ECONOMICS OF PUBLIC GOOD PROVISION: AUDITING, OUTSOURCING AND BRIBERY GERVAN FEARON Abstract. The paper investigates the choice of government to audit or outsource the provision of a public good in the presence of a potential hidden bribe and information asymmetries. An audit mechanism is developed for characterizing the provision of the public good in the public sector given asymmetric information about the cost of production between the bureau (i.e., producer) and the department (funding source). Outsourcing is represented by Nash bargaining between the government department and a monopoly …rm over the price of the public good, including a hidden bribe. The study also relaxes the assumption of a single-tier government underlying the Samuelson rule. The key …ndings are as follows: For small scale economies, bribery is predicted to be aimed at having an outsourcing contract persist even when public sector provision of the public good dominates (based on welfare and unit costs measurements). On the other hand, bribery in large scale economies is predicted to be aimed at motivating outsourcing when the provision of the public good through public sector production is in the public interest. The …ndings also predict that a reduction in the department’s corruptibility may result in increased prices as the …rm acts to induce the department to maintain its choice of outsourcing over the public interest for auditing when the …rm’s bargaining power is su¢ ciently low and the department’s preference towards bribes is relatively high. Date : May 18, 2006. Key words and phrases. Public good, audit, outsource, bribery . I would like to thank Neil Bruce for facilitating my sabbatical term at the University of Washington where much of this paper was written. I would also like to thank Fahad Khalil, Jacques Lawarree, and the other participants of the Economics Seminar Series at the University of Washington for thier insightful comments. I am also grateful to Gregg Harbaugh for his assistance with Mathematica. 1 2 GERVAN FEARON Economics of Public Good Provision: Auditing, Outsourcing and Bribery 1. Introduction This paper investigates the economic implications of bribes on the choice of government to audit or outsource the provision of a public good. This study is motivated by the rising role of the private sector as an alternative to the provision of pubic goods and concerns about the economic cost of corruption involved in government outsourcing ventures. Samuelson’s Rule characterizes the optimal provision of a public goods under assumptions of a benevolent provider who knows all the relevant information about the cost of production, the consumers’willingness-to-pay, and a uni…ed or single-tier governmental institutional arrangement (Mortimont, 2005). Fearon and Busch (2005) have presented an optimal mechanism for meditating informational rents given information asymmetries regarding the cost of production in a hierarchal bureaucracy. However, the analysis was not particular to a public good such that there remains scope for a more formal relaxation of the assumption of a single-tier governmental institution concerning the Samuelson Rule. The economic implications of corruption has been notably highlighted by Shleifer and Vishny (1993). More recently, Dreher and Herzfeld (2005) have outlined the international e¤ort aimed at addressing corruption, including the World Bank Anti-corruption Strategy of 1997, the OECD Convention on Bribery of Foreign Public O¢ cial in International Business in 1997, and the United Nations Anti-corruption Treaty in 2003. For instance, the World Bank has withheld the transfer of funding to a number of international projects and the Canadian 2006 federal election outcome has been reportedly in‡uenced by concerns about corruption. Types of corruption have been categorized as petty corruption (e.g., theft of government funds, including kick-backs) and large scale corruption (e.g., establishing a monopoly with direct or indirect interests) by Rauch (2001); as grand corporation (bribes to a government o¢ cial to gain improved business deal or position such as under conditions of privatization) by Glaeser (2001); and/or as grease money ( e.g., bribery aimed at facilitating preferential access to government services) by Clarke and Xu (2004). A ECONOM ICS OF PUBLIC GOOD PROVISION: AUDITING, OUTSOURCING AND BRIBERY 3 review of the transparency index suggests that corruption occurs at various scales of economic activity. Sheifer and Vishny (1994) suggest that the cost of corruption is directly related to the number of layers of government bribed within a country and the secrecy implicitly necessary in these activities. Khalil and Lawarree (2005) using a principal-agent framework suggest that auditing is only optimal if cheating occurs in equilibrium and cheating can be mitigated by increasing the costs of collusion through the utilization of internal and exterior auditors. The formal inclusion of auditing, outsourcing and bribery within a single economic framework concerning the provision of a public good remains a gap in the literature. Rauch (2001) develops an hierarchal overlapping generation model consisting of a chief and a large number of deputies with monitoring, corruption, and internal promotional opportunities. The chief or head of the department is a Stakelberg leader and the deputies are followers. Internal promotional opportunities are shown to assist in mitigating corruption by having the decision making positions occupied by individuals with high integrity. In comparison to the Stakelberg model used by Rauch (2001), Fearon and Busch (2005) use an optimal auditing mechanism to characterize the institutional arrangement within the public sector and show that the government can reduce informational rents by switching between costly auditing of a public sector bureau and outsourcing to …rms engaged in second price auction in the provision of a public sector good. However, the Fearon and Busch (2005) framework has yet to be applied to the provision of a public good.1 The research questions addressed in this study are as follows: First, how is the Samuelson’s Rule modi…ed by the presence of asymmetric information and auditing within a hierarchical government framework? Second, under what conditions can a monopoly …rm be anticipated to o¤er a government department a bribe aimed at in‡uencing the decision of outsourcing by government? Third, how does the monopoly …rm bribing of a government department a¤ect cost, output and the government’s choice whether or not to outsource the provision of the public good? 1 Fearon and Busch (2005) framework applies to a public sector good that may have private or mixed good characteristics as oppsed to a public good. A public good is considered to be non-rivalous, non-excludable and, for pure-public goods, non-congestible. 4 GERVAN FEARON These research questions are addressed through the development of a theoretical economic framework involving a government department, bureau and a monopoly …rm engaged in the provision of a public good. The department is assumed to care about the public and private goods and, inversely proportional to its integrity, the department also cares about a hidden bribe. The department chooses to …nance the public good produced in the public sector through an audit mechanism or in the private sector by a monopoly …rm. The key …ndings of the paper are as follows: First, a modi…ed Samuelson Rule is characterized involving the marginal cost of auditing and the expected penalty from the bureau misreporting its costs. Bribery is found to distort the level of the public good provided and social welfare by inducing the department to choose outsourcing over auditing in opposition to the public interest. Second, a reduction in the department’s corruptibility may result in prices increasing as the …rm acts to induce the department to maintain its choice of outsourcing over the public interest for auditing when the …rm’s bargaining power is su¢ ciently low and the department’s preference towards bribes is relatively high. Correspondingly, an increase in the …rm’s bargaining power may support its ability to resist the demands for bribes by the department or pro…t share allocated towards bribing the department resulting in the price of the public good declining in response to increased bargaining power of the …rm. Third, a combination of reduction in the corruptibility, improvement in public sector governance (e.g., penalty for the bureau misreporting costs), and a reduction in the bene…ts from government-…rm collusive behavior is predicted to be necessary to combat corruption. These results are consistent with the predictions of Khalil and Lawaree (2005). The paper is organized into 3 sections. In section 1, the introduction is provided. In section 2, the theoretical model is described, the equilibrium outcomes characterized, and comparative statics as well as an application is provided. In section 3, the conclusions are presented. 2. The Model Consider an economy consisting of N individuals with preferences over a public good, G 2 <+ , and a private good, xi 2 <N + , represented by ui (xi ; G) given i 2 f1; 2; ::; N g and per capita income Ii . The government consists of a funding department and a bureau. The department provides ECONOM ICS OF PUBLIC GOOD PROVISION: AUDITING, OUTSOURCING AND BRIBERY 5 a transfer to the bureau that possesses the technology to produce the public good and covers the cost associated with auditing the bureau’s reported costs. The bureau is assumed to have private information about the cost of producing the public good. The department can choose to have the public good produced in the public sector or outsourced to a private …rm. The department is assumed to have a quasi-linear utility function, caring about G and xi in a fashion consistent with a Benthamite social welfare function and caring about a bribe in quantity B such that preferences are represented as PN i=1 ui (xi ; G) + B . can be considered to be the sensitivity of the department to a bribe (i.e., a metric for corruptibility) and, inversely, the level of integrity of the department. When = 0, the department acts as a benevolent social planner in the determination of the level of the public good and private goods in the economy. The price of each xi is known and given by px > 0. The public good is produced either by a bureau or a …rm utilizing a constant marginal cost technology. It is assumed that the bureau’s marginal cost c 2 [c; c]; c > 0; is distributed according to a density f (c). The actual marginal cost is private information of the bureau, while the department knows only the distribution of marginal cost. As in Fearon and Busch (2006), the bureau is an extended Niskanen bureau that cares about its discretionary budget in excess of its production costs. Given the reported cost w, let t(w) denote the budget transferred to the bureau by the department, G be the actual level of production of the public good, and the bureau’s preferences be represented by v(w; G) = t(w) cG. The bureau’s reservation payo¤ is normalized at zero. The bureau chooses the cost of the public good to report, w, given its private observation of c and transfer from the department, t(w). The department possesses an audit technology that provides an unbiased signal, b c, of the true cost. The audit technology is costly resulting in the department facing a choice between the level of the public good to provide and the audit level aimed at mitigating some of the informational rents potentially earned by the bureau. A principal-agent model based on the mechanism design approach of Fearon and Busch (2005) is used to represent the department and bureau’s problem. The department can choose to have the pubic good provided by an outside …rm (i.e., outsourcing) as opposed to being produced by the bureau. The department and …rm bargain over the price of 6 GERVAN FEARON the public good given an anticipated demand schedule for the public good. The bargaining process is represented by a variable-threat Nash bargaining game (Fearon, 2001). It is assumed that the negotiation between the department and …rm is subsequent to an un-modeled request-for-proposal (RFP) aimed at identifying the short-list of potential …rms that possess the necessary technology and are willing to engage in the bargaining process for the provision of the good. It is assumed that the RFP process results in only a single …rm being identi…ed due to considerations such as: con…dentiality, patent protection and/or strategic technology regulation (e.g., vaccine production, space exploration, and military or security application). The monopoly …rm is assumed to maximize pro…t with the marginal cost of production given by cf 2 [c; c] and density f (cf ). cf is independent of the bureau’s costs c.2 During the bargaining process, the …rm can choose to o¤er the department a bribe, B the department and …rm. 0 which is private information to The bribe is aimed at in‡uencing the department’s decision in favour of outsourcing. The department’s production choice has two alternatives for the provision of the public good is denoted by a. It can either design an auditing mechanism for the bureau (denoted by a = A) or the department can outsource the provision of the public good (denoted by a = C ). The bureau is assumed not to o¤er the department a bribe which implies that B = 0 when a = A. Furthermore, it is assumed that government regulation prohibits the department from making transfers to the bureau without oversight.3 The government’s problem concerning the provision of the public good is represented as a sequential game. The game is as follows: At stage I, the department chooses to have the public good provided through an audit mechanism (a = A) or by outsourcing (a = C ). If the department chooses a = A, then the department designs a Fearon-Busch audit mechanism for the provision of the public good. If a = C , then the department and the monopoly …rm Nash bargain over the 2 An alternative cost distribution is presented in Garvie and Ware (1996) investigation of the regulation of a mixed (public and private) market oligopoly with private, but correlated, information about production costs. 3 The oversight assumption re‡ects contemporary constructs regarding public sector governance and the political fallout from the allocation of public funds in the absence of monitoring/auditing. Clearly, this assumption could be relaxed without materially altering the results. ECONOM ICS OF PUBLIC GOOD PROVISION: AUDITING, OUTSOURCING AND BRIBERY 7 price for the provision of the public good, denoted by pf , and a hidden bribe to the department in quantity B 0. 2.1. Public Good Provision. The institutional arrangement involves auditing the bureau or outsourcing the provision of the public good (i.e., a 2 fA; Cg). The subgame perfect equilibrium choices and expected payo¤s for each of these strategies is presented below. 2.1.1. Auditing subgame. For auditing (a = A), the supervisor possesses an auditing technology that generates a signal of the true costs. This signal c^ is distributed on [c; c] and is conditional on the actual value of the bureau’s cost realization by the density h(^cjc). The signal is assumed to be unbiased such that Rc c c^h(^ cjc)d^ c = c. It is also assumed that the conditional distribution satis…es the monotone likelihood ratio property, or …rst order stochastic dominance. Let H(^cjc) denote the (cumulative) distribution function and it is assumed that H(^cjc) < H(^cjc0 ) 8^c if c > c0 . Let q denote the probability of an audit occurring with costs de…ned by m(q) and the …xed cost of auditing is m(0) = m0 , where: m0 > 0. As in Fearon and Busch (2006), the following is assumed: Assumption A1: Audit costs m(q) satisfy: (i) m(0) > 0; (ii) m0 (q) > 0; m00 (q) > 0 for q 2 (0; 1); (iii) m0 (0) = 0; and (iv) limq!1 m(q) = limq!1 m0 (q) = 1: Auditing is treated as a principal-agent problem and addressed in the usual mechanism design approach (Fearon and Busch, 2006). The department is the principal and receives a report from the bureau, denoted by w. Based on these reports, the principal chooses an audit contract consisting of a transfer from the department to the bureau, t(w), the level of good provided by the bureau, G(w), and an auditing intensity q(w) 2 [0; 1] and the levels of the private good, xi (w), as functions of the bureau’s reported cost (w). Auditing returns a signal represented by b c. The bureau is penalized in the case where the audit returns a cost signal below reported cost. It is assumed that the penalty function is exogenous, proportional to the misreporting of costs, and does not reward the bureau. It follows that the bureau is subject to a penalty of max[0; p(w c^)] if assigned, where c^ is the cost signal, and p is an exogenous parameter consistent with Fearon and Busch (2006). The penalty is assumed to be paid into the consolidated revenue fund of the government and is 8 GERVAN FEARON not available to the department for altering the level of the public good or being reimbursed to individual consumers. The bureau’s expected payo¤ from stating a cost of w when its true cost is c is v(w; c) = (t(w) = t(w) c G(w)) c G(w) q(w)Ec^[max[0; p(w Z w q(w)p H(^ cjc)d^ c c^)]jc] c Both v(w; c) and @v(w; c)=@w are continuous at w = c. By the revelation principle, attention can be restricted to truth-telling mechanisms (see appendix A). The participation constraint for the bureau is given by (1) v(c; c) = t(c) c G(c) q(c)p Z c H(^ cjc) d^ c c 0: Global incentive compatibility requires that (2) v(c; c) v(w; c) 8w; c 2 [c; c]: A local incentive compatibility approach is used, as shown in appendix A (Jewitt, 1988). This con…nes attention to the …rst derivative of the bureau’s value function v(c), denoted by v(c) _ , which is given by (3) v(c) _ = G(c) q(c)p Z c c @H(^ cjc) d^ c: @c Speci…cally, the bureau’s utility v( ) is considered to be the state variable, and the control variables are t(w), G(w), q(w), and xi (w). Truth-telling together with (2) implies: (4) t(c) = v(c) + c G(c) + q(c)p Z c c H(^ cjc)d^ c: The department has a balanced budget constraint given by PN Given truth telling and substituting t(c), the constraint becomes G(c)c q(c)p Rc c H(^ cjc)dc^ i=1 PN px xi + t(w) + m(q) i=1 [Ii px xi ] m(q(c)) PN i=1 Ii . v(c) 0. Hence, the department maximizes its expected payo¤ by choosing a contract (G(c; p; I); xi (c; p; I); q(c; p; I)) to o¤er to the bureau for any reported cost c given the bureau’s participation constraint (1) and the incentive compatibility constraint (3). Optimal control theory is used to solve this problem de…ned by the control variables (G(c; p; I); xi (c; p; I); q(c; p; I)) and state ECONOM ICS OF PUBLIC GOOD PROVISION: AUDITING, OUTSOURCING AND BRIBERY variable fv(c)g. The department’s problem is: max (5) fG( );xi ( );q( )g s.t. ( N "Z X i=1 (i) v(c) _ = G(c) #) c ui (xi (s); G(s))f (s)ds c q(c)p Z c c N X (ii) [Ii px xi (c)] @H(^ cjc) d^ c @c v(c) G(c)c q(c)p Z c c i=1 (iv) v(c) 9 H(^ cjc)d^ c m(q(c)) 0 0 (iv) v(c) = 0 As appendix A shows, the optimal contract (G(c; p; I); xi (c; p; I); q(c; p; I)) o¤ered by the department to the bureau is characterized by: 1 0 Rc 0 cjc)d^ c c @ m (q( )) + p c @H(^ A 1 = + R c @H(^cjc) @ui (xi ( ); G( ))=@x( ) px px p d^ c N X @ui (xi ( ); G( ))=@G( ) (6) i=1 0 (7) m (q( )) = N X (8) [Ii p c cF (c) cf (c) F (c) px xi ] m(q(c; p; I)) v(c; p; I) Z c c @c @H(^ cjc) d^ c @c G(c; p; I)c Z c H(^ cjc)d^ c c q(c; p; I)p Z c c i=1 H(^ cjc)d^ c =0 where: M RSi = f@ui (xi ( ); G( ))=@G( )g =@ui (xi ( ); G( ))=@x( )). Let Ii = I for simplicity in what follows. The audit level characterized in equation 7 is identical to the level determined in Fearon and Busch (2006). Using the Fearon and Bush (2006) approach, G(c) is solved using equation (8) and substituted into the dynamic transition equation (i) resulting in cv(c) _ v(c) since @[v(c)=c]@c = cv(c) _ v(c) (see appendix A). It follows that (9) v(c; p; I) = cK(I) c Z c where: at c = c. K(I) = Rc 1 c s2 nP N c 1 s2 i=1 [I (N X [I px xi ] m(q(c; p; I)) + q(c; p; I)p c i=1 px xi ] Z m(q(c; p; I)) + q(c; p; I)p Rc c c H(^ cjc)d^ c ) ds o H(^ cjc)d^ c ds as v(c; p; I) = 0 It can be noted that v(c) is the bureau’s payo¤ relating to the informational rents 10 GERVAN FEARON earned through the exploration of the asymmetric information about its costs, c. This infor- mational rent is maximal when c = c, earning the bureau v(c; p; I) = cK(I) > 0 and at its minimum when c = c with v(c; p; I) = 0. The expected transfer from the department to the bureau is Ec [t(c; p; I)] = o Rcn Rc cjc)d^ c dc which includes a truth telling v(c; p; I) + c G(c; p; I) + q(c; p; I)p c H(^ c compensation given by v(c; p; I); the direct expenditures on the public good denoted by c G(c; p; I); and the expected penalty or budget loss that the bureau can be expected to pay from reporting w > c given by q(c; p; I)p Rc c H(^ cjc)dc^.4 The department’s budget constraints can therefore be written as (10) N X px xi (c; p; I) + cG(c; p; I) = i=1 N X I v(c; p; I) q(c; p; I)p Z c i=1 c H(^ cjc)d^ c m(q(c; p; I)) It is clear that the public good could be …nanced by a lump-sum tax de…ned by Ec [T (c; p; I)]=N , where: Ec [T (c; p; I)] = Ec [t(c; p; I)] + Ec [m(q(c; p; I))]. Furthermore, G(c; p; I) = 0 if I Ec [T (c; p; I)] under the audit mechanism given the assumption that government regulation requires transfers from the department to the bureau to be subject to oversight. A modi…ed Samuelson’s Rule is characterized by equation 6, implying that the optimal combination of the public and private goods is determined by the sum of the marginal rate of substitution (M RSi ) being equated to imputed public good cost to private good price ratio. The imputed cost of the public good includes the direct production cost incurred by the bureau and the marginal cost of auditing the bureau incurred adjusted by the expected penalty imposed against the bureau for misreporting its cost given an audit intensity q(c).5 The imputed price of the public good under the audit mechanism is represented by pb (c; p; I), where: pb (c; p; I) = ih R h Rc c cjc)d^ c p c c + m0 (q( )) + p c H(^ i @H(^ cjc) d^ c @c 1 . It can be observed from equation 6 that the level of the public good is inversely related to its costs of production as intuition would suggest. More particular, a rise in the marginal cost of 4 Equation 8 implies that q(:) is independent of income, I. It is also helpful to note that cf (c) F (c) < 0 for some values of c. It is assumed that c0 > c where c0 is de…ned by c0 = fcf (c) F (c) = 0g. The necessity of oversight assumption imply no audit contract o¤ered were c 2 [c0 ; c]. 5 The audit intensity is characterized by equation 7 and q(c; p), where: q(c; p) = 0 and @q(c; p)=@c > 0 and @q(c; p)=@p > 0. ECONOM ICS OF PUBLIC GOOD PROVISION: AUDITING, OUTSOURCING AND BRIBERY 11 auditing and a decrease in the penalty (p) implies a corresponding increase in the overall cost of the public good and substitution away from this good. For c = c, the audit intensity is zero as it can be easily shown that m0 (q(c; p; I)) = 0 as p Rc c H(^ cjc)dc^ = 0 from equation 7 as well as v(c; p; I) > 0. It warrants noting that m(q(c; p; I)) = m(0) > 0. The modi…ed Samuelson’s Rule in 6 simpli…es to the traditional Samuelson’s Rule, when c = c. The traditional Samuelson’s Rule is therefore a nested result of the auditing subgame for c = c. Yet, the …xed cost of auditing (i.e., m(0) > 0) and the information rents of the bureau (i.e., v(c; px ; I) > 0) a¤ect the department’s budget constraint. The hierarchical structure of this economic framework gives rise to allocations that are ex-ante e¢ cient yet can be improved upon were the department able to directly and costlessly observe the bureau’s costs as under the traditional Samuelson’s Rule. For c 2 (c; c], m0 (q(c; p; I)) > 0 causes a reduction in the level of the public good relative to when c = c, assuming the public good is normal.6 It therefore follows that G(c; p; I) < G(c; p; I). If m0 (q(c; p; I)) is su¢ ciently large and/or p is su¢ ciently small, then there exists a potential for a corner solution exhibited by G(c; p; I) = 0 and X = PN i=1 xi (c; p; I) = hP N i=1 I i m(0) =px . The inability to control government administrative (audit) cost or the absence of a su¢ cient deterrent against cost misreporting may therefore result in the curtailment of public provision of the public good through an audit mechanism. Additionally, if the expected lump-sum tax per capita, fEc [T (c; p; I)]g=N , for …nancing the public good is su¢ ciently large relative to per capita income, then the public good will not be produced through the audit mechanism (i.e., q(c; p; I) = 0 for c 2 (c; c]) as it is assumed that interdepartmental transfers without oversight is prohibited in the public sector). Payo¤. The expected payo¤ of the department (i.e., expected indirect utility) from auditing (i.e., q(c; p; I) > 0) is denoted by (11) W (c; p; I : A) = N X Ec [Vi (pb (c; p; I); px ; I T (c; p; I)=N : A)] i=1 6 Gaube (2000) relaxes the assumption of public good being a normal good given a distortionary tax being used to …nance the provision of public goods. Clearly, the use of a distortionary tax to …nance the public good a direct e¤ect (i.e., substitution and income e¤ects) on the provision of the public good. An indirect e¤ect is also implied by the a¤ect associated with government budget available to fund auditing and the minization of informational rents. 12 GERVAN FEARON 2.1.2. Outsourcing Subgame. For the outsourcing subgame(a = C), the …rm and the department engage in Nash bargaining over the price (pf ) and the bribe (B ) at stage II. At stage III, the department chooses the level of the public good given the negotiated price pf , represented by the Marshallian demand G(pf ; px ; I). A bargaining outcome that improves upon the threat point yields payo¤s: (i) a pro…t function M (pf ; cf ; B : C) = G(pf ; px ; I)(pf an indirect utility function PN i=1 [V cf ) B for the …rm, and (ii) (pf ; px ; I : C)] + B for the department. Assumption A2: It is assumed that @M (pf ; B)=@pf 0 at pf = c.7 A2 and the prohibition of public sector provision of the public good without oversight imply that the department chooses outsourcing (a = C) and the …rm sets the price pf = c if auditing is not conducted (i.e., q(c; p; I) = 0). Correspondingly, the department’s expected payo¤ is given by PN i=1 Ec [Vi (c; px ; I : C)] for income, I 2 [0; I0 ], and given T (c; p; I). I0 is de…ned by: ( I0 = I : N X Ec [Vi (pb (c; p; I); px ; I T (c; p; I)=N : A)] i=1 N X ) Ecf [Vi (c; px ; I : C)] = 0 i=1 The failure to reach a bargaining agreement results in the threat point payo¤s being realized. The …rms’threat point pro…t is given by M0 = G(c; px ; I)(c cf ) if I I0 and zero if otherwise. The department’s threat point payo¤ is denoted by V0 = 0 for I 2 (0; I0 ] and V0 = PN i=1 [V (pb (c; p; I); px ; I : A)] for I > I0 . The bargaining power of the …rm relative to the department is denoted by 2 (0; 1). The bargaining problem is therefore represented by a variable threat point Nash bargaining problem. In what follows, the outsourcing subgame perfect equilibrium is determined through backwards induction. At stage III, the department chooses the allocation (xi (pf ; px ; I); G(pf ; px ; I))i=1;2;::;N maximizes: PN i=1 PN i=1 u(xi ; G) + B subject to M RSi = pf =px and PN i=1 PN i=1 px xi + pf G px xi + pf G = PN i=1 PN i=1 I. I. The equilibrium is characterized by The equilibrium allocation does not necessarily satisfy the Samuelson Rule as the negotiated price of the public good, pf , is unlikely to equal the actual cost of production given the Nash bargaining 7 A2 is a simplifying assumption that could be relaxed without materially a¤ecting the results. complicates the analysis without any signi…cant or transparent bene…ts. The absence of A2 ECONOM ICS OF PUBLIC GOOD PROVISION: AUDITING, OUTSOURCING AND BRIBERY 13 process involved in determining this price. If pf = cf , then the marginal rate of transformation is equal to the price ratio and the Samuelson Rule holds. At stage II, the …rm anticipates the department’s demand for the public good, G(pf ; px ; I), and bargains with the department over the price (pf ) and hidden bribe (B ).8 The bargaining outcome is de…ned by fpf ( ; ; cf ; I); B( ; ; cf ; I)g solving: (12) 8 < max [G(pf ; px ; I)(pf fpf ;Bg : cf ) B M0 ] " N X [V (pf ; px ; I : C)] + B V0 i=1 #1 9 = ; As shown in appendix C, the subgame equilibrium outcome (pf ( ; ; cf ; I); B( ; ; cf ; I)) is characterized by (13) @G(pf ; px ; I) (pf @pf (14) B = (1 cf ) + G(pf ; px ; I) = ) [G(pf ; px ; I)(pf cf ) 1 (1 ) M0 ] + N X @V (pf ; px ; I : C)] @pf i=1 [V0 ! V (pf ; px ; I : C)] The subgame equilibrium bribe, B( ; ; cf ; I) involves a pro…t sharing (or pro…t extraction) and a kick-back component re‡ective of the forms of corruption described by Rouch (2001), Glaeser (2001), and Clarke and Xu (2004). The department shares in the …rm’s pro…ts from the provision of the public good being outsourced in proportion to the bargaining power of the department relative to the …rm (i.e., 1 ). On the other hand, the kick-back component represents a compensation for the department choosing outsourcing (a = C ) when the public interest favors the audit mechanism (i.e., W (c; p; I : A) > PN i=1 Ecf [Vi (pf ; px ; I : C)] for I that pf ( ; ; cf ; I) > cf for pro…ts to support bribe B( ; ; cf ; I) > 0. I0 ) Clearly, it is necessary 9 For I 2 (0; I0 ], A2 implies that pf ( ; ; cf ; I) = c and B( ; ; cf ; I) = 0 so the threat point is M0 = G(c; px ; I)(c cf ) . For I > I0 , pf ( ; ; cf ; I) and B( ; ; cf ; I) are characterized by equations 13 and 14. The subgame equilibrium expected payo¤ schedules are stated below. 8 Bargaining represents a discovery process that facilitates the …rm learning about the demand schedule of the department and the department learning about the cost of production of the …rm. Con…dentiality agreements are generally practical realities of government-industry negotiations so often prohibit the release of propitiatory information such as the …rm’s costs. Hence, the nature of the bargaining process my cultivate the establishment of trust and the maintenance of secrecy that Shleifer and Vishny (1993) note are precurses and ingredients of bribery relationships. 9 The a¤ects of and on the price and bribery levels are discussed in the comparative statics analysis to follow. 14 GERVAN FEARON For the …rm: (15) M ( ; ; cf ; I : C) = G(c; px ; I) [c cf ] Ecf fG(pf ( ; ; cf ; I); px ; I) [pf ( ; ; cf ; I) cf ]g for I < I0 for I I0 Ecf fB( ; ; cf ; I)g For the department: (16) W ( ; ; cf ; I : C) = ( PN for I < I0 i=1 [V (c; px ; I : C)] E [V (p ( ; ; c ; I); p ; I : C)] + E [B( ; ; c ; f f x cf f I)] for I i=1 cf PN I0 In what follows, it is helpful to refer to Figure 1. Auditing (a=A) Department Payoff Outsourcing (a=C with B>0) Outsourcing (a=C with B=0) I0 I1 I2 Income level, I Figure 1. Department payo¤ and Income Levels with High Outsourcing Costs The equilibrium values for pf ( ; ; cf ; I) and B( ; ; cf ; I) in relationship to income level are now considered. ECONOM ICS OF PUBLIC GOOD PROVISION: AUDITING, OUTSOURCING AND BRIBERY 15 For I > I0 and Ecf [pf ( ; ; cf ; I)] 2 [c; Ec [pb (c; p; I)]], the department’s expected payo¤ from outsourcing (a = C ) dominates the auditing mechanism (a = A) and is expressed by W (c; p; I : A) so no bribe is o¤ered (i.e., B( ; ; cf ; I) = 0). PN i=1 Ecf [V ( : C)] > For I > I0 and Ecf [pf ( ; ; cf ; I)] 2 (Ec [pb (c; p; I)]; c) and I being su¢ ciently large relative to Ec [Tc ; px ; I)]=N , it is clear that PN i=1 Ecf [V ( : C)] > W (c; p; I : A) for some values of I > I0 so again the bribe is set at B( ; ; cf ; I) = 0. Let this level of income be denoted by I1 as follows: ( I1 = I : N X Ecf [V (pf ( ; ; cf ; I); px ; I : C)] i=1 ) W (c; p; I : A) = 0 given Ecf [pf ( )] 2 (Ec [pb ( )]; c) It therefore follows that a bribe is only paid for values of I > I1 given Ecf [pf ( ; ; cf ; I)g 2 (Ec [pb (c; p; I)]; c). The …rm’s expected pro…ts, Ecf [M ( ; ; cf ; I : C)], must be su¢ ciently large to support Ecf [B( ; ; cf ; I)] > 0 and a payo¤ of the department given by N X Ecf [V (pf ( ; ; cf ; I); px ; I1 : C)] + Ecf [B( ; ; cf ; I1 )] > W (c; p; I : A). i=1 If so, a bribe o¤ered by the …rm (i.e., Ecf [B( ; ; cf ; I)] > 0) results in the department choosing to outsource the provision of the public good at a higher income than would be supported in the absence of a bribe. This level of income implied is denoted by I2 satisfying: ( I2 = I : N X Ecf [V (pf ( ; ; cf ; I); px ; I : C)] + Ecf [B( ; ; cf ; I)] ) W (c; p; I : A) = 0 given Ecf [pf ( )] > Ec [pb ( )] i=1 Clearly, B( ; ; cf ; I2 ) > 0 implies that the …rm’s pro…t must be su¢ cient to support the bribe when I 2 (I1 ; I2 ). On the other hand, no bribe is paid if pro…ts are insu¢ cient and I2 vanishes from consideration. The …rm with …xed cost is now considered. Let the …rm …xed costs be greater than I0 and consider Ecf [pf ( )] < Ec [pb ( )]. This implies that there exists an income level, say I3 , that leaves the department indi¤erent between outsourcing and auditing. This is shown in Figure 2. If a bribe is paid (i.e., B( ; ; cf ; I) > 0), then it follows that there is another income level, say I4 , satisfying I4 < I3 . Here a bribe is paid to the support outsourcing at I4 < I 3 even though the unit 16 GERVAN FEARON Outsourcing (a=C with B=0) Outsourcing (a=C with B>0) Department Payoff Auditing (a=A) I0 I4 I3 Income level, I Figure 2. Department payo¤ and Income Levels with Low Outsourcing Costs cost from outsourcing is less the level achieved under the optimal audit mechanism. At high levels of per capita income, unit cost may therefore be an insu¢ cient proxy for determining whether or for determining whether or not there is public sector corruption. 2.2. Department Choice. At stage I, the department chooses a 2 fA; Cg. For I < I0 , the department does not audit the bureau such that the …rm sets its price at pf ( ; ; cf ; I) = c and B( ; ; cf ; I) = 0. Hence, the department sets a = C for I < I0 . For I I0 and Ecf [pf ( ; ; cf ; I)] 2 [c; Ec [pb (c; p)]], the department’s expected payo¤ from outsourcing dominates the auditing mech- anism when the …rm has no …xed cost so the department chooses a = C without a bribe. For Ecf [pf ( ; ; cf ; I)] 2 (Ec [pb (c; p)]; c), the department chooses a = C without a bribe for I 2 (I0 ; I1 ). For I > I1 , there is a potential for a bribe if it can be supported by the …rm’s pro…ts and it results in the department choosing outsourcing when the public interest favors auditing. ECONOM ICS OF PUBLIC GOOD PROVISION: AUDITING, OUTSOURCING AND BRIBERY 17 De…nition 1. A bribery equilibrium is an allocation Ecf [B( ; ; cf ; I)] > 0 o¤ered by the …rm to the P department to support outsourcing (i.e., a = C) over auditing (i.e., a = A) when N i=1 Ec [Vi (pf (:); px ; I) : C] < PN T (c; px ; I)=N ) : A]. i=1 Ecf [Vi (pb (:); px ; Ii The speci…c conditions under which a bribe will be supported is conditional on combinations of the bargaining power of the …rm, , and the sensitivity of the department to bribes (i.e., ). the sets D= ( D and ( ; ): N X F be de…ned by N X Ecf [Vi (pf ( ; ; cf ; I); px ; I) : C] + Ecf [B( ; ; cf ; I)] i=1 ) Ec [Vi (pb (c; p; I); px ; I T (c; px ; I)=N ) : A] i=1 F= Proposition 1. If Let F\ D 6= ; and ( ; ) : Ecf [M ( ; ; cf ; I : C)] PN M0 Ecf [Vi (pf ( ; ; cf ; I); px ; I) : C] < i=1 PN i=1 Ec [Vi (pb (c; p; I); px ; I T (c; px ; I)=N ) : A], then there exists a combination ( ; ) supporting a bribery equilibrium. The existence of a bribery equilibrium implies that the department’s choice regarding the provision of the public good deviates away from the public interest.10 The combination ( ; ) satisfying a bribery equilibrium is: N X Ec [Vi (pf ( ; ; cf ; I); px ; I) : C] + Ecf [B( ; ; cf ; I)] i=1 N X Ec [Vi (pb (c; p; I); px ; I T (c; px ; I)=N ) : A] i=1 So, N X Ecf [Vi (pf ( ; ; cf ; I); px ; I) : C] + i=1 n (1 ) Ecf M ( ; ; cf ; I : C) M0 + N X [V0 o V (pf ( ; ; cf ; I); px ; I : C)] Ec [Vi (pb (c; p; I); px ; I T (c; px ; I)=N ) : A] i=1 The proposition therefore holds if (17) Ecf [M ( ; ; cf ; I : C)] PN i=1 Ec [Vi (pb (c; p; I); px ; I T (c; px ; I)=N ) : A] PN i=1 Ecf [Vi (pf ( ; ; cf ; I); px ; I) : C] 10 The public interest is de…ned by the welfare acheived from the equilibrium choices determined by the benevolent social planner (i.e., = 0). 18 GERVAN FEARON given: PN i=1 Ec [Vi (pb (c; p; I); px ; I by de…nition, Ecf [M ( ; ; cf ; I : C)] T (c; px ; I)=N ) : A] > 0. PN i=1 Ecf [Vi (pf ( ; ; cf ; I); px ; I) : C] and, Proposition 2. If the …rm o¤ers the department a bribe, Ecf [B( ; ; cf ; I)] > 0, then it necessarily expands the range of income (i.e., budget level) over which outsourcing is chosen over the audit mechanism. The proposition suggests that the decision to o¤er a bribe by the …rm acts to prolong outsourcing when public sector provision through an audit mechanism would otherwise be preferred or to accelerate the move towards outsourcing when it would be otherwise preferred based on per unit cost of the public good (see Figure 1 and 2). This result therefore suggests that comparing private and public sector unit cost of providing the public good may not be an adequate indicator of the appropriateness to outsource nor does it necessarily indicate that bribery was not involved in the decision making process of the government department. 3. Comparative Statics: Corruptibility and Bargaining Power The a¤ect of corruptibility and bargaining power is material to the equilibrium choice of the agents within the economy. As before, represents the corruptibility of the department and the relative bargaining power of the …rm vis-a-vis the department is represented by . Comparative statics are conducted using 13 and 14. The detail computations are shown in appendix D. For this analysis, it is useful to de…ne two sets, namely, U and L. U represents the set of ( ; ) involving the …rm having a relatively low bargaining power and the department having a relatively high corruptibility (i.e., high sensitivity to bribery). b( ) = 1 hP N @ 2 V (pf ;px ;I:C) i=1 @pf @pf ih @ 2 M (pf ;cf ; ) @pf @pf i 1 ( ) 1 . L U = f( ; ) : < b ( )g, where: is the set of ( ; ) re‡ecting the …rm having relatively high bargaining power and the department having low corruptibility. Let f( ; ) : > b ( )g. L = Given the department chooses a = C and a bribery equilibrium exists (i.e., B( ; ; cf ; I) > 0), the a¤ect of corruptibility on the equilibrium price and bribery is as follows: ECONOM ICS OF PUBLIC GOOD PROVISION: AUDITING, OUTSOURCING AND BRIBERY 19 (:) (1 ) @M dpf @pf = d jAj dB = f (1 d )M (pf ; cf ; B) + Bg + h where: j A j= ( ; )2 L . If ( ; ) 2 u, (1 then ) dpf d n (1 @ 2 M (pf ;cf ;B) @pf @pf > 0 and dB d + (:) ) @M @pf on (1 PN ) jAj @ 2 V (pf ;px ;I:C) i=1 @pf @pf > 0.11 @M (pf ;cf ;B) @pf i PN @V (pf ;px ;I:C) i=1 @pf so j A j> 0 if ( ; ) 2 u o and j A j> 0 if These results that the negotiated price of the public good and the level of the bribe decline as the corruptibility declines. Intuitively, the importance of the bribe to the department reduces the proportion of price levels required to …nance the bribery of the department. If ( ; ) 2 L, then dpf d < 0 and dB d < 0 meaning that a reduction in the corruptibility of the department results in a greater demand for a bribe to support the department choosing outsourcing over auditing and, correspondingly, prices must be increased to support these bribes. The World Bank initiative for addressing corruption, includes a signi…cant e¤ort aimed at improving integrity (i.e., reducing corruptibility) and good governance within government. The results above suggest that e¤orts to improve public sector integrity will likely not eliminate corruption without complementary e¤orts to address the …nancial capacity of …rms to pay bribes (e.g., monopolistic power or industrial concentration in the provision of public goods to government) and the ability of governments to extract rents from …rms. Hence, these results reinforce the …ndings of Khalil and Lawarree (2005) that e¤orts must also be made to increase the costs or penalty of the collusion implicit in the conduct of corruption. The a¤ect of bargaining power on the equilibrium price and bribe is as follows: dpf = d 2 @M (:) @pf jAj 11 It can be shown that dB=d > 0 if ( ; ) 2 However, it is also clear that a bribery equilibrium requires that u . B > (1 )M (pf ; cf ; ) as the bribe includes the department’s share of pro…t, (1 )M (pf ; cf ; ), and compensation for the payo¤ discrepancy from choosing a = C over a = A. Additionally, it is clear that were to be zero then bribe would be zero so it reasonably follows that dB > 0 for ( ; ) 2 u : Consistent with the conclusion formulated from the comparative statics d results. 20 GERVAN FEARON dB = d ( " N X M (pf ; cf ; B) + V0 !#) V (pf ; px ; I : C) i=1 + h 2 @M (:) @pf in (1 ) PN @M (pf ;cf ;B) @pf i=1 jAj The a¤ect of bargaining power on the negotiated price of the public good is negative, when ( ; ) 2 u, dpf d @V (pf ;px ;I:C) @pf < 0, meaning a …rm with relatively low bargaining power facilitates lower prices as its bargaining power increases since the …rm is under less coercion to increase price in support of high bribes for the department. On the other hand, the a¤ect of the …rm’s bargaining power on the level of the bribe is ambiguous even though it seems to be negative for ( ; ) 2 u. The results suggest that the improvements in the integrity (i.e., reduction in corruptibility) of the department can be anticipated to reduce prices and the level of the bribe when the integrity of the department is relatively high and the …rm’s bargaining power is relatively low (i.e., ( ; ) 2 However, when integrity is relatively low (i.e., ( ; ) 2 L ), u ). an increase in integrity of the department results in the …rm increasing the price levels to support higher bribes aimed at maintaining the department’s decision to outsource when the public interest favors auditing. Furthermore, a …rm with relatively small bargaining power will be more able to resist the department’s coercion for higher prices in support of bribes given corruption (i.e., a bribery equilibrium). The a¤ect of corruptibility and bargaining power on the equilibrium choice of the department is implied by equation 17. Clearly, the set of ( ; ) 2 F\ D 6= ; also satis…es equation 17. Additional examination of the a¤ects of corruptibility and bargaining power on the equilibrium outcome using generalized functional forms is unlikely to yield more meaningful results than already derived. For this reason, an example is presented in the application below using an assumed utility function for the department. 3.1. Application. In what follows, the department’s payo¤ schedule is assumed to be B . It can be shown that G(pf ; px ; I) = fN I=pf g and xi (pf ; px ; I) = (1 1 (1 ) 1 N1 @pf ( ; ; cf ; I)=@ ( ; )2 u. px [ (1 )] 1 1 PN i=1 x1i G + )fI=px g so pf ( ; ; cf ; I) = 1 cf1 (as shown in appendix E). Clearly, @pf ( ; ; cf ; I)=@ > 0 and < 0 which implies the Cobb-Douglas based utility sets a restriction denoted by Public good output, G(pf ; px ; I), is therefore decreasing in the level of corruptibility o ECONOM ICS OF PUBLIC GOOD PROVISION: AUDITING, OUTSOURCING AND BRIBERY (i.e., ) and the bargaining power of the department (1 ). 21 In this respect, the department’s bargaining power can be considered to be the level of coercion that can be levied against the …rm to facilitate the extraction of bribes that is transmitted through to consumers by a high underlying price of the public good. Appendix E shows the …rm’s expected margin (i.e., revenues less production costs excluding the bribe) for I I0 can be written as12 : 8 < c( ; ; c ; I : C)] = N I 1 (1 Ecf [M f : (18) ) f [1 1 The department’s expected payo¤ is W ( ; ; cf ; I : C) = where: ]g 1 i=1 n Ecf [V (pf ( ; ; cf ; I); px ; I : C)] = (1 ) 1 N1 N1 px 1 Zc (cf ) 1 f (cf )dcf c PN (19) N X 1 px 1 i=1 ; Ecf [V (pf ( ; ; cf ; I); px ; I : C)]+ Ecf [B( ; ; cf ; I)], 8 o <Zc : 9 = (cf ) 1 c f (cf )dcf 9 = ; [ (1 )] 1 I: The department’s expected payo¤ is linear in income (I ) as depicted in Figures 1 - 3. A bribery equilibrium is de…ned by PN F \ D 6= ; and PN i=1 Ecf [Vi (pf ( ; ; cf ; I); px ; I) : C] < T (c; px ; I)=N ) : A]. Using equations 18 and 19, the boundary of F n o c( ; ; c ; I : C)] = 0 and the boundary of D can be can be characterized by gF ( ) = : Ecf [M f i=1 Ec [Vi (pb (c; p; I); px ; I characterized by gD ( ) = : W ( ; ; cf ; I : C) W (c; p; I : A)= 0 . Figure 3 shows the relationship between gF ( ) and gD ( ) in ( ; )-space based on the properties implied by gbF ( ) and gbD ( ) and the numeric analysis shown in Appendix F13 . 12 The …rm’s expected pro…t (i.e., expected margin less the bribe) is: c( ; ; cf ; )] c( ; ; cf ; )] Ecf [M ( ; ; cf ; )] = Ecf [M E [B( ; ; cf ; I)] so Ecf [M ( ; ; cf ; )] = E cf [ M h i cf PN ( = ) V0 i=1 Ecf V (pf ( ; ; cf ; I); px ; I : C) . (1 )= 13 It may helpful to write E [M c( ; ; cf ; I : C)] = N If1 d1 f [1 ]g =(1 ) . Let g bF ( ) = 1 f1= gd1 which cf c( ; ; cf ; I : C)] = 0 when g implies that Ecf [M bF ( ) = . It is clear that @b gF ( )=@ > 0, @ 2 g bF ( )=@ @ < 0 and g bF ( ) approaches 1 as approaches in…nity. The …rm’s expected margin is positive when g bF ( ) < , meaning the bargaining power of the …rm is su¢ ciently large to facilitate a positive expected margin for the …rm that is ah precurse to paying a bribe. i PN It is helpful to note that : C)] + E cf B( ; cf ; I) V0 implies i=1 Ecf [V (pf ( ; ; cf ; I); px ; I PN V0 . As appendix E shows, g bD : ! [0; 1] as de…ned by i=1 Ecf [V (pf ( ; ; cf ; I); px ; I : C)] + M ( ; ; cf ; I) o n P 1 N g bD ( ) = : i=1 Ecf [V (pf ( ; ; cf ; I); px ; I : C)] V0 = 0 . Speci…cally, g bD ( ) = 1 f1= gfV0 =d2 g and g bD ( ) > PN implies that E [V (p ( ; ; c ; I); p ; I : C)] + M ( ; ; c ; I) > V . Clearly, g b ( ) has a form similar to g b ( ) as the c x 0 D F f f f f i=1 expected payo¤ of the department is weighted by the expected margin of the …rm. 22 GERVAN FEARON Department’s sensitivity to bribe, θ Department’s expected payoff Boundary for E[V(.)] =V0 as defined by gD(α). θ0 Firm’s expected profit Boundary for E[M(.)] = 0 as defined by gF(α). α0 1 Firm’s Bargaining Power, α Figure 3. Department and Firm’s Indi¤erence Contours The contour de…ned by gD ( ) represents the locus of points for which the department is indi¤erent between outsourcing (upon accepting a bribe) and having the public good produced within the public sector using an optimal audit mechanism. Outsourcing (upon accepting a bribe) dominates auditing for values of corruptibility, , higher than the contour gD ( ). On the other hand, the contour de…ned by gF ( ) represents the expected pro…t (expected margin less the bribe) of the …rm is zero. The …rm therefore only makes a bribe for values of the department’s corruptibility higher than the level de…ned by the contour gF ( ). gD ( ) = gF ( ) = 0 and let 0 The intersection of the two contours is given by = gF 1 ( 0 ) = gF 1 ( 0 ). For simpli…cation, it is assumed that there is only a single intersection. A rise in the threat point payo¤ given from the optimal audit mechanism implies that the contour de…ned by gD ( ) shifts upward and towards the left. Under these conditions, a higher corruptibility ECONOM ICS OF PUBLIC GOOD PROVISION: AUDITING, OUTSOURCING AND BRIBERY 23 for the department and a low bargaining power for the …rm would be needed to support even an indi¤erence between outsourcing, with a bribe, and the optimal audit mechanism. Proposition 3. If > 0 and gD1 ( ) > > gF 1 ( ), then a bribe o¤ered by the …rm is accepted by the department choosing to outsource the public good even though it is not consistent with the interest of the public. Otherwise, no bribe is o¤ered as it would not be accepted. The proposition suggests that simply improving the integrity or reducing the corruptibility of government o¢ cials (i.e., departments) does not necessarily curtail bribery. Rather, the combi- nation of increasing the department’s integrity and reducing the feasibility of …rms to o¤er bribes may be needed. It therefore suggests that public sector initiatives aimed at improving gover- nance and integrity in government is only one component potentially needed to deter corruption. This puts further weight to Khalil and Lawarree (2005) …ndings that corruption can be deterred by increasing the cost or penalties associated with collusion. The proposition further stresses the importance of the transparency of public accounts to deter corruption. This transparency must include information on service levels, quality and unit costs. The public must also have access to data regarding program delivery, administration and auditing of public goods produced in-house or through outsourcing. 4. Conclusion The paper investigates the choice of government to audit or outsource the provision of a public good in the presence of a potential hidden bribe and information asymmetries. An audit mech- anism is developed for characterizing the provision of the public good in the public sector given asymmetric information about the cost of production between the bureau (i.e., producer) and the department (funding source). Outsourcing is represented by Nash bargaining between the government department and a monopoly …rm over the price of the public good. During the bargaining process, the …rm may choose to o¤er the department a bribe aimed at in‡uencing the department’s decision in favor of outsourcing when it is in opposition to the public interest (otherwise, a bribe is not o¤ered provided). The study also relaxes the assumption of a single-tier institutional structure 24 GERVAN FEARON within government that is considered to hold for the Samuelson Rule for the optimal provision of the public good. The key …ndings of the study are as follows: First, bribery is predicted to distort the level of the public good provided and social welfare by inducing the department to choose outsourcing over auditing in opposition to the public interest. Second, an increase in the department’s integrity may result in increased prices as the …rm acts to induce the department to maintain its choice of outsourcing over the public interest for auditing when the …rm’s bargaining power is su¢ ciently low and the department’s preference towards bribes is relatively high. Correspondingly, an increase in the …rm’s bargaining power may support its ability to resist the demands for bribes by the department resulting in the price of the public good declining in response to increased bargaining power of the …rm. Third, a combination of improvements in the integrity and public sector governance (e.g., penalty for the bureau misreporting costs) and a reduction in the bene…ts from government-…rm collusive behavior is predicted to be necessary to combat corruption. These results are consistent with the predictions of Khalil and Lawaree (2005). The results also suggest that bribery for small and large scale economies in terms of per capita income is welfare reducing. For small scale economies, bribery is predicted to be aimed at having an outsourcing contract persist even when public sector provision of the public good dominates (based on welfare and unit costs measurements). On the other hand, bribery in large scale economies is predicted to be aimed at motivating outsourcing when the provision of the public good through public sector production is in the public interest. The study contributes to the literature by relaxing the assumption of a single-tier government underlying the Samuelson rule and by characterizing a bribery equilibrium within a economic framework that endogenize the institutional choice between outsourcing and an audit mechanism for the public sector provision of a public good. The scope for further study include empirical estimation of the relationships predicted and application of numeric methods aimed at verifying the conditions for the predictions to hold. ECONOM ICS OF PUBLIC GOOD PROVISION: AUDITING, OUTSOURCING AND BRIBERY 25 5. Appendix A Bureau The bureau’s expected utility from stating a cost of w when its true cost is c then is v(w; c) = (t(w) c G(w)) = (t(w) c G(w)) = t(w) c G(w) q(w)Ec^[max[0; p(w c^)]jc] Z w q(w)p (w c^)h(^ cjc) d^ c q(w)p Z (A1) c w H(^ cjc)d^ c c The penalties both v(w; c) and @v(w; c)=@w are continuous at w = c. By the revelation principle, attention can be restricted to truth-telling mechanisms. The participation constraint for the bureau is given by (A2) v(c; c) = t(c) c G(c) q(c)p Z c c H(^ cjc) d^ c 0: Global incentive compatibility requires that (A3) v(c; c) v(w; c) 8w; c 2 [c; c]: Know (A4) @v(w; c) = t0 (w) @w 0 c G (w) 0 q (w)p Z c w H(^ cjc)d^ c q 0 (w)pH(^ cjc) This restricts the derivative of the bureau’s value function v(c), denoted by v(c) _ , and is given by14 (A5) v(c) _ = G(c) q(c)p Z c c @H(^ cjc) d^ c: @c Department The department’s problem then is to maximize its expected payo¤ by choosing a contract (G(w); x(w); q(w)) to o¤er to the bureau for any reported cost w. 14 v(c) _ = @v(c; c)=@c after substituting @v(w; c)=@w = t0 (w) @v(w; c)=@w = 0 with truthtelling so w = c. c G0 (w) q 0 (w)p Rw c H(^ cjc)d^ c q 0 (w)pH(^ cjc) and setting 26 GERVAN FEARON The department faces a budget constraint given by it can be shown that the budget constraint is: N X (A6) [Ii px xi ] v(c) c G(c) q(c)p Z c i=1 where: t(c) = v(c) + c G(c) + q(c)p Rc c PN i=1 px xi + t(c) Ii . After substituting t(c), c H(^ cjc) d^ ct(c) m(q(c)) B 0 H(^ cjc)dc^. The department o¤ers the bureau a contract fG(c; I); x(c; I); q(c; I)g solving the following optimal control problem de…ned by the state variablev(c) and the contract consists of the control variables. The department’s problem is: max fq( );xi ;G( )g s.t. 15 ( N "Z X i=1 (i) v(c) _ = G(c) ui (xi (s); G(s))f (s)ds c q(c)p Z c (ii) N X [Ii #) c px xi (c)] v(c) c (A7) @H(^ cjc) d^ c @c G(c)c q(c)p Z c i=1 (iv) v(c) c H(^ cjc)d^ c m(q(c)) B 0 0 (iv) v(c) = 0 Let (c) denote the (di¤erentiable) multiplier on the transition equation (i) and let (c) denote the (di¤erentiable) multiplier on (ii). The …rst order condition for the optimal control problem satis…es:16 15 See Kamien and Schwartz (1981) for an outline of the techniques used to solve such programming problems. h i 16 It is helpful to note that @ R h(x) f (z)dz =@x = f (h(x))h0 (x) f (g(x))g 0 (x). g(x) ECONOM ICS OF PUBLIC GOOD PROVISION: N X [Ii px xi ] v(c) i=1 v(c) _ = G(c) q(c)p G(c)c Z c q(c)p AUDITING, OUTSOURCING AND BRIBERY Z c c c 27 H(^ cjc)d^ c m(q(c)) B 0 ? (c) 0 @H(^ cjc) d^ c @c (A9) v(c) = 0 0 (c) = (A10) (c) (A10) (c) = 0 N X i=1 (A11) @ui (xi (c); G(c)) f (c) @G(c) @ui (xi (c); G(c)) f (c) @xi (c) Z c @H(^ cjc) (c)p d^ c @c c For (c) 0 and (c) (c) c (c) = 0 px (c) = 0 Z c (c)p H(^ cjc)d^ c (A12) (A13) (c)m0 (q(c)) = 0 (A14) c 0, it can be easily shown that fG(c; I); x(c; I); q(c; I)g satis…es N X @ui (xi (c); G(c))=@G(c) c + (c)= (c) = @ui (xi (c); G(c))=@xi (c) px i=1 (A15) (A16) (A8) N X i=1 px xi (c) + v(c) + G(c)c + q(c)p Z c c H(^ cjc)d^ c + m(q(c)) + B = N I i For c = c, Sameulson’s Rule applies directly as (c) = 0 and m0 (q(c)) = 0. The level of G(c; I) and x(c; I) at c = c is de…ned also by the department’s budget constraint as follows: PN i=1 px xi (c) + v(c) + G(c)c + m0 = N Ii , meaning the transfer payments to the bureau, v(c), must still be covered by the department even when the bureau reports a cost c = c. It is now useful to solve for (c) by using A14 as follows: 28 GERVAN FEARON (c)p Z c c (c)p Z @H(^ cjc) d^ c @c c (c)p c c @H(^ cjc) d^ c @c c Z 0 (c) p (c)m0 (q(c)) H(^ cjc)d^ c Z c = 0 (A17) c H(^ cjc)d^ c + m0 (q(c)) (c) p (c) (c) p (c) Z c 0 @H(^ cjc) d^ c = p @c c Z = c @H(^ cjc) d^ c = @c c (c) (c) = Z c c p p Z Rc c H(^ cjc)d^ c + m0 (q(c)) c c H(^ cjc)d^ c m0 (q(c)) H(^ cjc)d^ c + m0 (q(c)) R c @H(^cjc) p c @c d^ c Using A14 and A10: N X @ui (xi (c); G(c)) f (c) @G(c) i=1 (c) c (c) = (c) + c 0 (c) = Known @[c (c)]=@c = (c) + c 0 (c) so (c) = [1=c] "N Z 1 X c (c) = c i=1 c (A19) By B6, (c) = 0 (c) (c) (A18) N X @ui (xi (c); G(c)) f (c) @G(c) i=1 (c) + c 0 (c) f (c)dc which implies: c @ui (xi (c); G(c)) @G(c) f (c)dc # (c) so (c) (c) = = (A20) 0 1 c PN 1 c = c For m0(q(c)): Rc 0 i=1 PN i=1 hP N Rc i=1 c @ui (xi (c);G(c)) @G(c) c hP f (c) N Rc i=1 c @ui (xi (c);G(c)) @G(c) @ui (xi (c);G(c)) @G(c) 1 c2 i=1 c @ui (xi (c);G(c)) @G(c) f (c) f (c)dc PN R c PN R c i=1 c i @ui (xi (c);G(c)) @G(c) f (c)dc i @ui (xi (c);G(c)) @G(c) f (c)dc f (c)dc ECONOM ICS OF PUBLIC GOOD PROVISION: m0 (q(c)) (c) p (c) = = p Z c c = p Z Z c @H(^ cjc) d^ c p @c c 8 @H(^ cjc) < d^ c : c PN @c Z i=1 c c AUDITING, OUTSOURCING AND BRIBERY 29 c H(^ cjc)d^ c c c (A21) hP N Rc i=1 c @ui (xi (c);G(c)) @G(c) Z c @H(^ cjc) cF (c) d^ c @c cf (c) F (c) p c @ui (xi (c);G(c)) @G(c) f (c) PN R c i=1 c f (c)dc i 9 = f (c)dc ; @ui (xi (c);G(c)) @G(c) H(^ cjc)d^ c This equation can be expressed as m0 (q(c)) = 0 Rc (p; q(c)) so m(q(c)) = c 0 p Z c c H(^ cjc)d^ c (p; q(c))dc and let m(q(c)) = m0 + '(p; c). At c = c, it is known that m(q(c)) = m0 as q(c) = 0 and clearly for p = 0 it would not be rational to monitor so implying @'(p; c)=@p > 0 and @'(p; c)=@c > 0: This result is Known N X @ui (xi (c); G(c))=@G(c) i=1 = @ui (xi (c); G(c))=@x(c) N X @ui (xi (c); G(c))=@G(c) i=1 = @ui (xi (c); G(c))=@x(c) c + (c)= (c) px 0 1 Rc m0 (q(c)) + p c H(^ cjc)d^ c c A 1 +@ R c @H(^ c jc) px px p c @c d^ c (A22) 6. Appendix B But from (A9) we can solve for x(c) and substitute into (A8). This yields (B1) N X [I i px xi (c; px ; I i )] m(q(c; p)) v(c) cG(c)m q(c; p)p 0 c i=1 (B2) v(c) _ = G(c) q(c)p Z c c Z c H(^ cjc)d^ c =0 @H(^ cjc) d^ c @c Solving for G(c) and substituting yields (B3) v(c)c _ v(c) = N X i=1 [I i px xi (c; px ; I i )] + q(c; p)p Z c c H(^ cjc)d^ c m(q(c; p)) Using the Fearon and Busch (2005) method, it is known that @[v(c)=c]@c = [v(c)c _ v(c)]=c2 so 30 GERVAN FEARON (B4) v(c) = cK(I i ) c Z c c 1 s2 (N X [Ii px xi (c; px ; Ii )] + q(c; p)p Z c i=1 ) c H(^ cjc)d^ c m(q(c; p)) ds where: (B5) K(I i ) = Z c c 1 s2 (N X [Ii px xi (c; px ; Ii )] + q(c; p)p Z c H(^ cjc)d^ c c i=1 ) m(q(c; p)) ds as v(c) = 0 and, therefore, v(c) reaches a maximum at c = c. Example using a Cobb-Douglas utility function In what follows, it will be useful analysis for a more closed form to assume a simplifying utility function such as a Cobb-Douglas form. The expected payo¤ of the department is given by a Cobb-Douglas utility function (noting B = 0 for a = A) can be therefore expressed as: (B6) 8 P n (1 N 1 N < X (1 ) (c) px i=1 n Ec Vi (pb (c; p); px ; I i : A) = PN 1 : (1 ) pb (c; p) i=1 i=1 Ec ) o N [Ii ] px (1 ) N [Ii for I I0 o T (c; px ; I)=N ] for I > I0 The expected payo¤ of the department with the Cobb-Douglas utility function is linear in per capita income and inversely related to price as expected. 7. Appendix C D. Firm-Supervisor Bargaining The …rm-supervisor bargaining problem is de…ned by the choice of (pg ; B ) to solve the following: (C1) where: 8 "N #1 9 < = X max [G(pf ; px ; I)(pf cf ) B M0 ] V (pf ; px ; I : C) + B V0 ; fpg ;Bg : i=1 o nP PN N and M0 = G(c; px ; I)(c V0 = max i=1 V (pb (c; p); px ; I : A) i=1 V (c; px ; I : E); cf ) for I < I1 and zero otherwise. The equilibrium outcome fpf ( ; ; cf ; I); B( ; ; cf ; I)g for the Nash bargaining problem is characterized by For pf ( ; cf ; I): ECONOM ICS OF PUBLIC GOOD PROVISION: [G(pf ; px ; I)(pf +(1 cf ) B 1 M0 ] ) [G(pf ; px ; I)(pf " N X 31 #1 @G(pf ; px ; I) (pf cf ) + G(pf ; px ; I) @pf "N # " P # N X @ i=1 V (pf ; px ; I : C) M0 ] V (pf ; px ; I : C) + B V0 @pf i=1 V (pf ; px ; I : C) + B i=1 cf ) AUDITING, OUTSOURCING AND BRIBERY B V0 For B( ; cf ; I): [G(pf ; px ; I)(pf +(1 cf ) ) [G(pf ; px ; I)(pf B cf ) 1 M0 ] B ( 1) " M0 ] " N X N X V (pf ; px ; I : C) + B V0 i=1 V (pf ; px ; I : C) + B V0 i=1 # #1 (C3) =0 Using C2 and C3, it follows that @G(pf ; px ; I) (pf @pf cf ) + G(pf ; px ; I) G(pf ; px ; I)(pf cf ) B M0 PN V0 i=1 V (pf ; px ; I : C) + B = = N X @V (pf ; px ; I : C) @pf i=1 1 (1 ) !" # G(pf ; px ; I)(pf cf ) B M0 (C4) PN V0 i=1 V (pf ; px ; I : C) + B Hence, @G(pf ; px ; I) (pf @pf cf ) + G(pf ; px ; I) B 1 = = (1 (1 ) N X @V (pf ; px ; I : C) @pf i=1 ) [G(pf ; px ; I)(pf cf ) ! M0 ] + (C5) " V0 N X V (pf ; px ; I : C) i=1 8. APPENDIX D Comparative Statics: Note M0 = 0 for I > I0 and @M ( ; ; cf ; )=@pf = f@G(pf ; px ; I)=@pf g (pf (D1) (1 ) @M (:) d @pf @M (:) d + (1 @pf ) cf ) + G(pf ; px ; I) so: N X @ 2 M (:) @ 2 V (pf ; px ; I : C) dpf + dpf = 0 @pf @pf @pf @pf i=1 !# (C2) = 0 32 GERVAN FEARON M ( ; ; cf ; ) d + (1 " @M ( ; ; cf ; ) ) dpf + V0 @pf )M ( ; ; cf ; )d + (1 N X @V (pf ; px ; I : C) dpf @pf i=1 Bd N X !# V (pf ; px ; I : C) i=1 d(D2) dB = 0 For dpf =fd g and dB=fd g: (D3) " (1 ) (1 ) h j A j= PN i=1 (1 @ 2 V (pf ;px ;I:C) @pf @pf @ 2 M ( ; ;cf ; ) @pf @pf @M ( ; ;cf ; ) @pf ) + PN @ 2 V (pf ;px ;I:C) i=1 f @pf PN @V @p (pf ;px ;I:C) i=1 @pf @ 2 M ( ; ;cf ; ) @pf @pf < 0. + PN @ 2 V (pf ;px ;I:C) i=1 @pf @pf This implies that (1 # 0 ) < i dpf d dB d = " (1 (:) (1 ) @M @pf )M ( ; ; cf ; ) + B , where: j A j> 0 if (1 erwise, j A j< 0. hP N @ 2 V (pf ;px ;I:C) i=1 @pf @pf ih # @ 2 M ( ; ;cf ; ) @pf @pf ) @ 2 M ( ; ;cf ; ) @pf @pf i 1 + . Oth- (:) (1 ) @M dpf @pf = d jAj (D4) dB d = f (1 + n (1 n )M ( ; ; cf ; ) + Bg (1 (:) ) @M @pf on (1 ) ) @ 2 M ( ; ;cf ; ) @pf @pf jAj @M ( ; ;cf ; ) @pf jAj PN i=1 + PN @ 2 V (pf ;px ;I:C) i=1 @pf @pf @V (pf ;px ;I:C) @pf o o (D5) For dpf =fd g and dB=fd g: (D6) " (1 (1 (D7) ) ) @ 2 M ( ; ;cf ; ) @pf @pf @M ( ; ;cf ; ) @pf + PN @ 2 V (pf ;px ;I:C) i=1 f @pf PN @V @p (pf ;px ;I:C) i=1 @pf 0 dpf = d # dpf d dB d 2 @M (:) @pf jAj 2 =4 @M (:) @pf h M ( ; ; cf ; ) d + V 0 PN i=1 V (pf ; px ; I : C) 3 i 5 ECONOM ICS OF PUBLIC GOOD PROVISION: dB d h = (1 ) h ( = @ 2 M ( ; ;cf ; ) @pf @pf in 2 @M (:) (1 @pf + 2 @M (:) @pf in (1 PN i=1 jAj " ) @ 2 V (pf ;px ;I:C) i=1 @pf @pf @M ( ; ;cf ; ) @pf ) M ( ; ; cf ; ) + V 0 h PN N X AUDITING, OUTSOURCING AND BRIBERY in h M ( ; ; cf ; ) d + V 0 jAj !#) V (pf ; px ; I : C) i=1 PN @M ( ; ;cf ; ) @pf i=1 jAj PN i=1 V (pf ; px ; I : C) o @V (pf ;px ;I:C) @pf 33 + o @V (pf ;px ;I:C) @pf 9. APPENDIX E Outsourcing Example using a Cobb-Douglas Function PN Assuming a Cobb-Douglas utility function (i.e., W (x; G; B) = i=1 x1i G + B , where: x = (x1 ; x2 ; :::; xN )), it can be shown that G(pf ; px ; I) = fN I=pf g and xi (pf ; px ; I) = (1 @G(pf ; px ; I) (pf cf ) + G(pf ; px ; I) = @pf (E1) NI p2f ! )fI=px g so cf and N X @V (pf ; px ; I : C) = @pf i=1 (E2) N X (1 1 N px (1 ) ) 1 I i=1 Using C4, E1 and E2, it can be therefore shown that pf ( ; ; cf ; I) = )] 1 1 pf 1 (1 ) 1 N1 px [ (1 1 cf1 . Clearly, @pf ( ; ; cf ; I)=@ > 0 and @pf ( ; ; cf ; I)=@ < 0. The …rm’s payo¤ is: (E3) M ( ; ; cf ; ) = For I ( NI c (c cf ) [G(pf ; px ; I)(pf cf ) M0 ] I0 : c( ; ; c ; )] Ecf [M f = G(pf ; px ; I)(pf cf ) 8 < = N I 1 (1 ) 1 f [1 : h for I < I0 i V (p ; p ; I : C) for I I0 f x i=1 PN V0 ]g 1 1 N 1 px 1 Zc c (cf ) 1 f (cf )dcf 9 = ; (E4) io (D8) + 34 GERVAN FEARON h NI 1 c( ; ; cf ; )] = It is helpful to write Ecf [M (1 if 1 ) d1 f1= g . Let gF ( ) = 1 d1 f1= g @ 2 gF ( )=@ @ < 0 with gF ( ) approaching 1 as d1 f [1 (1 ) ]g 1 1 i c( ; ; cf ; )] and Ecf [M and it is clear that @gF ( )=@ 0 > 0 and approaches in…nity. The department’s expected payo¤ is: N X Ecf [V (pf ( ; ; cf ; I); px ; I : C)] + B( ; cf ; I) i=1 = N X Ecf [V (pf ( ; ; cf ; I); px ; I : C)] + i=1 = (1 ) N X ( (1 (E5) ) [M ( ; ; cf ; ) Ecf [V (pf ( ; ; cf ; I); px ; I : C)] + (1 M0 ] + n PN where: i=1 Ecf [V (pf ( ; ; cf ; I); px ; I : C)] = (1 C)]+ (1 For N X i=1 i=1 PN i=1 PN i=1 V0 so (1 ) PN i=1 px 1 I N1 1 V0 !#) V (pf ; px ; I : C) i=1 8 o <Zc : (cf ) 1 f (cf )dcf c V0 implies (1 ) Ecf [V (pf ( ; ; cf ; I); px ; I : C)]+ (1 PN i=1 9 = ; [ (1 )] 1 I Ecf [V (pf ( ; ; cf ; I); px ; I : )M ( ; ; cf ; ) V0 . Ecf [V (pf ( ; ; cf ; I); px ; I : C)] + M ( ; ; cf ; ) Ecf [V (pf ( ; ; cf ; I); px ; I : C)] + M ( ; ; cf ; ): n Ecf [V (pf ( ; ; cf ; I); px ; I : C)] + M ( ; ; cf ; ) = (1 + It follows that we can write C)] ) Ecf [V (pf ( ; ; cf ; I); px ; I : C)]+ B( ; cf ; I) )M ( ; ; cf ; )+ V0 )V0 and (1 PN N X )M ( ; ; cf ; ) + V0 i=1 It follows that " V0 implies 1 (1 d1 f1= g PN i=1 ) 8 < NI 1 : ) 1 (1 N1 ) 1 px 1 I f [1 Ecf [V (pf ( ; ; cf ; I); px ; I : C)] = d2 f [1 . Let gbD ( ) = 1 d1 f1= g(1 and @ 2 gF ( )=@ @ < 0 with gF ( ) approaching 1 as ) 8 o <Zc : f (cf )dcf (cf ) 1 c ]g 1 1 px 1 N1 Zc 9 = ; [ (1 (cf ) 1 c ]g 1 . PN i=1 and it is clear that @gF ( )=@ > 0 approaches in…nity. Using Mathematica, numeric analysis was conducted for the Cobb-Douglas based utility function. = 0:2; Ecf [cf ] = 25; px = 1; N = 100; and I = 20000. f (cf )dcf I (E6) 9 = ; Ecf [V (pf ( ; ; cf ; I); px ; I : 10. 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