How Aging of the Labor Force A¤ects Equilibrium Unemployment January 17, 2006 Abstract This paper argues that aging of the labor force a¤ects job creation and job destruction. To analyze this, we extend a standard model of equilibrium unemployment and search in the labor market by the distinction between age speci…c separation risks and a productivity di¤erential between young and elderly workers. Based on the theoretical model, we identify four regimes of changes in the Beveridge Curve and job creation which can occur if the age structure varies. We also present an econometric model to …nd out which country relates to which regime. According to the estimates we can identify all four cases. For example, Spain and the US may experience positive e¤ects on employment when the labor force grows older. In contrast to this, the unemployment rate in Japan will rise as a consequence of the increase in the share of elderly workers. Keywords: Vacancies and Separations, Unemployment, Job Creation, Aging of the Labor Force, Demographic Change JEL classi…cation: J63, J64, J23, J21, J10 1 1 Introduction With more and more elderly workers being employed, the labor markets of nearly all developed economies will go through deep changes . The share of the age group 55 to 64 years in the US is increasing by one third over the next twenty years. Europe and Japan will experience an even more considerable development. Besides other e¤ects, the altered age composition is supposed to a¤ect the labor market via changes in job and labor turnover, namely job creation, job destruction and job-search behavior. Young job seekers may be di¤erent from old ones in their incorporated skills and the di¤erent time horizon, for example the remaining time until retirement, which a¤ects the separation risk of a job-worker match. We therefore expect e¤ects of the aging working population on unemployment and vacancies. Recent papers on aging deal in particular with the change in consumption, savings and growth, and the impact on the pension systems.1 Labor market consequences of population aging are discussed in terms of reduced total labor supply including feedbacks of capital intensity, the e¤ects of the age structure on labor productivity, shifts in the aggregate or cohort wage level, and changes in goods demand which a¤ect labor mobility (see Börsch-Supan, 2003; Johnson and Zimmermann, 1993). This paper analyzes another aspect of aging and the labor markets, which is widely ignored in the literature to date: The impact of the age structure on the search equilibrium on the labor market and equilibrium unemployment. Some parts of the empirical literature on search and the matching function include demographic variables but only as a sideline of the analysis. Coles and Smith (1996) …nd that matching decreases with an older working population for England and Wales. Other authors argue that separation rates are higher for younger workers as they are more likely to undertake on-the-job search. Pissarides and Wadsworth (1994) and Burgess (1993) …nd evidence for Great Britain. However, the existent theoretical and empirical literature does not allow drawing any conclusions with regard to demographic e¤ects on variations in unemployment if e.g. job separation and matching decline in equal size. Hence, the question of how aging a¤ects search and matching on the labor market and thereby equilibrium unemployment has not been answered yet. To our knowledge, this paper is the …rst contribution to the literature which deals with this issue. The aim of this paper is to identify and estimate the e¤ects of aging on unemployment via changes in the ‡ows on the labor market related to the 1 See, for example, Batey and Madden (1999), Bloom and Canning (2004), Bloom et al. (2003), Breyer and Stolte (2001), Butrica et al. (2004), Ehrlich and Kim (2005), Sneddon and Triest (2001, 2002), Miles (1999) and Sellon (2004). 2 matching function and changes in job creation. For this, we develop a model of equilibrium unemployment which follows the standard search models of Diamond-Mortensen-Pissarides. The results will depend on the assumption on relative separation rates and relative productivity between young and elderly workers. We identify four regimes with di¤erent changes in the Beveridge Curve and job creation which can occur if the age structure varies. Only in two out of the four cases the theoretical outcome for changes in unemployment as the job seekers get older is clear-cut. This makes econometric estimations necessary, which we undertake for nine countries (the US and Japan in addition to selected European economies). We …nd all four cases in our empirical results. For example, Spain and the US may experience positive e¤ects on employment when the labor force grows older. In contrast to this, unemployment in Japan will rise as a consequence of the increase in the share of elderly workers. In the other countries the results depend on whether we consider the aging of the employed workers, which includes the e¤ects of on-the -job search, or take the unemployed as the only job seekers. The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. In section 2 we extend the standard model of search and equilibrium unemployment by age e¤ects. Section 3 presents the econometric model and reports the estimation results. Finally, we summarize our results in section 4. 2 The Model Our modeling is a simple extension of the standard framework of search and equilibrium unemployment (see Pissarides, 2000). The search equilibrium of the labor market is given by the extent of job creation subject to the optimal job posting of …rms, job destruction and the matching technology, manifested in the Beveridge Curve. We examine the e¤ects of aging on the search equilibrium which arise from a change in the age structure of the labor force but we ignore size e¤ects of a decline in population.2 The way we introduce heterogeneity into the labor force follows Acemoglu (1997), who distinguished between high-skilled and low-skilled workers. In contrast to this, we di¤erentiate between young and elderly workers who may be di¤erent not only in productivity but also in their separation risk. With respect to the separation rate one can think of two reasons for di¤erences between the young and the elderly: On the one hand, old workers may separate because 2 Most of the existing empirical studies suggest constant returns to scale of matching functions (see Petrongolo and Pissarides, 2001 for an overview). Therefore, no size e¤ects on search in the labor market are expected if the population shrinks due to demographic change. 3 they retire before the match gets unproductive. On the other hand, young workers bring the current match to an end because they leave for better jobs, whereas older ones stay, for example because of tenure rents or higher mobility costs. In the model we consider di¤erences in the separation risk and in productivity, but we make no assumption on whether they are higher or lower for one age group. 2.1 Trade in the Labor Market There is a continuum of workers normalized to 1 and a larger continuum of …rms. Each …rm can decide to be inactive at zero return or can open a vacancy at ‡ow cost . Each vacancy can employ only one worker. The total labor supply is divided into two age groups. Workers are young at a share p; henceforth symbolized with superscript y, and elderly at a fraction 1 p, identi…ed by superscript e. The elderly and the younger workers are identical in all respects apart from a productivity di¤erential and a di¤erent expected duration as part of a job-worker match. The formed matches come to an end because of exogenous technological shocks, which a¤ect matches with young and elderly at the same probability. However, retirement3 and a di¤erent intensity of on-the-job search produce di¤erent separation risks of young workers and their elderly colleagues. The probability to separate with the job is denoted by sy and se respectively. The di¤erence in the two separation rates is given by a positive value of : s y = se : (1) Therefore, the expected duration of a match is of equal length for young and elderly workers if = 1, but it can be di¤erent from unity, too. The average separation rate then comes from the shares of young and old according to s = (p + 1 p) se : (2) New employment relations are created through a standard matching technology which forms the number of matches from the number of unemployed workers and the number of vacancies. With a population normalized to unity the matching rate is given by: (3) mt = M (ut ; vt ); where ut is the unemployment rate, vt is the vacancy rate and M (ut ; vt ) is the ‡ow rate of matches formed at time t. As standard, M (ut ; vt ) exhibits 3 For simplicity suppose that retirement does not change the total population because the in‡ux of young workers exactly replaces the retired workers. 4 constant returns to scale in its two arguments4 , is continuous and di¤erentiable, and M (ut ; vt ) < 1. De…ne = v=u as a measure of the tightness of the labor market. Then the ‡ow rate of matches for an un…lled vacancy, q( t ), is equal to: q( t ) = M (ut ; vt ) , with q 0 ( t ) < 0. vt (4) The share of workers who enter unemployment during a small time interval is s(1 ut ), while t q( t ) is the transition probability for ut unemployed. The evaluation of unemployment is given by the di¤erence between the two ‡ows, u_ t = s(1 ut ) (5) t q( t )ut : We can rewrite eq. (5) as an equation determining unemployment in terms of the two transition rates: (p + 1 p) se u= (p + 1 p) se + t q( t ) (BC). (6) By the properties of the matching function, equation (6) represents the socalled Beveridge Curve (BC), a convex and downward-sloping curve in the ( ; u) space. For constant parameters of the model, in particular a stable age distribution p=1 p, the value of the market tightness …xes the unemployment rate. The unknown is explained by the willingness to create vacancies by the …rms, put down in the next section. 2.2 Job Creation The following equilibrium of job creation will be characterized through a set of Bellman equations, which de…ne the values of vacancies and jobs. Search models generally assume foresighted …rms, especially when they optimize their job posting. Compared with the standard analysis, the following equations consider the probabilities of matching the vacancy with a young and an old worker respectively. The age of a worker a¤ects the revenues of a match via a di¤erent length of a match and di¤erent pro…ts generated at one point in time. This is because old-age retirement and on-the-job-search argue for a di¤erent separation risk, while the pro…ts depend on the productivity di¤erential between young and old workers. Let J y denote the net present discounted value of a …rm that employs a young worker when the job is …lled, 4 Most of the empirical papers …nd constant returns to scale. See, for example, Blanchard and Diamond (1989, 1990), Burda (1993), Coles and Smith (1996), Layard et al. (1991), Pissarides (1986), and van Ours (1991, 1995). 5 and V when the state of the vacancy is un…lled. The discount rate which values future income streams is r. Similarly, for a …rm which employs an elderly worker we use J e and again V . This yields: rJ e = rJ y = we + rV = se (J e wy sy (J y + q( t ) [p (J y (7) V) (8) V) y V ) + (1 p) (J e e V )] (9) Eq. (7) implies that the gain from a job …lled with an elderly worker is the output of the worker less its wage cost we minus the expected value of the capital loss. The probability of this loss is the separation risk and the value of the …lled vacancy is then replaced by the value of an un…lled vacancy. From similar arguments follows in eq. (8) the value of a job …lled with a young worker, who di¤ers in his/her productivity from the old one by R 0. This means that young workers can be equal, more or less productive than their older colleagues.5 Assessing the value of a vacancy in eq. (9) has to consider the ‡ow costs of the job posting faced by the possible additional value of the asset when the state of the vacancy changes with probability q( t ) from un…lled to …lled. In this case p is the chance to …ll it with a young worker and 1 p is the chance to employ an elderly one. As soon as a vacancy is …lled, workers and …rms share the value of the match and the wage is given by the fraction of the output levels, wy = (10) ( + ); and we = (11) : Equilibrium requires that the value of a vacancy is zero, otherwise …rms would open an in…nite number of v. Hence, V = 0 and from eq. (8) and eq. (10) then follows that the value of a match with a young worker is: Jy = 1 ( + ); r + sy (12) If an elderly employee …lls the vacancy, eq. (7) together with eq. (11) implies that the value becomes: Je = 1 : r + se (13) 5 See Börsch-Supan et al. (2005) on the di¢ culty of the measurement of individual productivity. Hence, even if we would apply a micro econometric approach in section 3, it seams not to be advisable to use a proxy for productivity. 6 Wether it is more pro…table for a …rm to employ a young or an elderly worker depends on the productivity di¤erential and the di¤erential in the separation rates . For example, the expectation of a relative longer match duration in the case of employing elderly workers could compensate their lower productivity, and the other way around. The comparison between the values of J y and J e yields that: Jy R Je if Q1+ r + se se (14) A di¤erential between J y and J e does not mean that vacancies are not …lled with either young or elderly workers. A …rm will not wait for the chance of a higher valued match in the next period if the chance is low or waiting costs are high. This is the case if the value of a vacancy eq. (9) is equal to zero for a given age distribution. Hence, a …rm is indi¤erent between employing a young or elderly worker when she/he faces the open vacancy if: Je = 1 1 p q( t ) pJ y : (15) Only the market tightness is variable and guarantees the identity of eq. (15), while J y and J e are identi…ed by parameters. Therefore we substitute J y and J e in the equation with the expressions from eq. (12) and eq. (13). This yields the job creation curve (JC) which has only one value of to solve the equation. Q( t ) = 1 1 = q( t ) (1 p) r+ se + p( + ) (1 p) (r + se ) (JC) (16) The vacancy-matching ratio Q( t ) is an indicator for job creation. If Q( t ) increases …rms open more vacancies for a given matching technology. Q0 > 0 and the ratio increases via a rise in t . As a result, JC determines the market tightness and establishes together with the BC the search equilibrium with the equilibrium values ; u . Figure 1 reveals a graphical illustration with the corresponding JC-curve and BC and the intersection of both as equilibrium. 2.3 The E¤ects of Aging A change in the age distribution p=(1 p) has e¤ects on the search equilibrium ; u if young workers di¤er from their elderly colleagues with respect to productivity and separation risk. The relative size of the age groups a¤ects the amount of job creation through the willingness of …rms to open vacancies which depends on the expected value of a match. An aging labor force may 7 change this value. Furthermore, the age distribution a¤ects the average rate of job destruction. The comparative static analysis yields that an increase in the productivity t) > 0 => t ". The di¤erdi¤erential shifts the JC-curve to the left: @Q( @ ential measures an extra productivity whose rise also increases the average productivity and the expected pro…ts of a …rm with an open vacancy. Higher expected pro…ts mean more vacancies and less unemployment. Furthermore, for a given separation risk of the elderly, an increase in the di¤erential parameter raises the mean separation rate. Accordingly, the JC-curve shifts to t) < 0 => t #. the right: @Q( @ However, the most interesting results come from the e¤ects of a labor force that is growing old. This implies that the share of younger worker p falls. The e¤ect on job creation yields: + @Q( t ) = @p r + se r + se = Jy J e: (17) t) Less young workers over time shifts the JC to the right, namely @Q( >0 @p r+s y e if J > J ; respectively if < 1 + s . In this case, matches with young workers are more gainful. The probability increases to …ll a vacancy with an elderly worker and, consequently, the …rms reduce their number of vacancies. As a result, the aging working force tends to reduce the market tightness. In contrast to this, the number of job posting will increase with the rise in the mean age if elderly employees are more productive or stay longer in the …rm. t) < 0; if J y < J e equal to > 1 + r+s : That is, JC shifts to the left, @Q( @p s Aging does not a¤ect only job creation but has e¤ects also on job destruction. As separation rates di¤er between young and elderly employees, aging will change the average duration of a match. Obviously the change in the BC with respect to the share of younger workers, @u =( @p 1) se t q( t ) [(p + 1 p) se + 2 t q( t )] ; (18) depends on whether the young or the elderly workers have a lower probability of bringing the match to an end. Hence, aging shifts the BC inwards @u > @p 0 if > 1. The increase in the mean age of the workers tends to lower unemployment if job destruction is reduced via the low separation rate of elderly workers. In contrast to this, if retirement is a considerable risk for the …rms to end a productive match, more elderly workers lead to more job destruction and ‡ows on the labor market. The BC shifts outwards, @u < 0; @p in case of < 1. 8 v τ > 1+ δ r + se se τ <1+ δ JC r + se se τ <1 τ >1 BC u Figure 1: The e¤ects of aging on the search equilibrium Figure 1 reveals the possible outcomes that arise from considering jointly changes in BC and JC. The results are also summarized in Table 1. Solving the model produces either more or less job creation and job destruction for a labor force which grows old. Di¤erent combinations of the e¤ects of aging on unemployment are possible. For example, more old-age retirement reduces the mean duration of a match in regime (1). This shifts the BC outwards. In case of > 0 this e¤ect is not compensated by a higher productivity of the elderly and the average value of a match reduces. Hence less jobs are created and the JC-curve shifts to the right. Both e¤ects imply an increase in the unemployment rate due to the demographic change, but the change in vacancies is not clear-cut. In regime (2) less jobs are destroyed if the mean age of the working force goes up. But as elderly workers are less productive the average value of a match still decreases and reduces the number of job o¤ers. The two e¤ects work in di¤erent directions and in this case the e¤ect on unemployment is ambiguous, while the vacancy rate decreases. The third regime yields a clear reduction of unemployment as soon as the population grows old because elderly workers have a so much lower probability to separate that this advantage outweighs their productivity disadvantage. The value of an average match thus increases and results in more job creation while the rate of job destruction falls coincidently. In the previous regimes we assumed that > 0. However, if the elderly are more productive than the younger workers, aging means that more jobs are created on average to bene…t from the high productivity of the elderly. If the retirement risk is high 9 at the same time, job creation increases, but job destruction rises as well. The overall e¤ect on unemployment is ambiguous, although the economy will create more vacancies. regime (1) (2) >0 (3) (4) <0 8 > > < > > : Table 1: The e¤ects of aging BC JC <1 1< <1+ >1+ 1> r+se se r+se se >1+ r+se se o r i r i l o l o=outward, i=inward, l=left, r=right, +=increase, -=decrease, 3 u v + + =ambiguous e¤ect Estimation and Results Even with micro data it is di¢ cult to estimate the model discussed in section 2. Since our concern is to compare di¤erent economies, we decided to use macro data and reduce the econometric model to the essential elements. Our main objective is to use the estimation results in order to di¤erentiate between the four regimes in Table 1. There are several possibilities for constructing a proxy variable for the aging of the labor force. We decide to use the ratio of young (age cohort 16 to under 30) to old (age cohort 50 to 64). Furthermore, we use this proxy for two di¤erent groups, employed and unemployed. Let denote this proxy in either case. Since individuals from both groups may look for a new job, one should analyze whether …rms react di¤erently or similarly on the age structure of the employed and the unemployed.6 Figure 2 shows the di¤erent developments of the aging proxy of the employed for the countries we are going to analyze in this section. Unfortunately, the data is not available for the whole period between 1960 and 1999 for all considered countries. We see as a common pattern that aging starts somewhere in the 80s or early 90s when the ratio young to old fell considerably. 6 Burgess (1994) allows in his theoretical model for job search of both employed and unemployed, which has signi…cant e¤ects on the unemployment dynamics. Van Ours (1995) di¤erentiates between the two groups and estimates higher ‡ow elasticities for the unemployed. 10 2,5 2,3 2,1 1,9 1,7 1,5 1,3 1,1 0,9 0,7 0,5 1960 1965 Canada Portugal 1970 France Spain 1975 1980 Germany Sweden 1985 1990 Japan US 1995 Norway Figure 2: Employed with age under 30 / Employed with age 50 to 64 8,0 7,0 6,0 5,0 4,0 3,0 2,0 1,0 0,0 1960 Canada 1965 1970 France 1975 1980 Germany 1985 Japan 1990 Spain 1995 US Figure 3: Unemployed with age under 30 / Unemployed with age 50 to 64 11 Before that time, the working force got rather younger on average. The exception to this observation is Japan, where the aging process is ongoing since the late 60s and Spain where the pattern is not fully de…nite. According to the proxy variable the Canadian employees are the youngest among the selected group of countries, whereas Japan experiences the strongest aging process of all mapped countries. It is interesting to see that the Nordic countries had a comparatively high average age of the employees already in the sixties and early seventies. This can be explained by the typical high labor market participation in these countries. Comparing the values of Figure 3 with 2 reveals that the unemployed are on average younger than the employed workers. The only exception is Germany up to 1974 and since 1988. Furthermore, Germany and Japan have the lowest proportion of young to elderly unemployed since the middle of the seventies. A considerably decline in this number is found for Canada, Spain, and the US with the beginning of the 80s. The data is not available for Portugal, Norway, and Sweden. 3.1 Econometric Model and Data We have to estimate two equations to di¤erentiate between the four regimes. Aging a¤ects the locus of the BC and the JC-curve as pointed out in section 2.3. Hence, the …rst equation to be estimated is the BC. In the second case we estimate the JC-curve. Consequently, we regress the unemployment rate and the tightness of the labor market on the proxy variable for aging according to:7 log(ut ) = 0+ 1 log(vt ) + 2 t+ I P i Xit + "1t ; (19) i=3 log( t ) = 0 + 1 t + I P i Xit + "2t : (20) i=2 The estimated e¤ects of aging, 2 and 1 , reveal the moves of the BC and identify the regime according to Table 1. The set of control variables X comprises bene…t replacement rate, bene…t duration, employment population ratio, union density, labor costs, and the real interest rate. Because of other e¤ects which are not considered here, it is possible that the error terms "1 and "2 may be correlated across the equations of the 7 The use of the logarithm of the proxy for aging would estimate the wrong functional form if the parameter is positive but less than one. In this case the relationship between unemployment and aging is a monotonic increasing concave function. This would be contradictory to the theoretical model with a monotonic increasing convex function. 12 system. To allow for this possible outcome, we use the following assumption on the error terms in the system: E("1t "2t ) = 12 E("1t "2t ) = 0 with t 6= s. (21) That is, the error terms are homoskedastic and independent across t, but may be correlated across the equations. Therefore, we estimate a seemingly unrelated regression (SUR) model with unknown covariance matrix. We estimate several speci…cations for each country to control for the effects of multicollinearity.8 In all cases we start with the full set of variables. We then sequentially remove a variable based on the information of the correlation matrix of the variables, and estimate the system again. We repeat this process until the remaining simple correlations are below 0.8. To improve the signi…cance of the remaining parameters, we …nally remove variables from the system which are insigni…cant in both equations. This procedure has been carried out for both proxies of aging. The data for the unemployment rate, the vacancy rate, and the control variables is taken from Nickell and Nuncita (2002). For aging we use two di¤erent proxies. First, we use the ratio of the employees under 30 years old to those 50-64 years old. Secondly, we do the same with the unemployed. These time series are taken from the OECD online database. We undertake the investigation for Canada, France, Germany, Japan, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, and the US over the period from 1960 to 1995. Due to data availability the actual period starts after 1960 for most countries. 3.2 Results We estimated almost 60 speci…cations of the system for the nine countries. To make sure that the illustration remains clear, we focus on the two relevant parameters 2 and 1 only, which represent semi-elasticities. For the complete results see appendix. It should be mentioned that the o¢ cial vacancy statistics report only a fraction of un…lled jobs in the economies. However, it is not possible to account for this problem for each country. Therefore, the interpretation of the estimates has to be done carefully and standardized vacancy rates are badly needed. First, we discuss the results for the ratio of young to old employees as the proxy for aging. We …nd the regimes with > 0 only. Table 2 summarizes all countries. The …rst regime implies an outward shift of the BC and a clockwise rotation of the JC-curve. This means that unemployment will 8 In particular the considered labor market institutions have a low volatility and are highly correlated among each other. 13 rise as a consequence of an aging labor force with ambiguous e¤ects on the vacancies. The negative e¤ect of aging in the BC equations implies that unemployment increases for a given number of vacancies. The coe¢ cients for Japan and France are below unity. However, according to the used proxy, these are the countries with the longest aging process. The proxy declined between 1968 and 1999 from 2.02 to 0.81 in Japan and it fell from 1.75 in 1979 to 1.01 in 1999 in Germany. Therefore, the average annual growth rate of is nearly the same for these countries (-2.6% for Japan and -2.8% for Germany).9 However, the impact of aging on unemployment is much higher in Germany as we will see later on. From clockwise rotation of the JC-curve follows that vacancies decrease and unemployment increases. Again, the estimated e¤ects of aging are low in France and Japan and high in Germany, Portugal, and in Sweden. The total e¤ect of the change in vacancies depends on the curvature of the BC estimated in the …rst equation. In the second regime the BC shifts inwards and the JC-curve again rotates clockwise. The outcome is ambiguous in terms of the expected change in unemployment but the vacancy rate will de…nitely decrease. The positive coe¢ cient for aging indicates the inward shifts of the BC. The consequent e¤ect on the unemployment rate is much lower for Canada, Spain, and the US than for Norway (third regime). The aging proxy for Spain undulates and decreases only since the beginning of the 1990s. The average annual growth rate of the employment proxy for Canada and the US is 2.8% and for Norway 3.5%. Since we found the highest estimated e¤ect for Norway, it does not surprise that the total e¤ect on unemployment is higher in Norway than in the other countries. The positive e¤ect of aging in the JC-curve in the countries of the second regime is the same as in the group of the …rst regime. We cannot conclude on the basis of the two equations whether the overall e¤ect of aging on unemployment is positive or negative because the BC shifts inwards and the JC-curve rotates clockwise. For this reason, we calculate the net e¤ect in the next section. To sum up, except for Norway the estimates with the employment proxy identify only the …rst and the second regime. They indicate a negative e¤ect of aging on job creation but di¤erent shifts of the BC. According to the model of section 2 this implies a productivity disadvantage of the elderly workers, namely has a positive sign. Sneddon and Triest (2002) …nd a signi…cant negative e¤ect of the growth rate of the working age population on average productivity in the US. This coincides with our …ndings because a fall in the share of the young increases their relative productivity. Beside 9 The average yearly growth rate is calculated from the peak point when the aging process started, which is not necessarily the …rst observation. 14 15 US Sweden Spain Portugal Norway Japan Germany France Canada (1.546) (9.444) 0.996 (2.539) (-4.105) (-7.853) -0.556 -0.682 -0.689 -0.661 (-3.486) (2.107) (2.104) JC (3.043) 3.323 (-0.667) -0.435 (3.858) 1.561 (4.925) 3.224 (1.105) 1.273 (6.140) 1.328 (3) (11.327) 0.934 (0.199) 0.322 (0.618) (0.337) 0.180 0.187 (0.400) 2 1 2 1 3 1 1 1 2 Regime The Table contains the estimates for 2 and 1 . For each country di¤erent system speci…cations are estimated. T-statistics are in parentheses. For complete results see appendix. (9.833) 0.900 0.102 (9.675) (3.742) 0.909 (4.013) (9.631) (3.489) 0.911 (-3.275) (3.257) (-2.049) 14.610 15.178 17.115 7.823 (7.689) (-2.020) (7.463) (-2.251) (5.892) (-0.912) -0.601 (6.852) 1.992 (4.870) 3.202 (1.285) 1.516 (6.160) 1.325 (4) -2.950 -2.869 -2.897 -1.821 (2.513) 0.803 (2.943) 2.518 (-1.706) -1.328 (3.746) 1.537 (5.735) 3.365 (1.000) 1.175 (1.159) 0.571 (2) 10.795 10.827 10.311 0.574 0.610 (-2.809) (4.247) (-0.162) 3.007 (2.530) 1.242 (-3.216) (3.210) 1.382 (-4.257) (6.833) (4.482) (-4.299) (-4.163) -1.580 -1.175 -1.185 2.386 2.293 (-4.215) (-4.430) -0.160 3.561 -2.587 -1.747 -2.404 -2.377 (-4.519) (0.999) (-0.218) 1.178 (-0.192) (-0.191) (2.687) 1.309 (1) (-2.004) (1.548) 0.204 (4) -0.176 -0.192 -0.218 -0.191 (2.211) 0.204 BC (3) (-0.444) (2) -0.045 0.380 (1) Table 2: Aging of the employed this age composition e¤ect of the work force we control for the labor force participation rate. In this case the ratio of civilian employed to working age population (15-64 years) has a signi…cant negative e¤ect on unemployment in most considered countries. Since the participation rate is lower for the elderly, a fall in the share of the young increases total unemployment. This coincides with the …nding by Bloom and Canning (2004). Up to now we analyzed the e¤ects of aging in the segment of on-the-job searchers. In the remainder of the section, we look at the segment of unemployed job searchers. Unfortunately, the corresponding data is not available for Portugal, Norway, and Sweden. If we take the ratio of young to elderly unemployed as the proxy for aging, we …nd all possible regimes. Table 3 summarizes the results. We identify for Japan and Canada the …rst regime and for the US the second regime. However, with respect to Germany, France, and Spain, we now …nd a positive e¤ect on vacancies. That is, in Spain aging of the unemployed unambiguously reduces unemployment because the BC shifts inwards and the JC-curve rotates counterclockwise (third regime). In contrast to this, for Germany and France the BC shifts outwards as before but the JC-curve now rotates counterclockwise. This represents the fourth regime and results in an ambiguous e¤ect on unemployment because of the opposing e¤ects of the changes in the BC and the JC-curve when the age composition alters. The previous results imply that the e¤ects of aging on search unemployment depend in some countries on whether we consider on-the-job search or job search of the unemployed. To be more precisely: While the direction of the e¤ects on the BC is more or less the same, the response of …rms to aging with a rise or cut of vacancies can be di¤erent for employed or unemployed job-seekers. Why do …rms create more jobs when the job-seekers grow old if they decide to hire former unemployed workers but decrease job openings if they face on-the-job searchers? And why is this true in France, Germany, and Spain but not in Canada, Japan, and the US? Aging could not be the reason because the share of the elderly increases within the employed as well as within the unemployed. Following the arguments of the model in section 2, we argue that relative productivity di¤erences can explain the story. One indication for this can be found in Börsch-Supan et al. (2005) and Yashiro (2001). Early retirement of the age cohort 50 to 64 years has been comparatively high in Southern Europe (Spain) as well as in France and Germany. More precisely, early retirement plays an important role for men and women in France and Germany, whereas in Spain the women’s share of home-makers is nearly as high as the group of early retired man. This low participation, in turn, tends to increase the average productivity of the elderly unemployed because it is reasonable to say that the low skilled leave the labor force by a 16 17 US Spain Japan Germany France Canada (1) (1.650) 0.081 (2.784) (1.958) 0.103 (3.144) (3.771) 0.097 (4.918) (4.937) 0.377 (4) (4.640) 0.853 (-1.624) (2.454) 0.222 (-1.197) (3.198) 0.236 (-2.275) (3.484) 0.254 (-2.241) -0.736 (4.764) 0.846 (0.021) 0.003 (-1.700) (2.986) 0.192 (8.137) 0.931 (0.014) 0.002 (-2.073) 2 3 1 4 4 1 Regime The Table contains the estimates for 2 and 1 . For each country di¤erent system speci…cations are estimated. T-statistics are in parentheses. For complete results see appendix. (2.451) 0.073 (1.627) 0.041 (-2.057) -0.403 -0.716 0.032 0.040 (-1.342) (-2.826) (-3.925) (3) 0.378 JC -0.255 -0.334 (-2.270) 0.623 (-3.577) (0.437) 0.057 (2) -0.573 -0-489 -0.395 -0.468 (3.603) (-2.863) -0.211 -0.210 (-1.917) (-3.469) (0.476) (0.345) (-1.680) (-3.099) 0.043 0.030 (-1.244) -0.035 -0.047 (-1.255) -0.275 -0.328 -0.329 -0.313 -0.026 (-1.161) -0.010 (-0.440) (-1.034) 0.060 (4) (0.488) BC (3) (-3.230) (2) -0.049 -0.047 -0.044 -0.043 (1) Table 3: Aging of the unemployed majority. In contrast to this, the low skilled remain in the labor force within the group of the young unemployed. Putting things together we arrive to the conclusion that the average productivity of the elderly unemployed may be higher than (may be nearly equal to) the average productivity of the young unemployed in France and Germany (in Spain). That is, from the theoretical model is smaller if we look at unemployed instead of employed job-seekers and gets even negative in France and Germany. An alternative explanation for Spain (switch from the second to the third regime) is that the relative separation risk is higher if we take only the job search of unemployed into account. Due to their high rate of unemployment the young unemployed are apt to accept the …rst best job o¤er. The experience has shown that these matches have a comparatively shorter duration. That is, the separation rate of the young unemployed is higher than the rate of the young on-the-job searchers. 3.3 Calculation of Net E¤ects In this section we summarize the estimates and, additionally, we want to …nd out what are the total e¤ects of the estimates on unemployment. With respect to the two estimated equations we distinguish between a direct and an indirect e¤ect. The direct e¤ect 2 shifts the BC and the indirect e¤ect 1 leads to moves on the BC. In some of the cases, regime two and four precisely, we get opposing e¤ects that result in ambiguous changes in unemployment as a consequence of the aging of the labor force. However, even if both e¤ects have the same direction it is interesting to know which of the e¤ects dominates the other. Table 4 shows the di¤erent e¤ects of aging on the unemployment rate. A negative (positive) sign denotes that aging decreases (increases) search unemployment. The total e¤ect depends on the direction of the direct and indirect e¤ects and, if they are opposing, on their relative magnitude. If we consider the aging of the employed, we see the rise in unemployment as expected in regime 1. However, in some cases the direct e¤ect dominates in other cases it is the other way around. The total e¤ect of regime 2 is negative in all three countries. That is, the shift of the BC dominates the move along the curve and unemployment decreases. The picture is a good deal more mixed if we consider the age structure of the unemployed. Only in Japan and the US the identi…ed regimes and net e¤ects are the same as before. For Canada the identi…ed regime changes from two to one and the net e¤ect on unemployment is now positive. The e¤ect for Spain is negative as predicted for the third regime. In France and Germany the fourth regime has the same total e¤ect, thus unemployment decreases with aging. 18 Table 4: E¤ects of Aging on Unemployment aging of employed direct Canada France Germany Japan Norway Portugal Spain Sweden US aging of unemployed indirect total regime direct indirect total regime - > + - 2 + > + + 1 + < + + 1 + < - - 4 + < + + 1 + < - - 4 + > + + 1 + > + + 1 - < - - 3 - > + - 2 - > - - 3 + < + + 1 - > + - 2 + > + + 1 - > + - 2 Taking all results into consideration, we can conclude that no negative consequences for unemployment are expected for Spain and the US when the mean age of the labor force is going to increase continuously. With respect to the US, the results coincide with those of Bleakley and Fuhrer (1997) and Katz and Krueger (1999). On the other hand, the results for Japan showed for either measure that this countries has to prepare for a further increase in unemployment when the labor force grows older. 4 Conclusions In this paper, we examined the relationship between the aging of the labor force, according to the demographic change, and unemployment by means of both a theoretical and an empirical model. The modeling applies to the literature on search in the labor market and matching with equilibrium unemployment. We extended the standard framework by age-speci…c variables which consider di¤erent separations risks and a di¤erent productivity/wage. From a theoretical perspective, the e¤ect of aging on unemployment is ambiguous and divides into four possible regimes. In the case that one age group brings strictly more pro…ts to the …rms in terms of productivity and separation risk, the …rms will respond to a change in the relative share of the age groups with a variation in the number of o¤ered vacancies. If this e¤ect on job creation goes in the same direction as the e¤ect of aging on job destruction, unemployment will either strictly increase or decrease. Unemployment goes up (down), when the labor force grows older, if …rms prefer younger 19 (elderly) job seekers. In contrast to this, the total outcome is ambiguous if the two e¤ects are opposing. The net e¤ect on employment then depends on the magnitude of the changes in job creation and job destruction. In the empirical part of the analysis we estimate jointly two equations: The Beveridge Curve and the job-creation curve. Based on our proxy for aging, we are able to identify which of the regimes dominates in the considered nine OECD countries. Furthermore, this approach allows to calculate the net e¤ect in the theoretical ambiguous cases. Therefore, we can say what is the expected change in search unemployment when the share of elderly workers grows continuously as a consequence of the demographic change. Taking all employed as job seekers, aging of the employed labor force leads to less job creation in terms of a reduced vacancy rate in all considered economies, with the exception of Norway. This strictly means a higher unemployment rate for France, Germany, Japan, Portugal, and Sweden because in these countries the e¤ect which follows from changes in the Beveridge Curve is of the same kind. In contrast to this, we …nd that aging causes a fall in the unemployment rate in Canada, Norway, Spain, and the US. This is an interesting result because it means that less job destruction - the Beveridge Curve shifts inwards - outweighs the loss of job creation. Furthermore, we obtain all four regimes, which are theoretically possible if we take the age of the unemployed as a proxy. The investigation yields that aging of the unemployed increases (decreases) the unemployment rate in Canada and Japan (France, Germany, Spain, and the US). 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T-statistics are in parentheses. v: vacancy rate; AGING: ratio of young to old; BD: benefit duration; BRR: benefit replacement rate; UDNET: net union density; EPOP: employment population ratio; LABC: labor costs; RIRL: real interest rate; DW: Durbin-Watson statistic. (1) LOG(v) AGING BD BRR UDNET EPOP LABC RIRL R2 DW Table 6b: Canada: Estimates with Aging of Unemployed BC (2) (3) (4) (1) (2) JC (3) (4) -0.220 -0.080 -0.042 -0.042 (-6.370) (-0.821) (-0.530) (-0.532) -0.049 -0.047 -0.044 -0.043 0.060 0.057 0.378 0.377 (-3.230) (-1.034) (-1.255) (-1.244) (0.488) (0.437) (4.918) (4.937) 4.879 -4.666 (12.538) (-1.494) -3.444 -0.092 -0.210 6.236 2.706 0.515 (-6.833) (-0.075) (-0.173) (1.561) (0.797) (0.131) -2.539 3.432 4.127 4.280 -19.385 -22.701 -20.876 -21.258 (-2.331) (1.118) (1.416) (1.538) (-2.698) (-3.151) (-2.449) (-2.653) -0.046 -0.031 -0.035 -0.034 0.158 0.131 0.131 0.130 (-9.834) (-2.620) (-3.186) (-3.246) (5.772) (5.986) (5.027) (5.268) 0.578 -0.225 -5.973 -4.605 (2.149) (-0.315) (-3.360) (-2.866) 0.377 3.729 3.804 3.723 -2.152 -5.178 -3.216 -3.017 (0.797) (3.140) (3.169) (3.364) (-0.571) (-1.544) (-0.825) (-0.839) 0.987 0.872 0.865 0.865 0.906 0.896 0.853 0.853 2.156 1.629 1.690 1.676 1.801 1.961 1.248 1.239 BC and JC are estimated simultaneously with the SUR method. T-statistics are in parentheses. v: vacancy rate; AGING: ratio of young to old; BD: benefit duration; BRR: benefit replacement rate; UDNET: net union density; EPOP: employment population ratio; LABC: labor costs; RIRL: real interest rate; DW: Durbin-Watson statistic. (1) LOG(v) AGING BD BRR UDNET EPOP LABC RIRL R2 DW Table 7a: France: Estimates with Aging of Employed BC (2) (3) (4) (1) (2) JC (3) (4) -0.172 -0.170 -0.171 -0.144 (-10.518) (-9.686) (-9.448) (-6.659) -0.176 -0.192 -0.218 -0.191 1.178 1.175 1.273 1.516 (-2.004) (-2.044) (-2.293) (-1.601) (0.999) (1.000) (1.105) (1.285) 0.556 0.099 (2.055) (0.027) -1.115 -0.992 -0.940 -3.764 -3.744 -3.944 (-4.941) (-4.235) (-3.938) (-1.285) (-1.324) (-1.413) 4.859 3.248 3.064 2.384 -1.322 -1.608 -0.929 -3.938 (5.569) (7.867) (7.595) (5.192) (-0.111) (-0.308) (-0.188) (-0.851) -0.070 -0.075 -0.077 -0.074 0.228 0.227 0.235 0.265 (-10.576) (-11.349) (-11.606) (-8.960) (2.683) (2.883) (3.087) (3.501) 2.246 2.156 2.138 1.965 -0.587 -0.602 -0.533 -1.181 (29.000) (31.264) (30.541) (28.266) (-0.583) (-0.732) (-0.661) (-1.722) 0.683 0.581 -2.110 -2.129 (1.723) (1.376) (-0.392) (-0.398) 0.998 0.998 0.998 0.996 0.869 0.869 0.868 0.859 1.789 1.788 1.717 1.357 0.790 0.792 0.763 0.670 BC and JC are estimated simultaneously with the SUR method. T-statistics are in parentheses. v: vacancy rate; AGING: ratio of young to old; BD: benefit duration; BRR: benefit replacement rate; UDNET: net union density; EPOP: employment population ratio; LABC: labor costs; RIRL: real interest rate; DW: Durbin-Watson statistic. (1) LOG(v) AGING BD BRR UDNET EPOP LABC RIRL R2 DW Table 7b: France: Estimates with Aging of Unemployed BC (2) (3) (4) (1) (2) JC (3) (4) -0.180 -0.184 -0.189 -0.170 (-9.644) (-9.477) (-9.745) (-7.618) -0.010 -0.026 -0.035 -0.047 -0.573 -0.489 -0.395 -0.468 (-0.440) (-1.161) (-1.680) (-1.917) (-2.270) (-2.057) (-1.700) (-2.073) 0.547 -3.314 (1.765) (-0.897) -1.058 -0.889 -0.813 -0.813 -1.890 -2.967 (-4.117) (-3.543) (-3.273) (-0.265) (-0.660) (-1.055) 4.799 3.474 3.461 3.167 0.044 8.302 9.042 8.680 (5.195) (6.077) (5.927) (4.611) (0.004) (1.328) (1.413) (1.332) -0.071 -0.079 -0.082 -0.082 0.069 0.116 0.161 0.168 (-8.174) (-9.962) (-10.901) (-9.132) (0.661) (1.272) (1.856) (1.906) 2.229 2.190 2.201 2.107 0.886 1.192 1.215 1.062 (22.756) (21.793) (21.558) (17.975) (0.870) (1.224) (1.215) (1.052) 0.762 0.557 -7.738 -6.613 (1.679) (1.209) (-1.461) (-1.267) 0.998 0.998 0.998 0.997 0.885 0.882 0.875 0.870 1.628 1.683 1.702 1.404 0.879 0.835 0.681 0.580 BC and JC are estimated simultaneously with the SUR method. T-statistics are in parentheses. v: vacancy rate; AGING: ratio of young to old; BD: benefit duration; BRR: benefit replacement rate; UDNET: net union density; EPOP: employment population ratio; LABC: labor costs; RIRL: real interest rate; DW: Durbin-Watson statistic. (1) LOG(v) AGING BD BRR UDNET EPOP LABC RIRL R2 DW Table 8a: Germany: Estimates with Aging of Employed BC (2) (3) (4) (1) (2) JC (3) (4) 0.573 0.252 0.628 0.625 (5.991) (2.281) (4.757) (4.704) -2.587 -1.747 -2.404 -2.377 3.561 3.365 3.224 3.202 (-7.853) (-4.430) (-4.163) (-4.105) (9.444) (5.735) (4.925) (4.870) 8.282 11.960 19.946 20.396 -7.639 -13.585 -19.981 -20.504 (4.893) (5.944) (8.395) (8.943) (-2.963) (-3.642) (-6.404) (-6.837) -17.453 23.711 (-6.023) (6.118) 17.619 4.036 2.338 1.931 -26.855 -14.531 -8.302 -7.899 (5.376) (1.269) (0.525) (0.436) (-6.917) (-2.803) (-1.616) (-1.543) -0.379 -0.319 -0.480 -0.485 0.497 0.552 0.591 0.599 (-12.677) (-8.435) (-10.648) (-10.937) (23.807) (18.751) (20.797) (23.962) 1.514 1.772 -1.277 -1.426 (6.354) (5.895) (-3.597) (-2.577) -1.510 -1.573 1.782 1.000 0.402 -2.066 (-1.059) (-0.862) (0.642) (0.460) (0.119) (-0.567) 0.992 0.987 0.966 0.966 0.995 0.987 0.984 0.983 1.932 1.705 1.384 1.400 1.605 1.248 1.304 1.305 BC and JC are estimated simultaneously with the SUR method. T-statistics are in parentheses. v: vacancy rate; AGING: ratio of young to old; BD: benefit duration; BRR: benefit replacement rate; UDNET: net union density; EPOP: employment population ratio; LABC: labor costs; RIRL: real interest rate; DW: Durbin-Watson statistic. (1) LOG(v) AGING BD BRR UDNET EPOP LABC RIRL R2 DW Table 8b: Germany: Estimates with Aging of Unemployed BC (2) (3) (4) (1) (2) JC (3) (4) 0.016 -0.059 -0.036 -0.033 (0.146) (-0.559) (-0.289) (-0.262) 0.030 0.043 -0.211 -0.210 -0.255 -0.334 0.003 0.002 (0.345) (0.476) (-2.863) (-2.826) (-1.342) (-1.624) (0.021) (0.014) 13.380 14.115 23.603 23.887 -15.624 -18.015 -30.154 -30.377 (5.089) (5.229) (13.433) (14.191) (-2.655) (-2.825) (-9.148) (-9.769) -7.901 18.698 (-2.112) (2.341) -5.288 -8.769 -10.750 -10.932 3.930 12.847 15.291 15.433 (-2.298) (-5.291) (-5.447) (-5.594) (0.761) (3.349) (3.839) (3.933) -0.189 -0.185 -0.291 -0.297 0.355 0.378 0.510 0.514 (-5.519) (-5.226) (-8.964) (-9.523) (5.428) (5.327) (12.807) (14.863) 1.852 2.014 -2.133 -2.616 (3.718) (3.949) (-1.908) (-2.164) -2.632 -2.627 1.211 3.751 3.962 -1.028 (-1.250) (-1.204) (0.503) (0.794) (0.762) (-0.203) 0.985 0.985 0.976 0.976 0.978 0.973 0.968 0.968 2.034 2.167 2.008 2.046 1.376 1.612 1.531 1.536 BC and JC are estimated simultaneously with the SUR method. T-statistics are in parentheses. v: vacancy rate; AGING: ratio of young to old; BD: benefit duration; BRR: benefit replacement rate; UDNET: net union density; EPOP: employment population ratio; LABC: labor costs; RIRL: real interest rate; DW: Durbin-Watson statistic. (1) LOG(v) AGING BD BRR UDNET EPOP LABC RIRL R2 DW Table 9a: Japan: Estimates with Aging of Employed BC (2) (3) (4) (1) (2) JC (3) (4) -0.242 -0.364 -0.366 -0.318 (-2.210) (-3.423) (-3.438) (-3.121) -0.556 -0.682 -0.689 -0.661 0.996 1.537 1.561 1.992 (-3.486) (-4.215) (-4.299) (-4.519) (2.539) (3.746) (3.858) (6.852) # # # # # # # # 1.047 0.401 0.358 -0.396 1.867 2.003 (1.869) (0.746) (0.689) (-0.280) (1.320) (1.479) 4.496 -0.115 -0.044 -0.119 -19.853 -9.964 -10.205 -13.367 (1.912) (-0.066) (-0.025) (-0.069) (-4.070) (-2.299) (-2.385) (-3.473) -0.011 -0.010 -0.009 -0.008 0.015 0.015 0.012 0.015 (-0.840) (-0.754) (-0.692) (-0.644) (0.482) (0.411) (0.327) (0.408) 0.673 -1.795 (2.737) (-3.142) 1.239 0.164 -3.273 -0.482 (1.940) (0.307) (-2.106) (-0.325) 0.947 0.942 0.942 0.938 0.864 0.816 0.815 0.801 1.083 0.922 0.969 0.873 1.305 0.789 0.826 0.861 BC and JC are estimated simultaneously with the SUR method. T-statistics are in parentheses. v: vacancy rate; AGING: ratio of young to old; BD: benefit duration (< 1 year and therefore = 0 per definition); BRR: benefit replacement rate; UDNET: net union density; EPOP: employment population ratio; LABC: labor costs; RIRL: real interest rate; DW: Durbin-Watson statistic. (1) LOG(v) AGING BD BRR UDNET EPOP LABC RIRL R2 DW Table 9b: Japan: Estimates with Aging of Unemployed BC (2) (3) (4) (1) (2) JC (3) (4) -0.126 -0.271 -0.270 -0.242 (-1.008) (-2.140) (-2.137) (-1.936) -0.275 -0.328 -0.329 -0.313 0.623 0.853 0.846 0.931 (-3.099) (-3.469) (-3.577) (-3.925) (3.603) (4.640) (4.764) (8.137) # # # # # # # # 1.159 0.304 0.299 -1.125 0.879 0.841 (1.883) (0.504) (0.506) (-0.844) (0.639) (0.625) 4.591 -1.691 -1.674 -1.765 -18.365 -7.849 -7.751 -8.660 (1.844) (-1.018) (-1.031) (-1.113) (-4.308) (-2.474) (-2.511) (-3.160) 0.017 0.022 0.022 0.021 -0.058 -0.080 -0.078 -0.085 (0.916) (1.087) (1.180) (1.121) (-1.461) (-1.795) (-1.874) (-2.149) 0.818 -1.656 (3.193) (-3.200) 1.334 0.024 -2.515 0.186 (1.945) (0.040) (-1.723) (0.133) 0.937 0.927 0.927 0.924 0.886 0.844 0.844 0.841 1.109 1.058 1.064 0.994 1.375 1.031 1.009 1.053 BC and JC are estimated simultaneously with the SUR method. T-statistics are in parentheses. v: vacancy rate; AGING: ratio of young to old; BD: benefit duration (< 1 year and therefore = 0 per definition); BRR: benefit replacement rate; UDNET: net union density; EPOP: employment population ratio; LABC: labor costs; RIRL: real interest rate; DW: Durbin-Watson statistic. (1) LOG(v) AGING BD BRR UDNET EPOP LABC RIRL R2 DW Table 10: Norway: Estimates with Aging of Employed BC (2) (3) (4) (1) (2) JC (3) (4) -0.301 -0.304 0.279 0.346 (-1.934) (-2.120) (2.030) (1.921) 2.293 2.386 1.382 1.242 -0.160 -1.328 -0.435 -0.601 (4.482) (6.833) (3.210) (2.530) (-0.162) (-1.706) (-0.667) (-0.912) 6.506 6.773 8.119 -10.051 -13.663 -8.512 (3.697) (4.154) (5.499) (-2.641) (-4.004) (-3.460) 0.333 -4.292 (0.278) (-1.750) 2.435 3.419 12.166 24.364 -15.668 -28.943 -21.634 -33.886 (0.535) (0.896) (3.376) (5.300) (-1.649) (-4.736) (-4.158) (-6.237) -0.165 -0.163 -0.179 -0.111 0.241 0.217 0.186 0.112 (-8.885) (-10.048) (-8.738) (-4.333) (6.668) (6.078) (5.451) (3.050) -0.087 0.002 5.281 4.245 (-0.077) (0.002) (2.545) (2.000) 0.710 0.774 2.599 -4.227 -5.158 -4.144 (0.705) (0.767) (1.979) (-2.076) (-2.460) (-1.940) 0.939 0.939 0.866 0.685 0.870 0.852 0.833 0.713 1.587 1.588 1.465 1.295 1.906 1.902 1.574 1.602 BC and JC are estimated simultaneously with the SUR method. T-statistics are in parentheses. v: vacancy rate; AGING: ratio of young to old; BD: benefit duration; BRR: benefit replacement rate; UDNET: net union density; EPOP: employment population ratio; LABC: labor costs; RIRL: real interest rate; DW: Durbin-Watson statistic. (1) LOG(v) AGING BD BRR UDNET EPOP LABC RIRL R2 DW Table 11: Portugal: Estimates with Aging of Employed BC (2) (3) (4) (1) (2) JC (3) 0.417 0.318 0.194 (5.478) (4.372) (2.690) -1.580 -1.175 -1.185 3.007 2.518 3.323 (-4.257) (-3.216) (-2.809) (4.247) (2.943) (3.043) 2.191 -5.120 (2.660) (-3.182) 0.873 1.264 -1.502 -3.011 (2.337) (3.449) (-1.865) (-3.743) 5.407 2.081 -0.027 -11.280 -4.247 1.200 (3.728) (2.598) (-0.045) (-4.154) (-2.176) (0.699) 0.009 -0.040 -0.067 -0.094 0.009 0.077 (0.335) (-2.077) (-3.282) (-1.849) (0.190) (1.297) -0.372 -0.672 -1.550 0.031 0.761 3.602 (-0.820) (-1.423) (-3.362) (0.031) (0.634) (2.933) -0.655 -0.941 1.398 2.662 4.568 -0.775 (-0.776) (-1.048) (2.061) (1.503) (2.214) (-0.395) (4) 0.864 0.848 0.802 0.856 0.779 0.616 2.239 2.204 1.807 2.193 1.745 0.803 BC and JC are estimated simultaneously with the SUR method. T-statistics are in parentheses. v: vacancy rate; AGING: ratio of young to old; BD: benefit duration; BRR: benefit replacement rate; UDNET: net union density; EPOP: employment population ratio; LABC: labor costs; RIRL: real interest rate; DW: Durbin-Watson statistic. (1) LOG(v) AGING BD BRR UDNET EPOP LABC RIRL R2 DW Table 12a: Spain: Estimates with Aging of Employed BC (2) (3) (4) (1) (2) JC (3) 0.024 0.024 0.020 (1.187) (1.186) (0.794) 0.609 0.574 0.803 10.795 10.827 10.311 (2.103) (2.107) (2.513) (5.892) (7.463) (7.689) -0.083 0.075 (-0.347) (0.028) 0.318 0.343 0.524 -2.182 -2.204 -2.754 (2.274) (2.830) (3.901) (-1.465) (-1.740) (-2.488) -1.900 -1.835 0.674 -21.224 -21.281 -28.875 (-1.883) (-1.844) (0.824) (-2.160) (-2.214) (-8.191) -0.108 -0.106 -0.113 -0.416 -0.418 -0.404 (-7.726) (-8.539) (-7.622) (-4.296) (-6.553) (-6.450) 1.224 1.222 -3.524 -3.522 (3.236) (3.220) (-0.847) (-0.847) 1.167 1.102 1.565 -3.902 -3.843 -5.225 (3.838) (4.589) (6.473) (-1.179) (-1.492) (-2.574) (4) 0.998 0.998 0.998 0.836 0.836 0.830 2.804 2.757 2.477 2.350 2.347 2.078 BC and JC are estimated simultaneously with the SUR method. T-statistics are in parentheses. v: vacancy rate; AGING: ratio of young to old; BD: benefit duration; BRR: benefit replacement rate; UDNET: net union density; EPOP: employment population ratio; LABC: labor costs; RIRL: real interest rate; DW: Durbin-Watson statistic. (1) LOG(v) AGING BD BRR UDNET EPOP LABC RIRL R2 DW Table 12b: Spain: Estimates with Aging of Unemployed BC (2) (3) (4) (1) (2) JC (3) 0.066 0.071 0.087 (5.243) (5.990) (5.975) 0.040 0.032 0.041 -0.403 -0.716 -0.736 (1.958) (1.650) (1.627) (-1.197) (-2.275) (-2.241) 0.263 7.243 (1.043) (1.826) 0.367 0.312 0.533 -1.020 -2.981 -1.718 (2.588) (2.297) (3.380) (-0.420) (-1.263) (-0.761) -0.397 -0.553 3.040 -24.644 -34.606 -13.072 (-0.390) (-0.532) (8.466) (-1.496) (-2.053) (-2.823) -0.080 -0.082 -0.079 0.128 0.078 0.098 (-25.592) (-30.325) (-23.595) (2.433) (1.599) (2.044) 1.325 1.395 5.220 8.792 (3.438) (3.560) (0.812) (1.324) 0.734 1.021 1.594 -4.186 4.604 9.436 (1.883) (3.587) (5.324) (-0.631) (0.931) (2.706) (4) 0.998 0.998 0.997 0.568 0.493 0.446 3.165 3.343 2.485 1.046 0.817 0.877 BC and JC are estimated simultaneously with the SUR method. T-statistics are in parentheses. v: vacancy rate; AGING: ratio of young to old; BD: benefit duration; BRR: benefit replacement rate; UDNET: net union density; EPOP: employment population ratio; LABC: labor costs; RIRL: real interest rate; DW: Durbin-Watson statistic. (1) LOG(v) AGING BD BRR UDNET EPOP LABC RIRL R2 DW Table 13: Sweden: Estimates with Aging of Employed BC (2) (3) (4) (1) (2) JC (3) (4) -0.352 -0.302 -0.303 -0.350 (-4.552) (-3.683) (-3.855) (-5.161) -2.950 -2.869 -2.897 -1.821 14.610 15.178 17.115 7.823 (-2.251) (-2.020) (-2.049) (-3.275) (3.257) (3.489) (4.013) (3.742) 8.645 8.849 (1.826) (0.481) -1.277 0.042 -3.371 -2.102 (-1.564) (0.094) (-1.098) (-1.336) -0.542 -1.360 -1.284 16.439 16.186 12.856 (-0.336) (-0.789) (-0.880) (3.102) (3.054) (2.643) -0.005 -0.027 -0.026 -0.049 -0.088 -0.117 -0.213 0.019 (-0.136) (-0.766) (-0.803) (-3.468) (-0.635) (-0.928) (-1.975) (0.304) 1.763 1.699 1.704 1.389 -5.459 -5.681 -6.120 -3.573 (4.610) (4.144) (4.153) (7.648) (-4.310) (-4.792) (-5.167) (-5.517) 1.921 1.077 1.037 -7.998 -9.181 -7.486 (1.758) (1.033) (1.120) (-1.941) (-2.765) (-2.346) 0.980 0.976 0.976 0.976 0.924 0.923 0.917 0.883 2.203 1.614 1.621 1.637 1.498 1.554 1.420 1.028 BC and JC are estimated simultaneously with the SUR method. T-statistics are in parentheses. v: vacancy rate; AGING: ratio of young to old; BD: benefit duration; BRR: benefit replacement rate; UDNET: net union density; EPOP: employment population ratio; LABC: labor costs; RIRL: real interest rate; DW: Durbin-Watson statistic. (1) LOG(v) AGING BD BRR UDNET EPOP LABC RIRL R2 DW Table 14a: USA: Estimates with Aging of Employed BC (2) (3) (4) (1) (2) JC (3) (4) -0.720 -0.723 -0.717 -0.715 (-13.952) (-14.648) (-15.106) (-14.919) 0.911 0.909 0.900 0.934 0.102 0.322 0.180 0.187 (9.631) (9.675) (9.833) (11.327) (0.199) (0.618) (0.337) (0.400) 0.132 0.151 0.244 -1.362 -2.516 0.045 (0.332) (0.390) (0.834) (-0.599) (-1.102) (0.025) 1.096 1.106 1.227 1.126 -6.048 -7.062 -4.044 -4.063 (2.231) (2.262) (3.374) (3.256) (-2.255) (-2.576) (-1.839) (-1.973) -0.230 11.743 (-0.195) (1.818) -0.031 -0.029 -0.027 -0.026 0.057 -0.056 0.005 0.005 (-2.388) (-3.916) (-7.058) (-6.935) (0.773) (-1.353) (0.202) (0.205) 0.074 0.081 2.346 2.200 (0.328) (0.362) (1.921) (1.728) 0.469 0.575 0.557 0.350 0.569 -5.233 -6.312 -6.352 (0.608) (1.047) (1.013) (0.710) (0.129) (-1.641) (-1.940) (-2.234) 0.951 0.952 0.951 0.950 0.406 0.351 0.297 0.297 1.301 1.323 1.351 1.341 0.819 1.033 0.824 0.823 BC and JC are estimated simultaneously with the SUR method. T-statistics are in parentheses. v: vacancy rate; AGING: ratio of young to old; BD: benefit duration; BRR: benefit replacement rate; UDNET: net union density; EPOP: employment population ratio; LABC: labor costs; RIRL: real interest rate; DW: Durbin-Watson statistic. (1) LOG(v) AGING BD BRR UDNET EPOP LABC RIRL R2 DW Table 14b: USA: Estimates with Aging of Unemployed BC (2) (3) (4) (1) (2) JC (3) (4) -0.661 -0.651 -0.659 -0.688 (-7.189) (-6.935) (-6.832) (-7.149) 0.103 0.081 0.073 0.097 0.222 0.236 0.254 0.192 (3.144) (2.784) (2.451) (3.771) (2.454) (3.198) (3.484) (2.986) 1.044 1.379 0.810 -3.482 -3.704 -2.608 (1.643) (2.316) (1.569) (-1.693) (-1.970) (-1.623) 3.092 3.427 2.818 2.444 -8.627 -8.837 -7.693 -6.725 (4.309) (4.965) (4.606) (4.265) (-4.014) (-4.416) (-4.461) (-4.012) -2.727 1.897 (-1.266) (0.266) -0.020 0.005 -0.011 -0.009 -0.024 -0.041 -0.010 -0.016 (-0.895) (0.469) (-1.955) (-1.654) (-0.331) (-1.210) (-0.543) (-0.930) -0.753 -0.632 1.323 1.236 (-2.088) (-1.779) (1.112) (1.079) 1.416 2.545 2.825 2.516 -2.218 -3.001 -3.556 -2.563 (1.151) (2.927) (3.191) (2.860) (-0.545) (-1.066) (-1.265) (-0.901) 0.869 0.862 0.852 0.847 0.490 0.489 0.473 0.434 1.055 1.215 0.964 0.959 1.102 1.157 1.015 1.001 BC and JC are estimated simultaneously with the SUR method. T-statistics are in parentheses. v: vacancy rate; AGING: ratio of young to old; BD: benefit duration; BRR: benefit replacement rate; UDNET: net union density; EPOP: employment population ratio; LABC: labor costs; RIRL: real interest rate; DW: Durbin-Watson statistic.