Atomistic Simulations of Radiation Damage in Amorphous Metal Alloys by Richard E. Baumer B.S.E., LeTourneau University (2008) Submitted to the Department of Materials Science and Engineering in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of AACHNE0" 1MASSACHUSETTS Doctor of Philosophy MAY 14 2014 at the -LIBRARIES _ MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY September 2013 0 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2013. All rights reserved. Author.......................... Certified by ...................... ............. . Department of Materials Science and Engineering August 6, 2013 ..... Michael J. Demkowicz Assistant Professor of Materials Science and Engineering Thesis Supervisor Accepted by ................... ........... .. _._. erbrand Ceder Chair, Department Committee on Graduate Students 1 IdWME, OF TECHNOLOGY 2 Atomistic Simulations of Radiation Damage in Amorphous Metal Alloys by Richard E. Baumer Submitted to the Department of Materials Science and Engineering on August 6, 2013, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Materials Science and Engineering Abstract While numerous fundamental studies have characterized the atomic-level radiation response mechanisms in irradiated crystalline alloys, comparatively little is known regarding the mechanisms of radiation damage in amorphous alloys. Knowledge of collision cascade dynamics is lacking, both with respect to the possibility of sub-cascade formation and concerning the types of damage created in individual cascades. This Thesis resolves these knowledge gaps through a systematic simulation study of the radiation response of amorphous metal alloys. Using a molecular dynamics simulation of /2 MeV ion irradiation in a realistic 2 billion- atom molecular dynamics simulation in amorphous Cu 5oNb 5o, I show that radiation creates isolated nanometer-scale zones with rapidly quenching liquids. Quenched liquids reach large pressures and emit stress pulses that trigger polarized plastic deformation in adjacent material. In order to identify liquid zones in irradiated amorphous Cu 5oNb 5 o, I use molecular dynamics simulations to characterize the properties and glass transition temperature of uniform liquid Cu-Nb alloys. I show that radiation-induced liquid zones rapidly quench to material with the same properties as a uniform liquid quenched at an equivalent quench rate approaching 1014 K/s. These "super-quenched zones" (SQZs) are approximately 10 nm in diameter and provide a mechanistic explanation for radiation-induced swelling and ductilization in metallic glasses. The identification of plasticity adjacent to SQZs is an unexpected damage mechanism that could prove a limiting factor for the application of amorphous alloys in radiation environments. To aid selection of amorphous alloys with resistance to collision-induced plasticity, I formulate a micro-mechanical model for collision-induced plasticity in irradiated metallic glasses. The analytical model successfully ranks the damage-resistance of irradiated CuNb alloys and should enable selection of amorphous alloys with optimized radiation tolerance. Finally, through characterization of quenched Cu5 oNb 5o, I reveal that glass transition in Cu5 oNb 5 o occurs by gelation due to formation of a mechanically stiff, percolating network of atoms with icosahedral local packing at the interfaces between compositionally enriched regions. These features of glass transition are similar to gelation processes in polymeric and colloidal gels and suggest new approaches for understanding glass transition in bulk metallic glasses. Thesis Supervisor: Michael J. Demkowicz Title: Assistant Professor of Materials Science and Engineering 3 4 Acknowledgments First, I wish to acknowledge and thank my PhD Thesis advisor, Michael Demkowicz, for his patient, thoughtful guidance as I have grown from a welding engineer to a computational materials scientist. It has been a slow, at times painful, journey, fraught with more wrong turns than right, and I am forever grateful for his clear direction and encouragement. A variety of individuals have contributed to this research. I thank my Thesis Committee-Jeff Grossman, Chris Schuh, and Frans Spaepen-for their guidance and support throughout my Thesis research. I thank Vasily Bulatov and Tomas Oppelstrup for welcoming me during the Summer of 2010 at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. I am grateful to both Vasily and Tomas for useful discussions and assistance with the grant application for computing resources on uBGL. Tomas, thank you for getting me up and running on uBGL and for assistance with parallelizing my analysis code. I thank Professor Van Vliet for useful comments on my characterization of the glass transition in Cu 5oNb 5o and Felice Frenkel for discussions on visualization. I thank J. Ziegler for providing a version of SRIM modified to exclude electronic stopping. It was critical to designing the radiation damage simulations. The material in this Thesis is based primarily upon financial support through a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship under primary Grant No. 1122374. I also gratefully acknowledge two Departmental Fellowships-the Salapatas Fellowship and John F. Elliott Fellowship-for support during my first year at MIT. Thank you, Mrs. Elliott, for your generosity and encouragement. I acknowledge support through a DuPont/MIT Alliance Fellowship, as well as funding support by the DoE Office of Nuclear Energy, Nuclear Energy Enabling Technologies, Reactor Materials program, contract DE-NE0000533. The computations were performed at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory through a LLNL 5th Institutional Unclassified Grand Challenge Computing Allocation. I thank my undergraduate research mentors who guided me towards graduate school and the study of computational materials science. I thank my undergraduate advisor, Professor Warke, for introducing me to computational materials science and for giving me my first research project in materials modeling. I thank Professor Adonyi for giving me welding research experience. I thank Professor Ayers and Professor Gonzalez for giving me the opportunity to work on the LEGS Project. Finally, I thank Professor Daraio for giving me the chance to work in her lab during the summer of 2007. That research experience confirmed my decision to apply to graduate school. On a more personal level, I am grateful for the support and feedback of all the members of the Demkowicz Group. In particular, I thank Kedar Kolluri and Abishek Kashinath. Kedar, thank you for many conversations, both technical and personal. Your mentorship helped me to develop into a productive researcher, and your friendship was a bright spot during my first two, often difficult, years at MIT and continues to be a valued source of encouragement to this day. Abishek, thank you for many discussions at the whiteboard. When I was stumped, you often were my sounding board that kept me on the right track. The courses and qualifying exams at MIT were challenging and took me to the breaking point. I made it this far only through the support and help of numerous individuals. I am grateful for the friendship and support of my first-year study group-Ahmed Al-Obeidi, Satoru Emori, and James Paramore. I would never have passed the core classes or our written quals without your friendship, camaraderie, and help. I am indebted to my first-year TAs, particularly Charles Moore, Jeremy Mason, and Gilbert Nessim. You each listened patiently when I was confused 5 and clarified concepts difficult for me to grasp. Many thanks to all my classmates who helped me prepare for the oral qualifying exam-Tracey Brommer, Matt Connors, Abishek Kashinath, Heather Murdoch, and Alexis Turjman-and the older students who practiced with me-Eric Homer and Tim Rupert. Toiling away in the basement at MIT can make for a lonely existence, but a few people brought levity on a nearly daily basis. To my basement compatriots-Uwe Bauer, Satoru Emori, and Liz Rapoport-and by extension-Ahmed Al-Obeidi and Charles Sing-thank you for making me smile and convincing me to open the office window blinds! My MIT experience was greatly enriched through a few courses at Sloan. I am grateful to a few specific MBA students who warmly welcomed me into their world-Ari Oxman, Jonathan Bloom, Shanshan Gong, and Dameng Yue. Ari, I am particularly grateful for the opportunity to work with you on the MIT $1 00k Entrepreneurship Competition. I thank Professor Gibson for giving me the opportunity to work as her TA in 3.032. Thank you for accommodating my busy travel schedule and providing an inspiring example in the classroom. I learned much and enjoyed working with you. To my fellow TA, Alan Lai, thank you for your teamwork throughout the semester. It was a pleasure working with you. I thank my wonderful friends at Christ the King Presbyterian Church in Cambridge who welcomed my wife and me to Boston and made us feel at home. So many have encouraged, counseled, and prayed for us throughout this process. I thank those fellow PhD students-Sean O'Hern, Anthony Wong, and Rachel Liao-for perspective. I thank those who already obtained their PhDs-Ryan Shenvi, Derek Chang, and Erik Baldwin-for encouragement. I thank Ambrose and Gi Huang for welcoming us into their lives. Ambrose, thanks for all the long runs together. I thank John and Rachel Churchill for their friendship. Churchills, we should vacation together again! Laura and Aaron Winn, I am already missing our super club adventures. Sean and Nicole O'Hern, thank you for your friendship and encouragement. I miss our weekly community group. Anthony and Emily Wong, thank you for your support. Anthony, I am grateful for our weekly coffee outings. I thank my wonderful family for their support. Mom and Dad, thanks for encouraging for me, and listening to me throughout my undergraduate and graduate studies. It praying me, has been a long journey and you have been there every step of the way. Thanks to my sisters for always thinking what I was doing was "amazing" even when I didn't feel that way. I thank my mother and father-in-law for their support, for their prayers, and for trying to understand what I have spent the last five years studying. Mrs. Callaway, I am forever grateful that you spent the past two months with us so I could focus on finishing my PhD. This could not have happened without your help. Finally, I thank my wonderful wife, Jordan, for her unwavering support. When I got sidetracked, you pointed me in the right direction. When I was discouraged and depressed, you listened, encouraged me, and told me to go for a run. Thanks for making time, in the midst of pursuing your own career, to support me. Any success that I have achieved is a direct result of your sacrifices. Your courage and perseverance as you have cared for our son has inspired me in the final push. I love you. 6 Table of Contents S Introduction 2 1.1 t............................................................................................................................. Fundamental radiation response mechanisms in crystalline metals ............................. 19 19 1.2 Knowledge gaps-the radiation response of metallic glasses ...................................... 21 1.3 Thesis outline ................................................................................................................... 22 Review of m etallic glasses and their radiation response ........................................................ 2.1 Introduction to glasses ................................................................................................. 2.1.1 2.2 25 Synthesis................................................................................................................... 25 2.2.2 Structure.................................................................................................................... 26 2.2.3 M echanical properties........................................................................................... 28 Radiation response of metallic glasses: Experim ents .................................................. 29 2.3.1 Radiation-induced sw elling ................................................................................... 29 2.3.2 Radiation-enhanced ductility ................................................................................. 30 2.3.3 Radiation-enhanced diffusion............................................................................... 31 2.3.4 Ion-induced plasticity .......................................................................................... 31 2.3.5 Radiation-induced crystallization.......................................................................... 32 2.3.6 Summ ary................................................................................................................... 33 Radiation response of m etallic glasses: Simulations .................................................... 33 2.4 2.4.1 Increased free volum e........................................................................................... 33 2.4.2 Reduced short-range topological order.................................................................. 34 2.4.3 Enhanced plasticity ............................................................................................... 34 2.4.4 Sum m ary................................................................................................................... 35 Open research questions ............................................................................................... 35 2.5 4 Overview of m etallic glasses ........................................................................................... 23 2.2.1 2.3 3 G lass transition ...................................................................................................... 23 23 A tom istic sim ulation m ethods ............................................................................................ 3.1 M olecular dynam ics...................................................................................................... 37 37 3.2 M olecular statics .............................................................................................................. 37 3.3 A tom ic structure analysis............................................................................................. 38 3.3.1 Analysis of average structural order with the pair correlation function-g(r)........ 38 3.3.2 Classification of bond topology with common neighbor analysis (CNA) ........... Parallelized atom istic data analysis ..................................................................................... 7 39 41 4.1 5 42 4.1.1 Density and potential energy ................................................................................. 42 4.1.2 Tem perature.............................................................................................................. 42 4.1.3 Diffusivity................................................................................................................. 42 4.1.4 Stress tensor.............................................................................................................. 42 4.1.5 Strain tensor.............................................................................................................. 43 Atom istic m odeling of m etallic glasses ............................................................................... 5.1 Modeling of amorphous Cu-Nb alloys with molecular dynamics............................... 45 45 45 5.1.1 Cu-Nb as a m odel am orphous alloy system ........................................................ 5.1.2 Construction of amorphous Cu-Nb alloy configurations with molecular dynamics 46 5.2 Glass transition by gelation in Cu5 oNb 5O....................................................................... 54 5.2.1 Introduction .............................................................................................................. 54 5.2.2 M ethods .................................................................................................................... 55 5.2.3 Result -Glass transition temperature is 1500 K ................................................... 56 5.2.4 Result - Glass transition m echanism is gelation .................................................. 60 5.2.5 Discussion - Glass transition by gelation............................................................. 65 5.3 Glass transition temperatures in Cu 2 5Nb 75, Cu5oNb 5o, and Cu 75Nb 25 ............. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . 66 5.3.1 Length-scale of com positional order .................................................................... 67 5.3.2 Flow stress .......................................................................................................... 69 5.3.3 Icosahedral short-range order ............................................................................... 69 5.3.4 Therm al expansion ............................................................................................... 69 5.3.5 Heat capacity ........................................................................................................ 70 5.4 Properties of amorphous Cu 25Nb 75, Cu5 oNb5 o, and Cu75Nb 25 ................... ... .............. . . 71 5.4.1 Elastic constants ................................................................................................... 72 5.4.2 Yield stress ............................................................................................................... 73 5.5 6 Voxel field calculations ............................................................................................... Synthesis of /2billion atom amorphous alloy configurations................... Atom istic simulations of irradiated m etallic glasses .......................................................... 6.1 Design of /2MeV molecular dynamics collision cascade studies ............................... 73 77 77 6.1.1 Prim ary knock-on atom energy selection ................................................................. 78 6.1.2 Selection of simulation cell size ........................................................................... 80 6.2 Radiation response mechanisms in metallic glasses: Isolated super-quenched zones and polarized plasticity .................................................................................................................... 8 80 6.2.1 Simulation setup ................................................................................................... 80 6.2.2 Result 1 - Simulation output is reliable............................................................... 81 6.2.3 Result 2 - PKA produces isolated thermal spikes without ion tracks ................... 84 6.2.4 Result 3 - Thermal spikes are liquids that quench to "Super-quenched zones" ...... 87 6.2.5 Result 4 - Thermal spikes produce stress pulses that trigger polarized plasticity ... 93 6.2 .6 D iscussion ................................................................................................................. 6.3 7 Role of composition and free volume in radiation response of metallic glasses........... 100 6 .3.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................ 100 6.3.2 Therm al spike size .................................................................................................. 100 6.3.3 C ollision-induced plasticity .................................................................................... 101 Micro-mechanical model for collision-induced plasticity .................................................... 7 .1 Introdu ction .................................................................................................................... 105 105 7.2 105 M icro-m echanical model ............................................................................................... 7.2.1 Transient analytical solution to pressurized spherical cavity ................................. 7.2.2 Model-based predictions of transient stress adjacent to thermal spikes................. 108 7.2.3 Model-based predictions of maximum stress adjacent to thermal spikes .............. 111 7.3 Modeling onset of collision-induced plasticity.............................................................. 105 112 7.3.1 Maximum von Mises stress adjacent to thermal spikes ......................................... 112 7.3.2 Maximum pressure inside thermal spikes .............................................................. 113 7.3.3 Collision-induced plasticity susceptibility parameter X....... 7.4 ....... 115 Validation of micro-mechanical model with irradiated Cu-Nb alloys........................... 116 Testing damage resistance parameter X with simulation data ................................ 116 7.4.1 8 9 99 C onclu sion s........................................................................................................................... Referen ces............................................................................................................................. 9 119 12 1 10 List of Figures Fig. 1.1: Molecular dynamics simulation of 1 keV self-ion irradiation of 32,000 atom FCC copper configuration at 300 K (interatomic potential is copper Voter EAM potential splined to ZBL at short-distances [8]). Atoms are colored by the number of nearest neighbors. Perfectly coordinated (N = 12) FCC atoms are removed for clarity. (a) Ballistic stage of the cascade results in numerous displacements. (b) The primary damage state includes vacancies (e.g. indicated by under-coordinated atoms) and interstitials (e.g. indicated by over-coordinated 0 ato ms)............................................................................................................................................2 Fig. 2.1: Variation of volume (or enthalpy) with temperature in a quenched liquid. Sufficiently slow cooling causes crystallization at the melting temperature (TM). Fast cooling causes undercooling below TM, suppressing crystallization and leading to formation of glass "a." Faster cooling leads to glass "b." Reprinted by permission from Macmillan Publishers Ltd: Nature 410: 24 259-267, C 200 1. .......................................................................................................................... Fig. 2.2: Metallic glasses are disordered, but not random, at the atomic scale. (a) Atomic configuration of an amorphous metal alloy-Cu 5oNb 5o-produced with atomistic modeling (See Chapter 5 for details). Nb atoms colored in dark gray; Cu atoms colored with light gray. (b) Total pair correlation function computed for the visualized structure shown in (a). ......................... 26 Fig. 3.1: Calculation of the pair correlation function. (a) g(r) computed as the number of atoms within a spherical shell of width Ar at a distance r from a given atom, relative to bulk density. (b) Pair-correlation function computed in liquid Cu5 oNb 5o at 4000 K. The dashed line indicates the 38 value for the norm alized bulk density...................................................................................... Fig. 3.2: Application of common neighbor analysis (CNA). (a) Bonded atoms are identified on the basis of a cutoff distance (here, 3.5 A). The charcoal and red colored atoms are the nearest neighbors to the light gray atoms. (b) The nearest neighbors common to the two light gray atoms are highlighted in red and correspond to a 5-5-5 CNA index for the root pair bond................ 39 Fig. 5.1: Molecular dynamics "virtual quenching" procedure for synthesis of amorphous metal structures. (a) Simulation temperature versus time, with inset showing the stepwise cooling procedure. Simulation pressure, potential energy, and volume (b, d, e, respectively) are plotted against the simulation temperature during the quench. The initial crystalline and final amorphous configuration (c and f, respectively). Cu atoms are shown in light gray; Nb atoms in dark gray. 48 Fig. 5.2: Topological and chemical ordering in a-Cu5 oNb5 o quenched at 10"3 K/s. (a) Pair-pair correlation functions for Cu-Cu, Cu-Nb, and Nb-Nb interactions. (b) Total structure factor, computed from the total g(r), computed for r values out to r=4.5 nm. (c) Partial structure factors Sa (q) computed for each of the individual g(r),p curves in (a), but with radial distances out to r=4.5 nm. (d) Composition-composition structure factor factor Sec(q), computed from the partial 50 structure factors (shown at low q-values in the inset)............................................................... Fig. 5.3: Cu5oNb 5o via molecular dynamics quenching. (a) Quenching at 1010 K/s yields a phase separated structure with crystallization in the Nb phase. Quenching at 1011 K/s and 10" K/s 11 yields phase separated amorphous structures, (b) and (c) respectively. Quenching at 1013 K/s and 1014 K/s amorphous structures with interpenetrating networks of compositionally enriched material, (d) and (e) respectively. All structures shown at 300 K, after quenching from 4000 K liquid under P = 0 GPa at the indicated quench rate. Atomic structure visualizations performed w ith O V IT O [87].......................................................................................................................... 51 Fig. 5.4: Critical quench rate for crystallization in rapidly quenched CuMoNb 5 o. (a) Paircorrelation functions-g(r)-at quench rates of 10" K/s (top) and 1010 K/s (bottom). (b) Potential energy versus temperature in Cu5 oNb 5 o quenched from 4000 K liquid to 300 K solid at rates of 1011 K/s (dashed line) and 1010 K/s (solid line). ......................................................... 52 Fig. 5.5: Length-scale of compositional medium range order (CMRO). Variation of local composition as a function of distance along a 2 nm diameter cylinder in 300 K amorphous 53 Cu 55Nb 45 produced by MD quenching. Compare with Fig. 2(d) in Ref. [36]. ......................... Fig. 5.6: Visualizations of Cu5 oNb 5 o at 1400 K (left) and 1600 K (right) after 20 ns of annealing. (a and b) A 1 nm thick slice is shown with Cu-rich regions colored light gray and Nb-rich regions colored black. (c and d) Atoms at the CMRO interface, 40 < < 60% Cu, in the slice of the top panel are visualized. Atoms participating in ISRO packing are colored red and emphasized with a 20% larger radius. Bonds between ISRO nearest neighbor atoms are colored red. (e and f) Probability pfl""(r) of finding an atom in the icosahedra network at distance r from C M RO interfaces ................................................................................................................. 57 Fig. 5.7: Properties in annealed Cu 5oNb5 o. Temperature dependence of (a) CMRO wavelength Ac ; (b) percent of atoms in full icosahedra f""""ll and size of largest ISRO cluster divided by simulation cell edge length L> = Lo /L 0; (c) flow stress o-F ; and (d) diffusion exponent n . The vertical lines at 1500 K correspond to the glass transition temperature. All quantities computed after 20 ns annealing at indicated temperature. ......................................................................... 58 Fig. 5.8: Variation of potential energy as a function of local composition in 300 K amorphous Cu 5 oNb 5o. Open data points correspond to the average local composition and potential energy in the Nb-rich (triangle), interface (squre), and Cu-rich region (diamond). Dashed line is the interpolated value of potential energy versus local concentration based on the values of the Nbrich and Cu-rich data points. Filled star corresponds to the average local composition and potential energy for ISRO atoms. Uncertainty on the mean values reported of order of the size of the sym bols and therefore not shown........................................................................................ 59 Fig. 5.9: Harmonic elastic response of icosahedra network. Change in potential energy for the icosahedra network and non-icosahedral atoms (closed and open symbols, respectively) as a function of applied strain ezz below the elastic limit............................................................. 61 Fig. 5.10: Variation in the fraction of icosahedra fo""" in Cu 5oNb 5o deformed at 1400K. (a) f " at applied strain EZZtof"o"" at EZZ = 0. (b) Ratio of far." between two zerostrain configurations, Cl and C2. Cl is the initial, zero strain configuration. C2 is the final Ratio 12 configuration after Cl has been loaded to a total strain of EAPP at ta = 2 x 109 s-'and unloaded to zero strain at the same rate. Error bars represent the uncertainty on the mean value, determined by averaging over 5 (a) and 30 (b) independent simulations.................................................... 63 Fig. 5.11: Reversible deformation. (a) Average displacement magnitude IAr I and (b) average difference in potential energy APE between two zero-strain configurations, C1 and C2, as a function of applied strain EAPP (see text for details). The vertical lines indicate the global yield strain. Error bars represent the uncertainty on the mean value, determined by averaging over 30 63 independent simulations................................................................................................................ Fig. 5.12: Diffusion behavior of annealed CusoNb5 o. Variation of mean-squared displacement with temperature for 9,826 atom Cu 5oNb 5o annealed at temperatures between 500 K and 2500 K (100 K increments). The cage breaking interval is shaded in blue; the fitting window is shaded in cyan; and the phase separation interval is shaded in red. ......................................................... 65 Fig. 5.13: CMRO versus temperature and composition. Visualization of alloys (Cu 2 5 Nb 75 , Cu5 oNb 5 o, and Cu75 Nb 25 at top, middle, and bottom, respectively) following 20 ns annealing. A 1 nm thick slice is shown with Cu-rich regions colored light gray and Nb-rich regions colored b lack .............................................................................................................................................. 67 Fig. 5.14: Variation of properties with composition and annealing temperature. (a) Variation of the length-scale of compositional medium range order (AC) with temperature. (b) Variation of the flow stress with temperature. (c) Fraction of atoms in full icosahedra as a function of temperature. (d) Glass transition temperature as a function of composition. All values computed after annealing for 20 ns at the indicated temperature............................................................... 68 Fig. 5.15: Variation of properties with composition and temperature. (a) Variation of thermal expansion with respect to temperature for three alloy systems. (b) Temperature dependence of the second derivatives of the curves in (a). The inflection point is where the second derivative equals zero. (c) Variation of heat capacity with respect to temperature for three alloy systems. (d) Temperature dependence of the second derivatives of the curves in (c). The inflection point is where the second derivative equals zero.................................................................................... 70 Fig. 5.16: Atomistic calculation of mechanical properties of of a-Cu5 oNb5 o. (a) Stress versus strain computed under quasi-static uniaxial tension. Solid lines indicate linear fits. (b) Von Mises stress versus work equivalent strain under volume conserving deformation at 300 K with a strain rate of = 2 - 10' 1/s. Solid line indicates 0.2% strain offset.................................................. 73 Fig. 5.17: Comparison of thermodynamic output between 50k and 474M atom configurations of quenched Cu 5 oNb 5o. (a) Potential energy versus simulation time. (b) Volume per atom versus sim ulation tim e.............................................................................................................................. 74 Fig. 6.1: (a) The nuclear and electronic stopping powers (Sn and Se, respectively) as a function of PKA energy for Nb and Cu (black and red, respectively), as computed in an a-Cu oNbso 5 system of density p=8.193 g/cm with standard SRIM [125]. (b) Ratio of Sn and Se as a function of PKA energy, for Cu (red) and Nb (black) PKAs................................................................. 78 13 Fig. 6.2: (a) Distributions of final positions of 475 keV Nb PKAs in an a-Cu5oNb5 o system of density p= 8 .193 g/cm computed with SRIM. The solid line and filled circles are for no electronic stopping (modified SRIM [126]) while the dashed line and open circles include electronic stopping (standard SRIM [125]). (b) Histogram of primary recoil energies due to 475 keV Nb ions, averaged over 1,000 Nb PKAs, computed using SRIM without and with electronic stopping 79 (solid and dashed lines, respectively). ....................................................................................... Fig. 6.3: Energy is conserved in MD simulation of 475 keV Nb ion irradiation of a Cu5 oNb5 o. (a) Variation of simulation timestep size with total simulation time. (b) PKA energy and change in 81 total system energy as a function of simulation time............................................................... Fig. 6.4: Trajectory of 475 keV Nb ion in a-Cu5 oNb5o, computed with NVE molecular dynamics. (a) Visualization of PKA trajectory. The simulation cell boundaries are indicated. The dashed line indicates the specified PKA direction. (b) PKA position as a function of simulation time. 82 The simulation cell has an edge length of 196 nm.................................................................... Fig. 6.5: Change in the simulation center of mass position as a function of simulation time...... 83 Fig. 6.6: Quantifying PKA collision events. (a) PKA energy versus integral trajectory distance. (b) Histogram of number of recoils created at a given energy, computed using SRIM without [126] and with [125] electronic stopping (solid and dashed lines, respectively), as previously shown in Fig. 6.2. Blue symbols with dashed line correspond to MD data, computed as the 85 histogram of PKA energy drops [from part (a)]. ....................................................................... Fig. 6.7: Displacement zones and thermal spikes in irradiated a-Cu5 oNb 5o. (a) Displaced atom trajectories in a-Cu5oNb5 o: 475keV Nb PKA plotted in red, knock-on atoms acquiring at least 1 keV in black; atoms displaced between 0.5-1 nm in blue. (b) Temperature fields due to internuclear collisions. Red voxels have a maximum temperature greater than TG = 1500 K [39]. The blue contour is for Tmax = 350 K after a total simulation time of 12 ps. (c) Isolated thermal spikes identified on the basis of nearest-neighbor cluster analysis. (d) Energy flux into a single representative therm al spike, boxed in (c). ................................................................................ 86 Fig. 6.8: Thermal spike volume versus deposited energy. The straight line corresponds to the 87 linear fit: VTs = (15.1 ± 0.6 nm 3 /keV) ETS-( 8 .9 + 11.2 nm 3 )................................................. Fig. 6.9: Time-dependent properties of a single voxel inside thermal spike shown in Fig. 6.7 (d). (a) Voxel temperature and density versus time. (b) Voxel mean-squared displacement (MSD) and derivative diffusivity versus time. (c) Voxel density and (d) diffusivity versus voxel temperature (open symbols), compared with values from uniform CuMoNbMo liquid quenched at 89 6 - 1 0 K / s................................................................................................................................... Fig. 6.10: Mapping of thermal spike properties to rapidly quenched, uniform liquid. Diffusivity (a) and density (b) at t=5 ps plotted versus temperature for voxels with Tmax > TG (open symbols: voxel data; blue line: binned average). The values for Cu 5 oNb5 o liquid quenched at 6- 1013 K/s are 90 shown for com parison (black line). ........................................................................................... 14 Fig. 6.11: Changes in voxel potential energy (a) and density (b) between the initial and postirradiation SQZs are plotted versus voxel quench rate. Property changes for a-Cu5 oNb5 o quenched at various rates, with respect to 1 - 10" K/s are shown for comparison (black line).. 91 Fig. 6.12: Schematic representation of radiation-induced SQZ formation, responsible for radiation-induced swelling and ductilization ............................................................................. 92 Fig. 6.13: Confined melting leads to pressurization of thermal spike and initiation of a stress pulse. (a) Close-up view of thermal spike. (b) Pressure, (c) temperature, and (d) density plotted versus simulation time for thermal spike (black line) and adjacent material within 4 nm of thermal spike surface (gray line). Shaded band indicates uncertainty of the mean.................. 93 Fig. 6.14: Liquid thermal spikes emit stress pules. (a) Pressure as a function of distance from the surface of the thermal spike visualized in Fig. 6.13 (a). Inset plot is position of the peak of the pressure pulse as a function of time. (b) Stress pulse front after 5 ps...................................... 94 Fig. 6.15: Material response in a radiation damage zone. (a) Close-up view of thermal spike boxed in Fig. 1(a). A cylindrical coordinate system is defined along the major (z) axis of the thermal spike. (b) Average temperature in the thermal spike and in adjacent voxels versus time. (c) Variation of diagonal components of plastic strain in cylindrical coordinates with location along the thermal spike major axis, with uncertainty indicated by shaded bands. (d) Von Mises stress and tensile work equivalent plastic strain versus time, averaged over all adjacent voxels w ithin 4 nm of the therm al spike. .............................................................................................. 95 Fig. 6.16: Voxel average plastic strain components in material adjacent to the seven largest thermal spikes as a function of the thermal spike energy. Arrow indicates the thermal spike analyzed in F ig. 6.15.....................................................................................................................96 Fig. 6.17: (a) Distribution of maximum pressure inside thermal spikes; (b) Distribution of maximum average von Mises equivalent stress (Uvm) in material within 4 nm of thermal spikes. ....................................................................................................................................................... 97 Fig. 6.18: Summary of radiation damage in irradiated Cu-Nb alloys. Left column, PKA trajectories shown with red lines; KA (ke>1keV) shown with black lines. Center column, red cubes correspond to regions with Tmax > TG; blue contour corresponds Tmax = 350 K. Right column, voxels adjacent to liquid zones ( Tmx > 350 K ) with plastic strains 102 EV (t-12 ps) > 0.01 are shown as black cubes.......................................................................... Fig. 6.19: Number of clusters, sorted largest to smallest, comprising 80% of the total thermal spike volume, versus glass transition temperature of irradiated alloys (Cu 2 5Nb 7 5, TG=1400 K; Cu5 oNbso, TG=1500 K ; Cu 7 5Nb 2 5, TG=1600 K). ......................................................................... 104 Fig. 6.20: Variation of collision-induced plasticity with material glass transition temperature and annealing. Open symbols correspond to as-quenched state and filled symbols indicate relaxed state ............................................................................................................................................. 10 4 15 Fig. 7.1: Schematic of the micro-mechanical model for the onset of collision-induced plasticity. (a) Spherical cavity of radius a loaded with an internal pressure P at time t = 0. An analytical solution describes the transient stress response at a material point r. (b) Schematic of the 106 assumed step-function loading pressurization of the spherical cavity........................................ Fig. 7.2: Comparison of thermal spike data from molecular dynamics simulation of 475 keV Nb irradiation of Cu5oNb 5 o and transient linear elastic model. (a) Thermal spike zone, with red cubes indicating voxels with Tmax>1500 K and black cubes indicating EP>0.01. (b) Spherical cavity approximation of thermal spike in (a) with a radius r=4 nm. ..................................................... 109 Fig. 7.3: Application of transient elastic model to model stress response of material adjacent to thermal spikes. The pressure input is modeled with a single step function (a), two step functions (b), and multiple step functions (c). The dashed blue line (a-c) is the pressure measured in the thermal spike shown in Fig. 7.2 (a). The approximation for P(t) is shown in the solid black line (a-c). Using the P(t) approximation shown in (a-c), the stress response of a material point at r = 7 nm is plotted with a solid black line. The actual stress data measured at this material point 110 adjacent to the thermal spike is plotted in the dashed black line................................................ Fig. 7.4: Model-based prediction of maximum von Mises stress (OvM) as a function of distance 111 from the surface of the therm al spike. ........................................................................................ Fig. 7.5: (a) Variation of thermal spike pressure with material. (b) variation of X with material 116 type, evaluated using pressure measured in thermal spikes........................................................ Fig. 7.6: Collision-induced susceptibility parameter X computed from material properties versus X evaluated directly from thermal spike properties. Open symbols correspond to as-quenched 117 systems while filled symbols indicate relaxed systems.............................................................. 16 List of Tables Table 3.1: Common neighbor analysis (CNA) indices for different atomic structures [38, 86].. 40 Table 5.1: Variable quench rate synthesis procedure for 50k atom model glasses and resulting prop erties....................................................................................................................................... 53 Table 5.2: Synthesis procedure for 50k atom model glasses and resulting properties. ............ 72 Table 5.3 Synthesis procedure for % billion atom model glasses and resulting properties..... 75 Table 6.1: Plasticity in irradiated Cu-Nb alloys. Cascade direction determined by the major axis of the best-fit ellipsoid to voxels withTmax > 350 K; eigenvalues computed from the average plastic strain tensor of voxels adjacent to liquid zones (e.g. 350 < Tmax < TG); the aggregate collision-induced plasticity parameter is computed as A = f(EP_)/cj, where (EfM) is the average strain in voxels adjacent to liquid zones and 4 is the dose. ....................................................... 103 Table 7.1: Model inputs for Fig. 7.3. The average stress predicted at various times is indicated, as well as the actual stress measured in the material in the irradiated material. ............................. 111 Table 7.2: Predicting the maximum stress in thermal spikes...................................................... 17 115 18 1 Introduction The fundamental, atomic-scale mechanisms responsible for bulk property changes in irradiated materials have received considerable attention over the past fifty years [1]. These studies, motivated in large part by unanticipated property changes, such as void swelling in irradiated structural metals in nuclear reactors, have revealed that radiation creates defects at the atomic-scale. In some cases, such as focused ion-beam milling, radiation-induced defects can be employed as a tool to engineer desirable material properties. In others, such as nuclear reactors, radiation degrades critical material properties, reducing the lifetime of a material for its intended application. Most research effort on radiation effects in metals has focused on crystalline, structural alloys. By contrast, another category of metals-metallic glasses-has received comparatively little fundamental study. Metallic glasses are amorphous, meaning that no long-range order exists at the atomic scale. As a consequence of their disordered atomic structure, amorphous metal alloys have impressive mechanical properties, high temperature formability, and corrosion resistance. Additionally, radiation has been found to yield property changes qualitatively different from crystalline metals, but the fundamental radiation response mechanisms remain poorly understood. 1.1 Fundamental radiation response mechanisms in crystalline metals In crystalline metals, radiation in the form of high-energy particles like neutrons and ions creates damage through atomic displacements caused by collisions between incident particles and atoms in the irradiated material. Particle-atom scattering transfers energy to material atoms, creating "Primary Knock-on Atoms" (PKAs) that may have sufficient energy to be displaced from initial lattice positions. If the PKA energy exceeds a modest energy (~ 25 eV), the displaced PKA creates a single vacancy and terminate as a self-interstitial, creating a stable Frenkel pair. However, as illustrated in Fig. 1.1, for PKAs with energies exceeding ~ 1 keV, the PKA will initiate a chain reaction of atomic displacements ("collision cascade") that generates multiple point defects [1] and, at high energies, can also yield defect complexes such as interstitial clusters [2]. These atomic-level responses of crystalline solids to radiation yield large changes to macroscale properties, including continuous void swelling due to clustering of vacancies [3, 4] and embrittlement due to multiplication of dislocation obstacles (e.g. vacancy 19 A B 14.4 14t=3.49 s ps 7.3 nm -Fig. 1.1: Molecular dynamics simulation of 1 keV self-ion irradiation of 32,000 atom FCC copper configuration at 300 K (interatomic potential is copper Voter EAM potential splined to ZBL at short-distances [8]). Atoms are colored by the number of nearest neighbors. Perfectly coordinated (N = 12) FCC atoms are removed for clarity. (a) Ballistic stage of the cascade results in numerous displacements. (b) The primary damage state includes vacancies (e.g. indicated by under-coordinated atoms) and interstitials (e.g. indicated by over-coordinated atoms). clusters and precipitates) [5, 6]. Understanding atomic-scale radiation damage mechanisms is therefore critical to science-based design of engineering alloys resistant to radiation damage [7]. Displaced PKAs lose energy through discrete scattering events with material atoms ("nuclear stopping"), as well as through interactions with the electronic sub-system of the material ("electronic stopping") [9]. Electrons slow PKAs and enhance thermal conductivity, dissipating energy away from collision cascades [1]. The average PKA energy in irradiated alloys is well above the threshold for cascade formation (e.g. 1 MeV neutrons in nickel produces an average PKA energy of 35 keV [9]) but in the energy range where most PKA energy is lost through nuclear stopping [10]. Collision cascades occupy volumes approximately ten nanometers (nm) in diameter and exist for times on the order of ten picoseconds (ps) [Fig. 1.1]. Current experimental techniques lack the spatiotemporal resolution to analyze defect production in-situ and are limited to postmortem analysis of radiation-induced damage. Therefore, theory and simulation provide the only means of revealing the actual atomic-scale mechanisms responsible for damage production in irradiated materials [1]. 20 Extensive computer modeling demonstrates that collision cascades in metals proceed through two distinct stages [1]. For the first ; 0.5 ps of the cascade, the PKA collides with other atoms in discrete, two-body scattering events, so-called the "ballistic stage," which sets the spatial distribution of displacements and subsequent energy deposition. Second, for the next ~ 10 ps, the energy of displaced atoms decreases, the scattering cross-section increases, and energy is dissipated in the lattice through many-body interactions in "thermal spikes." During the thermal spike stage, energy dissipation causes local melting, followed by rapid quenching to a defective crystal state [11, 12]. Rapid melting leads to pressurization of the liquid zone, which emits an elastic stress pulse into the surrounding unmelted material [2]. If the energy of a PKA exceeds a material-dependent threshold, the collision cascade splits into multiple spatiallydistinct "sub-cascades." For example, computer simulations demonstrate 200 keV PKAs in iron split into smaller sub-cascades that are individually comparable in size and energy to those resulting from a single 10 keV PKA [13]. Although some Frenkel pairs recombine in the disordered core of the collision cascade, numerous defects remain, including Frenkel pairs, vacancy clusters, and self-interstitial clusters [2, 14]. The subsequent long-time evolution of the damage state depends on the defect mobility and proximity to defect sinks. 1.2 Knowledge gaps-the radiation response of metallic glasses Unlike in crystalline alloys, only a handful of modeling studies exist to guide interpretation of experimental results of irradiated metallic glasses. As summarized in Chapter 2, all fundamental studies in realistic models of metallic glasses have focused on changes to local topological order, and no study has yet explored the dynamics of defect production. Knowledge of collision cascade dynamics is lacking, both with respect to the possibility of sub-cascade formation and concerning the types of damage created in individual cascades. This Thesis resolves these knowledge gaps through a systematic simulation study of the radiation response of amorphous metal alloys. Through the use of massive parallel computing techniques, a series of /2 Irradiation with ions is subsequently simulated, revealing that ions lose energy through /2 MeV billion atom, realistic models of metallic glasses are constructed. binary collisions that terminate in spatially distinct liquid zones (thermal spikes). Additionally, novel damage mechanisms in the form of "super-quenched zones" (SQZs) and plastic deformation are revealed at the level of individual collision cascades. 21 1.3 Thesis outline In Chapters 2 and 3, I lay the groundwork for the Thesis results. In Chapter 2, I present a detailed review of the literature on the properties of metallic glasses and their radiation response, demonstrating that metallic glasses respond to radiation in ways qualitatively different than crystalline alloys. I summarize experimental findings, present insights from computer modeling, and describe the key knowledge gaps in the current understanding of the radiation response of metallic glasses. In Chapter 3, I review the computational materials science methods utilized to simulate the radiation response of metallic glasses. In Chapters 4 - 8, I present the core results of the Thesis. In Chapter 4, I describe the analysis methods developed to process the large simulation dataset (~ 100 Terabytes) produced through the course of this research. In Chapter 5, I report the glass transition physics in the alloy system employed in this research (Cu-Nb), as well as the mechanical properties. Identification of the glass transition temperature in each of the studied alloys (Cu 2 5Nb 7 5 , Cu5 oNb 5o, and Cu 7 5Nb 2 5) is critical to identification of liquid zones in irradiated alloys in Chapters 6 and 7. In Chapter 6, I report the atomic-scale damage mechanisms in irradiated metallic glasses-super-quenched zones (SQZs) and collision-induced plasticity-in the model system a-Cu5oNb5o. I expand the investigation in a-Cu5oNb5o to other Cu-Nb alloy systems and discuss the role of free-volume and composition in radiation response. In Chapter 7, I derive a figure of merit for selection of metallic glasses with optimal radiation damage resistance. Conclusions are provided in Chapter 8 and references listed in Chapter 9. 22 2 Review of metallic glasses and their radiation response Amorphous metals are a class of metal alloys with no long-range order at the atomic- scale. While some early studies showed promising radiation damage resistance (e.g. swelling without void formation [15, 16] and radiation-enhanced ductility [17]) and novel radiation responses (e.g. ion-induced plasticity [18]) compared to crystalline alloys, the fundamental mechanisms responsible for bulk radiation responses have received little investigation. This Thesis resolves many of the knowledge gaps on fundamental radiation response mechanisms in irradiated metallic glasses. In order to place my findings (Chapters 4 - 7) within the context of previous work, this Chapter begins with an introduction to glasses generally and metallic glasses specifically, before moving to a thorough review of the experimental and simulation-based findings on radiation response mechanisms in irradiated metallic glasses. 2.1 Introduction to glasses Many materials found in nature are crystalline. Crystalline materials are ordered at the atomic scale, with atoms or molecules arranged on a periodic lattice. A crystal lattice has translational symmetry extending to length-scales much greater than atomic distances, and single crystal specimens have been prepared with dimensions approaching 1 meter (e.g. single crystal aircraft turbine blades prepared from nickel based super-alloys and single crystal silicon wafers). While crystalline materials are ubiquitous, it is not the only form of solid matter. In fact, noncrystalline-amorphous-materials, possessing no long-range topological order beyond a few nanometers, can be found in nature (e.g. obsidian glass formed from volcanic lava), as well as manufactured. Amorphous materials are employed in diverse applications, including oxide glasses in window panes and amorphous silicon in solar cells. While the compositions, chemistries, and material synthesis procedures vary widely, amorphous materials share the common feature of a complete lack of long-range topological order at the atomic scale. 2.1.1 Glass transition As shown schematically in Fig. 2.1, many slowly cooled liquids crystallize at the melting temperature [19]. Crystallization is a first-order phase transition, marked by a discontinuous change in the material volume (and enthalpy), as well as derivative quantities like specific heat and thermal expansion, at the melting temperature (TM). While crystallization may be thermodynamically preferred, crystallization is inherently affected by kinetics since a finite time 23 is required to nucleate a seed crystal in a liquid. While the thermodynamic driving force for crystallization grows with increased cooling below TM, undercooling causes atomic diffusion to decrease, slowing the formation of a critical crystalline nucleus. If cooled quickly enough, a liquid may bypass crystallization completely. Because of the kinetics involved in the glass transition, glasses are more easily formed in viscous liquids with a glass transition temperature close to the melting temperature. For a rapidly quenched liquid, in a relatively narrow temperature window, so-called the glass transition, the viscosity of a quenched liquid is found to increase many orders of magnitude. Below the glass transition temperature (TG), the material is a solid and resistant to flow on the timescale of an experiment, although the structure is reminiscent of the liquid state, without any long-range topological order [20]. As illustrated in Fig. 2.1, the properties of a glass depend on its quench rate, with more rapid quench rates resulting in higher glass transition temperatures and lower density. Annealing a rapidly quenched glass close to TG results in aging, with relaxation towards the properties of a glass quenched at a slower rate (e.g. increased density and lower TG). L E Tga Tgb Temperature TM Fig. 2.1: Variation of volume (or enthalpy) with temperature in a quenched liquid. Sufficiently slow cooling causes crystallization at the melting temperature (TM). Fast cooling causes undercooling below TM, suppressing crystallization and leading to formation of glass "a." Faster cooling leads to glass "b." Reprinted by permission from Macmillan Publishers Ltd: Nature 410: 259-267, C 2001. 24 2.2 Overview of metallic glasses While oxide-based glasses have been used for centuries, the discovery of amorphous metal alloys occurred comparatively recently. Amorphous metals are a class of metal alloys with no long-range order at the atomic-scale, resulting in a range of interesting and useful material properties such as high yield stress [21], corrosion resistance [22], and excellent formability [23]. Amorphous metals can be prepared through a number of synthesis routes, including rapid quenching of a liquid metal [24], vapor deposition [25], and ion-beam mixing [26]. Amorphous alloys that are synthesized via quenching are termed "metallic glasses," reflecting the fact that these alloys exhibit glass transition and relaxation behavior found in more traditional glassy materials such as polymer and silicate glasses. 2.2.1 Synthesis The first amorphous metal alloy- Au 75 Si 2 5-was reported by Duwez et al. in 1960 [27] and was synthesized using a specially designed apparatus for rapid liquid quenching [28]. The apparatus consisted of a graphite crucible for melting the material, separated by a Mylar membrane from a chamber filled with pressurized helium. Upon bursting the membrane, a shock wave propelled the liquid droplet onto the interior of a rotating copper cylinder [28], which ensured good wetting for optimal heat conduction and produced quenching rates on the order of 109 K/s. Synthesized with this method, Au7 5 Si 2 5 , remained amorphous during characterization with x-ray diffraction [27], but was unstable and crystallized within twenty-four hours. Since Duwez et al. synthesized this first amorphous metal alloy by rapid quenching, a variety of alloy systems, such as Pd-based and Zr-based metallic glasses, have since been discovered that can be synthesized with conventional metallurgical casting techniques at cooling rates as low as 1 K/s [24]. These so-called "bulk metallic glasses" (BMGs) can be formed into fully-glassy ingots with diameters on the order of centimeters [24]. Development of BMG alloys has been guided by the principal of "frustrating" the liquid state, such that the kinetics of crystal nucleation in an undercooled melt are slow and therefore easily bypassed by rapid cooling. Empirically, it has been found that good glass forming alloys meet the following criteria: (1) Multiple components and a composition near a deep eutectic; (2) atomic size ratios excess of 15%, and (3) negative heats of mixing [24]. 25 Structure 2.2.2 Metallic glasses are disordered at the atomic-scale, as evidenced by a diffuse X-ray diffraction spectrum without any sharp Bragg reflection peaks [27]. However, determination of the structure factor-S(q) -or the real-space analog of the pair-correlation function -g(r) - reveals that the structure is not random. In fact, both topological and chemical order exists in amorphous metals for distances out to 1 nm. As illustrated by the atomistic modeling results in Fig. 2.2(a), a typical pair correlation function in amorphous metals has a well-defined first nearest-neighbor shell (first peak), as well as inter-penetrating shells of atoms at the second nearest-neighbor position (split second peak) [Fig. 2.2(b)]. In crystalline alloys, diffraction data can be indexed to a unique 3-dimensional structure [29]. However, in non-crystalline, amorphous metals, no unique atomic arrangement exists and therefore to understand what topological and chemical ordering produces the g(r) signal it is necessary to use complimentary analyses beyond the pair correlation function. Development of models for the structure of amorphous materials has been guided by Bemal's description of the structure of monatomic liquids (e.g. liquid argon) through physical models [30, 31]. Bernal produced three-dimensional physical models for the structure of liquids, including compressing ball bearings in paint, allowing the paint to harden, and then physically picking apart the structures to determine the coordination of spheres [31]. The physical models approximated an assemblage of randomly packed hard spheres and revealed a well-defined firstb a -------- --- --- ---- ------- --- ---0.5 0 .0 9 nm 2 4 6 Radial distance (A) 8 10 Fig. 2.2: Metallic glasses are disordered, but not random, at the atomic scale. (a) Atomic configuration of an amorphous metal alloy-Cu5 oNb 5o-produced with atomistic modeling (See Chapter 5 for details). Nb atoms colored in dark gray; Cu atoms colored with light gray. (b) Total pair correlation function computed for the visualized structure shown in (a). 26 nearest neighbor shell in good agreement with that found in liquid argon [31]. A high fraction of nearest-neighbor coordination contained five-fold symmetry, although the coordination geometry was irregular and in need of a statistical description [30, 31]. In the spirit of Bernal's early work, Miracle proposed a solute-centered cluster model for metallic glasses for alloys with low solute concentrations [32]. Miracle postulated that solvent atoms surround solute atoms in a proportion dictated by the relative size ratios, with each of these individual clusters in-turn forming a close-packed, cubic configuration of interpenetrating clusters. Subsequent atomistic modeling demonstrated that while solute-centered clusters are a distinguishing feature of metallic glasses, the packing of these "quasi-equivalent" clusters has primarily icosahedral, rather than cubic, symmetry [33]. In support of this modeling work, more advanced experimental techniques have recently emerged that provide direct evidence for ordering at the nanometer scale in metallic glasses. Hirata et al. employed nano-beam electron diffraction in Zr66 .7Ni33 .3 to reveal short-range local topological order in the form of atom clusters-atoms clustered around a central atoms-as well as medium range order in the form of interpenetrating atom clusters [34]. Supporting this picture of interpenetrating atom clusters, Hwang et al. investigated Zr5 oCu 4 5Al5 through a "hybrid" RMC simulation that optimized an atomic configuration by fitting both to fluctuation electron microscopy data and the system potential energy, as determined from an EAM interatomic potential, finding evidence for crystal-like symmetry, in addition to icosahedral order, in the medium-range cluster packing [35]. Modeling has also been successful in describing the atomic structure of immiscible metallic glasses, such as the amorphous Cu5 oNb5o alloy visualized in Fig. 2.2(a). For example, while phase separating binary systems such as Cu-Nb [36] or Ni-Ag [37] are poor glass formers, calorimetry showed that sputter deposited amorphous immiscible binary metals exhibit a lower than expected crystallization enthalpy (~~10 kJ/mol) [36], suggesting that some form of atomic ordering stabilizes these amorphous solids [25]. He et al. employed Reverse Monte Carlo modeling on the immiscible system Ag 4oNi6 o to reveal that nanoscale, "spinodal-like" compositional order develops and stabilizes the amorphous structure against crystallization [37]. More recent experiments [36] confirmed the presence of "spinodal-like" patterns of nanometerscale compositional enrichment, with simulations predicting percolating networks of local 27 icosahedral atom packing [38}, located at the interfaces between regions of compositional order [39] (See Chapter 5). 2.2.3 Mechanical properties At low-temperatures and moderate stresses (e.g. T/TG < 0.8 and 1 > 0.02p, where r is the shear stress and p is the shear modulus), most metallic glasses exhibit inhomogeneous plastic flow, with shear localizing in narrow bands (shear bands) that lead to catastrophic failure [40]. At high temperatures and low stresses (e.g. T/TG > 0.8 and r < 0.003p), plastic flow is uniform, and large strains can be achieved [40]. The unit process responsible for deformation is the shear transformation zone [41]. Unlike flow-defects in crystalline solids-dislocations-that can intersect and lead to strain hardening, shear transformation zones are accompanied by dilatation, which increases the propensity for flow, and ultimately leads to shear localization [41]. Under some loading conditions, such as uniaxial tension, shear localization leads to failure in a brittle-like manner. However, a few specially engineered amorphous metals show properties comparable (or better) than many crystalline alloys. For example, tensile ductility has been achieved in metallic glass composites containing crystalline precipitates [42]. Precipitates act as barriers to the propagation of shear bands and greatly improve ductility. Additionally, a remarkable combination of toughness and yield strength has been demonstrated in a special palladium-based metallic glass (Pd 79Ag 3 .5 P 6Si 9 .sGe2 ), rivaling the properties of the best crystalline alloys [43]. Experiments demonstrate that local variations in structure in metallic glasses yield large local variations in the deformation response of metallic glasses. For example, Wagner et al. used atomic force microscopy to map local variations in elastic constants of Pd77. 5 Cu6 Sii6 .5 metallic glass and found a wide distribution (full-width half maximum of 33%) of contact moduli on length-scale of 10 nm [44]. Simulations suggest that percolating networks of "soft" (i.e. negative elastic constants) and "stiff' material exist at the ~ 1 nm scale [45]. Finally, dynamic nanopillar compression experiments yield results consistent with percolating network of rigidly bonded clusters [46] Plastic deformation has been found to trigger crystallization in deformed metallic glasses. For example, Chen et al. deformed amorphous alloys and found crystalline precipitates formed inside the shear band of three alloys (AlgoFe 5 Gd5 , AlgoFe 5 Ce5 , A187Ni8 .7Y4.3), but not in a fourth 28 (Al 8 5NilOC 35 ), demonstrating that deformation-induced crystallization is composition dependent [47]. Deformation induced-crystallization has also been observed in simulations of deformed amorphous silicon (a-Si) [48], suggesting that plasticity-induced crystallization may be a general feature of the amorphous state. 2.3 Radiation response of metallic glasses: Experiments Since the primary effect of radiation is to generate atomic-scale defects, it is reasonable to expect that the disordered structure of metallic glasses might render their response to radiation different from crystalline alloys, if not superior. Indeed, as I show below, experiments demonstrate that the macroscale behavior of metallic glasses under irradiation is markedly different than in crystalline metals-they swell without voids to a finite limit [15, 16] and become more ductile [17, 49]-suggesting distinct atomic-level responses to radiation. Similar to crystalline alloys, radiation enhances diffusion and points to the kinetics of radiation-induced defects. Finally, high-energy ion irradiation causes anisotropic plastic flow in irradiated stress free samples. 2.3.1 Radiation-induced swelling Void swelling in irradiated crystalline alloys results from radiation-induced vacancy production and subsequent agglomeration [9]. By contrast, neutron irradiation of amorphous materials results in density reduction [15] with no void formation [15, 16], suggesting that radiation-induced increases in free-volume remain diffuse and non-localized [16]. The key test for void swelling in amorphous materials is the evolution of density with radiation dose. This approach was taken by Gerling and Wagner, who demonstrated a ~0.9% density reduction in neutron-irradiated amorphous Fe 40Ni 4OB 20 with the rate of density change going to zero at high doses [15]. Electron microscopy revealed no clear evidence of void or helium bubble formation [16], in stark contrast to the agglomeration of vacancies into voids in crystalline materials. Annealing of neutron-irradiated amorphous Fe 4oNi 4OB 20 does not enable a full recovery to the non-irradiated, annealed density, demonstrating that permanent, irreversible structural changes do accompany swelling [15]. However, the exact nature of these irreversible structural changes is unclear. Swelling has also been probed through surface profile measurements of ion-irradiated amorphous nickel-based alloys [50, 51]. While distinct changes in the surface profile have been 29 measured following irradiation, no void formation was observed [50], suggesting that a qualitatively different mechanism is operating than the void swelling reported in crystalline metals. Indeed, Chang and Li note in an early study that surface swelling could be due to inhomogeneous plastic deformation [51], as is well known to result from ion irradiation of metallic glasses [18]). While other studies have claimed to discern the presence of voids either during annealing [52, 53] or through ion irradiation [54], those results are not convincing. For example, Tiwari and von Heimendahl [55] argue that the "voids" observed by Morris [52], are in fact crystallites, rather than voids. While Shibayama et al. observe voids in ion-irradiated amorphous alloy, crystallization occurred, obscuring whether voids form in the amorphous or crystalline matrix. 2.3.2 Radiation-enhanced ductility While irradiated crystalline alloys become brittle, irradiated metallic glasses become more ductile [17, 49]. Radiation-induce ductility is reversible and subsequent annealing returns the alloy to its pre-irradiated brittle state [17, 49, 56]. Gerling et al. annealed a series of amorphous alloys, FeNiB, FeNiP, and CuTi, resulting in a systematic decrease in the strain to fracture with increasing annealing temperature [17], and subsequently irradiated the embrittled alloys with neutrons, resulting in a complete restoration of ductility. While the neutron dose required for complete ductilization varied with composition, for a sufficiently high neutron dose, all alloys returned to the pre-annealed ductile state. Alloys subject to longer annealing times (i.e. more brittle) required larger neutron doses to restore ductility. Finally, the authors performed a cyclic thermal annealing and post-annealing radiation experiment and found that the transition from brittle to ductile was completely reversible [17]. Magagnosc et al. also found reversible radiation-induced ductilization in Ga+ ionirradiated Pt5 7.5 Cu 1 4. 7Ni. 3P 2 2 .5 metallic glass nanowires [49]. As-fabricated metallic glass nanowires are initially brittle and marked by inhomogeneous flow. Following irradiation, however, the nanowires exhibit an increase in tensile ductility, marked by homogeneous flow. Post-radiation thermal annealing returns the samples to the initially brittle state, demonstrating reversibility Raghavan et al. irradiated Zr 4 2 Ti1 .8 Cu 1 2.5 NiioBe 22 .5 with Cu ions up to doses of 100 dpa, and found in subsequent micro-compression testing that the irradiated glasses had reduced yield strength and a significant decrease in the energy release per shear plane [56]. These results 30 suggest a brittle to ductile transition, and subsequent nanoindentation tests confirmed a homogeneous flow in the irradiated metallic glass [57]. 2.3.3 Radiation-enhanced diffusion Irradiation of amorphous metals has been observed to enhance diffusivity of tracer elements [58, 59]. In their review of radiation-enhanced diffusion, Faupel et al. propose two distinct mechanisms for radiation enhanced diffusivity: 1) Radiation produces diffusion- mediating defects and 2) Radiation creates a secondary phase with high diffusivity [60]. The first mechanism is based upon diffusivity measurements in ion-irradiated amorphous metals, such as reported by Averback and Hahn in the amorphous Ni-Zr system [58]. For such systems, enhancements in diffusivity (above the ballistic mixing regime) follow an inverse square root dependence of diffusivity upon ion flux. This relationship is characteristic of recombination reaction kinetics found in crystalline materials, prompting the authors to suggest that irradiation creates vacancy and interstitial-like defects [58]. The second mechanism is supported by diffusivity measurements under low-energy (i.e. 400 keV protons) irradiation conditions [59], where enhancements to diffusivity are found to effect only the Arrhenius pre-exponential factor and not the activation energy for diffusion. Unchanged activation energy eliminates the possibility of radiation-induced defects that act as diffusion carriers and can be explained by radiation-induced structural changes with enhanced diffusivity [59, 60]. Molecular dynamics simulations showing structural relaxation via localized displacement chains, after 100 eV collision cascades, further confirm this experimental interpretation [59]. These observed displacement chains only occur in the regions affected by the collision cascade, emphasizing that local radiation damage does enhance atomic mobility. These results on radiation-enhanced diffusion suggest that different types of structural changes result for low and high-energy irradiation. Low-energy irradiation may yield unrelaxed structural regions that enhance diffusivity [59], while high-energy irradiation may create pointdefect like entities which mediate diffusion [58]. 2.3.4 Ion-induced plasticity Irradiation of stress-free amorphous thin metal films with penetrating fast, heavy ions (i.e. 360 MeV Xe ions at ~ 1016 ions-m-2 [18]) leads to expansion of the specimen in the direction perpendicular to the ion beam, with dimensional changes of up to 20% reported [18]. This shape change appears to be volume-conserving [18], leading to the conclusion that the dimensional 31 change is in-fact ion-induced plasticity. Ion-induced plasticity is ubiquitous within a wide range of amorphous materials, including insulators [61], and has not been observed in crystalline metals [18]. For electronic stopping powers > 1 keV/nm, ion-induced plasticity is well explained by the mechanism of electronic excitations and attendant local melting/solidification in the cylindrical wake of a penetrating ion [18, 62, 63, 64]. At stopping powers < 1 keV/nm, defect production has been proposed as a more likely mechanism [64]. Point defect analogs were proposed to function as flow defects in a manner similar to that proposed by Spaepen within the free-volume theory for homogeneous flow [40, 65]. However, ion-induced plasticity occurs for stress free films, making it unclear what physical meaning to attach to the radiation-induced defects proposed by Mayr et al [64]. 2.3.5 Radiation-induced crystallization Radiation-induced crystallization has been demonstrated in a broad variety of alloys over a wide range of radiation conditions, including irradiation with ions [66] and electrons [67]. Results suggest that devitrification does not proceed directly from localized melting but is rather facilitated through radiation-induced defects. For example, Carter et. al. find that the specific crystalline precipitates produced by 1 MeV Cu ion irradiation of amorphous Cu5 oZr 45Ti5 are not consistent with direct quenching from a liquid core and instead likely result from enhanced diffusion from radiation damage [66]. Similarly, Nagase and Umakoshi found that irradiationinduced formation of nano precipitates in Zr-Cu alloys due to electron irradiation is temperature dependent, suggesting crystallization due to free volume creation as opposed to direct atomic displacements [67]. Radiation-induced devitrification has been demonstrated to be sensitive to alloy composition. For example, Rechtin et al. investigated the stability of Nb 4oNi6 o (Tx = 940 K) to 3 MeV Ni+ ions for doses of up to 20 dpa (1.5x 1021 ions m 2 ) for T = 900 K [68] and found that the Nb-Ni alloy is completely stable to irradiation (20 dpa) at 900 K. By contrast, Brimhall et al. performed a similar investigation on amorphous Mo-Ni (Tx > 1000 K) using 5 MeV Ni++ ions up to 20 dpa and found that at 875K, 20 dpa irradiation causes complete devitrification of the initially amorphous Mo-Ni alloy, with minimal radiation damage in the crystalline Mo-Ni sample [69]. It is not clear what accounts for such marked differences in similar alloys. 32 Finally, I note that Dunlop et al. found crystallization in the vicinity of amorphous ion tracks formed by 5 GeV Pb ion irradiation in the metallic glass Fe 7 3 .5 Cu 1Nb 3 Si 13 5B 9, suggesting that shock-fronts induced by the ion track may produce crystallization [70]. However, in an alloy with different crystallization mechanism (Fe 4oNi 35 Si 1oB 1i), no evidence of ion-induced crystallization is observed, suggesting that composition is important. Observations of shear band formation adjacent to ion tracks in different irradiated iron-based amorphous alloys (Fe73.5CuiNb 3 Si 3 sB 9 and FegoZr 7 B 3) [71] leads to the possibility that plasticity could drive crystallization in irradiated alloys. 2.3.6 Summary Experiments demonstrate that metallic glasses respond differently to radiation than crystalline alloys and enable the following inferences to be made concerning possible mechanisms for property degradation in irradiated amorphous alloys. First, irreversible radiationinduced swelling-without voids-suggests that defects are diffuse, non-localized increases in free volume. Second, radiation-enhanced diffusion suggests that defects can either be point defect-like entities or perturbations in structure, depending upon radiation energy. Finally, radiation-induced crystallization appears to be driven by perturbations in structure, instead of melting and subsequent crystallization. 2.4 Radiation response of metallic glasses: Simulations Radiation effects in amorphous metals have been simulated with MD simulations in several monatomic model systems, including the dense random packed hard sphere (DRPHS) system [72], the Lennard-Jones system [73, 74], and the Dzugutov potential [75, 76], as well as more realistic models of amorphous metals like a-Ni3 P [75], a-CuTi [64, 77], and Cu-Zr based alloys [78, 79]. These studies demonstrate that collision cascades change the distribution of free volume [73, 74, 75], the local topological order [59, 75, 77], and mechanical strength [77, 78, 79]. 2.4.1 Increased free volume Free volume changes were identified by cavity analysis-computing the largest sphere that fits between atoms with fixed hard sphere radii [74, 75]-and with computation of voronoi volume per atom [73]. Both Chaki and Li and Mattila et al. find interstitials, identified as region of high compressive hydrostatic stress, to relax out faster than vacancies, identified through voronoi volume [73] or cavity analysis [75], perhaps explaining previously reported non-void 33 swelling results [15, 16, 50, 51]. These results are also in accord with the defect stability studies performed by Chaudhari et al [80]. Laakkonen and Nieminem claim the opposite, namely that vacancies anneal out faster than interstitials in the a-LJ system [74], despite using the same defect identification method as Mattila et al. [75]. The reason for this discrepancy is unknown. 2.4.2 Reduced short-range topological order Analyzing the first nearest neighbor shell of irradiated a-Ni 3 P, a-Ni, and the monatomic Dzugutov potential system for icosahedra, four-fold, or six-fold bonds, Matilla et al. demonstrated permanent local structural changes of a decreased number of five-fold bonds/icosahedra in response to radiation [75]. Mayr demonstrated that topological order in irradiated a-CuTi is independent of the initial structure (quench rate), as multiple collision cascades cause the structural order, characterized by the number of icosahedra, to converge to a universal value [77]. For the case of an optimal quench rate, no changes are observed upon irradiation, suggesting that specific amorphous structures may be indifferent to radiation-induced structural changes. Similarly, Avchaciov et al. simulated multiple collision cascades in amorphous Cu 64Zr36 and found that the reduction in icosahedral short-range order saturates at a constant value, independent of dose [79], however, the authors do not report whether this change can be mapped to thermal processing. 2.4.3 Enhanced plasticity Xiao et al. studied the deformation response of irradiated Zr5oCu 40AlIo metallic glass with molecular dynamics and found that radiation damage causes a transition in deformation response from shear localization to homogeneous flow [78], in agreement with the experimental results of irradiation induced ductilization in Ga+ irradiated Pt 57 .5Cui4.7Nis. 3 P2 2.5 [49]. Furthermore, Xiao et al. demonstrate that the mechanical properties of the irradiated metallic glass can be mapped to an unirradiated sample synthesized with a more rapid quench rate, supporting the equivalence between radiation damage and thermal processing [78]. Avchaciov et al. simulated deformation of irradiated amorphous Cu6 4 Zr 36 and surprisingly found an increase in strain localization in the irradiated alloy [79]. While they attribute these results destruction of the icosahedral "elastic backbone" of the alloy and promotion of STZ nucleation, it is unclear how to reconcile these results with the work by Xiao et al. [78]. 34 2.4.4 Summary Simulations demonstrate that radiation perturbs the structure of metallic glasses through reduced topological order, as well as through increases in free volume. These "defects" can be correlated with some experimentally measured radiation-induced changes in mechanical properties, in particular radiation-enhanced ductility. Furthermore, simulations suggest that structural changes have a thermal origin, as structural changes can be mapped to quench rate. 2.5 Open research questions All fundamental studies in realistic models of metallic glasses have focused on changes to local topological order, and no study has yet explored the dynamics of defect production. Knowledge of collision cascade dynamics is lacking, both with respect to the possibility of subcascade formation and concerning the types of damage created in individual cascades. In this Thesis, I therefore seek to answer the following open questions: 1. What is the spatial distribution of damage resulting of collision cascades in metallic glasses? 2. What is the nature of the defects left in radiation damage zones? Answering these questions successfully requires detailed analysis of collision cascades and associated property changes, in addition to the more common measures of aggregate changes in structural order parameters, such as icosahedral order, and mechanical strength. Through such detailed analysis, a mechanistic framework for understanding property changes in irradiated metallic glasses will be developed. 35 36 3 Atomistic simulation methods 3.1 Molecular dynamics Atomistic simulations of collision cascades in metals are frequently studied using classical molecular dynamics (MD) simulations with empirical interatomic potentials, due to the fact that the time and length scale of the collision cascade (picoseconds in tens-of-nanometer sized regions) is completely resolvable with classical MD [1]. The computational technique of molecular dynamics numerically integrates F, = mai for each atom i, where the force is given by the negative gradient of the interatomic potential: F = -VV(r). Two critical approximations are made in this computational method: 1) neglect of electronic effects and 2) the description of the metal with an empirical interatomic potential. The first concern is sometimes treated phemonologically through the addition of a viscous drag term to the equations of motion for atoms with a kinetic energy greater than, for example, 10 eV [1]. Empirical potentials can be constructed to reproduce bulk properties of metals like melting temperature, defect formation energies, and crystal structure cohesive energies, and have been used successfully to probe structure in alloys [81]. 3.2 Molecular statics Given an atomic system of size N and system potential energy function V(R), where R is the Nx3 matrix of atomic positions, an atomic configuration that minimizes V(R) is sought. This is a standard optimization problem, which can be solved through iterative methods like steepest descent and conjugate gradient energy minimization. In the method of steepest descent energy minimization, the negative gradient of V(R), F = -VV(R) is computed, which yields the direction of steepest descent within the potential energy landscape, V(R), and subsequently the new atomic configuration is found by performing a one dimensional line minimization along the steepest descent direction, Rnew = a. f +ho , with respect to a [82]. Energy minimization methods are useful in structure analysis, as potential energy minimization removes thermal effects and leaves only the "inherent structure" for analysis. 37 3.3 Atomic structure analysis Structural order in simulated atomic configurations can be studied with two different approaches: (1) aggregate measures of the average structural order and (2) local measures of structural order. Within the first category, the pair-correlation function (or radial distribution function)-g(r) -is the most common and is presented below. In the second category, a wide variety of methods have been developed to analyze local ordering in crystalline and amorphous metals. In this Thesis, the common neighbor analysis method is employed and presented below. 3.3.1 Analysis of average structural order with the pair correlation function-g(r) As schematically illustrated in Fig. 3.1(a), the pair correlation function-g(r)-measures the probability of finding an atom within a spherical shell of width Ar at a distance r from a given atom, relative to the bulk number density [83]. When averaged over all atoms in the configuration, g(r) is computed as: g 1 fi' = N(r) V\ /1 - rij, Ar) A(r (4/3wr[(r + Ar) i jti 3 - r3]) where 17(r - rj,Ar) is an indicator function equal to I for any atom within a spherical shell of width Ar at distance r, N is the total number of atoms in the configuration, and V is the total volume of the configuration. The shell width Ar is typically Ar ~ 0.05 a A. The typical output b 2 1.5 0 9cr 40.5 0 0 5 Radial distance (A) 10 Fig. 3.1: Calculation of the pair correlation function. (a) g(r) computed as the number of atoms within a spherical shell of width Ar at a distance r from a given atom, relative to bulk density. (b) Pair-correlation function computed in liquid Cu 5oNb5 O at 4000 K. The dashed line indicates the value for the normalized bulk density. 38 found from a g(r) calculation is illustrated in Fig. 3.1(b), while shows the total pair-correlation function in liquid Cu 5 oNb5o simulated at 4000 K. At short-distances, a well-defined first-nearest neighbor cage is identified (indicated by a peak value approximately twice the bulk density), although the ordering quickly decays to the bulk density (indicated by the dashed line). The g(r) is well-suited for identifying system-wide ordering and discriminates between liquid, glassy, and crystalline states. However, since g(r) is not able to reveal local variations in topological ordering, it is also necessary to employ localized analysis approaches. 3.3.2 Classification of bond topology with common neighbor analysis (CNA) Common neighbor analysis (CNA) is a topological analysis method that classifies the symmetry of local atomic structure on the basis of bond connectivity [84, 85]. From the first minimum in the pair-correlation function, a cutoff distance is established to identify "bonded" atoms, with typical cutoff distances on the order of 3.5 A. Using this cutoff distance, the firstnearest neighbor shell is identified for every atom. To quantify the topology of each bonded atom pair, the overlap in nearest neighbor atoms is found and the bond connectivity in the atoms common to the bonded pair is characterized using three indices, jkl. The first index, j, is the number of common first-nearest neighbors to the root pair. The second index, k, corresponds to the number of bonds among the common neighbors. The third index, 1, is the longest contiguous chain of bonds among the common neighbors [38, 84, 85]. The CNA procedure is illustrated in Fig. 3.2. As shown in Fig. 3.2 (a), a bond is identified between two atoms, highlighted in light gray. All nearest neighbors for these two atoms are a b Fig. 3.2: Application of common neighbor analysis (CNA). (a) Bonded atoms are identified on the basis of a cutoff distance (here, 3.5 A). The charcoal and red colored atoms are the nearest neighbors to the light gray atoms. (b) The nearest neighbors common to the two light gray atoms are highlighted in red and correspond to a 5-5-5 CNA index for the root pair bond. 39 Structure BCC FCC HCP Full Icosahedra CNA Indices 6-6-6) 4-2-1 (12) 4-2-2(6) 5-5-5 (12) Broken Icosahedra Table 3.1: Common neighbor analysis (CNA) indices for different atomic structures [38, 86]. shown in the charcoal and red atoms. As highlighted in Fig. 3.2 (b), the red atoms are the atoms that are common to the nearest neighbor lists of the bonded pair of atoms. For the common neighbor atoms, there are 5 common neighbors (j = 5), 5 total bonds (k = 5), and the longest contiguous chain of bonds has a length of 5 (1 = 5). Thus, the CNA index for the root pair in Fig. 3.2 (b) is 5-5-5. As summarized in Table 3.1, it has been found that local atomic structures can be uniquely identified on the basis of connectivity of the neighbor atoms common to a root pair. For example, if an atom has 12 nearest neighbors and has a 5-5-5 index with each nearest neighbor atom, the central atom has icosahedral (i.e. five-fold) symmetry. Crystalline configurations can be likewise identified on the basis of the CNA indices of a central atom with each of its neighboring atoms. 40 4 Parallelized atomistic data analysis The continued growth in computing resources has greatly expanded the possibility for large-scale atomistic simulations. In the past, most MD simulations of more than 100 million atoms employed an in-situ, on-the-fly data analysis approach. In this paradigm, atomic structures are analyzed during the simulation and only predefined "interesting" features are saved for further analysis and visualization. In the case of crystalline materials, defects are well-defined and topological analysis can be readily employed to extract these quantities. In the case of glasses, however, a different analysis paradigm is needed. Radiation damage mechanisms are at best ill-defined and more likely, unknown altogether. I therefore utilize a post-processing approach where complete system snapshots-atom positions, velocities, forces, and atomic-stresses-are saved for subsequent analysis. The benefit of this approach is that an iterative data analysis procedure can be utilized to identify mechanisms and use preliminary insights to define subsequent analysis procedures, enabling convergence on the previously unknown mechanisms. To support this post-simulation data analysis paradigm, I developed a fully-parallelized analysis code that uses a coarse-grained analysis approach that discretizes atom positions to a 3dimensional array of cubic volumes (voxels) and aggregates per-atom information into voxelbased nanoscale field quantities. For example, my simulation of 2 MeV ion irradiation of a '/2 billion atom Cu5oNb5 o amorphous alloy (Section 6.2), I save complete system snapshots (detailed information for all atoms) every 1,000 timesteps. The resulting dataset is large (~15 TB) and I employ the parallelized post-processing approach to identify regions of interest for subsequent visualization and quantitative analysis. Subsequent atom visualizations are performed with Ovito [87] and field visualizations are performed with VisIt [88]. The discretization of atomistic data into nanometer scale fields has been previously used successfully in diverse studies, including: revealing the spatial heterogeneity in elastic properties and plasticity in deformed glasses [89]; characterizing spatial variations in density and stress in a 40 million atom simulation of nanoindented silica glass [90]; and identifying shock fronts in a 220 million atom simulation of shock loaded AlN [91]. In the spirit of these previous approaches, I compute voxel field quantities of temperature (T), density (p), potential energy (PE), diffusivity (D), stresses (on), and strains (Eij). Below, I first summarize the coarse grained analysis procedure and explain the calculation of each field quantity. 41 4.1 Voxel field calculations The discretization of atomistic data into nanoscale fields has been previously used in diverse studies [89, 90, 91]. Below, I describe the calculation of each voxel field quantity andin the case of tensor fields-derived scalar quantities. 4.1.1 Density and potential energy Following Nomura et al. [90], I compute the voxel density field by summing the atomic mass of voxel constituent atoms and normalizing by the voxel volume. Similarly, I compute the potential energy voxel field by summing the potential energy of voxel atoms and normalizing by the total number of atoms. 4.1.2 Temperature Following Zhu et al. [12], I determine temperatures by fitting the kinetic energy distributions of atoms in every voxel to the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution [92]: ke (1\3/2 /ke 2- exp p(ke) = 2 where ke is per-atom kinetic energy, kB is the Boltzmann constant, and T is temperature. Prior to the fit, the center of mass velocity of the voxel is first subtracted from the atomic velocities. The fitting is performed by minimizing the mean squared difference between the simulated distribution of kinetic energies and the predicted distribution with temperature as the fitting parameter. 4.1.3 Diffusivity Following Hsieh et al. [93], I compute the time dependent diffusivity from the mean squared displacement (MSD) of voxel atoms with respect to a reference configuration at 1 ps, after the ballistic phase of the collision cascade has ended. The instantaneous diffusivity is computed from the slope of the linear fit to MSD(t) in 2 ps time intervals centered at t, D(t) 4.1.4 1 dr(t)2 at Stress tensor I use built-in LAMMPS functions to compute the per-atom virial stress tensor [94] and obtain voxel stress tensors oai by summing the per-atom stresses and dividing by the voxel 42 volume. I compute the voxel pressure as P = -1/ 3/2o;bu', where the deviatoric stress '= aij - 3 Ukk and the von Mises stress as amU 11/3Ckk8 - and Sj is the Kronecker delta [95]. 4.1.5 Strain tensor Using a similar approach to ones used previously for computing atomic-level strains [96, 97], I find the best-fit uniform deformation gradient F1 connecting an initial (t = 0 ps) and final configuration of atoms in a voxel. All atom positions are referenced to the center of mass of the voxel. From the deformation gradient, I compute the Lagrangian total strain tensor as E= 1/ 2 (FiFkj - 6Sd). In the small strain approximation, the total strain may be decomposed into elastic (E -) and a plastic strains (Er) Hooke's Law as E - = Sijkl(Tkl +a as E E + e+ . The elastic strains are calculated via , where ar, is the independently determined voxel stress, S 1 ikl is the compliance tensor, a is the linear thermal expansion, and AT is the change in temperature from the initial temperature. I assume that the model is isotropic on the voxel length scale and described by the bulk elastic constants. I therefore obtain the plastic strain tensor for every voxel E 2/3E1 E = Eij - c<,. From it, I find the tensile work equivalent plastic strain , where the deviatoric strain E' = E - 1/ 3 Ekk Sij- 43 EPM = 44 5 Atomistic modeling of metallic glasses In this chapter, I employ atomistic modeling to construct realistic model atomic structures of the amorphous binary alloy system Cu-Nb at compositions of Cu 2 5Nb 7 5 , Cu5oNb 5 o, and Cu 7 5Nb 2 5. These atomic structures are subsequently irradiated and the resulting damage state is characterized in Chapters 6 and 7. In Section 5.1, I discuss the chosen model system, report simulation results, and demonstrate that the molecular dynamics simulation protocol produces realistic model atomic structures. In Section 5.2, I report a detailed investigation of the glass transition mechanism in a-Cu5 oNb5o. In Section 5.3, I extend the methods employed in Section 5.2, to obtain the glass transition temperatures in Cu 2 5Nb75 and Cu 75Nb 2 5 , and report the mechanical properties in Section 5.4. Finally, in Section 5.5, I use large parallelized simulations to obtain 2 billion atom configurations of Cu 25Nb75 , Cu5 oNbso, and Cu 75 Nb 25 . 5.1 5.1.1 Modeling of amorphous Cu-Nb alloys with molecular dynamics Cu-Nb as a model amorphous alloy system In atomistic modeling of metallic glasses, all structural and thermo-physical properties are embedded in the interatomic potential. At the most basic level, the interatomic potential should reproduce the phase diagram of the system, which is typically complex in the alloy systems of good glass formers. For example, even the "simple" binary bulk metallic glass Cu-Zr has numerous line compounds in the phase diagram and Cheng et al. employed 600 atomic configurations in order to produce a Zr-Cu-Al EAM potential and no demonstration is given that it reproduces the system phase diagram [98]. In seeking to uncover the radiation response of metallic glasses, it is therefore beneficial to work with amorphous alloys with simple phase diagrams that can be modeled with straightforward interatomic potential fitting procedures. One class of alloys that satisfies this goal of phase diagram simplicity is the amorphous alloy system formed between the copper (Cu) and niobium (Nb), which has no line compounds and exhibits very limited solid solubility. Amorphous copper-niobium (a-CuxNb.x) has been experimentally synthesized via ion-beam mixing [99, 100] and sputter deposition [25, 36, 101, 102] and has been found to be amorphous between composition ranges of approximately 3575% copper, in the case of magnetron sputtering on water cooled substrates [25]. Atom-probe tomography reconstructions in a-Cu5 5Nb 4 5 demonstrate that the structure of these amorphous films is characterized by composition modulations between 25 and 75%, with a characteristic 45 length of 2-3 nm [36, 102]. Annealing of a-CuxNbi.x, leads to the formation of nanoscale precipitates (200 0 C, [102]) or complete devitrification (350'C, [102, 103]). These properties and compositional features make amorphous Cu-Nb representative of the general class of immiscible binary alloys [104]. Previous studies demonstrate that the structure of immiscible binary alloys can be captured successfully through atomistic modeling. For example, immiscible Ni-Ag alloys were modeled with Reverse Monte-Carlo [37, 38], revealing "spinodal-like" compositional ordering and icosahedral topological order. Icosahedral order is a ubiquitous topological signature of metallic glasses (e.g. [98]), suggesting that immiscible metallic glasses are topologically similar to their miscible, bulk glass forming counterparts. Additionally, Wang et aL. simulated amorphous alloy formation in Cu-Nb with an EAM potential and found good agreement with their predicted composition limits on alloy formation and experimental synthesis results (between 28 and 85% copper) [99]. All these results suggest that modeling a-CuxNbijx via a classical EAM potential will successfully capture the system details. Additionally, the topological order will likely be of sufficient similarity to more conventional metallic glasses to make the results of radiation damage in amorphous Cu-Nb representative of all metallic glasses. Demkowicz and Hoagland reported an EAM potential for Cu-Nb based upon firstprinciples calculations of defect formation energies, heats of mixing, and cohesive energies [8]. Additionally, the potential provides an accurate representation of short-range interactions (i.e. displacement cascade conditions) through spline fitting to the Ziegler, Biersack and Littmark (ZBL) universal potential at small distances. The ZBL potential is given by a universal screening function times the Coulomb potential [105], while the general form of an EAM potential is a pair-wise energy sum plus a non-linear contribution from the electron density [81]. This potential is therefore well-suited for modeling the structure and thermodynamics of amorphous Cu-Nb and its radiation response. I therefore employ the Demkowicz Cu-Nb potential in this Thesis. 5.1.2 Construction of amorphous Cu-Nb alloy configurations with molecular dynamics Previous molecular dynamics studies of metallic glasses have successfully employed molecular dynamics with empirical interatomic potentials-embedded atom method (EAM) potentials [81] are common-to simulate metallic glass alloys. Models are typically 3dimensional, -10 nm on an edge length, contain approximately 50,000 atoms, and are generated in two steps. First, the ensemble of atoms is simulated with molecular dynamics under periodic 46 boundary conditions above the system melting temperature until melting occurs and a uniform liquid forms. Secondly, the temperature of the liquid is decremented to room temperature, typically with a barostat applied so that the total system pressure is zero. Under this "virtual quenching" procedure, the melt is cooled through the glass transition to a vitrified (amorphous) solid [98, 106]. The procedure has produced amorphous structures with pair-correlation functions in quantitative agreement with experimental results (e.g. [33, 34]), suggesting that the "virtual quenching" procedure is capable of resolving much of the structural and chemical ordering present in metallic glasses. The principal drawback of the virtual quenching molecular dynamics method is that the MD quench rates (typically 1010 - 1013 K/s) are orders of magnitude higher than experimental quench rates used to cast typical metallic glasses (below 106 K/s [24]). Molecular dynamics quench rates are so high because current computational techniques limit molecular dynamics simulations to simulations times less than 1 ps. For example, for a liquid quenched from 2300 K to 300 K over 1 ps, the effective quench rate is 2 - 109 K/s. Thus, the structural and chemical order found in metallic glass atomic configurations generated with MD rapid quenching will be, at best, a lower bound on the degree of ordering in real quenched metallic glasses [33, 35, 98]. However, for poor glass formers, such as immiscible amorphous Cu-Nb alloys, the drawbacks of rapid quenching are less severe since the material can only be synthesized through vapor deposition [25, 36, 101, 102], which may be characterized with an "effective" quench rate of ~101 K/s [107]. Thus, for the amorphous Cu-Nb alloy system, I employ rapid quenching of uniform liquids to produce amorphous atomic configurations. The MD synthesis procedure yields atomic configurations in good agreement with experimental results [39]. MD "virtual quenching" at 1013 K's I employ the following virtual quenching MD simulation procedure, illustrated in Fig. 5.1, using the open-source MD code LAMMPS [94]: 1. I initialize a crystal configuration to the desired system size and composition, with the physics of the system dictated by chosen interatomic potential. I typically start with -50,000 atoms in a BCC, FCC, or CsCl crystal structure, with the Demkowicz Cu-Nb EAM potential [8]. 47 2. I initialize the velocities to a temperature above the system melting temperature and run MD until melting occurs. I start with a temperature of 4000 K and relax the system with a combination of conjugate gradient energy minimization and molecular dynamics to produce a liquid at zero pressure. 3. I repeatedly decrement the temperature and equilibrate the liquid until 300 K is reached, with a barostat of P = 0 GPa applied. For an effective quench rate of 10" K/s, I use decrements of 25 K, followed by 2.5 ps MD runs in the NPH ensemble. Temperature is controlled by the velocity rescaling to the target temperature every 25 timesteps [83]. Slower quench rates employ the NPT ensemble. The application of this synthesis procedure is illustrated in Fig. 5.1 for the melting of Cu5oNb 5 o and quenching at 101 K/s to 300 K. In Fig. 5.1(a), I plot the simulation temperature versus time. As indicated by the temperature inset, the temperature is decremented by 25 K, every 2.5 ps, yielding an effective quench rate of 1013 K/s. The temperature is controlled by velocity rescaling every 25 timesteps. During the quench the pressure is close to zero, due to the a b 4000 - 50 Lo3000 35 a2000 345 350 W5380 3530 E 1000 -1 IC- 0 C 0 100 d -2 200 300 0 400 Time (ps) 1000 2000 3000 Temperature (K) e 4000 t =0 ps, 4000 K f E -4.4 % 20- -4.6. E ai 19. 18 S-5E -5 17 -5.2. a.S-5.41-I 0 - 16.1 1000 2000 3000 Temperature (K) 4000 0 1000 2000 3000 Temperature (K) 4000 t 370 Ps, 300 K Fig. 5.1: Molecular dynamics "virtual quenching" procedure for synthesis of amorphous metal structures. (a) Simulation temperature versus time, with inset showing the stepwise cooling procedure. Simulation pressure, potential energy, and volume (b, d, e, respectively) are plotted against the simulation temperature during the quench. The initial crystalline and final amorphous configuration (c and f, respectively). Cu atoms are shown in light gray; Nb atoms in dark gray. 48 applied NPH barostat (P = 0 GPa) [Fig. 5.1(b)]. The initial structure is 50-50 Cu-Nb in a CsCl structure, containing 48,778 atoms in a cubic simulation cell with an edge length of 9 nm [Fig. 5.1(c)]. During the quench, the potential energy and volume decrease continuously, without the discontinuities expected in crystallization [Fig. 5.1(d) and (e)]. The final, as-quenched structure appears disordered with some compositional patterning [Fig. 5.1(f)]. To quantify if the quenched configuration, visualized in Fig. 5.1(f), is amorphous, I quantify the degree of topological ordering with partial pair correlation functions and the structure factor. Computing the partial pair-correlation functions gf (r) for the Cu-Cu, Cu-Nb, and Nb-Nb correlations [Fig. 5.2 (a)], a well-defined first-nearest neighbor peak can be seen between 2.5-3 A and a split second neighbor peak is visible at distances 4-6 A. However, by 10 A the pair correlation functions decay to the value expected from the bulk density, demonstrating that no long-range topological order is present and that the systems are fully amorphous. The visualized quenched configuration of amorphous Cu 5 oNb5 o in Fig. 5.1(f) has clear regions of compositional enrichment. To probe for long-range compositional ordering, I compute the total g (r) out to a distance of r = 4.5 nm and, from it, I compute the total structure factor: S..(q) = 1 + 4 7'f(g q fo (r) - 1) rsin(qr)dr As can be seen in Fig. 5.2 (b) and expected for glasses, S,,(q) displays interatomic density correlations at medium q-values [q = 2 - 8 (2w/A)]. However, an anomalous pre-peak signal can be see at low-q values [q < 2 (2w/A)]. I thus employ the Bhatia-Thornton compositioncomposition structure Sec(q) factor to test if compositional order accounts for the anomalous pre-peak signal in S. (q). The composition-composition structure factor Sec(q) is computed as [108]: Scc (q) = XAXB1 + XAXB (SAA + SBB - SAB) where So (q) is the structure factor computed for each of the individual partial-pair correlation functions. The partial structure factors are related to the total structure factor as: Sun(q) = XASAA + 2 49 xAXBSAB + SBB As can be seen in Fig. 5.2 (c), at medium q-values [q = 2 - 8 (2w/A)], the partial structure factors Sp(q) are qualitatively similar to the total structure factor. However, at low-q values [q < 2 (2w/A )], Sap (q) are very different. Both ScUcj(q) and SNb-Nb(q) display large, positive values at q = 0.2 (2w/A), while SCU-Nb(q) has a large negative value at the same q value. Positive values in Saf (q) above 1 indicate ordering, demonstrating Cu-Cu and Nb-Nb a b 41 2+gCu-Cu(r) +1_+gCu-Nb(r) 3 3 -O-9Nb-Nb (r) 2 C 1 02 4 6 Radial distance (A) C 60 12 8 1 40, 10 20-, a. 0O 10 1- A( 1)Nb-Nbi -40 0.4 IT.J6 q (2~A 0.8 = 21r/q,,, ::: 3.1 nm Ur 1 M 2 -------- ----- 10 6 00.2 4 0 8 8 -2x 6 6 10 0 8 4 d s)Cu-Nb 20, 2 4 II 11 - 2 2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0 (2n/A) 0.8 1 C 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10 q (2 n/A) q (2;/A) Fig. 5.2: Topological and chemical ordering in a-CuMoNb 5 o quenched at 1013 K/s. (a) Pair-pair correlation functions for Cu-Cu, Cu-Nb, and Nb-Nb interactions. (b) Total structure factor, computed from the total g (r), computed for r values out to r=4.5 nm. (c) Partial structure factors Sap (q) computed for each of the individual g(r)ap curves in (a), but with radial distances out to r=-4.5 nm. (d) Composition-composition structure factor factor Scc(q), computed from the partial structure factors (shown at low q-values in the inset). 2 4 50 compositional ordering at q = 0.2 (2w/A). By contrast, the large negative value in SCU.-Nb(q) reflects avoidance of Cu-Nb interactions at q = 0.2 (2w/A). These observations are captured with a single curve, Scc(q). As can be seen in Fig. 5.2 (d), like the partial structure factors, Sec(q) displays a single, high intensity peak at q = 0.2 (2w/A). To obtain the real-space lengthscale, I compute Ac as Ac ~~2; / qmA , where qmAx is the wavevector at the maximum of Sec(q) [108], yielding a wavelength of Ac = 27/0.2 ~ 3.1 nm. Thus, it is clear that the pre-peak signal in S,,(q) is due to the compositional medium range order (CMRO) first identified through visualization. Critical quench ratefor glass formation To determine the critical quench rate for crystallization, I repeat the quenching procedure over five decades in quench rate, finding that complete compositional demixing occurs for a b 10 10 K/s C 1011 K/s d -9nm 1012 K/s . Nb atoms O Cu atoms 101 K/s 1014 K/s Fig. 5.3: Cu5 oNb5 Ovia molecular dynamics quenching. (a) Quenching at 1010 K/s yields a phase separated structure with crystallization in the Nb phase. Quenching at 10" K/s and 1012 K/s yields phase separated amorphous structures, (b) and (c) respectively. Quenching at 1013 K/s and 1014 K/s amorphous structures with interpenetrating networks of compositionally enriched material, (d) and (e) respectively. All structures shown at 300 K, after quenching from 4000 K liquid under P = 0 GPa at the indicated quench rate. Atomic structure visualizations performed with OVITO [87]. 51 quench rates below 10" K/s and that crystallization occurs at a quench rate of 1010 K/s. The clear onset of crystallization at a critical quench rate, coupled with structural analysis of the quenched structures, demonstrates that rapidly quenched structures are amorphous. Following the procedure outlined above, I melt a configuration of 50-50 Cu-Nb (Cu 5 oNb 5 o) at 4000 K and quench to 300 K using stepwise temperature decrements, at quench rates varying between 1010 - 1014 K/s, with a constant pressure of P = 0 GPa (See Table 5.1 for synthesis procedure for each quench rate). As illustrated by Fig. 5.3, the quenched structures (300 K) are very sensitive to the applied quench rate. For quench rates between 1010 10" K/s, complete compositional demixing occurs into distinct Cu and Nb regions. Visual inspection of Fig. 5.3(a) suggests that for the system quenched at 1010 K/s crystallization has occurred in the Nb region, although the Cu material remains disordered. For quench rates between 1013 - 1014 K/s, an interpenetrating network of Cu-rich and Nb-rich material forms, with the length-scale decreasing with increasing quench rate [Fig. 5.3(d) and (e)]. To quantitatively test for the presence of long-range topological order in the quenched structures in Fig. 5.3, I compute the pair-correlation function for each configuration. As can be seen in Fig. 5.4(a), the total g(r) of the quenched configurations changes markedly between the quench rates of 1010 K/s and 1011 K/s. At a quench rate of 1010 K/s, total g(r) exhibits longrange order, characteristic of a crystalline materials, while the configuration quenched at ab 4-4.9 3 2 - 1010 K/s -5 10 K/S 0 0 2 -5. 13 4 5 6 7 8 0 4 ,C = -5.3- 2 3 4 5 6 7 Radial distance (A) 8 -5.5 9 10 500 1000 1500 Temperature (K) 2000 2500 Fig. 5.4: Critical quench rate for crystallization in rapidly quenched Cu oNb o. (a) Pair5 5 correlation functions-g(r)-at quench rates of 1011 K/s (top) and 1010 K/s (bottom). (b) Potential energy versus temperature in Cu5 oNb5 o quenched from 4000 K liquid to 300 K solid at rates of 1011 K/s (dashed line) and 1010 K/s (solid line). 52 Quench Rate Quenched Cu5ONb5O 10" K/s 1012 K/s CsCI CsCI CsCI (CuNb) (CuNb) (CuNb) 48,778 48,778 48,778 4,000 K, 2.5 ns 4,000 K, 250 ps 4,000 K, 25 ps T 2T p 40 4 1010 K/s Initial Structure Number of Atoms Liquid Annealing Temp/Time Ensemble Temperature Decrement/Relaxation Time 25 K, 2.5 ns NPT 25 K, 250 ps NPT 25 K, 25 ps NPT Ensemble _________ Result Phase separated; Phase separated; Phase separated; amorphous amorphous Nb crystallizes ___ __ 1013 K/s 1014 K/s CsCl (CuNb) 48,778 3,975 K, 2.5 ps NPH+Velocity Rescaling CsCI (CuNb) 48,778 3,900 K, 1 ps NPH+Velocity Rescaling 25 K, 2.5 ps NPH+Velocity Rescaling 100 K, I ps NPH+Velocity Rescaling CMRO; amorphous CMRO; amorphous ____ Table 5.1: Variable quench rate synthesis procedure for 50k atom model glasses and resulting properties. 10" K/s shows no signs of long-range topological order. Supporting this interpretation, I find that the potential energy versus temperature profile for the two alloys looks markedly different [Fig. 5.4(b)], with a sharp discontinuity present in the system quenched quench rate of 1010 K/s, as expected in the first-order phase transition of crystallization. Optimizing quench ratefor compositional order Having established a critical quench rate (10" K/s) for synthesis of amorphous configurations of Cu5 oNb5o, I next proceed to optimize the quench rate to reproduce the experimentally observed compositional order in vapor-deposited amorphous Cu-Nb films [36][36]. Atom probe tomography (APT) reconstructions on vapor-deposited amorphous Cu55 Nb 45 were reported by Banerjee et al. [36] and composition modulations were quantified by computing the local composition along the axial distance of a 2 nm diameter cylinder (Fig 2(d) in 100 80 60 0 0 40 20 -Nb (MD) -Cu (MD) 50 60 30 40 distance, nm Fig. 5.5: Length-scale of compositional medium range order (CMRO). Variation of local composition as a function of distance along a 2 nm diameter cylinder in 300 K amorphous 0 'o 20 Cu5 5Nb 4 5 produced by MD quenching. Compare with Fig. 2(d) in Ref. [36]. 53 [36]). Examining the atomic-configurations shown in Fig. 5.3, I see that a rate greater than 1012 K/s is needed to avoid complete compositional demixing. I therefore compare the compositional order in configurations obtained at 1013 K/s with the experimental data. To compare directly with the experimental results in Cu5 5Nb 4 5 [36], I quenched a 5M atom Cu55 Nb 45 structure from a liquid at 5000 K to a 300 K amorphous solid at a quench rate of 1013 K/s, employing the same quench procedure described above. In the 300 K Cu5 5Nb 4 5 quenched amorphous structure, I compute the variation in local composition along a 2 nm cylinder, 60 nm in length, and plot the results in Fig. 5.5. I compute the local concentration in intervals of width I nm. Using a composition of Cu5 5Nb 4 5, I am able to confirm the good quality of our model our by direct comparison to the data reported in [36]. From the amorphous Cu55 Nb 45 strutures obtained with MD quenching, I find that local composition fluctuates between ~25% and 75% Cu, with a composition modulation length-scale between 3-5 nm. Banerjee et al. reported maximum copper concentration variations of 25% and 75% with a length-scale of 2-3 nm [36]. The results of Fig. 5.5 are thus in excellent agreement with the APT data reported by Banerjee et al. and I conclude that my MD synthesis approach produces amorphous structures with CMRO consistent with the experimental findings. 5.2 Glass transition by gelation in Cu5 oNb 5 O Having established a critical quench rate (10" K/s) for synthesis of amorphous configurations of Cu5 oNb 5o, I next use molecular dynamics simulations to show that glass transition in Cu5 oNb5 o occurs by gelation. At the glass transition, a mechanically stiff, percolating network of atoms with icosahedral local packing forms at the interfaces between compositionally enriched regions. This low-energy network halts coarsening of the phase-separated structure and imparts shear resistance. These features of glass transition are remarkably similar to gelation processes in polymeric and colloidal gels. 5.2.1 Introduction The existence of amorphous metals in alloy systems with positive heats of mixing ( AHMIX >0 ) is surprising in the face of traditional metallic glass design guidelines, which identify compositions near deep eutectics with negative heats of mixing as the best glass formers [24, 104]. While phase separating binary systems such as Cu-Nb [36] or Ni-Ag [37] are admittedly poor glass formers, calorimetry shows that sputter deposited amorphous metals with 54 these compositions exhibit a lower than expected crystallization enthalpy (~ 10 kJ mol- 1 ) [36], suggesting that some form of atomic ordering stabilizes these amorphous solids [25]. Experiments [36] and simulations [37] indeed show that these alloys contain "spinodal-like" patterns of nanometer-scale compositional enrichment as well as percolating networks of local icosahedral atom packing [38]. However, the relationship between icosahedral short-range order (ISRO), compositional medium-range order (CMRO), and glass transition has not been determined. Using molecular dynamics (MD) simulations in a model phase separating amorphous metal alloy-Cu5 oNb 5 o-I show that a percolating network of ISRO forms at interfaces between compositionally enriched regions and leads to glass transition. Below the glass transition temperature TG, the ISRO network is mechanically stiff, imparts shear resistance, and halts coarsening of the CMRO. The ISRO network constrains the dynamics of surrounding atoms and leads to anomalous diffusion. This ISRO network and its influence on the physical properties of the system bears striking resemblance to gelation in colloidal systems, in which a systemspanning, dynamically arrested network of locally preferred structures imparts stiffness [109, 110]. I discuss the potential technological implications of these findings for the synthesis of more conventional metallic glasses. 5.2.2 Methods The "virtual quenching" model building procedure-detailed in Section 5.1.2-is employed with an effective quench rate of 1013 K s-1 to produce 48,778 atom amorphous configurations of Cu5 oNb 5 o. Configurations saved during the quench are annealed for 20 ns to investigate their thermal stability, while smaller systems (9,826 atoms) were annealed for up to 100 ns to quantify diffusion properties. All equations of motion are integrated with a timestep of 2 fs under periodic boundary conditions in cubic simulation cells. As demonstrated in Section 5.1.2, radial distribution functions confirm that as-quenched and annealed Cu5oNb 5 o structures are fully amorphous. The temperature dependence of volume and enthalpy shows no evidence of a first order phase transition. 55 5.2.3 Result -Glass transition temperature is 1500 K Arrest of compositional order coarsening at glass transition The Cu5oNb5 o system undergoes a pronounced change in properties between 1500 K and 1600 K. Fig. 5.6(a)-(b) show representative atomic structures obtained after 20 ns anneals. Atoms are colored by local copper concentration, _, determined by counting the number of copper and niobium atoms in a sphere of radius 0.7 nm, centered at each atom. Concentration regions are colored on a gray color scale, with copper-rich regions (F >75% Cu ) colored in light gray and niobium rich regions (F <25% Cu ) colored in black. Visual inspection of a 1 nm thick, two-dimensional slice of the annealed structures at 1400 K and 1600 K reveals pronounced differences in the length scale of local composition fluctuations. At 1400 K, CMRO varies between 25 - 75% Cu with a characteristic length-scale 2C = 4 nm (see Section 5.1.2 for calculation of Ac). At 1600 K, however, 2C =7 nm, suggesting that the CMRO length-scale is approaching the simulation cell dimension. As shown in Fig. 5.7(a), )c increases sharply when the annealing temperature exceeds 1500 K. Similar results are found in annealed Cu5oNb 5 o systems with different simulation cell sizes ( LO = 5.4 nm and LO = 12.8 nm ). The weak temperature dependence of Ac below 1500 K shows that the atomic mobility required for diffusion and coarsening of the compositionally patterned structure is sharply reduced in the temperature range 1500-1600 K. Thus, I conclude that TG is between 1500 K and 1600 K. Previous simulations of the phase separating system Ni-Ag reveal the emergence of a percolating network of ISRO below TG, in addition to stable, nanometer-scale CMRO [38]. Thus, I seek to establish whether ISRO networks might play a role in stabilizing CMRO at the glass transition. Following Luo et al. [38], I use common neighbor analysis (CNA, described in detail in Section 3.3.2) to probe for topological order in the Cu5oNb 5 o system. Consistent with the results in Ni-Ag [38], below TG, icosahedral local packing- I find a system-spanning network of atoms with fully atoms having a 5-5-5 CNA index with 12 first nearest neighbors- centered on the smaller atom (Cu) and with neighboring atoms a mixture of Cu and Nb. A cutoff radius of 0.35 nm is used in the CNA calculation. 56 1400 K (a) 1600 K (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) .3nm 3 1.5 2 1 1 0.5 Z> 75%Cu c < 25%Cu 40 < e < 60%Cu .0 -2 -1 0 1 2 -2 r [nm] -1 0 1 r [nm] 2 Fig. 5.6: Visualizations of Cu5 oNb5 o at 1400 K (left) and 1600 K (right) after 20 ns of annealing. (a and b) A 1 nm thick slice is shown with Cu-rich regions colored light gray and Nb-rich regions colored black. (c and d) Atoms at the CMRO interface, 40 < J < 60% Cu, in the slice of the top panel are visualized. Atoms participating in ISRO packing are colored red and emphasized with a 20% larger radius. Bonds between ISRO nearest neighbor atoms are colored red. (e and f) Probability paff"(r) of finding an atom in the icosahedra network at distance r from CMRO interfaces. Following Cheng et al. [98], the fraction of atoms contained in either the center or vertices of icosahedra is denoted f"'"". As shown in Fig. 5.7(b), f t '"" rises sharply at TG . Furthermore, the spanning length Lc,0 of the largest cluster of fi'""" atoms possible in a simulation cell under periodic boundary conditions, has the largest value V3 / 2LO , at temperatures below TG, demonstrating that system-spanning clusters have formed in the system [Fig. 5.7(b)]. 57 (b) (a) 8 6i 0.4 TG - 0.75 .0.3 0.5 0.15 -15-0-1000 1500 2000 2500 (c) 4 4 0.25 * 900 1000 1500 2000 2500 (d) 1.21 0.9 2 2 :: 0.6 = 0.5 0. %0 1000 1500 2000 2500 00 1500- 2000 2500 Teiiiperattire [I] Temiperature [K] Fig. 5.7: Properties in annealed Cu oNbso. Temperature dependence of (a) CMRO wavelength 5 Ac; (b) percent of atoms in full icosahedra f"'" and size of largest ISRO cluster divided by simulation cell edge length L = L / LO ; (c) flow stress U-F ; and (d) diffusion exponent n . The vertical lines at 1500 K correspond to the glass transition temperature. All quantities computed after 20 ns annealing at indicated temperature. The spanning length LC0 is the radius of the largest sphere necessary to contain all atoms in a cluster of f"'"' atoms [Ill]. Icosahedra network concentrated at interfaces between compositional order Atoms with icosahedral order (fO'" atoms) form a continuous, percolating network below TG and are concentrated at the interfaces between Cu and Nb-rich regions [Fig. 5.6 (c)(d)], clearly demonstrating a coupling between CMRO and ISRO in Cu oNb o. In Fig. 5.6 (c)5 5 (d), I visualize all atoms at the CMRO interfaces (40% < C < 60% ) contained in the planar view in Fig. 5.6 (a) and (b). Atoms at the CMRO interface with icosahedral order are colored red and emphasized with a 20% larger radius. Bonds between ISRO nearest neighbor atoms are colored red. At 1600 K, the CMRO interface contains only isolated icosahedra in Fig. 5.6 (d). By contrast, at 1400 K, the icosahedra form a connected network on the CMRO interface, Fig. 5.6 (c). Distributions of icosahedra as a function of distance from interfaces p""'"(r) are plotted in Fig. 5.6 (e)-(f) and quantitatively demonstrate that ISRO order is concentrated at the CMRO 58 interface, both below and above TG . The total fraction of icosahedra increases by a factor of - 3 as temperature decreases from 1600 K to 1400 K [Fig. 5.7 (b)] and p"""(r) shows a clear increase in the concentration of icosahedra at the CMRO interfaces at a temperature of 1400 K [Fig. 5.6 (f)] reflecting the visual observation in Fig. 5.6 (c) of a connected network of icosahedra on the CMRO interfaces at 1400 K. The presence of icosahedra at CMRO interfaces lowers the energy of the system and stabilizes CMRO against coarsening. I compute the enthalpy of formation of icosahedra, FO,, =-19 kJ mol- . My method for computing the enthalpy of mixing is and find AHRMc illustrated in Fig. 5.8. First, I compute the average local concentration and corresponding potential energy for atoms in the Nb-rich (U < 40% Cu ), CMRO interface (40% < < 60% Cu ), Cu-rich regions (U > 60% Cu ), and J""" atoms. Local concentration for each atom is computed as average over the atoms within a sphere of radius 0.5 nm centered at each atom. The potential energy for each atom is obtained after minimizing the potential energy of the configuration via a Fit, Regions w/o Ico -3- *Ico -0-Data, Regions w/o Ico --- -5,_ -6 -7 0 - 25 -'' AH .m= -19 kJ/mol 50 % Cu 75 100 Fig. 5.8: Variation of potential energy as a function of local composition in 300 K amorphous Cu5 oNb5 o. Open data points correspond to the average local composition and potential energy in the Nb-rich (triangle), interface (squre), and Cu-rich region (diamond). Dashed line is the interpolated value of potential energy versus local concentration based on the values of the Nbrich and Cu-rich data points. Filled star corresponds to the average local composition and potential energy for ISRO atoms. Uncertainty on the mean values reported of order of the size of the symbols and therefore not shown. 59 steepest descent energy minimization. Second, I extrapolate the potential energy versus local concentration based on the terminal values obtained for the Nb-rich and Cu-rich atoms. The independently computed average local composition and potential energy for CMRO interface atoms falls exactly on the interpolated line, demonstrating the utility of this interpolation. Finally, I compute the difference in potential energy between the average value for f""" atoms and the corresponding potential energy at the same composition. I find that J;"o,"""atoms are on average 19 kJ mol- 1 lower in energy than non-icosahedral atoms at the same local composition, demonstrating that the formation energy of icosahedral atoms is negative. Although the equilibrium state of the system is phase separated, with a positive heat of formation, the icosahedra network has a negative heat of formation with respect to CMRO interfaces, thus stabilizing the compositionally patterned structure. Coarsening would reduce the area of CMRO interfaces and therefore also the number of atoms in the icosahedra network, causing-at least initially-a net rise in energy. Admittedly, the determination of AHF5OJRm relies upon multiple binning and averaging steps. While the computed values of potential energy and local composition [Fig. 5.8] have uncertainty on the mean values on the order of the symbols themselves, suggesting that the value found for AH"O'Rm is statistically significant, a more direct approach to validating the stability of icosahedra might be found through studying the energy of individual icosahedra clusters, as a function of varying composition. This approach has the potential to demonstrate the importance of relative size ratios of Cu and Nb atoms for icosahedra formation. This alternative approach is a promising research opportunity and left for future study. 5.2.4 Result - Glass transition mechanism is gelation Icosahedral network is mechanically stiff Previous studies in miscible metallic glasses demonstrate that icosahedra form a mechanically stiff "elastic backbone" [112], that icosahedra are less prone to irreversible rearrangements under elastic loading than non-icosahedral atoms [113], and that the glass transition coincides with the percolation of mechanically stiff material [45]. Consistent with these findings, I find that the steady state flow stress rises abruptly below 1500 K, as shown in Fig. 5.7(c), demonstrating that below the glass transition there is a strain range within which 60 CusoNb 5 o deforms elastically. The flow stress is computed under volume-conserving deformation (extension in z and equal contractions in x and y directions) at a strain rate of tz = 2 x 10 9 s' in strain increments of Aeg =2x 10-4, followed by 0.1 ps NPT ensemble MD run between each strain step. Additional simulations at strain rates as low as tz =2 x 10' s- yield similar results for the temperature dependence of the flow stress. I therefore test whether the icosahedra network described here is in fact a load-bearing, "elastic backbone" below the glass transition. Below the elastic limit, the potential energy of the icosahedra network in the deformed configurations (.e = 2 x 109 s') exhibits the harmonic dependence on applied strain expected of linear elastic solids, as shown in Fig. 5.9. In contrast, the potential energy of atoms outside the icosahedra network is nearly strain-independent, except in the initial stages of loading, when it actually decreases due to local, irreversible relaxations. I compute these changes in potential energy with respect to a configuration at zero applied strain and identify icosahedral atoms from their strain-free CNA type. While the initial deformation is applied uniformly to the system, the MD relaxation allows all atoms to undergo independent displacements that reduce the total energy of the system. To remove thermal noise, potential energies are calculated after steepest descent potential energy minimization. A U CD 1000 1100 @1200K v 1300K 1400K W7 2.5 >_ vvy o.30AA. AA AA 000 0 - -2.5,-VVV -3 -2 -2 8( O -1 0 1 -1 0 1 0 0 2 3 Ezz x 100% Fig. 5.9: Harmonic elastic response of icosahedra network. Change in potential energy for the icosahedra network and non-icosahedral atoms (closed and open symbols, respectively) as a function of applied strain e. below the elastic limit. 61 The nearly strain-independent potential energy of non-icosahedral atoms demonstrates that atoms outside the icosahedra network accommodate applied strain through liquid-like, inelastic relaxations [Fig. 5.9]. In contrast, the increase in potential energy with strain for the icosahedral atoms is only possible if these atoms form a connected, load-bearing network. If icosahedral clusters were disconnected and embedded in the liquid-like material, strain would be accommodated through the relaxation of the liquid-like matrix and no energy increase would occur. Therefore, I conclude that the icosahedra network is connected and load-bearing. Icosahedral network deforms reversibly The increase in potential energy of the icosahedra network in Fig. 5.9 is consistent with elastic deformation. However, a definitive claim of elasticity requires demonstration of reversible deformation. First, I show that the energy changes observed in Fig. 5.9 cannot be accounted for by destruction of icosahedra. Second, I show that atomic displacements and potential energy changes are reversible under deformation. Similar to the procedure in [113], to demonstrate that the deformation of the icosahedra network is reversible, I deform a zero strain configuration at 1400 K (denoted Cl) to a prescribed applied strain EAPP at a rate of ez = 2 x 109 s-' and subsequently unload the deformed configurations to 0% strain (denoted C2) at the same strain rate. In Fig. 5.10(a), I plot the ratio between the fraction of icosahedra f"""" at applied strain Ztof atoms En t 'Co falm~satm at Ez, = 0. I find that "'" changes less than 5% up to global yield and f""i" recovers completely upon unloading [Fig. 5.10]. The change in the fraction of icosahedra is less than 5% up to the global yield strain, suggesting that changes in the fraction of icosahedra are not responsible for the measured increases in potential energy. In Fig. 5.10(b), I plot the ratio between atoms in Cl and C2 as a function of applied strain f atoms 8 AP. ~atoms (l (C)1. icosahedra are found in the two configurations, f"'o""(C2)/ If the same number of .U otegoa il Up to the global yield strain, I find that any changes in fiaO"" [Fig. 5.10(a)] are completely reversible. The average (a) displacement magnitude IAr I and (b) potential energy difference APE between C1 and C2 icosahedral atoms are computed after steepest descent potential energy minimization of each configuration, with icosahedra identified based on their type in the C1 configuration. For perfectly reversible deformation, I expect both of these quantities to equal 62 (a) (b) 0.95 "-,0.95 0.9 0.9 N S0.85 .83 ____ 0.8 0.025 0.05 0.075 IfZZ 0.1 0 0.025 0.05 0.075 0.1 'A 'i' Fig. 5.10: Variation in the fraction of icosahedra f"'""" in Cu 5 oNb o deformed at 1400K. (a) 5 Ratio of f"" at applied strain EZ tof ao"" at ea = 0. (b) Ratio of f'0"" between two zerostrain configurations, Cl and C2. Cl is the initial, zero strain configuration. C2 is the final configuration after Cl has been loaded to a total strain of e,, at ta = 2 x 109 s' and unloaded to zero strain at the same rate. Error bars represent the uncertainty on the mean value, determined by averaging over 5 (a) and 30 (b) independent simulations. zero. The mean value and uncertainty were computed by repeating the calculation with 30 independent initial configurations at 1400 K. As shown in Fig. 5.11(a) and 4(b), both IAr I and APE for icosahedra atoms are small ( IAr 1<0.03 nm and APE < 0.005 eV/atom , respectively) for eAP, <EY and only increase markedly after the onset of global yielding. The reversible displacements demonstrate that the deformation of the icosahedra network is elastic. The reversible changes in potential energy demonstrate that the network is mechanically stable and stiff. On the basis of Fig. 5.10 and Fig. 5.11, I therefore conclude that the icosahedra network is load-bearing, elastic, and mechanically (a) (b) 6 2 74 1 0 0 0.05 ( APIP 0.1 0 i 0 0.05 0.1 f APP Fig. 5.11: Reversible deformation. (a) Average displacement magnitude IAr I and (b) average difference in potential energy APE between two zero-strain configurations, Cl and C2, as a function of applied strain E,, (see text for details). The vertical lines indicate the global yield strain. Error bars represent the uncertainty on the mean value, determined by averaging over 30 independent simulations. 63 stiff. It is responsible for the stiffening of the system below the glass transition temperature. Icosahedral network constrains diffusion dynamics The presence of the load-bearing, elastic, mechanically stiff icosahedra network at the CMRO interfaces should prevent atoms from passing through it, effectively restricting diffusion to CMRO regions. Visual inspection of the CMRO region geometry suggests that the CMRO regions are system-spanning, interpenetrating ligaments. Consistent with the idea of an impermeable diffusion barrier at the CMRO interfaces that restricts diffusion to a fractal subspace, I find the diffusion exponent [Fig. 5.7(d)] is sharply reduced at the glass transition, with diffusion exponent n ~0.5 for temperatures between 700 T 1400 K . The Mean-Squared Displacement r 2 (t) (MSD) plot for a typical supercooled liquid plateaus during cage breaking, before converging to the long-time limit of Browning motion, r 2 (t) Oc t" where n = 1 [60]. A diffusion exponent of n <1 after cage breaking is therefore an indication of anomalous diffusion [114]. To compute the diffusion exponent n , I perform constant temperature and pressure (P = 0 GPa) NPT ensemble anneals in a 9,826 atom Cu5 oNb5o system for times up to 100 ns and performed linear fits of the form log 10[ r2 (t)I = n log 101 t + B to the measured r 2 (t) curves in a fitting interval of a lower and upper time [Fig. 5.12]. The lower time bound is set at a time after cage breaking. Because annealing at temperatures above the glass transition yields complete phase separation after a sufficient annealing time, the upper bound time is set by a time prior to complete phase separation. In Fig. 5.12, I plot the MSD r 2 (t), where r 2 (t) is measured as the average for all atoms with respect to the initial configuration. I compute r 2 (t) at all temperatures between 500 K and 2500 K in 100 K increments. Visual inspection reveals that at high temperatures (T > 1700 K), the MSD transitions from a ballistic diffusion regime, r 2 (t) Mt 2 , to Brownian motion, r 2 (t) c t', in times less than 10 ps. At temperatures below the glass transition temperature (T < 1500 K), a distinct plateau in r2 (t) emerges, consistent with previous reports of cage breaking [60]. Visual inspection reveals that the cage-breaking regime extends to times of approximately 100 ps for 500 K. Beyond the cage-breaking regime, the MSD displays anomalous diffusion, i.e. r 2 (t) where n <1. 64 Oc t" 10 10 5 4 3n=1 2500 K 2 10 10 10~ n 2 10 10 2 10~ 100 101 102 103 10 4 10 t [PS] oNb of annealed Cu Fig. 5.12: Diffusion behavior 5 5o. Variation of mean-squared displacement with temperature for 9,826 atom Cu5oNb5o annealed at temperatures between 500 K and 2500 K (100 K increments). The cage breaking interval is shaded in blue; the fitting window is shaded in cyan; and the phase separation interval is shaded in red. 5.2.5 Discussion - Glass transition by gelation A liquid-to-solid transition due to the formation of a system-spanning, load-bearing network in a phase separating liquid mixture is the canonical description of gelation [109]. the Gelation is common in colloidal [109] and polymeric systems [115]. Similar to Cu oNbso, 5 percolating network that leads to gelation in some colloidal systems consists of particles packed in a preferred topology [110]. The formation of a system-spanning, load-bearing network of icosahedra along interfaces between compositionally enriched regions, coincident with the abrupt arrest of coarsening and increase in system flow stress, shows that glass transition in Cu5 oNb5 o may also be described as a liquid-gel transition in a phase separating metallic-rather than colloidal or polymeric-liquid. Gelation has not been used to describe glass transition in more conventional metallic glasses composed of compound-forming elements. Several previous findings, however, suggest that such a description may be warranted in some cases. Icosahedra have been identified as the most common form of structural short-range order in several metallic glasses [33, 34, 116] and correlated with low mobility atoms at temperatures near the glass transition [117]. Dynamic heterogeneity has been shown to couple to composition in such materials [118]. Icosahedra are 65 the building blocks of system-spanning networks in these metallic glasses [35, 98]. Finally, I again note that icosahedra have been demonstrated to be mechanically stiff [112], that icosahedra are resistant to irreversible rearrangements under loading [113], and that glass transition has been correlated with percolation of mechanically stiff phases [45]. The Cohen-Grest free-volume theory for glass transition predicts that glass transition occurs due to the percolation of a "solid-like" phase within an otherwise "liquid-like" (i.e. high free volume) material [119]. This theory makes direct use of percolation theory, and therefore predicts that the glass transition is a first-order transition. My identification of glass transition by gelation, due to percolation of stiff icosahedra, thus bears some similarity to assumptions in the Cohen-Grest theory. While my results do not suggest a first order phase transition, additional investigation of percolation of icosahedra clusters in the Cu 5 oNb 5o system at the glass transition, compared to the predictions of the Cohen-Grest theory, is a promising research direction for future study. CMRO-albeit more compositionally complex than that in amorphous metal alloys with positive heats of mixing-has also been observed in bulk metallic glasses, such as Zr 4 1.2 Ti 13 .8Cu 12.5 NijoBe 2 2 .5 (Vitreloy 1) quenched at 10 K s-1 [120, 121]. In addition to quench rate [122, 123] and annealing time near TG [121], the length-scale and morphology of such compositionally enriched regions are thought to reflect the proximity of TG to a critical temperature below which spinodal decomposition may occur [124]. Because secondary phases generally arrest shear band propagation and improve mechanical toughness [42], metallic glasses with tailored composition modulations are of technological interest. My finding that CMRO couples with ISRO suggests that altering the ISRO network by chemical means may provide a route to controlling CMRO in these materials, thereby influencing their mechanical properties. 5.3 Glass transition temperatures in Cu2 sNb 7 5 , Cu5 0 Nb5 O,and Cu75Nb 25 The successful identification of the glass transition mechanism in Cu 5oNb 5o [39] provides the methods needed to characterize the glass transition in other compositions in the Cu-Nb alloy system. Here, I report the glass transition temperature in Cu 25Nb 75 and Cu75Nb 25 and provide values from Cu 5 oNb5 o for comparison. I find that the glass transition temperature increases with increasing Nb content, with TG = 1400 K for Cu 7 5 Nb 2 5, TG = 1500 K for Cu5 oNb5 O, and 66 9 nm d C25 Nb75 1700 K C25 Nb 75 1500 K CsoNbso 1600 K e f CsoNbso 1400 K C75 Nb 25 1500 K C75 Nb 25 1300 K Fig. 5.13: CMRO versus temperature and composition. Visualization of alloys (Cu Nb , 25 75 Cu5 oNb 5 o, and Cu75 Nb 25 at top, middle, and bottom, respectively) following 20 ns annealing. A 1 nm thick slice is shown with Cu-rich regions colored light gray and Nb-rich regions colored black. TG = 1600 K for Cu 25 Nb 75 [Fig. 5.14(d)]. These glass transition temperature values are utilized for subsequent analysis of the irradiated Cu 25Nb 75 and Cu 75Nb 25 systems. 5.3.1 Length-scale of compositional order The variation of compositional medium range order (CMRO) with temperature was studied in the three alloy systems-Cu2 5Nbs, Cu oNbso, 5 and Cu 75Nb 2 5 -between the temperatures of 1000 K and 2000 K by annealing quenched (1013 K/s) liquid atom configurations (50k atoms) for 20 ns. As can be seen below in Fig. 5.13, pronounced changes in the length-scale of CMRO are found in a relatively narrow temperature window (200 K) for all three alloys. For Cu2 5Nb 7 5, this transition occurs between 1500 K and 1700 K; for Cu5 oNb 5 o, this transition occurs between 1400 K and 1600 K; and for Cu 75Nb 25 this transition occurs between 1300 K and 1500 K. Within a representative 1 nm slice, the CMRO is visualized by coloring each atom by its local Cu concentration, j, computed as the fraction of copper atoms within the sphere of radius 0.7 nm, centered at each atom. 67 a b 10 3[ QQ"75 2.5 8 71 6. 400 1200 160 c 1600 1800 so io 2000 - 60 1800-200 d 0..4 0.5r iRo -1700 1600 4 0.3r 1500 0.2 E" 1400 0.1 1000 1200 1400 1600 Temnperatur (K) 1800 2000 1300 Cu25Nb75 Cu50Nb5O Cu75Nb25 Fig. 5.14: Variation of properties with composition and annealing temperature. (a) Variation of the length-scale of compositional medium range order (Ac) with temperature. (b) Variation of the flow stress with temperature. (c) Fraction of atoms in full icosahedra as a function of temperature. (d) Glass transition temperature as a function of composition. All values computed after annealing for 20 ns at the indicated temperature. Supporting this visual analysis, I find that the temperature-dependent CMRO length-scale (Ac) diverges in a similar temperature window. At the conclusion of each of the annealing runs, the radial distribution function was computed and the composition-composition structure factor was subsequently calculated. The characteristic length scale of compositional medium range order (CMRO) was computed from the maximum in the structure factor and plotted as a function of annealing temperature. As can be seen in Fig. 5.14(a), the temperature-dependence of the CMRO length-scale (Ac) is weak below a critical temperature (Tc), suggesting that the Tc signals the onset (upon cooling) of a temperature range where the atomic mobility required for diffusion and coarsening of the compositionally patterned structure is sharply reduced. Following the procedure discussed above, I identify the range in which Ac sharply decreases with decreasing temperature. For Cu 2 5Nb 75, coarsening of Ac is reduced in the temperature range of 1600 -1800 K. Based upon visual inspection of annealed structures, I 68 identify the onset of coarsening at 1600 K and take TG = 1600 K. For Cu5oNb 5o, Ac is sharply reduced in the temperature range 1500-1600 K and I take TG = 1500 K. Finally, for Cu7 5Nb 2 5 , Ac is sharply reduced in the temperature range 1300-1500 K and I take TG = 1400 K. 5.3.2 Flow stress Following the 20 ns anneal, each alloy was deformed under volume-conserving deformation at a rate of 109 1/s to a total von Mises tensile work equivalent strain of 22% for temperatures between 1000 K and 2000 K. At each temperature, the von Mises stress was computed as a function of strain and the flow stress was found as the average of the von Mises equivalent stress between 20-20% strain. In Fig. 5.14(b), the flow stress is plotted as a function of temperature for each alloy. Above a critical temperature, the flow stress is low (af < 0.5 GPa). This transition temperature distinguishes liquid-like and solid-like flow and therefore should be coincident with the glass transition temperature. As expected, I find transition temperatures that are exactly the same as the glass transition temperatures identified on the basis of coarsening of compositional order. For Cu7 5Nb 2 5, T - 1400 K; for Cu5oNb 5o, T ~ 1500 K; and For Cu 2 5Nb75 , T = 1600 K. These values build confidence in the identified glass transition temperature. 5.3.3 Icosahedral short-range order Icosahedral order has been identified in numerous amorphous metal systems as the most common form of short-range topological order and the fraction of atoms in full-icosahedra has been shown to increase markedly at the glass transition. It is therefore of interest to investigate the temperature dependence of the fraction of atoms in full-icosahedra (at the center and in the first nearest neighbor shell). As shown in Fig. 5.14(c), the fraction of atoms in full icosahedra increases dramatically for all three alloys between 1600 K and 1400 K, consistent with my identification of the glass transition for all three alloys in this temperature range. 5.3.4 Thermal expansion The linear thermal expansion coefficient was computed for the three alloys systems from the thermodynamic output of the 1013 K/s quench of the V2 billion atom systems (see Section 5.5) used in the collision cascade simulations. In Fig. 5.15(a), I plot the temperature dependence of thermal expansion. There are two key trends that emerge from the thermal expansion data: (1) thermal expansion is highest in systems rich in copper (Cu 75Nb 2 5) and lowest in the niobium rich alloy (Cu 25Nb 75 ); and (2) the inflection point in the thermal expansion versus temperature curve 69 follows the previously identified trend in the critical temperature of the CMRO length-scale, with a systematic increase in the inflection point temperature (TI) with increasing niobium content. For Cu 75Nb 25, T, = 1200 K; for Cu5 oNb 50 , T, = 1400 K; and For Cu 25Nb 75, T, = 1500 K. The correspond of the inflection point temperature in the thermal expansion with the temperature dependence of the CMRO length-scale supports the identified glass transition temperatures. The thermal expansion is computed as the first derivative (slope of the linear fit to a temperature interval of 100 K centered at the temperature of interest) of the system cell length with respect to system temperature. The inflection point is computed as the temperature at which the second derivative of thermal expansion with respect to temperature is zero (centered finite differences, with a temperature interval of 200 K). 5.3.5 Heat capacity Like the linear thermal expansion, the constant-pressure heat capacity (Cp) was computed a b - _ 40 - Cu25Nb75 Cu5ONb50 30 -- Cu75Nb25 x 10" 0.5 /,0 Thih.. W- A V 201 S10 -1 1000 2 3"1000 2000 Temperature (K) c d 40 1 35 0 3025- 3M0 Temperature (K) /I_ *' Cu25Nb75 -2 ---- Cu50Nb50 --- Cu75Nb25 1000 2000 3000 Temperature (K) 1000 2000 3000 Temperature (K) Fig. 5.15: Variation of properties with composition and temperature. (a) Variation of thermal expansion with respect to temperature for three alloy systems. (b) Temperature dependence of the second derivatives of the curves in (a). The inflection point is where the second derivative equals zero. (c) Variation of heat capacity with respect to temperature for three alloy systems. (d) Temperature dependence of the second derivatives of the curves in (c). The inflection point is where the second derivative equals zero. 70 for the three alloys systems from the thermodynamic output of the 1013 K/s quench of the /2 billion atom systems used in the collision cascade simulations. From classical thermodynamics, CP = d'T where H = U + PV. The quench was performed under zero pressure and to good approximation is nearly zero throughout the quench. I therefore neglect the PV term and consider only U = PE + KE, where PE is the system potential energy and KE is the system kinetic energy. In Fig. 5.15(b), I plot the temperature variation of the heat capacity for the three alloys. The temperature dependence is very similar to that found in for the linear thermal expansion. 5.4 Properties of amorphous Cu 2 5 Nb 75, Cu5 0 Nb5 0 , and Cu7 5 Nb 25 Following the successful characterization of the glass transition temperatures in Cu 2 5Nb75 , Cu5 oNb 5o, and Cu 75 Nb2 5, I next probe the mechanical properties of these systems in both the quenched (1013 K/s) and relaxed (~0.5 ns below the glass transition temperature) systems. The synthesis procedure and measured properties are summarized below in Table 5.2. I subsequently employ the computed elastic constants and yield stresses for analysis of plastic deformation in irradiated metallic glasses (Chapter 6 and 7), as well as for predicting the radiation damage resistance of these materials (Chapter 7). 71 5.4.1 Elastic constants The elastic constants of each configuration are computed using the stress-strain response during quasi-static loading at 0 K. After setting the temperature of each alloy to 0 K, I relax the systems to a stress free state using a combination of deformation and energy minimization. I subsequently deform the system uniformly with uniaxial tensile deformation in the z-direction in small strain increments (AEzz = 10-), with periodic boundary conditions applied in all three directions and the strain in the x and y-directions set to zero. Following the application of each strain increment, I relax the energy of the system with steepest descent energy minimization. As an example, in Fig. 5.16(a), I plot the system stress as a function of applied strain for quasi-static deformation the as-quenched Cu5oNb 5o system at 0 K. As expected, the system as whole has a linear stress-strain response, and the stress response a , and ou, Initial Structure Numbers C Quenched Cu25Nb75 Cu3Au (Nb3Cu) 48,668 Relaxed Cu25Nb75 Cu3Au (Nb3Cu) 48,668 Quenched Cu50Nb5O CsCI (CuNb) 48,778 Relaxed Cu50Nb5O CsCl (CuNb) Quenched Cu75Nb25 Cu3Au (Cu3Nb) Relaxed Cu75Nb25 Cu3Au (Cu3Nb) 48,778 48,668 48,668 4000 K 1,000 ps 4000 K 1,000 Ps 4000 K 1,000 ps 4000 K 1,000 ps 4000 K 1,000 ps 4000 K 1,000 ps 101 K/s 101 K/s 101 K/s 10' K/s 101 K/s 10' - 1500 -- 1200 -- 1250 -- 500 -- 400 -- 500 Liquid Tealing Temp/Time Quench Rate Anal < Temp [K] Annealing o p [g cm 3 ] PE [eV/atom] a [10~6 1/K] C, [J/(mol K)] ay [GPa] Cy E [GPa] TG[K] K/s ____ Time [ps] Properties Cl I [GPa] C12 [GPa] p [GPa] [GPa] p [g cm~] are approximately equal. The 500__400_500 Quenched Relaxed Quenched Cu50Nb5O Cu25Nb75 Cu25Nb75 229.3 ± 0.1 231.5 0.1 227.4 0.1 131.3 + 0.04 131.4 + 0.06 130.8 ± 0.03 49.0 ± 0.1 50.0 + 0.1 48.3 ± 0.1 131.3 + 0.04 131.4 + 0.06 130.8 ± 0.03 8.2575 8.287 8.282 Relaxed Cu50Nb5O 228.6 + 0.1 131.5 ± 0.1 48.6 ± 0.2 131.5 0.1 8.2642 Quenched Relaxed Cu75Nb25 Cu75Nb25 212.1 ± 0.1 215.3 0.1 0.03 129.7 ± 0.1 130.1 41.2 ± 0.2 42.6 ± 0.1 129.7 0.1 130.1 ±0.03 8.324 8.320 Quenched Relaxed Quenched Relaxed Quenched Relaxed Cu25Nb75 8.2347 -6.3259 15.3 Cu25Nb75 8.2415 -6.3325 15.3 Cu50Nb5O 8.1958 -5.3696 20.4 Cu50Nb5O 8.2039 -5.3772 20.4 Cu75Nb25 8.2337 -4.4101 25.5 Cu75Nb25 8.2387 -4.4171 25.5 35.9 3.51 0.0377 98.4 Quenched Cu25Nb75 1600 35.9 3.31 0.0325 108.3 Relaxed Cu25Nb75 1600 34.9 2.97 0.0315 100.8 Quenched Cu50Nb5O 1500 34.9 3.05 0.0307 106.5 Relaxed Cu50Nb5O 1500 35.6 2.37 0.0272 94.3 Quenched Cu75Nb25 1400 35.6 2.51 0.0286 94.5 Relaxed Cu75Nb25 1400 Table 5.2: Synthesis procedure for 50k atom model glasses and resulting properties. 72 linear fit of oxx = mEz + B yields C12 = m, while the linear fit of oz = mezz + B yields C11 = m. Similar calculations were performed in the other five systems and the resulting properties are tabulated in Table 5.2. 5.4.2 Yield stress I compute the finite temperature yield stress at 300 K using volume-conserving deformation with strain increments of AEVM = 2 -10-4, followed by molecular dynamics relaxation for At = 0.1 ps, for an effective strain rate of e = 2 - 10' 1/s. As illustrated in Fig. 5.16(b), the yield stress is determined from the 0.2% strain offset, and for a-Cu5oNb5o deformed at 300 K, found to be o = 100.8 GPa. Similar calculations were performed for the other alloys and the results are tabulated in Table 5.2. 5.5 Synthesis of % billion atom amorphous alloy configurations To probe the radiation response of metallic glasses at ion irradiation energies of /2 MeV (Chapter 6 and 7), it is necessary to synthesize 3-dimensional atomic configurations with simulation cell edge length of -200 nm (see Section 6.1), yielding configurations with -2 billion atoms. Running LAMMPS [94] on the unclassified BlueGene/L (uBGL) supercomputer at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory with 16,384 cores, I create crystalline configurations of Cu 2 5Nb 7 5 , Cu5 oNb 5 o, and Cu 75N 25 with the initial structures indicated in Table 5.3. Following a b 0.8 6 -- / 0.6- o 0.4 --- 3 02 S2- c2=3.0 GPa E(300 K,2E9 1/s) =100.8 GPa U), 0 00 1Strain, E 0.002 0.003 00 0 0.05 .0.2 Stran, EvM Fig. 5.16: Atomistic calculation of mechanical properties of of a-Cu5 oNb5 o. (a) Stress versus strain computed under quasi-static uniaxial tension. Solid lines indicate linear fits. (b) Von Mises stress versus work equivalent strain under volume conserving deformation at 300 K with a strain rate of e = 2 - 10' 1/s. Solid line indicates 0.2% strain offset. 73 the rapid quenching procedures described above in Section 5.1, I first melt the material at 4000 K and subsequently quench the liquid at an effective quench rate of 1013 K/s using stepwise cooling in 25 K decrements and 2.5 ps equilibration runs to 300 K, with a velocity rescaling thermostat and Nose-Hoover NPH barostat. Relaxed configurations are prepared by selecting an asquenched configuration at the desired annealing temperature and relaxing with NPT annealing at the chosen temperature for -0.5 ns. Following annealing, the relaxed configuration is quenched to 300 K at 1013 K/s. This approach yields six unique atomic configurations, enabling an investigation of the role of composition and structural relaxation on the radiation response of metallic glasses. The exact synthesis procedure and resulting alloy properties are summarized for the six configurations in Table 5.3. To validate that the / billion atom models are in-fact amorphous, I compare the thermodynamic output during quenching to the output obtained during quenching the smaller, 50k atom configurations. As example, I show the potential energy (a) and volume per atom (b) as a function of simulation time for both a 50k atom and 474M atom configuration of quenched in Fig. 5.17. On average, the output is identical, giving confidence that the properties of the 474M atom configuration are the same as the 50k atom configurations. On this basis, I therefore assume that alloy properties computed in 50k atom configurations (reported in Table 5.2) are representative of the properties of the -4.4 '- 9 y.0 '2' -5.075 E0 -4. billion atom alloys. E -5.0 21 16.84 16.8 16.x .085- -4.8 16.88 -5-4 18 40 242 244 240 242 244 0 O 16 0 -e-474M -5.4 '' 50 100 ' ' ' ' ' 150 200 250 300 350 151 50 5ok atoms atoms 100 150 200 250 300 350 time, psec time, psec Fig. 5.17: Comparison of thermodynamic output between 50k and 474M atom configurations of quenched Cu5 oNb 5 o. (a) Potential energy versus simulation time. (b) Volume per atom versus simulation time. 74 Quenched Cu25Nb75 Cu3Au (Nb3Cu) Cu25Nb75 Cu3Au (Nb3Cu) Quenched Cu50Nb5O CsCI (CuNb) Cu50Nb5O CsCI (CuNb) Quenched Cu75Nb25 Cu3Au (Cu3Nb) Cu75Nb25 Cu3Au (Cu3Nb) 0.352 0.352 0.352 0.352 0.352 0.352 500,000,000 500,000,000 474,353,318 474,353,318 500,000,000 500,000,000 4000 K 4000 K 4000 K 4000 K 4000 K 2.5 ps 4000 K 2.5 ps Initial Structure Lattice0.5032 Parame [nm Nu eof Atoms A o Liq g Temp/Time Quench Rate Annealing Relaxed 2.5 ps 2.5 ps 25 ps 1013 K/s 1013 K/s 1013 K/s 1013 K/s 1013 K/s 1013 K/s - 1500 -- 1200 -- 1250 -- 500 -- 400 -- 500 Relaxed Quenched Cu50Nb5O 8.1932 Relaxed Cu25Nb75 8.2410 Cu50Nb5O 8.2012 Quenched Cu75Nb25 8.2323 Cu75Nb25 8.2386 -6.3332 -5.3695 -5.3800 -4.4099 -4.4171 Time [ps]504050 Quenched Cu25Nb75 8.2329 p [g cm 3] PB [eV/atom] Relaxed 25 ps Temp [K] Annealing Relaxed -6.3259 Relaxed Table 5.3 Synthesis procedure for 2 billion atom model glasses and resulting properties. 75 76 6 Atomistic simulations of irradiated metallic glasses In Chapter 2, I demonstrated that radiation response of metallic glasses under irradiation is markedly different than in crystalline metals-they swell without voids to a finite limit [15, 16] and become more ductile [17, 49]. These dramatic differences suggest that the atomic-scale radiation response mechanisms of amorphous metals are qualitatively different from crystalline alloys. However, these fundamental mechanisms are poorly understood and several open research questions remain. In this Chapter, I use /2billion atom molecular dynamics simulations in a series of Cu-Nb alloys to reveal the answer to the two primary questions of this Thesis. First, I reveal the spatial distribution of radiation damage in irradiated metallic glasses to be qualitatively similar to that found in irradiated crystalline alloys. Second, I show that the fundamental radiation response mechanism is rapid localized melting and quenching in isolated thermal spikes. This rapid quenching leads to the formation of "super-quenched zones" (SQZs): rapidly quenched amorphous regions formed where thermal spikes occurred. SQZ properties are determined by the local quench rate and correspond to those of uniform liquids quenched at the same rate. Irradiation of the amorphous alloy also gives rise to polarized collision-induced plasticity, which occurs due to intense stress pulses emitted during the melting stage of thermal spikes. New parallelized analysis techniques are employed to investigate these radiation response mechanisms in detail. In Section 6.1, I justify the choice of the PKA energy utilized in the MD collision cascade simulations. Next, in Section 6.2, I report a detailed analysis of the radiation response mechanisms in a 475 keV Nb ion irradiation simulation of quenched Cu 5 oNb 5o. In Section 6.3, I study irradiated amorphous Cu 25 Nb75 , Cu5 oNb5 o, and Cu 75Nb 2 5, in both the quenched and relaxed configurations, and report the role of composition and free volume in the radiation response mechanisms. 6.1 Design of /2 MeV molecular dynamics collision cascade studies As discussed in Chapters 2 and 3, molecular dynamics is well suited to investigation of the fundamental radiation response mechanisms in irradiated alloys. After selecting the interatomic potential and constructing realistic atomic configurations, the final modeling choice is the energy of the initial PKA. The choice of the PKA energy is dictated by the first question of interest, namely revealing the spatial distribution of radiation damage. 77 a b E 10 5 - Cu PKA Nb PKA 4- 100 444 0 0- I> 0 -- ,7 -2 C 10 S,---Se Sn Cu Z -- S~eCu Sn Nb 1- - - - - - - - - - - Nb *' 10-,(O 103210 210 0 10 1102 103 104 PKA energy (keV) 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 PKA energy (keV) Fig. 6.1: (a) The nuclear and electronic stopping powers (Sn and Se, respectively) as a function of PKA energy for Nb and Cu (black and red, respectively), as computed in an a-Cu oNb O 5 5 system of density p=8.193 g/cm with standard SRIM [128]. (b) Ratio of Sn and Se as a function of PKA energy, for Cu (red) and Nb (black) PKAs. 6.1.1 Primary knock-on atom energy selection Previous atomistic modeling of collision cascades in irradiated crystalline metals has demonstrated that for PKAs with energies exceeding a threshold (e.g. 10 keV in Fe [125], 25 keV in Cu [126] and 65 keV in Au [127]), the PKA creates multiple, isolated thermal spikes. Therefore, to test for the formation of isolated thermal spikes in irradiated metallic glasses, it is necessary to select a PKA with an initial energy of at least 25 keV. The upper bound of the PKA energy is limited by the energy at which electronic stopping becomes the dominant stopping mechanism. To optimize the PKA energy within these two bounds, I employed the Monte Carlo binary collision computer simulation code SRIM to simulate the projected range of ions in CuNb alloys, both with [128] and without electronic stopping [129]. SRIM models the binary collisions resulting from a PKA impinging on a material target of a specific composition and density, treating binary collisions via a screened columbic ZBL potential and accounting for both electronic and nuclear stopping. Monte Carlo steps are used to determine if collisions occur. The simulation tracks the positions and resulting energies of atoms during collisions, but does not resolve the dynamics of collisions. SRIM is able to predict projected ranges of ions in a target material, although it cannot reveal changes to the target atomic structure. 78 Using tabulated stopping powers in SRIM, I plot the nuclear and electronic stopping powers for Cu and Nb ions in a Cu5oNb5o target material of density p=8.193 g/cm 3, as a function of PKA energy, in Fig. 6.1(a). The ratio of the nuclear and electronic stopping is plotted in Fig. 6.1(b) and reveals that electronic stopping becomes equal to nuclear stopping at Cu PKA energies of 900 keV and Nb PKA energies of 1700 keV. Within the constraint of classical molecular dynamics, which excludes electronic interactions, it is necessary to employ a PKA energy well below the PKA energy at which nuclear and electronic stopping are equal. To achieve my goal of providing the opportunity for multiple collision cascades to form in the irradiated amorphous Cu-Nb alloys, while still remaining in a PKA energy regime in which nuclear stopping is the dominant energy loss mechanism, I chose a Nb PKA with 475 keV. This Nb PKA corresponds to a ratio Sn/Se = 3.7, meaning that electronic stopping accounts for 20% of the energy loss. This ratio of nuclear to electronic stopping is consistent with the energy range studied previously with classical molecular dynamics simulations of 50 keV PKAs in Fe [125], which from TRIM corresponds to 20% of the energy lost to electronic stopping. To quantify the effect of excluding electronic stopping on the spatial distribution of damage, I performed SRIM simulations of 475 keV Nb PKA irradiation of Cu5 oNb5 o (p= 8 .193 g/cm 3). I computed the distribution of the final position of the PKA (the "projected range"), both a b E--10 - S8, o 40 SRIM NO SE SRIM NO SE - - - SRIM w/ SE C 0 30 - - - - SRIM w/ SE 6 20 4 0 0 0 0- 10 100 200 Range (nm) 300 10 10 10 102 10 Primary recoil energy (keV) Fig. 6.2: (a) Distributions of final positions of 475 keV Nb PKAs in an a-Cu5oNb 5 o system of density p=8.193 g/cm computed with SRIM. The solid line and filled circles are for no electronic stopping (modified SRIM [129]) while the dashed line and open circles include electronic stopping (standard SRIM [128]). (b) Histogram of primary recoil energies due to 475 keV Nb ions, averaged over 1,000 Nb PKAs, computed using SRIM without and with electronic stopping (solid and dashed lines, respectively). 79 with [128] and without electronic stopping [129], from 1,000 independent collision simulations. As shown in Fig. 6.2(a), SRIM predicts that, on average, ions without electronic stopping travel 14% farther in the material (the average projected range is 123 nm), compared to ions with electronic stopping (average projected range of 108 nm). However, the distribution of primary recoil kinetic energies measured in SRIM [Fig. 6.2(b)], with and without electronic stopping, is very similar. These insights suggest that excluding electronic stopping will have a relatively small impact on the distribution of damage and that qualitative insights concerning the distribution of damage obtained with molecular dynamics will be correct. 6.1.2 Selection of simulation cell size To ensure that the PKA does not exit and re-enter the simulation cell through the periodic boundaries, it is necessary to construct a model configuration with a simulation cell dimension exceeding the largest possible PKA projected range. From the distribution of projected ranges of 475 keV Nb ions [Fig. 6.1(b)], the maximum projected range without electronic stopping is 300 nm. To accommodate this range within molecular dynamics, I chose a simulation cell size of 196 nm, giving a simulation cell diagonal of 339 nm. This simulation cell size corresponds to a system of nearly '/2 billion atoms. As reported in Chapter 5, realistic '/2 billion atom configurations were obtained by rapid quenching liquids from 4000 K to 300 K at an effective quench rate of 1013 K/s. 6.2 Radiation response mechanisms in metallic glasses: Isolated super-quenched zones and polarized plasticity 6.2.1 Simulation setup In order to reveal the spatial distribution of radiation damage in irradiated metallic glasses, as well as the fundamental mechanisms of radiation response, I performed a molecular dynamics simulation of 475 keV Nb ion irradiation of a 474 million atom amorphous Cu5 oNb5 o alloy. Using the 1/2 billion atom as-quenched amorphous Cu5oNb 5o configuration, constructed with the model building procedure outlined in Section 5.5, I initiate a single collision cascade by giving one Nb atom 475 keV of kinetic energy, directed along the simulation cell diagonal. During the collision cascade, the equations of motion are integrated in the NVE ensemble. Beginning with a timestep of 5x10- 7 ps, the timestep is adjusted every 100 timesteps so that no atom displaces more than 5 x 10- nm between subsequent timesteps. The variable timestep 80 method allows the integration timestep size to increase as the kinetic energy of atoms decreases and enables the simulation to cover 13.5 ps in only 496,000 timesteps while conserving energy to within 2.1x10- 7 % (See discussion in Section 6.2.2). Result 1 - Simulation output is reliable 6.2.2 Before analyzing the simulation output in detail (Sections 6.2.3-6.2.5) it is first necessary to demonstrate that the simulation output is reliable. Below, I provide three independent validations of the reliability of the simulation output. First, I demonstrate that the variable timestep method accurately integrates the equations of motion, with excellent energy conservation for both individual elastic scattering events and the system as a whole. Second, I demonstrate that the input PKA is contained within the simulation. Third, I demonstrate that the center of mass velocity is small. Energy conserved during NVE molecular dynamics Accurate finite-differences time integration of Newton's equations in the NVE ensemble yields conservation of the total system energy, U = KE + PE, by construction [83]. Energy conservation is therefore a necessary condition for simulation reliability. Here, I demonstrate that the total system conserves energy and that the integration of the PKA trajectory is accurate. Accurate time integration demonstrates that the variable timestep method is successful. As shown in Fig. 6.3(a), the simulation timestep remains small, dt < 10-5 ps, up to a total a b 10 30 1 - - - - - C - 20 __0._ _4_0.045__ 0___ 5 10 Time (ps) 100 - 010 0 . 10 0.05 0.1 015 02 0.25 0.3 - 0.4 0.45 0.5 5001 500 - - - - -, - - 4-- 400 10 0.35 -6 460 300 W 440 042. 2000 0.045 1 1 10 Time (ps) 10 102 0 0.05 Time (p) 100o 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 Time (ps) Fig. 6.3: Energy is conserved in MD simulation of 475 keV Nb ion irradiation of a Cu5 oNb5 o. (a) Variation of simulation timestep size with total simulation time. (b) PKA energy and change in total system energy as a function of simulation time. 81 a b -(150p) E Az ~0 150n 150 10nmTime 10~ 10 100 (ps) Fig. 6.4: Trajectory of 475 keV Nb ion in a-CuMoNbMo, computed with NVE molecular dynamics. (a) Visualization of PKA trajectory. The simulation cell boundaries are indicated. The dashed line indicates the specified PKA direction. (b) PKA position as a function of simulation time. The simulation cell has an edge length of 196 nm. simulation time of t=0.5 ps, the point at which all high-energy (ke > I keV) collisions are complete. Following the initial ballistic stage, with energy exchanges predominantly in the form of binary elastic collision, the kinetic energy per atom decreases and a larger timestep is allowed by the variable timestep scheme. As shown in the top panel of Fig. 6.3(b), the variable timestep method yields excellent total energy conservation, with a total system energy change of -5.3 eV out of an initial energy of -2.5282 - 109 eV, representing a fractional energy change of 2 10-7%. Comparing the total system energy change with the energy of the PKA [bottom panel, Fig. 6.3(b)], it is evident that most of the system energy change occurs due to high-energy, binary scattering events. However, even in these individual scattering events the time integration yields excellent energy conservation. For example, during the first large energy drop in the PKA energy-an energy change of 55 keV-the total system energy changes by 3.2 eV, yielding an error in the energy of the binary scattering event of 0.006%. These results demonstrate that the simulation methods yields excellent energy conservation, both for individual atom trajectories and the system as a whole, and provides strong evidence that the simulation output is reliable. PKA is contained within simulation cell In order to reveal the radiation response mechanisms of metallic glasses, it is necessary that the PKA is contained within the simulation cell. If the PKA passes through previously 82 2 -Ay +1- o5 A -Az + 2 - 10-5A 1.5- 0.5- 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Time (ps) Fig. 6.5: Change in the simulation center of mass position as a function of simulation time. irradiated material, it becomes impossible to resolve my primary research questions, namely the spatial distribution of radiation damage and the details of radiation response mechanisms. While SRIM was employed to predict the range of 475 keV Nb PKAs in Cu oNbso, it is necessary to 5 demonstrate that the PKA is in fact contained within the simulation cell. As illustrated in Fig. 6.4, the Nb PKA is initially oriented along the simulation cell diagonal. Subsequent time integration within the NVE ensemble yields the visualized PKA trajectory, with the abrupt changes in PKA direction suggestive of elastic scattering events. With respect to its initial position, the PKA has a total displacement vector of A? = [161 58 291 nm, with an integral path distance of 200 nm. From both the visualization and these quantitative measures, it is clear that the PKA is contained within the simulation cell and that it only interacts with non-irradiated material. Furthermore, the projected range of the PKA, IA&| = 174 nm is in excellent agreement with the predicted projected range computed with SRIM [Fig. 6.2(a)], providing additional evidence that the MD simulation yields reliable output. Center of mass velocity The introduction of the 475 keV Nb atom imparts a net momentum to the simulation. It is therefore necessary to validate that the simulation is not a "flying ice cube" with a large center of mass velocity. In Fig. 6.5, I plot the simulation center of mass position as a function of 83 simulation time. As expected, the PKA does cause a small, net drift in the simulation center of mass. A linear least-squares fit to the to the displacement magnitude versus time yields a velocity magnitude of 2.5e-5 A/ps. Converting the center of mass speed to an effective temperature via 3/2kBT = 1/2mv 2 , the center of mass velocity corresponds to a temperature of 9.2 K. This effective temperature is small with respect to local increases in temperature (found to exceed 4000 K), and all local temperatures are computed only after first subtracting the center of mass velocity of the voxel. Thus, the center of mass velocity of the system as a whole should not affect the underlying physics of the system nor lead to errors in interpretation of the simulation output, providing additional evidence that the simulation output is reliable. 6.2.3 Result 2 - PKA produces isolated thermal spikes without ion tracks Collision cascade As the PKA travels through the model, it undergoes collisions with surrounding atoms, transferring kinetic energy to them and displacing them from their initial locations. Plotting the PKA kinetic energy as a function of its path length [Fig. 6.6(a)] it is evident that the PKA kinetic energy decreases through discrete scattering events. Cataloging every discrete energy drop of the PKA and summing the energy of each collision that transfers more than 1 keV of kinetic energy, I find that the PKA loses over 90% of its energy through these high-energy binary elastic collisions. The distribution of these recoil energies is in good agreement with the predicted distribution of recoil energies from SRIM [Fig. 6.6(a)]. These results demonstrate that binary scattering is the dominant mechanism in determining the spatial distribution of energy transfers in the irradiated amorphous alloy. Supporting the insight that the PKA loses energy through discrete, binary elastic collisions, the PKA (red line) trajectory is plotted in Fig. 6.7(a), along with the trajectories of atoms acquiring at least 1 keV (KAs, black lines). Knock-on atoms terminate in spatially disconnected regions with numerous displacements of 1 nm or less (displacement vectors, computed between 0 - 12 ps, shown as a solid blue line connecting initial and final position). The isolated regions of displacements are connected by straight, collision-free KA trajectories, suggesting that inter-nuclear scattering does not generate ion tracks and that, on the length scales 84 a b 500 25 ---- -SRIM NO SE ---SRIM w/ SE -- MD ___ 400.220 300 15 W'200 0 10 EM 10- 100 5 % 50 0 100 150 200 PKA trajectory distance (nm) 250 02 10 10 Recoil energy (keV) 102 Fig. 6.6: Quantifying PKA collision events. (a) PKA energy versus integral trajectory distance. (b) Histogram of number of recoils created at a given energy, computed using SRIM without [129] and with [128] electronic stopping (solid and dashed lines, respectively), as previously shown in Fig. 6.2. Blue symbols with dashed line correspond to MD data, computed as the histogram of PKA energy drops [from part (a)]. of hundreds of nanometers, the distributions of collision-induced damage in metallic glasses and crystalline alloys are comparable [105]. To characterize radiation response in displacement zones, I evaluate temperature (T), density (p), potential energy (PE), diffusivity (D), stresses (aij), and strains (Eci) on a 75x75x 75 array of cubic volumes (voxels) with edge length 2.6 nm (see Section 4.1 for details), containing ~1,100 atoms each. The compositions of these voxels are normally distributed with a mean of 49.9% Cu and a standard deviation of 5.6% and behave as valid representative volume elements. Computing the temperature as a function of time in each voxel between 1-12 ps, the maximum temperature (Tmax) is found for each voxel. In Fig. 6.7(b), voxels whose maximum temperature Tmax exceeds the glass transition temperature of a-Cu oNbso (TG = 1500 K) are 5 shown as red cubes superimposed on the KA trajectories. Using cluster analysis, neighboring voxels with Tmax > TG are binned to unique clusters. As can be seen in Fig. 6.7(c), these hightemperature regions are localized and coincident with the regions with numerous displacements in Fig. 6.7(a). 85 Ranging in diameter from approximately 2-12 nm, these high temperature zones are known as "thermal spikes." Tracking the trajectory and energy of each knock-on atom, the energy deposited in each thermal spike is computed using the energy flux method illustrated in Fig. 6.7(d). The KA energy at the time it enters and leaves the thermal spike is noted and the difference computed. The sum of all energy fluxes yields the total energy deposited. As shown in Fig. 6.8 the volume of the thermal spike scales linearly with deposited energy, with a best least- a b -""" 475 keV Nb PKA KE,=> 1 keV 0.5 [TN = 350 K ST. > 1500 K < LO.J< 1 nm 150 nm U 460, 440 420 N 40 380 2 320, ClusterID 2 KAID 273455 kk_"r ke-leave 2.3 0.4 0'0 128MOA AKE Ta AKE 8VW -0.9 - Fig. 6.7: Displacement zones and thermal spikes in irradiated a-Cu5 oNb5o. (a) Displaced atom trajectories in a-Cu5 oNb5o: 475keV Nb PKA plotted in red, knock-on atoms acquiring at least 1 keV in black; atoms displaced between 0.5-1 nm in blue. (b) Temperature fields due to internuclear collisions. Red voxels have a maximum temperature greater than TG = 1500 K [39]. The blue contour is for Tmax = 350 K after a total simulation time of 12 ps. (c) Isolated thermal spikes identified on the basis of nearest-neighbor cluster analysis. (d) Energy flux into a single representative thermal spike, boxed in (c). 86 800 - 0 fit E 600 0 0 400 TE 200 E I- 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 Thermal spike energy (keV) Fig. 6.8: Thermal spike volume versus deposited energy. The straight line corresponds to the linear fit: VTs = (15.1 ± 0.6 nm 3 /keV) ETS - (8.9 ± 11.2 nm 3 ). squares linear fit of VTs = (15.1 + 0.6 nm3 /keV) ETS - (8.9 + 11.2 nm 3 ). Furthermore, no thermal spike energy exceeds 50 keV. Addressing the first Thesis research question, these findings reveal that the spatial distribution of radiation damage is qualitatively similar to that found in crystalline alloys. Due to binary elastic scattering of the PKA with material atoms, isolated thermal spikes form, similar to previous findings of isolated "sub-cascades" in crystalline materials [1]. Thermal spikes vary in energy and size, but the characteristic energy and size is on the order of 10 keV and 10 nm in diameter, respectively, similar to crystalline materials. 6.2.4 Result 3 - Thermal spikes are liquids that quench to "Super-quenched zones" The formation of spatially distinct thermal spikes, with a characteristic energy below 50 keV, is qualitatively similar to previous findings of "sub-cascades" in crystalline materials [1]. Sub-cascades have been extensively studied in crystalline solids due to the important role they play in radiation-induced point defect production [1, 2, 130]. However, I find that thermal spikes have a distinctly different effect on amorphous metals than on crystalline solids. Below, I show that thermal spikes contain equilibrium liquids. These short-lived liquid zones subsequently quench at rates approach 1014 K/s to produce "Super-quenched Zones" (SQZs) of low-density and high potential energy, with local SQZ properties determined solely by local quench rate. 87 Thermal spikes are equilibriumliquids The identification of thermal spikes with a maximum local temperature exceeding the glass transition temperature [Fig. 6.7(b)] suggests that localized melting may have occurred. While a local temperature in excess of the glass transition temperature is a necessary requirement for localized melting in thermal spikes, it is insufficient for a conclusive identification of localized liquid zones. I therefore compare the temperature dependence of two key propertiesvoxel diffusivity and density-with the values obtained in rapidly quenched, uniform liquid Cu5 oNb 5o. Diffusivity is selected since high atomic mobility is a signature of liquids. Temperature-dependent density is chosen since it is reflects the equation of state of the liquid. For every voxel, the temperature, density, and diffusivity are computed at timesteps between 1 and 12 ps. As described in Chapter 4, the temperature in each voxel, at every timestep, is obtained by fitting the distribution of voxel atom kinetic energies to the Maxwell-Boltzmann kinetic energy distribution. The density is obtained from the number of atoms in the voxel, divided by the voxel volume. The time-dependent diffusivity of each voxel is obtained from the time-dependent mean-squared displacement, computed for the atoms found in the voxel at t=1 ps. As an example, I plot the time-dependent temperature, density, MSD, and diffusivity for a single voxel contained in the thermal spike highlighted in Fig. 6.7(d). Suggestive of local melting, the voxel temperature is well above the glass transition temperature for 10 ps. Initially, the voxel density rapidly decreases, due to thermal expansion. As the voxel cools [note the decreasing voxel temperature Fig. 6.9(a)], the density increases. Plotting the voxel density versus voxel temperature at equal timesteps in Fig. 6.9(a), it can be seen that the voxel data follows the values obtained in uniform liquid Cu5 oNb 5o, quenched at 6 - 1013 K/s, suggesting that the voxel follows the equation of state of a rapidly quenched liquid. Confirming this interpretation, the diffusivity likewise follows the dynamics of a rapidly quenched liquid. From the MSD as a function of time, rz(t), the time-dependent diffusivity is obtained from the slope of r2 (t), computed from the linear fit at time t, in a centered 2 ps fitting window. Plotting the voxel diffusivity against the temperature at the same timestep, the voxel data is in excellent agreement with the diffusion data obtained from a liquid quenched at 6 - 10" K/s. 88 The successful mapping of the temperature-dependent properties of the individual voxel to those of a rapidly quenched liquid demonstrates that at least one voxel displays the properties of a rapidly quenched liquid. To test if other candidate liquid voxels (Tmax > 1500 K) can also be mapped to quenched Cu 5 oNb5o liquid, I compute the diffusivity, temperature, and density of all voxels exceeding the glass transition temperature at a single timestep, 5 ps. In Fig. 6.10 (a), I plot diffusivity versus temperature at 5 ps for each voxel with Tmax > 1500 K. Despite considerable voxel-to-voxel variability, the dependence of diffusivity on temperature averaged over all voxels collapses to that of an independently simulated, uniform liquid quenched at 6 a 1013 b - -4500 40- 2 3000 20- E 1500 C 2 4 6 i i j 8 10 12 2 . 4 6 8 10 12 20 0 D(t) = 6 9)1-(t) Ot 00 6 2 4 C 6 8 Time (ps) 10 0 VOXel -Uniform 8 2 12 4 6 Time (ps) 8 10 12 3500 4000 10 nVoxel Liquid -Uniform Liquid 10 E U5 10 . 6 1500 2000 I 2500 3000 3500 Voxel temperature (K) 4000 1 4500 10 -1011 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 Temperature (K) Fig. 6.9: Time-dependent properties of a single voxel inside thermal spike shown in Fig. 6.7 (d). (a) Voxel temperature and density versus time. (b) Voxel mean-squared displacement (MSD) and derivative diffusivity versus time. (c) Voxel density and (d) diffusivity versus voxel temperature (open symbols), compared with values from uniform Cu5 oNb5 o liquid quenched at 6 - 10" K/s. 89 (a) (b) T8 10-8 _8.2 1500 K 78 (00 E 100 0 -10 -p- 10 500 7.6 0 74 Voxe voxel average orm liquid Uny 0 -p - 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 7.2 500 Voxe VoxeI average Uniform liquid 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 Temperature (K) Temperature (K) Fig. 6.10: Mapping of thermal spike properties to rapidly quenched, uniform liquid. Diffusivity (a) and density (b) at t=5 ps plotted versus temperature for voxels with Tmax > TG (open symbols: voxel data; blue line: binned average). The values for Cu5oNb 5 o liquid quenched at 6. 1013 K/s are shown for comparison (black line). K/s. The temperature dependence of voxel densities, shown in Fig. 6.10 (b), also follows that of the rapidly quenched liquid, although shifted slightly to higher densities, likely due to residual pressure in the thermal spike (-1 GPa). These correspondences with a uniform liquid demonstrate that voxels with Tmax > TG are not simply superheated, but rather contain genuine Cu-Nb liquid, albeit only for times of the order of 10 ps. Super-quenchedzones (SQZs) Having demonstrated that voxels are liquids, with properties corresponding to a rapidly cooled liquid, I next test the relationship between the voxel quench rate and resulting properties in the solid, quenched state. In order to compare the properties of the thermal spike voxels, before and after irradiation, it is necessary to anneal the system until voxels have quenched well below the glass transition temperature. However, as discussed in Section 6.2.5 (below), elastic waves are emitted by thermal spikes and travel at the system longitudinal speed of sound = 5275 m/s). Waves reenter the simulation cell box through the periodic boundaries and begin to interact at t=14.5 ps. Undamped, these waves could perturb the properties of the (VL quenching thermal spikes. Thus, to damp out the stress waves, I restart the simulation at 13.5 ps with 3 perpendicular, intersecting planes of atoms located at the intersection of the stress pulses, each 5 nm thick and containing a Langevin thermostat set to 300 K. I subsequently anneal the 90 system in the NVE ensemble for 416 ps. The absorbing boundaries successfully damp the stress pulse and allow for accurate analysis of the properties of quenched thermal spikes. After 400 ps, all voxels with T. >1500 K quench to temperatures less than 450 K, well below TG for a-Cu 50Nb5o. I compare the properties of the rapidly quenched voxels to those of uniform a-Cu 50 Nb5 0 created by quenching from the liquid with a range of different rates. To facilitate the comparison, both irradiated and quenched models were relaxed to T = 0 K by conjugate gradient energy minimization. Changes in voxel potential energies and densities with respect to values prior to irradiation are plotted versus quench rates in Fig. 6.11 (a) and Fig. 6.11 (b) respectively. Voxel densities decrease and potential energies increase with increasing quench rates. On average, the voxel properties collapse remarkably well onto the quench rate-dependent changes in potential energy and density of uniform a-Cu 0Nb . 5 50 These insights demonstrate that, within thermal spikes in amorphous metals, the essential effect of radiation is to form localized, nanoscale liquid zones that rapidly quench through the glass transition to a vitrified solid. The physical properties of the solid are governed by the local quench rate and map to properties of uniform liquids quenched at the same rate. By contrast, thermal spike-affected regions in crystalline metals recover to a defective crystalline structure [1]. The simulations are consistent with continuum-level arguments for radiation-induced localized melting and quenching [131, 132], but call into question previous attempts to describe radiation damage in these materials through "point defect-like" entities [64, 73, 74, 75], at least a b 2 0 2 1 0 3 0 1 C -1 -- Unifbrm -3 MCI A00 0 -2 a-Cusofba -3 -200 0 Of 0 0 -1 Vxlaverage 0 00 0 0 -0-0 0 -2 Voxel Vow average Uniform a-CusoNb5o MA 0 0 0 t 0 0 -150 -100 -50 0 -200 -150 -100 -50 0 Quench rate (K ps~ ) Quench rate (K ps-) Fig. 6.11: Changes in voxel potential energy (a) and density (b) between the initial and postirradiation SQZs are plotted versus voxel quench rate. Property changes for a-Cu oNb o 5 quenched at various rates, with respect to 1 - 1013 K/s, are shown for comparison (black line). 5 91 for thermal spike energies larger than 1 keV. To distinguish the damage mechanism described here from interpretations based on point defects, I refer to the thermal spike-affected regions in amorphous metals as "super-quenched zones" (SQZs). This designation highlights that the key characteristics of these regions are their extremely high local quench rates and the equivalence of their properties to those of rapidly quenched liquids. SQZ-based models for radiation-inducedswelling and ductilization Radiation-induced production of isolated SQZs is schematically represented below in Fig. 6.12. With continued radiation, SQZs occupy an increasing volume fraction of the material. Since SQZ quench rates are approximately constant, the properties of the material, in the limit of complete coverage with SQZs, will converge to that of the SQZs alone. Writing the volume fraction of SQZs fsQz = VQz / V, , the effect of reduced SQZ density on the bulk material density can be described within the framework of composite theory as Pf = po + fsQz(PsQz - po). In the limit of complete coverage of the material with SQZs, the relative density change of the material can be written Xs = (PsQz - po)/po. On the basis of the average SQZ quench rate for rapidly quenched Cu 5oNb5o, Zs = (8.15-8.2)/8.2= -0.6% (density in units of g cm-3), in quantitative agreement with a saturable density change of 1% in a neutron irradiated Fe-based amorphous metal alloy [15, 16]. Thus, this SQZ model for swelling is consistent with experimental investigations that have demonstrated saturable volumetric swelling without voids in irradiated metallic glasses [15, 16, 50, 51]. Fig. 6.12: Schematic representation of radiation-induced SQZ formation, responsible for radiation-induced swelling and ductilization. 92 Additionally, my identification of SQZs with high free volume provides a natural explanation for radiation-enhanced ductility. It is well-known that increased free volume leads to homogeneous flow in amorphous alloys [40]. Thus, SQZs with reduced density (increased free volume) provide a mechanistic interpretation for previous MD simulations of irradiated metallic glasses demonstrating that mechanical properties are affected by irradiation [77, 78, 79] and experiments showing radiation-enhanced ductility [17, 49]. 6.2.5 Result 4 - Thermal spikes produce stress pulses that trigger polarized plasticity As demonstrated above, thermal spikes contain equilibrium liquids. However, the material outside the thermal spike remains solid and constrains the thermal expansion of the a b - Thermal spike 15 Adjacent, r<4 nm 10 62. LO5 -"" 475 keV Nb PKA KE,=> 1 keV < l9.l< 1 nm 0 0.5 d C4000 -- Thermal spike 3500 2 4 6 8 Time (ps) 10 8 -Thermal Adjacent, r<4 nm 12 spike Adjacent, r<4 nm a. 8.4 3000 E LD 2500 %,2000 *57.8 E 1500 1000 /.0 500 7.4 2 4 6 Time (ps) 8 10 0 12 2 4 6 Time (ps) 8 10 12 Fig. 6.13: Confined melting leads to pressurization of thermal spike and initiation of a stress pulse. (a) Close-up view of thermal spike. (b) Pressure, (c) temperature, and (d) density plotted versus simulation time for thermal spike (black line) and adjacent material within 4 nm of thermal spike surface (gray line). Shaded band indicates uncertainty of the mean. 93 liquid. As a result, pressures in excess of 10 GPa build in the liquid thermal spike, leading to the propagation of a stress pulse away from thermal spikes at the longitudinal speed of sound. While the stress pulse amplitude decays with distance traveled, the magnitude exceeds the system yield stress close to the thermal spikes. As a result, plastic deformation accumulates with 3-4 nm of thermal spikes. These plastic strains are aligned with the thermal spike orientation. Thermal spikes emit stress pulses To demonstrate the mechanism of stress pulse induced plasticity, I analyze one representative thermal spike in detail, shown with a close-up view in Fig. 6.13 (a). The thermal spike is shaped as a prolate ellipsoid, with the major axis along the PKA trajectory and approximately equal dimensions along the other two principal directions. Its temperature increases to well above the glass transition temperature in less than 1 ps [Fig. 6.13 (c)]. However, the material immediately adjacent to the thermal spike remains below TG and does not melt. As shown in Fig. 6.13 (b), melting leads to an associated pressure excursion to 15 GPa inside the thermal spike. After reaching its maximum pressure, the density of the thermal spike decreases rapidly [Fig. 6.13 (d)], while the pressure and density of the adjacent material simultaneously increases [Fig. 6.13 (b) and (d)], demonstrating that pressurized thermal spike has initiated a stress pulse. a b 1.9 Ps 50 'v.= -+-2.9 ps v , p= .5275 is 401,, 3 -4-5 ps + 30 10.1 ps 02- 10 1Time %0 0 Data 4 6 (pe) --Unear Fit 8 10 P=0.5GPa 0-E ST.>1500KI 0 10 40 20 30 Distance from TS (nm) 50 150 nm Fig. 6.14: Liquid thermal spikes emit stress pules. (a) Pressure as a function of distance from the surface of the thermal spike visualized in Fig. 6.12 (a). Inset plot is position of the peak of the pressure pulse as a function of time. (b) Stress pulse front after 5 ps. 94 To quantify the speed and amplitude of the stress pulse, the average pressure as a function of distance from the thermal spike is plotted in Fig. 6.14 (a) at times between 2 and 10 ps. The stress pulse has a positive (compressive) front and is trailed by a negative (tensile) pulse. The amplitude of the pulse decays from 2 GPa (5 nm, 1.9 ps) to below 0.5 GPa (38 nm, 8 ps) the over a distance of 33 nm and a time interval of 6.1 ps. Plotting the position and time of of maximum in the stress pulse [inset of Fig. 6.14 (a)], a linear fit yields a wave speed v = 5042 ms- 1 . Using the zero temperature elastic constants (Chapter 5), the longitudinal speed 1 the of sound VL = -ftCii/p = 5275 ms- . While the measured speed of the wave is lower than b a 3.U XI 1 3 cy = 3 GPa 2. 5 'U 2 0. 1. 51 y 0. 5 2 6 d C 10 8 6 Time (ps) 4 12 60 T 40 1.5 0 20 C 40 0ii W 'L 0 1 -20 0' 0.5[ -40 -60 ' -1A 5 A 5 0 0 2 2 4 4 6 8 8 6 Time (ps) 10 10 12 12 z (nm) in a radiation damage zone. (a) Close-up view of thermal spike response Fig. 6.15: Material the boxed in Fig. 1(a). A cylindrical coordinate system is defined along the major (z) axis of time. versus voxels thermal spike. (b) Average temperature in the thermal spike and in adjacent (c) Variation of diagonal components of plastic strain in cylindrical coordinates with location along the thermal spike major axis, with uncertainty indicated by shaded bands. (d) Von Mises stress and tensile work equivalent plastic strain versus time, averaged over all adjacent voxels within 4 nm of the thermal spike. 95 speed predicted from the zero temperature elastic constants, it is expected that the highfrequency response at finite temperature will change the system elastic response, lowering the elastic constants, and produce a slower wave speed. These results demonstrate that melting of thermal spike yields a stress pulse traveling at the longitudinal speed of sound. As shown in Fig. 6.14 (b), at times between 5-10 ps, individual stress pulses superimpose and yield a stress front that is approximately cylindrical and axisymmetric with the PKA trajectory. Stress pulse triggersplasticity adjacent to thermal spikes While the stress pulse amplitude decays, close to the thermal spike, the stress pulse exceeds the material yield stress. Using the thermal spike studied in Fig. 6.13 as an example, I plot the von Mises equivalent stress amplitude in the material adjacent to the thermal spike (within 4 nm) as a function of time. As shown in Fig. 6.15 (b), the stress briefly exceeds 3 GPathe stress required for yielding in a-Cu5oNb5 o at 500 K at the strain rate of the pressure pulse (1010 s 1 ). The stress amplitude only exceeds the yield stress in voxels within 4 nm of thermal spikes. Von Mises tensile work equivalent plastic strains EM in these voxels increase rapidly to -1.5% E, after the yield stress in them is exceeded. The plastic strain is partially driven back to ~ 1% by elastic stresses in surrounding material after the pulse has propagated away [Fig. 6.15 (d)]. EP 4 40 4t-J- o 20 4W 0 cc -20 -40- 15 . T -o' Highlighted TS 25 35 45 Thermal spike energy (keV) Fig. 6.16: Voxel average plastic strain components in material adjacent to the seven largest thermal spikes as a function of the thermal spike energy. Arrow indicates the thermal spike analyzed in Fig. 6.14. 96 Plastic strains near the thermal spike in Fig. 6.15 (a) exhibit approximately cylindrical symmetry about the major axis. I transform the strain tensor of each adjacent voxel to the cylindrical coordinate system defined by the thermal spike axes and find that the off-diagonal components are close to zero. The variation of the diagonal components (err, E%, Ezz) as a function of location along the thermal spike major axis is shown in Fig. 6.15 (c). Averaging over all voxels within 4 nm of the thermal spike surface, I find that 00 = (31.5 ± 4.0) - 10-', Err = -(13.0 ± 4.9) -10-4,and Ezz = -(17.8 ± 4.8) .10-4, indicating elongation along the hoop direction and compression along the radial and axial directions. These values are consistent with plastic strains expected near an elongated internally pressurized inclusion. I repeat the analysis described above for the seven largest thermal spikes in the simulation and find that they are also shaped as prolate ellipsoids with major axes along their KA directions and with cylindrically symmetric plastic strain distributions. The voxel average plastic strains for each thermal spike, shown in Fig. 6.16, satisfy Err < f <e and are nearly independent of thermal spike volume. I attribute this fact to the linear dependence of thermal spike volume on deposited knock-on energy, as previously shown in Fig. 6.8. The similar strain magnitudes and orientations in these thermal spikes reflects a corresponding narrow distribution of maximum pressures inside thermal spikes [average of 13 GPa, Fig. 6.17(a)] and a similarly narrow distribution of maximum stresses in the adjacent solid material [average of 2.5 GPa, Fig. 6.17(b)]. I determine the net effect of plastic deformation around all the thermal spikes by A B 10 ' ' 10 - 8 C 04 8 6- C 04 6- 2. 2 0 0 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1.5 Maximum pressure (GPa) 2 2.5 3 3.5 Maximum stress (GPa) Fig. 6.17: (a) Distribution of maximum pressure inside thermal spikes; (b) Distribution of maximum average von Mises equivalent stress (Oum) in material within 4 nm of thermal spikes. 97 averaging over all plastic strains in voxels adjacent thermal spikes (350 < Tmax < 1500 K) and scaling the resulting strain values by this region's volume fraction. Computing the principal values of the average plastic strain tensor, I find that one of the principal directions is well aligned with the cascade direction (with a deviation of only 170). The principal values reveal that plastic flow is compressive (-2.5 - 10-1) along the principal direction aligned with the cascade direction, tensile (3.9- 10-') in one direction normal to the cascade direction, and compressive (-0.7 - 10-') in the second direction normal to the cascade direction. The cascade direction is determined from the major axis of the best-fit ellipsoid to voxels with Tm ax > 350 K. Thus, I expect that, in experiments, collision-induced plasticity will lead to contraction along the beam direction and a net expansion perpendicular to it. The radiation-induced deformation includes a hydrostatic component el = 0.2 - 10-, which is small compared to the tensile work equivalent strain ejM = 3.9 - 10- and consistent with shear-induced dilatation in metallic glasses [21]. Using these results, I compute the plastic strain per fluence expected in irradiation experiments. The effective fluence in the simulation is P = 1 ion/SA = (1 ion)/(3.84x 10-1 0 cm 2 )=2.6x 10' ion/cm 2 , where SA is the cross-section area of the model. The radiationinduced plastic strain per fluence is A = fEcM/# = 1.5x10 1 scm 2 /ion, where E7" is the average strain in voxels adjacent thermal spikes and f = 1.13% is the fraction of the total volume taken up by these voxels. Thus, barring any recovery or devitrification processes that may occur on longer time scales, I would expect a-Cu5 oNb5 o to deform to ~ 15% plastic strain for a fluence of 10'4 ion/cm 2 of 0.5 MeV Nb ions. Analysis of the collision-induced plasticity requires an accurate determination of the plastic strain. As discussed in Section 4.1, the plastic strain is computed by first computing the total strain. From the total strain, I subtract the predicted elastic strains from voxel stress and the zero temperature elastic constants. Additionally, I subtract the predicted strain from thermal expansion due to local heating. The assumption of uniform elastic constants, described by the zero temperature elastic response of a uniform system, is a possible source of error in the prediction of elastic strain. However, use of the finite temperature, high frequency elastic constants will result in a decrease in the expected elastic strain, thus, in the worst case, I am actually underestimating the plastic strain. Computing the ratio of the predicted elastic strains and the measured total strain, I find that for voxels with E 98 M > 0.01, the predicted elastic strains are less than half of the measured total strain. An additional confirmation of the validity of the method is found in comparing the hydrostatic strain before and after subtracting for thermal expansion. Initially, a finite hydrostatic strain is present, but subtraction of the predicted thermal strains leads to nearly zero hydrostatic strain. Identification of plasticity should ideally be based upon demonstration of irreversibility in strain. However, demonstrating reversibility is challenging in this system, due to the constraint of the constant volume ensemble. This leads to a backstress, obscuring what reversibility is truly present. However, relaxation of the configuration to zero total stress, following irradiation, would provide an opportunity to probe the reversibility of strains. This is an interesting topic and identified for future research. However, even in the absence of a full treatment of reversibility, the analysis of the voxel-level strain response demonstrates that the plastic strains identified here are statistically significant. 6.2.6 Discussion Comparisonwith ion-inducedplasticity The collision-induced plasticity mechanism described above is distinct from the wellknown phenomenon of ion-induced plasticity, in which metallic glasses irradiated with swift, heavy ions, e.g. 360 MeV Kr+, exhibit volume-conserving plastic flow due to electronic excitations, with a strain increment per dose of A-5x10-s cm 2 /ion [18]. While ion-induced plasticity occurs due to viscoelastic relaxation in ion tracks generated by electronic excitations [62, 133], collision-induced plasticity is due to plastic deformation adjacent to thermal spikes created by nuclear scattering at relatively low energies (<1 MeV). Unlike ion-induced plasticity, collision-induced plasticity does not require electronic excitations and therefore may occur under neutron irradiation or low-energy heavy ion bombardment. Electronic effects Electron-phonon coupling enhances thermal conductivity and would therefore lead to higher quench rates in thermal spikes than observed in our simulation. Since plasticity is triggered by local melting in the thermal spikes, not quenching, it is likely to be unaffected by the neglect of electron-phonon coupling. On the other hand, the degree of density reduction in SQZs increases with quench rate. Therefore, our simulation is actually a lower-bound on the 99 density reduction in SQZs, since any additional heat conduction due to electronic thermal conductivity will increase local quench rates. Recent work has demonstrated that fully quantum mechanical calculations via timedependent density functional theory capture electronic stopping for small systems and low energies (e.g. 1 keV proton in Aluminum) [134]. More computationally efficient approaches are mostly ad-hoc additions to classical simulations (e.g. two-temperature models), although semiclassical methods are being developed [10]. Applications As demonstrated in experiments [17, 49, 56], irradiation can be used as a processing tool to introduce SQZs and engineer metallic glasses with excess free-volume and correspondingly improved ductility. Additionally, there has been considerable interest in finding approaches for forming of small-scale amorphous metal components [23]. It may be possible to make use of collision-induced polarized plasticity for this purpose. The outstanding corrosion resistance of metallic glasses [22, 135] has prompted exploration of metallic glasses for use as coating materials for nuclear waste storage [22, 135]. Collision-induced plasticity may limit the performance of metallic glasses in such applications. However, our findings suggest that it may be possible to limit collision-induced plasticity by identifying amorphous alloys with minimal liquid thermal expansion (to reduce the amplitude of stress pulses emitted from thermal spikes) and high yield stress (to reduce plasticity near SQZs). 6.3 6.3.1 Role of composition and free volume in radiation response of metallic glasses Introduction Radiation damage due to a 475 keV Nb ion was simulated in three, alloys-Cu 2 Nb 7 5, Cu5oNb 5o, Cu 75Nb 25-each 1/2 irradiated in the as-quenched billion atom and relaxed configuration (6 systems total). The synthesis procedure for each alloy is summarized in Table 5.3. In each alloy, a single 475keV Nb knock-on atom is initiated and the equations of motion are solved in the NVE ensemble. 6.3.2 Thermal spike size As can be seen in Fig. 6.18, a branched cascade structure forms in each alloy, with knock-on atoms terminating in spatially distinct thermal spikes. The entire collision cascade in each alloy is contained in a volume approximately 100-150 nm in length and some 50 - 100 nm 100 in diameter. As in the case of the previously studied as-quenched CuMoNb 5 o alloy [included here for reference in Fig. 6.18 (g)-(i)], the maximum temperature in each voxel is measured, at least 1 ps after the start of the simulation, and those voxels with Tmax > TG are taken to be liquids and indicated with red cubes (center column in Fig. 6.18). As suggested by the visualizations in Fig. 6.18, the size of thermal spikes increases in the annealed alloys. As shown in Fig. 6.19, fewer numbers of clusters comprise more of the total thermal spike volume in the relaxed systems, demonstrating that clusters are larger in the relaxed systems. Additionally, it is clear that thermal spikes are smaller in the systems with higher glass transition temperatures, in both the relaxed and the as-quenched systems. 6.3.3 Collision-induced plasticity Averaging over all the strains in voxels adjacent to liquid zones, I find that the average total strains in the collision-affected zones are aligned with the collision cascade direction. To test alignment between the total strain orientation and the cascade affected region direction, I first compute the best-fit ellipsoid of all voxels with Tmax > 350 K and take the major axis as the direction of the collision cascade. Next, I compute the principal values of the strain tensor computed as the mean of all voxel strain tensors in the cascade affected region (350 < Tmax < TG). I finally compare the direction of the strain eigenvectors with the collision cascade direction. 101 A B C 475keV Nb in quenched E D 500M atom a-Cu25Nb75 F 475keV Nb in relaxed 500M atom a-Cu25Nb7 5 H 150 nm 475keV Nb in quenched 474M atom a-CusoNbso K L 100nm iEnm M 475keV Nb in relaxed 474M atom a-CusoNbw N 0 P 475keV Nb in quenched 500M atom a-Cu7 FNbs R 475keV Nb in relaxed 500M atom a-Cu7rNb2 6 Fig. 6.18: Summary of radiation damage in irradiated Cu-Nb alloys. Left column, PKA trajectories shown with red lines; KA (ke>lkeV) shown with black lines. Center column, red cubes correspond to regions with Tmax > TG; blue contour corresponds Tmax = 350 K. Right column, voxels adjacent to liquid zones ( Tmax > 350 K ) with plastic strains 2 ps)> 0.01 E(t-1 are shown as black cubes. 102 As shown in Table 6.1 one of the principal strain directions is typically well aligned with the direction of the collision cascade (misalignment of less than 200). The principal strain best aligned with the cascade direction is always negative. Approximately normal to the cascade direction, a principal strain component is always found to be positive and larger in magnitude than the strain aligned with the cascade direction. The third principal strain, also approximately normal to the cascade direction, is generally the smallest in amplitude. This asymmetry in the strain values corresponds to a stress-free contraction in the direction normal to the beam and a net expansion in the direction perpendicular to the beam. Using the average strain in the cascade affected region, I compute the tensile equivalent strain EPM, normalizing by the region volume fraction f and total effective dose 0 to obtain A = fEgM/4. As shown in Table 6.1, A has a similar magnitude for all alloys. However, as shown in Fig. 6.20, the collision-induced plasticity parameter A tends to decreases with increasing glass transition temperature. For all alloys, less plasticity accumulates in the relaxed state. These findings suggest that relaxed alloys with higher glass transition temperatures may be more resistant to collision-induced plasticity. Properties Cascade Direction Alignment Quenched Relaxed Quenched Relaxed Quenched Relaxed Cu25Nb75 Cu25Nb75 Cu50Nb5O Cu50Nb5O Cu75Nb25 Cu75Nb25 14 37 18 17 42 11 -1.65 -1.85 -2.46 -2.84 -3.09 -4.62 0.25 2.24 0.57 -1.01 -0.78 2.64 5.36 3.80 3.87 3.89 3.16 0.31 [Degrees] Eigenvalue parallel to cascade direction [1O~4] Eigenvalue normal to cascade direction [10-4] Eigenvalue normal to cascade direction [10- ] 1.64 1.80 1.48 1.55 1.16 1.62 A 10-15 cm 2 /ion] Table 6.1: Plasticity in irradiated Cu-Nb alloys. Cascade direction determined by the major axis of the best-fit ellipsoid to voxels with Tmax > 350 K; eigenvalues computed from the average plastic strain tensor of voxels adjacent to liquid zones (e.g. 350 < Tmax < TG); the aggregate collision-induced plasticity parameter is computed as A = f(EPM)/, where (eM) is the average strain in voxels adjacent to liquid zones and 4 is the dose. 103 15 o Quenched * Relaxed 0 0 10 0 0 0 F z 5 0* 1'IL 1900 1400 1500 1600 1700 Glass Transition Temperature Fig. 6.19: Number of clusters, sorted largest to smallest, comprising 80% of the total thermal spike volume, versus glass transition temperature of irradiated alloys (Cu 25Nb 75, TG=1400 K; Cu 5oNb 5 o, TG=1500 K; Cu 75Nb 2 5, TG=1600 K). 2 1.8 0 C F 0 0 V E 1.6 1.4 1.2 ~1I 0 Cu25Nb75 0 11 Cu50Nb5O 0 Cu75Nb25 1 00 1400 1500 1600 Glass transition temperature (K) 1700 Fig. 6.20: Variation of collision-induced plasticity with material glass transition temperature and annealing. Open symbols correspond to as-quenched state and filled symbols indicate relaxed state. 104 7 Micro-mechanical model for collision-induced plasticity 7.1 Introduction In the previous chapter, I demonstrated that the fundamental radiation response mechanisms of amorphous metal alloys are radiation-induced thermal spikes, which give rise to the formation of "super-quenched zones" (SQZs) and to polarized collision-induced plasticity adjacent to SQZs. Identification of collision-induced plasticity, qualitatively distinct from ioninduced plasticity, which arises from electronic excitations, was unexpected and could prove a serious limitation to application of corrosion-resistant metallic glass coatings in radiation environments. Furthermore, predicting the susceptibility of numerous metallic glasses to collision-induced plasticity is challenging, due to the considerable effort and computational resources required to formulate realistic interatomic potentials, perform simulations, and to analyze simulation results. Experimental investigations are also expected to be resourceintensive. In this Chapter, I develop a predictive analytical model for the susceptibility of metallic glasses to collision-induced plasticity. Using equilibrium material properties, the susceptibility parameter X successfully ranks the relative resistance of six Cu-Nb amorphous alloys to collision-induced plasticity. The X parameter may prove a valuable tool for identifying metallic glasses with optimized radiation tolerance using readily available materials data. 7.2 Micro-mechanical model As illustrated previously in irradiated as-quenched Cu 5oNb 5 o, confined melting leads to a rapid, nearly instantaneous increase in the pressure of liquid to values above 10 GPa (see Fig. 6.4). As illustrated in Fig. 6.14, the dramatic rise in pressure is accommodated by rapidly loading of the surrounding, unmelted material with a stress pulse. Because the local stress approaches or exceeds the material yield stress, plasticity occurs (Fig. 6.15). This mechanism can be quantitatively reproduced with a simple micro-mechanical model: step-function pressurization of a spherical cavity in an infinite elastic medium. Below, I develop the elastic model and compare it with the results from MD. In Section 7.3, I use the model to rank the susceptibility of each irradiated alloy to collision-induced plasticity. 7.2.1 Transient analytical solution to pressurized spherical cavity 105 For simplicity, I neglect the ellipsoidal shape of thermal spikes and study the transient solution to the stress and strain in material surrounding a thermal spike modeled as a spherical cavity of radius a pressurized with a pressure step pulse of amplitude P at t = 0 (See Fig. 7.3). I assume that the cavity is embedded in an infinite elastic medium. For this simplified geometry, the stress response of material adjacent to the spherical cavity, pressurized with a step function, is described with a transient analytical solution [136]. Displacement field As given by Graff [136], the boundary conditions and geometry require that the displacements are purely radial. The displacement field at distance r from the cavity center is: 0 U (r, t) = a3P uP[12 4pr (.for 2r 1)0 sin -- - exp (- T) Wr - cos orJI T < 0 T > 0 T>O where =2c2 / ac r-a CI a b P 0 Time Fig. 7.1: Schematic of the micro-mechanical model for the onset of collision-induced plasticity. (a) Spherical cavity of radius a loaded with an internal pressure P at time t = 0. An analytical solution describes the transient stress response at a material point r. (b) Schematic of the assumed step-function loading pressurization of the spherical cavity. 106 The longitudinal speed of sound is c and the speed of sound of shear waves is denoted c , 2 where cl = [(A + 2p)/p]1/ 2 and c2 = [(y)/p]1/2 . The material shear modulus is and P and A is Lame's first parameter. The amplitude of the pressure impulse is denoted P and a is the radius of spherical cavity at the uniform pressure P. The shifted time -r equals zero when the stress pulse arrives at the material point r. Strain field In spherical coordinates with a purely radial displacement field, the strain displacement relations are [95] _du dr and U =O = - r Thus, for T > 0 I obtain the radial strain as: Sr(r,t)= rr () = a 2P r 3 { +exp(- ,)Kac L+ r2 COS(W)+ 1 (2 r 2() (2r (r - c, + a(2c, r c + ) 2 )) sin(wyr) -c)+a(c4 r( and the tangential strains are: E0P(r,t)= a 2 -exp(-[r)f(2r 4Mr _ 1 -sinw-cosw l a )j Stress field The constitutive relations for an isotropic, linear elasticity in spherical coordinates are: Q,, = (2p + A))err + 2 Ae0 and (70 = Aerr +(2p + A)ee where the expressions for the radial and tangential strains are given above. 107 7.2.2 Model-based predictions of transient stress adjacent to thermal spikes The analytical model described above is able to quantitatively reproduce the transient stress fields identified adjacent to thermal spikes, without use of any adjustable parameters. As an example, I model the stress response of material adjacent to the thermal spike studied in detail in Chapter 6 (Fig. 6.14). To evaluate the expressions for stress, arr and ago, I compute the needed parameters directly with MD. The size and pressure of the spherical cavity is obtained directly from the simulation results of the 475 keV Nb atom collision cascade in Cu 5oNb 5 o (Chapter 6). The material parameters are obtained from previously computed properties in Cu 5oNb 5 o (Chapter 5). Model geometry The geometry of the spherical cavity is obtained directly from the MD simulation results. The thermal spike of interest, from the irradiated Cu 5oNb 5o system (Fig. 6.15), is reproduced below in Fig. 7.2 (a). The geometry of the thermal spike is well described as a prolate ellipsoid, with a total length of 19.6 nm along the major (z) axis and radii of 5 and 3.3 nm in the two directions normal to the z-axis. To identify the radius of a sphere approximately equivalent to the thermal spike, I first compute the average of the two minor directions, which yields a radius of a=4.1 nm. Second, I compute the total volume of the thermal spike is 463 nm 3 and find the corresponding radius of a sphere of the same volume, yielding a radius a=4.8 nm. Both approaches yield similar results, and I model the thermal spike with a radius of a=4 nm [see Fig. 7.2 (b)]. Model evaluation with single step function approximation to cavity pressurization The time-dependent pressure of the thermal spike, averaged over all voxels in the thermal spike, is plotted as the dashed blue line in Fig. 7.3 (a-c). The short-time behavior is highlighted in the plot inset. Between the times of 0.3 - 0.5 ps, the pressure abruptly increases from P=0 to P=15 GPa, before unloading to a residual pressure of 1 GPa at times larger than 3 ps. Using the expressions for the stress adjacent to the step-function pressurized spherical cavity, arr and uee, I compute the transient response to a step-function pressurization, P = 15 GPa, of a spherical cavity of radius a=4 nm, at the radial distance of r-7 nm (3 nm from the cavity surface). 108 From the symmetry of the stress fields, the von Mises equivalent stress reduces to v = Iqrr - aToO . The transient response of am (t, r = 7 nm) is plotted in Fig. 7.3 (d) with the aYM measured with MD in the material adjacent (average distance of 3.2 nm from adjacent voxel centers to thermal spike surface) to the thermal spike. The timescales for the rapid rise in stress at the material point adjacent to the thermal spike is in quantitative agreement between the MD data and the analytical model. However, the magnitude of the stress pulse, as well as its long-time behavior, are qualitatively different. The origin of this discrepancy is the assumption that the thermal spike pressure can be modeled with a step-function. Clearly, pressurization of the thermal spike is much closer to a "pulse" (e.g. a boxcar function) than a step-function. Therefore, I next explore approximations of the pressurization of the thermal spike. more sophisticated Model evaluation with multiple step function approximation to cavity pressurization Because the transient solution was developed for a linear elastic material, it is possible to superimpose the stress response to different step-function pressure inputs, shifted in time, to build-up more complex initial loading states. Approximating the pressurization of the thermal spike with two step functions, I analyze the stress response resulting from superimposition of two different initial loading conditions: A positive step-function pressurization of P=12.1 GPa at t=0.38 ps, followed by a step-function contraction of P=-l 1.1 GPa at t=0.79 ps (see Table 7.1). This combined loading state is equivalent to a short-duration, high intensity pulse of amplitude ab X x Fig. 7.2: Comparison of thermal spike data from molecular dynamics simulation of 475 keV Nb irradiation of Cu5 oNb5o and transient linear elastic model. (a) Thermal spike zone, with red cubes indicating voxels with Tmax>1500 K and black cubes indicating EPM >0.01. (b) Spherical cavity approximation of thermal spike in (a) with a radius r-4 nm. 109 12.1 GPa, followed by a long-duration pulse of 1.1 GPa [see Fig. 7.3 (b)]. The stress amplitude and width of these two step functions are chosen such that the integral of the combined functions is equal to the integral of the entire P(t) response measured in the irradiated material. The stress fields (qrr and qr0 ) are evaluated independently for the two loading states at each material point for all times. The superposition of these stress fields at the appropriate times and radial positions yields the total stress due to the two step cavity pressurization. The von Mises stress is computed from the superimposed values of a, and e,. As can be seen in Fig. 7.3 (e), the agreement between the stress response from the model and from the MD data is remarkably good at short times. The average stress at the peak amplitude of the stress pulse, as well as its time of arrival to the material point, is identical to the MD data. While the long-time stress response is incorrect, this is hardly surprising in light of the ellipsoidal geometry of the thermal spike, as well as neglect of interactions with other adjacent thermal spikes. ab 15 c- 15 ------- 15 12 9 10 6 C- 6 a_50 a.a O C . 3 0 j .5t25 12 4 d 6 8 Time (ps) 10 12 0.5 0 -- -- - --- - --- -- ------------ 2 -- - ----- 0 e 2 4 -- 3 0.75 -- 1 1.25 &25 0 oH 2 Data, Adjacent TS -Step Model 0.5 0.75 1 0_ 10 12 1.2 __ _ 0 f 2 4 Data, Adjacent TS Two Step Model 6 8 Time (ps) 10 12 ---Data, Adja - 4 0IV 5- a.51. -- - 6 8 Time (ps) -- 4 9 .10 a. 5 .5 0 12 9 , -10 Multistep Model 4 -43 9o3 --- 4 6 8 Time [psi 10 12 0 2 4 6 8 Time [ps] 10 12 00 2 4 6 Time 8 [ps] 10 12 Fig. 7.3: Application of transient elastic model to model stress response of material adjacent to thermal spikes. The pressure input is modeled with a single step function (a), two step functions (b), and multiple step functions (c). The dashed blue line (a-c) is the pressure measured in the thermal spike shown in Fig. 7.2 (a). The approximation for P(t) is shown in the solid black line (a-c). Using the P(t) approximation shown in (a-c), the stress response of a material point at r = 7 nm is plotted with a solid black line. The actual stress data measured at this material point adjacent to the thermal spike is plotted in the dashed black line. 110 Inputs P(t) Input Step Pulse to #1 0.5 tf -- Total Output P 15 a 4 dw- <(0.9<t<1.3)> 3 Data Model 3.00 2.46 <(5<t<12.5)> Data Model 1.04 4.24 Two Step #1 0.38 0.79 12.2 4 3 3.00 2.95 1.04 0.30 Two__Step #2 0.79 12.5 -11.1 4 3 3.0_ 29_.4 .3 Multistep 41 Step Functions 4 3 3.00 3.30 1.04 0.27 Table 7.1: Model inputs for Fig. 7.3. The average stress predicted at various times is indicated, as well as the actual stress measured in the material in the irradiated material. To demonstrate that the agreement in Fig. 7.3 (e), due to the two step function input Fig. 7.3 (b), is not due to arbitrary tuning of the width and amplitude of the two step functions, I repeat the process using an integrated approximation of the entire P(t) profile, with an approximately constant time increment of dt=0.I ps [see Fig. 7.3 (c)]. As show in Fig. 7.3 (f), the agreement is likewise excellent. For a comparison of the results of the model predictions for the different P(t) input approximations, refer to Table 7.1. 7.2.3 Model-based predictions of maximum stress adjacent to thermal spikes Above, I demonstrated that superposition of step-function approximations for the pressurization of a spherical cavity is able to reproduce the transient stress response of material adjacent to thermal spikes. Now, I turn my attention to predicting the maximum von Mises 40 Plasticity, 30 20 S 10 U 0 5 10 =3GPa 15 r [nm] Fig. 7.4: Model-based prediction of maximum von Mises stress (um) as a function of distance from the surface of the thermal spike. 111 stress, ul"LX, in material adjacent to thermal spikes. Using the two-step function approximation of thermal spike pressurization, presented above in Fig. 7.3(b) and Fig. 7.3(e), I compute the transient stress response am (r,t) at every material point. Using this transient stress response, I subsequently evaluate the maximum in the von Mises stress. The result is plotted in Fig. 7.4. In excellent agreement with the results from Chapter 6, plasticity is only predicted within the first 4 nm away from the surface of the thermal spike. This result provides another demonstration that the physical mechanism, and its micro-mechanical analog, are in good agreement. 7.3 Modeling onset of collision-induced plasticity Having demonstrated that the simple transient linear elastic model is able to capture the stress response adjacent to thermal spikes remarkably well, without the use of any free, adjustable parameters, I next extend the model to formulate a parameter able to predict the susceptibility of irradiated metallic glasses to collision-induced plasticity. The derivation of the parameter proceeds in three steps. First, I show that the thermal spike is a dynamic stress concentrator, inducing a maximum stress: 1- V Second, I require that yield occurs when: avM > cY Third, I develop a thermodynamic model for predicting the pressure in thermal spikes, which is used to predict the maximum stress adjacent to thermal spikes. 7.3.1 Maximum von Mises stress adjacent to thermal spikes As illustrated above in Fig. 7.4, the maximum stress adjacent to the thermal spike is at the interface of the thermal spike and adjacent, unmelted material. While predicting the stress response in adjacent material requires the use of at least a two-step function approximation for the pressurization of the thermal spike, the maximum stress at the interface is dictated solely the magnitude of the first step pulse. Thus, I evaluate the maximum stress at the thermal spike interface, in reponse to a single step-function. As given above, the von Mises stress is am = arr - aoe 1. Evaluating, I obtain the timedependent von Mises stress at a distance r from the cavity surface: 112 ,n(r-r) 3a3p 2r3 +exp (-;) ((3ac, - 2r) -r;+C2)) inwwr cosaw + (2r;(-2c,+ r;)+ a (3c,(-r+)sin The stress is maximum at the interface, r -> a, at the initial pressurization, r -+ 0. Evaluating aV (a, 0), the equation for the transient von Mises equivalent stress reduces to: 2max -V max The Poisson ratio v in a typical metal is v = 0.33, yielding Umax ~ 2.5P1 Pmax For comparison, I evaluate uvm (a, oo) to obtain the static solution of the maximum stress, finding: 3 Csmtatic =31p. =2 The average maximum pressure inside thermal spikes in irradiated Cu50Nb5O is Pmax = 13 GPa, while the average residual pressure (i.e. at times t > 10 ps) is P" = 1 GPa. Evaluating the ratio of the dynamic and static stress concentration factors, aMa atic = 22, it is evident that only by considering the transient pressurization of the thermal spike can stresses sufficiently large for yielding be obtained. The material will yield if Cmatx > Cy, where Uy is the material yield strength. Thus, all that remains is to develop an expression for Pmax7.3.2 Maximum pressure inside thermal spikes Using thermodynamics, I develop a simple expression to predict the pressure inside thermal spikes. The prediction of the pressure is based on a hypothetical three-step process. First, energy is added to the thermal spike and its temperature increases rapidly. Second, the increase in temperature leads to an increase in the stress-free volume through thermal expansion. Third, the unmelted material adjacent to the thermal spike compresses the liquid back to its initial volume, pressurizing the thermal spike. Below, I develop expressions for each of these three steps. Evaluation of each step is illustrated below in Table 7.2. First, I assume that the temperature rise inside the thermal spike is given by CP = AQ A yielding TF = TO + -Cp 113 To is the initial temperature, AQ is the average increase in energy per atom in the thermal spike, and C, is the heat capacity at the glass transition temperature. As a first approximation, I evaluate for TF assuming the value of the heat capacity at the glass transition temperature. Second, I assume that the increase in temperature leads to a uniform thermal expansion, AV -- V0 G(GL( = 3a(TG - TO) + 3aL (TF TG) To is the initial temperature, TG is the glass transition temperature, and TF is the final temperature of the thermal spike (predicted above). I assume that the thermal expansion in the glass (ac) is constant up to the glass transition and that the thermal expansion in the liquid (at) is also a constant. Finally, I assume that unmelted surrounding material is rigid, leading to a compression of the liquid according to the isothermal compressibility. Recalling the expression for adiabatic compressibility (Ps), 1 (aV V aPIs I assume that the 1/V term is a constant and write the differentials as: 1 dV dP =- fls VO Integrating and noting that the initial pressure is zero, 1 AV Because I assume that the surrounding material exerts a negative strain (compression from stress free to pressurized), the negative sign is dropped: Pf = 1 AV fls V0 I assume that fls is evaluated at the glass transition temperature. Putting everything together, I obtain: Pf = 1 3ai(TG - T) + 34 (T0 - which simplifies to: 3 Pf=flS _aG) - (TT)(aL tLAQ LJ GOL Lc 114 G+ 7.3.3 Collision-induced plasticity susceptibility parameter X The material will yield when am" > cy. Therefore, I define the ratio of the dynamic stress concentration (a0 m") to the material yield stress as, X =y A Y or X =Pmax /y 1 Because the maximum pressure inside the thermal spike is hydrostatic, and all metals have a positive Poisson ratio, I drop the absolute value signs and simply write: S2 - v X = Pmax ( 1 _) /y The collision-induced susceptibility parameter X has a value X < 1 if the thermal spike induced stress pulse does not exceed the material yield stress. Such materials should be resistant to collision-induced plasticity. For X > 1, X indicates that the stress pulse exceeds the yield stress, and predicts that the material will exhibit collision-induced plasticity. Since X > 1 indicates the onset of plastic flow, I predict larger values of X will correlate with more plastic strain. Combining the expressions for the maximum von Mises stress with the pressure due to Values of constants from MD simulation of 475 keV Nb ion in Expression value Value/source Cu5 oNb 5 o Thermal spike temperature AQ TF = T0 + TO=300 K, TG=1500 K 2119 +305K AQ = 1.27 eV/atom ' 3795 K C,(TG = 3.63x10- 4 eV/(atom K) Va . ChangeimOa Volume TO) 3ct(TG + 3a (TF Thermal spike pressure (TO) 1 AV Pf = = 9x10- 6 1/K 6 cf (TO) = 17x10To=300 K, o G Thermal spikes 1/K 0.1517 Quenched liquid TG=1500 K TF = 3795 K (expression above) fls(TG) = 1X10- 1 1/GPa 41A= 0.1517 (expression above) VO Table 7.2: Predicting the maximum stress in thermal spikes. 115 13.3 GPa 15.2 GPa Thermal spikes the thermal spike energy, I finally obtain the following expression: S{LQ fls 2_V L CP -(TG - T)(aL aL) 1 1- _V UY This expression can be evaluated for various materials to identify those with high or low susceptibility to collision-induced plasticity. 7.4 Validation of micro-mechanical model with irradiated Cu-Nb alloys 7.4.1 Testing damage resistance parameter X with simulation data To test the reliability of the collision-induced plasticity resistance parameter X, I compute X for all six alloys in two ways. First, I compute the average maximum pressure in thermal spikes and directly evaluate X = Pmax (2 - v ( _) /y Second, I compute X, (TG - T)(aL X= 'aLQ s where the material constants - Is aL, TG, ) 1- Lc C, V cy Cp, cY, and v are all obtained from molecular dynamics simulations. EvaluatingX using thermal spike pressurefrom MD simulations As can be seen in Fig. 7.5 (a), the pressure does tend to increase with glass transition temperature. Similarly, Fig. 7.5 (b), X increases with glass transition temperature in the materials. 15.5 17 -As Quenched - - - Relaxed 16- 1515 14.51 14 2 14- ?13 X 13.5 - 12 101 12.5 Cu25Nb75 Cu50Nb5O Cu75Nb25 9 Cu25Nb75 Cu50Nb5O Cu75Nb25 Fig. 7.5: (a) Variation of thermal spike pressure with material. (b) variation of X with material type, evaluated using pressure measured in thermal spikes. 116 It is evident that X varies by a factor of approximately 2 between the three different alloys. This suggests that metallic glasses may have widely varying resistance to collision-induced plasticity and encourages characterization of the radiation damage resistance in other metallic glass alloy systems. EvaluatingX using thermal spike pressures computedfrom materialproperties The material properties used to evaluate X are computed at 300 K, with the exception of the Poisson ratio, which was evaluated from the 0 K elastic constants (Properties summarized in Chapter 5). The average energy deposited per atom in thermal spikes, AQ, was previously shown in Chapter 6 to be independent of thermal spike energy and size in the irradiated Cu 5 oNb5 o asquenched system. The energy flow into thermal spikes, AQ, is approximated by dividing the total PKA energy by the total thermal spike volume. The compressibility is the inverse of the bulk modulus (K), so I take f3s = 1/K. The bulk modulus in quenched Cu 5oNb5 o at the glass transition temperature is K(1500 K) = 100 GPa, yielding fls(TG) = 1x10-" 1/GPa. As a first approximation, I assume that /3s (TG) is equal for the different systems. Evaluating X using the individual system material properties, in Fig. 7.6 I plot the X computed from the actual thermal spike pressures (averaged over the thermal spikes in each system) versus the X computed from material properties alone. The agreement between the two 0 20 2* 10 - Cu25Nb75 L Cu5ONb5O , ' KCu75Nb25 5 10 15 20 x (Thermal Spikes) 25 30 Fig. 7.6: Collision-induced susceptibility parameter X computed from material properties versus X evaluated directly from thermal spike properties. Open symbols correspond to as-quenched systems while filled symbols indicate relaxed systems. 117 approaches is remarkably good for the Cu 25Nb75 and Cu 5oNb5o systems, suggesting that X can in fact be computed from material properties alone. The X computed from material properties in Cu 7 5Nb 2 5 shows poor agreement, but this may be a consequence of assuming a constant value of fls(TG) for the three systems. This discrepancy is identified as a good opportunity for future research. 118 8 Conclusions In this Thesis, I have demonstrated that the atomic-level radiation damage mechanisms in irradiated metallic glasses are qualitatively different from the mechanisms in irradiated crystalline alloys. While the thermal spikes in crystalline alloys quench down to a defective crystalline, thermal spikes in metallic glasses quench to form amorphous low-density zones (SQZs), with the SQZ properties determined by the quench rate of the thermal spike liquid. Because of the extremely high (~1014 K/s) quench rates in thermal spikes, SQZs have a lower density than the parent, un-irradiated material. Under continuous radiation, SQZs will eventually overlap and the bulk properties of the material will converge to that of the liquid quenched at the thermal spike quench rate. Additionally, I have shown that the dynamics of the collision cascade process directly affect the damage left by irradiation. Constrained melting in the thermal spike leads to a highly pressurized liquid that emits a stress pulse that permanently deforms the unmelted material adjacent liquid zones. This dynamic mechanism reflects the unique deformation mechanisms of metallic glasses and emphasizes the unique role that the amorphous atomic structure plays in radiation response. The insights obtained through my analysis of the irradiated Cu-Nb amorphous alloys demonstrate the necessity of analyzing the spatiotemporal variations of nanoscale properties and no just aggregate measures of structure, such as the fraction of all atoms in icosahedral order. These insights required the use of parallelized post-processing analysis, a technique that will likely find useful application in the simulation of other materials at the atomic scale. The onset of collision-induced plasticity can be quantitatively described with a simple micro-mechanical model. A future research opportunity would be to screen bulk metallic glasses for radiation damage resistance, based on the predictions of the theory. This may enable glasses with optimized radiation resistance to be identified. The quenching processes in thermal spikes presented an opportunity to probe the glass transition physics in Cu 5 oNb5o. My identification that the glass transition occurs by gelation may open a new research opportunity for synthesis of more conventional bulk metallic glasses. 119 120 9 1. References Averback, R. & de la Rubia, T. Displacement damage in irradiated metals and semiconductors. Solid State Physics 51, 281-402 (1998). 2. Calder, A. F., Bacon, D. J., Barashev, A. 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