Modeling and Interpreting the Observed Effects of Ash on Diesel Particulate Filter Performance and Regeneration By Yujun Wang 1,MASSACHUSETTS INS OF TECHNOLOGy B.S., Automotive Engineering Tsinghua University, 2005 MAY 0 8 201 S.M., Mechanical Engineering LIBRARIES Beijing Jiaotong University, 2008 Submitted to the Department of Mechanical Engineering in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING AT THE MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY February 2014 © 2014 Massachusetts Institute of Technology All rights reserved. Signature of Author: V Departmen of Mechanical Engineering January 15, 2014 Certified by: / Wai K. Cheng Professor of Mechanical Engineering Committee Chair Certified by: Principal Re arch Scientist and I Victor W. Wong turer in Mechanical Engineering Thesis Supervisor Accepted by: David Hardt Chairman, Department Committee on Graduate Students I E. (This page intentionally left blank) 2 Modeling and Interpreting the Observed Effects of Ash on Diesel Particulate Filter Performance and Regeneration by Yujun Wang Submitted to the Department of Mechanical Engineering on January 15, 2014 in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING ABSTRACT Diesel particulate filters (DPF) are devices that physically capture diesel particulates to prevent their release to the atmosphere. Diesel particulate filters have seen widespread use in on- and off-road applications as an effective means for meeting increasingly stringent particle emissions regulations. Although the soot deposit can be removed by regeneration, the incombustible material - ash, primarily derived from metallic additives in the engine lubricant, accumulates in the DPF channels with the increasing vehicle mileage or equivalent running hours. Ash accumulation inside filter increases the flow restriction and reduces the filter soot storage capacity, which results in higher filter regeneration frequencies and larger engine fuel penalty. Combined with experimental observations, DPF models are built to investigate the fundamental mechanisms of DPF aging process. The DPF soot and ash loading model, based on porous media filtration theory, is applied to understand the soot deposition across the substrate wall with soot and ash cake layer formation. DPF models are also used to investigate the process of ash transport and catalyst deactivation with increasing ash load level. DPF ash aging is found to have negative effect on passive regeneration due to the catalyst deactivation and diffusion resistance of ash cake layer. Besides, at given amount of ash load, the effects of ash spatial distribution on DPF performance are studied via simulation. It is found that the ash end plug has significant influences on DPF pressure drop while ash radial and axial distributions have minor effects. At known ash and substrate property, DPF performance can be optimized according the sensitivity map developed from this study. DPF model is beneficial to interpret the experimental observations and it is applied to predict the effects of certain factors, like flow rate and deposit level, on DPF performance. At the same time, modeling results are useful in optimizing the design of the combined engine-aftertreatment-lubricant system for future diesel engines and in understanding the requirements for robust aftertreatment systems. Thesis Supervisor: Victor W. Wong Title: Principal Research Scientist and Lecturer in Mechanical Engineering 3 (This page intentionally left blank) 4 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS My time at MIT has afforded me a multitude of opportunities to grow and develop on a number of levels. I am extremely grateful for having such a memorable and rewarding experience. I would like to extend my sincerest thanks to my thesis advisor, Dr. Victor Wong, for his guidance in my research and for his patience, motivation, and knowledge. Aside from learning to conduct scientific research, Dr. Wong has helped me to develop the ability to critically analyze the final results and effectively present them. Additionally, I would also like to acknowledge Prof. Wai K. Cheng and Prof. Bill Green for their advice as members of my thesis committee. This project would not have been possible without the support of the MIT Consortium to Optimize Lubricant and Diesel Engines for Robust Emission Aftertreatment Systems. I would like to thank all of the current and past consortium members for not only funding this work, but for providing stimulating discussions and for their helpful advice during our consortium meetings. Many thanks also go to the experimental group working for the consortium. Dr. Alex Sappok and Dr. Carl Justin Kamp provide me a lot of fundamental experimental data and give me many important suggestions in DPF modeling. I would also like to thank all of the students in the laboratory who have made my time enjoyable. Most of all I would like to thank my family for all of their support and the inspiration they have provided me with every step of the way. I am especially grateful to my parents for the immerse love they giving to me. I am also extremely blessed to have the loving support of my wife, Ting, whose patience, encouragement, and support has made my time here at MIT that much happier. I also would like to thank my little son for the joys he brings to me every day. 5 (This page intentionally left blank) 6 TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT........................................................................................................................................ 3 ACKNOW LEDGEM ENTS ................................................................................................................... 5 TABLE OF CONTENTS ....................................................................................................................... 7 LIST OF FIGURES ............................................................................................................................ 10 LIST OF TABLES .............................................................................................................................. 13 NOM ENCLATURE ........................................................................................................................... 14 1 Introduction .............................................................................................................................. 17 1.1 Diesel Engine i ....................................................................................................................... 17 1.2 Em ission Regulations ........................................................................................................... 19 1.3 Diesel Particulate Filter .................................................................................................. 20 1.3.1 Filter Operation Principle ......................................................................................... 20 1.3.2 Porous M edia Filtration M echanism s........................................................................ 21 1.3.3 Regeneration ................................................................................................................ 22 1.4 Ash Effects on DPF perform ance ..................................................................................... 23 1.4.1 Ash Source .................................................................................................................... 23 1.4.2 Ash Effects on DPF Performance 23 ..................................... 1.5 Research Objectives ............................................................................................................ 25 2 DPF Soot and Ash Loading M odel............................................................................................ 27 2.1 M odel Form ulation.............................................................................................................. 27 2.1.1 Flow M odel ................................................................................................................... 28 2.1.2 Substrate W all M odel ................................................................................................ 29 2.1.3 Particle Deposition Partition Ratio ............................................................................ 32 2.1.4 Cake Layer and Regeneration................................................................................... 34 2.1.5 Particle Size Distribution ........................................................................................... 34 2.1.6 M odel Overall Structure ............................................................................................ 36 2.2 M odel Validation and Application................................................................................... 38 2.2.1 DPF Soot/Ash Loading .............................................................................................. 38 2.2.2 Depth Filtration and Cake Layer Filtration .............................................................. 43 7 2.2.3 Ash Distribution am ong Substrate Slabs ................................................................... 44 2.2.4 Substrate Layer Optim al Arrangem ent ..................................................................... 46 2.3 Sum m ary.............................................................................................................................. 48 3 Ash Spatial Distribution Effects .............................................................................................. 50 3.1 Ash Deposit Accum ulation ............................................................................................... 50 3.2 Ash Perm eability.................................................................................................................. 51 3.2.1 Perm eability Estim ation from Experimental Data................................................... 51 3.2.2 Perm eability from Literature ..................................................................................... 55 3.3 Radial Distribution Effects ................................................................................................ 56 3.3.1 M odel Form ulation................................................................................................... 56 3.3.2 Results Discussion..................................................................................................... 57 3.4 Ash Cake Layer Profile Effects ......................................................................................... 60 3.4.1 M odel Form ulation................................................................................................... 60 3.4.2 Results Discussion..................................................................................................... 63 3.5 Ash End-plug Effects ............................................................................................................ 66 3.5.1 Ash Distributed as Layer and End-plug...................................................................... 66 3.5.2 Param eter Analysis .................................................................................................. 67 3.5.3 Sensitivity M ap ............................................................................................................. 68 3.5.4 Sensitivity M ap w ith Actual DPFs .............................................................................. 70 3.6 Sum m ary.............................................................................................................................. 72 4 Ash Transport M odeling ............................................................................................................. 74 4.1 Experim ental Observation and Analysis.......................................................................... 74 4.1.1 Ash Distribution inside DPF Channels........................................................................ 74 4.1.2 Ash Transport Observation........................................................................................ 76 4.1.3 Force Analysis of Particle Transport .......................................................................... 79 4.2 Transport M odel .................................................................................................................. 80 4.2.1 M odeling Assum ptions .............................................................................................. 80 4.2.2 Flow M odel................................................................................................................... 81 4.2.3 M odeling Approach .................................................................................................. 82 4.2.4 Sim ulation Condition ................................................................................................ 83 4.2.5 Results and Discussion.............................................................................................. 84 4.3 Sum m ary.............................................................................................................................. 87 8 5 Passive Regeneration M odel.................................................................................................. 89 5.1 Passive Regeneration .......................................................................................................... 89 5.2 CDPF Aging Experim ent Observation .............................................................................. 91 5.2.1 Focused Ion Beam (FIB) Observation ....................................................................... 93 5.3 CDPF Catalyst Deactivation ................................................................................................. 94 5.3.1 Catalyst Deactivation M echanism s ........................................................................... 95 5.3.2 CDPF Catalyst Deactivation M echanism ................................................................... 95 5.4 M odel Form ulation.............................................................................................................. 96 5.4.1 Catalyst Deactivation M odel ..................................................................................... 97 5.4.2 Passive Regeneration M odel..................................................................................... 99 5.4.3 NO and NO 2 Equilibrium ............................................................................................. 103 5.5 Results and Discussion....................................................................................................... 105 5.5.1 N0 2 Generation Test................................................................................................... 105 5.5.2 Ash Effects on Soot Oxidation .................................................................................... 112 5.6 Sum m ary............................................................................................................................ 117 6 Conclusions............................................................................................................................... 119 6.1 DPF Study Sum m aries........................................................................................................ 119 6.2 Possible Applications of M odeling Understandings .......................................................... 121 6.2.1 Ash M em brane ........................................................................................................... 122 6.2.2 Sensitivity M ap ........................................................................................................... 122 REFERENCES ................................................................................................................................ 123 Appendix 1...................................................................................................................................131 Appendix 2 ................................................................................................................................... 134 Appendix 3...................................................................................................................................137 9 LIST OF FIGURES 20 Figure 1.1. EPA emission standards for heavy duty diesel engines ............................... flow filtration Figure 1.2. Actual ceramic DPF image and schematic presentation of wall ................................... ................................... ................................... ................................... ..2 1 21 Figure 1.3. Porous media filtration mechanisms ............................................................ 24 Figure 1.4. Ash and soot distribution in a DPF channel [10] ......................................... on-road equivalent loading and filter ash of as a function Figure 1.5. DPF pressure drop 24 ............................................................... ex po su re [1 1 ] .......................................................... 28 Figure 2.1. Diesel particulate filter with soot and ash deposit ....................................... Figure 2.2. SEM picture of polished cordierite samples from RC 200/19 diesel particulate ........................................ 3 0 ........................................... filters[17 ] ........................................... Figure 2.3. Schematic representation of filter wall discretization into slabs composed of . 30 "unit cell/collectors" ....................................................................................................... 31 Figure 2.4. Unit-cell filtration model [19] ...................................................................... 32 Figure 2.5. Soot Particle deposition with soot and ash cake layer ................................ diesel inside ash load level Figure 2.6. Ash end plug mass fraction with increasing 34 particulate filter ................................................................................... 35 ...................... Phase Compounds[29] and Vapor Figure. 2.7. Diesel emitted Particles Figure. 2.8. Measured Diesel emitted particle agglomerate size distribution from . . 36 literature ......................................................................................... 36 Figure 2.9. Soot particle distribution and its filtration across the substrate wall ...... Figure 2.10. The overall structure of DPF soot and ash loading model ........................ 37 Figure 2.11. Experimental DPF pressure drop with soot loading level at different ash . 39 deposit load ......................................................................................... 40 .......................... DPF for clean Figure 2.12. Model simulation and experiment results Figure 2.13. Substrate wall is discretized into slabs in the numerical simulation ........................................... .............. 4 0 ........................................... ........................................... Figure 2.14. Simulation results and experiment results for DPF at 3 g/L ash load 41 .......................................................... ........................................... ........................................... Figure 2.15. Simulation results and experiment results for DPF at 10.7 g/L ash load 42 Figure 2.16. DPF pressure drop with soot loading ........................................... ................. 43 44 Figure 2.17. DPF pressure drop caused the soot deposited in DPF .............................. Figure 2.18. Substrate wall is discretized into three slabs in soot distribution analysis 45 ......................................................................................................... Figure 2.19. DPF pressure drop with soot mass deposited inside substrate wall under four 45 assumed mass distribution patterns .............................................................. Figure 2.20. Two slab arrangement for a substrate wall ....................................... 46 Figure 2.21. The soot mass deposited in each slab in the two slab arrangements ......... 47 Figure 2.22. The DPF pressure drop in the two slab arrangements ....................... 47 Figure 2.23. A substrate wall with n slabs and each slab property can be independently 48 con tro lled ............................................................................................ 10 Figure 3.1. Ash fraction of the total accumulated material in the DPF as a function of total mileage prior to ash cleaning assuming a maximum DPF soot load of 6 g/l for regeneration [2 5] .................................................................................... 50 Figure 3.2. Experimental DPF pressure drop with ash loading for all lubricant formulations at a constant space velocity 20,000 1/Hour [26] ............................. 52 Figure 3.3. Linear fitting in ash/wall permeability estimation ........................... 53 Figure 3.4. Assumed ash distribution inside inlet channel at permeability estimation ......................................................................................................... 53 Figure 3.5. DPF ash radial distribution model .................................................. 57 Figure 3.6. Two distribution patterns considered in the radial distribution analysis ......................................................................................................... 58 Figure 3.7. Ash radial distribution considered in the simulation ......................... 58 Figure 3.8. Ash distribution inside one DPF inlet channel ................................ 60 Figure 3.9. Four types of investigated ash layer profiles ...................................... 64 Figure 3.10. Mg ash pressure change ratio of three cake layer profiles .................. 65 Figure 3.11. Ca ash pressure change ratio of three cake layer profiles .................... 65 Figure 3.12. Ash distributions inside DPF channel under two ash plug ratios ............ 66 Figure 3.13. DPF sensitivity contour map at 20g/L ash load .............................. 69 Figure 3.14. DPF sensitivity contour map at 40g/L ash load .............................. 69 Figure 3.15. DPF sensitivity contour map at 20g/L ash load with real DPF and ash data .................................................................................................... . . 71 Figure 3.16. DPF sensitivity contour map at 40g/L ash load with real DPF and ash data .................................................................................................... . . 71 Figure 3.17. DPF sensitivity contour map at 20g/L ash load with DPF and ash data from literatu re ............................................................................................. 72 Figure 4.1. Ash distribution inside DPF inlet channels as cake layer or as end plug .................................................................................................... . . 74 Figure 4.2. Ash deposit inside DPF inlet channels from accelerating ash loading system using CJ-4 lubricant oil ......................................................................... 75 Figure 4.3. Comparison of ash packing density for DPFs containing 12.5 g/l ash and 42 g/l ash generated in the laboratory using CJ-4 oil and periodic regeneration [26] .................................................................................................... . . 76 Figure 4.4. (a) DPF core sample fixture with optical access. (b) detail showing field of view into single channel [28] .................................................................. 77 Figure 4.5. Step-wise increase in flow through optical DPF samples following full- or partial-regeneration [28] ....................................................................... 77 Figure 4.6. Image sequence showing transport of ash particles formed following filter regeneration with increasing channel flow [28] ............................................ 78 Figure 4.7. Flow field inside DPF inlet channel from a CFD model ...................... 79 Figure 4.8. Forces acting on particle accumulated on filter surface, Schematic adapted from [30] ...................................................................................... . . .. 80 Figure 4.9. Lift force acting on particle near deposited surface ........................... 80 Figure 4.10. Ash deposit and flow inside one dimensional flow model .................. 81 Figure 4.11. Flow chart of the whole transport model ..................................... 82 Figure 4.12. Ash cake layer and end-plug density with ash loading level .................. 83 11 Figure 4.13. Predicted ash layer profile and experimental measurement at two ash loading . . .. 85 lev els ........................................................................................... Figure 4.14. predicted ash layer profile at 20 g/L and 30 g/L ash load ...................... 86 Figure 4.15. Evolution of ash accumulation in channel end-plug predicted by the 1 -D 87 mo del ................................................................................................. 89 Figure 5.1. Catalyzed Diesel Particulate Filter .............................................. Figure 5.2. Reaction-diffusion phenomena across the soot layer and the catalyzed filter 90 w all ................................................................................................... Figure 5.3. Reaction and diffusion across wall with ash cake layer ....................... 91 Figure 5.4. N02 formation efficiency at aged CDPFs [46] ................................ 92 Figure 5.5. Clean and ash aged CDPFs' downstream N02 concentration 20,000 1/Hour . . 93 .................................................................................................... Figure 5.6. Focus Ion Beam Technique and its observation[50] ........................... 94 95 Figure 5.7. Five mechanisms of catalyst deactivation ..................................... .......... 96 catalyst Figure 5.8. Fouling/surface masking deactivation mechanism of CDPF Figure 5.9. Three dimensional ash particle packing on the catalyzed surface .............. 98 Figure 5.10. Catalyst coverage ratio with increasing ash load ............................... 98 Figure 5.11. Three dimensional ash particle packing on the catalyzed surface considering 99 ash size distribution between 0.1 to 3.9 micron ................................................ Figure 5.12. Chemical reaction across the cake layer and wash coat.......................103 Figure 5.13. NO and N02 concentration at equilibrium state...............................104 Figure 5.14. Experimental Setup for catalyzed DPF N02 generation test.................106 Figure 5.15. Model predicted and experimental measured downstream N02 concentration for clean catalyzed diesel particulate filter.....................................................107 Figure 5.16 Model predicted and experimental measured downstream N02 concentration for 42 g/L ash aged catalyzed diesel particulate filter........................................107 Figure 5.17. Clean CDPF inlet channel N02 concentration.................................109 Figure 5.18. 42 g/L ash aged CDPF inlet channel N02 concentration.....................109 Figure 5.19. N02 concentration distribution inside wash coat region for clean catalyzed diesel particulate filter............................................................................110 Figure 5.20. N02 concentration distribution inside wash coat region for 42g/L ash aged catalyzed diesel particulate filter................................................................111 Figure 5.21. Two cases simulated in ash effects on passive regeneration..................112 Figure 5.22. Inlet channel N02 concentrations at two simulated cases....................113 Figure 5.23. Prous media region N02 cocnentrations in two smiluated cases at three positions: channel starting point, channel middle point, and channel rear end 1 14 ........................................................................................................ Figure 5.24. N02 concentration in the porous media region at 0 g/L ash and 3 g/L soot 115 loadin g lev el ....................................................................................... Figure 5.25. N02 concentration in the porous media region at 15 g/L ash and 3 g/L soot 1 16 load in g lev el ....................................................................................... Figure 5.26. Passive Regeneration (soot oxidation) rate at three simulated conditions 1 17 ........................................................................................................ 12 LIST OF TABLES Table 2.1. DPF specifications and flow condition...........................................38 Table 2.2. Simulation condition in depth/cake filtration comparisons.......................44 Table 2.3. Simulation condition in ash distribution among substrate slabs..................45 Table 3.1. Six lubricant formulations tested in experiments...............................51 Table 3.2. Estimated permeability of ash generated from six lubricant formulations .................................................................................................. . . .. 5 5 Table 3.3. Published ash and substrate wall permeability from literature..................55 Table 3.4. DPF specifications and flow condition used in simulation.......................58 Table 3.5. DPF Pressure change ratio with ash radial distribution when ash deposits as cak e lay er ............................................................................................ 59 Table 3.6. DPF Pressure change ratio with ash radial distribution when ash deposits as en d plug ........................................................................................ . ... 60 Table 3.7. Maximum value of 2xSash/bk for four ash cake layer profiles at 2 ash load levels ................................................................................. 64 Table 3.8. Target Function for real DPF and ash at two ash loading level .................. 70 Table 4.1. Simulation conditions of transport model ....................................... 84 Table 5.1. DPF passive regeneration global reaction parameters...........................102 Table 5.2. Experiment conditions in CDPF N02 generation test ........................... 106 Table 5.3. Simulation condition in ash effects on DPF passive regeneration ............. 112 13 NOMENCLATURE a A b cj,k cm bk bio Ca CI CPSI CDPF CO CO 2 D DPF E EDX EGR f F Lash plug LDPF Leff Lpiug ka kw kij Mg Nchannel NMHC NO NO 2 P P1 P2 Pe PM PPM 91 R Re Sa line slope at least square fitting pre-exponential factor factor at least square fitting stoichiometric coefficient of species j in reaction k molecular density, mole/m 3 clean DPF channel open width loaded DPF inlet channel open width calcium compression ignition cell density per square inch catalyzed diesel particulate filter Carbon Monoxide Carbon Dioxide mass diffusivity, m2/s diesel particulate filter reaction activation energy Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectrometry exhaust has recirculation target function laminar channel flow friction factor channel ash plug length total DPF length DPF effective filtration length DPF plug length ash cake layer permeability substrate wall permeability mass transfer coefficient of species j in channel i, m/s magnesium number of total DPF total channels Non-Methane Hydro Carbon Nitrogen Oxide Nitrogen Dioxide Phosphorous inlet channel pressure outlet channel pressure Peclet number particulate matter Parts per Million universal gas constant, J/mole K reaction rate, mole/(m 3s) Reynolds Number ash cake layer thickness 14 SEM Sh SI Ss SW t T TDC U1 U2 uin uw Vash VDPF w_deposit wS x XRD Scanning Electron Microscope Sherwood number spark ignition soot cake layer thickness substrate wall thickness time temperature top dead center inlet channel velocity outlet channel velocity entrance velocity in inlet channel filtration velocity across the wall ash volume for each inlet channel DPF total volume deposit thickness substrate wall thickness axial coordinate in DPF length direction APDPF X-Ray Diffraction DPF ash load level, g/L Mole fraction of species j DPF length direction Zinc Dialkyl-Dithio-Phosphate Zinc DPF pressure drop AP.all substrate wall pressure drop APsh ash cake layer pressure drop APiction channel friction pressure drop 11 Forchheimer coefficient porosity Yash yi z ZDDP Zn gas viscosity P p Is 2s Partition coefficient constant density inlet channel- soot surface interface outlet channel- wall surface interface 15 (This page intentionally left blank) 16 1 Introduction Diesel engines are widely used in on- and off-road applications around the world because of its advantages such as low cost, good durability and high torque at low speed. Diesel engines have a dominant market share in the area of freight transport since the diesel engines with high fuel efficiency help to reduce the cost of long distance transport. At the same time, nearly 50% of personal vehicles in the Europe use diesel engines due to the fuel taxing policy. However, the diesel engine suffers from the problems of high soot and NOx emissions. As the emission regulations become more stringent than before, additional technologies and devices are needed to apply to continuously reduce the engine emission level. Diesel particulate filter (DPF), which is one of key components of diesel after-treatment system, is designed to reduce diesel engine soot particulate emission. The recent catalyzed diesel particulate filter also can reduce CO and HC emissions. From 2007, all the on road heavy duty diesel engines operated in United States are required to install the particulate filter in the after-treatment system to satisfy the new soot emission regulation. Thus fundamental study is needed to understand diesel particulate filter aging process and resulting influences on diesel engine performance. 1.1 Diesel Engine The diesel engine was first patented by Rudolph Diesel in 1892 and successfully operated in 1897 in Germany. It was originally used as a more efficient replacement for stationary steam engines. Since the 1910s they have been used in submarines and ships. Use in locomotives, trucks, heavy equipment and electric generating plants followed later. In the 1930s, they slowly began to be used in a few automobiles. The fundamental operating principles of diesel engine have remained same, although new technologies and improvements are continuously implemented like electronic control of fuel injection, EGR and turbo-charging. The fundamental difference between spark ignition (SI) engines and Diesel's compression ignition (CI) cycle is the ignition's operating principle. Diesel engines (also known as a compression-ignition engines) use the heat of compression to initiate ignition and burn the fuel that has been injected into the combustion chamber. Spark ignition (SI) engines use external source like spark plug to start the combustion. This fundamental difference in combustion organizing yields a substantial improvement in fuel efficiency. In its most basic form, diesel engine can be described as a reciprocating piston, internal combustion engine which relies on high pressure air compression paired with accurately timed fuel injection to produce in-cylinder combustion. During the intake stroke, clean air, usually near atmosphere pressure in non-turbo-charging engine, is introduced into the combustion chamber. Diesel engines have typical compression ratios in the 12-24 range which is substantially higher than those seen in SI engines which generally fall within 817 12. Due to this high compression ratio, diesel engines can reach a rather high in-cylinder pressures of about 30-55 bar and temperatures around 527-827 'C during the compression stroke [1]. Before the piston's top dead center (TDC) position liquid fuel is either injected directly into the cylinder or into an adjacent pre-combustion chamber. Due to the high injection pressure in modern diesel engines, the fuel is atomized into small droplets and entrained into the cylinder air creating a fuel-air mixture of combustible proportions. The high pressure and temperature of the compressed air are above the mixture's auto ignition point which causes spontaneous combustion. The rapid expansion of the burning mixture generates the power stroke and initiates the exhaust process for the cycle to start again. The diesel engines have a much higher compression ratio than spark ignition engine. The reason is that spark ignition engine's compression ratio is constrained by knock phenomenon, which could damage the engine body or incur other dangers. For diesel engines, during most of time of compression stroke there is no fuel inside engine cylinder. Thus knock is not a problem to be considered in diesel engines and the compression can be increased to an ideal level. Another major difference between diesel engine and spark ignition engine is the engine load control method. Diesel engine load is controlled by the amount of fuel injected per cycle and intake air is always redundant. Since in spark ignition engine the fuel to air ratio is always kept stoichiometric, the spark ignition engine load is controlled by restricting the intake air through the usage of a throttle plate, which causes the extra loss of useful work out of engine. Generally speaking, diesel engines have higher fuel efficiency than spark ignition engines for several reasons. Diesel engines have higher compression ratio, as described above, which means more useful work can be extracted from the thermal cycle in diesel engine. Meanwhile, diesel engines do not use throttle plate to control engine load which could cause throttling loss in spark ignition engine. High fuel efficiency for diesel engine means low operating cost and low CO 2 emission. Due to the advantages described in the previous sections diesel engines are attractive to a variety of applications including agriculture, construction, engine and equipment manufacturing, fuel production, freight (trucking, railroads, ships and marine vessels), and mining equipment. A study conducted in the year 2000 determined a variety of percentages that the diesel market controls within certain applications [2]. The study showed that based on fraction of fuel energy consumed by vehicle type in the United States, diesel engines power nearly 85% of commercial trucks, 100% of marine and railway freight transport, 75% of inner-city rail transit, 62% of school buses and 100% of inner city buses. One should note that the percentage of bus applications may be outdated with the surge of natural gas / hybrid powered buses. The study also determined that 83% of construction equipment, 66% of agriculture equipment and 22% of mining equipment are diesel powered [2]. Although diesel powered vehicles only make up a very small percentage of the personal passenger market in the United States, this is not the case for both Europe and Asia in which the majority of personally owned passenger vehicles are diesel powered. As previously mentioned this is primarily due to that fuel price volatility in those specific economies. 18 1.2 Emission Regulations Although the hydrocarbon and carbon monoxide emissions are relatively low in diesel engine, the heterogeneous nature of diesel fuel combustion leads to high levels of NOx and soot emissions from diesel engines. With increasing public concerns of environment protection, a number of relevant rese4rches have been conducted to investigate the environmental and health effects of diesel emission. In recent years, emission of diesel particulate matter (PM) has become one of the major health concerns among all diesel emissions. Diesel engines accounted for nearly 75% of all mobile source PM2.5 emissions in the U.S. in 2000 [3]. PM2.5 is defined as all particulate matter smaller than 2.5 pim. Medical research on health effects of PM is still in the initial phase of exploring this new area of human knowledge. The preliminary study shows that soot particles originated from diesel combustion can be transported deep to human lungs, which could be extremely dangerous to pregnant women and children. At the same time, Diesel particle emissions are a recognized carcinogen and are associated with respiratory illness, heart attacks, and premature death [4]. Because of the growing concerns of engine emissions, United Stats Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) imposed more and more stringent emission standard. Over the years, these emissions control mandates have brought vehicle emissions to near-zero levels as shown in Figure 1.1. While the mandates were spaced out to provide time for the development and commercialization of emissions control improvements, they have created unique and complex challenges to communications, research and development cycle and purchase planning. Specific to heavy-duty commercial vehicles, the new 2010 regulations introduce very stringent emission standards, as follows: . . 0 PM-0.01 g/bhp-hr NOx-0.20 g/bhp-hr NMHC (Non-Methane Hydro Carbon) -0.14 g/bhp-hr In conjunction with the tighter emissions limits, the EPA also limited the sulfur content of diesel fuel for highway and off highway engines. Beginning June 1, 2006, refiners began producing ultra-low sulfur diesel fuel with sulfur levels at or below 15 parts per million (ppm) for use in heavy duty highway diesel engines. Non-road diesel engines were required to use low sulfur (500 ppm) diesel fuel beginning in 2007 and ultra-low sulfur diesel fuel beginning in 2010. Locomotives and smaller marine engines required low sulfur (500 ppm) diesel fuel beginning in 2007 and ultra-low sulfur diesel fuel beginning in 2012. The ultra-low sulfur level in diesel fuel is essential to keep the catalyst of after-treatment system active. For example, the platinum catalyst in catalyzed DPF is very sensitive to sulfur deposit. The catalyst can be easily deactivated by little amount of sulfur through the poisoning mechanism and soot will be continuously accumulated in the filter channels ending up with device plugging. 19 Figure 1.1. EPA emission standards for heavy duty diesel engines. 1.3 Diesel Particulate Filter 1.3.1 Filter Operation Principle Diesel particulate filters (DPF) are devices that physically capture diesel particulates to prevent their release to the atmosphere. Diesel particulate filter materials have been developed that show impressive filtration efficiencies, in excess of 90%, as well as good mechanical and thermal durability. Diesel particulate filters have become the most effective technology for the control of diesel particulate emissions-including particle mass and numbers-with high efficiencies. Cellular ceramic wall-flow particulate filters are widely used today due to their relatively low cost and high trapping efficiency. The wall-flow filter consists of a larger number of rectangle porous channel walls and the cell density is about 200 or 300 CPSI (cell density per square inch). As shown in Figure 1.2, the channels are alternately blocked by small ceramic plugs at each end. As particulate-laden exhaust enters the upstream open end of the channels it must pass through the porous walls before exiting the filter. As the exhaust passes through the walls, the particles are trapped inside the porous material and along the channels walls as depicted in the schematic. The trapped particles act as an added filtering medium in cellular ceramic traps further increasing trapping efficiency as the traps are loaded [5]. 20 CLE EiXt^i5T IN W W_ *SOOT PARTICU *ASHPARTICE Figure 1.2. Actual ceramic DPF image and schematic presentation of wall flow filtration. 1.3.2 Porous Media Filtration Mechanisms Diesel particulate filter substrate captures particle emissions through a combination of filtration mechanisms, such as diffusion deposition, inertial impaction, or flow-line interception [6]. Inertial impaction Flow stream ~~'1 Particle r fiber Partici Flow stream Diffusion Filter fiber Partide Flow stream Interception Filter fiber Figure 1.3. Porous media filtration mechanisms. Inertial deposition is applicable to particles larger than 1 ui m in diameter. The inertia of the large heavy particles in the flow stream causes the particles to continue on a straight path as the flow stream moves around an obstacle. The particulate then impacts and is 21 attached to the solid part of porous media and held in place as shown in the top picture of Figure 1.3. This type of filtration mechanism is effective in high-velocity filtration systems. Diffusion deposition is effective for very small particles typically less than 0.5 11 m in size. Effectiveness increases with lower flow velocities. Small particles interact with nearby particles and gas molecules. Especially in turbulent flow, the path of small particles fluctuates randomly about the main stream flow. As shown in the middle of Figure 1.3, aerosol particles may deviate from their line of flow due to Brown's diffusion movement, and are collected by coming into contact with the filter material. The smaller a particle and the lower the flow rate through the filter media leads to a higher probability that the particle will be captured. Interception occurs with medium-sized particles that are not large enough to leave the flow path due to inertia or not small enough to diffuse. The interception collection mechanism is defined as particles that follow along the flow line and are collected by coming into contact with the filter material. The larger the aerosol particles, the easier they are to be collected. 1.3.3 Regeneration Due to the low bulk density of diesel particulates, diesel particulate filters can quickly accumulate considerable volumes of soot. For example, 6 g/L soot loading in the filter may occupy approximately 20% of the volume inside inlet channel. Several liters of soot per day may be collected from an older generation heavy-duty truck or bus engine. The collected particulates would eventually cause excessively high exhaust gas pressure drop in the filter, which would negatively affect the engine fuel efficiency. Therefore, diesel particulate filter systems have to provide a way of removing particulates from the filter to restore its soot collection capacity. This removal of particulates, known as the filter regeneration, can be performed either continuously, during regular operation of the filter, or periodically, after a pre-determined quantity of soot has been accumulated. Active/Periodic regeneration of diesel particulate filters is typically employed, where the collected particulates are oxidized-by oxygen-to gaseous products, primarily to carbon dioxide. This reaction is only able to happen in the temperature higher than 600 0C. Thus, late fuel injection or other methods are used to elevate the exhaust temperature to initiate the soot combustion. A recent developed technology is catalyzed diesel particulate filter with deposited platinum to facilitate the reaction of carbon with nitrogen dioxide. The working principle is that catalyst helps to convert NO to NO 2 since NO 2 can react with carbon at low temperature like 300 0C. At most of suitable engine loads, the soot accumulated in diesel particulate filter can be continuously regenerated. 22 1.4 Ash Effects on DPF performance 1.4.1 Ash Source The accumulated soot is removed after diesel particulate filter regeneration. However, the incombustible material-ash remains in the inlet channels and it continues increase with vehicle mileage or equivalent running hours. The increasing ash deposit adversely affects the diesel particulate filter performance and limits the filter's service life. Although considerable work has been done in understanding DPF performance for soot accumulation alone, the reality is quite different. In fact, more often than not, the amount of ash in the filter can significantly exceed the amount of soot the DPF was initially designed to trap. Ash accumulated in the filter originates from several sources including lubricant additives, engine wear and corrosion particles, and trace metals found in diesel fuel. Generally, the majority of ash in the filter comes from lubricant additives [7-9]. Ash accumulation in the DPF increases with oil consumption and lubricant ash content, as lubricant additives are generally the largest source of ash. Ash derived from lubricant additives is composed primarily of zinc, calcium, and magnesium in the form of sulfates, phosphates, and oxides. When the fuel borne catalyst is used to facilitate the soot oxidation during regeneration, the fuel catalyst can be another major source of ash formation. Since the fuel borne catalyst is contained in the soot captured inside filter, it will remain in filter after regeneration and generally increase linearly with running time or vehicle mileage. 1.4.2 Ash Effects on DPF Performance When significant amount of ash is deposited inside diesel particulate filter channels, it will occupy a relative larger portion of channel volume. As shown in Figure 1.4, the ash accumulation inside DPF changes the filter geometry, forming ash end plug and ash cake layer. The soot loading with significant amount of ash deposit is quite different with soot loading inside clean filter for two reasons. Firstly, the ash end plug reduces the effective filtration length of filter and soot will form a much thicker layer at same soot loading level. Secondly, the ash cake layer decreases the open width of inlet channel and the soot cake layer needs to have larger thickness to occupy the same space compared with soot cake layer formation in a clean filter channel. Due to the long time scales over which the ash builds up in diesel particulate filter, several thousand hours and tens-to-hundreds of thousands of miles, much of the research into ash effects utilized various approaches to accelerate filter aging and ash build up in an effort to identify the various ash sources and means by which ash may affect diesel after-treatment system performance. 23 Figure 1.4. Ash and soot distribution in a DPF channel [10]. Generally, the ash accumulation inside DPF increases the flow pressure drop across the filter. A recent study shows lubricant-derived ash from CJ-4 specification oils, containing no more than 1.0% sulfated ash, resulting in an approximately doubling of the DPF pressure drop after 4,680 hours or 188,000 miles (303,000 km) of equivalent on-road use [11]. 30 CJ-4(2) ~20 12 10 CJ-4 (1) 2 / 00 40 35 15 20 25 30 Cummumlative Ash Load [g/L] 5,960 hrs Equivalent Hours 240k mi. I Equivalent Miles 0 5 10 45 Figure 1.5. DPF pressure drop as a function of filter ash loading and equivalent on-road exposure [111]. 24 At the same time, ash aged DPF adversely affects the fuel efficiency of diesel engine. The engine fuel economy is reduced because of two main reasons. Firstly, ash accumulation in filter increases exhaust flow restriction and backpressure, which reduces the work extracted from thermal cycle. Secondly, ash aged DPF decreased filter regeneration intervals (increased regeneration frequency) through a reduction in filter soot storage capacity, in which engine fuel is needed in higher frequency to raise the exhaust temperature. Furthermore, the ash may also reduce the regeneration efficiency in catalyzed systems, requiring an increased reliance on active regeneration or higher temperature operation for successful passive soot oxidation. 1.5 Research Objectives While previous studies have investigated the soot loading effects on DPF performance via experiment or model, little DPF modeling work has been done to study the ash effects on filtration, DPF pressure drop and filter catalyst deactivation. And there is limited understanding of the underlying fundamental mechanisms responsible for the observed DPF performance degradation. For example, the mechanism how ash loading deactivates the filter catalyst is not well understood and further optimization strategy is difficult to develop. Combined with the observations and measurement provided by the experimental group, the modeling effort attempts to fill the knowledge gap as listed before. Through careful analysis of the experimental results, several new understandings of ash aging mechanism are applied in the DPF model. The computer model is used to not only help interpret the experimental observation but also develop possible optimization strategies. At the same time, certain mechanisms or understandings are tested in the model to see whether the predicted results based on these mechanisms can fit the experimental observations. The modeling work aimed to understand the ash effects on DPF performance including following targeted areas. (1) DPF pressure drop with increasing soot and ash loading and the effects of ash deposit on soot filtration. (2) Optimization of ash spatial distribution in DPF channels at given amount of ash loading level (3) Ash particle transport inside filter channels and ash end-plug/ ash cake layer increase with ash loading level (4) Mechanism of catalyst deactivation due to DPF ash aging and the effects of ash deposit on following continuous regenerations An enhanced understanding of these fundamental processes should provide useful information to minimize the deleterious effects of lubricant-derived ash on diesel aftertreatment systems. For example, if the DPF is found to have lower pressure drop at 25 certain spatial distribution pattern, relevant technology may worth developing to facilitate the formation of preferred ash distribution pattern. The modeling results and experimental observation combined together could obtain a deeper understanding of the fundamental underlying mechanisms governing the effects of lubricant-derived ash on aftertreatment system pressure drop performance. These new understanding will be useful in optimizing the design of the combined engine aftertreatment-lubricant system for future diesel engines, balancing the requirements of good filtration performance with the requirements for robust aftertreatment systems. 26 2 DPF Soot and Ash Loading Model The prediction of the pressure drop of DPF is essential in developing new product. The complexity arises from the need of predicting not only the new or slightly loaded state but also the behavior after a long mileage. A number of DPF pressure drop models have been developed over the last three decades. Due to the special geometry character of DPF channels, a long channel with relative small channel width, one dimensional model is suitable to describe the DPF performance. The underlying theory of one dimensional model is same, based on largely on mass and momentum conservation and considering Darcy equation across the porous media. While most of the previous models have focused on predicting pressure drop in clean and soot loaded filter, very few have accounted for ash accumulation. Since pressure drop prediction has to be done during the design phase of new particulate filter, a model which allows a quick evaluation of DPF pressure drop at varied ash and soot loading level is needed. 2.1 Model Formulation The built DPF soot and ash loading model is a one dimensional model and it includes several sub-models like flow model, substrate wall model and particle partition model. The sub-models are introduced respectively in following sections. The objective of developing DPF soot and ash loading model is to evaluate DPF pressure drop at varied soot and ash load, to study DPF filtration behavior with increasing soot and ash load, and to develop suitable strategy to optimize DPF performance. A typical diesel particulate filter has more than 5,000 channels, which make it unrealistic to model each of them. To simplify the problem, following assumptions are applied in the DPF soot and ash loading model. 1) Assuming all the inlet channels in the filter have the same deposit loading level and same deposit distribution. 2) Assuming all the inlet channels in DPF have the same inlet flow velocity. 3) Ash deposit is assumed to be composed of a flat cake layer and end-plug while soot deposit is assumed to only have a cake layer part. The assumptions used above are supported by experimental observations and are widely used in diesel particulate filter modeling [17-21]. Since all the inlet channels behave same according to the assumptions, only a representative inlet and outlet channel of the filter need to be solved in the model. 27 2.1.1 Flow Model The flow model describing the performance of clean DPFs was developed by Bisset, Konstandopoulos and Johnson in the late 1980s [17-20]. And this basic model was extended to consider ash and soot deposit with flat cake layer by Gaiser [21], which is shown in Figure 2.1. In the analysis of ash spatial distribution effects, this basic model is upgraded to include ash cake layer variation in the axial direction. Due to the need, the basic model considering deposit flat cake layer is applied here to model the soot and ash loading effects on DPF performance. The flow model here is one dimensional and it applies the governing equations of mass and momentum conservation of exhaust gas and utilized Darcy's Law to describe the flow through porous media. The mass conservation equations for exhaust gas inside inlet and outlet channels are: Inlet channel: d(u1 ) dz 4bku b2 Outlet channel: d(u2 (2.1) 4u, dz (2.2) bk Where ui and u 2 is exhaust gas flow velocity inside inlet and outlet channel respectively, bk is the clean filter open width and blo is loaded filter open width. u, is the flow velocity across the wall, z is the position in the filter length direction. LashVUg LPiug substrate SS001ash layer Sas, soot layer swan 52!d\swak shn Figure 2.1 Diesel particulate filter with soot and ash deposit. Similarly, the momentum conservation equations of exhaust gas inside inlet and outlet channel are described as: d(u2) Inlet channel: p d dz = dP Jdz Fri b1 1 (2.3) 28 Outlet channel: p d(u2 = dz dP2 dz F7U22 (2.4) b (2 Where p is the exhaust gas density, q is the viscosity of exhaust gas, P1 is inlet channel gas pressure and P2 is the outlet channel gas pressure. F is the rectangle channel friction factor which is a constant of 28.454. Darcy equation evaluates the pressure drop across the porous media. Here, the pressure drop caused by soot/ash cake layer and substrate wall is determined as: s Ji-Pi, =r7' k, s +saU2 + k, + " ka ++ p(/Js,+ ss,+asa)u2 (2.5) Where s., ss, and sa is the substrate wall, soot cake layer and ash cake layer thickness respectively, kw, ks, ka is the substrate wall, soot cake layer and ash cake layer permeability, s,, P,, Pa is the coefficient of Darcy quadratic effects, which is usually negligible in the common DPF flow rate. The boundary conditions for these equations are following: u()= U (2.6) u 2(0)=0 (2.7) 0 (2.8) = Partn (2.9) U,(Lfj)= P2 (L) Where L is the DPF total length, Leff is the DPF effective filtration length. Combined with the boundary conditions listed here, the system of governing equations from Eq. (2.1) to Eq. (2.5) can be used to solve the flow and pressure in DPF channels. The system of governing equations can be reduced to one equation through mathematical manipulation and the normalized form is used in the numerical simulation. Besides, there is one approximate analytical solution for these equations, which has an error less than 2% in most of cases. These detailed discussions can be founded in Appendix 1. 2.1.2 Substrate Wall Model Soot particles penetrate into substrate wall of diesel particulate filter during depth filtration and deposit inside the pores of porous media. The particle deposit occupies certain fraction of void volume of porous media and changes the porosity of substrate wall. Thus the permeability of the substrate decreases and the pressure drop across the substrate wall increases rapidly. The transient behavior of substrate wall during depth filtration is described by "unit collector" filtration theory in a self-consistent manner. 29 The scanning electron microscope (SEM) picture of diesel particulate filter substrate wall is shown in Figure 2.2. The void space geometry structure inside porous media is irregular and complex in three dimensional spaces. Thus, the direct simulation of flow and particle deposition inside porous media is a rather challenging and computationally expensive. In the unit-cell theory, the porous filter wall is approximately as a collection of cells which has simple geometry. For cordierite and silicon carbon filter, the cell usually assumed as a sphere. Figure 2.2. SEM picture of polished cordierite samples from RC 200/19 diesel particulate filters [171. Min . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mout=(-En) xmn Figure 2.3. Schematic representation of filter wall discretization into slabs composed of "unit cell/collectors". 30 Clean unt cell Partially loaded unit cell Completely loaded unt cell Uit 'enpt 1'envelope on0 Figure 2.4. Unit-cell filtration model. [191. As shown in Figure 2.4, the unit cell is a sphere with centered solid core-collector, which represents the solid part of the filter wall, and with surrounding space that represents the void space inside filter wall. The collector diameter increases with particle deposition in the unit-cell. The substrate wall is discretized into slabs as shown in Figure 2.3. During depth filtration, the porous media property (porosity, permeability etc.) is updated by tracking the amount of particulate mass deposited in each slab. The filtration efficiency across porous media is E = I-exp -1D I-c 2e -d S (2.10) Where r1DR is the collector filtration efficiency, P is the porosity, w is the thickness of porous media, d, is the collector diameter. The unit collector diameter for a clean filter is related to substrate wall porosity and pore size. do = 2 - dpoe (2.11) co The "unit cell" size b is given by: =1 - CO (2.12) de'O Where so is the porosity of clean filter, dco is the collector diameter for clean filter. Accordingly, as shown in Figure 2.3, the particulate mass captured in slab is: mdeposit(it) = mi x E(i,t) (2.13) 31 The mass deposited on each collector is given by: M, 0m= Mdeposit(it) ~cells nceil is the total number of unit cell inside respective slab. And the collector diameter and cell porosity is updated by: d, (i,t)= 2 3 m (i,t) 41r psot, dco 2 d- ____)= - (2.15) ) The local permeability of the filter wall changes as the particles deposit on each "unit collector". k(i,t) is the permeability of slab i at time t. The local permeability k(i,t) of the loaded filter is related to the permeability of the clean filter ko by: k(it)r ko d(i,)2 dco f(e(it)) (2 16) f (-VO ) The calculation of unit cell collection efficiency is not included here. More details about unit cell theory used porous media modeling can be founded in many filter wall model publications [18]. 2.1.3 Particle Deposition Partition Ratio For a new diesel particulate filter, soot particles in exhaust gas initially penetrate into the substrate wall during the depth filtration phase. With substrate surface pore shrinking and cake layer building up, fewer and fewer soot particles can enter into the porous media and eventually the deposition transits into cake filtration phase, in which no particle could deposit inside porous media. soot ash substrate Figure 2.5. Soot Particle deposition with soot and ash cake layer. 32 In the substrate wall filtration modeling, the fraction of mass collected on the substrate, which is called partition coefficient, needs to be determined. For a clean filter, the widely used expression for partition coefficient is defined in Eq. (2.17). The physical interpretation of this partition coefficient is that it depends on the dimensionless blockedarea fraction at the scale of the unit "collector". D is assumed to be given by Eq. (2.17), where y is a dimensionless "percolation" control constant (O<Y<l), that determines the onset of pore bridging, which has to be estimated from experimental data or detailed discrete particle dynamics simulations using the methods of digital material[4]. (t)= d, (1, (2.17) (T -b) - d,20 This concept of partition coefficient is extended in DPF soot ash loading model by taking the soot and ash cake layer into consideration. Physically speaking, the soot and ash cake layer acts like membrane which reduces the percentage of soot particles penetrate into substrate wall. According to our experimental observation, once the cake layer is thick enough to from a continuous porous media, almost no soot particles can enter into substrate wall. The soot or ash cake layer, by its nature, is medium of porous media. Thus, according to classical porous media filtration theory, its filtration efficiency can be described by Eq. (2.18) and (2.19). Where T1DR is the collector filtration efficiency, F is the porosity, w is the thickness of porous media, dc is the collector diameter. expFI 1- L E,= 1- exp 3 1DR _soot( 1 2 soot -3DR3 2RshO ash soot s dSOOt *d Aash 2.18) 1(18 Wsl( as 2 .1) The overall filtration efficiency of both soot cake layer and ash cake layer is given by Eq. (2.20). When the filtration efficiency of either the ash cake layer or soot cake layer is lower than 1, it corresponds to the physical scenario that the cake layer has certain thickness but not yet to build a continuous filtration membrane. When filter has a continuous cake layer on the substrate wall, this cake layer will block all the soot particles and make it form soot cake layer. hayer =1 -(1 - qSoot)(1- 1ash) (2.20) The final partition ratio, which is the percentage of soot particles deposit on the substrate wall, is given by Eq. (2.21). The partition ratio is the maximum value of layer deposition ratio calculated in Eq. (2.17) and Eq. (2.20). The physical meaning of Eq. (2.21) is that 33 the percentage of soot particles penetrates into substrate wall depends on the minimum value of soot penetration percentage constrained by cake layer filtration, 1 -l1ayer, and soot penetration percentage constrained by substrate surface pore blocking, 1- (D. partitionratio = max(q,.er, 'D(t)) (2.21) 2.1.4 Cake Layer and Regeneration As shown in Figure 2.1, the soot cake layer is assumed as flat and its thickness is tracked in the model by considering soot loading rate and partition ratio. The regeneration setup here is simplified by neglecting the thermal history of regeneration. After regeneration, the deposited soot transforms to ash deposit. The generated ash mass is about 1% of burned soot mass. Here, complete soot regeneration is assumed in the model. 0.9-0.8 >0 0.7 -C 0 y = 0.0003x2 + 0.0068x - 2E-15 R 11 1 0-6 0-5- 0.3 - 0-1T 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 Ash Load [g/L] Figure 2.6. Ash end plug mass fraction with increasing ash load level inside diesel particulate filter. Besides, in the DPF soot and ash loading model, the mass fraction of ash end plug with increasing ash load is also considered. The ash end plug mass fraction used in model is the interpolation of obtained experimental data as shown in Figure 2.6. 2.1.5 Particle Size Distribution Diesel exhaust is a complex mixture of organic and inorganic compounds and gas, liquid and solid phase materials. As shown in Figure 2.7, diesel emitted particle agglomerate is a chain of solid carbon spheres and absorbed hydrocarbon and organic compounds. 34 U 0. Solid Carbon Spheres (0.01 0.08 pm diameter) form to make Solid Particle Agglomerates (0.05 -1.0 prm diameter) With Adsorbed Hydrocarbons - S Vapor Phase Hydrocarbons Soluble Organic Fraction Adsorbed Hydrocarbons (SOF)/Particle Phase Hydrocarbons I I Adsorbed Hydrocarbons o t e(0 Liquid Condensed Hydrocarbon Particles Sulfate with Hydration Sulfate (S04) Figure. 2.7. Diesel emitted Particles and Vapor Phase Compounds[29]. The soot agglomerate size is widely investigated via experiments in diesel after-treatment community. As shown in Figure 2.8, the reported soot agglomerate has mean size of about 80 nm and is approximately normally distributed. According the literature, soot agglomerate size may change with temperature or vapor concentration. As shown in Figure 2.9, a normal distribution of soot particle is used in the model. And the particle reduction at each size is tracked after going through each substrate slab. Thus, the particle deposition inside each slab is updated and the overall filtration efficiency of substrate wall is calculated in this way. 2500 rpm - 70% load 60 Avg. R =85.5 nm 50 (D M 40 30 0 E 20 z3 10 0 0 1) 1511 250 R (nm) (a) Experiment data from reference [23] 35 250 (nm R EPI 200 -P2 80.3 71.7 *P4 005 150 100 50 0 0 40 80 120 160 R, (nm) 200 240 (b) Experiment data from reference [24] Figure. 2.8. Measured Diesel emitted particle agglomerate size distribution from literature. 0.2 E E -1Slab ------------ ----- / 015 U) 0A1ui' r I' p,, 0 / 01 02 0.3 particle size, micron 0. 4 (a) Soot Particle Distribution in Model (b) Substrate wall is discretized into slabs Figure 2.9. Soot particle distribution and its filtration across the substrate wall. 2.1.6 Model Overall Structure The overall structure of DPF soot and ash loading model is presented in Figure 2.10. As shown, the model includes several sub-models that share the filter transient information. During the simulation, the flow, substrate wall and cake layer are numerically updated at each time step. 36 Model structure One dimensional Flow Model Inlet and outlet channel velocity, wall velocity and pressure drop soot layer pressure drop and filtration efficiency Soot layer model 41 CCParticle Partition Ratio Model Layer deposition Particle goes into the substrate Ashlayer model Ash layer pressure drop and filtration efficiency Substrate pressure drop, filtration efficiency Figure 2.10. The overall structure of DPF soot and ash loading model. At any time step of simulation, the model first solves the flow inside filter. Based on the information of substrate surface pore and cake layer thickness, the particle partition coefficient is calculated, which determines the fraction of soot particles that penetrates into substrate wall or deposits as cake layer. Then, certain portion of soot particles with exhaust gas enters into substrate wall. According to the substrate filtration model, the particle deposition inside each slab is calculated and porous media properties are updated at each time step. The substrate wall overall filtration efficiency is obtained from substrate wall model. The soot deposited on the substrate is assumed to form soot cake layer and the thickness of soot cake layer is updated. After certain long time of soot loading, usually 6 hours, the regeneration will be initiated. The accumulated soot deposit is assumed to be become ash deposit after complete DPF regeneration. Based on previous experimental observation, about one percentage of deposit mass will be remained after active or passive regeneration. The remained incombustible material, called ash, majorly comes from engine lubricant oil, fuel and engine wear. The DPF soot and ash loading model continuously simulates the soot loading and regeneration of filter operations. The model is computationally efficient and it can simulate the diesel particle filter operation up to 15,000 miles in a rather short time, 37 which is usually less than 30 minutes. It could provide the information of diesel particulate filter like pressure drop, filtration efficiency, ash and soot layer thickness at increasing load level. Diesel particulate filter model helps to interpret the experimental data and to understand the physical process undergoing inside filter. Besides, modeling also offers the useful information which is hard to obtain from experiment. For example, it can provide the amount of mass deposited inside porous media, porosity reduction, and pressure drop caused by particle deposition. And the model is able to evaluate how the cake layer affects the particle partition ration and the effect of cake layer on filter pressure drop. These understandings from experiment observation and modeling could be useful information for future optimization of filter performance. 2.2 Model Validation and Application The developed DPF soot and ash loading model is validated with available experiment data and applied in the DPF performance analysis. The model shows a great agreement with experimental observations and provides analysis about the effects of ash distribution on DPF performance. 2.2.1 DPF Soot/Ash Loading One major objective of DPF soot and ash loading model is to simulate how DPF performance, primary pressure drop and filtration efficiency, changes with soot and ash loading level. The model, considering flow, substrate wall filtration and cake layer formation, can predict how inlet flow rate, substrate wall property or deposit loading level affect DPF pressure drop. In this section, the DPF pressure drop predicted by model is compared with experimental results at varied soot or ash load under active regeneration mode. The experimental condition and DPF specifications are listed in Table 2.1. Table 2.1 DPF specifications and flow condition DPF Length 6 inch DPF plug length DPF Diameter 5.66 inch DPF cell density DPF wall thickness 0.012 inch Flow velocity 0.3 inch 300 CPSI 55,000 1/Hour 38 -.- 0 g/L ash 8 -u-3.0 g/L ash -- 10.7 g/L ash -- 6.9 g/L ash 7 3 CA IA I-2 U_ I-- 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 Soot Load g/L Figure 2.11. Experimental DPF pressure drop with soot loading level at different ash deposit load. The measured DPF pressure drop data is shown in Figure 2.11. Generally, the DPF pressure drop increases with soot loading level at any ash deposit load. However, the DPF pressure drop increasing pattern has a sharp change from clean DPF to loaded DPF at about 10 g/L of ash. As shown in Figure 2.11, under 1 Og/L of ash, the DPF pressure drop firstly increases rapidly with initial soot loading then transits to cake filtration, under which the pressure drop increases linearly with soot loading level. With the ash deposit load increases, the non-linear DPF pressure drop growth during initial soot loading is reduced. And at 10.7 g/L of ash load, the non-linear pressure drop phase disappears and DPF pressure drop increases with soot loading from 0 g/L to 4 g/L. 39 @ ash load =Og/L E soot 4 Inlet channel 3 soot on the layer E 0 / Outlet Channel ------- ---- ------ ---------------- 0.5 0 (a) 1.5 1 soot load g/L 2 2.5 A5~I (C) @ ash load=OgIL 8 soot in the subsrate 0.6g -A .0 Ca - 0. 6 U) simulation -eexpediment IT 1 3 2 soot load g/L 4 5 S0.3 0 0ao0P2 II slab o0.35 A 4 F slab 4 i 0.5 2 lb 1.5 1 soct load gL 2 2.5 (d) (b) Figure 2.12. Model simulation and experiment results for clean DPF. (a) schematic picture of soot deposit inside wall and inlet channel. (b) experimental and predicted DPF pressure drop data. (c) predicted soot mass in wall and cake layer. (d) porosity of top four wall slabs. SlabI Slab n-1 Slab n Substrate Wall Figure 2.13. Substrate wall is discretized into slabs in the numerical simulation. 40 * M soot 2.5 ash 2 Inlet channel soot on the layer 1.5 E 1 soot in the substrate 0.5 Outlet Channel /1 n 0 0.2 0.4 0.llg 0.6 soot load g/L (a) 0.8 1 2 2.5 (c) 7 A,3R8 S.0 CL 6 U eseriment @ ash load= 0.37 2 slab4 10 IL 4 CL 3 slab3 o0.36 SIb S2 0.35 simulation @ ash load=2.91g/L 1 2 soot load g/L (b) 3 4 0 L-0 o..0.34 slabi1 i 0.5 1 1.5 soct boad g1L (d) Figure 2.14. Simulation results and experiment results for DPF at 3 g/L ash load. (a) schematic picture of soot deposit inside wall and inlet channel. (b) experimental and predicted DPF pressure drop data. (c) predicted soot mass in wall and cake layer. (d) porosity of top four wall slabs. The model is useful in terms of providing hidden process information and interpreting the physical process. The DPF soot and ash loading model is firstly applied in the case of clean filter. As shown in Figure 2.12 (b), the predicted DPF pressure has a good agreement with experimental data. The soot mass deposited inside substrate wall after depth filtration is about 0.6 gram as show in Figure 2.12 (c). The porosity of top four slabs of substrate with increasing soot load is shown in Figure 2.12 (d). In the numerical simulation, the wall is usually discretized in to about 20 slabs as shown in Figure 2.13. The physical interpretation of the simulation result for clean DPF is that significant amount of soot penetrates into the substrate wall and causes larger non-linear DPF pressure drop increase during depth filtration. 41 * soot * 2. J 6 2 ash Inlet channel :1.5 soot on the layer E 0 (0 0.5 Outlet Channel 0( soot in the substrate /0.01g 0.2 (a) slab 4 0.365 experiment @ ash load=10.7g/L 0. slab 3 0.36 e 0.355 5 2 3 CI soot load g/L (b) slab 2 0.35 0 0.345 simnulation @ ash load=10.67/L 4 2 3 1 1 I 0.37 4 0.8 (c) -7I 6 0.6 0.4 soot load g/L "76 slab 05 1 1.5 1 soot load g/L 2 2.5 (d) Figure 2.15. Simulation results and experiment results for DPF at 10.7 g/L ash load. (a) schematic picture of soot deposit inside wall and inlet channel. (b) experimental and predicted DPF pressure drop data. (c) predicted soot mass in wall and cake layer. (d) porosity of top four wall slabs. For the case of 3 g/L ash load, the predicted DPF pressure drop from model is slightly lower than the experimental observation. However, the difference is under the acceptable level and predicted data shows the right trend of pressure drop curve as shown in Figure 2.14 (b). The soot mass deposited inside substrate wall is much lower than that in the clean filter case. The mass deposited inside substrate wall in this case is 0.11 gram as shown in Figure 2.14 (c), which is approximately one sixth of clean filter case. Thus the physical scenario in this case is that because of existence of ash layer, the soot mass penetrates into the substrate is much lower and respective pressure drop during depth filtration is much smaller than that in the case of clean DPF. For the case of 10.7 g/L ash load, the DPF pressure drop from both model and experiment increases linearly with soot loading level. The difference between model prediction and experimental data may arise from the difference in the estimation of cake layer thickness 42 or deposit permeability. As shown in Figure 2.15 (c), the mass of soot deposited inside substrate wall is negligible. The physical situation is that almost no soot particle could penetrate into the substrate wall since a rather thick layer of ash deposited on the DPF channel. Thus, almost all the soot particles are collected on the substrate wall and form the soot cake layer. 2.2.2 Depth Filtration and Cake Layer Filtration For a new diesel particulate filter, the particle filtration eventually transits from depth filtration to cake filtration. During the depth filtration, the soot particles penetrate into substrate wall and plug the pores inside porous media. This will cause the pressure drop across the porous media increase significantly in initial loading phase as shown in Figure 2.16. In the cake filtration phase, almost no particle goes into substrate wall and cake layer thickness increases linearly with soot loading level. And DPF pressure drop also increases linearly with soot loading level. L oaded APT AP after initial loading phase -0 API Initial loading ph ase Soot Loading Figure 2.16. DPF pressure drop with soot loading. One question discussed here is to compare the DPF pressure drop caused by depth filtration and by cake filtration. The DPF soot and ash loading model is applied to compute the DPF performance under two filtration modes. The simulation conditions are typical DPF specifications and flow rate as shown in Table 2.2. In depth filtration, all the particles are assumed to deposit inside substrate wall. And respectively, all the particles are assumed to deposit on the substrate wall in cake filtration. The DPF pressure drop results under two deposition phases are shown in Figure 2.17. The DPF pressure drop under depth filtration is an exponential-like curve which increases rapidly with soot deposit mass. Respectively, DPF pressure drop under cake 43 filtration is linear curve with soot loading. The pressure drop caused by cake filtration is much lower than that caused by depth filtration under the same soot deposit level. This agrees with the experimental observations that DPF pressure drop increase rapidly during initial depth filtration. This simulation results imply that during DPF filtration, if possible, the depth filtration should be avoided. Table 2.2 Simulation condition in depth/cake filtration comparisons DPF Length 6 inch DPF plug length 0.3 inch DPF Diameter 5.66 inch DPF cell density 300 CPSI DPF wall thickness 0.012 inch Flow velocity 20,000 1/Hour Clean wall 1.5x10-' m2 Soot permeability 1x 10~ m2 permeability X10 cake filtration-Good 6 800- a. 5 0 s- 4 750- 3 0a 0 700a. 0. exponential-ike curve 2 650 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 10 soot mass inside wall, g (a) 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 soot mass on the wall, 1 1.2 g (b) Figure 2.17. DPF pressure drop caused the soot deposited in DPF. (a) depth filtration. (b) cake filtration. 2.2.3 Ash Distribution among Substrate Slabs In depth filtration one interesting issue is how the mass distribution inside substrate wall affects the DPF pressure drop. In this section four types of soot distributions inside wall are compared via model. The simulation conditions are stated in Table 2.3. 44 Table 2.3 Simulation condition in ash distribution among substrate slabs DPF Length 6 inch DPF plug length 0.3 inch DPF Diameter 5.66 inch DPF cell density 200 CPSI DPF wall thickness 0.012 inch Flow velocity 20,000 1/Hour 5x10~" m2 Clean wall permeability Slab 1 Slab 2 Sl ab 3 Substrate Wall Figure 2.18. Substrate wall is discretized into three slabs in soot distribution analysis. 260 240220'U 2/3 : 1/3 : 0 180 14- 160 02/3 :1/6: 1/6 1/3 : 1/3 : 1/3 120 S0.1 0.2 0.4 0.8 soot ma S deposited inside substrate waU Figure 2.19. DPF pressure drop with soot mass deposited inside substrate wall under four assumed mass distribution patterns. To simplify the problem, the substrate wall is discretized into three slabs as shown in Figure 2.18. Four types of mass distributions are discussed. The mass distribution ratios from slab I to slab 3 are respectively 1:0:0, 2/3: 1/3:0, 2/3: 1/6: 1/6, and 1/3: 1/3: 1/3. The simulation results are shown in Figure 2.19. As can be seen, the uniform mass distribution between slabs has the lowest DPF pressure drop and the most concentrated distribution, which is 1:0:0, has the highest DPF pressure drop. Mathematically, this 45 behavior comes from the DPF pressure drop with soot loading during depth filtration is soot exponential-like curve as shown in Figure 2.17 (a). If the DPF pressure drop with loading during depth filtration is a linear curve, the DPF pressure drop will not be affected by mass distribution between substrate slabs. 2.2.4 Substrate Layer Optimal Arrangement For certain particulate filter, the substrate wall is composed of several slabs (or layers). Each slab has independent property that can be controlled during manufacture process. In the design of this type of filter, there is a practical issue how to arrange the slabs to obtain the optimal DPF performance. A filter substrate wall has three slabs, which arises from a practical design problem, is presented here. As shown in Figure 2.20, two arrangement methods are discussed in this analysis. In this analysis all the slabs have the same porosity of 50%. The top slabs in these two cases are same. Thus, the particles can penetrate into the porous media is same in these two cases. Case 2 Case 1 Slab 1 Slab 1 15 Slab 2 Slab 2 20 Slab 3 Slab 3 10 um, 50% substrate substrate Figure 2.20. Two slab arrangement for a substrate wall. The simulation results are presented in Figure 2.21 and Figure 2.22. As expected, the top slabs in these two cases have the same amount of soot mass as shown in Figure 2.21. In the case 1, since the slab 2 has a lower pore size than slab 3, the mass deposited in slab 2 is much higher than that in slab 3. Conversely in the case 2, because the slab has higher pore size and lower filtration efficiency, the mass deposited in the slab 2 is lower than that in slab 3. To sum up, the mass distribution between slabs in case 2 is more uniform than that in case 1. According to the conclusion in the mass distribution inside porous media, the DPF pressure in case should be lower than that in case. The DPF pressure drop results for the discussed two cases are shown in Figure 2.22. As expected, the DPF pressure drop for case 2 is lower than that in case 1. After depth filtration, the DPF pressure drop difference can be as larger as 15%. Thus, the pressure drop reduction by choosing the optimal arrangement is not trivial. An implication from 46 this study is that the pore size from slab 2 to slab n should decrease in the depth direction with the top slab fixed. Ca 5- case 2 case 1 4- cas e 1 -6 30 C case 2 0 C 2- case 2 1- case 0 1 3 2 Slab Number Figure 2.21. The soot mass deposited in each slab in the two slab arrangements. 12001 case (U 1000 cue2ijliliilll 2 0(I) 800 600 400 200 C 0.5 1 1.5 2 soot load g/L Figure 2.22. The DPF pressure drop in the two slab arrangements. 47 The conclusion made above can be extended to the case of n slabs as shown in Figure 2.23. If all the slabs have the same porosity of 50% and the top slab property is fixed, the optimal arrangement for slab 2 to slab n is letting the pore size decrease in the depth direction. Under this arrangement, the soot distribution between slabs can be more uniform than any other case. Thus the DPF pressure drop of this arrangement has the lowest value. The extended conclusion stated above has been validated by dozens of tested cases in numerical simulation. The detailed results of these simulations are not presented here. Once the substrate wall is composed of many slabs whose property can be independently controlled, there is an issue about slab arrangement to achieve the best filter performance. The DPF soot and ash loading model can be a useful tool to do the initial analysis and the optimal plans suggested by model can be validated in experiments. Substrate wall Figure 2.23. A substrate wall with n slabs and each slab property can be independently controlled. 2.3 Summary In this chapter, a DPF model which considers exhaust flow, substrate filtration and cake layer formation is built to simulate the DPF soot and ash loading process. The model also takes soot particle size distribution and particle partition ratio into account, which make it closer to the real physical process. Some useful and interesting summaries from this study are following. During DPF soot and ash loading process, the ash cake layer acts like membrane. Once the ash cake layer is thick enough, it will block all the particles out of substrate wall and make the DPF pressure drop increases linearly with soot loading level. Compared with 48 clean filter, the lightly ash loaded DPF (under 1 Og/ L ash) has lower pressure drop during soot loading. Thus, a suitable amount of ash loading is helpful to reduce DPF pressure drop. And this could be a new direction in the future DPF performance optimization. It is founded that depth filtration has significant effects on DPF pressure drop compared with cake filtration. The depth filtration is the reason of DPF pressure rapid growth in initial loading phase. So, if possible, depth filtration should be avoided to reduce DPF pressure drop. For mass distribution between slabs inside substrate wall, it is concluded that the uniform mass distribution has lowest pressure drop and most the concentrated mass distribution has the highest pressure drop. Mathematically this arise from the substrate pressure drop with deposited mass is an exponential like curve, which is a concave function. If the substrate pressure drop with deposited mass is a linear curve, the mass distribution between slabs should have no effect on DPF pressure drop. For a substrate with n slabs, if the property of each slab can be independently controlled in the manufacture process, there is optimization problem to arrange the slab in the right order to achieve the lowest pressure drop. If all the slabs have the same porosity and the top slab is fixed, the optimal arrangement from slab 2 to slab n is letting the pore size of the slab decrease in the substrate wall depth direction. 49 3 Ash Spatial Distribution Effects A small quantity of ash does deposit inside the porous filter wall, primarily in the surface pores, during the so-called deep-bed filtration phase. However, most of the ash deposits on top of the filter wall in the inlet channels. This analysis focuses on the effects of ash distribution in the inlet channels, where conceptually there are three modes of ash distribution. At given ash load, ash can accumulate either as a cake layer along the channel or as an end-plug at the back of the channel, or has a certain radial distribution among inlet channels. In reality, there is a combination of these distributions. This section discusses the potential of DPF pressure drop reduction by optimizing the distribution of ash inside DPF inlet channels. If certain kinds of ash distribution could significantly reduce the DPF pressure drop, relevant technologies such as ash mobility control would be worth developing to facilitate the preferred ash distribution. 3.1 Ash Deposit Accumulation C) Ca Ca 0 -c ) S + 100% 40 80% 35 30 -' 25 .0 60% 0 25_ 20 .C . 10 * ~U LL 40% MC1 20% 5 0% -0 0 50 100 150 200 Service Interval [miles x 1,000] 250 Figure 3.1. Ash fraction of the total accumulated material in the DPF as a function of total mileage prior to ash cleaning assuming a maximum DPF soot load of 6 g/l for regeneration. [25] The diesel particulate filter (DPF) is the key component of diesel after-treatment system to meet stringent particle emission standards. The filter physically captures the diesel exhaust particles by forcing the exhaust to flow through the porous filter walls. The accumulated soot is oxidized either by regeneration with catalyst-assisted ignition at lower temperatures, or regeneration by normal thermal ignition at higher temperatures. However, in any case, incombustible material - ash - always remains after regeneration. The majority of ash accumulated in the DPF originates from lubricant oil additives, fuel 50 additives, and engine wear. The DPF ash loading level is approximately linearly related to the mileage of filter operation. During most of the DPF's useful life, especially at moderate-to-high mileage (or equivalent hours), there is more ash than soot present in the DPF at any time [25]. For example, as shown in Figure 3.1, at 150,000 miles of mileage, there is more than 25g/L of ash in the filter and the ash mass fraction at 6 g/L soot loading is more than 60%. Thus, a good understanding of ash and its effects on DPF performance is crucial in optimizing DPF performance. 3.2 Ash Permeability Ash permeability is the key property of ash deposit, which determines the pressure drop across the ash cake layer. In the ash spatial distribution analysis, ash permeability is the input property that has significant influences on the simulation results. In this section, a permeability estimation method based on DPF model is applied to calculate ash permeability from DPF pressure drop data. At the same time, a collection of ash/substrate wall permeability data from literature is presented and discussed. 3.2.1 Permeability Estimation from Experimental Data The ash and substrate wall properties are essential to obtain reasonable projections of distribution sensitivity using DPF model. Material properties data, such as ash density, are provided by recent experiments at laboratory. Incidentally those studies addressed the effects of lubricant formulation on DPF performance. The lubricant formulations tested in the experiment are shown in Table 3.1. The DPF pressure drop due to ash accumulation is shown in Figure 3.2. Ash packing density is directly measured in the experiments. However, key information such as ash permeability and substrate wall permeability cannot be directly measured from the experiments, but can be derived from carefully analyzing the results in conjunction with basic DPF flow models. Table 3.1 Six lubricant formulations tested in experiments. Zn P 5 2070 <1 <1 <1 <1 2612 1280 2 <1 2530 1180 <1 1730 1280 1180 1388 355 1226 985 Lubricant Formulation Ca Mg Base+Ca Base+Mg Base+ZDDP Base+Ca+ZDDP 2928 <1 <1 2480 Base+Mg+ZDDP CJ-4 ppm 51 Ash permeability, as used in this context, means ash cake layer permeability and wall permeability refers to the wall permeability after depth filtration, and is assumed to be constant. The permeabilities of the ash and substrate wall are crucial parameters which will determine the effects of ash distribution inside the inlet channel on DPF performance. From some preliminary analysis, it is found that moving ash to the end of the channel is beneficial to reduce DPF pressure drop under some combinations of ash and wall permeabilities. However, for a different set of ash and wall permeability values, moving ash to the end forming an end-plug may increase the DPF pressure drop, which totally reverses the conclusion. Thus, the key issue is to know the real permeability of the ash and wall under real DPF operating conditions. 3.5-3.0-- Ca + ZDDP 'ir Ca CJ-4 XC 2.5 -Oa2.0 -- leeMg + ZODDP P__ 1.0 3 Mg ZDDP 0.5 0.0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 Ash Load [g/L] Figure 3.2. Experimental DPF pressure drop with ash loading for all lubricant formulations at a constant space velocity 20,000 1/Hour [26]. Up to now, few publications have discussed the ash and substrate permeability at real DPF running conditions. More often, the DPF total pressure drop, which couples the substrate wall, ash cake layer and flow friction effects, is described in the literature. Further, it is very difficult to directly measure the pressure drop of the ash cake layer or substrate wall in a real DPF without disturbing the ash cake layer and substrate wall properties. As shown in Figure 3.2, there is a linear increase region in the DPF pressure drop curve, which is generally between 3g/L to 15 g/L ash load. This section of the curve should contain the information for the ash permeability and substrate wall permeability. The approach of the analysis is outlined as below. To estimate the ash and wall permeability after depth filtration, the following assumptions are essential. These assumptions are supported by the experiments conducted in the lab. 52 1) Cake filtration dominates after 3 g/L ash load. 2) Before 15 g/L ash load, the ash cake layer has uniform thickness and no ash plug is formed at the end of inlet channel. 3) Ash and wall properties do not change from 3g/L to 15 g/L ash load. DPF Pressure Drop Experiment Data 3.0 y = 0.0398x + 1.3342 R2 = 0.9843 2.5 12.0 0. 01.5 a "=1.0 - --- +--- Experirnent data Data used in analysis Data linear fitting It' 20.5 0.0 0.0 5.0 10.0 20.0 15.0 Ash Load g/L 25.0 30.0 35.0 Figure 3.3. Linear fitting in ash/wall permeability estimation. M Ash cake layer 0 Ash end plug Inlet channel Figure 3.4. Assumed ash distribution inside inlet channel at permeability estimation. The DPF pressure drop data between 3g/L and 15 g/L ash load, shown in Figure 3.3, is approximately linear. Physically this corresponds to a scenario, as shown in Figure 3.4, in which the ash cake layer has uniformly increasing thickness without ash penetrating into the substrate wall or being swept to the end of the channel to form ash end-plug. The total DPF pressure drop has three components as shown in Eq. (3.1). From 3g/L to 15 g/L of ash load, the substrate wall pressure drop is a constant, the flow friction pressure drop can be estimated from Eq. (3.2), and the ash cake layer pressure drop increases linearly with 53 ash loading as shown in Eq. (3.3). Here, the pressure loss caused by gas contraction and expansion is ignored, since its contribution is relatively small in this analysis. A APDPF all ( pp ,LFUL 3 APwai+ APash Sa = Yash .2- ±ash friction (3.1) 1 (3.2) 2 (b - 2sa )2 /-- S. + kw + bk (3.3) S ka (3.4) VDPF PashNchanneLef b In Eq. (3.4) the ash layer thickness is calculated based on ash load Yas (unit is g/L) and DPF geometry (including filter length Leff, channel width bk, channel number Nel and DPF total volume VDPF). Combining Eq. (3.3) and Eq. (3.4) results in Eq. (3.5). Once the linear curve from the data fitting is determined, as shown in Figure 3.3, a and b in Eq. (3.5) can be obtained. As shown in Eq. (3.6), ash permeability is related to slope of the linear fitting, a, and wall permeability is related to its intercept with the vertical axis. 'a ± APash =ADPF - (Apfriction) madel = pu, 2.VDpF k, 4 . ash PashNann LeffbkY +P"1W (3.5) k, a -Yasi+b VDPF ka = pu, a PashNchanne2 Leffbk (3.6) k = puWS. b Using the linear-fitting method mentioned above, the wall and ash permeabilities from estimates are shown in Table 3.2. However, the three assumptions used in this analysis may idealize the situation for real DPF operation. For example, ash packing density may slightly change from 3g/L to 15g/L ash load since regenerations keep heating the ash during this process. Thus, the estimated permeability will have an error proportional to the change in ash packing density. Meanwhile, for each type of ash, usually only about 4 to 6 experimental data points are available for the least square fitting from 3 g/L to 15 g/L. Thus, the experimental measurement error may affect the final estimation results. Therefore, the data shown in Table 3.2 may need further validation in the future. 54 Table 3.2. Estimated permeability of ash generated from six lubricant formulations. Lubricant Ash Permeability Wall Permeability m2 2 Ca 1.67 x10- 4 4.56 x10-14 Zn 8.56 x10- 4 10.5 x10- 14 Mg 57.4 4 xIO-~ 5.82 x10-14 Ca + Zn 4.46 x10- 4 3.75 x10-14 Mg + Zn 4.80 x10 4 9.35 x104 11.1 x10- 4 4.98 x104 CJ-4 *Note: Ash permeability here means ash cake layer permeability, and wall permeability means the permeability of wall after depth filtration phase. 3.2.2 Permeability from Literature Table 3.3 Published ash and substrate wall permeability from literature Source (SAE) Ash Permeability (in 2 ) 2011-01-2091 2.8x10-4 to 7.4x10-14 Wall Permeability Notes (M2 ) SAE2000-01-1016 19x10' 4 2013-01-0837 0.95-5. 2000-01-1016 5.3x10-13 _ ash particle size 0.5 ~ 2 micron 2.77 to 7.4 x 10-14 (clean) 2004-01-0948 Ksoot=3.2~3.3 x 104 Kash 10 kwai 8.9x 10-12 2009-01-0630 2009-01-1272 1.8x10- 4 and 2.3x10 4 3.3 x 10-13 3.2x 10~12 (clean wall) 2006-01-3256 89-04-05 5.8-9.6x10- 4 1.8-2.2 x 10-14 8.5x10- 14 to 7.9x10-13 1.8-3.5 x10- 3 2007-01-0045 2003-01-0846 2002-01-2786 4.1-4.4x10- 3 1-8x10- 3 1.2-3.3x10- 3 55 A significant amount of effort was devoted to the search of ash permeability reported in the literature. However, no directly measured DPF ash permeability was founded in the publications. This is probably because of the high difficulty in obtaining ash sample and measuring it without disturbing. But there is still some published ash permeability data which is estimation from experiences or calibrated data in model fitting. From the literature, the ash permeability range is 1.8 - 9.6 xIO-14 m 2 and wall permeability range is 0.95x10-14 to 8.5x 10-1 M2 . The ash and substrate wall permeability range generally agrees with the estimation from experimental data. 3.3 Radial Distribution Effects From the DPF experiments, the ash non-uniform distribution between inlet channels has been observed in both active and passive regeneration. This phenomenon may come from the non-uniform porous media property from manufacture or non-uniform flow distribution because of tube and filter geometry. The sensitivity of DPF pressure drop to ash radial distribution is discussed using modeling approach. 3.3.1 Model Formulation The cylindrical filter is equally discretized in the radial direction into annuluses as shown in Figure 3.2. Each annulus is treated as a separate zone. Assuming that all the inlet channels in the same zone behave the same, a representative channel for each radial zone has to be solved. The model for the representative channel is the typical ID, 2 channels model, as shown in Figure 3.5, which is introduced in Appendix 1. The solution of the representative channel depends on the respective flow condition at the entrance of the zone. The flow velocity entering each zone depends on the pressure drop of each zone, in other words it depends on channel ash loading level. For example, if the channels in the center have lower ash layer thickness than that in the peripheral part and no plug is formed in any channel, the flow rate in the centered channel should be higher than that in the periphery to achieve same pressure drop. The flow distribution for each zone is computed by an iterative procedure. Initially, a guessed flow distribution is assigned to the zones and the ID, 2 channels model is applied in each zone to calculate the pressure drop. If the pressure drop from each zone is not same, the guessed flow distribution is corrected base on individual zone pressure drop. This trial-error method continues until the pressure drop calculated in each zone becomes same. The detailed procedure is presented following. 56 Step 1: assume a uniform flow distribution. You can also use other flow distribution in this step. Q is the given DPF entrance flow rate. Q, is the initial flow rate for zone i. (3.7) Q =Q Step 2: calculate APi based on ID, 2 channels model based on the assigned flow distribution. Here, APi is the calculated pressure drop for zone i. Step 3: correct the flow distribution. Si here is the area of each zone in the entrance. n+1 Oin _ (3.8) Q"S, AP APj Step 4: go back to Step 2 if APi difference is higher than the tolerance. E IrnuIaS.a Ash cake layer M Ash end plug naaI I (a) 1D, 2 Channels Model (b) Figure 3.5. DPF ash radial distribution model. (a) discretized zones in radial direction. (b) one dimensional, two channels model. 3.3.2 Results Discussion Two patterns of ash distribution inside channels are considered in this study, which is shown in Figure 3.6. The first pattern is that all the ash in the inlet channel is to form the ash cake layer. The second pattern assumes that all the ash in the inlet channel deposits as end-plug. In the simulation, the diesel particulate filter is discretized into 20 zones and discretization positions are equally distributed in the radial direction. The zone in the center has the lowest ash loading level, which is lOg/L. The zone in the periphery has the 57 highest ash loading level which is 40g/L. As shown in Figure 3.7, the ash loading of the respective zone linearly increases in the radial direction. Ash cake layer * Ash end plug Ash cake layer Inlet channel Inlet channel (a) M Ash end plug plugd) (b) Figure 3.6. Two distribution patterns considered in the radial distribution analysis. (a) all the ash forms the cake layer. (b) all the ash forms the end-plug. 40 g/L ash 40 tI~-I~ij 0 I "Cj ---------------- --------- 10 0 Radial Position, r R 10 g/L ash Figure 3.7. Ash radial distribution considered in the simulation. (a) Discretized zones in radial direction. (b) increased ash loading level in radial direction. Table 3.4 DPF specifications and flow condition used in simulation DPF Length DPF Diameter DPF wall thickness 6 inch 5.66 inch 0.012 inch DPF plug length DPF cell density Flow velocity 0.3 inch 300 CPSI 50,000 1/Hour 58 The simulation conditions are presented in Table 3.4. The DPF geometry is common commercialized DPF specifications. The flow velocity of 50,000 1/Hour is used here. One thing worth noting is that flow velocity has minor effects in the ash radial distribution analysis. And this is also validated by the simulation results. The simulation results of the first distribution pattern, presented in Figure 3.6(a), are shown in Table 3.5. The DPF pressure drop is investigated at different combinations of ash layer permeability and wall permeability as listed in Table 3.5. Generally, the pressure change ratio caused by ash radial distribution is rather small at these wall/ash layer permeability conditions. Here, the pressure change ratio is defined as following. pressurechange ratio = A "oneven Apeven (3.9) Aeven The simulation results from the second ash distribution pattern are shown in Table 3.6. The simulation conditions (ash layer/substrate wall permeability) are same with that in the first case. However, as shown in Table 3.6, the pressure change ratio is much smaller, which is all below 0.2%. That suggests that ash radial distribution as end-plug as minor effects on DPF pressure drop. Table 3.5. DPF Pressure change ratio with ash radial distribution when ash deposits as cake layer. Ash Layer Permeability (m 2 Wall Permeability 2 1.00E-12 1.00E-13 1.00E-14 1.00E-12 0.18% -2.05% -6.98% I.OOE-13 1.07% 0.22% -4.51% 1.00E-14 0.31% 0.30% -0.28% 11.00E-15 0.04% 0.04% 0.07% 59 Table 3.6. DPF Pressure change ratio with ash radial distribution when ash deposits as end plug. Ash Layer Permeability (m2) 1.00E-12 1.00E-13 1.00E-14 0.12% 0.12% 0.12% 1.OOE-13 0.20% 0.20% 0.20% L.OOE-14 0.03% 0.03% 0.03% l.OOE-15 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% Wall Permeability l.OOE-12 (m2) 3.4 Ash Cake Layer Profile Effects 3.4.1 Model Formulation The model has the capability to consider the DPF with both soot and ash deposits. However, the study in this section mainly focuses on the issues - relating to ash deposition. As shown in Figure 3.8, the ash within the particulate filter can be divided into two categories. The ash of the first category distributes in the rear part of the channels resulting in a form of plug clogging the rear part of the inlet channels. The ash of the second category deposits as a layer with varying thickness along the filter walls. Both types of ash deposits are considered in the model. From ash loading experiments, it is found that ash inside DPF channel has significant ash end-plug formation and nonnegligible cake layer variation in the axial direction [27]. Ash wall layer Ash end plug 1l Figure 3.8. Ash distribution inside one DPF inlet channel. 60 This section focuses on discussing DPF pressure drop within the effective filtration length (assuming impermeable end-plugs), since variable layer thickness is considered in this region. DPF pressure drop outside the effective filtration length, such as entrance effects, has been well studied by others in previous publications [4]. Once the DPF channel accumulates an ash cake layer of variable thickness, the open width of the inlet channel is no longer a constant, but changes in the DPF axial direction. Thus, the governing equations in the inlet channel should be different from those considering a constant channel width. The detailed derivation of the equations is given in Appendix 2. This equation is valid for the effective filtration length Leff, meaning the length in which the exhaust flows through the filter wall from an inlet to an outlet channel. The flow through the end-plugs has been estimated to be small and is negligible. Effective filtration length is calculated through Eq. (3.10). LPI., is the DPF plug length and Lash-ptug is the ash deposit end plug length. (3.10) Leff = LDPF - 2 x Lplu, - Lash-plug Considering the normalized velocity in channel 2 (outlet channel) results in: 0= d d2 B 2+ dL d (d Amod1 "' b2 A 3 L d +k B B d di L ) k b, +Id(G^2) b -2AA d 2A b bl. bk 2 b Y d b, 2 dub 2AA A 2 (+ 2 b, d k )a2 (3.11) b, dbI d2 dui du2 2Amod + d) d2 - Ab bl, dz du A 2 9 bA +A bk4 1 bZ A -2A -b_ b A u d2 2 d2 (3.12) y db0 d2 Since the shooting method always fails to converge in solving Eq. (3.11), a pseudo time loop is used to find the solution with an initial condition. Thus, the simulation solves the one dimensional transient flow problem inside the DPF, which results in Eq. (3.12), which is essentially Eq. (3.11) with one time derivative term on the left hand side. The following parameters are defined: Re = pui"bk (3.13) 77 61 4 Leff A = bAs- Re 2 L _ A 22= 4F k, (3.15) L bks, bk Re 4 Lffk A3 (3.16) bk 2s1 B, 2 (3.14) bk AOd , L+s kw k, sw (3.17) sa k k, ) ±,ss k + Pasa kw = 4Re kP+ Lff s s (3.18) A = bj 0(2 =0)2 (3.19) The boundary conditions of Eq. (3.12) are as follows: 6 2 (^Z=O)=O (3.20) u 2 (z=1)= b 1 (2-0)2 (3.21) The initial conditions of Eq. (3.12) are: u 2 z = 1) = bi(2= 0)2 bk (3.22) else where, U2 (zz # 1)= 0; Eq.(3. 11) is an ordinary differential equation and Eq.(3.12) is a partial differential equation. Numerically it is much easier to solve Eq.(3.12) than Eq.(3.1 1) because Eq.(3.1 1) is difficult to converge. Using a pseudo time loop to solve Eq. (3.12) turns out to be rather robust and efficient. Actually, Eq. (3.12) can use any initial condition besides Eq. (3.22) once it satisfies the boundary condition. When the pseudo time loop reaches 62 the equilibrium state, the velocity obtained is the solution of Eq.(3. 11). The normalized filtration velocity profile results from Eq. (3.12) as: dui2 d2 dU(3.23) Thereby, the pressure drop along the effective filtration length can be calculated as follows: = A1 (i|(2 =1) - 6i(2 = 0))+ A2 U2d 0 Bza,(O)+ mO di(0) (3.24) The final step involves calculating the real pressure drop from the normalized pressure drop. It is rather easy to recover the normalized term to its original form. The solution of the differential equation and the calculation of the pressure drop are performed using a programmed MATLAB code. The calculation is very fast and usually less than 2 seconds. 3.4.2 Results Discussion Based on the ash/wall permeability estimated in the previous section, the reformulated one dimensional model is applied to study the ash cake layer profile effects. Four types of ash cake layer profiles, shown in Figure 3.9, are investigated in this study. For the same ash loading level, the DPF pressure drop of four investigated ash layer profiles are compared. The flat ash cake layer is the baseline of the comparison. The pressure change ratio defined in Eq. (3.25) is used to quantify the pressure change caused by different ash layer profiles. pressurechange ratio = AP(nonflat layer) - AP(flat layer) AP(flat layer) (3.25) The sine wave profile in Figure 3.9 has a minimum thickness of zero and a maximum thickness of two times the average thickness. It has three complete sine wave cycles along the whole DPF length. The linearly decreasing ash layer has a thickness of about two times the average thickness at the channel entrance, and zero thickness at the end of channel. The linearly increasing ash layer has the reversed profile of the linearly decreasing ash layer. Table 3.7 shows the maximum ratio of ash cake layer thickness to half of the channel width for four ash layer profiles. At 20 g/L ash load, the ash cake layer generally occupies 11% of the clean channel open width for a flat ash cake profile. For non-flat ash layer profiles, at the narrowest channel position, the ash occupies 22% of the clean channel open width. 63 Ash cake layer (a) Flat ash cake layer (c) Sine wave ash layer * Substrate Wal (b) Linearly decreasing ash layer thickness (d)Linearly increasing ash layer thickness Figure 3.9. Four types of investigated ash layer profiles. Ash generated from six lubricant formulations were studied in the analysis. From the simulation, in most of the cases, DPF pressure drop is not very sensitive to the ash layer profile from 0 to 20g/L ash. As shown in figure 3.10, up to 20g/L ash load, the DPF with the Mg ash layer does not have much difference in pressure drop between a flat and nonflat ash layer. The maximum difference in pressure change ratio is about 2%. Table 3.7. Maximum value of 2xSash/bk for four ash cake layer profiles at 2 ash load levels load Layer pr flat Sine wave Linear increase Linear decrease 10g/L 20g/L 5.2% 10.6% 10.6% 10.6% 10.8% 22.2% 22.0% 22.0% Among the six types of ash, Ca ash is most sensitive to the ash cake layer profile, which is shown in Figure 3.11. The maximum difference in pressure change ratio is approximately 10% at 20 g/L ash load. In the real ash loading process, ash end plug starts to form at about 15 g/L ash load. Thus, the practical ash layer profile effect is less than 64 8% as shown in Figure 3.11. In this case, the ash permeability is rather low and the nonflat ash layer helps to reduce the DPF pressure drop. Mg Ash Layer Profile Effect 2 a, sine wave linear increase linear decrease 1.5 a) 1 0) 0.5 C. 0-0.5-1 5 10 15 ash load g/L - 20 Figure 3.10. Mg ash pressure change ratio of three cake layer profiles. Ca Ash Layer Profile Effect 0) .4-0 C: -21- aD 0. 40 (U C/) C, -6 -8 -10 -12 - 5 sine wave linear increase linear decrease 10 15 20 ash load g/L Figure 3.11. Ca ash pressure change ratio of three cake layer profiles. 65 3.5 Ash End-plug Effects 3.5.1 Ash Distributed as Layer and End-plug This section considers the effects of ash end-plug length at a given amount of ash deposit inside DPF channel. Ash is assumed to accumulate as a combination of deposits on the channel walls as flat layers, and at the end of channels as end-plugs, which is shown in Figure 3.12. The ash distribution in the inlet channels can be described by the ash plug ratio defined at Eq. (3.26). Ash Plug Ratio : z= AshPlug Mass Total Ash Mass M Ash cake layer (nl) (a) sh lg R M Ash end plug (3.26) Ash cake layer Ash end plug layer Ash Plug Ratio=O (b) Ash Plug Ratio=0.5 Figure 3.12. Ash distributions inside DPF channel under two ash plug ratios. (a) ash plug ratio=O. (b) ash plug ratio=0.5. One way to quantify the ash plug length effect on DPF pressure drop is to introduce the target function, f, defined in Eq. (3.27). It provides a measure of DPF pressure drop change for two extreme cases of ash distribution (one is all the ash forming the end-plug, and the other is all the ash forming the cake layer). When the target function is negative, it means that moving more ash to form an end-plug is beneficial to reduce DPF pressure drop. When the target function is positive, moving more ash to the end of the channels will increase the DPF pressure drop. Target Function: f- AP(z = 0) (3.27) 66 3.5.2 Parameter Analysis One key objective of this analysis is to determine the parameters affect the target function, f. In the following analysis, all the relevant parameters are listed. The parameters include the flow rate, DPF geometry, ash load level, ash/wall properties, etc. flow: u Length/Vol ume: bk permeability: ka Pair L Vash Sw kw From the simulations, it is found that the target function is weakly related to the flow velocity, u. This is due to the fact that the three major parts of DPF pressure drop, as shown in Eq. (3.1), are nearly proportional to flow velocity, since flow inside DPF channel is laminar in most cases. For the commercial DPF, the parameters such as length, diameter and substrate wall thickness are standardized and can be treated as constants. Thus, the unknown parameters in this analysis which remain are ash volume V,,h , ash permeability k. and substrate wall permeability k,. The three unknown variables can be rewritten in non-dimensional form in Eq. (3.28-3.30). M is the material restriction ratio, which is the ash cake layer pressure drop divided by wall pressure drop. C is the channel friction ratio, which is flow friction pressure drop divided by the wall pressure drop. G is the ratio of ash deposit volume relative to the DPF channel volume. These three variables are non-dimensional and have clear physical meaning. ash M - _ APash layer 4Lbkk k. G Vh bk2 L ash volume channel volume F 4L2 3 bkb 2 V L C Ws + bk APtlowfiction (3.30) wPall 67 One way to validate the variable reduction is to write the target function as a function of M, G and C. Based on the work of Konstandopulous [22], the DPF pressure drop can be decoupled as three components. The target function can be expressed by M, G and C. AP(z =1)-AP(z AP(z=0) friction,z fictio/X~flcto-o n,z=0 =0) a =1 -1 wall,z=s o +=AP ash,z=O + 1 C(_G ),G) 2-G 2 1-G C+M+1 (3.31) 3.5.3 Sensitivity Map To understand ash plug length effect from a broader perspective, the contours of the target function are plotted in the plane of (M, C) at a given G (which specifies the ash loading level). These plots are shown in Figure 3.13 and Figure 3.14. These figures condense the information and facilitate identification of the regions suitable for moving ash back to the end of channel. For example, in Figure 3.13, where G equals 0.27 (the ash load is 20g/L), the upper region shows a negative target function. This means moving more ash to the end of channel helps to reduce DPF pressure drop. In this case the material restriction ratio is very large, which means the ash cake layer pressure drop is dominant. Moving ash to the end of the DPF to reduce the cake layer thickness is beneficial to reduce the total DPF pressure drop. In the lower region of Figure 3.13, the target function is positive. In this region, moving ash back to form an end-plug will increase DPF pressure drop. In this scenario, the material restriction ratio is very low, which means the ash cake layer pressure drop is trivial, but the substrate wall pressure drop is the dominant contributor to the total DPF pressure drop. Thus, moving ash to the end of channel will not reduce the ash cake layer pressure drop much, but will increase the wall pressure drop significantly since flow velocity increases as the ash end-plug length increases. Increasing the ash plug ratio in this case will increase the total DPF pressure drop. 68 G=0.27 (Geometry Ratio) 0.2 -36% -83% 10 0 1 -0.2 -12% -0.4 0.2% 0.1 -0.6 24% 0.01 F 12% ,__,,_ 0.001 , 0.1 0.01 -0.8 1 C, Channel Friction Loss Ratio Figure 3.13. DPF sensitivity contour map at 20g/L ash load. (DPF:6"L, .66"D) [Sensitivity, Eq.(3.27): Positive values increase pressure drop in moving ash towards channel end] G=0.54 (Geometry Ratio) -78% -40% 0.8 -21% 0.6 10 0 0.4 IU 0.2 1 -25 0 -0.2 17% 0.1 -0.4 54% 36% 0.001 0.01 .0.6 0.1 1 C, Channel Friction Loss Ratio Figure3.14. DPF sensitivity contour map at 40g/L ash load. (DPF:6"L, 5.66"D) [Sensitivity, Eqn. (3.27): Positive values increase pressure drop in moving ash towards channel end] 69 Figure 3.14 shows another example, in which G equals 0.54, which indicates an ash load of 40g/L. The general pattern of the contour is similar to the case of 20 g/L ash load (when G equals 0.27). However, it seems more regions exhibit a positive target function The reason for this is that, at larger ash loads, the DPF will have longer ash end-plugs when the ash plug ratio equals zero, which increase the wall velocity to a larger extent. This will increase the DPF pressure drop. 3.5.4 Sensitivity Map with Actual DPFs A more interesting question would be where the experimental data for the DPF and lubricant formulation tests stand on this sensitivity map. From the previous section, the permeability of the DPF wall and ash generated from the six lubricant formulations were estimated using the experimental data. Using the wall/ash permeability, three nondimensional numbers can be calculated and plotted on the sensitivity map. Figure 3.15 shows the sensitivity map with real DPFs at an ash load of 20g/L. These data points lie in the regions which have both positive and negative target functions. This means that moving the ash to the end of channel does not necessarily reduce the pressure drop for all of cases. The pressure change ratio result for this case is shown in the Table 3.8. Figure 3.16 shows the sensitivity map with real DPFs and an ash load of 40g/L. It exhibits a similar pattern as in Figure 3.15, and the real DPF/material data points still lie in both the negative and positive regions. The target function for each kind of ash is shown at Table 3.8. From 20g/L to 40 g/L ash load, the sign of the target function does not change, but the absolute values increase. This behavior suggests that increasing the ash load will amplify the effects of the ash plug ratio on DPF pressure drop. Table 3.8. Target Function for real DPF and ash at two ash loading level Target Function Lubricant Additive Target Function 20 g/L ash 40 g/L ash Ca -24% -31% -9% -5% Zn 48% 22% Mg Ca + Zn 6% 18% -22% -15% Mg + Zn CJ-4 14% 32% 70 .~~1 G=0.27 (Geometry Ratio) 0.2 'U IV 0 I -0.2 Mg4.b -12% -0.4 12% 0.1 02% 24% -0.6 *Mg -0.8 0.011 0.001 0.01 1 0.1 C, Channel Friction Loss Ratio Figure 3.15. DPF sensitivity contour map at 20g/L ash load with real DPF and ash data. (DPF:6"L, 5.66"D) [Sensitivity, Eq. (3.27): Positive values increase pressure drop in moving ash towards channel end] G=0.54 (Geometry Ratio) 0.8 -40% -0 0.6 10 0.4 a: 0,2 -2% 1 0 -02 0.1 92% 0.001 4 7%'C- -44 'Mg4 0.01 0.1 46 1 C, Channel Friction Loss Ratio Figure 3.16. DPF sensitivity contour map at 40g/L ash load with real DPF and ash data. (DPF:6"L, 5.66"D) [Sensitivity, Eq. (3.27): Positive values increase pressure drop in moving ash towards channel end] 71 Figure 3.17 shows the sensitivity map with reported ash/substrate wall permeability range from literature at an ash load of 20g/L. Again, the possible ash/substrate wall range shown in the sensitivity map lies in the regions that have both positive and negative target functions. This means that moving the ash to the end of channel does not necessarily reduce the pressure drop for all of cases. Thus, whether moving ash to the end of the channel is a good strategy really depends on what combination of ash/substrate permeability in the analysis. Thus, once given these needed permeabilities, a better distribution pattern can be specified. I0 N2=0 2684 0.2 -83% 10 0.1 0 (U -W -0.4 12%2 ' .1 -0.5 -06 24%- -0.7 0 - 0.01 -0.8 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 C, Channel Friction Ratio Figure 3.17. DPF sensitivity contour map at 20g/L ash load with DPF and ash data from literature. (DPF:6"L, 5.66"D) [Sensitivity, Eq. (3.27): Positive values increase pressure drop in moving ash towards channel end] 3.6 Summary A reformulated DPF model combined with experimental data was applied to analyze the effects of ash spatial distribution inside DPF channels on the total DPF pressure drop. The key conclusions are as follows: In the normal region of ash/substrate permeability, ash radial distribution, no matter deposits as cake layer or end plug, has minor effect on DPF pressure drop. 72 During most of the ash loading process, the average ash layer thickness is less than or equal to 11% of the clean DPF channel open width, the precise shape of the ash distribution profile along the channel has a small and insignificant effect on DPF pressure drop. The ash end plug length has relatively large effect on DPF performance. For example, at 20g/L ash load, the ash distributed as end plug or as cake layer could introduce a 20% difference in terms of DPF pressure drop. However, the optimal distribution pattern depends on the ash permeability and wall permeability. At known ash/wall permeability, the optimal distribution can be determined according to the sensitivity map developed in this study. 73 4 Ash Transport Modeling Ash accumulation inside diesel particulate filter causes filter pressure drop rise and reduces its useful life span. The ash distribution pattern in the channels of filter is an important question since it determines the DPF performance. Thus, the formation of distribution pattern, ash transport, needs to be studied. During active regeneration, ash transport is a rather complex process since flow dynamics across a small particle, cohesion forces between particles, particle sintering and soot oxidation are couples in this process. Based on experiment observations, a one dimensional model considering local flow velocity is built to help understand the dynamic process. 4.1 Experimental Observation and Analysis Since most of our experimental observations are obtained under active regeneration mode, the discussion will focus on the active regenerative transport. 4.1.1 Ash Distribution inside DPF Channels The major function of diesel particulate filter is to capture the soot particles of exhaust gas and the accumulated soot in the channel is burned during active regeneration. However, the incombustible material - ash remains after each regeneration and keeps increasing with running hours. After vehicle reaches certain mileage, there will be significant amount of ash inside DPF inlet channels. As shown in Figure 4.1, there is a rather long ash plug at the rear end of filter inlet channels and it has many fractures due to high temperature during active regeneration. At the same time, there is a significant ash cake layer deposited on substrate wall. The dark material on the white ash cake layer is soot deposit that comes from soot filtration. Figure 4.1. Ash distribution inside DPF inlet channels as cake layer or as end plug. The diesel particulate filter ash aging process is very slow in reality. For example, to observe the significant amount of ash in the filter, the vehicle may need to run about 74 100,000 miles or equivalent time of several years. To simulate the filter ash aging process, an ash accelerating system is built by the experimental group [25]. The lubricant oil is burned in a specially designed burner and the exhaust gas is directed to flow through the diesel particulate filter. It only takes a few hours in the accelerating experiments to simulate the vehicle aging process of multiples years. Since the open width of diesel particulate filter channel is rather small (usually 1.5mm), it is very difficult to observe the ash distribution inside inlet channels. The common approach is to carefully cut the channels and take pictures of deposit and channel under microscope. The ash distribution inside inlet channels under two ash load level is show in Figure 4.2. The observed samples come from the accelerated ash loading experiment using CJ-4 lubricant oil [25-27]. 1.5 E 1.3 1.0 In ~d 0.8 -j - ------------------ I ---------- ------ -- ------- ------------------------------------------- ---------------- ---------------- -- '- --------------------------- -------- ------- --------------------- -------- ----------- ------------------------ --------- 0.5 0.3 ---------------- --- 0.0 0 0 ...... -- -------------- -------------------- --------*-----------------------------------I------------------7 25 50 Axial Distance 75 100 125 150 125 150 (a) At 12.5 g/L ash load ----=noun 1.5 E1.3 E t 1.0 .00 0.8 -i (0.5 0.3 (0.0 U -J 0 25 50 75 100 Axial Distance [mm (b) At 42 g/L ash load Figure 4.2. Ash deposit inside DPF inlet channels from accelerating ash loading system using CJ-4 lubricant oil. (a) at 12.5 g/L ash load. (b) at 42 gIL ash load. As show in figure 4.2 (b), there is a significant amount of ash end plug inside channels which suggests that a larger amount of ash is transported to the rear end of channel. From 75 figure 4.2(a) and 4.2(b), it is clear that the ash cake layer thickness linearly increases in the front part of inlet channel. Without ash transport, the ash cake layer should have uniform thickness everywhere. Thus, at 12.5 g/L and 42 g/L ash load, there is strong evident to indicate that the ash initially deposited at the front part of the channel is transported to the rear end of the channel. Another thing worth mentioning is that ash density differs in the cake layer part and end plug part. From the experimental measurement, as shown in Figure 4.3, the ash plug density is lower than ash cake layer density under two ash load level. Physically this may arise from two major reasons. Since the flow velocity at the rear end of inlet channel is near zero, it is possible that ash will pack loosely in this region. Another reason is that the deposit temperature during active regeneration is probably lower at the rear end of inlet channel since little amount of soot can deposit inside the ash plug part. And this density difference of ash deposited is included in the ash transport model. N CJ-4 42 gil Ash E 0.35 - M CJ4 12.5 g/] Ash 0.30 0.30 0.25 - 0.20 C 0.17 0 15 0.100.05 0.00 - I - Ash layer I Ash plug Figure 4.3. Comparison of ash packing density for DPFs containing 12.5 g/l ash and 42 g/l ash generated in the laboratory using CJ-4 oil and periodic regeneration [26]. 4.1.2 Ash Transport Observation The optical observations of ash transport are conducted by the experimental group in Sloan Automotive Lab [28]. As shown in Figure 4.4, an optically-accessible filter core sample fixture enables optical access to a small portion of the outermost filter channel. Figure 4.4(b) shows how a segment of the top filter wall of the channel has been removed 76 to expose the channel surface below. A stereo microscope in conjunction with this fixture is used to do the real-time imaging of the particle transport process on channel surface. (b) View (a) Single Channel Figure 4.4. (a) DPF core sample fixture with optical access. (b) detail showing field of view into single channel. [281 During ash transport experiment, the flow velocity inside diesel particulate filter is increased gradually. The test procedure is schematically shown in Figure 4.5. The testing system is cooled down to room temperature before conducting a controlled step increase in flow velocity. The flow velocity starts from a value about 20,000 1/Hour and increases up to 160,000 1/Hour. The step size of flow augment is about 10,000 or 20,000 1/Hour and the time maintained in each flow velocity is approximately 30 seconds. This experiment provides the useful data to quantify the impact of elevated flow on the ash particle transport. U-- Time Figure 4.5. Step-wise increase in flow through optical DPF samples following full- or partial-regeneration.[281 77 Figure 4.6 shows the ash particle transport at increasing flow velocity after a complete active regeneration. One thing needs to specify is that the ash content of soot accumulated before regeneration is increased by using the ash accelerated loading system to help visualize the ash particle in this experiment. 104,00 GHSV 65,000 GHSV 168,000 GHSV Figure 4.6 Image sequence showing transport of ash particles formed following filter regeneration with increasing channel flow [28]. As show in Figure 4.6, the ash particles formed by previous active regeneration can be seen on the DPF surface. The ash particle is observed to detach from the DPF surface from the space velocity of 42,000 1/Hour. With increasing flow velocity, more and more particles are sheared off the DPF surface and transported to the rear part of inlet channel. The arrows in the Figure 4.6 indicate the ash particles detached from the DPF surface in the elevated flow rate of next step. The experimental observations presented in Figure 4.6 clearly indicate that ash particles or agglomerates can be detached from the original 78 deposited position with increasing flow rate. And it also suggests that more ash will be transport to the rear part of channel at higher flow velocity. 4.1.3 Force Analysis of Particle Transport Considerable research about microscopic particle transport with flow has been conducted outside the engine and after-treatment communities. However, most of these studies are concentrated on glass or stainless steel particles entrainment with parallel flow. Much more complexity is added in case of particle transport inside diesel particulate filter. The flow field inside DPF channel is presented in Figure 4.7. As the streamlines show, the flow in the inlet channel has an axial direction component and a vertical (down) component. Meanwhile, during DPF regeneration the soot deposit is burned and remained incombustible material re-organizes itself to form ash particle. And the formed ash particles begin sintering in the heat treatment initiated by following regenerations. Additional complexity comes from multiple chemical components keep changing during heat treatment and it may change the ash morphology and cohesion forces. Figure 4.7. Flow field inside DPF inlet channel from a CFD model. Figure 4.8 presents the major forces acting on a particle at rest on the DPF surface. FD-H is the horizontal fluid drag force upon the particle. FD-v is the vertical fluid drag force due to the wall flow in the vertical direction. And mg is the gravitational force which can be neglected in most of cases. FL is the aerodynamic lift due to the Bernoulli effect on a spherical particle in a shear flow as show in figure 4.9. The pressure is higher on the lower side of the particle where the fluid velocity is smaller, while the pressure is lower on the upper side, where the fluid velocity is higher. is the adhesive force between particle and substrate surface which is not easy to measure or quantify. For the ash or soot particles deposited on the filter surface, the governing adhesive force is believed to be Van Der Waals forces. But electrostatic or electromagnetic force may play a role in certain cases. FA However, when the particle deposits near the wall, the flow velocity near wall generally is small and drag force caused horizontal flow possibly is negligible. In this case, the horizontal forces exerted by flow shear stress maybe is dominant and friction force or adhesive force from the wall provides the balanced force. 79 FL FD-H Fshear FR Figure 4.8 Forces acting on particle accumulated on filter surface, Schematic adapted from [30]. -------------- F' F, Figure 4.9 Lift force acting on particle near deposited surface. 4.2 Transport Model 4.2.1 Modeling Assumptions As the 1-D model represented an initial approach to estimating the flow-induced shear required to induce particle transport form the channel walls to the back of the channel, the following simplifying assumptions were made: 80 1. Ash particles transport was only considered following complete soot oxidation, and the transport of soot along with the ash was not included in this initial model. 2. The local shear stress was estimated from the local mean channel flow velocity, which was calculated from the one dimensional flow model. 3. Once the local flow shear stress exceeds the particle's critical detachment stress, the particle begins to move. 4. Particle re-deposition was accounted for by assuming the particle will redeposit in a position where the local flow shear stress equals the particle critical re-deposition stress. 4.2.2 Flow Model The one dimensional flow model used here is same the flow model used in the ash cake layer profile effect analysis. As show in Figure 4.10, the flow model considers variable cake layer thickness in DPF length direction and ash plug at the rear end of the inlet channel. The channel flow velocity (U and U2) and wall velocity Uw have the one dimensional variation in the DPF length direction. Channel US b Uw >,Wall Flow U2 Figure 4.10 Ash deposit and flow inside one dimensional flow model. The one dimensional flow model ends up solving a partial differential equation shown in Eq. (4.1). The detailed derivation of this equation and the definition of the terms can be founded in Appendix 2. This partial differential equation can be solved by the pseudo time loop method and the simulation code is written in MATLAB. The computation time needed for one flow field calculation is approximately two seconds, which is much faster the solving time in 2D or 3D model. A, 2 b, 2AA1 +1 bAd d-2 = d1) dB _ dt di da2 __ 2 +mo d) dy ( 9 +., k b -2 2 (4.1) d b__di b2 2A 2vdb - A(1+ ---)Q^ =(A--bku 2 + A 2A-!2db 2 bl, dz b, bZ b, d2 81 4.2.3 Modeling Approach The one dimensional flow model is used to solve the flow flied inside DPF channel with ash deposit. To predict the ash particle movement, the shear stress exerted by exhaust needs to be considered. The local flow shear stress is calculated from one dimensional flow model. This method is generally applied in DPF ID model to account the local flow shear stress. F-u 4b 0 (4.2) Here, F is laminar channel flow friction factor. q is the gas viscosity. u is local mean axial velocity of inlet channel and it is a function of axial position. And b10 is the loaded DPF inlet channel open width. LNext Cycle Flow calculation Soot Loading Soot particle deposition Regeneration Ash Transport K Flow calculation Particle Moving Particle re-deposit Figure 4.11 Flow chart of the whole transport model. The flow chart of the transport model is shown in Figure 4.11. The soot deposition is simulated based on one dimensional flow model. Then a regeneration model considers the increase of ash layer thickness after each cycle of regeneration. The ash transport is calculated through a trial and error process. At each cycle, the flow flied and shear stress is calculated and compared with the particle detachment criteria at every discretized position along the channel length. If the flow shear stress is larger than the critical detach force, the particle leaves its original position and begins transport. If the particle moves, its new redeposit position will be the position where flow shear stress equals particle critical redeposit stress. This cycle repeats until the particles cease to move and an equilibrium layer profile is found. Here, the particle critical moving stress and critical 82 redeposit stress are two different constants. And these two numbers are calculated from the experimental measured ash deposit profiles to fit the experimental observations. Another important issue in the model is to consider the ash density change during the active regeneration process. The ash cake layer and end plug density are measured at 12.5 g/L and 42 g/L ash load. The assumed ash density change from 0 -50g/L ash is shown in figure 4. This data is implemented in the ash transport model and ash volume shrinking effect is considered based on density increase. 350 300 E 250 200 5, 150 ,100 --50 Ash Layer Density -U-Ash Plug Density 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Ash Load, g/L Figure 4.12. Ash cake layer and end-plug density with ash loading level. 4.2.4 Simulation Condition To interpret the experimental observation presented in Figure 4.2, simulations are conducted based on the one dimensional model described before. The simulation conditions are listed in Table 4.1. And the ash density difference between cake layer and end plug is considered in the model. The detailed implementation of density change is that once the cake layer ash leaves its original position and deposits as the end plug, its density increases to ash end plug density. The ash critical moving and redeposit stress are also listed in table 4.1. One thing worth mentioning is that the actual force needed to detach an ash particle probably is much larger than the presented shear force. As presented in Figure 4.8, the horizontal drag force may also play a role there and the lift force acting on ash particle also can facilitate the ash detachment. In a fully developed flow inside inlet channel, when is flow Reynolds number is low (usually less than 200 in the characteristic length of channel open width), the flow shear stress, flow drag force and lift force are all proportional to the local mean 83 flow velocity in the channel length direction. The drag force and lift force are difficult to estimate in this one dimensional model. However, since all the concerned forces are proportional, the flow shear force itself can also serve as criteria to determine ash stay or move. Table 4.1 Simulation conditions of transport model 6 inch Substrate 5x10'4 m 2 permeability DPF diameter 5.66 inch Ash permeability 4x10-4 m2 Space velocity 20, 000 1/Hour Critical moving 0.35 N/m 2 stress Cell density 200 cpsi Critical redeposit 0.05 N/m 2 stress Substrate thickness 0.0 12 inch DPF length 4.2.5 Results and Discussion Based on the simulation conditions listed in Table 4.1, the simulations using one dimensional transport model are conducted. The simulation results are presented in Figure 4.13 and the predicted ash distribution profiles for two ash loading levels are plotted with DPF inlet channel. The data points in the figures correspond to experimental measurements of the ash layer thickness and end plug length following post-mortem analysis of two identical DPFs, each loaded to 12.5 g/L and 42 g/L ash, respectively, using a commercial CJ-4 oil. Relative to the experimental measurements, the model shows good agreement with the overall ash distribution profiles. As show in Figure 4.13, there is a linear increase region of ash cake layer in the front part of filter inlet channel, which suggest some of particles originally deposited here are detached by the flow. This is mainly due to the relative larger flow velocity in the front part of inlet channel. The majority of transported ash in the rear end of channel comes from the cake layer thickness linearly increase region in the front part of the channel. The middle part of channel which has rather flat cake layer has little amount of particles transported to the end. One reason the layer thickness of the middle part doesn't increase proportionally to ash loading level is that the layer density increasing with ash load. Often enough, the ash cake layer is expected to shrink a little bit with increasing ash layer density. 84 x 10 -4 E XU C 0 0.05 0.1 DPF Length, m (a) Ash load =12 g/L Cx 10 E 1C .C K 0 -O 0.05 CH 0.1 DPF Length, m o Experment Measurement (b) Ash load = 42 g/L Figure 4.13. Predicted ash layer profile and experimental measurement at two ash loading levels. The model predicted ash distributions inside inlet channel are presented in Figure 4.14 (a) and (b), for 20 g/L and 30 g/L ash load respectively. As shown in Figure 4.14, from 20g/L to 30 g/L ash load, the ash end plug length increases significantly. At the same time, the ash cake layer thickness in the flat region, which is the middle part of inlet channel, also increases due to dozens of soot regeneration. The ash cake layer thickness linear increasing region, which is in the front part of the channel, also increases in the channel length direction. The reason accounting for ash layer linear increase region expanding is that the flow shear increases with shrinking loaded channel width, which means more ash can be detached at the same diesel particulate filter space velocity. 85 x 104 15 E 10 C: Ca, 5 0 0.05 0 0.1 DPF Length, m (a) Ash load = 20 g/L x 10 15 E U) U) C 1C (.) -c U) C I 0 I I 0.1 0.05 DPF Length, m (b) Ash load = 30 g/L Figure 4.14 predicted ash layer profile at 20 g/L and 30 g/L ash load. One important result from the ash transport modeling is to evaluate how ash end plug length increases with increasing ash load, which is also rather important in the diesel particulate filter pressure drop prediction. Figure 4.15 presents the evolution of the ash build-up in the channel end plugs. Each data point in the figure corresponds to the predicted ash plug mass fraction following a single regeneration event. The slight deviations observed in the ash end plug mass fraction at low ash loads correspond to the plug length changes due to the ash density change and it causes mass included in the plug part deviate with ash load. As shown in Figure 4.15, the predicted ash end plug start to form at the ash load of approximately 1Og/L. In the following filter regenerations, the ash end plug fraction 86 increases with ash load. After the ash load of 30g/L, the majority of ash mass, over 60%, is deposited in the rear end of filter inlet channel. After 30 g/L ash load, the ash end plug mass fraction still increases with ash load, which means the percentage of ash transported to the channel end in all new formed ash after generation is more than 60%. 1 -- 0 2 0.8 'a 0.4 0.2 0 10 20 30 Ash Load [gL] 40 50 Figure 4.15 Evolution of ash accumulation in channel end-plug predicted by the 1-D model. 4.3 Summary In this section, combined with experimental observations, the modeling approach is applied to understand the ash transport inside DPF inlet channels. In this one dimensional model, the flow and ash distribution only has variations in the DPF length direction. After applying critical moving and redeposit conditions, the model predicted rather good ash distribution compared with experimental observation. The practical ash transport inside DPF inlet channel is rather complicated since the soot oxidation, heat treatment, particle sintering and adhesion forces between micron size particles play a role in this process. There is plenty of room to improve this model if more mechanisms of ash transport process are understood. 1, From the experimental observation, it is found that ash has a cake layer part and end plug part in the inlet channel. And the cake layer part has certain profile which reflects the flow effects on particle transport. Those observations indicate the need of study the ash transport inside DPF channels. 87 2, From the ash transport optical study, it is found that ash particle start to detach from the substrate wall from some critical flow velocity. With increasing DPF flow velocity, more and more ash particles leaves the original deposition position, which clearly shows flow is the major reason of particle transport. 3, In the transport model, the flow shear stress is used as the moving condition of ash particles. In the real particle transport, probably flow drag force and lift force also play a role in the transport process. Since all the forces listed here are proportional to the mean local flow velocity in a fully developed flow, the flow shear stress itself can serves as condition to determine the ash particle transport. 4, The model predicted ash distribution has a good agreement with experimental measurements, which may imply that the model can be useful tool in understanding and visualizing the ash transport in DPF channels. 88 5 Passive Regeneration Model Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF) technology is recognized as a technically feasible solution for the emission control of diesel engines. The main issue associated with their application is the accumulation of soot in the filter channels, which may increase the exhaust backpressure to unacceptable levels. Active regeneration is to increase exhaust temperature to initiate soot reaction with carbon. The problems with this method are high fuel penalty and possible filter melting down. The catalyzed diesel particulate filter (CDPF) enable soot reaction happen in a relatively low temperature and continuously oxidize soot when the exhaust temperature is higher than 3000 C. The passive regeneration in CDPF has the advantages of low fuel penalty and low regeneration peak temperature. However, there are growing concerns about the catalyst deactivation with ash aging. Especially with the formation of ash, the catalyst NO generation ability may 2 decrease. Thus, the soot oxidation rate in passive regeneration may decrease with ash aging, which causes the passive regeneration unsustainable. 5.1 Passive Regeneration Catalyzed ceramic filters were developed in the early 1980s. Their first applications included diesel powered cars and, later, underground mining machinery. In the catalyzed diesel particulate filter (CDPF), a catalyst (usually platinum) is applied onto the filter media to promote chemical reactions of the soot (carbon) collected in the filter. In the most common design, the CDPF utilizes a ceramic wall-flow monolith made of either cordierite or silicon carbide, packaged into a steel housing, as shown in Figure 5.1. The porous walls or wash coat are coated with the catalyst. As the diesel exhaust aerosol permeates through the walls, the soot particles are deposited within the wall pores, as well as over the inlet channel surface. The catalyst facilitates PM oxidation under the lean conditions in the diesel exhaust. Porous walls (catalyzed) Packaging mat Plugs Steel housing Figure 5.1. Catalyzed Diesel Particulate Filter. 89 The major mechanism of passive regeneration is soot oxidation by NO 2. These CDPFs are coated or impregnated with Pt-based catalysts, which are very effective in promoting the oxidation reaction of NO, which is present in the raw diesel exhaust, to NO . The 2 latter is a strong oxidizing agent and is able to react with deposited soot at temperatures as low as 300'C. As shown in Figure 5.2, the NO 2 is formed on the catalytic region-wash coat, which is downstream the soot layer deposit. The reaction with soot would not be possible, unless NO 2 is able to diffuse back to the soot layer, driven by the concentration gradient. Moreover, one has to take into account that in typical filter wall structures, the pores are partially filled with soot during filter loading. Therefore, a certain amount of soot will actually be downstream the catalytic sites, on which the NO 2 is formed. C(lifSss of NOS) Nlon-catafytic soot oxidation with 02, 140 soot I 6- wash coat Solution of Concentration frld N0(X) taking Into account reactions/diffuslon 0 0 0 9 0 i 0 W"bu oW) (DWOMMte of 90J Figure 5.2. Reaction-diffusion phenomena across the soot layer and the catalyzed filter wall. Another possible mechanism of passive regeneration is soot catalytic reaction by oxygen. Some researchers claim that carbon reaction pathway possible is different when the carbon has a direct contact with catalyst. Carbon particles could be oxidized by oxygen absorbed on catalyst sites. This mechanism is limited to the special region where the soot deposits directly on catalyzed surface. However, this mechanism is often neglected in many DPF catalyst study. The main purpose of the catalyst is to facilitate passive regeneration of the filter by enabling the oxidation of diesel particulate matter under exhaust temperatures experienced during regular operation of the engine/vehicle, typically in the 300-400'C 90 range. In the absence of the catalyst, particulates can be oxidized at appreciable rates only at temperatures around 550-650'C, which can occur only at full load conditions in the diesel engine and in most cases are rarely seen during real-life operation. In these filter systems, the role of the catalyst-in addition to lowering the soot ignition temperature-is to regenerate soot continuously to minimize the fuel economy penalty. It reduces the fuel penalty in two ways. Firstly, it reduces the soot deposit level in most of engine states, which can significantly lower the CDPF pressure drop and reduce the fuel penalty. Secondly, it reduces the needs of raising the exhaust temperature to initiate the active regeneration, which also helps to lower the fuel consumption. Meanwhile, in passive regeneration, the filter temperature is much lower than that in active regeneration. Thus, it prevents the filter cracking from thermal stress in high temperature. 5.2 CDPF Aging Experiment Observation ve u s Low N02 Concentration A High N02 DPF Washcoat Ca alyst Ash Soot Concentration Figure 5.3 Reaction and diffusion across wall with ash cake layer. After CDPF regeneration, the soot particles are oxidized and the incombustible material ash remains in the filter channel. With increasing vehicle mileage or equivalent running hours, the ash loading level continues to increase and the ash cake layer gradually builds up. As shown in Figure 5.3, when an ash cake layer is formed, the catalyst particles are covered by ash and the soot layer and catalyst are separated by ash cake layer. The catalyst particles are possibly deactivated by ash coverage since the active sites may be blocked by ash deposits. Meanwhile, the ash layer acts like a diffusion barrier which 91 could reduce the NO 2 concentration available to soot oxidation. Thus, there are growing concerns that CDPF may become less effective at high level of ash loading. From the literature, filter catalyst aging is discussed from several different perspectives. Nicola Soeger concludes that aged CDPFs show significant loss in catalyst activity [46]. In Figure 5.4, the NO2 formation efficiency is defined as the ratio of generated NO 2 in total thermodynamically-allowed quantity. It is clearly shown that aged CDPFs have much lower NO 2 formation efficiency. However, after removing the ash, the CDPF of 75,000 miles filed aging sample has same NO 2 generation ability with clean CDPF, which shows some implications on catalyst deactivation mechanism. Research conducted in Hyundai-Motor shows that aged CDPF in simulated cycles has lower CO or HC conversion efficiency [47]. Other studies also find that thermal aging and phosphorus ash have adverse effects on catalyst activity [48] [49]. 53 42 C 30 CDPF iAJ conditioned CDPF (A) 32k CDPF (A 300h CDPF (A: 75k miles flekd aged engne aged miles field aged CDPF (A) 161 hydrvthem-al CDPF (A)75k mites field aged aged + cleaned Figure 5.4. NO 2 formation efficiency at aged CDPFs [461. Similar results are observed in the experiments conducted in MIT - Sloan Automotive Lab. In the NO 2 generation ability experiments, clean and ash aged CDPF samples are tested in the flow bench. The filter sample is maintained in a well-controlled temperature and monitored by temperature sensors. In this experiment, the upstream gas feeding the flow bench has the following components: 10% oxygen, 500 ppm nitrogen oxide, and the rest is inert nitrogen gas. All the concentrations listed here is based on gas mole fraction. From the Figure 5.5, we can see that ash aged DPF, no matter the ash loading level or flow bench temperature, show a much lower downstream NO 2 concentration. This is to say that ash aged catalyst has a reduced activity and a lower NO 2 generation ability. 92 --- Clean -- 12.5 g/1- --- 42 g/L 350 300 250 S 200 150 100 50 0 0 100 200 300 400 Temperature (C) 500 600 Figure 5.5 Clean and ash aged CDPFs' downstream NO 2 concentration 20,000 1/Hour. 5.2.1 Focused Ion Beam (FIB) Observation In order to enhance the fundamental understanding, this experimental group utilized a novel apparatus, that of a dual beam scanning electron microscope (SEM) and focused ion beam (FIB), to investigate microscopic details of soot and ash accumulation in the CDPF. Specifically, FIB provides a minimally invasive technique to analyze the interactions between the soot, ash, catalyst/washcoat, and DPF substrate with a high degree of measurement resolution. The FIB utilizes a gallium liquid metal ion source which produces Ga+ ions of sufficient momentum to directionally mill away material from the soot, ash, and substrate layers on a nm-pm scale. As the FIB cuts into the sample, uncovering intra-layer details, the coupled high resolution SEM imaging provides both morphological and chemical data. The Focus Ion Beam technique is applied to observe interface between ash cake layer and catalyzed surface. As shown in Figure 5.6 (a), it presents milling process where a stairstep volume of the sample material is removed in order to expose an otherwise hidden sample surface. The FIB apparatus uses a dual beam system where the beam of energetic ions is accelerated normal to the surface and the SEM and EDX approach the milled sample surface at 52*. 93 From Figure 5.6 (b), it is clear that the catalyst particles on the substrate wall are covered by ash deposit. This picture provides a direct observation about ash interaction with catalyst after CDPF ageing. And this observation provides critical information to understand the catalyst deactivation in the following part. (a) Schematic figure of Focus Ion Beam Milling and Observation Masked catalyst particles (b) Ash deposition near catalyst surface after Focus Ion Beam Milling Figure 5.6 Focus Ion Beam Technique and its observation [50]. 5.3 CDPF Catalyst Deactivation 94 5.3.1 Catalyst Deactivation Mechanisms Catalyst deactivation is a complex phenomenon. There are a few of common mechanism of catalyst deactivation as shown in Figure 5.7. Poisoning is defined as deactivation by strong adsorption of certain chemical component including the reactants and products of catalytic reaction. The most strongly adsorbing components hinder the adsorption of less strongly adsorbing components. One example of this mechanism is that platinum can be poisoned by sulfur compounds like SO 2 or H2 S. Sintering mechanism is the loss of catalyst active surface due to crystallite growth of either the support material or the active phase. Attrition deactivation mechanism is catalytic particle mechanically breaks up due to friction or crushing. Leaching deactivation mechanism is loss of active sites due to corrosion at a high or low pH level. Fouling covers all phenomena where a surface is covered with a deposit. Its origin is not always related to processes on the catalyst. An example is the deposition of dust, e.g. from combustion residues like ash or soot or from mechanical wear of upstream equipment. For instance, in high temperature processes large molecules can be formed by free radical mechanisms and subsequently deposit on the catalyst particles. Selective poisoning S Catalys Sintering Carti~ Fine Pore plugging Attrition Non-selective poisoning Fouling * = active site o = support 0 = species in reaction medium Leaching Figure 5.7 Five mechanisms of catalyst deactivation. 5.3.2 CDPF Catalyst Deactivation Mechanism Combined with CDPF's experimental observations, possible filter catalyst deactivation mechanisms are discussed here. Sintering or Attrition mechanism can be neglected since 95 extremely high temperature and catalyst mechanical breakup are not expected during passive regeneration. Catalyst poisoning is not a major mechanism because sulfur level is rather low in current fuel and no sign of catalyst poisoning is observed in the experiment. Leaching can also be excluded because the reaction medium is rather stable. The most possible deactivation mechanism is fouling or surface masking. This is supported by the optical observation shown in Figure 5.6 (b). From that picture, it shows that the catalyst particles deposited on wash coat are covered by ash cake layer. This surface masking reduces the active sites available to catalytic reaction. In the catalyzed diesel particulate filter, wash coat is deposited on the filter substrate wall. The function of wash coat is to retain catalyst particles and provide a reaction bed for NO/ NO 2 catalytic conversion. Wash coat is porous media and has high surface area. It has many meso-pores which are in the nanometer scale. The main chemical component of wash coat in most of catalyzed diesel particulate filters is A1 0 . 2 3 The surface masking reduces active sites in the following way. The ash particle or deposit may deactivate the catalyst particles via coverage. More importantly, as shown in Figure 5.8, the ash particles may also block the certain pores inside the wash coat, which may cause all the catalyst particles deposited in this pore become ineffective. Ash Particles A'Pt meso-poresA Figure 5.8 Fouling/surface masking deactivation mechanism of CDPF catalyst. 5.4 Model Formulation 96 5.4.1 Catalyst Deactivation Model In this section, the model is applied to illustrate the ash masking effects on CDPF catalyst deactivation. A model using Monte-Carlo method is built to simulate how ash particles pack up on the catalyzed surface. The model also tracks the ratio of covered area by ash particles with increasing ash loading level. Following assumptions are used in this model. a. The catalyzed surface is assumed as perfect flat, denoted by X-Y plane. And it is usually simulated by a rectangle region. b. The ash particle is simulated as a sphere. If the sphere center position is (x, y, z), (x,y) are random variables that have uniform distribution inside the given catalyzed region. And z has an initial height h. z will continues decrease until this sphere reaches the catalyzed surface or other existing spheres. c. Once an ash particle reaches the catalyzed surface, the covered catalyzed area by this ash particle is ir2 . In the first case, the ash particles have uniform diameter - 2 micron, which is the mean ash particle diameter. The catalyzed surface is set as 100 micron x 100 micron rectangle and initial height (h) of each particle is 100 micron. The simulation results are shown in Figure 5.9. Generally, the ash layer thickness increase with more ash particle deposition. From Figure 5.9 (a), some ash particles don't reach the catalyzed surface because some existing particles have direct contact with them. As shown in Figure 5.10, initially the catalyst coverage ratio increases with ash loading level or deposited ash particle number. However, after approximately 2 g/L, the coverage reaches the value of 26% and it doesn't increase with growing ash load. This is because less and less percentage of ash particles can reach the catalyzed surface with growing ash cake layer thickness. Once the ash loading level reaches 2 g/L, almost no ash particles can deposit on the catalyzed surface since most of the surface is already blocked by existed ash particles. A similar study is conducted at the same setting except considering an assumed ash particle size distribution. The particle size has a uniform distribution between 0.1 and 3.9 micron. Similar ash packing pattern is observed. And the stable coverage ratio is 22%, which is slightly lower than the uniform ash diameter case. 97 07 (a) Total ash particle number N=500. (b) Total ash particle number N=4000. Figure 5.9 Three dimensional ash particle packing on the catalyzed surface. 0 +.J 26.31% 30% (U 20% 0 10% (U ) 2 4 6 8 10 Ash load level, g/L Figure 5.10 Catalyst coverage ratio with increasing ash load. 98 (a) Total ash particle number N=500. (b)Total ash particle number N=3000. Figure 5.11 Three dimensional ash particle packing on the catalyzed surface considering ash size distribution between 0.1 to 3.9 micron. 5.4.2 Passive Regeneration Model Flow Model 99 The one dimensional flow model considers the open width variation in the axial direction. At the same time, it also takes the temperature variation in the axial direction into account. This model is essential in solving flow inside DPF channel. And it is needed in simulating species transport inside DPF channel and substrate wall. Since gas density is a function of local temperature, it may have variation in the axial direction. In the stable state, the temperature in the axial direction can be assumed as uniform. Mass balance: Inlet channel: d(b,u dP dz = -4bbpu Outlet channel: d(p 2u 2 ) b2 dz = 4 bkpu Momentum balance Introducing the friction factors to express the shear stresses leads to the momentum balances. F = 28.454. Inlet channel: d(b,2 p,u,2 = dz dI2 p b2 - Ftqu, dz Outlet channel: d(p2 u2 )-2 dP b= -2bk2- dz dz Fr7U2 Darcy Equation Pressure drop of substrate, soot layer and ash layer S P1 - P2= S SS w(s s + a )uw + P( k, ks k, +±,sw pAss + /a,u U This set of differential equations doesn't have an analytical solution. Thus, numerical method is used in solving these governing equations. Species Transport Model The species transport governing equations extended the previous work [81] by considering ash cake layer and open width variation in the axial direction. 100 The governing equation for the conservation of species layer and wall is: j (02, NO, ayj a fayj fX ax & ax c, d ax , NO 2 ) in the soot/ash ' Where x is the position in the depth direction, yj is the species j concentration inside porous media region, v, is the wall flow velocity, Rk is the chemical reaction rate. The effective diffusivities are calculated based on the mixed diffusion model: D E, _ D with the Knudsen diffusivity: d, 3 891T r77M. The values of porosity e,, tortuosity T and mean pore size, dp are based on the microstructure properties of the soot layer and the filter wall. Usually, Knudsen diffusion coefficient is 10 times larger than the gas molecular diffusion coefficient. The geometrical parameter fx is defined as: rd + 2x -wwdeposit < x < 0 d fX d Where w_ deposit is the deposit thickness, w _ s is the substrate wall thickness, d is channel initial open width. The boundary conditions should "couple" the phenomena in the wall with the gas conditions in the inlet and outlet channels. In these boundaries, one should consider the convective mass transfer from the bulk gas to the wall surface, which can be computed as usual based on the "film" approach with mass transfer coefficients kij, corresponding to laminar flow of both inlet and outlet channel: Inlet channel species transport: a(v yj) az + 4vy df7 _-deposit + 4k 1 (y1, - YIs,) 0 fw_deposit 101 Outlet channel species transport: a(v2 2,j) 4 vy 2 s,j az + 4k2 ,y df 2, - Y2s,j )=0 d, Where y , andy 2 , are species j concentration in inlet channel and outlet channel respectively, yis, and Y2s,j are porous media region species j concentration near inlet and outlet channel boundary respectively. Boundary condition at inlet/outlet channel a(v y 1,' 1) d -d2 s - 4 ay Dfdeposit ax a(v 2 y2 )} - 2 _s -d + z ' = -4v~ys w 2j + 4Djf,_s a |2S -ax Combined all the equation listed above, the flow, chemical reaction and species transport can solved inside catalyzed DPF. Chemical Reaction Although multiple-step chemical reactions are used in a few of publications in passive DPF regeneration modeling, the reaction mechanisms and kinetic parameters are not well defined. In diesel after-treatment research community global reactions are widely used to investigate the chemical process. To make this model manageable, well established global reactions are applied to model DPF passive regeneration. Table 5.1. DPF passive regeneration global reaction parameters Global Reaction Activation Energy Pre-exponential Factor E, J/mole A 80 48000 2NO2 +C->2NO+CO 2 02 + C -> CO2 1 NO+-O2 ++ NO 0.7x10' 0.1 1.58x 105 25 2 The primary understanding of chemical reactions inside DPF is presented in Figure 5.12. As shown, NO is converted into NO 2 in the catalyzed region - wash coat. Since the NO 2 102 concentration in the wash coat region is relatively high, it can diffuse back to soot cake layer. In the soot cake layer, the available NO 2 is consumed to oxidize the carbon. At the temperature above 600 0C, the carbon can directly reacts with oxygen, which is usually used in active regenerations. In the ash cake layer, no chemical reaction happen since no soot or catalyst deposits in this region. It separates the soot cake layer and wash coat and acts like diffusion barrier in the NO 2 back diffusion. At the same time, the ash cake layer increases the flow restriction across the whole DPF. N&u~dw wish hs* *as EIsw (DE6sI .1 NG~) 4 C +0 S S S S S 0 S -+CO, V soot C +2NO, -> CO, + 2NO ... ash NO+ 211 0NO-+ NO 0 .. wash coat solution of fold N03 x ) takng into accounty reacthomu/dIffuslon "M 01. fNO (Danimof a8DI Figure 5.12. Chemical reaction across the cake layer and wash coat. 5.4.3 NO and NO 2 Equilibrium For the NO 2 formation the catalyzed region, the NO and NO2 equilibrium should be considered in the model. For the conversion reaction near platinum catalyst, the NO formation rate is determined by chemical kinetics and upper bound of NO 2 concentration2 is limited by the reaction equilibrium. NO and NO 2 reaction equilibrium is a common problem and it can be calculated based on the information provided in NIST-JANAF Thermochemical Tables. The equilibrium constant in the NIST-JANAF Thermochemical Table is defined in Eq. (5.1). From the NIST-JANAF Thermochemical Table, the equilibrium constant of each reactant and 103 product can be found. Through the equation listed as Eq. (5.2), the whole reaction's equilibrium constant can be determined. The NO 2 forward reaction rate constant can be calculated through the parameters listed in Table 5.1. However, there is no direct way to determine the NO 2 back reaction rate constant. The backward reaction constants can be determined in following way. When the reaction reaches the equilibrium, the forward reaction rate equals backward reaction rate and the relation between forward/backward reaction rate constants and equilibrium constants can be determined. As show in Eq. (5.3), the equilibrium constant can be used to calculate the backward reaction rate constants. Here, the total molecule concentration, Ctotal can be estimated by ideal gas law as shown in Eq. (5.4). P 1 K(T) -0.5 (5.1 ) n= PO x,o! K(T) = Log 0(Kf )product - Log 1 0(Kt )reactant (5.2) k K(T)=- 1 .C kb Col-= 96T 5 (5.3) ta (5.4) 600 500 400 Species mole fraction 300 ppm 200 100 n 0 200 --- 400 600 Temperature, Celsius 800 1000 no -U-no2 Figure 5.13. NO and NO 2 concentration at equilibrium state. A tested case is calculated at given condition of 500 ppm NOx, 10% oxygen and other inert gas components (all based on mole fraction), which is very close to the gas composition in diesel engine exhaust. The NO and NO 2 concentration at equilibrium state 104 is evaluated in the temperature range of 0 to 850 Celsius. The simulation result is presented in Figure 5.13. When the temperature is lower than 200 Celsius, the primary composition of NOx is NO 2 and little amount of NO is formed. When the temperature is higher than 600 Celsius, the dominant component is NO and little amount of NO 2 is formed. This agrees with the general observation that high temperature favors the NO formation while low temperature favors the NO 2 formation. 5.5 Results and Discussion In this section, the regeneration model is validated against the experiment data on catalyzed diesel particulate filter NO 2 generation test. The model predictions have a great agreement with experimental data, which suggests it is a valid tool to investigate the ash aged diesel particulate filter performance. 5.5.1 NO 2 Generation Test The objective of this experiment is to investigate the ash effects on catalyzed DPF NO 2 generation ability. In passive regeneration, deposited soot can react with nitrogen dioxide at relatively low temperature like 300 0C. One mechanism that ash effects passive regeneration is that ash aged catalyst has much lower ability in converting NO to NO 2 . Thus the NO 2 generated inside aged diesel particulate filter is significant reduced, which could cause the soot oxidation rate decreased. In this experiment, to simplify the problem, no soot is loaded in the diesel particulate filter. Only the clean and ash aged diesel particulate filters are tested according to the plan. The gas composition in the upstream, as presented in Figure 5.14, is 10% oxygen, 500 ppm nitrogen oxide (NO), 0 ppm nitrogen dioxide (NO 2) and the rest of gas is inert nitrogen (N2). All the species concentration numbers listed are based on mole fraction. As shown in Figure 5.14, the increased NO 2 concentration due to the catalytic conversion is measured by Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) in the downstream of diesel particulate filter. The measured NO2 centration is not the NO 2 concentration in the substrate or ash cake layer. However, it is still a reflection of NO 2 generation ability of both clean and ash aged diesel particulate filter. The experimental temperature is increased from 100 0C to 600 'C at the speed of 10 0 C/min. The other experiment conditions such DPF specifications and flow rate are presented in Table 5.2. 105 Fks Chamber - Plainum Subtiate Given N02/NO/02 condition - -4 N02 Measurement -- Odaeon f NO to NM via Pkuium Catalst Figure 5.14. Experimental Setup for catalyzed DPF N02 generation test. DPF length Table 5.2 Experiment conditions in CDPF N02 generation test 6 inch Substrate 5x 10-14 m 2 permeability DPF diameter Space velocity 5.66 inch 40, 000 1/Hour Cell density 200 CPSI Ash permeability Substrate thickness 4x 10-14 m 2 0.012 inch The regeneration model described above is applied to understand the advection-diffusionreaction process inside diesel particulate filter. Since soot deposit is not included here, soot oxidation rate is not a major concern. The downstream NO 2 concentration from experiment is used to validate the model results. Using the same condition as the experiment, the predicted results from the model are presented in Figure 5.15 and Figure 5.16, combined with the experiment measure data (shown as dots). Generally speaking, the model predicted downstream NO 2 concentrations have a good agreement with experiment measured data. The model predictions between 250 C and 400 0 C, as presented in Figure 5.15 and Figure 5.16, are lower than the experiment measurements. The specific reason accounting for this difference is not quite clear. However, the model results reflect the right trend of downstream NO 2 concentration changing with temperature. And at most of the comparison points, the model predicts the downstream NO 2 concentration with a good accuracy. 106 250 1 200 N02 A, I- 150 mole fraction ppm 100 50 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 Temperature, Celsius + Experiment, clean clean -Model, Figure 5.15 Model predicted and experimental measured downstream NO 2 concentration for clean catalyzed diesel particulate filter. 160 140 - -- - 120 - -- - - - - - 100 N02 80 mole fraction 60 PPM 40 20 I 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 Temperature, Celsius I Experiment, 42 g/L ash - Model, 42 g/L ash Figure 5.16 Model predicted and experimental measured downstream NO 2 concentration for 42 g/L ash aged catalyzed diesel particulate filter. As shown in Figure 5.15 or Figure 5.16, the downstream NO 2 concentration in both clean and ash aged diesel particulate filter first increases with elevated exhaust temperature up to 400 0C. Then, after 400 0C, the downstream NO 2 concentration decreases with continuous elevating temperature. The reason behind this trend is that, when the temperature is below 400 C, the catalyst activity increases with temperature and more NO 2 is generated because of the faster NO 2 conversion rate. When the temperature is above 400 0C, the NO2 concentration is limited by the NO-NO 2 equilibrium. As discussed 107 before, high temperature favors NO instead of NO 2. This is the reason why NO 2 concentration decreases with temperature after 400 0C. This mechanism becomes much easier to understand if the simulation results about NO 2 concentration in diesel particulate filter length direction and wall depth direction are presented. The inlet channel NO 2 concentrations in the length direction are presented in Figure 5.17 and 5.18, for the clean and 42 g/L ash aged diesel particulate filter respectively. The NO 2 concentrations in the wash coat region (a two dimensional region) are presented in Figure 5.19 and 5.20, for the clean and 42 g/L ash aged diesel particulate filter respectively. In Figure 5.17, clean DPF inlet channel NO 2 concentrations are shown in three different temperatures. As shown in Figure 5.17, at the temperature of 200 0C, the inlet channel NO 2 concentration continuously increases in the length direction. The respective NO 2 concentration in wash coat region can be found in Figure 5.19 (a). Since the temperature here is rather low and catalyst activity is limited, the NO 2 concentration increases relatively slow in the length direction. When the temperature reaches 350 0C, the inlet channel NO 2 concentrations also increase in the length direction and have a much larger value than that in the case of 200 0C. In the clean filter (T=350 C), the inlet channel NO 2 concentration can reach about 200 ppm at the end of channel as shown in Figure 5.17. However, in the 42 g/L ash aged filter (T=350 0C), the inlet channel NO 2 concentration gets its maximum value of approximately 140 ppm at the end of channel, which is much lower than that in the clean filter, T=350 0C case. This difference between clean and ash aged DPF is true all over the observed temperature range of 100 0C to 600 0C. This evidence clearly shows that ash deposit has a negative effect on catalyst NO 2 conversion ability, which may also affect the diesel particulate filter passive regeneration process. At the temperature of 350 0C, the wash coat region NO 2 concentrations are shown in Figure 5.19(b) and Figure 5.20(b), for clean and 42 g/L ash aged filter respectively. The NO 2 concentrations in both figures increase in the length direction. The NO 2 concentration in the ash loaded filter has much lower value compared with that in the clean filter, which also suggests ash may decrease the catalyst NO 2 generation ability. When the temperature reaches 500 0C, a different phenomenon is observed. As shown in Figure 5.17, the inlet NO 2 concentrations almost cease to increase at the half of channel length. This is because starting from the channel middle point the NO 2 concentration is limited by NO and NO 2 equilibrium, which can be validated by the results presented in Figure 5.19(c). For the 42 g/L ash loaded case, the inlet channel NO 2 concentrations increase very slowly in the rear part of channel, which also a sign of equilibrium constrain, which can be verified by wash coat region NO 2 concentration presented in Figure 5.20(c). At the temperature of 500 0C, the generated downstream NO 2 concentrations for both clean and ash aged case are very close. To sum up, in the high temperature like 500 0C or above, the NO 2 generation is no longer governed by chemical kinetics or ash aging but the NO-NO 2 species equilibrium. 108 250 200 Inlet N02 150 mole fraction 100 ppm ~t - -- .O* 50 000.- 0 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 DPF Length m - T=200 C ....... T=350 C - - T=500 C Figure 5.17. Clean CDPF inlet channel NO 2 concentration. 160 , - 140 120 inlet N02 mole fraction ppm 100 80 - - 60 - - 40 -- 20 0 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 DPF Length m - T=200 C ....... T=350C ---- T=500C Figure 5.18. 42 g/L ash aged CDPF inlet channel NO 2 concentration. 109 N02 x 10 .5 10 wash coat 1.5.5 DPF Length Direction (a) T=200 C N02 wash coat X 10 1.5 1 DPF Length Direction (b) T=350 C N02 x 10 11 10.5 wash coat 10 .5 DPF Length Direction (c) T=500 C Figure 5.19. NO 2 concentration distribution inside wash coat region for clean catalyzed diesel particulate filter. 110 x 10 16 wash coat 10 DPF Channel Direction (a) T=200 C N02 x 05 14 12 wash coat DPF Length Direction (b) T=350 C N02 x 10 11 10 wash coat DPF Length Direction (c) T=500 C Figure 5.20. NO 2 concentration distribution inside wash coat region for 42g/L ash aged catalyzed diesel particulate filter. 111 5.5.2 Ash Effects on Soot Oxidation The passive regeneration model is applied in this section to investigate the ash aging effects on CDPF soot oxidation. Two CDPF soot and ash loading cases are simulated in this study. One case is CDPF loading with Og/L ash and 3g/L soot and the other case is CDPF loading with 15g/L ash and 3g/L soot. The schematic pictures of CDPF inlet channel with deposit under these two conditions are shown in Figure 5.21. inlet channel e a soot layer 4--.- 7 otlet channel inlet channel soot layer aSh layei Ioutlet channel (a) 0 g/L ash 3 g/L soot (b) 15 g/L ash 3g/L soot Figure 5.21. Two cases simulated in ash effects on passive regeneration. The ash load of 15g/L is chosen here because in this scenario ash cake layer is thick enough to having masking effects and no significant amount of ash end plug is formed. The soot load of 3g/L is chosen since in passive regeneration the soot accumulation level rate is expected to be lower than that in active regeneration. In this analysis, the ash cake layer thickness of 15g/L loading level is about 60 micron and soot cake layer thickness of 3g/L is approximately 40 micron. The exhaust gas feeding the diesel particulate filter has 10% oxygen, 500 ppm NO, 0 ppm N02, and other inert gas. The feeding gas temperature is 350 0 C. The tortuosity uses the value of 3, as suggested by many relevant references. The gas diffusion coefficient in porous media region is about 0.3 times the gas molecular diffusion coefficient. The ash effect on catalyst activity is 26% reduction according to the ash masking model described before. The other simulation conditions are presented in Table 5.3. Table 5.3 Simulation condition in ash effects on DPF passive regeneration DPF length 6 inch Substrate 5x 10- 4 m 2 DPF diameter Space velocity Cell density Ash layer thickness 5.66 inch 40, 000 1/Hour 200 CPSI 60 micron permeability Ash permeability Substrate thickness Wash coat thickness Soot layer thickness 4x10-1 m2 0.012 inch 20 micron 40 micron 112 The model described before is applied to study the ash effects on passive regeneration rate. Two cases are discussed here as shown in Figure 5.21. Case (a) is DPF loaded with 3 g/L of soot and case (b) is DPF loading with 15 g/L ash and 3g/L soot. The inlet channel NO 2 concentrations in these two cases are presented in Figure 5.22(a) and Figure 5.22(b). Since NO 2 concentration in the upstream is 0 ppm, it is expected that inlet channel NO 2 concentration increases in the DPF length direction. However, the maximum inlet channel NO 2 concentration in these two cases are relatively small compared the results shown in Figure 5.18. Since the soot cake layer, which is about 40 microns, consumes most of NO 2 generated in the catalyzed region, few amount of NO 2 can be diffused to inlet channel. Generally speaking, the ash loaded channel has lower NO 2 concentration since the ash cake layer acts like diffusion barrier in this case. 25 20 .0. DPF length direction, m (a) Og/L ash, 3 g/L soot 01 15 E .5-10 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 DPF length direction, m (b) 15g/L ash, 3 g/L soot Figure 5.22. Inlet channel NO 2 concentrations at two simulated cases. 113 The porous media region NO 2 concentrations in the depth direction are shown in Figure 5.23 (a) and (b), for the case (a) and case (b) respectively. The results presented are from three pre-determined channel position that are the channel starting point, channel middle length point and channel rear ending point. From Figure 5.23 (a), it is clear than NO 2 concentration increases in the depth direction in any of three pre-determined positions. The reason is that NO 2 is produced in the catalyzed region and NO 2 is consumed in the soot layer region. Similar trend is observed in Figure 5.23(b). One noticeable difference in Figure 5.23 (b) is that there is one region of NO 2 concentration linear changing due to the diffusion through the ash cake layer. Here, ash cake layer acts like a diffusion barrier, which reduces the NO 2 concentration reaching the soot layer and cause the passive regeneration rate deteriorate. -- - 35 30.0 .25- 25 .--'-''-- -52 0 15 0 10 - ..... .....-.-.--.-- 20 f ront m iddle ------ -end 30 50 40 60 DPF wall depth direction, micron (a) Og/L ash, 3 g/L soot E 0. 50 - 40 F - C) .2 5-4 E 0 -- front 2....::....-middle Z ----- end 10 0 ------- 20 40 --- 60 80 100 1 20 DPF wall depth direction, micron (b) 15g/L ash, 3 g/L soot Figure 5.23. Prous media region NO 2 cocnentrations in two smiluated cases at three positions: channel starting point, channel middle point, and channel rear end. 114 The two dimensional distributions of NO 2 concentration in the porous media region are presented in the Figure 5.24 and Figure 5.25 for the case (a) and case (b) respectively. In Figure 5.24, it is shown that oxygen cocentration doesn't change so much in the porous media region. This is because the reaction rate of carbon and oxygen is relatively low at the tempearature of 350 0C. It is widely believed that carbon can't effectively react with oxygen under the temperature of 600 0C. As shown in Figure 5.25, the NO 2 concentration is rather high in the wash coat region, where NO2 is generated and NO 2 concentration is quite low in the soot region, where NO 2 is consumed to oxidize carbon. In Figure 5.25, it is also observed that oxygen concentration dosen't change much in the porous media region. The NO 2 concentration is quite high in the wash coat region and relatively low in the soot layer region. It is observed that NO 2 concentration decrease a lot in the ash layer region, which suggests ash cake layer reduce the NO 2 accessible to soot cake layer. This observation in Figure 5.25 is in good agreement with that in Figure 5.24. Both simulations suggest that ash cake layer has negative effects on NO 2 diffusion to soot cake layer. 02 0997 0996 . .0995 soot 0992 0991 wash coat 099 DPF Length Dkrvction N02 X 10 soot 18 12 A .2 wash coat DPF Length DIrection Figure 5.24. NO 2 concentration in the porous media region at 0 g/L ash and 3 g/L soot loading level. 115 02 0997 soot .0995 0994 ash .0993 0992 D991 wash cot099 DPF Length Direction N02 X 10 soot ash wash coat . _ fl. .1 DPF Length Direction Figure 5.25. NO 2 concentration in the porous media region at 15 g/L ash and 3 g/L soot loading level. The soot regeneration rates in case (a) and case (b) are compared in Figure 5.26. The soot regeneration rate in case (b) without ash diffusion effect is also presented in Figure 5.26. From the simulation result, it is found that soot regeneration rate in case (a) is 26.2 g/L-h and in case (b) is 18.1 g/L-h. From case (a) to case (b), the regeneration rate is reduced by approximately 30%. The case (b) without ash diffusion effect, called case (ai), is same with case (b) except the ash layer diffusion barrier effect is not included. The regeneration rate difference between case (a) and case (ai) can be considered as catalyst deactivation effect. The regeneration rate in case (ai) is 22.1 g/L-h, which is 16% lower than that in case (a). From the discussion above, the ash cake layer has negative effects on passive regeneration. For the cases simulated, it is found that catalyst deactivation causes 16% regeneration rate decrease and ash diffusion barrier causes approximately 14% regeneration rate reduction. 116 30 I S25 - 20 15 - 10 10 50 (a) Og/L ash, 3 g/L soot 15 g/L ash, 3 g/L soot ash diffusion barrier not included (b) 15 g/L ash, 3 g/L Figure 5.26 Passive Regeneration (soot oxidation) rate at three simulated conditions. 5.6 Summary In this chapter, DPF passive regeneration model combined with experimental data is applied to investigate the ash effects on passive regeneration rate. Since the published research results are rare in this area, this study focuses on the fundamental mechanisms of CDPF catalyst deactivation. With the assistance of regeneration model, following conclusions are obtained. 1. Ash deposit has negative effects on DPF passive regeneration. The research from both our study (experimental and theoretical) and elsewhere shows that ash aged CDPF have deactivated catalyst, which has lower NO 2 generation ability and lower passive regeneration rate. 2. The CDPF catalyst deactivation mechanism due to ash aging is fouling/masking. This is the mechanism that ash particles block certain routes in the wash coat, which make the catalyst particle in these routes inaccessible to catalytic reaction. This understanding is supported by FIB observation and model simulation. 3. In the catalyst deactivation model, Monte Carlo method is used to understand how ash particles packing up on the catalyst surface. From the simulation, it is found that approximately 26% of catalyst surface is covered by ash particles, which means the pre-exponential factor of NO 2 formation reaction is reduced by 26%. 117 4. A passive regeneration model is built to simulate the complex diffusion-reactionadvection problem in DPF. The flow model is one dimensional which only considers key variables change in the DPF length direction. However, the species concentration in the porous media region is two dimensional since it considers species variation both in length direction and in depth direction. 5. NO and NO 2 equilibrium is needed to considered in this model. Since at the temperature above 400 C, the NO 2 formation is limited by NO and NO 2 equilibrium. 6. Through the passive regeneration model, it is found that ash has negative effects on passive regeneration. From the model, at the soot loading of 3 g/L, with or without ash loading of 15 g/L, the regeneration rate can have a 30% difference. The extended study shows that catalyst deactivation causes 16% reduction and diffusion barrier effects of ash cake layer causes a reduction of 14%. 118 6 Conclusions Computer models are developed to study the ash effects on diesel particulate filter performance, including the areas if porous media filtration, ash spatial distribution, ash transport and passive regeneration. Based on experimental observations, several new understandings of ash deposit effects on particulate filtration and catalytic reaction are implemented in the models. Generally speaking, the model predictions have a good agreement with experimental results, which suggests that models could be a useful tool to interpret experimental observations. At the same time, the model provides a lot of information that is difficult to measure in experiment, like the particle mass deposited inside porous media, which is rather important to understand the underlying mechanisms of DPF complex physical and chemical process. Moreover, the models are also applied in the analysis of the effects of certain factors on DPF performance. For example, computer model is used to study the effects of ash spatial distribution on DPF pressure drop. The computer models combined experimental data can be applied to develop optimization strategies and new concepts to improve DPF performance. Because of the special geometry of DPF channels, in which the ratio of channel length to channel open width is in the range of 100 to 130, one dimensional model is suitable to simulate the flow and temperature distribution in DPF channels. In the one dimensional model, most of the quantities like flow velocity and ash layer thickness only have the variation in the channel length direction. The only exception is that in the passive regeneration model the species concentration has a two dimensional distribution inside the porous media region. Due to the nature of one dimension problem, the computation cost of solving the problems is quite low. In most of the cases, the model computation can be finished in 30 minutes. Through the simulations and analysis mentioned above, the main conclusions are listed as following. 6.1 DPF Study Summaries For the modeling of soot and ash effects on DPF performance, porous media filtration, cake layer formation and flow distribution are considered to understand the complex physical process. And the model is applied to analyze the depth filtration, mass distribution and cake layer effects.on DPF pressure drop. 1, Depth filtration, during which the particles penetrate into the substrate wall, can cause the DPF pressure drop have an exponential-like increase. Depth filtration is accounting for the initial rapid pressure drop increase of clean DPF during soot loading. Cake filtration, during which the particles deposit on the substrate wall to form the cake layer, linearly increases the DPF pressure drop. And it explains why DPF pressure drop 119 increase linearly with soot loading after initial pressure jump. Generally speaking, the depth filtration should be avoided to optimize DPF pressure drop. 2, For mass distribution between substrate wall slabs, it is found that the uniform mass distribution between slabs has the lowest pressure drop. Mathematically, this arises from the relation between DPF pressure drop and deposited mass inside wall is a concave function. Since the practical mass distribution between slabs exponentially decreases in the depth direction, if possible, it would be beneficial to adjust the porous media parameters to achieve more uniform mass distribution between substrate wall slabs to minimize the DPF pressure drop. 3, Certain porous media, like fibrous porous media, consists of several layers and each layer's property can be independently controlled. If the top layer is selected and all the layers have the same porosity, from layer 2 to layer N the layer pore size decreasing in the depth direction is the optimal arrangement. According to the simulation results, with significant amount of loading the optimal arrangement can reduce the filter pressure drop by 15% compared with the worst arrangement. 4, During the soot and ash loading process, the formed ash cake layer acts like membrane, which helps to improve the filtration efficiency and block the soot particles penetrate into substrate wall. In this point of view, the formed ash cake layer helps avoid the depth filtration and reduce DPF pressure drop. This is the reason that under certain soot loading level the ash aged DPF has lower pressure drop than no ash loaded DPF. At given amount of ash deposit, the effects of ash spatial distribution inside DPF are investigated through DPF performance model. The ash radial distribution, axial distribution, and ash end plug length are discussed in this analysis. 1, the ash radial distribution has minor effect on DPF pressure drop. In the range of normal substrate and ash layer permeability, which is usually from 10-1 m2 to 10-14 m2 the DPF pressure drop change caused ash radial distribution is less than 3%. 2, The ash axial distribution inside DPF inlet channels has small effect on DPF pressure drop. In the normal ash layer thickness of 100 micron, the radical changes in cake layer profile only introduces a 2% difference in terms of DPF pressure drop. 3, The ash end plug length has relatively large effect on DPF performance. For example, at 20g/L ash load, the ash distributed as end plug or as cake layer could introduce a 20% difference in terms of DPF pressure drop. However, the optimal distribution pattern depends on the ash permeability and wall permeability. At known ash/wall permeability, the optimal distribution can be determined according to the sensitivity map developed in this study. From the ash transport observations in optical experiment, it is found that ash particles begin to detach from substrate wall with elevated flow rate. From the post-term analysis of ash distribution inside DPF channel, it is safe to conclude that ash particles transport 120 inside DPF channels. The exhaust gas flowing through DPF moves some of the deposited ash particles to the rear part of the channel. A one dimensional transport model is built to help visualize the ash transport inside DPF. Based on the analysis of experimental observations, the flow shear stress is assumed to be the governing force to move the ash particles. At each position, if the flow shear stress is larger than the critical detach force, the particle leaves its original position and begins transport. If the particle moves, its new redeposit position will be the position where flow shear stress equals particle critical redeposit stress. The predicted ash distribution has a good agreement with experiment results. The transport model provides useful information to understand ash transport inside DPF. For the ash aging effects on DPF passive regeneration, following conclusions can be made from the study. 1, From model simulation and experiment measure, it is found that ash aging has negative effects on DPF catalyst activity. In other words, the ash aged catalyst has decreased ability in N02 formation and lower passive regeneration rate. 2, DPF catalyst deactivation mechanism with ash aging is surface masking or fouling. With increasing ash load level, a portion of catalyst surface may be covered by ash particle, which could also block the micro-pores in the wash coat. This blocking may cause the catalyst deposited in that pore is inaccessible to catalytic reaction. This understanding is supported by Focused Ion Beam observation and model simulation. 3, The Monte-Carlo method is used to study the ash masking effects on catalyst surface. It is found that ash particles could cover 26% of the catalyst surface, which means 26% reduction in catalytic activity. 4, A passive regeneration model is built to understand the flow, diffusion, and chemical reaction inside DPF. The NO 2 is generated in the catalyzed region- wash coat and it diffuses back to soot cake layer and is consumed to oxidize the carbon. No chemical reaction happens in ash cake layer region and it just acts like a diffusion barrier. 5, For NO 2 generated in the downstream of DPF without soot deposit, NO 2 downstream concentration is governed by NO 2 formation kinetics at the temperature lower than 400'C. For the temperature above 400 0C, the downstream NO 2 concentration is limited by NONO 2 equilibrium. 6, From the model, it is found that the ash aged DPF has reduced regeneration rate than the no ash loaded DPF. At the soot loading of 3 g/L, with or without ash loading of 15 g/L, the passive regeneration rate can have a 30% difference. 6.2 Possible Applications of Modeling Understandings 121 6.2.1 Ash Membrane The basic concept of this strategy is using the ash cake layer of minimum thickness to avoid the depth filtration. As fewer particles deposited inside substrate wall, a lower DPF pressure drop can be achieved. Since slightly ash aged DPF has lower pressure drop compared with new filter, a DPF should be loaded with suitable amount of ash before using in vehicle. The detailed procedures are shown below. 1. Load the clean DPF with soot until it transits to cake layer filtration. If possible, the loaded soot should be pure carbon and nothing remains after regeneration. 2. Continue load the DPF with a suitable amount of ash 3. Conduct a complete regeneration After these steps, an ash cake layer should form on the substrate and nothing deposits in the substrate wall. In DPF with active regeneration, the approach should be beneficial to reduce DPF pressure drop. For DPF with passive regeneration, the loaded ash layer may cover the catalyst and affect the catalyst performance. One possible way to avoid this problem is do the ash loading first and then do the catalyst coating. 6.2.2 Sensitivity Map This approach is based on the study in the ash end plug effects on DPF performance. To implement this idea, the ash and substrate wall permeability should be measured through carefully designed experiments since its property can be easily disturbed. Once this information is available, the DPF's position in the sensitivity map can be determined. Thus the optimal distribution pattern, deposited as ash end plug or cake layer, will be provided by the sensitivity map. 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Uin k 4 P ; (Al-1) in (A1-2) Lef k, With i = 1 for the inlet channel and i= 2 for the outlet channel leads to the dimensionless system, with the mass balance in dimensionless form: dffii bk 2 dz b102 -l --iw (Al-3) W d2 (A1-4) Momentum balance in dimensionless form: dP dT2 - +A1 - dz d d I dz b2 k'I+-k 2u=0 bl,2 + AV +A02=0 dz (Al-5) (A1-6) Darcy equation in dimensionless form (quadratic form is neglected here): AP=B1fi (A1-7) The terms are defined as following: 131 k . 4Lff Re bsI, bk "~'bk Re= 77 (A1-8) A2 =4F kK bks, s, k, ks s, B =1 s, k, k, SW 2 Multiplying (A 1-4) by b2 , adding this product to (A 1-3) and integrating from 0 to Z results in: 2 2+bk 2 2 0 2=b (A1-9) Subtract (A 1-6) from (A 1-5), and substituting (A 1-7) and (A 1-9) into the expression results in: d 2fi2 d 2 + B, blo 2A,2 b di2 B, b1 d di ,di A2 + B, + A2b2 B b =0 (A 1-10) Eq. (A 1-10) is used in the numerical simulation, which is easier to solve than the system of governing equations. 1.2Approximate analytical solution If the second term in Eq. (A 1-10) drops out, the equation is changed into: d 22, d 2 2A, bk di 2 B, b|,d A2 B, + -)2 bo + A2 bk 0 (A 1-11) Eq. (A 1-11) is the ordinary differential equation has the following form y"+Ey'+Hy+G = 0 The analytical solution for this ODE is 132 x(-4E2-4H-E) x( y=kle2 1+H 1-e2 H And k = E2-4H-E) k2e2 + e2 e2 _ (A 1-12) 2 SE -4H-E) 1 1 E2-4H-E) G H 2 IE -4H-E) k = H -k- 19 The pressure drop across the diesel particulate filter is b/ =1 1 4 (A1 APDPF L 2k g1 d Jo (e +BU,(^=0)-P - 1)+ k1 (e92 -10+ g2 G ]+ B, -(k1g, + k 2 92) P H_ And the terms used in the equation above are: g 1 =-( g 2 =( 2 2 E 2-4H - E) E 2 -4H- E) 133 Appendix 2 Derivation of Eq. (3.12) The one dimensional DPF model extended the classical model considering the clean and/or soot-loaded channel to a model incorporating the ash cake layer and end-plug. The following section presents the approach taken to include the ash end-plug and variable ash cake layer thickness in the one dimensional DPF model. The extended model requires a new derivation of the classical equations as given below. The acronyms and the nomenclature of the corresponding equations are kept similar to [21] to allow a quick comparison of the extensions in the model equations, which now incorporate ash layer variance in the axial direction. Mass balance: Inlet channel: db dz -- 4 bu,. (A 2-1) Outlet channel: d(u2)b2 = 4bkuw dz (A 2-2) Momentum balance Introducing the friction factors to express the shear stresses leads to the momentum balances. F = 28.454 Inlet channel: p d(b,2u2) dz dz - = d dz 12 -Fu, ((A 2-3) Outlet channel: p d____ dz bf = dP 2 bk- dz F7u2 (A 2-4) Darcy Equation 134 Pressure drop of substrate, soot layer and ash layer (k, P - P,= s'a)U" s k, + Aps + A S, )u P(pA, + k, (A 2-5) , Since the shooting method does not work in most of cases, the solution proceeds by solving the transient equation of incompressible flow inside the DPF channel. The mass balance and Darcy equation do not change. The time derivative term needs to be added to the momentum balance equation to describe how the flow evolves to steady state. Momentum balance in transient problem Inlet channel: p d(b u2) pdbu b_2 ± o b, dt __dP Fu b, dz b, , I lo dz 2 2(A 2-7) Outlet channel: d(u2 ) dt+ p dt d(ut4) dz = dP F_ __u d dz 7 2 (A 2-8) b Introducing dimensionless quantities as follows: = 4LeU zu in Leff P- P Pol * =llUinbkS1 4Lejj k, P = _ ; (A 2-9) bkUin (A 2-10) (A 2-11) t Lef / U~ With i = 1 for the inlet channel and i = 2 for the outlet channel leads to the dimensionless system, with the mass balance in dimensionless form: db d162 d2i d2 1 = -b 2 fi (A 2-12) (A 2-13) = Multiplying (A 2-13) by b2 , adding this product to (A 2-12) and integrating from 0 to 2 results in: 135 bI(2 2 )+bk26 2 (2)= b,0( = 0)2 6( (A 2-14) Momentum balance in dimensionless form: dIg d + A3 (b, 6 2b, d dP di2 A- dz 2+ bk2 A A 2fi± + 2~db b 0 di b +k Gi Adb 22 2 2z + 2 b2 di - (A 2-16) =0 2 (A 2-15) Darcy equation in dimensionless form: APA= B1 (A 2-17) w+ /modUw Subtract (A 2-16) from (A 2-15), and substituting (A 2-14) and (A 2-17) into the expression results in: A 3(L2 !±Ju2u d(fi2 ) b2 A b ) di _-d d B du2 d 2 d dQ2 +2 2m m d2 ±Arbk + 14 ~i1i~2A -1 -fi2AAI bk di d2 -A A 2(1+ 2 +A 2 2A (A-b2Q 5 k 2 (A 2-18) - db0 The dimensionless parameters are defined from Eq.(3.13) to Eq.(3.19). The boundary conditions are defined in Eq.(3.20) and Eq.(3.21). The initial condition is shown at Eq.(3.22). 136 Appendix 3 Data from NIST-JANAF Thermochemical Tables Temperature LogioKf 02 NO K 100 200 250 298.15 300 350 400 450 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 NO 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -6.460 -2.931 -8.218 -5.172 -5.074 -2.828 -1.143 -.8320 -.7840 -.2100 -.0860 -.2430 -.5870 -.0630 -.6330 -.2750 -.9720 -.7120 -.4870 -.2900 -.1160 -.9620 -.8240 -.6990 -0.874 -1.863 -0.103 -.9800 -.9440 -.125 -.517 -.046 -.672 -.114 -.717 -.420 -.188 -.003 -.851 -.724 -.615 -.522 -.441 -.370 -.307 -.251 -.201 -.155 137