August T24/M07071/EE/20150819 2015 Mechanical Measurements Instructions: MARKS-80 Time: 3 Hrs 1. All questions are compulsory. 2. “Long Answer type Question (LAQ)” is a supply type question of 15 marks which required a typical answer of about 60-80 lines in bout 32-40 minutes. 3. “Sort Answer type Question (SAQ)” is a supply type question of 5 marks which required a typical answer of about 15-20 lines in bout 08-10 minutes. 4. Figures to the right indicate marks allotted to the questions. 5. Assume suitable data if necessary 6. Use a nonprogrammable type of scientific calculator is allowed Marks SECTION-A Q.1 Explain the construction and working of piezo electric transducer with suitable diagram. OR 15 Q.1 Explain the construction and working of capacitive transducer. 15 Q.2 Explain the construction and working principle of Eddy current dynamometer for force measurement. 15 OR Q.2 Explain the construction and working principle of Frequency modulation (FM) with suitable diagram. 15 Q.3 Classify the different types Dynamometer. 5 Q.4 Write a short note on vibrating read tachometer. 5 SECTION-B Q.5 Explain the construction and working principle of Indirect liquid level measurement with suitable diagram. 15 OR Q.5 How to work the variable area flow meter and explain one of them? 15 Q.6 Describe the concept of standards and frequency in brief. 15 OR Q.6 Describe the classification of control system with suitable applications? 15 Q.7 Explain the diaphragm gauges with suitable diagram. 5 Q.8 Explain the closed looped system with suitable block diagram. 5 Computer Generated Random Question Paper dated: 17-07-2015 15:45:31 ***BEST OF LUCK***