Production System Design and Implementation in the Automotive Components Industry by Guillermo Oropeza B.S. Mechanical Engineering Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1999 Submitted to the Department of Mechanical Engineering in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology February 2001 MASSACHUSETTS 1N§TITT OF TECHNOLOGY JUL 16 2001 D 2001 Massachusetts Institute of Technology All rights reserved LIBRARIES Signature of author..................................................... ..................... Department of Mechanical Engineering Januay/ 1 z 0l C ertified by ....................................................... David S. Cochran Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering .gpervisor Th .. ................ Ain A. Sonin Chairman, Department Committee on Graduate Students Accepted by................................................... ...... f Production System Design and Implementation in the Automotive Components Industry by Guillermo Oropeza Submitted to the Department of Mechanical Engineering on January, 2001 in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering ABSTRACT As manufacturing systems evolve and competition increases and globalizes, it has become increasingly important for the survival of any manufacturing company to take full advantage of their capabilities. However, the design of a manufacturing system is a highly complex process due to the interaction between the many elements that comprise it. The Manufacturing System Design Decomposition (MSDD) presented here was developed by the Production System Design Laboratory at MIT as a tool to aid the designer of manufacturing systems to make low-level decisions while appreciating the impact on each other as well as on high-level requirements. The methodology promotes overall system performance optimization over local sub-optimization. It helps the designer to separate means from objectives. The MSDD can be used to track progress and to communicate information across the organization. In this thesis, the MSDD is used to frame the work undertaken in the automobile components industry. The author focuses in two Visteon plants: Indianapolis and North Penn. The projects in which the author was involved vary greatly in terms of product manufactured, stage of development, and analysis approach. However, they encompass typical mass production plants evolving into lean manufacturers and transforming their production processes. Therefore, the MSDD is very useful in analyzing, evaluating and improving these production systems. Within the Indianapolis plant, the author was involved in two major projects both related to the assembly of rack and pinion steering gear assembly systems. One of them includes a financial analysis to prove the feasibility and advantage of a cellular approach. Also, the proposed layout and conceptual station designs are presented. The other project includes the improvement of the effectiveness of a recently launched cell. Within the North Penn plant, a comparison of a traditional mass production method is contrasted to a cellular approach at the production of automobile electronic engine controllers. The comparison is performed using traditional performance metrics and the MSDD. Thesis Supervisor: David S. Cochran Title: Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering 3 Acknowledgments Acknowledgments As time goes by I have realized that, just as in manufacturing, where the resulting system is the result of the interaction of all of its elements, we are the result of our interaction with our own environment. Every stage in our lives imprints part of the character that forms us over time. Now that I have ended an important stage in my life I think that it is not only necessary to recognize this but also a privilege to be able to thank all of you who have shaped a part of my life. I would like to start by thanking the professional front, the one that has given me the possibility to become a better-prepared individual. First of all Prof. David S. Cochran, my advisor, who trusted me from the beginning, and who has always had a great sense of humor making the journey through this Master's more enjoyable. Also, I'd like to thank the folks at Visteon who opened the doors for my work and allowed me to gain industry experience: Paul Cope, Bill Ramirez, Jeff Clark, Stuart Anderson, Steve Watkins, Ted Davenport and Tim Grbavac. On the personal front, I must start by thanking my family. The ever-lasting, unconditional love that you have transmitted to me has given me strength to endure the various rocks I've hit throughout the past years. My parents Gabriel and Estela, who have always been an example of success in my life, you've made me set high goals for my life as well. Your opportune word of advice and open ears have surely strengthened the bond that join us. My brother and best friend Gabriel, with whom I've shared so many good times, I'd like to thank you for being there always for me. My "little" sister Estelaris, who has always cared for me, I'd like to thank you for all the good times and your great enthusiasm in life. That New Year's eve dress looks better on you. My Latin friends in Boston deserve a special thank too. The awesome time we spent together will always remain in my memory - Carlos, Pablo, Danny, Dalia, Deny, Cesar, Ferran, Luis Mario, Rodrigo, Jonathan and Jose. Also, I would like to thank all my friends from the lab who have created a very pleasant working environment - Kola, Abhinav, Salim, Dan, Jongyoon, Yong-Suk, Jochen, Keith, Quinton, Jey, Zhenwei, Jorge, Brandon, Alex, Jim, Charlie, and Ania. 5 Production System Design and Implementation in the Automotive Components Industry Table of Contents ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ....................................................................................................... 5 TABLE OF CONTENTS ...................................................................................................... 6 LIST OF FIGURES .................................................................................................................. 8 LIST OF TABLES ................................................................................................................. 10 CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................ 11 1.1.- Thesis objective........................................................................................ 11 1.2.- Thesis outline............................................................................................. 11 CHAPTER 2: MANUFACTURING: THE INDUSTRY AND THE SCIENCE................................ 14 2.1.- The Impact of the M anufacturing Industry................................................ 14 2.2.- M anufacturing as a Science...................................................................... 15 CHAPTER 3: THE PRODUCTION SYSTEM DESIGN FRAMEWORK....................................... 3.1.- Lean M anufacturing ................................................................................. 17 17 3.1.1.- Background.................................................................................. 17 3.1.2.- Principles ................................................................................... 18 3.1.3.- Implementation........................................................................... 23 3.2.- Axiomatic Design...................................................................................... 25 3.3.- The Production System Design Framework ................................................. 28 3.3.1.- The Manufacturing System Design Decomposition.......... 29 CHAPTER 4: VISTEON INDIANAPOLIS STEERING GEAR ASSEMBLY ................................. 4.1.- U222 Project ............................................................................................. 32 32 4.1.1.- Background................................................................................ 32 4.1.2.- Net present value analysis .......................................................... 33 4.1.3.- Analysis ...................................................................................... 43 4.1.4.- Recommendation........................................................................ 45 4.1.5.- Proposed Layout ........................................................................ 46 4.1.6.- Lessons learned from the DEW98 Cell ................... 49 4.1.7.- Conceptual Station Designs........................................................ 52 4.2.- U204 Project ............................................................................................. 6 60 Table of Contents CHAPTER 4.2.1.- Introduction ................................................................................. 60 4.2.2.- Launch state............................................................................... 60 4.2.3.- Short-term approach: Improving labor efficiency ........... 64 4.2.4.- Long-term approach ...................................................................... 68 4.2.5.- Analysis with the MSDD........................................................... 73 4.2.6.- Conclusion................................................................................. 76 5: VISTEON NORTH PENN ELECTRONIC ENGINE CONTROLLER MANUFACTURING ............................................................................................................................... 77 5.1.- Introduction .............................................................................................. 77 5.2.- Material and Information Flow.................................................................. 78 5.2.1.- Material Flow ............................................................................ 78 5.2.2.- Information Flow........................................................................ 85 5.3.- Lamination Analysis.................................................................................. 86 5.3.1.- Observed performance at lamination: transfer line and cell..... 86 5.3.2.- Analysis of Lamination Processes using the MSDD.................. 88 5.3.3.- Recommendations for cellular implementation derived from the M SD D ................................................................................. 90 5.4.- Equipment Design ...................................................................................... 92 5.4.1.- Equipment comparison based on the MSDD ............................. 92 5.5.- C onclusions ............................................................................................... 96 C O N CLU SIO N ...................................................................................................................... 97 REFEREN CE S ...................................................................................................................... 98 APPENDIX A: MANUFACTURING SYSTEM DESIGN DECOMPOSITION v5.1........................ 100 APPENDIX B: RECOMMENDED ACTION FOR SHORT-TERM EFFICIENCY ............................. 107 C: RECOMMENDED ACTION FOR LONG-TERM EFFICIENCY............................... 109 APPENDIX APPENDIX D: EQUIPMENT EVALUATION TOOL ................................................................ 7 112 Production System Design and Implementation in the Automotive Components Industry List of Figures Figure 1: Hierarchy of manufacturing objectives [Hopp and Spearman, 1996]............ 16 Figure 2: Automotive "Push" Production and Scheduling System [Adapted from C ochran, 1999].............................................................................................. 19 Figure 3: Automotive "Pull" Production and Scheduling System [Adapted from Cochran, 19 9 9 ] ................................................................................................................ 19 Figure 4: The Toyota Production System Design Model [Cochran, 1999].................. 21 Figure 5: Definition of a Production System [Cochran, 1999]...................................... 24 Figure 6: Mapping between Domains [Suh, 1990]........................................................ 26 Figure 7: "Zig-Zagging" between FRs and DPs .......................................................... 26 Figure 8: Implementation Relation between FRs and DPs.......................................... 27 Figure 9: The Production System Design and Deployment Framework ...................... 29 Figure 10: First Levels of the MSDD and Schematic Overview ................................... 31 Figure 11: Trade-offs and Ideal Cycle Time for Capacity Selection in Cells [Cochran]. 37 Figure 12: Overcapacity using Cellular and High-Speed Systems............................... 38 Figure 13: High-Speed Approach to Satisfy Vehicle Assembly Demand.................... 39 Figure 14: Cellular Approach to Satisfy Vehicle Assembly Demand ........................... 40 Figure 15: Cash Flow for U222 Project under Mass and Lean Approaches ................ 41 Figure 16: Sensitivity of the NPV of the U222 Program to the Introduction of the F150 Program using $2.5M cells .............................................................................. 44 Figure 17: Sensitivity of the NPV of the U222 Program to the Introduction of the F150 Program using $4M cells ................................................................................. Figure 18: Proposed U222 Steering Gear Assembly Cell Layout ................................ 44 47 Figure 19: Standard Work Combination Chart for the U222 Assembly Cell................ 48 Figure 20: Work Loops for U222 Assembly Cell........................................................ 48 Figure 21: FR/DP Pairs Related to Equipment Design [Arinez, 2000]........................ 53 Figure 22: Proposed Conceptual Station Designs for the U222 Project....................... 54 Figure 23: Proposed Conceptual Station Designs for the U222 Project....................... 55 Figure 24: Proposed Conceptual Station Designs for the U222 Project ....................... 56 Figure 25: Proposed Conceptual Station Designs for the U222 Project ....................... 57 8 List of Figures Figure 26: Proposed Conceptual Station Designs for the U222 Project....................... 58 Figure 27: Proposed Conceptual Station Designs for the U222 Project ........................ 59 Figure 28: Work Content per Station at Launch.......................................................... 61 Figure 29: U204 Work Pattern at Launch: 14 Operators............................................... 62 Figure 30: Distribution of Work at Launch with 14 Workers ....................................... 63 Figure 31: Overall Worker Utilization at Launch with 14 Workers ............................. 64 Figure 32: Short-term Recommended Work Pattern: 10 Operators ............... 66 Figure 33: Distribution of Work per Cycle with 10 Operators...................................... 67 Figure 34: Distribution of Work per Cycle with 10 Operators...................................... 67 Figure 35: Overall Distribution of Work Time per Cycle with 10 Operators ............... 68 Figure 36: Distribution of Work per Cycle to Achieve Target Production .................. 69 Figure 37: Work Pattern to Achieve Target Output with 14 Operators......................... 70 Figure 38: Overall Distribution of Work per Cycle to Achieve Target Production ......... 71 Figure 39: Overall Distribution of Work Time per Cycle to Achieve Target Production 71 Figure 40: Average Takt Time per Worker at Launch and with Proposed Improvements72 Figure 41: Overview of Unsatisfactory FRs at the Launch of the U204 Cell.............. 73 Figure 42: EEC production steps ................................................................................... 79 Figure 43: SM D Process Sequence............................................................................... 80 Figure 44: Relative Size Comparison between Cell and Transfer Line......................... 82 Figure 45: Lam ination transfer line layout ................................................................... 82 Figure 46: Lamination "Lean" Cell Layout ................................................................... 84 Figure 47: Value Stream Map of the EEC Production ..................................................... 86 Figure 48: High-Speed Line Evaluation Using the MSDD .......................................... 88 Figure 49: Lean Cell Evaluation Using the MSDD ...................................................... 89 Figure 50: Proposed V alue Stream M ap ........................................................................... 92 Figure 51: PCB-Casting screw -down ............................................................................ 95 Figure 52: Solder application at the cell........................................................................ 95 Figure 53: Loading conform al coater ............................................................................ 95 9 Production System Design and Implementation in the Automotive Components Industry List of Tables Table 1: Summary of assumptions and requirements for production alternatives........ 36 Table 2: Unsatisfactory FR-DP pairs at the launch of the U204 line ........................... 73 Table 3: Unsatisfactory FRs at Launch and with Proposed Long-Term Approach.......... 75 Table 4: Transfer Line Process Steps............................................................................. 83 Table 5: Lam ination Cell Process Steps ....................................................................... 83 Table 6: Observed performance at the lamination transfer line and cell...................... 87 Table 7: Achievement of MSDD leaf FRs at Lamination ............................................ 90 Table 8: Low Performing FR/DPs at the Lamination Cell............................................ 90 Table 9: Evaluating of processes at both lines using the EET ...................................... 93 10 Introduction Chapter 1: Introduction 1.1.- Thesis objective The objective of this thesis is twofold: to present a structured theoretical framework for the design of manufacturing systems and to show its applicability in the automotive components industry. Given the lack of a comprehensive and structured framework to link the various elements of a manufacturing system, the Production System Design Laboratory at MIT developed the Manufacturing System Design Decomposition (MSDD). This tool is useful in designing, controlling, evaluating, and improving manufacturing systems. The theoretical framework of the MSDD is put to practice in two Visteon plants: Indianapolis and North Penn. The projects in which the author was involved vary greatly in terms of product manufactured, stage of development, and analysis approach. However all these encompass typical mass production plants evolving into lean manufacturers. Therefore, the MSDD is very useful in framing this industry experience. 1.2.- Thesis outline Chapter 1 defines the objective of this thesis and provides a summary of each of the five chapters that conform it. Chapter 2 describes the motivation for focusing in the area of manufacturing. It describes the importance of the manufacturing industry as one of high impact in Americans lives. It also covers the US manufacturing industry trends when seen from a global perspective. Finally it lays out the need for a scientific-based methodology for designing manufacturing systems. Chapter 3 provides an overview of Japanese lean manufacturing practices, their origin, and the principles that need to be in place for a system to mimic the Toyota Production System. But in order to outperform their competitors, US firms need to do more than just copying. With this spirit and encompassing offshore lessons, the 11 Production System Design and Implementation in the Automotive Components Industry Production System Design Laboratory at MIT developed the Production System Design Framework and the author presents it in this chapter. The cornerstone of this framework is the Manufacturing System Design Decomposition (MSDD). The MSDD is a tool o aid the designer of manufacturing systems to achieve the high-level objectives of a manufacturing enterprise by decomposing these requirements into lower-level design parameters using axiomatic design. This tool is helpful in communicating information across the different levels of the organization, in separating means from objectives and explaining the interrelation between the different elements of a manufacturing system and how these achieve high-level requirements. Chapter 4 covers the work performed by the author at Visteon Indianapolis, a steering gear manufacturing plant. The two projects include rack and pinion steering gear assembly systems at different development stages. The first project consists of a financial analysis for evaluating two very different approaches for the assembly of the U222 rack and pinion steering gears. These approaches are a high-speed asynchronous line and a cellular approach. The proposed financial assessment method accounts for categories commonly ignored in traditional accounting systems like scrap and inventory. The superiority of the cellular approach is shown in terms of a net present value analysis. Once selected this approach, the design parameters derived from the MSDD are incorporated into a proposed layout and conceptual station designs. The second project describes the launch of an assembly cell for the U204 rack and pinion steering gears. An analysis of the equipment utilization is performed to identify bottlenecks and equipment constraints. Given the existing machinery constraints at launch, a short-term approach to improve labor efficiency is proposed by rebalancing the work loops, and outlining minor changes. However, in order to reach target production while still striving for labor efficiency, a long-term approach for the improvement of the line is presented. This approach requires some modifications as outlined by the lowest level design parameters from the MSDD. By embracing these changes and following the standard work routines described, the cell can reduce approximately half of the wasted operator motions present at launch. 12 Introduction Chapter 5 presents the work carried out at Visteon North Penn Electronics Plant, a manufacturer of electronic engine controllers for automobiles. The production process in this plant is of particular interest for the scope of this thesis since two different production approaches are used during one stage of the production of these modules. These approaches are the typical asynchronous transfer line and a cellular approach. This chapter explains the material and information flow throughout the plant. It then analyses the production step in which the two approaches are used. The analysis is performed using traditional performance metrics as the evaluating criteria. Further this analysis is contrasted to an analysis made using the MSDD. Potential areas for improvement are identified based in this latter approach. Finally, the equipment at North Penn is evaluated through the lens of the MSDD. 13 Production System Design and Implementation in the Automotive Components Industry Chapter 2: Manufacturing: The Industry and The Science 2.1.- The Impact of the Manufacturing Industry In order to better understand the importance of the US manufacturing sector it is useful to appreciate its size and trends with a global perspective. Doing so provides a motivation for focusing this thesis in this industry. The importance of the sector justifies this work and the vast amount of literature touching manufacturing. Also, the trends of the US sector reveal a need for deeper attention. Although some may argue that the US economy is slowly moving to a service economy, and that the manufacturing sector has steadily decreased, an actual analysis of the employment figures reveals a different reality. According to Hopp and Spearman, over half of the jobs in the US are tightly coupled to manufacturing. Therefore, the potential economic consequences of loosing market share to the European or the Japanese are enormous for the life of most Americans. However, in this and the past decade, some indicators are in fact pointing into trouble for the US manufacturing sector. Productivity growth relative to other industrialized countries has slowed. Similarly, US shares in important sectors such as automobiles, consumer electronics and machine tools have decreased. Trade deficits have increased dramatically leaving the US as the largest debtor nation. Furthermore, in the past two decades, the fraction of US patents granted to foreign inventors has doubled [Hopp and Spearman, 1996]. Partly, the decline in the industry can be attributed to competition from post World War II recovering economies; but also, to changing and increasing customers needs. Given the daunting trend of the US manufacturing industry and its size and impact in people's lives, it is necessary to understand the evolving conditions that have shaped the shifts in the dominance of this industry. In Chapter 3, a review of the Japanese manufacturing techniques is prepared. By understanding the elements that have led other 14 Manufacturing: The Industry and The Science nations to achieve a competitive edge, and by providing a scientific-based structured framework, US firms can begin to contribute individually to the re-emergence of the manufacturing sector. 2.2.- Manufacturing as a Science In order to regain market dominance it is necessary to understand practices that have been successful in other environments. Further, it is necessary to develop a methodology for analyzing the complex interactions that arise in a manufacturing system. Such a methodology should enable US companies to outperform their offshore competitors. To make this change possible, there must be an underlying science of manufacturing that promotes cross-learning and continual improvement. Although Frederick W. Taylor developed the scientific management framework at the turn of the past century, neither he nor his successors set in place the theoretical foundation for scientific manufacturing management. Most Operation Management practices have shifted from one buzzword to the next without truly laying out a scientific base. Hopp and Spearman argue that a major obstacle in the process of developing a science of manufacturing is the involvement of people in factories. Given the complex and multi-varied behavioral patterns that arise from human interactions, it is difficult to reduce the behavior of a factory to a set of equations. They believe that since this is not possible, a science for manufacturing can be established based on three principles: " Intuition - Resulting from identifying and categorizing the basic behavioral tendencies in manufacturing plants. " Synthesis - Resulting from assimilating information from various aspects of the system and drawing meaningful conclusions. A framework can link the disparate activities within a manufacturing system. * Basics - Derived from exposure to areas such as probability, accounting, time series forecasting, linear programming, and queuing theory. 15 Production System Design and Implementation in the Automotive Components Industry To assist the synthesis principle, Hopp and Spearman developed a hierarchy of manufacturing objectives, beginning with the goal of "high profitability" and decomposed it into lower-level objectives and finally to the means for achieving these goals ("less variability" and "short cycle times," for example). This hierarchy demonstrates that certain tradeoffs exist when trying to achieve "ideal" manufacturing system performance. Sometimes the means to achieve certain goals are contradicting from one area to another. For instance, in order to have fast response to the customer, it is required to have high inventory; also, in order to minimize cost, there should be as low inventory as possible. Therefore there are contradicting directions to which the means point. High profitability Low High costs sales Low unit costs High High throu h ut utilization Less varabilit High customer service Quality roduct Low inventory Fast res onse Low utilization Short ccle times High invento Many products More variabili Figure 1: Hierarchy of manufacturing objectives [Hopp and Spearman, 1996] In line with their view, next chapter provides a structured framework for the decomposition and synthesis of the multiple elements of a manufacturing system. By presenting the interrelation between requirements and the means to achieve them, the Manufacturing System Design Decomposition provides a structured framework to enable a scientific approach for the design of a manufacturing system. The contradictive directions of the framework presented by Hopp and Spearman is resolved by the MSDD in part due to the interdependencies that result from the underlying foundation of axiomatic design. 16 The Production System Design Framework Chapter 3: The Production System Design Framework 3.1.- Lean Manufacturing 3.1.1.- Background As manufacturing systems evolve and competition increases, it has become a necessity for all industries to analyze and to adopt successful manufacturing practices elsewhere in the globe. Since the 1980's, American companies have begun to pay a lot of attention to Japanese practices, and the term "lean manufacturing" appears today to be the buzzword across many industries. But what does lean manufacturing really mean? How can American companies adopt techniques developed elsewhere and still attain the same benefits? What are the steps to implement lean manufacturing? And, is "lean" really the future in manufacturing or is it just a temporary trend? In order to answer these questions, it is necessary to understand what is lean manufacturing, where is it coming from, and how is it likely to impact the manufacturing industry in the future. In The Machine That Changed The World [Womack, Jones and Roos, 1991] a comprehensive study of the evolution of the automobile industry is made. As the world's largest manufacturing activity, the auto industry can be used to learn about general industry trends. After World War I, Henry Ford and Alfred Sloan snatched the lead to European craft producers and promoted the era of mass production. It was not until after World War II when Eiji Toyoda and Taiichi Ohno began to develop the Toyota Production System that marked the beginning of a new era: the "lean" production era. The term "lean" was coined by the International Motor Vehicle Program (IMVP) and MIT [Womack, Jones and Roos, 1991] to describe the system pioneered by Toyota Motor Company in Japan. 17 Production System Design and Implementation in the Automotive Components Industry After WWII, Japan could not possibly adopt the mass production system that was at its full swing in the Western world. In order to compete, the Japanese were in a situation that required a production system suited to their environment. The lack of resources and the weak economy that they were facing made large capital investments prohibitive. Toyota envisioned a system that continues to evolve today and that represents nowadays the most benchmarked system in the world. 3.1.2.- Principles The cornerstone of the Toyota Production System is the reduction of waste in every possible form throughout the entire organization. Following two basic principles, Toyota was able to reduce costs while delivering products faster and with better quality than their Western counterparts. One of the main principles implemented by Toyota is the idea of Just-in-time: "to produce the necessary units in the necessary quantities at the necessary time" [Monden, 1993]. "Traditional" mass-producers schedule production based on forecasted demand of final car sales. The scheduled amount of cars generates a production schedule for upstream suppliers of car components and subcomponents. At each of these stages, the production schedule accounts for a "fall-out" or defective-parts rate to ensure that the right amount gets delivered to the subsequent stages. But the fall-out rate, as well as the scheduled demand, is stochastic. Consequently, the amount produced at each stage, doesn't necessarily match the amount sold, therefore resulting in inventory accumulation. This system, known as a "push" system, is illustrated in Figure 2. According to Toyota, the resulting inventory is waste. The monetary and human resources designated to handle inventory are not in fact adding value to the product. The system that Toyota implemented deals with inventory handling by taking a different approach. There is a small amount of standard stock (standard work-in-progress or SWIP) at each stage in the production stream. These stages include final cars, cars components such as steering gears, engines, seats, etc, and subcomponents such as tie rods, seats covers, etc. 18 The Production System Design Framework Customer Planned Vehicle Assembly Requirements Inventory on Hand Inventory Dealer L MRP "Push" Production Schedule FINISHED Inventory Second-tier Subcomponents [ Vehicle Assembly First-tier Components M Inventory Inventory Inventory ing] Figure 2: Automotive "Push" Production and Scheduling System [Adapted from Cochran, 1999] When a car is sold, the car is retrieved from the assembler's SWIP. The necessary upstream components are pulled in to the assembly plant to make another car of the same type as the one withdrawn. This system, referred to as a "pull" system, is illustrated in Figure 3. The retrieval from a final product from the SWIP signals the replenishment of that specific type of product. This means that the necessary components have to be pulled from the respective suppliers' SWIP. This in turn signals subsequent subcomponents replenishment. P P Signal Withdrawal P Production Kanban Kanban Kanban -- ........... Kanban - Delivery Pitcher .... ... . ... .. ... g ... . A .. c 11 1 11 _L 1' D Heijunka Box Second-tier First-tier Subcomponents Subcoponents SWIP Vehle] I ~ _ Assembly888g SWIP SWIP Figure 3: Automotive "Pull" Production and Scheduling System [Adapted from Cochran, 1999] 19 Production System Design and Implementation in the Automotive Components Industry Whenever an item is retrieved from the SWIP at any stage, a signal is sent upstream to request replenishment material to re-stock the missing part at the SWIP. This is done with the aid of production and withdrawal replenishment cards or kanban. Mistakenly, about 80% of the people think that kanban is the cornerstone of the Toyota Production System [Shingo, 1989], when it really is just a tool to aid the principle of Justin-time, which represents in turn a remarkable difference with traditional mass production systems. Another important principle developed by Toyota is the idea of autonomation or automation with a human touch. In Japanese, autonomation is translated "Ninbenno-aru Jidoka" and abbreviated Jidoka, which might be loosely interpreted as autonomous defects control [Monden, 1993]. This represents the second pillar of the Toyota Production System as illustrated in Figure 4. Traditional mass producers tend to maximize machine utilization for two fundamental reasons: to reduce investment per part produced and to reduce labor per part produced. This results in faster and more automated equipment. At Toyota, operator utilization is considered to be more valuable than the equipment utilization [Shingo, 1989]. Therefore, an idle machine is preferred to an idle worker. Since the manual work content in a sequence of operations usually varies from process to process, having a person tied to one machine will naturally result in idle time in some of the operators as they wait for the others to finish. This is the situation at mass production plants, but their emphasis in machine utilization justifies it. However, at Toyota, in order to increase the amount of value-added activities, the concept of autonomation was introduced. By increasing the machine cycle times, the operators have enough time to operate various machines at the same time, while the others are running. To do this, it was necessary to separate the worker from the machine, allowing him/her to walk away from the machine while the machine performs the operation automatically. This is accomplished by manually feeding the parts to be processed into each machine and by pressing a "walk-away" switch. The machine would then automatically process the part and unload it, finishing its cycle and waiting for the operator to arrive and retrieve the finished part and to load in the new one. 20 The Production System Design Framework As a result, operators end up working in work loops. A cell-like or U-shape layout is usually preferred to minimize walking distances. Standardizing these work sequences is an important aspect to insurance of good quality and yield. Once the operator utilization is maximized, in order to deal with waste in machine utilization, the equipment is specified to run slightly faster that the operator's cycle time. The equipment is built to run only at the necessary lower speed. Consequently, the resulting equipment is usually less complex and less expensive that "traditional" mass production equipment, eliminating the original problem that the Western producers try to address: reduce costs by maximizing machine utilization. TPS Responsive4t6 Customer, High QuaAlit bw Cost, Vp1Ume andMix Flixi1ility T Leveland Balaace PrOductioii The Foundation is Lead Time Reduction Enabled by Less Than 10 Minute Set Up Time Figure 4: The Toyota Production System Design Model [Cochran, 1999] Another aspect of consideration at Toyota is the balancingof the operations to meet the cycle time in each line and across the factory. This cycle time or takt time is considered to be the heart bit of the factory, and is determined by the rate of demand of the customer [Ohno, 1988]. As was previously mentioned, the equipment has to enable the worker to interact with all the required machines in the loop and allow the operator to 21 Production System Design and Implementation in the Automotive Components Industry complete a loop each takt time. Furthermore, all sequence of operations across the factory and the supply chain, are specified to run at the pace of the customer. Every time a final good gets retrieved, production upstream initiates to restock the SWIP at each station. Customer demand dictates the time interval at which this occurs, and is referred to as takt time. Some may argue that still the demand is stochastic and therefore no accurate takt time can be calculated in advance. Aware of this phenomenon, the system pioneered by Toyota has the ability to adapt to fluctuations in demand and product variety. By leveling the production with the aid of a Heijunka box, a scheduling board, Toyota is able to smooth the production by damping fluctuations in demand and pacing production. Also, with the same tool, the mix of final goods demanded by the customer can be accommodated. Moreover, if the demand increases substantially, additional workers can be introduced into the cell and the work content of each one of them can be reduced. The relative simplicity of the equipment permits operators cross-training without a large amount of effort. However, it is important to stress the need to standardize their work loops and to carry out the sequence of jobs as designed. Life-long employment is common in Japan. Workers develop a sense of ownership for the company and are encouraged to suggest improvements. These suggestions are helpful since the system itself is meant to be improved. The lessened rigidity of the system allows small changes that improve the operators work environment and in turn increase productivity. Encouraging single-piece-flow, in contrast with the large batches at typical Western mass producers, enhances quality at Toyota. Whenever a defect occurs, it is immediately detected by the subsequent operations. Production is stopped and all resources are drawn in to identify the origin of the defect. By asking the 5-why 's, debuggers try to identify the root cause of the problem and solve it to prevent similar mistakes to occur again. "At Toyota, there is only one reason to stop the line - to ensure that it won't have to stop again" [Shingo, 1989]. Single-piece-flow allows operators to readily identify defective parts and to search for a solution. Mass producers, in contrast, 22 The Production System Design Framework have to produce, handle, and store huge amounts of defective parts before they even realize they have a defective batch. They perceive large production batches as necessary since it is to expensive and time consuming to change over from one product to the next and back. Toyota instead developed quick change over techniques that made singlepiece-flow feasible. These techniques often referred to as Single Minute Exchange of Dies (SMED) [Shingo, 1989], are possible since the equipment doesn't have to deal with excessive tolerances that some mass producers specify. As previously said, the quality is controlled by ensuring that the defects are not advanced and by introducing errorproofing devices orpoka-yoke. 3.1.3.- Implementation As seen in the last section, there are many elements that the Toyota Production System has invented or refined. Many of these elements are interrelated with one another, some can be said to be common sense ideas, and some require deeper attention to be fully understood and appreciated. Nevertheless, traditional Western companies have tirelessly copied some of the concepts described before in an attempt to gain some of the benefits that Toyota has. But partly because only some of the elements have been introduced in isolation with their necessary complements, and partly because the depth of the ideas is not fully understood, even less implemented, the efforts of Western companies have not been as fruitful. In addition, the momentum of many years producing according to a certain set of rules, and the mindset resisting change, hinders the efforts of Western companies to evolve. Partial implementation of some concepts does not guarantee a proportional partial gain in competitiveness. It is the implementation of a complete set of elements that enable the system design to be successful. But appreciating all elements and defining a feasible implementation path is not always clear. There are many elements from within the organization that have to be integrated in harmony to avoid overstrain in efforts. Some of the elements that are interrelated include people, equipment, tools, materials, information, etc. It is the interaction of all of these elements that allows a system to convert a set of inputs to the desired output. At this point, it is useful to introduce some definitions for clarity purposes and for coherence throughout this thesis. First, a system can be thought of as a set of elements 23 Production System Design and Implementation in the Automotive Components Industry with definite inputs that are acted upon to produce a desired output [Pamaby, 1979]. Cochran makes the distinction between manufacturing and production systems as follows: "A Manufacturing System consists of the arrangement and operation of machines, tools, material, people and information to produce a value-added physical, informational or service product whose success and cost is characterized by measurable parameters. The Production System consists of all of the elements and functions that support the manufacturing system." [Cochran, 1999]. Production System is therefore a broader term than Manufacturing System. A Manufacturing System encompasses all the elements that are directly involved in the process of adding value to the inputs to yield the products of the system. A Production System encompasses a Manufacturing System, together with the supporting elements and resources associated with it. All the resources associated with managing, controlling and measuring the performance of a Manufacturing System are considered to be part of the Production System. Production System Design, therefore, involves not only the design of all the elements of the Manufacturing System (people, equipment, information, etc.) but also the definition of a performance measurement strategy, cost justification of the design and overall design effectiveness (Figure 5). Transportation I.S. ADept. complex arrangement of physical objects characterized by measurableparameters Production Engineer'n Control Accounting Figure 5: Definition of a Production System [Cochran, 1999] 24 The Production System Design Framework The Production System Design Framework [Cochran, 1999] presented in Section 3.3 presents a methodology to understand the impact of the various elements of the Toyota Production System throughout the different levels of an organization. The Manufacturing System Design Decomposition (MSDD), the centerpiece of the framework, provides a structured way to understand the interrelation between the physical implementation of the steps developed by Toyota with one another. It also allows tracing the implementation of tools or steps back to the reason why they are being implemented. The MSDD defines an interconnection between what must be achieved, how it can be achieved and why it must be achieved at any manufacturing enterprise [Cochran, 1999]. It represents a scientific-based analytical tool for the design, implementation and improvement of any production system. 3.2.- Axiomatic Design The underlying methodology behind the Manufacturing System Design Decomposition is Axiomatic Design [Suh, 1990]. This methodology is a tool to aid the designer in the sometimes not very structured design process, whether it is the design of a physical object, a software package or a manufacturing system. The methodology identifies three basic domains as illustrated in Figure 6. The customer domain is used to capture the need of the customer, whether it is internal or external. Thefunctional domain defines the objectives or functional requirements (FRs) to be achieved by the design. The physical domain encapsulates the solutions or design parameters (DPs) to the corresponding FRs. These three domains are interrelated with one another, and an iterative mapping process has to be undertaken to ensure proper design implementations. For any given FR, one can assign a corresponding DP that can fully satisfy the FR and the process is completed. However, sometimes, these DPs need further decomposition to convey the necessary information to the designer. Sometimes it is necessary to assign new FRs to these DPs for which more detailed lower-level DPs are mapped to transmit the necessary information. This process, referred to as "zig-zagging", is illustrated in Figure 7. For any given FR, there is a DP, which in turns defines new FRs, which need a new set of more detailed DPs. 25 Production System Design and Implementation in the Automotive Components Industry What Customer Wants (Internal & External) How ON.~ FR' Customer Domain - Customer needs Expectations Specifications Constraints, etc. DP's Functional Domain e Design Objectives -0 Physical Domain Physical Implementation -0 -0 Figure 6: Mapping between Domains [Suh, 1990] This process continues until the identified DP can be implemented without further refinement of objectives and solutions. "Zig" FRI F R11 FR12 DPI1 "Zag" FR13 DPI 1 Functional Requirements Functional Domain DP12 D13 Design Parameters Physical Domain Figure 7: "Zig-Zagging" between FRs and DPs The axiomatic design methodology is based on two fundamental axioms, which should accompany the thought process of the designer. These axioms are: 26 The Production System Design Framework * The Independence Axiom: An optimal design maintains the independence of the FRs. In this case satisfying a particular FR should not affect the feasibility of satisfying another FR. At best, the DP for an FR can be adjusted without affecting other FRs. If this is not the case, then one or all the FRs infringing on one another should be reformulated to eliminate the interdependency. * The InformationAxiom: The second axiom states that an optimal design should minimize the information content. Therefore the best design is one with no coupling and with a minimum of information content. Based on the independence axiom, the order of implementation or precedence can be inferred. Ideally, a design should have, according to the independence axiom, one DP for each FR. This is represented mathematically by the diagonal or uncoupled matrix in Figure 8 and the order of implementation is arbitrary. Given that in reality some DPs might affect several FRs, it is desired to implement those first and then implement the DPs that affect less or one FR only. This way, the solution proposed to a problem is not outdated. Other DPs should not further modify the FR being addressed by a given DP. A partially coupled matrix represents this process, and the order of implementation is path dependent. Additionally, if all DPs affect all FRs, the resulting matrix is coupled and the implementation path is uncertain. If such a relationship exists, it is advisable to try to decompose the DPs further until at least a partially coupled interrelationship is achieved. FRI R Uncoupled: RI FR12 0 0 0 X 0 FR13J0 0 FDecoupled XJ DP11 DP12 13 or Partially Coupled Rll1r FR12 = FR131 DPI 0 0' DP1 DP12 X X 0 X ._ fDP13J ,X Coupled: X X FR12 = X X X X XF t FRllIr5 DP 3 2 DP il FIgure IPleR131tai 8 DP R DP1II DP12J DPs13 Figure 8: Implementation Relation between FRs and DI's 27 Production System Design and Implementation in the Automotive Components Industry 3.3.- The Production System Design Framework Once familiarized with the elements of the Toyota Production System and with a structured methodology for designing manufacturing systems, namely axiomatic design, we can better understand and appreciate the Production System Design Framework. The cornerstone of the Production System Design Laboratory at MIT is the Production System Design Framework. It encapsulates the various elements that need to be considered when designing, re-designing, implementing or evaluating manufacturing systems. Various attempts have been made at providing a structured approach to tackle the complex interrelationships and tradeoffs that arise when designing a manufacturing system. However, some of these efforts have lacked the ability to fulfill the requirements of a comprehensive framework. Some have failed to communicate how lower-level requirements affect the overall system performance [Hayes and Wheelwright, 1979]. Others have failed to explain what the means are to achieve higher-level objectives [Hopp and Spearman, 1996]; others still fail to distinguish the means from the objectives they are satisfying [Monden, 1993]. Often times manufacturing systems have been designed by optimizing its various elements in isolation of the overall objectives using a reductionist perspective as described by [Hopp and Spearman, 1996]. The framework shown in Figure 9 goes beyond previous shortcomings by presenting tools that encapsulate the high-level thinking that should be incorporated in lower-level applications. It also describes the interrelation and sequence of steps in which the various elements should be implemented. Furthermore, the framework provides a tool for continual evaluation of systems performance [Cochran, 1999]. The framework is composed of the following elements: " The Manufacturing System Design Decomposition " The Manufacturing System Design Evaluation Tool * The Manufacturing System Design Matrix, and 28 The Production System Design Framework * The Production System Design and Deployment Flowchart and Steps for implementation. Of particular interest for the scope of this thesis is the Manufacturing System Design Decomposition (MSDD). Next section provides an overview of the MSDD. For further information about the MSDD please refer to [Cochran, Arinez, Duda, and Linck, 2000] and to Appendix A, and for more information about the other elements of the Framework please refer to [Cochran, 1999]. Design and Deployment Framework This Framework shows the interrelation between the Design and Deployment of a Production System. To learn more about what . we do at the Production System Design Laboratory, please visit us at our website: Deployment Design Design Decomposition Design Matrix Functional Requirements and Design Parameters Ilustrates relationships of a Production System between DP's and FR's System Design Flowchart Shows imianntation arecedeice of Desiin Parameters Deplovment Steps 2. Mt-w Dud& Uafti cbphkfmmikit~ua Examples Illustrations of how DP's satisfy FR's in practice in different industries Design Evaluation Tool Assessment of how well a PS . h 1.11. rLiiscrtm bm pnweta e-ass. rl is designed Figure 9: The Production System Design and Deployment Framework 3.3.1.- The Manufacturing System Design Decomposition The design of manufacturing systems is a complex subject that has received attention significantly. Previous work has attempted to provide frameworks for decomposing, clarifying or illustrating the interconnection between the various elements that conform a manufacturing system [Cochran, Arinez, Duda, and Linck, 2000]. 29 Production System Design and Implementation in the Automotive Components Industry However, none of these attempts has comprehensively addressed four key elements for the effectiveness of a framework [Cochran, Arinez, Duda, and Linck, 2000]. A successful tool for manufacturing system design should: 1) Separate objectives from means 2) Relate low level implementation to high-level requirements 3) Explain the interrelationship among the different elements of the system 4) Communicate information across the organization The MSDD addresses the above requirements. By using axiomatic-based decomposition, and deriving from previous research and experience in the field, the framework represents an effective tool to provide a connection between what needs to be achieved and how it can be achieved [Cochran, 1999]. Although the scope of applicability of the MSDD is at the shop-floor level, the high-level objective is still to maximize return on investment (ROI). Derived from equation (1) and following systematic decomposition as described in the previous section, the FRs at next level are obtained. ROI = Revenue - Cost Investment (1) The first few levels of the MSDD are shown in Figure 10. The decomposition process continues until the identified DPs don't require any further decomposition for its implementation. The complete MSDD V5 is shown in Appendix A. It is worthwhile to note how the high-level objective gets gradually translated into lower-level implementable steps moving from general to specific required action. As it does so, the branches can be categorized in functional areas as seen in Figure 10. 30 The Production System Design Framework FR1 Maximize return long-term on investment DP1 Manufacturing System Design FRII FR12 Maximize sales revenue Minimize production DP1 1 DP12 to maximize Production rou satisfaction Elimination of nonadding sources cs of customer to Manufacture products target design specifications Production processes with minimal variation from tarj0 FR121 FR122 Meet Reduce waste in direct Reduce waste labor labor DP121 DP122 Elimination of non-value adding manual7tasks Reduction lead time DP113 Mean through time reduction Throughput time reduction variation -- to t tasks investment over lifecycle Investment FR13 customer expected ize based on long-term strategy Deliver products on time ------- FR-R1 DP13 lue FR112 DPI12 DP-11 Mii Irodutirsystemn I FR-111 FR 3 costs inindirect of indirect labor a FR123 Minimize facilities cost DP123 Reduction of consumed floor space ----------- ----- FR-P1 Respond rapidly production disruptions Minimize production disruptions DP-R1 DP-P1 Procedurefor detection & response to production disruptions Predictable production resources (people. equipment, info Quality Jdentii'ing and resolving problems Predictable Output Delay Reduction Figure 10: First Levels of the MSDD and Schematic Overview 31 Operating Costs Production System Design and Implementation in the Automotive Components Industry Chapter 4: Visteon Indianapolis Steering Gear Assembly 4.1.- U222 Project 4.1.1.- Background One of the most significant barriers that arise as Western companies begin to adopt manufacturing practices pioneered by the Japanese is the accounting system present in these organizations. They usually fail to capture some or all of the benefits of lean production, making the transformation from mass to cellular manufacturing appear sometimes inefficient or unattractive. Visteon Indianapolis faced this situation when a new business opportunity arose. The decision to be made was to assemble steering gears for the new U222 project using their usual high-speed mass-production lines or to implement lean cells. The benefits of remaining as traditional mass producers were highlighted due to the possibility of retooling one of the existing assembly lines. The line could assemble the new gears in a high-speed manner, and retooling it would reduce the investment cost. Also, with the current accounting system, the main driver to determine the profitability of projects is labor and consequently the burden of fixed and variable costs. Under the high-speed approach, these costs would be minimized improving the apparent profitability of the line. The assembly line that could be retooled for the new business was the CT 120. This line produced the steering gears for the Escorts. Since this car was going to be discontinued, one choice Visteon had was to transform this car's steering gear assembly line, reusing some of its existing machines, into the new U222 line. This assembly line would produce the steering gears for the Expedition and the Navigator. The demand for these cars is expected to peak at approximately 300K gears/year by 2002. Additionally, the F 150 gears might be incorporated into the U222 program contributing with an extra 800K gears/year by 2003. The introduction of these gears into 32 Visteon Indianapolis Steering Gear Assembly the same U222 program was dependent on the decision from the design team of having rack and pinion (R&P) steering gears in the F 150 trucks as opposed to rotary valve (RV) gears. The first choice Visteon faced was to install a high volume assembly line with the capability of producing the 1. 1M gears/year. The traditional equipment supplier of Visteon had presented preliminary proposals for this approach. The different production rate, before and after the incorporation of the F150-related demand, would be adjusted by the incorporation of additional machines and testing equipment. The second choice is the incorporation of a lean production system by installing cells incrementally as demand increased. This section includes a financial assessment of applying lean principles into the design of the production system for the U222 program. The goal of this analysis is to present a financial platform with which lean and mass production systems can be contrasted and provide a recommendation for the project based on this comparison. The recommendation covers various levels of scale, ranging from the overall system design, to the actual assembly cell layout and to conceptual designs for stations and machines within the cell. 4.1.2.- Net present value analysis Methodology In order to perform a net present value analysis of a theoretical project, various assumptions have to be made. The cash flows of the different alternatives are influenced by the system in which the gears are produced as well as the type of gear produced (e.g. size, material, components, etc). However, both the system for the specific U222 project as well as the U222 gear itself are in the planning stage, and therefore, both of these factors need to be estimated based on existing information. These assumptions shape the projections of revenues and costs, which along with investment figures provide a clearer comparative platform for the two investment alternatives. The margins and investments are compared across the different alternatives using a net present value analysis. 33 Production System Design and Implementation in the Automotive Components Industry Assumptions for production scenarios Given the background and methodology described above, the gears can be produced in a high-speed fully utilized line, a high-speed underutilized line or in cells. The cost breakdown for each of these scenarios is here omitted to maintain Visteon's confidentiality. The cost breakdown was used to obtain the profit per gear under each of the three scenarios using the following assumptions. 1) A High-speed line fully utilized is modeled from the PN150. This line is used to predict how the U222 high-speed line would behave if it produced the 1.1 M gears/year. 2) A High-speed line underutilized is modeled from the CT120. This line is used to forecast the behavior of the U222 high-speed line during the first year of operation when it is running at a low volume of 300K gears/yr. 3) Cells are based in the DEW98. This cell is used to project production numbers for the U222 gears using a cellular layout. Having obtained the profit per gear in each of these scenarios, a cash flow is generated for the mass and the lean approach using the appropriate scenarios described above. In order to generate it, these additional assumptions have been made: 4) The product life for the gears under any alternative will be equal and set to seven years. 5) The salvage value for the equipment will be 50% of the investment at the end of seven years. This assumption is based on the salvage value of the existing CT 120, which can be retooled at the end of the product life for half of its original price. For cells, retooling should be even less expensive and the salvage value should therefore be higher, since fixtures and tools are simpler and less specific to the gear. However, for this analysis this difference was not accounted. Assumptions for products Included in the analysis are the following assumptions about the U222 gears: 34 Visteon Indianapolis Steering Gear Assembly 1) A Navigator gear will have properties (selling price, material, freight etc.) similar to the DEW98 gear, and the Expedition and the F150 gear to the PN150 gear. 2) The two factors determining the labor cost are the type of gear and the scenario in which it is being produced. We first look the type of gear in question and then add the labor cost of each of the departments involved in the production of this gear, including the final assembly. For this last figure, we use the labor cost of the final assembly in the scenario that we are analyzing, i.e. high-speed line, high-speed underutilized line or cells. 3) Fixed and variable allocated costs will be distributed equally to every gear produced across different scenarios, as opposed to the traditional perspective of assigning them as a percentage of direct labor. This latter method works well when comparing across different mass-production assembly lines. However, in lean manufacturing, the fact that direct labor has increased doesn't necessarily imply that overhead or maintenance have gone up proportionally. Scrap is one of the variable costs that does vary across different scenarios and therefore has been taken out of this category to be treated separately. 4) First-time-through numbers are used to determine the number of "Scrap gears" in the cash flow section. Since these gears have to be processed again, they'll incur in a cost. The cost that gets associated with each defective gear is the cost of processing the gear through the assembly again. This is the total cost minus freight and the material cost, since it is assumed that the material is reusable in most cases. For the lean scenario we use a lean plant's numbers. 5) Inventory costs have been included in order to quantify the loss of selling the gears a few days later as opposed to right away. This cost is calculated as the amount of money that is not being generated during the number of days that it is sitting in the floor ready to be shipped. The discount rate is Visteon's internal rate of return of 15%. 35 Production System Design and Implementation in the Automotive Components Industry The assumptions for production scenarios and for products are used to draw meaningful data for the cash flow analysis. However, at the end, Visteon's choices are to implement a cellular approach or to retool their high-speed asynchronous line. Table 1 summarizes the specifications/requirements for these systems as assumed for this analysis. The selection of capacity used is further explained in the next section. Table 1: Summary of assumptions and requirements for production alternatives Capacity (units) 1,100,000 300,000 Investment (M USD) 6.5 (retooling the CT120 line) 2.5 - 4 (depending on supplier) Base for cost data PN150 line DEW98 cell Gears to produce Navigator, Expedition, F150 (all in same line) Navigator, Expedition, F 150 (with dedicated cells) Projected FTT 90.5% 98.5% Days of inventory 4.2 1.5 Salvage value 50% 50% Project life (years) 7 7 TARR (Time Adjusted Rate of Return) 15% 15% Capacity planning in cells When selecting the capacity of each cell, it is necessary to keep in mind some trade-offs that arise from investment, training, and balancing ability. Naturally, the shorter the cycle time specified for each cell, the more it will be able to produce and the 36 Visteon Indianapolis Steering Gear Assembly less number of cells will be required. However, as Figure 11 show, as cycle time decreases, it becomes more difficult to balance the cell, resulting in layouts that resemble typical high-speed asynchronous lines, where one operator is isolated to one machine. On the other hand, as the cycle time increases, also there are more operations that need to be performed, and consequently, more mistake-proofing devices that need be incorporated. Based on the experience from Prof. David S. Cochran and the author in various automotive components plants, a sweet spot has been identified between approximately 30 seconds and 2 minutes. When operating in this range of takt time, the workers are able to perform various operations and thus maximize their available time. Also, the difficulty to balance the line and the amount of training and mistake-proofing devices required is minimum. Difficulty to balance the cell - Required training & mistake- Ideal cycle time region -proofing 10 sec 30 sec 1 min 3 min 2 min 4 min Cycle time Figure 11: Trade-offs and Ideal Cycle Time for Capacity Selection in Cells [Cochran] With the above considerations, the number of cells required to meet the total demand were obtained by limiting the capacity of each of them to be in the ideal cycle time region. In particular, the takt time for each of them was approximately 42 seconds working two shifts. To meet the capacity requirements, one cell would be required to meet the demand from the Expedition and Navigator gears. Upon the introduction of the F 150 related demand, three more cells would have to be introduced to satisfy the projected 37 Production System Design and Implementation in the Automotive Components Industry demand. On the other hand, if the high-speed asynchronous line approach is pursued, the line would have to operate underutilized until the F150 program is approved and the line can be fully utilized. This situation is illustrated in Figure 12. The dashed line represents the demand if the F150 program is not introduced. In this case the amount of underutilization for the high-speed line is very large while the cell accommodates better to this demand minimizing capacity waste. These observations are quantified in the next section. High-speed line capacity Volume (thousand parts per year) 1100 .OR .t 900 - - Demand with F150 program apa Excess apacity J if F150 program t is introduced Additional r 600 excess capacity if F150 program is not introduced 60 .. ........-. . - 300 . . Cells capacity 2002 2003 2004 \ Demand without F150 program 2005 Time Figure 12: Overcapacity using Cellular and High-Speed Systems Partly, the reason why there is so much underutilization with the high-speed approach is because of the lack of dedicated product lines. As Figure 13 shows, this approach attempts to dedicate one line for all the different customers. The cycle time of the high-speed line is 11 seconds. This cycle time results from trying to satisfy with one single line the expected demand from the Expedition, the Navigator and the F150 gears. Leaving aside the uncertainty of this latter demand, the short cycle time creates enough complications. As Figure 12 shows, the balancing of this line becomes very difficult and operators are isolated at each station. With volume fluctuations from the vehicle 38 Visteon Indianapolis Steering Gear Assembly assembly plant, and with the line producing at a constant rate, the only decoupling mechanisms are inventory accumulation or capacity underutilization. Both are very costly, as the next section will show. Vehicle Assembly Steering Gear Assembly 6C Repair Loop Air k Leak c CT = 60 sec Functional Repair Navigator, e CT =140 sec Ct sc ______ F5 ~. Sc Repair 3 Bench A-r - CT =42 sec a1h4 C ec Sc C38 c3.~ PartsC -. In Parts "ft CT = 42sec F5 Part PartOutCT F5 = 42sec U222 High-Speed Line CT =11 sec Figure 13: High-Speed Approach to Satisfy Vehicle Assembly Demand On the other hand, by dedicating a line to accommodate the volume from the Expedition and the Navigator, and the rest to the F 15 0 related demand (Figure 14), a better fit between capacity and demand can be achieved as shown in Figure 12. Further, with dedicated lines, quality can be tracked from the final customer to the cell that it came from, making defect detection easier and less costly. Also, it is easier to accommodate design changes and additions by having a cell dedicated to a particular product. Most importantly, given the uncertainty of the F150 related demand, only the 39 Production System Design and Implementation in the Automotive Components Industry capacity that is required is installed. The additional demand can be satisfied by modular replication of cells, making the design phase less costly. Vehicle Assembly Steering Gear Assembly ~ .A U222 l1 Expedition CT = 60 sec -- Navigator CT = 42 sec CT =140 sec C=2 e C2F150 CT = 42 sec CT = 42 sec CT = 42 sec LU222Ce14 CT Info = 42sec Part_________F150 CT = 42sec CT = 42 sec Figure 14: Cellular Approach to Satisfy Vehicle Assembly Demand Cash Flow Based on the assumptions described above and the forecasted demand, a cash flow was generated. Figure 15 shows an altered schematic representation of the net present value of the mass and the lean approaches in both the case where the F150 program is introduced and the case where it is not. The two possibilities regarding the introduction of the F150 program are presented here. Since the design team still has to decide if it is going to be a rack and pinion gear or a rotary valve gear, treating this uncertainty as an external variable makes the comparison of both approaches more objective and reliable. Next section deals with this analysis and shows the impact of this uncertainty in the NPV. 40 Visteon Indianapolis Steering Gear Assembly Not producing gears for F150 trucks Producing gears for F150 trucks after 2003 Salvage value: Loss from Expedition & Navigator gears: Profits from Expedition, Navigator and F150 gears: 3.2M/yr MASSMA 03 Retooling CTl20 -04 -55 56s 3.2! iM 07r 58 -, Retoolin CTI20 Additional equipment 1.5M 1.7M 5M~ NPV $5.3 M IRR 2002 1st - 20K/yr NPV $-5 M IRR -15% 34%/ 4.5M/yr Salvage value: 1.25M 1.7M/yr 5M 1 * Cell 2.5M4 / -5.6M/yr .2002 -5M first year CELLS 2.5M Salvage value: Loss during LEAN Loss from Expedition & Navigator gears: o 300K/yr S2502 LINE Salvage value: 2nd cell 3rd Cell 4th Cell 's '03 7 005 '07 Cell NPV $9.1 M 2002 03 04 03 2.5M 05 57 8 0 NPV $4.9 M IRR 66% IRR 46% 7.5M Figure 15: Cash Flow for U222 Project under Mass and Lean Approaches The method used to calculate the above values is similar to the method used by Visteon. However, with this approach, scrap was accounted and a cost penalty was associated with reworking the part as shown by the simplified equation 2. Similarly, under this approach, the inventory was included to account for parts waiting at the plant to be shipped as opposed to shipping them as soon as they are produced. Another difference with the method used by Visteon is that in the analysis presented here, the uncertainty of the introduction of the F150 program is considered (Equation 3). On the other hand, a typical program assessment would leave this variable up to the manager to evaluate. Profit/part = SP - (Mtrl+ L + FA + VA + F + RC + IC+ A) where, SP = Selling price Mtrl = Material/part L = Labor/part 41 (2) Production System Design and Implementation in the Automotive Components Industry FA VA = Fixed Allocation Variable Allocation F = Freight RC = Reprocessing Cost (Non - FTT parts) IC = Inventory Cost A = Assessment (~14% of costs) The profits per part and the expected volume provide the income figures. The capital investment with the corresponding depreciation is then deducted from each years' cash flow. The expected Net Present Value for the project is calculated by assigning a probability to the volume demanded. Equation 3 shows a simplified version of this calculation. NPV = NPV[(Pr ofit / part * Vol * P(F1 50)) - Investment] (3) TARR =15% where, Vol = Lumped Volume P(F150) = Probability of producing F150 gears (assigned only to the corresponding F150 volume Investment = Capital investment from machinery and/or testing equipment TARR = Time Adjusted Rate of Return Given the above observations, and the shortcomings of the current evaluating criteria at most traditional mass production plants, some modifications to the current accounting system need to be evaluated. These would enable financial measures to truly reflect the performance of systems. Some of these categories include: 42 Visteon Indianapolis Steering Gear Assembly " Re-processing of parts * Inventory accumulation inside and outside of line * Responsiveness " Flexibility " Quality benefits * Ergonomics and their effect in the operator * Savings due to modular replication * Align operator incentives with corporate incentives - reward system * Fixed and variable allocation in proportion to resources drawn * Direct labor based on work performed as opposed to the level of automation 4.1.3.- Analysis As can be seen from the previous section, cells provide a higher net present value and internal rate of return than the high-speed line, both at low volumes if the F150 gears are not produced and at high volumes if the F150 gears are produced. However, as Figure 16 shows, the difference in NPV gets accentuated as we move to lower volumes (towards zero probability of producing F150 gears). Under this scenario, the low profits of the underutilized high-speed line running at low volumes don't offset its high investment cost, and the net present value even becomes negative. Under the cost structure described in this analysis, the high-speed transfer line will incur in losses if the F150 gears are not produced. The F150 business would determine, once the line is installed, whether Visteon would be making a profit or not. On the other hand, under a lean approach, the cash flow will yield a positive net present value regardless of the F150 decision. 43 Production System Design and Implementation in the Automotive Components Industry $10,000,000 $8,000,000 $6,000,000 Lean; ftl $4,000,000 (L z $2 I 000 I000 $0 *r 0%, W 20% 30 " 506/ 60% 75% % 100%, -$2,000,000 7 -$4,000,000 -$6,000,000 Probability of producing F150 gears Figure 16: Sensitivity of the NPV of the U222 Program to the Introduction of the F150 Program using $2.5M cells Further, if the cells installed were more costly than the ones included in this analysis, the trend would still hold. This would be the case if the equipment supplier increased the preliminary quoted price or if Visteon decided to contract with a different equipment vendor. Figure 17 shows the same sensitivity analysis by using $4M cells instead of $2.5M. $8,000,000 $6,000,000 $4,000,000 $2,000,000 IL z $0 0% 10% 20% 50% 30% -$2,000,000 60% 76% 6/ 80% % 100% Mass Assembly -$4,000,000 1Lne -$6,000,000 Probability of producing F150 gears Figure 17: Sensitivity of the NPV of the U222 Program to the Introduction of the F150 Program using $4M cells 44 Visteon Indianapolis Steering Gear Assembly In this case, we observe that the net present value of both alternatives converge to the same level if the F150 gears get produced. However, even a slight uncertainty that this business will not be introduced harms mass NPV harshly. Two important conclusions can be derived from this analysis. Within the range of investment considered of 2.5 to 4 Million USD per cell, two characteristics differentiate the above curves, one is a shift between the lean and the mass approaches and the other is their different slope. The shift can be attributed to the fact that, when properly implemented, cells allow the reduction of inventory. Also, if the proper mistake-proofing devices and operator training are in place, the amount of scrap and rework can be reduced. These two categories are quantified and illustrated in the shift between approaches in the two graphs above. The steeper slope for the mass approach reveals that the profitability of the line is more sensitive to externalities. In this case the externality evaluated is the introduction of F150 gears; however, this can be extended to volume fluctuations and other unforeseen events such as economic slumps or contract cancellation or non-renewal. 4.1.4.- Recommendation According to the assumptions made earlier, and as can be seen from the previous analysis, a lean production system will provide a higher net present value than a highspeed assembly line. This holds true even with a 100% certainty that the F150 program will be introduced, and assuming the cost of the cells to be much higher than initially quoted. In addition, when selecting a production method, other factors should be taken into account such as responsiveness and flexibility, which were not quantified in the previous analysis. The cost of retooling the CT120 line has increased more than 25% from an initial quote due to modifications in the design of the new gear. Due to the high automation of the machines and the precision required to perform at low cycle times, the fixtures and tooling used is very specific to the gear in question, therefore making it costly to adapt to a different gear. On the other hand, cells accommodate this flexibility 45 Production System Design and Implementation in the Automotive Components Industry by utilizing simpler machines that can be quickly changed over and adapted for new designs without incurring in outrageous costs. In terms of responsiveness, the faster throughput time and lower work in progress of cells (neither quantified in the analysis) provides an environment better suited for today's customer needs. Customization and quicker lead-time are already playing an important role for customers when ordering a new vehicle. In order to respond to the car assemblers the way they will need to respond to their customers, chassis and other major car components areas will have to quickly adapt to demand fluctuations and customization, all this with high quality and without having to build large inventories to remain competitive. In conclusion, one cell should be built to meet the demand from the Expedition and Navigator by the year 2002, and upon approval of the F150 program, up to three more cells should be built incrementally to accommodate the increasing demand from the assembly plant. Also, the following sections provide a more in-depth description of our recommendation in order to avoid some of the problems that have been present in previous attempts to implement lean manufacturing practices. 4.1.5.- Proposed Layout In order to better convey to the equipment suppliers the principles that the U222 assembly system should embrace according to the MSDD, the author, together with Deny Gomez and Prof. David S. Cochran developed the proposed layout depicted in Figure 18. The proposed system includes two parallel rows of equipment. In between these rows, 7 direct workers perform all necessary tasks to assemble the gear in a takt time of 42 seconds. Material replenishment and preventive maintenance tasks take place from the outside of the line to avoid production disruptions to satisfy FR/DP-T5. The material replenishment cycle is approximately two hours. The arrangement of the stations was constrained by requirements imposed in the assembly sequence. Wherever there was flexibility in steps, the stations were grouped by off-pallet, manual and automatic sections to reduce wasted walking distance as shown in 46 Visteon Indianapolis Steering Gear Assembly Figure 18. Also, the width of the aisle and the machines was minimized where possible as required by FR/DP-D2 1. By reducing wasted motions, labor costs are reduced and operator-machine separation is encouraged thereby enabling adjustments in production originated by volume fluctuations. Fabefian Test Banish AirLmakTast Manual / Off-pallet Manual / On-pallet Automatic / On-pallet Air~eakTest Buslins Yal.I hynt Valve erim Piom BeaIrsz CmU Cecat Cap Tunrisiss Pallet Relmn -i Hoii Rki Bas*sH Rads PeAssenAi~EaftIu hsseztim In 66' Figure 18: Proposed U222 Steering Gear Assembly Cell Layout The one-piece-flow layout of the proposed system promotes high quality by enabling immediate error detection and reducing further the throughput time in accordance to FR/DP-T4. It is worthwhile to note that the floor space consumed by this system is approximately 25 times smaller than that of a high-speed line (WIN8 8), which has a capacity of producing 4 times as much, representing a real space savings of approximately 6 times. Grouping operations by manual and automatic sections allows easier balancing of the operator work loops. Figure 19 shows the standard work charts developed for this project. Seven operators are required to run the line to meet a takt time of 42 seconds. This type of charts is useful in picturing the work sequence of the operators. The operations are grouped by workers. The manual, walking and automatic time is drawn to the right of each operation. A horizontal line corresponds to manual time, an inclined line 47 Production System Design and Implementation in the Automotive Components Industry from one operation to the next represents the walking time from station to station and the dotted line represents the automatic time. Presenting information in this manner allows the designer to ensure that all required tasks are performed under the required takt time. Operators: TIME PART: U222 Gear (42 second Takt time) PROCESS Man lWalk 1 uio 1 3 1 0 OPERATION # 10 Grab housing (valve) from container . 21 11 2 6 3 10 01 0 1 0 1 3 10 0 A 2 3 6 7 3 8 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 18 18 3 1 1 2 100 Rotate 90, install valve, Rotate -90, hit switch 240 Load outer tie rods, hit switch 250 Install res. cap, wipe gear, inspect 20 9 10 2 2 2 110 Load input bearing, seal and snap ring, hit switch 120 Install pinion nut, cap, spring and yoke plug, hit switch 7 28 1 1 10 20 0 20jUnload finished housing from Seal press and place into holder r and el inbn.unrnno 20 Lonad houising nm 20 Grab finished housing from holder, hit switch 30 Load housing (valve), grab and load housing (tube) 30 Unload housing assembly, hit switch 40 Load housing assembly, load bushings 40 Slide housing, hit switch 50 Grab rack bar from container 60 Load rack bar, load housing assembly 60 Unload gear and clamp on pallet (auto start rack insert) 250 Unload finished gear, hit switch Pack gear into dunnage 70 Start and torque turnline, hit switch 80 Start and torque tumline, hit switch 90 Load rack bushing, hit switch 10 30 20 0 0 200 Load tie rods &spacer, hit switch 210 Rotate 90, Install boot, clamp and nut, hit switch 9 28 1 1 220 Rotate 180, Install boot, clamp and nut, hit switch 230 Install breather tube, hit switch 28 1 1 1 60 50 40 II -- - 0 - 0 0 20 0 0 T 0 - 15 .. 0 SE- 20 0 0 - . .- 0 Figure 19: Standard Work Combination Chart for the U222 Assembly Cell The work loops for this specific configuration with a 42 second takt time are depicted graphically in Figure 20. 160 150 140 120110100 90 130 60 50 40 30 20 10 80 7( XUR 0 (D 0 HH' 170 180 190 200 210220 230 UIJ 240 250 Figure 20: Work Loops for U222 Assembly Cell 48 Visteon Indianapolis Steering Gear Assembly 4.1.6.- Lessons leamed from the DEW98 Cell A previous venture into cellular manufacturing also for R&P steering gear assembly, the DEW98, has provided Visteon and the PSD Lab with a great source of knowledge for subsequent generations including the U222 cell. In order to learn from this experience, the author, together with Deny Gomez and Prof. David S. Cochran identified flaws in the design and implementation stage to improve future endeavors. The majority of the problems with the DEW98 cell are a consequence of the operators not completing their work in a standardized, repeatable sequence, which leads to delays in production and missed operations, which in turn result in quality issues. However, the reasons why the operators do not complete their work in a standardized pattern has more to do with the design of the equipment than with the operators themselves. The equipment on the DEW98 cell has been designed in such a way that it presents many ergonomic problems to the operators (long walking distances, difficult access to parts, protrusions into the workspace, etc.) thus preventing them from completing their work patterns in a repeatable fashion. Key Points * Operators do not complete their tasks in standardized, repeatable sequences. * The erratic nature of the work sequences is the cause of many delays and production disruptions, as well as many of the quality problems. * Flaws in the design of the equipment are the reason why it is difficult and sometimes impossible for operators to compete their tasks in standardized patterns. Analysis An observer of the DEW98 line can easily notice that the operators do not follow a standard, repeatable sequence of steps to complete their tasks. It is not uncommon to see operators work on two gears at one station before they move on to the next station and complete the operations for those two gears there. It is also not uncommon to see 49 Production System Design and Implementation in the Automotive Components Industry operators perform tasks that are part of another operator's standard sequence, and even though cooperation between operations is positive and encouraged, the frequency with which it occurs in the DEW98 cell suggests that something is amiss. In general, the operators do not complete a sequence of operations (loop) under the takt time, but instead the work sequences are very erratic. It is important to stress how important standardized loops are to the success of the cellular manufacturing concept. One of the very basic objectives of a cell is to produce at takt time; i.e. to be able to assemble a final product every time the customer demands one. And to assemble a product every takt time it is not only necessary that the automatic stations are able to complete their operations under the takt time, but it is also critical that each set of manual operations is completed in less than takt time. It is also important to notice how disruptive it is for the operation of the assembly cell when the operators do not complete their sequence of steps within one takt time. It is not equivalent for an operator to complete the steps on one part every takt time and for the same operator to complete the steps on two parts every other takt time. In the first case the station downstream from the operator receives a part every takt time, but in the second case it receives two parts following each other very closely about every other takt time. In the case that the downstream station is the beginning of a manual sequence of operations, then this sequence is also disrupted. When the downstream operation is an automatic station, then a pileup is created and one part must wait for the machine to finish the previous part so that it can be processed. It must be noted that we are striving to make the flow of parts through the assembly process like "the flow of water through a pipe," and therefore any disruptions that prevent such unobstructed flow are detrimental to the performance of the assembly cell. In the DEW98 cell operations are not completed in a standardized, repeatable manner, but as mentioned above, the reason why this is so is because the equipment has been designed in such a way that it prevents and sometimes even makes it impossible to do so. Some of the ergonomic problems that the equipment in the DEW98 cell presents to its operators are: 50 Visteon Indianapolis Steering Gear Assembly * Machines protrude into the operator's workspace. On some stations the tooling support pillars protrude to where the operator is supposed to stand (Pinion nut and cap station.) * The spacing between stations and between the two sides of the cell is, in general, too large. This translates into much time wasted walking (and not working) and it also discourages the operators to separate from the machines/stations. * Finger switches do not encourage motion to the next station. They should be walk-away switches and should be placed in a standardized location on all stations to achieve the same operator motion. * Material supply to the operator was an after-thought in the design, and it was heavily constrained by the position of the control panels. Materials should be delivered in a standard location, above the conveyor and in front of the operator, to facilitate replenishment and standardize the operator's motions. The location of the electrical panels should be secondary to that. " The panels to set the pneumatic tools should be given the lowest priority in terms of placement, after space for the material and for the control panel has been allocated. These undesirable characteristics in the design of the equipment are the root cause for many of the quality problems and delays that the DEW98 cell has experienced. It is critical that these issues are addressed in the design of future cells. With that goal in mind the author with Deny Gomez and Prof. David S. Cochran developed a set of specifications intended to avoid repeating the same mistakes in the design of the U222 equipment which can be found below. It is worthwhile to note that the ergonomic problems posed by the equipment in the DEW98 cell is a very important cause for the quality and delay problems being experienced, but it is not the only cause. The concept of having an operator isolated outside the cell performing the rack swage operation is certainly preventing attaining the 51 Production System Design and Implementation in the Automotive Components Industry full benefits of cellular manufacturing (flexibility and balanced loops). The fact that the DEW98 is attempting to implement lean manufacturing concepts while completely surrounded in a mass production environment is also an important cause of problems. The pattern of replenishment of parts to the DEW98 cell, as well as the quality of the incoming product are both critical aspects of the performance of the DEW98 cell, and neither of these two aspects has changed from traditional approaches. So, although a good deal of the problems encountered in the DEW98 cell can be avoided by designing equipment to achieve different specifications, it is also important that these other issues are addressed before the full benefits of lean manufacturing are achieved. 4.1.7.- Conceptual Station Designs Derived from the lessons learned from the DEW98 experience and with the hope of communicating clear guidelines to the equipment suppliers, the author, together with Deny Gomez developed conceptual designs for every station in the cell. The intention was to communicate how the various FRs and DPs from the MSDD that relate to equipment design would be specifically embodied in steering gear assembly equipment. Figure 21 highlights the leaf FR/DP pairs that relate to equipment design [Arinez, 2000]. Some of these pairs include: * Incorporation of mistake-proof devices " Design of machine for serviceability * Reduction of transfer batch size * Design of quick changeover for material * Independence of access for production and maintenance * Machines designed to run autonomously * Machines configured to reduce walking distance * Ergonomic interface between the worker, machine and fixture 52 Visteon Indianapolis Steering Gear Assembly * Minimize facilities cost * Minimize investment Figure 21: FR/DP Pairs Related to Equipment Design [Arinez, 2000] As shown above, the equipment requirements are derived from systematic decomposition of the high-level objectives. Therefore, by satisfying these requirements, the equipment is in turn satisfying the ultimate objectives of the enterprise [Cochran and Dobbs, 2000]. Figure 22 thru Figure 27 show the conceptual designs for the U222 project, which attempt to capture the lessons learned from the DEW98 cell and most of the requirements imposed by the equipment design FR/DP pairs from the MSDD. 53 Production System Design and Implementation in the Automotive Components Industry Slanted Housing Assembly Station y TubesIn sea[ Press Housings (valve) Station Processed Housings Holder Housing Unlood Housing Looding I~ Llz Figure 22: Proposed Conceptual Station Designs for the U222 Project 54 Visteon Indianapolis Steering Gear Assembly Racks In Rack Insert Station Bushing Press Station Containers In Containers Out LiFt Assist D~evice Gear Unloading Gear Loading Retrun Cart Walk-away switch Housings Chute Pivoted Unloading Pallet Figure 23: Proposed Conceptual Station Designs for the U222 Project 55 Production System Design and Implementation in the Automotive Components Industry Turnline Station 1 Suspended Pneumatic Too( Turnline Station 2 Parts In W/Lk-owoy Switch Figure 24: Proposed Conceptual Station Designs for the U222 Project 56 Visteon Indianapolis Steering Gear Assembly Rack Bushing Station Bushing tatvin n ,.Valve Ye/t tinon Seat Press Station Press Shaft Spindle Valves n Parts In Pallet Lift Walk-mwy Containers Out Sliding Actuator Figure 25: Proposed Conceptual Station Designs for the U222 Project 57 Switch Production System Design and Implementation in the Automotive Components Industry Breather Tube Crimp Outer Tie Rod Station Boot Insertion Station oots Boot Insertion Station Tie Rod Station Spindle Containers Out Suspended Tool Walk-away Switch Pallet LiFt Figure 26: Proposed Conceptual Station Designs for the U222 Project 58 M Visteon Indianapolis Steering Gear Assembly Final Inspection Station Packout Palet Return Cart Rails built into the floor Figure 27: Proposed Conceptual Station Designs for the U222 Project 59 Production System Design and Implementation in the Automotive Components Industry 4.2.- U204 Project 4.2.1.- Introduction The U204 line began to produce rack and pinion steering gears in June 2000. As Visteon Indianapolis' second lean implementation, it has provided tremendous learning experiences to all people involved in it. At its launching stage, the rate at which problems have appeared may have been discouraging and frustrating to some people. With increasing demand pressure from the auto assembly plants, it has been difficult to take the time to analyze what can be done to fix the line thoroughly and, further, what could be done differently in the next generation of cells to facilitate the ramp-up stage. This section attempts to give a comprehensive analysis of the launch state of the line, a possible short-term approach to improve its effectiveness through labor efficiency, and a long-term solution that will enable the line to produce as projected. Furthermore, with the hope of assisting future designs and launches, the shortcomings present at the launch of this line are analyzed through the MSDD. By highlighting areas for improvement in a structured framework, the author intends to point out issues that need special attention in subsequent designs. 4.2.2.- Launch state Equipment utilization By analyzing how much manual time and how much automatic time was being spent at each station, it was possible to identify that, regardless of the number of operators, the automatic equipment would soon become the bottleneck. At launch, random sources of variation were the dominant cause preventing the line from running smoothly. However, when the line stabilizes it should be noticed that the bottlenecks lie in the automatic equipment, specifically the functional and air leak test as Figure 28 shows. 60 Visteon Indianapolis Steering Gear Assembly Isolator bushing Installshipping plugs, final inspection, unclan gearaand p Install be rod Install breather ends, tube, crimp tie Grease & installtie rod Grease & install tie installation palltreturn rod - -1 - stamp pin boots - clamps and jam nuts boots. and jam rod boots, clamp. S/A Install/torque i clips 1I nuts tie-rodx Stake yoke Effectice functional test(including t and transfer both Auto mesh load me) final set and install Auto * yoke pre-torqna leak r - Auto burnhrackhntath Grease on ap pin thtranstanti:: test Manual m~niaPaliatnrotatin Torque pinion nutand Inset Tlneman rack bushing Rack Retenton ring I& aI al SwaaInag insertstadon M* - - S/A rack Insert Install Load turnines pinion & check valve and seal bearing House -j -T -" M!!- loading staton Housing* s t- :lip anitr in va Ina tI cI Ins tall 4i - S/A Install inputbearing,seal andsnapring -*00 containers 0 10 30 20 40 50 60 80 70 Time (sec) Figure 28: Work Content per Station at Launch Since this is a synchronous line with little de-coupling (return elevator stores up to 4 pallets), whatever disruptions occur at one side of the line are translated to the other side by slowing the upstream traffic. Therefore, it is not surprising not to see parts accumulation uniquely ahead of these tests. The bottlenecks are not necessarily evident at this points because it is a synchronous line whose disruptions at one station will have impact as well in up and downstream stations Work pattern Faced with increased pressure from the assembly plant on one hand, and the debugging of problems at the line on the other hand, Visteon had to add more operators to the line to meet the required output. After launch, the line had been running with 14 operators on average per shift for three shifts, producing an average of 880 parts per day. However, the excessive number of workers made operator-machine separation unnecessary, hindering one of the key benefits of lean manufacturing. The work pattern for the 14 operators running the line at launch is shown in Figure 29. It is evident from 61 * .. T(~~'~'~.K - - Production System Design and Implementation in the Automotive Components Industry this figure that the work content for each operator varied drastically, signaling a necessary rebalancing of the line. U284 Gear 14 Operatos: TIME Igoc PART: PROCESS Operator I -equec 1.(1) Start shortline 1 1(0) Load housing 8 M aa 2 (1) Return spindle home and load components (pinion bearing and sea) into station 2 (1) Waiting for first part of auto cycle 2 (1) Perform intermediate rotation (1) Last part of auto cycle 3 (2) Tq. shrt tumline (It), St. long turnline (both), tq. shrt tumline (rght),tq. Long tumline 3 (2) Install check valbs (transfer time included as auto time) 5 37.3 14.25 (both) 8 5.333 10.5 lak test (ncluding ~Illi} F"fl.-LIHIM 4 HO If 1 i ILT I Ii 4. Ililili 11) tfl 45.17 6 ; H 25 rI~tITnI111111111 rn1rn 'I 4.5 6.5 5.5 .;T1 1MrIi 'ut fl, 'IL 6 4 5.333 2 19.83 transfer time) 14.25 3.75 5.667 5.5 5.333 13.33 2 4.t333 2.667 (11). Load yoke components (11) Rotate 90 deg, (11) Press palm buttons to raise pallet (11) Torque pinion cap (11) Mark gear with pin (11) Install yoke (11) Press palm buttons to lower pallet (11) Rotate back 9 deg. (11) Press palm buton to reatease ............................. ....... -222 ............. . .......... ............. ....... ...... .......... -VT ...... .. I.................. ....... . I---................ ............. ...... .... -+ ........... ff it H111 t il 111111, 44 t11i I I !1] ......... . t ... ii1 31 load and final set ................... ............... .J 111 ... 29.5 (12) Auto burnish rack teeth (14) Mesh rot 7- U 1t 26 to lit pallet, tq. Bushing, ins. Bush. for next op., press P.B. (bA) Raise pallet lit & rotate 90 deg (EA) Retrieve tools & insert valve. replace tools, P.S. to lower lit & rel Auto 4 4tt q4~t Hi 61 53 SO d M 6.5 10.25 (5)Press P.B. (9) 20 2tt 16.5 6 @B5) Seat clip 6 (1B) Press palm buttons to seat clip 6 (95) Palrm buttons to raise pallet 6 (9B) Torque nut 6 (BB) Apply grease 6 (61) Press patm buttons to lower pallet 6 L)EM Rotate & release pallet 6 (7) Load input bearing, seal and snap ring 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 10 1o 1.25 17.33 4 (4) Push pallet into rack insertion station, load rack into station, press P.S. 4 (A) Grab rack and assemble ret. ring 4 )B9) Change racks and press PB to swage racks 5 5 Walk aecAuto0 15.5 10.5 1.....4 if (16 &7 Functional Test 16A and 16B combined (including trasfer time) 6B.25 B (20) Insert tie rods into machine E (20) .......* -4 is (19) Stake yoke Place plastic clip and cut with tool B (20) Place travel restrictor and press palm 10 (21) Grease both boot groaes (can be performed as part approaches) (2i) Retrieve and grease boot (ialf operation can be done after pallet has let and before new begins to approach) (21) Rotate 70 deg. (21) Install boot (21) Insert tinnerman clip, start jam nut, place tinn. Clip with tool, torque jam nut with tool (21) Rotate pallet back 70 deg. (21) Press palm button to lower & ret. pallet (21) Mark gear with pin (22) Retrieve bong and place it on greaser (can be performed as part approaches) (22).Rotate paltet 70 deg. (22) Install boot (22) Insert tinnerman clip, start jam nut, place tinn. Clip with tool, torquejam nut with tool (22) Rotate pallet back 70 deg. (22) Press palm buttons to lower & rel. pallet (23) Retrieve breather tube & dip (can be done prior to pallet (23) Install breather tube 3(2) Crimp tie rod boots clips (23) KIt tie rod ends to pallet (23) Press palm buttons to ret. pallet () Rotate pallet 180 deg. ahead of eirtest B 1.5 B 23 2.5 0.5 7 . T ......... ....... .......... ............ fill 6 ........ ...... 44- T. ...... .. . ..... .... T 4! T .... . 4-1 4 6 1.5 9.333 6 10.5 6.667 21if ..... .......... ... ........ .......... ....... .. .. .. .. ...... .. ..... .. i5 5 T . .. . T 4 . .. ... (24) (24) (25) (25) (25) Install left tie rod and Torque let tie rod end Install plugs Mark gear with pin Unclamp and *hand over" to bushing operator (26) (2) (2) (26) (261 Bushings in Finish loading gear Press palm buttons (and wait for auto cycle) Unload, and mark gear with pin. Pack gear to dunnate 14 10.5 15 . ..... T T 13 15.5 44i ii 14.5 1.5 13.25 11.55I ........... 1;2' 44. 4. 4 ~9. 'j rH i1~j~ 1It~ii: ~rL1 Ifl .~ Figure 29: U204 Work Pattern at Launch: 14 Operators 62 ..... 4 . .. . ... !I TT TT ! 5 6 9 ltt ............ ........ -------------- ....... ....... 29 (24) Place centering tool & raise (24) Install right tie rod end (24) Press palm buttons to lif pallet (24) Torque right tie rod and (24) Press palm buttons to lower pallet ...... .......... 2.5 0.5 B 8.5 10 I .. ....... 8 i.5 orrival) .. --T - - -T T Ii H H 11.75 17.8 . buttons I'll..... V ....... [LI Visteon Indianapolis Steering Gear Assembly Operator utilization Figure 29 also suggests that since operators had to wait on the slowest cycle to complete, there was a great amount of idle time. The distribution of value added, nonvalue-added, and idle operations is shown in Figure 30. Again, this is a signal that pointed into re-balancing the work-loops to decrease the idle time and also to reduce the time spent at non-value added operations. Non-value-added activities are understood as necessary activities which do not add value to the product. For instance, walking, pressing palm buttons, rotating pallets, etc. Idle time occurs when the operators are simply standing waiting with no part to process. Among the sources of idle time there is defective incoming parts, lack of parts and excessively long auto-cycle times. These sources of variation are translated to adjacent stations through the synchronicity of the line. 80 70 A 60 E> Idle 50 Non-value added operations 4)% %"11110 40 A Value added operations 30 20 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 8 10 11 12 13 14 Operator No. Figure 30: Distribution of Work at Launch with 14 Workers 63 Production System Design and Implementation in the Automotive Components Industry The overall worker utilization is shown in Figure 31. It is worthwhile to notice that after launch, more than half of the time the operators were performing non-valueadded operations or remained idle. * Value added operations * Non-value added operations -Idle 34% 45% 21% Figure 31: Overall Worker Utilization at Launch with 14 Workers 4.2.3.- Short-term approach: Improving labor efficiency As shown above, and as perceived by any observer of the line, there was a great amount of idle time and non-value added operations at launch. Neither of these two can be blamed on the operators. In order to understand what is originating these inefficiencies, we must take a close look at the work content at each station. As seen in the previous section, some of the automatic equipment is not meeting the takt time, and in some cases its almost twice as long. In the short run, since this equipment is limiting the desired output, it is considered a waste to have excess amount of workers that will not have any impact on the output. The bottlenecks are still there, and no matter how many workers are introduced the output will still be constrained by the automatic equipment. In the contrary, excess amount of workers creates confusion and cluttering inside the line, which unlocks a frustrating effect. 64 Visteon Indianapolis Steering Gear Assembly With the equipment limitations in mind, a short-term approach to improve the effectiveness of the line was proposed. With this, the number of operators and their work patterns would be adjusted to the capacity of the assembly system. The line would be producing the same output as at launch but with fewer workers. In addition to adjusting the workforce and re-balancing the work patterns, some minor changes should be implemented to achieve the labor efficiency sought in the short term. These changes are outlined in Section Work pattern By rebalancing some operators' work-loops and with some minor changes described in Section the number of operators can be reduced from 14 to 10. The work pattern for these operators is shown below in Figure 32. This Figure reveals a more even distribution of work among all operators. Operator utilization In addition to the better distribution of work among all operators, there is a clear reduction in idle time per worker shown in Figure 33. Percentage-wise, there is also a significant improvement as shown in Figure 34. Furthermore, this difference can be better appreciated in absolute terms as Figure 35 shows. The savings from 4 operators per shift translate into approximately 850K USD/year. 65 Production System Design and Implementation in the Automotive Components Industry PART: L24 Gear PRACES pe-or 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 St N OPERATI ( .as (-1) Start shortline (D) Load housing (D)Install check valve (1) Load pinion bearing and seal (auto cycle) d aa Operators: 10 liNt lert ka TIME PMCWS Auto an alk 20 1.72 2.13 (5A Grab rack and assemble ret. ring (58) Change racks and press PB to swage racks (4) Push pallet into rack insertion station, load rack into station, press P.H. (2) Tq. shrt turnline (It), St. long tumline (both), tq. shrt turnline (rght). tq. Long tumline (both) 30 40 0 7 70 BO _14 .... ------ --------- -- 6 45.17 ............... .. 3 () Press P.B. to lift pallet. tq. Bushing, ins. Bush. for next op., press P.B. 3 ("A Raise pallet lift & rotate 90 deg 3 (GA) Retrieve tools &insert vale, replace tools, seat clip, P.B. to lower lift &rel. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 60so 50so 40 3D 20 10 to a . 1. 1 t Press palm buttons to seat clip (B) Palm buttons to raise pallet (B) Torque nut (58) Apply grease (58) Press palm buttons to lower pallet (B) Rotate & release pallet (7) Load input bearing, seal and snap ring ------ ............... ..... .............. ...... ... (58) TA LW - ........... .......... (9) Auto leak test (including transfer time) 5 (11) Load yoke components 5 (11) Rotate 90 deg. 5 (11) Press palm buttons to raise pallet 5 (11) Torque pinion cap 5 (11) Mark gear with pin 5 (11) Install yoke 5 (11) Press palm buttons to lower pallet 5 (11) Rotate back 90 deg. 5 (11) Press palm button to realease 5 (2) Insert tie rods into machine 4,5j~j~jjJj]~** it I it [fL +4+" lit I....., ....... H+ - ... [ .. .... . ... 29.5 (12) Auto bumish rack teeth 3' (14) Mesh load and final set Be (16 & 17) Functional Test 16A and 16B combined (including tranfer time) .. 25 . . .. . L . . .O I NI - (19) Stake yoke (21) Retrieve and grease boot (21) Grease one boot groove (21) Rotate 70 deg. (21) Instaill boot (21) Insert tinnerman clip, start jam nut, place tinn Clip with tool, torque jam nut with tool (21) Rotate pallet back 70 deg. (21) Mark gear with pin (21) Press palm button to lower & rel. pallet (21) Place travel restrictor and press palm buttons 1. ... 35. 33 l I T II ......... .i . Retrieve boot and place it on greaser (can be performed as part approaches) (22) Grease one boot groove (22) Place plastic clip and cut with tool (22) Rotate pallet 70 deg. (22) Install boot (22) Insert tinnerman clip, start jam nut, place tinn. Clip with tool, torque jam nut with tool (22) Rotate pallet back 70 deg. (22) Press palm buttons to lower &rml. pallet (22) ............ HIM 1 Hil I ............... ....... IIIIII HIM . HIM I 11 Ili 11 H Hill, ..... Place centering tool & raise (24) Press palm buttons to lift pallet .. .......... ........ ............. . (24) Torque right tie rod end (24) Torque left tie rod end (24) Press palm buttons to lower pallet (25) Install plugs (25) Mark gear with pin ....... ... ......... .......... ... + ..... ....... R2) Bushings in Load gear from holder Press palm buttons Unclamp gear from previous station Leave gear at holder Unload finished gear to current unload area and mark gear with pin. Pack sear In dunnae 1. (2) (2) P5) R6) R2) a Hill Jill (23) Retrieve breather tube & dip (23) Install breather tube (23) Crimp tie rod boots clips (23) Grab tie rod ends (23) Install right tie rod end (23) Install left tie rod end (23) Press palm buttons to rel. pallet (8) Rotate pallet 1tI deg. ahead of airtest (24) 1111 .. I 14.5 IT . ...... 44. -- ,[ - I.' Figure 32: Short-term Recommended Work Pattern: 10 Operators 66 Visteon Indianapolis Steering Gear Assembly 80 70 60 50 . o Idle ) 40 E * Non-value added operations p30 20 * Value added operations 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 6 Operator No. 9 10 Figure 33: Distribution of Work per Cycle with 10 Operators 34% 45% * Value added operations * Non-value added operations E Idle 21% 11% Before (14 op) 27% 62% After (10 op) Figure 34: Distribution of Work per Cycle with 10 Operators 67 Production System Design and Implementation in the Automotive Components Industry 1200 - 1000 31.1 % Labor savings 850k USD per year 353 800 79 600]dl 0Idle E P 400 Non-value added operations *Value added operations 200 0 Launch work disribution Proposed work disibution Figure 35: Overall Distribution of Work Time per Cycle with 10 Operators Required action for labor efficiency In order to make this improvement possible and achieve the aforementioned benefits, it is recommended to follow the work-loops defined in the previous section in addition to implementing the changes described in Appendix B. 4.2.4.- Long-term approach Although the short-term solution described above provides a more economical way to maintain the original output level, it is desired to analyze a long-term scenario. Under the long-term approach, the U204 cell should be able to run in a two-shift pattern to avoid paying premiums and target output must be reached. The number of operators would result from these other trade-offs. Takt time calculation Taking together the demand from both the Mazda and Ford trucks, the required demand at the assembly plant is expected to ramp-up to 1310 parts per day. Working two shifts and allowing for a 15% equipment downtime buffer, this translates into a takt time of 34 sec. . '(2shifts (436min 1 day available time I day , 1shift 1310 parts total demand 68 60sec 1 min . Visteon Indianapolis Steering Gear Assembly Work pattern Having calculated a target takt time, the work-loops are again rebalanced to conform to it. As can be seen in Figure 37, some work-loops fall in the 34-40 seconds range allowed for downtime. Ideally, if there was no downtime, this arrangement would be appropriate and target production would still be achieved; but under real circumstances, because equipment failure occurs, the target takt time should be no longer than 34 seconds to allow for a downtime buffer. Once all operators are performing as predicted by Figure 37, kaizening down some operator's cycle times will be necessary to prevent any equipment downtime from affecting the overall output. Operator utilization In addition to the more even distribution of work among all operators illustrated in Figure 37, there is a significant reduction in idle time per worker as shown below in Figure 36. The reduction in idle time waste is illustrated percentage-wise in Figure 38. mIdle Non-value 25 E added operations 20 Value added operations 10- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Operator No. Figure 36: Distribution of Work per Cycle to Achieve Target Production 69 Production System Design and Implementation in the Automotive Components Industry Onerators: PART: UI2tt4 Gear PART: L1204 Gear PROCESS PROCESS Onp. -#t .I= o lit .oN., .* APERATIOl PRTO 1 (-1) Start shortline (both ends) 1 (0) Load housing 1 () Install check valve -e qe d.,.rts sdecie Takt time = 34 sec uffer for 15% downtime 14 TIME 1ec) Man iWalk lAuto I 15.5 1.3E in 4-444. ]+HT I 10.5 6 1.3E 2 (1) Load pinion bearing and seal (auto cycle) 2 (2) St. long turnline (both ends) 14 15.92 3 (3) tq. shrt tumline (rght end), tq. Long tumline (both ends) 3 (5C) Retrieve swaged rack from new station (between at. 3 and 4) 3 (4) Load rack into station, push pallet into rack insertion station, press P.B. 21.92 1 2 1.11 B 2.11 45.17 4 (5) Press P.B. to lift pallet, tq. Bushing, install bushing for next op, press P.B. 4 (5) Seat clip f! ;;, 'I' 30 s n 36*4 2 -7 1 4 44444 44 i t 14+ It fHil 1.10 HTL hilliTT 1 41)7 llfli htl4 4 26 4.5 5 26.5 5 (A) Raise pallet lift & rotate 90 deg 5 (A) Retrieve tools & insert valve, replace tools, P.B. to lower lift & rel. 144 1.5 19.83 6 2 1.5 6 (60) Press palm buttons to seat clip and raise pallet 6 (7) Load input bearing, seal and snap ring, press PB to initiate auto cycle 6 (6p) Torque nut and apply grease (simultaneously with both hands) 6 (68) Press palm buttons to lower pallet 6 (66) Rotate& release pallet .1. . 10.51 11111 iA hll1 4 1-4444 i f lI (9) Auto leak test (including transfrir time) ll~1iilI-11 12.25 1.5 2 5.5 10.63 1.5 1.5 1.5 2 7 (11) Load yoke components 7 (11) Rotate 90 dog. 7 (11) Press palm buttons to raise pallet 7 (11) Torque pinion cap 7 (11)_Install yoke 7 (11) Press palm buttons to lower pallet 7 (11) Rotate back 90 deg. 7 (11) Press palm button to realease 7 (11) Mark gearwith pin 3.1 7. t t. IL - 34.75 .I .. ...... (12) Auto bumish rack teeth I 4.. .14414I E 4 22 ... .. (14) Mesh load and final set (16 & 17) Effective transfer time (counting the two tests) (16 & 17) Functional Test 16A and 16B combined (including tranfer time) (19) Stake yoke 8 6.667 23 (20) Insert tie rods into machine and press p.b 6 (20) Place travel restrictor. put strap and press p.b. 9 (21) 9 (21) 9 (21) 9 (21) 9 (21) 9 (21) 9 (21) 9 (21) 8 4 Retrieve and grease boot Grease one boot groove Rotate 70 dog. Install boot Insert tinnerman clip, st. jam nut, place tinn. Clip with tool. tq. jam nut with tool Rotate pallet back 70 deg. Mark gear with pin Press palm button to lower & ret. pallet 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 (22) Retrieve boot and place it on greaser (can be performed as part approaches) (22) Grease one boot groove (22) Rotate pallet 70 deg. (22) Install boot (21) Insert tinnerman clip, at. jam nut, place tinn. Clip with tool. tq. jam nut with tool (22) Rotate pallet back 70 deg. (22) Press palm buttons to lower &rel. pallet 11 11 11 11 11 (23) (23) (23) (23) (23) Retrieve breather tube & dip (can be done prior to pallet arrival) Install breather tube Crimp tie rod boots clips Kit tie rod ends to pallet Press palm buttons to rel. pallet 12 12 12 12 12 (24) (24) (24) (24) (24) Place centering tool & raise Press palm buttons to lift pallet Torque right tie rod end Torque left tie rod end Press palm buttons to lower pallet 1.5 (26) Bushings in (26) Unload finished gear from st. into current unload area, load new gear from holder (26) Press palm buttons (26) Mark finished gear with pin. Pack sear to dunnage II I if III Miltl 6 14.4 1.5 2.5 0.5 6 4 1.5 6 14.4 1.5 0.5 6 6.5 10 6 1.5 ii ft T 6 6.667 10 10 5 KnftI ItI-H 1114141 111 5 13 (25) Install plugs 13 (25) Mark gear with pin 13 (25) Unclamp gear and leave it at holder at next station 14 14 14 14 14 14 1 1 11 + Pq~fbTh ~ ~ ~ I1 Ti~ .....111 ... .... [4 [1 IH Il' 6 15 iI 21 14.6 2 Figure 37: Work Pattern to Achieve Target Output with 14 Operators 70 i THITI4Hm114141114 if41 i 15.5 1.5 4 7 -H uifi iH It i1 1 r 1~~h Visteon Indianapolis Steering Gear Assembly 34% * Value added operations 0 Non-value added operations o Idle 1045% 9% 21% -.00 Before (14 op) 27% 64% After ' (14 op) Figure 38: Overall Distribution of Work per Cycle to Achieve Target Production In absolute terms there is also a reduction in time spent at non-value added operations as Figure 39 shows. Taking together the time savings from non-value-added operations and idle time, the cell can become almost twice as effective. This is achieved by reducing the average takt time per person by approximately 36 seconds as shown in Figure 40. By implementing the steps outlined in the following section and following the work-loops defined in the previous section, wasted time can be cut in half. 1200 1000 48%Cell Waste 800 Reduction . 600 ] Idle 400-- * Non-value added operations 200 *Value added operations 0 Launch work distribution (14 operators) Proposed work distribution (14 opertators) Figure 39: Overall Distribution of Work Time per Cycle to Achieve Target Production 71 ~ IAi~T ~ -~ Production System Design and Implementation in the Automotive Components Industry 70 Possible takt time 60 reduction = 36 seconds 040 Ef Avg idle time 20- 20 Avg time on Value Added Ops 10- Avg time on NonValue Added Ops 0 Launch takI time (14 operators) Proposed takt time (14 operators) Figure 40: Average Takt Time per Worker at Launch and with Proposed Improvements It is worthwhile to note here that this long-term solution is based on the same number of workers that originally ran the line at launch. The savings originate from fact that less time is consumed in producing the same output, therefore enabling the line to achieve target production. Required action to achieve target output To attain the savings mentioned above, some issues need to be addressed. Appendix C describes in detail the required station-by-station changes. In general, these include: " Auto cycle times have to be within takt time including manual work. * Continuously pressing palm buttons is over-killed and makes man-machine separation impossible at short takt times * Poor material handling and station ergonomics prevent smooth operator-part interaction and discourage loop work * Sequential, standardized work sequences have to be defined to produce consistently according to takt time and ensure high quality 72 Visteon Indianapolis Steering Gear Assembly 4.2.5.- Analysis with the MSDD Many of the pressing problems that occurred at launch can be traced to weakly satisfied FR-DP pairs from the MSDD. As can be seen in Figure 41, a quick glance at the non-satisfactory shaded FRs reveals great potential for improvement. Most of the corrective action given the launch state of the line was proposed in the previous sections. However it is far more economical and effort efficient to analyze what wasn't implemented well at the launching state and ensure proper conformance to the lowest level FRs in future cellular generations. Table 2 presents the leaf FR-DP pairs that were not satisfied at the launch of the U204 cell. 7 0 [ 0 [10 Predictable Output Delay Reduction Operational Costs n 10 Quality 000000 Identifying and [J Investment Resolving Problems U Leaf FR's fully satisfied. Leaf FR's not satisfied. Figure 41: Overview of Unsatisfactory FRs at the Launch of the U204 Cell Table 2: Unsatisfactory FR-DP pairs at the launch of the U204 line FR/ DP MSDP MSFR Q11 Eliminate machine assignable causes Failure mode and effects analysis Q121 Ensure that operator has knowledge of required tasks Training program 73 Production System Design and Implementation in the Automotive Components Industry Q122 Ensure that operator consistently performs tasks correctly Q123 Ensure that operator human errors do not translate to defects Mistake proof operations (Poka-Yoke) Q14 Eliminate material assignable causes Supplier quality program Q2 Center process mean on the target Process parameter adjustment R121 Identify correct support resources Specified support resources for each failure mode R122 Minimize delay in contacting correct support resources Rapid support contact procedure R123 Minimize time for support resource to understand disruption System that conveys what the disruption is R13 Solve problems immediately Standard method to identify and eliminate root cause P121 Ensure that equipment is easily serviceable Machines designed for serviceability P131 Reduce variability of task completion time Standard work methods to provide repeatable processing time P133 Do not interrupt production for worker allowances Mutual Relief System with cross-trained workers P142 Ensure proper timing of part arrivals Parts moved to downstream operations according to pitch TI Reduce lot delay Reduction of transfer batch size (single-piece flow) T221 Ensure that automatic cycle time <= minimum takt time Design of appropriate automatic work content at each station T222 Ensure that manual cycle time <= takt time Design of appropriate operator work content/loops T23 Ensure that part arrival rate is equal to service rate Arrival of parts at downstream operations according to pitch T4 Reduce transportation delay Material flow oriented layout design T52 Ensure that production activities don't interfere with one another Ensure coordination and separation of production work patterns T53 Ensure that support activities (people/automation) don't interfere with one another Ensure coordination and separation of support work patterns D11 Reduce time operators spend on non-value added tasks at each station Machines & stations designed to run autonomously D12 Enable worker to operate more than one machine / station Train the workers to operate multiple stations D21 Minimize wasted motion of operators between stations Configure machines / stations to reduce walking distance D23 Minimize wasted motion in operators' work tasks Ergonomic interface between the worker, machine and fixture D3 Elminate operators' waiting on other operators Balanced work-loops 123 Minimize facilities cost Reduction of consumed floor space 13 Minimize investment over production system lifecycle Investment based on a long term system strategy 74 Standard work methods I - -, - -. Visteon Indianapolis Steering Gear Assembly Most of these unsatisfactory FRs can be addressed by incorporating the improvements outlined in Appendix C. As stated there, each of the improvements can be related to a weak FR. Table 3 summarizes the state of the U204 line at launch as classified by the different areas of the MSDD. It also states the possible state it can achieve when implementing the outlined station-by-station improvements. Table 3: Unsatisfactory FRs at Launch and with Proposed Long-Term Approach Leaf FRs Launch Afterchanges Quality Identifying and resolving problems Predictable output Delay reduction Operations cost Total 6 of 9 4 of 7 4 of 8 7 of 12 7 of 10 28 of 46 1 of 9 2 of 7 1 of 8 4 of 12 1 of 10 9 of 46 With the proposed physical changes all areas from the MSDD can be improved as can be seen in the above table. However, there are some changes that require surrounding areas to the cell to be corrected. For instance in order to reduce defective incoming materials and improve the quality, the flow where parts are coming from must be traceable. The operators have to have knowledge of the required assembly tasks. In order to improve other areas like delay reduction and identifying and resolvingproblems, standard work routines should be designed and implemented. Also, whenever disruptions occur at any station, a standard procedure for rapid identification and correction of problems should be outlined. Equipment must be specified to operate within takt time accounting for both manual and automatic time. To fully utilize labor, and to improve the operationscost area, operators must be cross-trained and capable of operating multiple stations. Also, the work loops should be balanced to minimize wasted time by enabling worker relief when standard work disruptions occur. Some of the equipment is unnecessary (return automated chute for tie-rod containers) and costly. As part of the predictableoutput area, it is required to have a motivated work force performing standard work; however, with unbalanced loops, equipment malfunctions and ergonomic problems, this is difficult to achieve. 75 Production System Design and Implementation in the Automotive Components Industry 4.2.6.- Conclusion Given the nature of cells, there is not much decoupling between stations to dampen production disruptions when they occur. Every source of disruption has an effect on the output of the line. It is due to this exposure of problems that waste can be eliminated. Thanks to the "fragility" of the cell, no defective parts are being handled, transferred, processed, nor stored. Evidently, these benefits are hard to appreciate at the launching stage of a cell. The debugging curve faces a much steeper slope at the beginning than a high-speed transfer line. The high-speed lines with rework loops and parallel processing have the "ability" to hide defects, and surely they are capable of handling rejects but there is a cost associated with that. In conclusion, the U204 line can be brought to the desired stage by implementing working solutions as the ones describe above, and defining and implementing standard working practices. For upcoming cellular ventures, it is recommended that a structured design approach be followed. Particularly, the MSDD is suggested here as a means to identify what needs deeper attention in the coming generations. Conformance to the lowest-level FRs of the MSDD guarantees satisfaction of the highest-level goals of the enterprise as a whole. 76 Visteon North Penn Electronic Engine Controller Manufacturing Chapter 5: Visteon North Penn Electronic Engine Controller Manufacturing 5.1.- Introduction This section includes the work performed by the author together with Carlos Tapia and Prof. David S. Cochran at Visteon's North Penn electronics plant, located in Lansdale, Pennsylvania. The production system analyzed at North Penn manufactures Electronic Engine Controllers (EECs). These devices are responsible for engine control functions generally described as power train control. Basic functions controlled by the EECs include spark timing control (what a distributor and timing belt used to do), transmission control, and engine management (air-fuel mix and diagnostics). The manufacturing process consists of four stages: Two Surface Mount Device (SMD) processes, lamination, and packing. During SMD processing different components populate both sides of a circuit board. At lamination, the populated circuit board is assembled with the connector and the casting case; here also the software is programmed into the board. During packing, automated transfer lines and robotic arms prepare ready-to-ship products. The Visteon North Penn Electronics plant is particularly interesting for our analysis as they perform the lamination of the EECs using two very different approaches. One is a traditional asynchronous high-speed transfer line and the other is a synchronous lean cell. The scope of this project is partly to analyze the material and information flow of this product as it is processed through these different systems. Also, by using the Manufacturing System Design Decomposition, a thorough assessment of the two lamination methods is made. The results of this analysis are compared to the evaluation of these two systems using traditional performance metrics. By using the MSDD evaluation method, we are able to point out potential areas for improvement at the 77 Production System Design and Implementation in the Automotive Components Industry implementation level of the cell, which are not immediately obvious from just observing performance results. Furthermore, by using the Equipment Evaluation Tool [Gomez, Dobbs and Cochran, 2000], which was derived from a subset of the MSDD related to this area, an analysis of some of the stations at the two systems is performed. This shows how equipment designed with a systems perspective leads to improved overall system performance. 5.2.- Material and Information Flow 5.2.1.- Material Flow North Penn produces 200-300 different types of EECs to accommodate the many different variations of Ford vehicles in North America. They also supply the controller to other vehicle manufacturers, such as Mazda. The process starts with about 20 different circuit board configurations that constitute the different product family groups. These boards are populated with electronic components in different patterns to make up to 60 different types of ready-to-assemble boards (approximately 3 patterns per family group) as shown in Figure 42. Each one of these 60 populated boards represents a product family. At lamination, the boards can be programmed differently to form the vast variation of EECs. 78 Visteon North Penn Electronic Engine Controller Manufacturing Lamination SMD Family Group (20) Families (60) Final products (200-300) Figure 42: EEC production steps SMD Processes During the SMD processes, the electronic components are mounted to a Printed Circuit Board (PCB). The SMD process lines are grouped in pairs dedicated to group families. Each of these transfer lines populates either side, top or bottom, of the PCB. Figure 43 shows a schematic representation of one of these lines. The transfer lines are configured to run autonomously with the exception of manual loading and unloading. Three operators are in charge of these tasks, as well as performing changeovers, replenishment of material and supervision of the automatic machines. Parts that have been populated on their upper side are directly transferred to the contiguous bottom process line located across the hall. Between the two transfer lines, there is a small amount of inventory. The Work-In-Process (WIP) between the two lines can be up to a half day of production (472 parts for each line pair, or about 5000 parts in total). 79 Production System Design and Implementation in the Automotive Components Industry The operating pattern for these lines is three shifts of 8 hours. There are two 15min. breaks and a lunch break of 30 min. per shift. This leaves a total of 21 available hours in a day. A schematic representation of a generic SMD transfer line is shown in Figure 43. The boards are stacked manually in a loading station at the beginning of the line. They are automatically transferred one by one to the conveyor that transports them through the different processes in the line. The first process is the application of solder material. The material is applied to the PCBs in a printer-like fashion according to a pattern that matches the electric contact points of each specific board type. The next step is visual inspection of the solder pattern: measuring whether the right amount of solder paste has been applied at the right location. This is done at the automatic visual tester. M Machineven Automatic PCB Unloading SMD) Machine Manual PCB Loading Tester Figure 43: SMD Process Sequence After the inspection, adhesive is applied to the PCBs to prepare them for subsequent chip placement at the next station. The adhesive is needed to hold the main chip in place due to its size and weight. The other electronic components are held in position by the solder paste previously applied. With the solder and adhesive in place and after successful testing, the boards go through the first SMD machine. The function of the SMD machine is to place the different electronic components required for a particular product. These components are supplied in reels, which are mounted on the SMD machines. 80 Visteon North Penn Electronic Engine Controller Manufacturing Most of the SMD machines used at North Penn have reels on both sides of the conveyor and there is a dispenser hand for each reel location. As the part moves through them, each hand inserts the components as needed in a process termed "board population". Once populated, the boards go through the flux oven, which melts the solder paste to create a solid electrical connection. The average throughput for this process is approximately 20 minutes. Finally the boards are automatically unloaded into containers of 27 parts. These containers wait until an operator transfers them across the hall, to initiate a similar process in the bottom side of the PCB. Lamination Process The populated boards can be routed through two different lamination processes. The first includes two high-speed transfer lines (cycle time: 10 sec.) and the second consists of a "lean" cell (cycle time: 50 sec). Each transfer line has an annual capacity of 1.6 million parts, whereas the cell can only produce 350,000 parts per year. Their relative size comparison is shown in Figure 44. At a first glance, there is an evident difference in the two systems, as can be seen in Figure 45 and Figure 46. The subsequent sections herein will quantify these differences and provide a rationale for a more sound system assessment. Transfer line process sequence Most of the EECs at the plant are assembled in one of the two high-speed transfer lines. Figure 45 shows a diagram of the process sequence and Table 4 describes it. 81 Production System Design and Implementation in the Automotive Components Industry a to Am gl 1sqt -- - 'A-.= Transfer line Cell Figure 44: Relative Size Comparison between Cell and Transfer Line CaConttnues... 100 ... .,,.tiue..... Contnuing 4) 7}VTouftmgk SC1) AOoema6 ve 0)aBarm-O& Soldet~andwaaje ~ Figure rnfrlielyu ~ 45:r ~ ~ 82 ~ zw cooain Visteon North Penn Electronic Engine Controller Manufacturing Table 4: Transfer Line Process Steps 1. Automatic unload of PCBs from their containers and into the conveyor. 2. In-circuit test of the PCBs. In the future, this step will take place at the SMD process lines. This step is required to ensure that the necessary components are put in place. 3. Mating of the PCB with the prepared casting-connector. Previous to this point, an incoming branch delivers the assembled casting-connector. The lamination material has also been applied to this subassembly in preparation for its mating with the PCB. 4. Screw board to casting. A six-spindle fully automatic screwing machine fastens both components. 5. Solder connector to board. A rotating machine picks up the boards and dips the connector in a curtain of molten solder. 6. Bar code reading to identify the PCB family 7. Solder and warping visual inspection 8. Voltage-stress-test station 9. Conformal coating (dip in silicon and oven curing) 10. Bottom plate placement and screwing 11. Gasket application 12. Bum-in process to induce failure of weak components 13. Unload "Lean" cell process sequence The "lean" cell represents an innovative process alternative at North Penn for the lamination of the PCBs. The EECs produced by this cell are mainly supplied to Mazda. Although the product is the same as that produced by the transfer lines, the process in the cell, illustrated in Figure 46, and described in Table 5, slightly varies from the transfer line sequence described above. The variations in the process were introduced to satisfy special customer requests. The flexibility of the cellular approach allowed these modifications. Table 5: Lamination Cell Process Steps 1. Laminate castings. A similar process to the transfer line is used. The larger cycle time of the cell allows slower operation and reduced machine complexity. 2. Visual inspection for good adhesive beads 3. Assemble connector to casting (Casting/Connector Assembly Station) 4. Place PCB onto casting subassembly 5. Screw-down of PCB into casting subassembly. The larger cycle time of the cell allows a twospindle machine to be used as opposed to the six-spindle machine at the transfer line. 6. Program input 7. Solder connector to board 8. Visual inspection of solder 9. Native-mode test 10 Reset test 11. Ambient test 12. Dip coat and curing (conformal coating) 83 Production System Design and Implementation in the Automotive Components Industry 13. Placement of bottom and top cover plates into subassembly 14. Screw-down cover plates. Same machine as step 5 15. Cold chamber process (batches of 20 parts) 16. Dry in oven 17. Hot fmal test Notice that there is no bum-in process. After the hot final test, the EECs are transferred to the transfer lines to be processed at the bum-in oven. They are incorporated into the line just before the gasket application station, at the discretion of the line workers. The cell requires three operators but can be operated with one, two or more operators as volume changes. The standard work routines for the three-operator configuration are shown in Figure 46. The operating pattern for these lines is two 8.5hour shifts and one 7-hour shift, with minimal overlap. 12) Dip Coater Incoming bottom plates (10'x 20') 14) Bottom plate Screwdown 9,10) Testers 40 ft cmc 15) Refrigerators + 10 f 7,8) Solder E:1 FPot 6) Programmer 5) Board Screwdown 16) Dry in oven 17) Hot Final Test - E l Incoming Castings 4) Incoming Boards 1) Laminate Dispense 2,3) Incoming Connectors 30 ft - * Figure 46: Lamination "Lean" Cell Layout 84 Visteon North Penn Electronic Engine Controller Manufacturing Some of the benefits of the cellular approach can be already appreciated from Figure 46. The fact that operators perform their tasks while walking as opposed to sitting is better from an ergonomics point of view. By working in small teams, people tend to develop a sense of ownership for the parts they build, improving the morale in their environment. Also, as the following sections will show, the equipment is more easily accessible promoting cross learning and enabling better balancing to accommodate fluctuating volume requirements. Packing Once the EECs are fully assembled, they are automatically unloaded from the lamination transfer line. Then they proceed through the system of conveyors into final packing, where a robotic arm prepares the boxes ready to be shipped. Each of these boxes contains 18 EECs. Some boxes are sent directly to the staging area to be shipped and others are held in inventory for some days at the Automatic Storage / Retrieval System (AS/RS). WIP in the pack area is about 600 units in the automated line and 750 modules in the AS/RS. 5.2.2.- Information Flow Scheduling The scheduling and planning of production is supported by the software package Rhythm TM [i2 Technologies]. This software takes existing orders and assists in leveling production by volume as well as by mix. The plant can rely on a month of solid orders made by the customer to plan its production. RhythmTm assumes an infinite capacity plant and it is up to the production scheduler to level production with the aid of the software. The production is scheduled at two points: SMD first pass (top) and lamination as shown in Figure 47. The reason for scheduling at SMD is because it is perceived as the most constrained process. The setup times have a significant impact on the capacity of the lines. For scheduling purposes, the throughput time from SMD to packing is assumed to be two days. Information on volume and mix is sent to the first SMD line. At this point, the information about the mix is only specific to product families; final product 85 -~ -- 1F~LfL -- - - - Production System Design and Implementation in the Automotive Components Industry variations are not yet determined. Products flow in a FIFO manner through the rest of the downstream operations. When the EECs reach lamination, the bar code is read to determine the product family type. With this information, the specific software is programmed into the EEC according to the production schedule determined by JyfiTM M. Rhythm Purchase orders for the supplied materials are produced using an MRP system. The interaction between the production processes, suppliers and scheduling center is represented in the value stream mapping in Figure 47. Rhythm. MRP ProductIon Planing and Planned Vehicle Assemnby Requirements (Weeldys Schedule) J *- Schaeing Systemn 2l 0P - L=*i w LamlnatloiV t 0ed Wvh Asewnbly SMD TSMttnie 32 we SMD Taktdme: 32 se Figure 47: Value Stream Map of the EEC Production 5.3.- Lamination Analysis 5.3.1.- Observed performance at lamination: transfer line and cell In order to better appreciate the difference in performance between two lamination systems, several categories were quantified and summarized in Table 6. These values, normalized by capacity, were obtained from the observed performance of the two 86 - - Visteon North Penn Electronic Engine Controller Manufacturing systems. It is interesting to note that even when the cell requires more direct labor, it outperforms the transfer line in all the other metrics considered. Given that traditional accounting systems in mass production plants strive to reduce direct labor, most of the other benefits that cellular manufacturing promotes are often overlooked. Table 6 attempts to illustrate this point. Assuming that we give all categories a similar weight, we can then calculate the average for all these relevant metrics. The results show that, by minimizing required resources and reducing waste, the performance of the cell is on average 63% better than the performance of the transfer line Even when this evaluation method suggests that the preferred production approach is the cellular one, there is not enough information that can be derived from these numbers to improve the performance of the system. The next section takes a different approach to analyze the performance of the two systems. By using the Manufacturing System Design Decomposition, potential improvement areas at the implementation level are identified. Table 6: Observed performance at the lamination transfer line and cell Floor Area (sq. ft.) 1 1.37 WIP within Lamination 1 1.02 Throughput time (hrs) 1 2.33 Capital Investment (M) 1 1.57 Direct Workers 1 0.44 Indirect Workers 1 2.19 Defects (assignable to lam. process) 1 2.50 Average 1 1.63 Good Parts/labor-hour (w/indirect labor) 1 0.76 Capacity 1 1.00 87 Production System Design and Implementation in the Automotive Components Industry 5.3.2.- Analysis of Lamination Processes using the MSDD In this section, an analysis of the lamination processes is performed using the MSDD. This methodology allows the identification of potential areas for improvement. The justification for the use of the MSDD as a design tool can be reinforced by tracing the degree of conformance of each system to the MSDD. The conformance to the MSDD can be compared to the performance of each system as defined by traditional metrics described in the previous section, which usually define system performance. Evaluation of the High-Speed Lamination line using the MSDD This section shows the degree of conformance of the high-speed lamination line used at North Penn to the MSDD. The process of evaluation is to consider only the leaf FRs as shown in Figure 48. The reason for evaluating only these FRs is that it is sufficient to show that one leaf FR is not satisfied to show that the parent FR is not fulfilled. Also, since these FRs are at the lowest level in the MSDD, they can be easily evaluated because an implementable DP can be assigned to them. L 0 00 Quality [ OO Identifying and Resolving Problems 0M M Predictable Output 000 00 Delay Reduction Operational Costs Investment Leaf FR's fully satisfied. Grade: 1. I Leaf FR's not satisfied. Grade: 0 Figure 48: High-Speed Line Evaluation Using the MSDD 88 Visteon North Penn Electronic Engine Controller Manufacturing We use a grade of 1 to represent an FR that is fully satisfied and a grade of 0 for an FR that is weakly or not satisfied at all; the grades are shown schematically above in Figure 48. The conformance to the MSDD FRs by areas is summarized in Table 7 Evaluation of "Lean" Cell Lamination system using the MSDD The methodology used to assess this system is the same as that used to evaluate the high-speed transfer line. The satisfaction of the leaf FRs of the MSDD is shown schematically below in Figure 49. The conformance to the MSDD functional requirements for the cell is also summarized in Table 7. By using this analysis, we can observe where the system can be improved. Due to the nature of the MSDD, the leaf FRs can be traced to implementable solutions. Therefore, special attention can be paid to low performing FRs. The next section outlines the low performing leaves based on this approach for present and future cellular implementation improvements. E Quality Identifying and Delay Reduction Predictable Output Operational Co sts Resolving Problems Leaf IFR's fully satisfied. Grade: 1. Leaf FIR's not satisfied. Grade: 0 Figure 49: Lean Cell Evaluation Using the MSDD 89 Inve stment Production System Design and Implementation in the Automotive Components Industry Table 7: Achievement of MSDD leaf FRs at Lamination T.L. FRsMiettfon MoldIn Quality Identifying and resolving problems Predictable output Delay reduction Operations cost Total 3 of 9 1 of 7 4 of 8 2 of 12 1 of 10 11 of 46 "CeI 5 of 9 3 of 7 8 of 8 10 of 12 9 of 10 35 of 46 5.3.3.- Recommendations for cellular implementation derived from the MSDD Based on the experience of this first cellular implementation in the lamination area, and using the MSDD-based analysis from the previous section, some recommendations can be made for present and future cellular ventures as well as for overall plant design. It is first worthwhile to note that, in comparison with Figure 48, the schematic in Figure 49 reveals a design meant to satisfy overall system goals. This is an indication that the designer of the cell maintained broad systems thinking while trying to incorporate key components of a world-class production system. However, based on the MSDD analysis, some leaf FRs were not satisfied. Identifying these FRs gives valuable information for improving the performance of current and future systems. Due to the nature of the leaf FRs, a corresponding DP can be implemented and tracked to them. The FR/DP pairs that received a grade of 1, and therefore the ones that provide room for improvement and attention, are outlined in Table 8. Table 8: Low Performing FR/DPs at the Lamination Cell FR/DP Q11 DP FR Eliminate machine assignable causes 90 Failure mode and effects analysis Visteon North Penn Electronic Engine Controller Manufacturing Q14 Eliminate material assignable causes Supplier quality program Q31 Reduce noise in process inputs Conversion of common causes into assignable causes Q32 Reduce impact of input noise on process Robust process design output R113 Identify what the disruption is Context sensitive feedback R121 Identify correct support resources Specified support resources for each failure mode R122 Minimize delay in contacting correct support resources Rapid support contact procedure R123 Minimize time for support resource to understand disruption System that conveys what the disruption is T31 Provide knowledge of demanded product mix (part types and quantities) Information flow from downstream customer r32 Produce in sufficiently small run sizes Design quick changeover for material handling and equipment I2 Eliminate information disruptions Seamless information flow (visual factory) In order to address some of these low performing FRs, it is necessary to zoom out to analyze the plant again with a broader perspective. As can be seen in Table 8, some problems with traceability of defective incoming parts, information disruptions, and repairing procedures still remain. Although the lamination cell was able to improve dramatically on its predecessors as Figure 48 and Figure 49 show, the current plant's value stream mapping reveals potential areas for improving from a systems perspective on these low performing FRs. Figure 50 shows a modified version of the current value stream map at North Penn. The fundamental difference is the alignment of SMD with lamination. With this proposed mapping, a lamination line can be dedicated to each SMD pair. This can be in turn dedicated to a particular product or customer. Doing this eases defect traceability and correction. Also, it presents greater flexibility to accommodate changes in product design 91 Production System Design and Implementation in the Automotive Components Industry or in customer requirements. Further, by laying out the plant in such a way, scheduling can be simplified. As Figure 50 shows, only one scheduling point is required at lamination, thereby enabling a pull production system which allows inventory and cost reduction. Asembly Vehicla (WaftklShd~ule) S Panned Rtcqukrnments KW Pull Producian Planing and Schedulng System ZZNW b~ iF7r VW~ SMD SMD Takt tim 32 ec Takt Um: 32 ec Lamination/ Assembly TAkttM= 32 se Figure 50: Proposed Value Stream Map 5.4.- Equipment Design 5.4.1.- Equipment comparison based on the MSDD One of the most striking differences between the transfer line and the cell is the equipment used in both assembly systems. One can attribute such differences to the concepts derived from the Toyota Production System [Monden, 1993, Ohno, 1988, Shingo, 1989] and how these concepts define the way the equipment should be designed. However, practices that have given good results in some companies do not necessarily yield the same results in all companies. Generalizing specific machine design guidelines from company to company naturally restricts the potential to go beyond competitors. In order to understand why the equipment should be designed in a "lean" way, and to allow one to improve on other world-class equipment designs, we look again into the MSDD. 92 Visteon North Penn Electronic Engine Controller Manufacturing As previously described, the MSDD allows us to trace high-level objectives of a manufacturing system into lower-level physical implementations at the shop floor. The FR-DP pairs that in some way affect equipment design and operation have been identified [Arinez, 1999] to understand the cause-effect relationship between goals and implementable steps. To evaluate how well the FR-DP pairs related to equipment design are satisfied, we use the Equipment Evaluation Tool (EET) [Gomez, Dobbs and Cochran, 2000]. The EET can be used to assess how well a particular piece or set of equipment conforms to the requirements imposed by the equipment related FRs. It can be used to ensure that equipment designs better align with overall manufacturing system objectives. The tool can also be used to identify problems in existing equipment and to set goals for the improvement of equipment to better satisfy the requirements placed on it by the MSDD [Gomez, Dobbs and Cochran, 2000]. The criteria used by the EET are presented in Appendix D. Application of the Equipment Evaluation Tool The Equipment Evaluation Tool is used to analyze the differences in equipment design at the transfer line and the cell. Three similar processes were selected from both lamination systems and measured with the EET. The processes analyzed are: PCBCasting screw-down, solder application, and conformal coater loading. Figure 51 to Figure 53 show the processes being evaluated and Table 9 summarizes the results of the evaluation. Table 9: Evaluating of processes at both lines using the EET "Lean" Cell Transfer line PCB-Casting screw-down 4.9 2.5 Solder application 4.7 3.6 Conformal coater loading 5.1 3.1 Process 93 Production System Design and Implementation in the Automotive Components Industry The casting screw-down process is shown in Figure 51. The larger cycle time of the cell allows for simpler equipment. A 2-spindle screw-gun can perform the operation performed by a 6-spindle surrogate. With lower complexity, the 2-spindle machine is more reliable and easier to maintain. The design is more flexible and can better accommodate changes in the design of the product. The evaluation shown above reflects these advantages. The next process evaluated, the solder application, is illustrated in Figure 52. The equipment used is, again, simpler and more accessible. The simplicity of this equipment results from designing it to operate at a longer cycle time. When loading the conformal coater, two greatly different processes are used. As Figure 53 shows, the cellular approach fully utilizes labor capabilities. Using an operator to perform this task enables simultaneous visual inspection, which helps to anticipate production disruptions. Also, the same operator is used to unload the coated boards. On the other hand, automating this task requires a multi degree-of-freedom robotic arm. An additional station for automatic inspection is required. Also, a second robot for unloading the boards is needed. The robot itself is a complex piece of machinery requiring constant maintenance. But it represents a safety hazard for humans. Therefore, the robot should be confined from human contact making access for repairs more intricate. From these results, we can observe that complexity results from speed. Although simpler, the equipment at the cell is consistently better fit to meet system-wide goals. Higher marks are earned for the equipment used at the cell implying that this equipment better satisfies the FRs related to equipment design, which in turn enables the system to achieve higher-level objectives. 94 Visteon North Penn Electronic Engine Controller Manufacturing Cellular Equipment - Cycle Time : 50 sec Transfer Line Equipment - Cycle Time: 10 sec ~2!Spinles Figure 51: PCB-Casting screw-down Figure 52: Solder application at the cell Figure 53: Loading conformal coater 95 Production System Design and Implementation in the Automotive Components Industry 5.5.- Conclusions Throughout this study, some objectives were met. First, the Electronic Engine Controller (EEC) production process at Visteon North Penn Electronics Plant was explained by following the material and information flow. Second, derived from the two different lamination processes, an analysis of the process using a traditional transfer line was contrasted to that of a cellular approach. The observed performance of the two systems was compared to an evaluation based on the Manufacturing System Design Decomposition. Although the two approaches yielded similar overall system assessments, the latter identified areas of potential improvement for the current and future cellular implementations. Finally, by using the Equipment Evaluation Tool, some of the equipment used in both systems was evaluated. The higher marks attained by equipment designed for cells implies that equipment designed with a systems perspective leads to improved overall system performance. 96 Conclusion Conclusion A theoretical framework and the author's experience in the automotive components industry are presented in this thesis. The Manufacturing System Design Decomposition is the tool used to frame these industry applications. A commonality between the different applications in which the author was involved is that they all involve typical mass production plants adopting lean manufacturing practices. By dealing with the interdependencies of the various elements of a manufacturing system, the MSDD represents a broadly applicable, valuable tool to improve and guide the design of systems. The first project involves the author's experience in an automotive steering gear manufacturer plant. A financial analysis is performed to prove the superior profitability of cells over traditional mass production methods. Recommended conceptual machine embodiments are presented drawing from past ventures into cellular manufacturing, and the preferred station and work loop distribution is included. Within the same plant, the author had the opportunity to participate at the launch of another assembly cell. Based on standard work analysis and potential improvements derived from the MSDD, the effectiveness of the cell is analyzed. A short-term approach to improve its performance by reducing labor to avoid overcrowding is proposed. However, in the long-run, it is proposed that the same number of operators run the line while producing approximately twice the output as at launch. This can be done with the incorporation of standard work routines and station improvements derived from the equipment-related FRs from the MSDD. Finally, the last project includes the work performed at an automotive electronics manufacturing plant. Here, a mass and a lean approach for processing one stage of production are contrasted using traditional performance metrics and conformance to the MSDD leaf FRs. Both approaches show the superiority of the lean approach; however, with the latter, potential areas for improving future ventures are presented. 97 Production System Design and Implementation in the Automotive Components Industry References Arinez, J. F., Cochran, D. S. "An Equipment Design Approach to achieve Production System Requirements" Proceedings of the 33rd CIRP International Seminar on Manufacturing Systems. June 5-7, 2000. Arinez, Jorge F. and David S. Cochran. "Application of a Production System Design Framework to Equipment Design." Proceedings of the 3 2 "d CIRP International Seminar on Manufacturing Systems. Leuven, Belgium, May 24-26, 1999. Cochran, David S. "The Production System Design and Deployment Framework." Proceedings of the 1999 SAE International Automotive Manufacturing Conference. Detroit, MI, May 11-13, 1999. Cochran, D. S., Arinez, J. F., Duda, J. W., Linck, J., "A Decomposition Approach for Manufacturing System Design" Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 2000 Cochran, D. S., "Production System Design" Oxford University Press, 1999. Parnaby, J. "Concept of a Manufacturing System." International Journal of Production Research. Vol. 17-2 (1979): 123-135 Gomez, Deny D., Daniel C. Dobbs and David S. Cochran. "Equipment Evaluation Tool Based on the Manufacturing System Design Decomposition." Proceedings of the Third World Congress on Intelligent Manufacturing Processes and Systems. Cambridge, MA, June 28-30, 2000. Hayes, R.H., and Wheelwright, S.C. "Link manufacturing process and product lifecycles", Harvard Business Review, January-February 1979. Hopp, W. and Spearman, M. (1996), Factory Physics, Irwin/McGraw-Hill, Boston, MA. Monden, Yasuhiro. Toyota Production System: An Integrated Approach to Just In Time. 2 " ed. Norcross, Georgia: Industrial Engineering and Management Press, 1993. 98 References Ohno, Taiichi. Toyota Production System. Beyond Large-Scale Production. Portland, OR: Productivity Press, 1988. Shingo, Shigeo. A Study of the Toyota Production System From an Industrial Engineering Viewpoint. Trans. Andrew P. Dillon. Portland, OR: Productivity Press, 1989 Suh, Nam P. The Principles of Design. New York: Oxford University Press, 1990. 99 - I,. Production System Design and Implementation in the Automotive Components Industry Appendix A: Manufacturing System Design Decomposition v5.1 Level I FRI Maximize longterm return on Investment PM1 Return on investment over system lifecycle Elm PR DPI Manufacturing System Design Level 11 FRI I Maximize sales revenue FR12 Minimize manufacturing costs PM1I Sales revenue PM12 Manufacturing costs FRI3 Minimize investment over production system lifecycle PM13 Investment over system lifecycle Level Ill FR11l Manufacture products to target design specifications PM111 Process capability DP13 Investment based on a long term strategy DP12 Elimination of non-value adding sources of cost DP1I Production to maximize customer satisfaction ..1, I . FRI12 Deliver products on time PM1I12 Percentage on-time deliveries FRI13 Meet customer expected lead time PM113 Difference bet. throughput time and customer's expect. lead time FR121 Reduce waste in direct labor FR122 Reduce waste in indirect labor FR123 Minimize facilities cost PM121 Percentage of operators' time spent on wasted motions and waiting PM122 Amount of required indirect labor PM123 Facilities cost -. = DP-111 Production processes with minimal variation from the target DP112 Throughput time variation reduction DP113 Mean throughput time reduction DP121 Elimination of non-value adding manual tasks 100 DP122 Reduction of indirect labor tasks DP123 Reduction of consumed floor space Appendix A: Manufacturing System Design Decomposition v5.1 FR111 Level Ill Manufacture products to target design specifications DP111 8311111 JAIIH 111111 ,,,H Level IV Production processes with minimal variation from the target FR-Q2 Quality FR-Q1 Operate processes within control limits mean on the target PM-Q2 Difference between process mean and target in process output DP-Q2 Process parameter adjustment DP-Q3 parts with an assignable cause DP-QI Elimination of assign. causes of variation FR-Q1 FR-Q12 Eliminate machine Eliminate operator assignable causes assignable causes FR-Q3 Reduce variation Center process PM-Q1 # of defects per n Level V Rv PM-Q3 Variance of process output Reduction of process noise FR-Q13 FR-Q14 FR-Q31 FR-Q32 Eliminate method assignable causes Eliminate material assignable causes Reduce noise in Reduce impact of process inputs input noise on PM-Q11 PM-Q12 PM-Q13 PM-Q14 PM-Q31 process output Number of defects per n parts assignable to equipment Number of defects per n parts assignable to operators Number of defects per n parts assignable to the method # of defects per n parts assignable to the quality of incoming material Variance of process inputs PM-Q32 Output variance I input variance DP-Q1I Failure mode and effects analysis DP-Q12 Stable output from operators DP-Q13 Process plan design DP-Q14 Supplier quality program DP-Q31 DP-Q32 Conv. of common causes into assign. causes Robust process design FR-Q121 Ensure that oper. has knowledge of required tasks PM-Q121 # of defects per n parts caused by an op.'s lack of und. about methods FR-Q122 Ensure that oper. consist. performs tasks correctly PM-Q122 # of defects per n parts caused by non-standard m FR-Q123 DP-Q121 DP-Q122 DP-Q123 Training program Standard work methods Mistake proof operations (PokaYoke) Ensure that operator human errors do not translate to defects PM-Q123 # of defects per n parts caused by human error 101 Level VI Production System Design and Implementation in the Automotive Components Industry Level Ill FR112 Deliver products on time mill, DP112 Throughput time 1 iijill variation reduction Level IV I FR-R1 Identifying and Resolving Problems Respond rapidly to prod'n disrupt. PM-RI Time between occurrence and resolution of disruptions DP-RI Proc. for detection & response to prod'n disruptions Level V #0,, _ -, &",* FR-RI1 j 0,4,QW W k1AWAQ*-,T - )!j -&;" FR-R12 Comm. problems to the right people PM-R12 Time between id. of what the disrup. is & support res. understanding it Rapidly recognize prod'n disruptions PM-RI11 Time between occurrence of disruption & id. of what the disrup. is DP-R12 Process for feedback of 4A FR-RI 3 Solve problems immediately PM-R13 Time bet. support res. understanding what the disr. is & problem resolution DP-R13 Standard method to id. &eliminate root cause Level VI DP-RI I Subsystem config. to enable op.'s detection of disr. FR-R111 Identify disruptions when they occur PM-R1II Time between occurrence and recognition that disrupt. occurred FR-R112 Identify disrupt. where they occur PM-R112 Time between id. of disruption and id. of where the disruption occurred FR-R113 Identify what the disruption is PM-R113 Time between id. of where disrupt. occurred and id. of what the disrupt on is FR-R121 Identify correct support resources PM-R121 Time between id. of what the disruption is and id. of the correct support resource FR-R122 Minimize delay in contacting correct support resources PM-R122 Time between identification and contact of correct support resource FR-R123 Minimize time for support res. to understand disrup. PM-R123 Time bet. contact of support res. & support res. und. what dsruption is DP-R111 Increased operat. sampling rate of equipment status DP-R112 Simplified material flow paths DP-R113 Context sensitive feedback DP-R121 Specified support resources for each failure mode DP-R122 Rapid support contact procedure DP-R123 System that conveys what the disruption is operatio i's state ,;A_,Ii.,!1L 11 -1a - I 102 I - Appendix A: Manufacturing System Design Decomposition v5.1 FR112 Level 11, Deliver products on time DP1 12 Throughput time variation reduction Level IV I FR-PI Minimize prod'n disruptions PM-PI # of occurrence of disruptions & Amount of time lost to disruptions Predictable Output DP-PI Predictable prod'n resources (people, equipment, info) Level V FR-P13 Ensure predictable worker output FR-P14 PM-P12 PM-P13 # of occurrences & length of unplanned eqpt. downtime # of disruptions & amount of time lost due to operators PM-P14 # of disruptions & amount of time lost due to mat'l shorta es. FR-P11 Ensure availability of prod'n info. PM-P1 I # of occurrences & amount of time lost due to info. disruptions FR-P12 Ensure predictable equipment output DP-PI11 Capable and reliable info. system DP-P12 Maintenance of equipment reliability DP-Ph3 Motivated workforce performing standard work FR-P121 Ensure that equipment is easily serviceable PM-P121 Amount of time required to service equipmt. FR-P122 Service equipment regularly PM-P122 Frequency of equipment servicing Ensure material availability DP-P14 Standard material replenishment system Level VI FR-P142 Ensure proper timing of part arrivals PM-P142 Parts demanded - parts delivered FR-P131 Reduce variability of task completion time PM-P131 Variance in task completion time FR-P132 Ensure availability of workers PM-P132 # of occurrences & amount of operator lateness. FR-P133 Do not interrupt prod'n for worker allowances PM-P133 # of disruptions & amount of time lost due to op. allowances FR-P141 Ensure that parts are available to the mat'l handlers PM-P141 # of occurrences of marketplace shortages DP-P131 Std. work to provide repeat. processing time DP-P132 Perfect Attendance Program DP-P133 Mutual Relief Syst. with crosstrained workers DP-P142 DP-P141 Standard work in Parts moved according to process bet. pitch sub-systems 0 DP-P121 Machines designed for serviceability DP-P122 Regular preventative maint. program 103 - - - - Production System Design and Implementation in the Automotive Components Industry Level III FR113 Meet cust omer expected lead time DP113 Mean thro ughput time redu ction JA 1111111 Level IV I I Level V Level VI FR-T2 Reduce process delay (caused by ra> r) PM-T2 Inventory due to process delay FR-T1 Reduce lot delay PM-TI Inventory due to lot size delay Delay Reduction J L - DP- T1 Reduction of transfer batch size (single-piece flow) DP-T2 Production designed for the takt time FR-T21 Define takt time(s) PM-T21 Has takt time been defined? (Yes / No) FR-T22 Ensure that prod'n cycle time equals takt time PM-T22 Difference bet. production cycle time and takt time FR-T23 Ensure that part arrival rate equals service rate (ra=rS) PM-T23 Difference bet. arrival and service rates DP-T21 Definition or grouping of cust. to achieve ideal range of takt times DP-T22 Subsystem enabled to meet desired takt time (design and op.) DP-T23 Arrival of parts at downstream operations according to pitch FR-T221 Ensure that auto. cycle time < minimum takt time PM-T221 Has this been achieved? (Yes I No) FR-T222 Ensure that manual cycle time takt time PM-T222 Has this been achieved? (Yes I No) FR-T223 Ensure level cycle time mix PM-T223 Is average cycle time less than takt time in desired time interval? DP- T221 Design of approp. auto. work content at each station DP- T222 Design of approp. operator work content/loops DP-T223 Stagger prod'n of parts with different cycle times 104 Appendix A: Manufacturing System Design Decomposition v5.1 Level Ill FR113 Meet customer expected lead time DP13 Mean throughput time reduction Level IV I Delay Reduction (continued) Level V FR-T3 Reduce run size delay PM-T3 Inventory due to run size delay FR-T4 Reduce transportation delay PM-T4 Inventory due to transportation delay FR-T5 Reduce systematic operational delays PM-T5 Prod'n time lost due to interference among resources DP-T3 DP-T4 DP-T5 Production of the desired mix and qty. during each demand interval Material flow oriented layout design Subsystem design to avoid production interruptions FR-T32 FR-T31 Produce in Provide sufficiently small knowledge of demanded product run sizes mix (part types PM-T32 and quantities) Actual run size PM-T31 target run size Has this information been provided? (Yes/No) DP-T31 DP-T32 Information flow from downstream Design quick changeover for material handling and equipment customer FR-T52 FR-T51 Ensure that Ensure that support resources producton don't interfere with resources (people/ automation) don't production interfere with one resources another PM-T51 PM-T52 Production time lost due to support Production time lost due to resources production interfering with resources production interfering with resources one another DP-T51 Subsystems and equipment configured to separate support and production access requirements 105 DP-T52 Ensure coordination and separation of production work patterns FR-T53 Ensure that support resources (people/ automation) don't interfere with one another PM-T53 Production time lost due to support resources interfering with one another DP-T53 Ensure coordination and separation of support work patterns -- - lull - Production System Design and Implementation in the Automotive Components Industry Level II FR12 Minimize manufacturing costs Level III DP12 Elimination of non-value adding sources of cost Level IV FR121 Reduce waste in direct labor FR122 Reduce waste in indirect labor FR123 Minimize facilities cost DP121 Elimination of nonvalue adding manual tasks DP122 Reduction of indirect labor tasks DP123 Reduction of consumed floor space FR-DI Direct Eliminate Labor operators' waiting on machines PM-Di %of operators' time spent waiting on equipment DP-D1 Human-Machine separation FR-D2 Eliminates wasted motion of operators PM-D2 %of operEators' time spent on wasted mo tions FR-D3 Eliminate operators' waiting on other operators PM-D3 % of operators' time spent waiting on other operators Indirect Labor DP-D2 DP-D3 Balanced workDesign of Nork stations & loops to loops facilitate o p.'s task FR-11 Improve effectiveness of prod'n managers FR-12 Eliminate information disruptions PM-li PM-12 Amount of indirect Amount of indirect labor required to labor required to manage system schedule system DP-li DP-12 Self directed work Seamless teams (horizontal organization) information flow (visual factory) FR-D1I Reduce time ops. spend on nonvalue added tasks at each station PM-D1I % of op.'s time spent on non value-adding tasks while waiting at a station FR-D12 Enable worker to operate more than one machine I station PM-D12 Percentage of stations in a system that each worker can operate FR-D21i Minimize wasted motion of operators between stations PM-D21 Percentage of operators' time spent walking between stations FR-D22 Minimize wasted motion in operators' work preparation PM-D22 Percentage of operators' time spent on wasted motions during work preparation FR-D23 Minimize wasted motion in operators' work tasks PM-D23 Percentage of operators' time spent on wasted motions during work routine DP-DII Machines & stations designed to run autonomously DP-D12 Workers trained to operate multiple stations DP-D21 Machines I stations configured to reduce walking distance DP-D22 Standard tools I equipment located at each station (5S) DP-D23 Ergonomic interface bet. the worker, machine and fixture 106 Level V Appendix B: Recommended action for short-term efficiency Appendix B: Recommended action for short-term efficiency oended- Action -Recom Station 1 Automate spindle rotation 0 Install check valve impact gun 5A, 5B Reverse order to conform with clockwise loop 6A Seat clip at this station 11 Replace marker for quick grab/mark/return marker 21 Replace marker for quick grab/mark/retum marker 21 Mechanical stop to return pallet 70deg 21 Change poke yoke sequence 22 Add another greasing holder just as st. 21 22 Move plastic clip and tool to cut it from st. 20 (tie rod station) to this station 22 Mechanical stop to return pallet 70deg 22 Change poke yoke sequence 24 Adjust air pressure for pneumatic guns at stations 21 and 22 to reduce adjustment time at this st. 25 Replace marker for quick grab/mark/retum marker 26 Add decoupling holder 6B Hang grease supply instead of having to lift it 6A Bring bushings containers out chute closer to the operator 6A Increase valves in chute angle 7 Ensure that proper weight is added to the back of input seal and other components chute, pars don't side 11 Bring material supply closer to the operator 20 Bins-in stopper is too high, bins are too heavy for a woman to lift. Reduce the height of the stopper or improve the bin retrieval system. 20 Return to Gilman conveyor for tie-rod bins out - Replace for gravity fed chute 21 Rotate in the opposite direction or move boots to the left (the structure is in the way but can be pulled back) 107 Production System Design and Implementation in the Automotive Components Industry 21 The type of gloves used by the operator make it difficult to grab the nuts and components. Use instead tighter-fit gloves. 22 Rotate in the opposite direction or move boots to the right 22 The type of gloves used by the operator make it difficult to grab the nuts and components. Use instead tighter-fit gloves. 6A, 6B, Introduce mechanical stops for easier rotation 11 Add additional stops at pallet return elevator to decouple two sides Rotate air leak test 180 deg. This will relief operators work content for future work distributions without adding auto rotation 108 Appendix C: Reconnended action for long-term efficiency Appendix C: Recommended action for long-term efficiency Sta#Qic Re0no4 FIPPIar i%0 ed'Iactoion addressed, The dimension on the pallets & the release/lock handles should be checked D11 Need greaser at housing load, similar to boot greaser. D22 Automate spindle rotation D11 Install a wider storage tub for turn line part YL8C 30702 EA. D23 2 Calibrate tool to stay open after second press of power button D11 3 D21 4 Group the rack ret. ring assembly and swaging (St 5A & 5B) between the two lines (U204 and U152). Deliver racks into st. 3 Install check valve impact gun at this st. 5 Increase raising and lowering speed at st. 5 T221, D22 6A Replace left white delrin piece for protruding piece to ease rotation T222 Bring bushings containers out chute closer to the operator D23 Increase valves-in chute angle Q11 Hang clip as pallet approaches Q122 Move the seat press to the 'full lift' position D11 Hang grease supply instead of having to lift it D23 Mechanical stop to return pallet 90deg D11 Increase raising and lowering speed T221, D22 Replace continuous pressing of palm buttons to seat clip and palm buttons to raise pallet for walk-away buttons Ensure that proper weight is added to the back of comp. Chutes D11 Have a lubricator container with a sponge right in front of the brthr chute D11 Add a simple feature to pallet to locate the tie rod ends D11 Place larger drip pan under line Q13 Move oil pan to the south, Q13 Seal the plastic pipe breather tube tray below panel box #23 Q13 Use a breather tube installation tool similar to the one used in the Winn 88 Line D22 Consider the use of special gloves D23 9 Rotate air leak test 180 deg and perform required gear rotation at st. 11 123, 13 11 Bring closer yoke components to the operator D23 Mechanical stop to rotate pallet 90 deg D11 0 1 6B 7 23 109 D11 Q122 Production System Design and Implementation in the Automotive Components Industry Mechanical stop to rotate pallet 90 deg back D11 Speed up the raising of pallet after pressing p.b T221, D22 Speed up the lowering of pallet after pressing p.b T221, D22 Speed up the release of pallet while pressing palm buttons T221, D22 Ensure proper counterweight is in place for yoke installation Q122 Replace marker for quick grab/mark/return marker D23 Modify tooling to hold parts better Q11 Consider having the supplier bevel the leading edges of yoke Q11 Add a mirror under the yoke assembly area D23 Reduce functional test cycle time or add additional stops to reduce trsfr time T221 Add access gate after st. to get to repairs/reject and get in and out at the nt. End P121, R122 Bins-in stopper is too high. Reduce the height of the stpr. or improve the bin retrieval sys. D23 Return to Gilman conveyor for tie-rod bins out - Replace for gravity fed chute 123, 13 Replace the travel restrictor (N807853) supply pan with a dispensing tube D22 Consider using tubing spacer clips in place of the cable ties, or hang cable tie gun from balancer D22, D23 Rot. in the op. direction or move boots to the left (the structure is in the way but can be pulled back) D23 Replace marker for quick grab/mark/return marker, or D23 Eliminate the paint mark identification for the test stamp (saving aprox. 5 sec) D11 Mechanical stop to return pallet 70deg D11 Check poke yoke sequence Q123 Adjust air pressure for pneumatic gun to control nut distance P131, D23 Split tie rod grease between both boot stations D22 Rotate in the opposite direction or move boots to the right D22, D23 Mechanical stop to return pallet 70deg D11 Check poke yoke sequence Q123 Adjust air pressure for pneumatic gun to control nut distance P131, D23 Increase the pitch of the boot hopper Q11 Split tie rod grease between both boot stations D22 24 The tool to hold the input shaft should be suspended D23 25 Replace marker for quick grab/mark/return marker D23 Place shipping plugs to the right D23 Add decoupling holder to allow processing flow P142, R112 16 & 17 20 21 22 26 Check poke yoke sequence IQ123 110 Appendix C: Recommended action for long-term efficiency Improve marking system D23 Increase the speed of the conveyor D11 Revise travel logic at functional test area Q123 Safety dept. needs to evaluate the real need for palm buttons as opposed to walk-away switches D23 Add pallets stops at pallet return elevator and functional test area Q32 111 Production System Design and Implementation in the Automotive Components Industry Appendix D: Equipment Evaluation Tool E E Tn U > 'U I 7 Quality *m I I 01% Labor -v- Ir- Ir- I Direct Delay Reducfion Time - Variation L C (D, 0~ IF - FR: Maximize long-term return on investment / DP: Manufacturing system design DP: Manufacturing system designFR: Minimize production costs / DP: on investrnent/ return customer long-term satisfaction to maximize / DP:Maximize Production FR: Maximize sales revenueFR: Elimination of NVA sources of cost FR: Meet customer expected lead-time I FR: Reduce waste in FR: Deliver products on time / DP: FR Manufacture products to target direct labor / DP: DP: Mean throughput time reduction Throughput time variation reduction design specifications / DP: Production Elimination on NVA tasks processes with minimal variation FR: Elimin. FR: Stabilize Process / DP: Elimination FR: Respond rapidly to FR: Minim. FR Reduce FR: Reduce ops. waiting run size process production disruptions I production of assignable causes of variation on eqpmnt disruptions / delay / DP: delay / DP: DP: Procedure for DP: Humandetection and response to DP: Predict. Production Prod'n of machine production balanced to desired mix production disruptions separation takt time and quantity resources FR: Ensure FR. Elimin. predictable op. assig. equipment causes / output / DP: DP: Stable Reduce time Maint. of Ensure that output from operators equipment operators spend on production Eliminate non-value Reduce Eliminate Ensure op. Communic. Ensure that cycle time is Produce in Eliminate Rapidly wasted sufficiently systematic added tasks balanced Minimize machine method errors don't recognize problems to equipment motion of small run operational at each is easily with takt the right facilities assignable assignable translate to production operators station delays sizes serviceable time cost people causes causes disruptions defects __________ L--, - I :e ===No L-,V I __________ J E I __________ A. I I __________ I __________ __________ I __________ __________ __________ FRs driving equipment design and operation but not directly evaluated (evaluated using their parent FRs) FRs used as evaluation criteria 112 Minimize investment over production system lifecycle -