Reptiles & Birds Review

Reptiles & Birds Review
Endo- or ectothermic
Body covering
Feeding pattern(s)
Jaw? Kind? If not,
what, made of what
Skeleton –bones solid
or hollow, why?
Respiration, what
Internal transport:
# ♥ chambers, single
or double loop?
Excretion: kidneys?
What instead of
Senses; how good
each is
Movement: muscles?
Internal or external
Oviparous or not?
Type of egg
Type(s) of egg
Care of young
1. Why is it necessary for a reptile to dislocate its jaw?
2. Why do birds have air-sacs? How do they work?
3. Why do reptiles and birds excrete uric acid instead of urine?
4. What is a keel & what is its function? What kind of birds don’t have one?
5. What two special sense organs do snakes have in their mouths? What are their functions?
6. Do snakes’ ribs meet in the front? Why or why not?
7. What are four ways that bird bodies are specialized for flight? Hint: skeleton, body covering, lack
of a certain structures?
8. What is incubation?
9. What does a spear shaped beak tell you about a bird?
10. What do webbed feet tell you about a bird?
11. What does a strong, curved beak tell you about a bird?
12. What is preening and why is it done?
13. What type of animal were the immediate ancestors of snakes?
14. If a bird has a high heart rate, what kind of body weight does it have?
15. What is basking? Why do reptiles do this?
16. What are two types of feathers, and what are their functions?
17. What is a cloaca? Do birds have one? Do reptiles have one?
18. What are two parts of feathers? Why must they be put back together when ruffled?
19. Which has a higher metabolic rate, reptiles or birds?
20. If an animal has a very long digestive tract, what feeding pattern does it have?