05.3 Applying Concepts- Chapter 16 by Hector Volquez Request for Information RFI Software that Support Transactions and Data Collection on the Web Volquez Bookstore, George Washington Ave. #72, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic Tel. 809- 695-0178 Fax: 809-695-1215 INTRODUCTION Background Volquez Bookstore is a company recently founded. We have only been around for two years. However, our small business has achieved great success since its foundation. Our mission is to become a global bookstore. We are concerning to move the business operation to the web. But, we found many drawbacks with this project. We hope this RFI provide answers to solve our problems. Purpose and Objective: The purpose of this Request for Information (RFI) is to identify firms specializes in software that supports transactions and data collection on the web. Qualified vendors whose posses knowledge and experiences please answers this RFI. After we analyze the information received we will further contact the most reputable companies to request a detailed proposal of their services. The overall objective is to find a company that helps us to implement and maintain reliable software suitable for E-retailing. Also, we expect this software to gather valuable information on the web, which can be used as a mean to make marketing plans, and future business plans. Potential Sellers please answer the following questions: 1 Is your software compatible with our Window XP operating systems and Microsoft Office? 2 Can your software really help me to sell books online easily? 3 Could you explain me how your software keep track of online transactions? 4 How can your software add value to our online services? 5 Would your software help me to gather data for marketing and future business plan? 6 How your software perform versus software of the competition? Can you send magazine or any news media that talk about your company? 7 Is your software reliable and secure so people do not need to worry about identity theft? Please send the enclosed RFI document by mail, to the company address, no later than December 20th, 2007. Also if you have any questions feel free to contact Hector Volquez Volquez Book Store General Manager hvolquez@verizon. Net. Or dial the number Tel. 809- 695-0178 Note: I think those questions are very important to get the necessary information to carry out this project.