, Minimum Requirements for Undergraduate Admission, 2006,
International Technology and Engineering Educators Association, Standards for Technological Literacy:
Content for the Study of Technology , 2007.
Ammeret Rossouw, Michael Hacker, Marc J. de Vries, “Concepts and contexts in engineering and technology
education: an international and interdisciplinary Delphi study,” International Journal of Technology and Design
Education, November 2011, Volume 21, Issue 4, pp 409-424.
Markham, Thom , John Larmer, and Jason Ravitz, A Guide to Standards-Focused Project Based Learning for
Middle and High School Teachers Handbook, The Buck Institute for Education, 2003.
National Academy of Engineering, Engineering Grand Challenges, 2008,
National Research Council. Engineering in K-12 Education: Understanding the Status and Improving the
Prospects. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press, 2009.
National Research Council. Standards for K-12 Engineering Education? Washington, DC: The National
Academies Press, 2010.
National Association of State Directors of Career Technical Education Consortium, States Career Clusters at a
Glance, 2008, http://www.careertech.org/career-clusters/glance/at-a-glance.html.
ASEE Corporate Member Council, K-12 STEM Guidelines: “Engineering Activities are for All Americans,”
2008, http://www.asee.org/member-resources/councils-and-chapters/corporate-member-council/special-interestgroup/cmc-k12-stem-guidelines-for-all-americans.pdf
ASEE Corporate Member Council, K-12 STEM Guidelines: “Engineering Activities are for All American-Rationale,” 2008, http://www.asee.org/member-resources/councils-and-chapters/corporate-membercouncil/special-interest-group/cmc-k12-stem-guidelines-for-all-americans-rationale.pdf.
Anderson, L. W. and Krathwohl, D. R. (Eds.), A taxonomy for learning, teaching and assessing: A revision of
Bloom's Taxonomy of educational objectives: Complete edition, 2001, New York : Longman.
ABET, The ABET Criteria for Accrediting Engineering Programs, 2012-13, 2011.
Engineering / Technology Standards from:
a. Oregon: Business Education Compact, Teacher Science Standards Resource Guide, 2012,
b. Tennessee: Tennessee State Board of Education, Technology Engineering Education Curriculum
Standards, January 25, 2008,
8 c.
Georgia: Georgia Department of Education, Georgia Performance Standards for Engineering and
Technology, 2011,
Minnesota: Minnesota Department of Education, Minnesota Academic Standards, Science K-12,
2009, http://scimathmn.org/stemtc/standards.
9 STEM Connected Through Engineering KEY: EG – Engineering; H ‐ Engineering Habit of Mind; D ‐ Engineering Design Process; S ‐ Systems Thinking; P ‐ Problem Solving Grade Banding: K‐2 – Kindergarten through 2nd grade; 3‐5 – grades 3 through 5th; 6‐8 – grades 6 through 8th; 9‐12 – grades 9 through 12 Engineering Connection Standard EG K‐2 H 1 1. Infer that engineering has a way of thinking and solving problems that includes: Systems thinking; communication; collaboration; optimism; creativity and ethical considerations EG K‐2 D 1 EG K‐2 D 2 1.
Clarifying Objectives Use the engineering design process of ASK‐IMAGINE‐
H 1.2 EG K‐2 H 1.3 EG K‐2 H 1.4 EG K‐2 H 1.5 EG K‐2 H 1.6 EG K‐2 D 1.1 Exemplify productivity in a group for solving a problem Identify self as optimistic Identify self as creative Explain how a neighborhood is a system Document learning in STEM notebooks: Illustrate an example of ethical behavior in the community Design product to solve a stated problem 2.
Understand how others have used the engineering design process EG K‐2 D 1.2 Exemplify teamwork to complete a design challenge that can be shared with others 1
EG K‐2 S 1 EG K‐2 S 2 EG K‐2 P 1 EG K‐2 P 2 1. Understand that systems can be natural (found in nature) or technological (designed by humans) ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ 2. Understand that systems require energy and have parts that work together to accomplish a goal 1. Use a systematic approach to solve several different types of problems 2. Use critical thinking to suggest solutions to problems EG K‐2 D 1.3 EG K‐2 D 1.4 EG K‐2 D 2.1 EG K‐2 D 2.2 EG K‐2 S
1.1 EG K‐2 S
1.2 EG K‐2 S
1.3 EG K‐2 S
1.4 EG K‐2 S
2.1 EG K‐2 P 1.1 EG K‐2 P 1.2 EG K‐2 P 2.1 EG K‐2 P 2.2 Create a physical model of a solution to a design challenge Invent designs for simple products Infer how a particular engineering design (technology) solves a problem or meets a need Identify engineered designs in classroom and/or home surroundings Identify and describe characteristics of natural materials (e.g. wood, cotton, fur) and human‐made materials (e.g. plastic, Styrofoam) Identify a system in the classroom Contrast a simple biological system with a technological system inspired by it Explain possible uses of natural and human made materials and technologies Map the flow of energy through a simple natural system Identify problems that need to be solved Understand that there are many types of problems Solve a problem that requires non‐standard measurement Solve a problem that requires peer negotiation 2
EG 3‐5 H 1 EG 3‐5 D 1 1. Infer that engineering has a way of thinking and solving problems that includes: Systems thinking; communication; collaboration; optimism; creativity and ethical considerations 1.
Create designs with the engineering design process of ASK‐IMAGINE‐PLAN‐CREATE‐
IMPROVE Understand how others have created engineering designs. EG K‐2 P 2.3 EG K‐2 P 2.4 EG 3‐5 H
1.1 EG 3‐5 H
1.2 EG 3‐5 H
1.3 EG 3‐5 H
1.4 EG 3‐5 H
1.5 EG 3‐5 D 1.1 EG 3‐5 D 1.2 EG 3‐5 D 1.3 EG 3‐5 D 1.4 EG 3‐5 D 1.5 EG 3‐5 D 2.1 Solve a problem that requires a picture to be drawn Identify a problem from a story book Summarize learning in STEM notebooks Identify essential tasks for a team to successfully complete a design challenge Exemplify productivity in various team roles to accomplish a design challenge Identify different ways in which a problem can be represented Identify both positive and negative impacts of how recent technologies have significantly changed the way people live Apply the engineering design process in a design challenge Identify a problem or need that can be addressed through engineering design Contrast multiple designs for a specific challenge Recognize that solutions or technologies designed or invented for one purpose may be used for other purposes Create multiple physical models in the process of creating a design Generate ideas about requirements used to design some common objects. 3
EG 3‐5 S 1 EG 3‐5 S 2 EG 3‐5 P 1 EG 3‐5 P 2 1. Understand that systems can be natural (found in nature) or technological (designed by humans) ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ 2. Understand that systems require energy and have parts that work together to accomplish a goal 1. Use a systematic approach to solve several different types of problems ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ 2. Construct problem solutions using critical thinking EG 3‐5 S
1.1 EG 3‐5 S
1.2 EG 3‐5 S
2.1 EG 3‐5 S
2.2 EG 3‐5 S
2.3 EG 3‐5 S
2.4 EG 3‐5 S
2.5 EG 3‐5 P
1.1 EG 3‐5 P
1.2 EG 3‐5 P
1.3 EG 3‐5 P
1.4 EG 3‐5 P
2.1 EG 3‐5 P
2.2 Identify materials, natural or human made, used to accomplish a design task Compare natural systems with human designed systems that are designed to serve similar purposes Identify the differences between simple and complex machines Map the flow of energy through a simple designed system Predict how a solution applied to one part of a system may create problems or have an impact elsewhere in the system Reverse engineer a simple design or system Explain the cause of failure in a system and suggest ways to avoid failure in the future Understand that there are many types of problems Identify several problems that need to be solved in daily life
Use a systematic approach to solve a problem that requires analyzing data Construct a physical model for a problem solution Identify tradeoffs in a problem that requires peer negotiation Justify the choice of solution to a problem that involves tradeoffs 4
EG 6‐8 H 1 EG 6‐8 H 2 EG 6‐8 H 3 EG 6‐8 H 4 EG 6‐8 H 5 1. Generate multiple solutions to a given problem ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ 2. Remember to use optimism in the process of problem solving and design when addressing a problem that is unfamiliar ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ 3. Apply teamwork and collaboration skills ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ 4. Apply technical communication skills ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ 5. Apply attention to ethical considerations in engineering design and problem solving EG 3‐5 P
2.3 EG 6‐8 H
1.1 EG 6‐8 H
1.2 EG 6‐8 H
1.3 EG 6‐8 H
1.4 EG 6‐8 H
2.1 EG 6‐8 H
2.2 EG 6‐8 H
3.1 EG 6‐8 H
3.2 EG 6‐8 H
3.3 EG 6‐8 H
4.1 EG 6‐8 H
4.2 EG 6‐8 H
4.3 Generate alternative solutions for a problem solved by the characters in a book Distinguish unique elements of a solution Generate multiple ideas Devise solutions through adaptability in situations where materials are constrained Distinguish between multiple solution paths Identify frustrations Persevere after failure Identify team roles needed to address a project plan Use teamwork in multiple roles Use teamwork to do a hands‐on project Summarize learning in an engineering (or a STEM) notebook Explain work in a presentation Explain in‐process or unfinished designs for critique (design review) 5
EG 6‐8 D 1 EG 6‐8 D 2 EG 6‐8 D 3 EG 6‐8 D 4 EG 6‐8 D 5 EG 6‐8 D 6 1. Understand that the engineering design process has multiple steps with no required starting point. 2. Create a problem solution using the engineering design process ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ 3. Generate a final design from a prototype using iteration ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ 4. Understand constraints ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ 5. Distinguish between different types of models ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ 6. Design and conduct an experiment to gather data required for an engineering design ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ 7. Extrapolate through reverse engineering the function of a simple design ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ 8. Identify examples of engineered designs that have mimicked nature (biomimicry) ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ 9. Infer the ways in which a specific design can fail ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ 10. Hypothesize how design considerations might be affected by a global viewpoint EG 6‐8 H
4.4 EG 6‐8 H
5.1 EG 6‐8 H
5.2 EG 6‐8 D 1.1 EG 6‐8 D 2.1 EG 6‐8 D 2.2 EG 6‐8 D 3.3 EG 6‐8 D 3.1 EG 6‐8 D 4.1 EG 6‐8 D 4.2 EG 6‐8 D 4.3 EG 6‐8 D 5.1 Summarize executed design process steps in project papers Identify both positive and negative implications of a particular engineering design Understand the life cycle of a product from construction to disposal Compare the five step elementary and eight step high school design processes Design a product, or Design a process, or Design a system Create models in the production of an engineering design Identify constraints in a problem to be solved Identify constraints in a situation that requires the production of a design Infer constraints that molded an existing product Differentiate between: ●Physical models of a design, e.g. a model of a playground ● Mathematical models, e.g. a curve fit to data ● Digital models, e.g. a Solidworks™ design 6
EG 6‐8 D 7 EG 6‐8 D 8 EG 6‐8 D 9 EG 6‐8 D 10 EG 6‐8 S 1 EG 6‐8 S 2 1. Predict how human action can affect a system in nature and vice versa ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ 2. Understand ethical considerations for an engineering solution based on systems thinking ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ 3. Attribute global implications of an engineering problem EG 6‐8 D 6.1 EG 6‐8 D 6.2 EG 6‐8 D 7.1 EG 6‐8 D 7.2 EG 6‐8 D 8.1 EG 6‐8 D 9.1 EG 6‐8 D 9.2 EG 6‐8 D 10.1 EG 6‐8 S
1.1 EG 6‐8 S
1.2 EG 6‐8 S
1.3 EG 6‐8 S
2.1 Interpret collected data Use appropriate measurements Critique a product design Hypothesize as to what criteria and constraints led to the production of the product Recognize which biologic elements inspired at least three different products For an example product, infer specific preventative or reactive measures for a potential failure of a product Explain why failure is an important part of the design process Analyze a design problem from the US perspective and that of another country such as China Identify human effects on a system in the lithosphere Identify human effects on a system in the atmosphere Identify human effects on a system in the hydrosphere Illustrate how a subsystem can have an impact on a larger system 7
EG 6‐8 S 3 EG 6‐8 P 1 EG 6‐8 P 2 EG 6‐8 P 3 EG 6‐8 P 4 1. Understand systematic problem solving ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ 2. Analyze a problem where insufficient information requires making an assumption to proceed ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ 3. Understand that problems have tradeoffs and constraints to their solution ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ 4. Distinguish between types of problems ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ 5. Map out several problems in the local area EG 6‐8 S
2.2 EG 6‐8 S 3.1 EG 6‐8 P 1.1 EG 6‐8 P 1.2 Identify unintended consequences from an engineering design Distinguish between implications of a particular engineering problem for multiple countries Identify a problem that requires multiple steps to solve Illustrate multiple solution pathways for the defined problem EG 6‐8 P 1.3 Identify the knowledge base required to solve the defined problem EG 6‐8 P 1.4 Recognize that some problems have multiple correct answers EG 6‐8 P 1.5 EG 6‐8 P 2.1 Identify how others have solved problems by using observation skills Summarize what information is needed and what is given to solve the problem 8
EG 6‐8 P 5 EG 6‐8 P 2.2 Outline reasonable assumptions for needed information that is not given in the problem statement EG 6‐8 P 3.1 Identify tradeoffs involved in the solution of a problem EG 6‐8 P 3.2 Identify constraints that affect the solution of a problem EG 6‐8 P 4.1 Distinguish between problems that ●Require the production of an engineering design ●Require the modification of an existing design ●Require a paradigm shift in thinking Identify the fourteen Grand Challenges for Engineering EG 6‐8 P 5.1 EG 9‐12 H 1 1. Generate multiple ideas for projects EG 6‐8 P 5.2 List several problems in the local community EG 9‐12
H 1.1 Generate multiple ideas and produce project documents at different stages within each project generated EG 9‐12
H 1.2 Devise a process for a project based on project documents created at different stages in the project EG 9‐12
H 1.3 Plan a team project and assign tasks to each member EG 9‐12 H 2.1 Identify self as creative and optimistic EG 9‐12 H 2 2. Remember to use optimism in the process of problem solving and design when addressing a problem that is unfamiliar 9
EG 9‐12 H 2.2 Exemplify persistence and perseverance EG 9‐12 H 2.3 Identify authentic problems in a subject, which if solved, will improve the quality of life EG 9‐12 H 2.4 Understand the importance of failure and that failure or mishap have often resulted in a positive outcome and/or provided insight to a correct solution EG 9‐12
H 3.1 Implement a multi‐part project that requires synthesis as a part of a team EG 9‐12 H 3 3. Apply teamwork and collaboration skills. EG 9‐12
H 3.2 Implement the rules of debate using factual argumentation and precise language EG 9‐12
H 3.3 Implement openness and courage to explore ideas EG 9‐12
H 3.4 Use lessons learned in the 4 P’s of NC Graduation Project: Paper, Product, Portfolio and Presentation EG 9‐12 H 4.1 Summarize learning in an engineering (or STEM) portfolio that includes writings, presentations, models and other products EG 9‐12 H 4.2 Illustrate coherent, effective, and articulate presentations EG 9‐12 H 4.3 Exemplify divergent and convergent thinking in the course of problem solving EG 9‐12 H 4 4. Apply effective and precise technical communication skills 10
EG 9‐12 H 5 5. Apply attention to ethical considerations in engineering design and problem solving EG 9‐12 H 5.1 Apply creativity as well as effective and precise communication regarding ethical policies for the protection of life and the environment EG 9‐12 H 5.2 Compare how engineering in a field of science has evolved and what impacts, positive and negative, it has had on the human condition and the natural world EG 9‐12 H 5.3 Compare the positive and negative implications of a particular engineering design EG 9‐12 H 5.4 Understand the life cycle of a product from construction to disposal EG 9‐12 H 6 6. Analyze authoritarian assertions critically EG 9‐12 H 6.1 Distinguish sound, prudent assertions from impractical authoritarian assertions EG 9‐12 H 6.2 Structure decision pathways and make judgments based on clear‐stated and sound evidence EG 9‐12 H 7 7. Evaluate hypotheses and decisions critically EG 9‐12 H 7.1 Check and retest hypotheses and experiments based on accurately performed repeatable test results. EG 9‐12 H 7.2 Evaluate team member performance after a team project has been completed EG 9‐12 D 1 1. Understand that engineering design is a process of formulating problem statements, identifying criteria and constraints, purposing and testing possible solutions, incorporating modification based on test data, and communicating recommendations EG 9‐12 D 1.1 Compare different versions of the Engineering Design Process 11
EG 9‐12 D 1.2 Interpret the problem solving process as a procedure that is contingent upon unforeseen complications and that may change over time. 2. Create a solution for an authentic problem or hazard using the engineering design process and apply constraints as appropriate EG 9‐12 D 2.1 Execute the steps of the engineering design process EG 9‐12 D 2.2 Generate several possible solutions to a problem and use the concept of trade‐offs to compare them in terms of constraints EG 9‐12 D 2 EG 9‐12 D 2.3 Administer a proposed solution based on its strengths and weaknesses, and describe how it is better than alternative designs. EG 9‐12 D 2.4 Reapply the design process until the best solution is determined based on constraints and data gathered from testing and analysis EG 9‐12 D 2.5 Create, test, and analyze at least one of the more promising solutions EG 9‐12 D 2.6 Apply troubleshooting techniques as needed EG 9‐12 D 3 3. Create a final engineering design from a model using an iterative process EG 9‐12 D 3.1 Generate various types of models (physical, mathematical and digital models) in the course of producing an engineering design EG 9‐12 D 3.2 Construct the model best suited for a particular problem or hazard EG 9‐12 D 4 4. Design and conduct experiments to gather data for an engineering design EG 9‐12 D 4.1 Construct an explanation for your findings (Interpret collected data) 12
EG 9‐12 D 5 EG 9‐12 D 6 EG 9‐12 D 7 5. Extrapolate the design of a product through reverse engineering 6. Identify examples of engineered designs that have mimicked nature (biomimicry) 7. Infer the ways in which a specific design can fail EG 9‐12 D 4.2 EG 9‐12 D 5.1 EG 9‐12 D 5.2 EG 9‐12 D 5.3 EG 9‐12 D 5.4 EG 9‐12 D 5.5 EG 9‐12 D 6.1 EG 9‐12 D 6.2 EG 9‐12 D 7.1 Use appropriate measurements and units Explain the purpose of reverse engineering Evaluate the most successful aspects of a prototype and extend these to the manufacture of a final product. Determine if there is a potential for design failure Describe how engineering drawings are a type of communication between engineers and manufacturers. Apply reserve engineering techniques to understand a simple design Understand that, through evolution, nature provides sustainable designs which can be a valuable source of inspiration in problem solving as well as model/prototype development Give three examples from nature that have been copied for human gain and provided insight for engineering designs Explain why failure is an important part of the engineering design process 13
EG 9‐12 D 8 EG 9‐12 D 9 EG 9‐12 S 1 8. Understand how global thinking affects problem solving and solutions found through the engineering design process 9. Create learning tools 1. Understand systems and how systems thinking – a process of understanding how things influence one another within a whole – can help us use the engineering design process and find smart, enduring solutions to problems EG 9‐12 D 7.2 EG 9‐12 D 7.3 EG 9‐12 D 8.1 EG 9‐12 D 8.2 EG 9‐12 D 8.3 EG 9‐12 D 9.1 EG 9‐12 S 1.1 EG 9‐12 S 1.2 List types of analyses that an engineer could use to test a design Explain the ways in which engineering design failure may affect safety margins, US laws, OSHA regulations, etc. Explain how different global societal constraints in may affect an engineering design solution Explain how new technologies enable new lines of scientific inquiry and are largely responsible for changes in how people live and work Exemplify ways in which ethics, public opinion, and government policy influence the work of engineers and scientists, and how the results of their work impact human society and the environment Summarize learning in an engineering or STEM portfolio and notebook Explain how a natural process can be a system Extrapolate through reverse engineering, a complex product or system 14
EG 9‐12 S 2 2. Understand energy flow through a system EG 9‐12 S 3 3. Understand that technological systems can be embedded within larger technological, social, natural, and environmental systems EG 9‐12 P 1 1. Understand systematic problem solution optimization EG 9‐12 S 2.1 EG 9‐12 S 2.2 EG 9‐12 S 3.1 EG 9‐12 S 3.2 EG 9‐12 S 3.3 EG 9‐12 P 1.1 EG 9‐12 P 1.2 EG 9‐12 P 1.3 EG 9‐12 P 1.4 Illustrate the energy flow through a complex system Provide a several specific examples of a complex system Exemplify and explain ethical responsibilities in solutions to natural problems Explain how humans interacting with natural system alter the system In both beneficial and harmful ways Infer ethical, health, safety, political and environmental issues that are affected by engineering solutions to problems Exemplify a well‐defined multiple step problem Recognize that problems have multiple solution pathways and multiple solutions Summarize multiple solution pathways Compare the two best solutions to a problem 15
EG 9‐12 P 2 2. Analyze an authentic problem where superfluous or insufficient information requires making an assumption. Apply optimization in the selection of a solution to a problem EG 9‐12 P 1.5 EG 9‐12 P 1.6 EG 9‐12 P 1.7 EG 9‐12 P 1.8 EG 9‐12 P 2.1 EG 9‐12 P 2.2 EG 9‐12 P 2.3 EG 9‐12 P 2.4 Construct the knowledge base required Explain how an optimal solution may not be the chosen solution Recognize the limits of a solution and that some problems may have multiple correct solutions. Exemplify how others have solved problems Understand the process of making assumptions Learn to make assumptions with confidence Summarize the information that is needed versus information that is needed to solve a problem Outline judicious assumptions made in a problem solution when sufficient information is not provided in the problem statement 16
EG 9‐12 P 3.1 Identify the criteria, tradeoffs, constraints and assumptions required to solve a well‐defined problem. EG 9‐12 P 3.2 Recall that the boundaries of a solution is defined by the constraints of a solution Prioritize criteria and constraints against various design solutions of the well‐defined problem (Ex: cost, productivity, strength, reliability longevity, utilization, etc.) EG 9‐12 P 3.3 EG 9‐12 P 3.4 EG 9‐12 P 4.1 EG 9‐12 P 4.2 EG 9‐12 P 5.1 EG 9‐12 P 5.2 EG 9‐12 P 3 3. Understand the concepts of tradeoffs, constraints and assumptions in the problem solving process EG 9‐12 P 4 Recall the difference between types of problems and their solutions EG 9‐12 P 5 Recognize how the 14 Grand Challenges of the 21st Century are related Employ analysis (digital, mathematical, physical, etc. models to predict design results) and optimization methods to determine the optimal design or solution Explain the difference between problems that require the creation of an original engineering design, the modification of an existing design or a novel way of thinking about the design Find examples of problems that require the creation of an original engineering design, the modification of an existing design and a paradigm shift in thinking Identify how high school course content is relevant to the 14 National Academy of Engineering Grand Challenges for the 21st century Identify three (3) ongoing engineering problems across the state. (Ex: hydraulic fracking, hog waste and runoff, use of crop pesticides, or fishing bycatch) 17
K-12 Correlation: Engineering Connections with the STEM Rubric Principles
Integrated STEM Curriculum, Aligned with State, National, and Industry Standards (Principle)
(1) Engineering Habits of Mind
1.3 Optimism 1.4 Communication 1.6 Attention to ethical consideration 1.5 Creativity Elementary School
1.2 Collaboration (teamwork) 1.1 Professional Development Key Engineering
System Thinking
Teacher professional development
identifies Engineering Habits of Mind
Teacher professional development Teacher professional development
illustrates engineering habits of mind applies the engineering habits of
at least once a year.
mind at least once per semester
Teachers use engineering habits of
mind in professional development.
Every workshop illustrates how to use
the habits of mind in an integrated
Teamwork in the classroom takes
place weekly, team roles are not
defined, and teams have 2 members
Team’s exhibit evidence of defined Students exemplify cooperative
roles at least twice weekly and teams teamwork daily and teams have 3-4
have 2-3 members.
Student teams of 3-4 members
design complete solutions to age
appropriate difficult and unfamiliar
Classroom practice includes a
Teachers identify student frustrations Students apply persistence by
mechanism to encourage students to as a driver for learning
managing frustrations in solving
address frustrations productively
familiar problems.
Students apply persistence in solving
unfamiliar problems most of the time.
Evidence-based communication (oral Written and oral communication
Student written and oral
Students apply content knowledge
and/or written) is exemplified in a
between students and
communications exemplify
from multiple subject areas to support
single subject area less than weekly. student/teacher uses evidence-based appropriate use of content knowledge argumentation daily.
argumentation in multiple subject
in multiple subject areas weekly
areas at least weekly.
Teachers recognize that problems may Teachers encourage students to
Students explain multiple solutions to Students implement multiple solutions
have multiple correct solutions
compare multiple solution pathways problems daily.
to problems daily.
for problems twice weekly.
Teachers identify that ethical
considerations are a part of decision
Teachers encourage discussion of
ethical considerations among
students at least monthly.
See Systems Thinking Key Element for implementation
Students explain ethical
Classroom operations and student
considerations associated with global work clearly use consideration of
problems under consideration
ethical tradeoffs.
Integrated STEM Curriculum, Aligned with State, National, and Industry Standards (Principle)
(1) Engineering Habits of Mind
1.3 Optimism 1.4 Communication 1.6 Attention to ethical consideration 1.5 Creativity Middle School
1.2 Collaboration (teamwork) 1.1 Professional Development Key Engineering
System thinking
Teacher professional development
identifies Engineering Habits of Mind
Teachers PD illustrates engineering Teacher professional development Teacher use engineering habits of
habits of mind at least once a year applies the engineering habits of
mind in professional development.
mind at least once per semester
Every workshop illustrates how to use
the habits of mind in an integrated
Teamwork in the classroom takes
place weekly, team roles are not
clearly defined, and teams have 2
Teams exhibit evidence of defined Students exemplify cooperative
Student teams of 3-4 members design
roles at least twice weekly and
teamwork daily and teams have 3-4 complete solutions to age appropriate
teams have 2-3 members
difficult and unfamiliar problems.
Classroom practice includes a
Teachers identify student
Students apply persistence by
Students apply persistence in solving
mechanism to encourage students to frustrations as a driver for learning managing frustrations with problem unfamiliar problems most of the time
address frustrations productively
solving with encouragement from
without teacher intervention.
the teacher.
Evidence-based communication (oral Written and oral communication
and/or written) is exemplified in a
between students and
single subject area less than weekly. student/teacher uses evidencebased argumentation in multiple
subject areas at least weekly.
Student written and oral
Students apply content knowledge
communications exemplify
from multiple subject areas to support
appropriate use of content
argumentation daily.
knowledge in multiple subject areas
Teachers and students recognize that Teachers encourage students to
problems may have multiple correct use multiple solution pathways for
problems twice weekly.
Students explain multiple solutions Students implement multiple solutions
to problems daily.
to global problems.
ethical Teachers encourage discussion of Students explain ethical
considerations are a part of decision ethical considerations among
considerations associated with
students at least monthly.
global problems under
consideration weekly.
See Systems Thinking Key Element for implementation
Classroom operations and student
work clearly analyze consideration of
ethical tradeoffs.
Integrated STEM Curriculum, Aligned with State, National, and Industry Standards (Principle)
(1) Engineering Habits of Mind
1.3 Optimism 1.4 Communication 1.6 Attention to ethical consideration 1.5 Creativity High School
1.2 Collaboration (teamwork) 1.1 Professional Development Key Engineering
System thinking
Teacher professional development
identifies Engineering Habits of Mind
Teachers PD illustrates engineering Teacher professional development Teacher use engineering habits of mind
habits of mind at least once a year applies the engineering habits of in professional development. Every
mind at least once per semester. workshop illustrates how to use the
habits of mind in an integrated
Teamwork in the classroom takes
Team’s exhibit evidence of defined Students exemplify cooperative
Student teams of 3-4 members design
place weekly, team roles are not
roles at least twice weekly and
teamwork daily and teams have 3- complete solutions to age appropriate
defined, and teams have 2 members. teams have 2-3 members.
4 members
difficult and unfamiliar problems.
Classroom practice includes a
Teachers identify student
Students apply persistence by
mechanism to encourage students to frustrations as a driver for learning. managing frustrations with
address frustrations productively.
unfamiliar problems.
Students analyze frustrations in solving
unfamiliar and difficult problems to persist
to completion without teacher
Evidence-based communication (oral Written and oral communication
and/or written) is exemplified in a
between students and
single subject area less than weekly. student/teacher uses evidencebased argumentation in multiple
subject areas at least weekly.
Students apply content knowledge from
multiple subject areas to support
argumentation daily.
Student written and oral
communications exemplify
appropriate use of content
knowledge in multiple subject
areas weekly.
Teachers and students recognize that Teachers encourage students to use Students explain multiple solutions Students implement multiple solutions to
problems may have multiple correct multiple solution pathways for
to problems daily.
global problems.
problems twice weekly.
Teachers encourage discussion of
Teachers identify that ethical
considerations are a part of decision ethical considerations among
students at least monthly.
See Systems Thinking Key Element for implementation
Students explain ethical
considerations associated with
global problems under
consideration weekly.
Classroom operations and student work
clearly generate consideration of ethical
Integrated STEM Curriculum, Aligned with State, National, and Industry Standards (Principle)
(2) Engineering Design Process
Teacher professional development
Teacher professional development Teacher professional development
focuses on project-based learning at focuses on project-based learning to focuses on using the Engineering
least one day per year.
meet multiple objectives at least two Design Process in multiple ways,
days per year.
not just in project based learning,
at least two days per year.
Teachers apply the Engineering
Design Process in real-world
authentic problems monthly.
Teachers organize opportunities to use
the Engineering Design Process in
classroom practice at least four days per
year; this may include personalized
Teachers analyze students’ use of Teachers evaluate students’ use of the
the Engineering Design Process in Engineering Design Process in realreal-world, authentic problem
world, authentic problem solving weekly
solving monthly.
Students exemplify the Engineering Students implement the
Students apply the Engineering Design
Design Process in oral and/or
Engineering Design Process in oral Process in interdisciplinary problem
written communication monthly
and/or written communication in
solving weekly.
Students identify models in
engineering design projects four
times per year
Students summarize models in
engineering design projects four
times per year.
Students explain models in
engineering design projects
Students use models in multiple subject
areas two times per month.
Teachers identify alternative
viewpoints in engineering design
Projects monthly
Teachers exemplify alternative
viewpoints in engineering design
projects weekly.
Students explain alternative
viewpoints in engineering design
projects monthly.
Students use alternative viewpoints in
engineering design projects weekly
Students recognize the Engineering
Design Process in the classroom
Teachers exemplify the Engineering
Design Process as an authentic
problem solving process monthly.
Elementary School
Key Engineering
Engineering Design Process Elementary School Ask Imagine Plan Create Improve as needed at any step Engineering Design Process
Middle and High School Define the problem, including criteria and constraints Research
Develop ideas
Choose an approach Create Model or Prototype
Redesign as needed at any step
Integrated STEM Curriculum, Aligned with State, National, and Industry Standards (Principle)
(2) Engineering Design Process
Teacher professional development
focuses on project-based learning at
least one day per year.
Teacher professional development Teacher professional development
focuses on project-based learning to focuses on using the Engineering
meet multiple objectives at least two Design Process in multiple ways, not
days per year.
just in project based learning, at least
two days per year.
Teachers exemplify the Engineering
Design Process as an authentic
problem solving process monthly
Teachers apply the Engineering
Design Process in real-world,
authentic problems monthly
Teachers organize opportunities to use the
Engineering Design Process in classroom
practice at least four days per year; this
may include personalized learning.
Students recall the Engineering Design Students explain the Engineering
Students apply the steps of the
Process twice per month.
Design Process and evidence of its Engineering Design Process in
implementation is seen monthly in problem solving weekly.
student work.
Teachers analyze students’ use of the Teachers evaluate students’ use of the in
Engineering Design Process in real- Engineering Design Process real-world,
world, authentic problem solving
authentic problem solving weekly
Students identify models or prototypes Students exemplify models or
in design projects four times per year. prototypes in design projects four
times per year.
Students use models or prototypes in Students differentiate between types of
design projects monthly.
models or prototypes in multiple subject
areas two times per month.
Middle School
Key Engineering
Students identify global and ethical
issues within an existing design
Students apply global and ethical
viewpoints as a part of the
Engineering Design Process
Students exemplify global and
ethical viewpoints in proposing a
Students analyze the design of a product
using the reverse engineering approach at
least two times per year
Students differentiate between proposed
designs using global and ethical viewpoints
Engineering Design Process Elementary School Ask Imagine Plan Create Improve as needed at any step Engineering Design Process
Middle and High School Define the problem, including criteria and constraints Research
Develop ideas
Choose an approach Create Model or Prototype
Redesign as needed at any step
Integrated STEM Curriculum, Aligned with State, National, and Industry Standards (Principle)
(2) Engineering Design Process
Teacher professional development Teacher professional development
focuses on project-based learning focuses on project-based learning to
at least one day per year.
meet multiple objectives at least two
days per year.
Teacher professional development
focuses on using the Engineering
Design Process in multiple ways,
not just in project based learning,
at least two days per year.
Teachers organize opportunities to
use the Engineering Design Process
in classroom practice at least four
days per year; this may include
personalized learning.
Teachers exemplify the
Teachers apply the Engineering
Engineering Design Process as an Design Process in real-world,
authentic problem solving process authentic problems monthly
Teachers analyze students’ use of
the Engineering Design Process in
real-world, authentic problem
solving monthly.
Teachers evaluate students’ use of the
Engineering Design Process in realworld, authentic problem solving
Students recall the Engineering
Design Process twice per month.
Students explain the Engineering
Design Process and evidence of its
implementation is seen monthly in
student work.
Students apply the steps of the
Engineering Design Process in
problem solving weekly.
Students analyze the design of a
product using the reverse engineering
approach at least two times per year
Students identify models or
prototypes in engineering design
projects four times per year.
Students exemplify models or
prototypes in engineering design
projects four times per year.
Students use models or prototypes Students differentiate between types
in engineering design projects
of models or prototypes in multiple
subject areas two times per month.
Students identify global and ethical Students exemplify global and ethical Students apply global and ethical
issues within an existing design
viewpoints in engineering design
viewpoints in engineering design
High School
Key Engineering
Students analyze global and ethical
viewpoints in engineering design
Engineering Design Process Elementary School Ask Imagine Plan Create Improve as needed at any step Engineering Design Process
Middle and High School Define the problem, including criteria and constraints Research
Develop ideas
Choose an approach Create Model or Prototype
Redesign as needed at any step
Integrated STEM Curriculum, Aligned with State, National, and Industry Standards (Principle)
(3) Systems Thinking
High School
Key Engineering
Students recognize a system is
either natural or human-made
Students identify the characteristics Students compare systems in
of natural and human-made systems multiple content areas weekly.
Students classify a system as either Students recognize how natural and Students explain systems in
natural or human-made according human-made systems are often
multiple content areas monthly.
to its characteristics weekly.
embedded in larger systems monthly.
Students classify a system as
either natural or human-made
according to its characteristics
For a given natural or human-made
system, students explain how parts
relate to each other, and how parts, or
combination of parts, contribute to the
function of the system as a whole four
times per year.
For a given natural or human-made
system, students analyze how the
individual parts function, how parts
relate to each other, and how parts, or
combinations of parts, contribute to the
function of the system as a whole four
times per year.
Students explain how natural and
Students apply a systems thinking Students analyze the relationships
human-made systems are often
approach across multiple content among systems that are embedded
embedded in larger systems monthly. areas to solve problems monthly. within larger technological, social,
natural, environmental, etc. systems four
times per year.
Systems Thinking is a fundamental way of viewing problems in Engineering. It is an approach to problem solving that leads one to understand that problems consist of smaller parts which are interrelated and have impact on each other. Characteristics of a system: A system is composed of parts that must be related A system has boundaries A system can be nested inside another system A system can overlap with another system A system can change with time A system receives inputs and sends outputs A system is designed to transform inputs into outputs Integrated STEM Curriculum, Aligned with State, National, and Industry Standards (Principle)
(4) Problem Solving
Teachers identify local problems
and their relationship to the
Students illustrate a single solution
approach to well-defined problems
with extraneous information
provided monthly
Teachers explain problem-solving
techniques leading to multiple
solution pathways.
Students explain multiple-solution
approaches to problems with
extraneous information provided
Teachers illustrate multiple-solution
approaches to problem solving.
Teachers recognize the need to
prepare problem solutions in
Students identify local problems and Students explain how local problems Students apply interdisciplinary
their relationship to global issues
are related to global issues
knowledge to understand global
Students analyze problems to identify
interdisciplinary solutions to global issues
Students illustrate a single solution
approach to well-defined problems
with extraneous information
provided monthly
Students analyze problem information to
determine when assumptions are
necessary and to eliminate extraneous
information four times per year
Students exemplify a single solution
approach to problems with
extraneous information provided
Students identify a single solution
approach to well-defined problems
with no extraneous information
provided monthly.
High School
Middle School
Elementary School
Key Engineering
Students apply multiple- solution
approaches to problems to eliminate
extraneous information monthly
Teachers use problem solving
Teachers organize problems that require
techniques, including assumptions, assumptions to solve.
to solve problems
Teachers explain how local
problems impact the community
Students understand how the
Students explain multiple- solution
community can solve local problems approaches to community problems
Students exemplify multiple-solution Students recognize that
approaches to problems with
assumptions are required to solve
extraneous information provided
given problems monthly
Students analyze problem information to
determine when assumptions are
necessary and to eliminate extraneous
information four times per year
Teachers explain a single approach Teachers outline to students their
Teachers use different approaches to
to solving problems using student own problem solving approach to a solve student generated problems that
given problem.
require assumptions
Students exemplify multiple-solution Students apply multiple-solution
approaches to problems with
approaches, optimization
extraneous information provided
techniques, and tradeoffs to
problems four times per year
Teachers exemplify multiple-solution Teachers apply multiple-solution
approaches and optimization
approaches and optimization
techniques to problem solving
techniques to problem solving
Teachers organize problems to
Teachers generate problems that require
include assumptions, optimization the elimination of extraneous information
techniques, and tradeoffs to arrive at and the identification of assumptions to
solutions four times per year.
arrive at solutions two times per year
Students identify local problems and Students explain how local problems Students apply interdisciplinary
their relationship to global issues
are related to global issues
knowledge to understand global
Optimization is determining the best solution to a problem while balancing competitive or conflicting factors. Tradeoffs are deciding which criteria are most important to determine the best solution to a specific problem.
Students analyze problems to identify
interdisciplinary solutions to global issues
On-going Community and Industry Engagement (Principle)
(5) Engineering Habits of Mind *
High School
Middle School
Elementary School
Key Engineering
Teachers identify opportunities to Teachers implement partnerships
Teachers apply collaborative
Teachers organize extension opportunities
partner with the local industry and with local industry and community
principles to form industry and
for themselves and their students both
community at least once a year. that provide interactions with students community partnerships at least three outside and in the classroom at least once
at least twice a year.
times a year.
for themselves and four times a year for
students to develop the STEM pipeline the
workforce and postsecondary education.
Teachers identify funding
opportunities from industry,
foundations and non-profit
organizations interested in STEM
Teachers review requests for
proposals for funding opportunities
from industry, foundations and nonprofit organizations interested in
STEM education.
Teachers and school system
personnel organize a grant proposal
for funding from STEM stakeholders
such as industry, foundations and
non-profit organizations to enhance
engineering education in the
classroom and school wide.
Teachers and school system personnel
implement a grant from STEM stakeholders
such as industry, foundations and non-profit
organizations to enhance engineering
education in the classroom and school-wide.
Teachers identify opportunities to Teachers implement partnerships
Teachers apply collaborative
Teachers organize extension opportunities
partner with the local industry and with local industry and community
principles to form industry and
for themselves and their students both
community at least once a year. that provide interactions with students community partnerships at least three outside and in the classroom at least once
at least twice a year.
times a year.
for themselves and four times a year for
students to develop the STEM pipeline the
workforce and postsecondary education.
Teachers identify funding
opportunities from industry,
foundations and non-profit
organizations interested in STEM
Teachers review requests for
proposals for funding opportunities
from industry, foundations and nonprofit organizations interested in
STEM education.
Teachers and school system
personnel organize a grant proposal
for funding from STEM stakeholders
such as industry, foundations and
non-profit organizations to enhance
engineering education in the
classroom and school wide.
Teachers and school system personnel
implement a grant from STEM stakeholders
such as industry, foundations and non-profit
organizations to enhance engineering
education in the classroom and school-wide.
Teachers identify opportunities to Teachers implement partnerships
Teachers apply collaborative
Teachers organize extension opportunities
partner with the local industry and with local industry and community
principles to form industry and
for themselves and their students both
community at least once a year. that provide interactions with students community partnerships at least three outside and in the classroom at least once
at least twice a year.
times a year.
for themselves and four times a year for
students to develop the STEM pipeline the
workforce and postsecondary education.
Teachers identify funding
opportunities from industry,
foundations and non-profit
organizations interested in STEM
Teachers review requests for
proposals for funding opportunities
from industry, foundations and nonprofit organizations interested in
STEM education.
Teachers and school system
personnel organize a grant proposal
for funding from STEM stakeholders
such as industry, foundations and
non-profit organizations to enhance
engineering education in the
classroom and school wide.
Teachers and school system personnel
implement a grant from STEM stakeholders
such as industry, foundations and non-profit
organizations to enhance engineering
education in the classroom and school-wide.
*Engineering Habits of Mind includes Collaboration (Teamwork), Optimism, Communication, Creativity, Attention to Ethical Consideration, and Systems Thinking.
On-going Community and Industry Engagement (Principle)
(6) Engineering Design Process
Teachers select engineers from
Teachers select engineers from local
local industry and community to
industry and community to discuss
speak in classrooms once a year. engineering design at least twice a
Teachers identify engineers from
Teachers implement partnerships with
local industry, higher education
engineers from industry, post-secondary
institutions or community to
and/or the community for mentoring
demonstrate to students how they
interactions with the teachers and
have used the design process at least students.
once a year.
Teachers select engineers from
Teachers select engineers from local
local industry and community to
industry and community to discuss
speak in classrooms once a year. engineering design at least twice a
Teachers identify engineers from
Teachers implement partnerships with
local industry, higher education
engineers from industry, post-secondary
institutions or community to
and/or the community for mentoring
demonstrate to students how they
interactions with the teachers and
have used the design process at least students.
once a year.
Key Engineering
Teachers select engineers from
Teachers select engineers from local
local industry and community to
industry and community to discuss
speak in classrooms once a year. engineering design at least twice a
Teachers identify engineers from
Teachers implement partnerships with
local industry, higher education
engineers from industry, post-secondary
institutions or community to
and/or the community for mentoring
demonstrate to students how they
interactions with the teachers and
have used the design process at least students.
once a year.
Engineering Design Process Elementary School Ask Imagine Plan Create Improve as needed at any step Engineering Design Process Middle and High School Define the problem, including criteria and constraints Research Develop ideas Choose an approach Create Model or Prototype Test Communicate Redesign as needed at any step Graphic On-going Community and Industry Engagement (Principle)
(7) Systems Thinking
Teachers and students recognize Teachers and students deconstruct a Teachers and students analyze the
systems in the local economy once community system four times a year. role(s) of businesses in a local
a year.
system twice a year.
Teachers and students execute
partnerships with local businesses and
industry to infer how they fit into more
than one system twice a year.
Teachers and students recognize Teachers and students deconstruct a Teachers and students analyze the
systems in the local economy once community system four times a year. role(s) of businesses in a local
a year.
system twice a year.
Teachers and students execute
partnerships with local businesses and
industry to infer how they fit into more
than one system twice a year.
Teachers and students recognize Teachers and students deconstruct a Teachers and students analyze the
systems in the local economy once community system four times a year. role(s) of businesses in a local
a year.
system twice a year.
Teachers and students execute
partnerships with local businesses and
industry to infer how they fit into more
than one system twice a year.
High School
Key Engineering
Systems Thinking is a fundamental way of viewing problems in Engineering. It is an approach to problem solving that leads one to understand that problems consist of smaller parts which are interrelated and have impact on each other. Characteristics of a system: A system is composed of parts that must be related A system has boundaries A system can be nested inside another system A system can overlap with another system A system can change with time A system receives inputs and sends outputs A system is designed to transform inputs into outputs On-going Community and Industry Engagement (Principle)
(8) Problem Solving
Teachers and students identify
Teachers and students implement
Teachers and students implement
Teachers and students implement a
problems in the local community partnerships with community and/or partnerships with community and/or solution to address a local problem in
that they help solve twice per year. industry to understand how they solve industry to evaluate multiple solutions the community annually. Students
local problems twice per year.
to a particular problem twice a year. explain results to local industry, postsecondary or government
Teachers and students identify
Teachers and students implement
Teachers and students implement
Teachers and students implement a
problems in the local community partnerships with community and/or partnerships with community and/or solution to address a local problem in
that they help solve twice per year. industry to understand how they solve industry to evaluate multiple solutions the community annually. Students
local problems twice per year.
to a particular problem twice a year. explain results to local industry, postsecondary or government
Key Engineering
Teachers and students identify
Teachers and students implement
Teachers and students implement
Teachers and students implement a
problems in the local community partnerships with community and/or partnerships with community and/or solution to address a local problem in
that they help solve twice per year. industry to understand how they solve industry to evaluate multiple solutions the community annually. Students
local problems twice per year.
to a particular problem twice a year. explain results to local industry, postsecondary or government
Connections with Postsecondary Education (Principle)
(9) Engineering Habits of Mind *
Teachers use materials and resources Students and teachers identify
developed by postsecondary programs careers in engineering at
for schools that apply the engineering postsecondary institutions.
habits of mind.
Teachers identify local
Students and teachers coordinate
postsecondary institutions that
with postsecondary outreach
have outreach programs available programs once a year
for partnering.
Teachers identify local
Students and teachers coordinate
postsecondary institutions that
with postsecondary outreach
have outreach programs available programs once a year.
for partnering.
Teachers use materials and resources
developed by postsecondary programs
for schools that apply the engineering
habits of mind.
Students and teachers recognize
coursework that students need to
matriculate to a postsecondary
institution after high school.
Teachers identify local
Students and teachers coordinate
postsecondary institutions that
with postsecondary outreach
have outreach programs available programs once a year.
for partnering.
Teachers use materials and resources
developed by postsecondary programs
for schools that apply the engineering
habits of mind.
Teachers organize extension
opportunities for themselves and
their students both outside and in the
classroom at least once for
themselves and four times a year for
students to develop the STEM
pipeline for the workforce and
postsecondary education.
High School
Key Engineering
*Engineering Habits of Mind includes Collaboration (Teamwork), Optimism, Communication, Creativity, Attention to Ethical Consideration, and Systems Thinking.
Connections with Postsecondary Education (Principle)
Teachers identify engineers from Teachers use connections with
postsecondary institutions to speak engineers from postsecondary
to students once per year.
institutions to discuss engineering
design twice per year.
Teachers identify research and/or an
invention designed by engineers at a
postsecondary institution to show
students how the design process is
used once per year.
Teachers identify postsecondary
partners for students in the
classroom to apply the design
process to their own product once
per year.
Teachers identify engineers from Teachers use connections with
postsecondary institutions to speak engineers from postsecondary
to students once per year.
institutions to discuss engineering
design twice per year.
Teachers identify research and/or an
invention designed by engineers at a
postsecondary institution to show
students how the design process is
used once per year.
Teachers identify postsecondary
partners for students in the
classroom to apply the design
process to their own product once
per year.
Key Engineering
Engineering Design Process
Teachers identify engineers from Teachers use connections with
postsecondary institutions to speak engineers from postsecondary
to students once per year.
institutions to discuss engineering
design twice per year.
Teachers identify research and/or an
invention designed by engineers at a
postsecondary institution to show
students how the design process is
used once per year.
Teachers identify postsecondary
partners for students in the
classroom to apply the design
process to their own product once
per year.
Engineering Design Process Elementary School Ask Imagine Plan Create Improve as needed at any step Engineering Design Process Middle and High School Define the problem, including criteria and constraints Research Develop ideas Choose an approach Create Model or Prototype Test Communicate Redesign as needed at any step Graphic Connections with Postsecondary Education (Principle)
Teachers and students understand Students identify postsecondary
Students and teachers recognize a
Students identify career goals.
postsecondary institutions as a part institutions as a possible route for need for educational and career goals.
of the educational system in which their own educational development.
they participate.
11.1 Early
Teachers and students understand Students identify postsecondary
Students compare postsecondary
postsecondary institutions as a part institutions as a possible route for institutions to meet their career goals.
of the educational system in which their own educational development.
they participate.
Key Engineering
Systems Thinking *
Teachers and students understand Students select postsecondary
postsecondary institutions as part institutions to meet their academic
of an embedded educational
and career goals.
Students select postsecondary
institutions to visit.
Students use systems thinking to map Students select a postsecondary
their own educational pathway from high institution to visit that was previously
school to a postsecondary institution of mapped to their own educational
their choice.
*Systems Thinking is a fundamental way of viewing problems in Engineering. It is an approach to problem solving that leads one to understand that problems consist of smaller parts which are interrelated and have impact on each other. Characteristics of a system: A system is composed of parts that must be related A system has boundaries A system can be nested inside another system A system can overlap with another system A system can change with time A system receives inputs and sends outputs A system is designed to transform inputs into outputs Connections with Postsecondary Education
High School
Middle School
Key Engineering
Problem Solving
Teachers illustrate problem-solving
techniques to identify
postsecondary institutions with
whom to partner.
Teachers and students use
Schools implement partnerships with
problem-solving techniques to
postsecondary institutions to compare
develop relationships with
how students learn at different levels.
postsecondary engineering partner
Students visit a postsecondary
engineering or engineering
technology program.
Teachers illustrate problem-solving
techniques to identify
postsecondary institutions with
whom to partner.
Teachers and students use
Schools implement partnerships with
problem-solving techniques to
postsecondary institutions to compare
develop relationships with
how students learn at different levels.
postsecondary engineering partner
Students visit a postsecondary
engineering or engineering
technology program.
Teachers illustrate problem-solving
techniques to identify
postsecondary institutions with
whom to partner.
Teachers and students use
problem-solving techniques to
develop relationships with
postsecondary engineering partner
Teachers and students organize a
visit to a postsecondary engineering
or engineering technology program
research lab or seminar.
Highs school students coordinate with
postsecondary students for mentoring
on study skills and related learning