2014 BUSINESS SCHOOL DATA GUIDE POWERED BY DATADIRECT www.aacsb.edu BUSINESS SCHOOL DATA GUIDE 2014 The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business World Headquarters 777 S. Harbour Island Boulevard, Suite 750 Tampa, Florida 33602-5730 USA Tel: +1 813 769 6500 Fax: +1 813 769 6559 Asia Pacific Headquarters 331 North Bridge Road #08–07 Odeon Towers Singapore, 188720 Tel: +65 6592 5210 Fax: +65 6339 6511 www.aacsb.edu © 2014 AACSB International FOREWORD To support the continuous improvement of business schools worldwide and enhance understanding of the management education industry, AACSB International produces this reference guide each year for its internal and external stakeholders. The information enclosed describes a wide range of areas, including program trends, faculty and student demographics, business school finances, and collaborations by region. The data and information is selected based on availability, currency, and interest. To enhance the use of this guide as a reference tool, information on other AACSB publications, services, and resources also is included. If the specific information you are looking for is not found in this guide, you may find it in one of AACSB’s many other publications—including BizEd, eNEWSLINE, surveys, thought leadership reports, and DataDirect, your online connection to the world’s most comprehensive database of business school data. In addition, we have a new feature on our website, under the Knowledge tab, called Data at a Glance. On this page, you will have further access to data contained in this guide. AACSB International continues to expand its coverage of management education worldwide. We recently created an international version of our Salary Survey and now offer regional versions of our Business School Questionnaire. The aggregate, industry-level data available in this handbook may be inappropriate for benchmarking and decision-making purposes. For example, industry-level average salaries may be interesting and informative, but we do not recommend using the data to negotiate contracts or plan budgets. Information based on your school’s peer institutions is more appropriate for this purpose and may be available through custom reports provided by DataDirect. For additional copies of this guide or for information on how to leverage data for your school’s needs, email AACSB International Communications at comm@aacsb.edu. CONTENTS 1 About AACSB International pg. 6 2 AACSB International Membership pg. 8 3 Business Degree Programs pg. 17 4 Degrees Conferred in Business & Management pg. 20 5 Enrollment pg. 22 6 Business School Faculty pg. 28 7 Administrative Personnel pg. 36 8 Finances pg. 40 9 Collaborations pg. 42 10 AACSB International Resources pg. 44 ABOUT AACSB INTERNATIONAL AACSB International advances quality management education worldwide through accreditation, thought leadership, and value-added services. AACSB is an association of educational institutions, corporations, and other organizations dedicated to the advancement of quality business education worldwide. With over 1,400 members in 87 countries and territories, AACSB is an unmatched global network committed to improving the management education landscape. As the world’s largest accreditation association for business schools, AACSB sets and administers the standards that indicate an accredited school’s commitment to quality and continuous improvement. With the world’s largest database of business school information, AACSB International is uniquely positioned to provide data and information on issues and trends that concern business schools throughout the world. AACSB engages in research and survey projects on topics specific to the field of management education, maintains relationships with disciplinary associations and other groups, interacts with the corporate community on a variety of projects and initiatives, and produces a wide variety of publications and special reports on trends and issues within management education. AACSB International also is the largest professional development organization for business school deans, faculty, and administrators. The organization holds more than 80 conferences and seminars at various locations around the world each year to advance quality and innovation in management education. 6 BUSI NES S SC HOO L DATA GUIDE DataDirect The most comprehensive database on business schools worldwide. www.aacsb.edu/datadirect Make Better Strategic Decisions with DataDirect Benchmarking Tools Access global business school data on: 35,000 Faculty Members 6,000 Administrators 2,000 As an AACSB member, you have access to a wealth of business school data that is vital to everyday decision-making. DataDirect is the world’s most comprehensive business school database that provides high-quality data and reports about the characteristics, practices, trends, and environments of business programs worldwide. DataDirect allows you to quantify, compare, and contextualize an array of dimensions, from faculty salaries to operating budgets, program applicants to graduates, and activities at home and abroad. Log in today to start creating customized reports, tables, charts, percentiles, and comparison groups to help benchmark your institution with your peers. Effective Practices Get Started Today! www.aacsb.edu/datadirect BUSINESS SCHOOL DATA GUID E 7 AACSB INTERNATIONAL MEMBERSHIP 2014 AACSB EDUCATIONAL MEMBERS BY COUNTRY (FEBRUARY 2014) Afghanistan 1 Honduras 1 Pakistan 8 Argentina 3 Hong Kong - China 8 Panama 1 Australia 28 Hungary 2 Paraguay 1 Austria 5 India 42 Peru 9 Bahrain Belgium Bolivia 4 5 1 Indonesia Iraq Ireland 17 4 6 Philippines Poland Portugal 4 5 6 Bosnia & Herzegovina 1 Israel 2 Puerto Rico - U.S. 5 Brazil 15 Italy 4 Qatar 1 Bulgaria 1 Jamaica 1 Romania 2 Canada 40 Japan 7 Russia 5 Chile 9 Kazakhstan 1 Saudi Arabia 10 China (mainland) 46 Kenya 1 Singapore 4 Chinese Taipei 30 Kuwait 4 Slovakia 1 Colombia 11 Latvia 2 Slovenia 3 Costa Rica 1 Lebanon 9 South Africa 7 Côte d’Ivoire 2 Liechtenstein 1 South Korea 22 Croatia 2 Macau - China 2 Spain 20 Cyprus 1 Malaysia 14 Sweden 6 Czech Republic 1 Mexico 11 Switzerland 14 Denmark 2 Monaco 1 Thailand 13 Ecuador 4 Morocco 6 Turkey 6 Egypt 2 Nepal 1 United Arab Emirates 14 Estonia 1 Netherlands 6 United Kingdom 57 Finland 8 New Zealand 8 United States 651 France 47 Nigeria 1 Uruguay 3 Germany 18 Northern Cypress 2 Venezuela 1 Greece Guatemala 4 1 Norway Oman 1 1 Vietnam Yemen Total 3 1 1,343 Source: AACSB International 8 BUSI NES S SC HOO L DATA GUIDE AACSB INTERNATIONAL MEMBERSHIP 2014 AACSB MEMBERSHIP BY TYPE (FEBRUARY 2014) EDUCATIONAL MEMBERS NUMBER PERCENT OF TOTAL U.S. 651 48.5 Global (Excluding U.S.) 692 51.5 TOTAL EDUCATIONAL 1,343 - NON-EDUCATIONAL MEMBERS NUMBER PERCENT OF TOTAL Business Members 48 87.3 Management Associations 7 12.7 TOTAL NON-EDUCATIONAL 55 - TOTAL AACSB MEMBERS 1,398 - Source: AACSB International AACSB ACCREDITED MEMBERSHIP (FEBRUARY 2014) BY LOCATION NUMBER PERCENT OF TOTAL U.S. 502 72.3 Global (Excluding U.S.) 192 27.7 TOTAL 694 - BY PROGRAM LEVELS OFFERED NUMBER PERCENT OF TOTAL Undergraduate Only 60 8.7 Master’s Only 30 4.3 Undergraduate and Master’s 345 49.7 Undergraduate, Master’s & Doctoral 223 32.1 Master’s and Doctoral 36 5.2 ACCOUNTING ACCREDITATION NUMBER PERCENT OF TOTAL U.S. 172 94.5 Global (Excluding U.S.) 10 5.5 TOTAL 182 - Source: AACSB International Accreditation Council BUSINESS SCHOOL DATA G U IDE 9 AACSB INTERNATIONAL MEMBERSHIP 2014 EDUCATIONAL MEMBERS BY LOCATION – AACSB INTERNATIONAL REGIONAL CLASSIFICATIONS (FEBRUARY 2014) REGION NUMBER PERCENT Eastern Africa 1 0.1 Middle Africa 0 0.0 Northern Africa 8 0.6 Southern Africa 7 0.5 Western Africa 3 0.2 Caribbean 6 0.5 Central America 15 1.1 South America 57 4.3 Northern America 691 51.4 Central Asia 1 0.1 Eastern Asia 115 8.6 Southern Asia 52 3.8 Southeastern Asia 55 4.1 Western Asia: Middle East 50 3.7 Western Asia: Near East 9 0.7 Eastern Europe 17 1.2 Western Europe 220 16.4 Oceania 36 2.7 TOTAL 1,343 - Source: AACSB International Research & Development 10 BUSI NES S SC HOO L DATA GUIDE AACSB INTERNATIONAL MEMBERSHIP 2014 ACCREDITED MEMBER SCHOOLS BY LOCATION – AACSB INTERNATIONAL REGIONAL CLASSIFICATIONS (FEBRUARY 2014) REGION NUMBER PERCENT Eastern Africa 0 0.0 Middle Africa 0 0.0 Northern Africa 1 0.1 Southern Africa 2 0.3 Western Africa 0 0.0 Caribbean 2 0.3 Central America 5 0.7 South America 11 1.7 Northern America 522 75.2 Central Asia 0 0.0 Eastern Asia 40 5.8 Southern Asia 2 0.3 South-Eastern Asia 7 1.0 Western Asia: Middle East 9 1.3 Western Asia: Near East 3 0.4 Eastern Europe 1 0.1 Western Europe 71 10.2 Oceania 18 2.6 TOTAL 694 - Source: AACSB International Research & Development BUSINESS SCHOOL DATA G U IDE 11 AACSB INTERNATIONAL MEMBERSHIP 2014 AACSB MEMBERS BY SCHOOL SIZE 2013 100.0% 90.0% 80.0% 70.0% 60.0% 50.0% 17 40.0% 30.0% 20.0% 10.0% 0.0% Africa Asia Europe Small Latin America & Caribbean 203 Medium Northern America 16 40Oceania Large Note: FT = Full-Time. Small is 0 to 35 FT Faculty; Medium is 36 to 74 FT Faculty; Large is 75 or more FT Faculty. Source: AACSB International Business School Questionnaire (2012–13) 12 BUSI NES S SC HOO L DATA GUIDE AACSB INTERNATIONAL MEMBERSHIP 2014 PUBLIC VS. PRIVATE INSTITUTIONS – ALL MEMBERS** (FEBRUARY 2014) NUMBER PERCENT Public 764 57.0 Private 577 43.0 Source: AACSB International Membership **derived from UNESCO definitions: Public – controlled and managed by a public education authority or agency (national/federal, state/provincial or local), whatever the origin of its financial resources. Private – controlled and managed by a non-governmental organization (church, trade union or business enterprise), whether or not it receives financial support from public authorities. TYPE OF COMMUNITY – ALL AACSB MEMBERS (2012–2013) NUMBER PERCENT Rural 106 15.9 Suburban 215 32.3 Urban 345 51.8 Source: AACSB International Business School Questionnaire (2012–13) PERCENTAGE OF AACSB-ACCREDITED SCHOOLS WITH ALTERNATE ACCREDITATIONS (DECEMBER 2013) ALTERNATE ACCREDITATION PERCENTAGE OF AACSB-ACCREDITED SCHOOLS EFMD/EQUIS 14.3% AMBA 10.9% FIBAA 0.9% ACBSP 0.7% NIBS 0.7% EFMD/EPAS 0.6% CEEMAN/IQA 0.2% IACBE 0.2% ABEST21 0.0% AMDISA/SAQS 0.0% ECBE 0.0% Note: This table does not take into account multiple overlapping accreditations held by the same member. Source: AACSB International B USINESS SCHOOL DATA GUID E 13 AACSB INTERNATIONAL MEMBERSHIP 2014 ESTIMATED NUMBER OF WORLDWIDE EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS OFFERING BUSINESS DEGREES, ANY LEVEL (FEBRUARY 2014) Afghanistan 8 Central African Republic 1 Åland - Finland 1 Chad 7 Albania 20 Chile 38 Algeria 32 China (mainland) 1,082 Andorra 1 Chinese Taipei 122 Angola 12 Colombia 175 Argentina 77 Comoros 2 Armenia 27 Costa Rica 46 Aruba - Netherlands 1 Côte d'Ivoire 160 Australia 52 Croatia 18 Austria 32 Cuba 9 Azerbaijan 19 Curaçao - Netherlands 1 Azores - Portugal 1 Cyprus 18 Bahamas 7 Czech Republic 52 Bahrain 11 Democratic Republic of the Congo 9 Bangladesh 71 Denmark 12 Barbados 2 Djibouti 1 Belarus 28 Dominica 1 Belgium 62 Dominican Republic 18 Belize 2 Ecuador 68 Benin 12 Egypt 42 Bhutan 2 El Salvador 24 Bolivia 30 Equatorial Guinea 1 Bosnia and Herzegovina 15 Eritrea 1 Botswana 1 Estonia 10 Brazil 376 Ethiopia 13 Brunei 4 Fiji 5 Bulgaria 25 Finland 38 Burkina Faso 7 France 178 Burundi 4 French Guiana - France 1 Cambodia 17 French Polynesia - France 1 Cameroon 5 Gabon 1 Canada 105 Gambia 1 Cape Verde 3 Georgia 24 Cayman Islands – U.K. 2 Germany 217 Source: AACSB International 14 BUSI NES S SC HOO L DATA GUIDE AACSB INTERNATIONAL MEMBERSHIP 2014 ESTIMATED NUMBER OF WORLDWIDE EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS OFFERING BUSINESS DEGREES, ANY LEVEL (FEBRUARY 2014) Ghana 40 Lesotho 1 Greece 27 Liberia 7 Greenland - Denmark 1 Libya 7 Grenada 1 Liechtenstein 1 Guadeloupe - France 1 Lithuania 26 Guam – U.S. 1 Luxembourg 3 Guatemala 11 Macau - China 7 Guinea 7 Macedonia 11 Guinea-Bissau 2 Madagascar 10 Guyana 1 Madeira Islands - Portugal 1 Haiti 10 Malawi 11 Honduras 8 Malaysia 52 Hong Kong - China 11 Maldives 1 Hungary 35 Mali 7 Iceland 4 Malta 11 India 3,902 Martinique - France 1 Indonesia 485 Mauritania 2 Iran 42 Mauritius 6 Iraq 28 Mexico 1,000 Ireland 43 Moldova 16 Isle of Man – U.K. 1 Monaco 1 Israel 26 Mongolia 38 Italy 86 Montenegro 3 Jamaica 6 Morocco 96 Japan 223 Mozambique 6 Jersey – U.K. 1 Myanmar 4 Jordan 17 Namibia 3 Kazakhstan 92 Nepal 4 Kenya 54 Netherlands 55 Kosovo 18 New Caledonia - France 1 Kuwait 6 New Zealand 25 Kyrgyzstan 27 Nicaragua 29 Lao PDR 10 Nigeria 68 Latvia 25 North Korea 5 Lebanon 35 Northern Cyprus 6 Source: AACSB International B USINESS SCHOOL DATA GUID E 15 AACSB INTERNATIONAL MEMBERSHIP 2014 ESTIMATED NUMBER OF WORLDWIDE EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS OFFERING BUSINESS DEGREES, ANY LEVEL (FEBRUARY 2014) Norway 34 South Sudan 1 Oman 15 Spain 80 Pakistan 99 Sri Lanka 19 Palestine 12 Sudan 8 Panama 25 Suriname 2 Papua New Guinea 10 Swaziland 2 Paraguay 21 Sweden 25 Peru 58 Switzerland 40 Philippines 1,259 Syria 16 Poland 191 Tajikistan 13 Portugal 36 Tanzania 17 Puerto Rico – U.S. 35 Thailand 108 Qatar 1 Timor-Leste 5 Republic of the Congo 2 Togo 5 Réunion - France 2 Trinidad and Tobago 2 Romania 70 Tunisia 29 Russia 586 Turkey 113 Rwanda 14 Turkmenistan 5 Saint Kitts and Nevis 1 Uganda 22 Samoa 2 Ukraine 145 San Marino 1 United Arab Emirates 24 São Tomé and Principe 3 United Kingdom 134 Saudi Arabia 33 United States 1,624 Senegal 11 United States Virgin Islands – U.S. 1 Serbia 16 Uruguay 7 Seychelles 2 Uzbekistan 26 Sierra Leone 5 Vanuatu 1 Singapore 5 Vatican City 2 Sint Maarten - Netherlands 1 Venezuela 26 Slovakia 12 Vietnam 39 Slovenia 13 Yemen 12 Somalia 17 Zambia 7 South Africa 41 Zimbabwe 11 South Korea 240 GLOBAL TOTALS 15,731 Source: AACSB International 16 BUSI NES S SC HOO L DATA GUIDE BUSINESS DEGREE PROGRAMS BUSINESS PROGRAMS OFFERED BY AACSB MEMBERS (2014) Table shows the percentage of schools offering at least one program in each category. 100.0% 90.0% 13.6% 18.4% 24.3% 24.2% 40.2% 42.5% 80.0% 9.7% 31.0% 70.0% 60.0% 46.9% 42.1% 50.0% 41.5% 65 17 35.4% 40.0% 30.0% 20.0% 39.5% 191 35.5% 33.3% 39.5% 48.8% Asia Europe Latin America & Caribbean Northern America 16 33.6% 10.0% 0.0% Africa 38 Undergraduate 203 Masters 40Oceania Doctoral Source: AACSB International B USINESS SCHOOL DATA G U IDE 17 BUSINESS DEGREE PROGRAMS PROGRAMS OFFERED WORLDWIDE BY FIELD/DISCIPLINE AND LEVEL, PERCENT (2012–2013) Table shows percent of reporting schools offering at least one degree program in each field/discipline. FIELD/DISCIPLINE BACHELOR’S MBA Accounting 75.3 14.0 Behavioral Science/Organizational Behavior 1.0 0.9 Business Communication 1.5 0.6 Business Education 2.8 0.3 Business Ethics 0.1 0.9 Business Law/Legal Environment 4.5 1.9 Computer Information Systems (CIS)/Management Information Systems (MIS) 44.5 13.3 E-business (including e-commerce) 2.5 1.6 Economics/Managerial Economics 42.2 4.2 Entrepreneurship/Small Business Administration 20.8 9.5 Finance (includes banking) 66.8 21.9 General Business 53.1 69.3 Health Services/Hospital Administration 2.6 10.0 Hotel/Restaurant/Tourism 7.2 1.5 Human Resource Management (includes personnel and industry/labor relations) 21.8 6.3 Insurance 6.7 1.0 International Business 39.1 18.8 Management 65.0 35.6 Marketing 66.9 16.4 Operations Research 0.9 0.7 Production/Operations Management 11.9 4.3 Public Administration 1.0 1.9 Quantitative Methods 1.2 0.6 Real Estate 7.9 3.1 Statistics 1.9 0.4 Strategic Management 0.9 5.2 Supply Chain Management/Transportation/Logistics 13.3 5.2 Taxation 0.3 1.3 Other 25.6 17.1 NUMBER OF SCHOOLS REPORTING 683 671 Source: AACSB International Business School Questionnaire (2012–13) 18 BUSI NES S SC HOO L DATA GUIDE BUSINESS DEGREE PROGRAMS PROGRAMS OFFERED WORLDWIDE BY FIELD/DISCIPLINE AND LEVEL, PERCENT (2012–2013) Table shows percent of reporting schools offering at least one degree program in each field/discipline. FIELD/DISCIPLINE SPECIALIZED MASTER’S DOCTORAL Accounting 64.8 29.0 Behavioral Science/Organizational Behavior 2.6 10.6 Business Communication 1.6 0.0 Business Education 1.0 0.0 Business Ethics 0.8 0.7 Business Law/Legal Environment 1.8 0.0 Computer Information Systems (CIS)/Management Information Systems (MIS) 22.9 22.6 E-business (including e-commerce) 2.0 0.7 Economics/Managerial Economics 18.1 20.5 Entrepreneurship/Small Business Administration 7.0 1.7 Finance (includes banking) 39.4 34.1 General Business 11.1 23.9 Health Services/Hospital Administration 5.4 0.3 Hotel/Restaurant/Tourism 3.4 2.4 Human Resource Management (includes personnel and industry/labor relations) 16.1 4.4 Insurance 1.8 2.4 International Business 15.9 7.8 Management 23.7 40.3 Marketing 21.3 28.0 Operations Research 1.8 4.1 Production/Operations Management 5.4 11.6 Public Administration 3.2 1.0 Quantitative Methods 3.0 2.7 Real Estate 6.6 1.7 Statistics 2.4 3.8 Strategic Management 3.2 8.2 Supply Chain Management/Transportation/Logistics 10.9 5.1 Taxation 13.1 0.3 Other 28.2 18.1 NUMBER OF SCHOOLS REPORTING 503 293 Source: AACSB International Business School Questionnaire (2012–13) B USINESS SCHOOL DATA GUID E 19 DEGREES CONFERRED IN BUSINESS & MANAGEMENT WORLDWIDE UNDERGRADUATE DEGREES CONFERRED (AACSB MEMBERS) (2012–2013) COUNTRY # OF SCHOOLS REPORTING TOTAL DEGREES COUNTRY # OF SCHOOLS REPORTING TOTAL DEGREES Australia 12 22,833 Mexico 3 1,151 Austria 1 214 Monaco 1 47 Belgium 1 289 Netherlands 4 2,677 Brazil 3 976 New Zealand 7 4,497 Canada 30 15,770 Peru 1 196 Chile 2 989 Poland 1 474 China 15 6,175 Portugal 2 293 Chinese Taipei 10 5,928 1 341 Colombia 2 516 Puerto Rico U.S. Denmark 2 2,595 Qatar 1 203 Finland 3 633 Russia 2 237 France 11 1,719 Saudi Arabia 2 649 Germany 5 1,569 Singapore 2 1,640 Hungary 1 764 Slovakia 1 2,065 India 1 359 Slovenia 2 1,046 Indonesia 1 709 Spain 2 307 Ireland 2 2,583 Sweden 2 376 Israel 1 300 Switzerland 4 1,501 Japan 2 1,199 Turkey 3 510 South Korea 7 2,163 4 1,044 Kuwait 2 833 United Arab Emirates Lebanon 2 1,249 United Kingdom 20 17.353 Malaysia 1 224 United States 514 201,325 Uruguay 1 131 Source: AACSB International Business School Questionnaire (2012–13) 20 BUSI NES S SC HOO L DATA GUIDE DEGREES CONFERRED IN BUSINESS & MANAGEMENT PERCENTAGE OF DEGREES CONFERRED BY LEVEL AND GENDER (2008–09 TO 2012–13) (ALL SCHOOLS) UNDERGRADUATE MASTERS' GENERALIST SPECIALIZED MASTERS DOCTORATE UNITED STATES GLOBAL (EXCLUDING U.S.) Year Male Female Male Female 2008-09 56.4% 43.6% 49.9% 50.1% 2009-10 56.5% 43.5% 49.3% 50.7% 2010-11 56.7% 43.3% 49.3% 50.7% 2011-12 57.1% 42.9% 49.2% 50.8% 2012-13 57.3% 42.7% 49.6% 50.4% 2008-09 63.7% 36.3% 65.5% 34.5% 2009-10 63.4% 36.6% 63.9% 36.1% 2010-11 63.8% 36.2% 63.4% 36.6% 2011-12 64.1% 35.9% 61.2% 38.8% 2012-13 63.6% 36.4% 61.9% 38.1% 2008-09 52.7% 47.3% 53.4% 46.6% 2009-10 52.8% 47.2% 52.7% 47.3% 2010-11 52.4% 47.6% 50.8% 49.2% 2011-12 53.5% 46.5% 51.1% 48.9% 2012-13 53.3% 46.7% 49.5% 50.5% 2008-09 63.3% 36.7% 66.8% 33.2% 2009-10 65.4% 34.6% 63.5% 36.5% 2010-11 62.5% 37.5% 62.3% 37.7% 2011-12 61.7% 38.3% 61.7% 38.3% 2012-13 62.9% 37.1% 63.6% 36.4% Source: AACSB International Business School Questionnaire BUSINESS SCHOOL DATA G U IDE 21 ENROLLMENT UNDERGRADUATE DEGREE ENROLLMENT AND PERCENTAGES BY REGION (2012–2013) REGION ENROLLED PERCENTAGE # OF SCHOOLS REPORTING Africa 592 0.0% 1 Asia 101,789 7.8% 55 Europe 157,800 12.1% 67 Latin America & Caribbean 27,519 2.1% 13 North America 908,923 69.6% 543 Oceania 110,113 8.4% 19 Source: AACSB International Business School Questionnaire (2012–13) UNDERGRADUATE ENROLLMENT PERCENTAGE BY PROGRAM TYPE AND REGION (2012–2013) REGION FULL TIME % PART TIME % Africa 100.0% 0.0% Asia 98.6% 1.4% Europe 74.2% 25.8% Latin America & Caribbean 89.7% 10.3% North America 85.6% 14.4% Oceania 71.7% 28.3% Source: AACSB International Business School Questionnaire (2012–13) UNDERGRADUATE ENROLLMENT PERCENTAGE BY GENDER AND REGION (2012–2013) REGION MALE % FEMALE % Africa 40.7% 59.3% Asia 48.5% 51.5% Europe 51.8% 48.2% Latin America & Caribbean 53.7% 46.3% North America 58.6% 41.4% Oceania 49.7% 50.3% Source: AACSB International Business School Questionnaire (2012–13) 22 BUSI NES S SC HOO L DATA GUIDE ENROLLMENT UNDERGRADUATE ENROLLMENT PERCENTAGE BY CITIZENSHIP – U.S. (2012–2013) CITIZENSHIP PERCENT Citizens or Permanent Visas 92.1 Residents without Permanent Visas 7.9 Source: AACSB International Business School Questionnaire (2012–13) UNDERGRADUATE ENROLLMENT PERCENTAGE BY CITIZENSHIP – GLOBAL (EXCLUDING U.S.) (2012–2013) CITIZENSHIP PERCENT Citizens or Permanent Visas 78.2 Residents without Permanent Visas 21.8 Source: AACSB International Business School Questionnaire (2012–13) MBA DEGREE ENROLLMENT AND PERCENTAGES BY REGION (2012–2013) REGION ENROLLED PERCENTAGE # OF SCHOOLS REPORTING Africa 460 0.2% 3 Asia 34,898 13.0% 62 Europe 59,458 22.2% 73 Latin America & Caribbean 9,619 3.6% 21 North America 156,104 58.4% 476 Oceania 6,901 2.6% 19 Source: AACSB International Business School Questionnaire (2012–13) SPECIALIZED MASTER’S DEGREE ENROLLMENT AND PERCENTAGES BY REGION (2012–2013) REGION ENROLLED PERCENTAGE # OF SCHOOLS REPORTING Africa 54 0.0% 2 Asia 14,166 8.6% 46 Europe 59,775 36.1% 68 Latin America & Caribbean 3,706 2.2% 14 North America 64,712 39.1% 336 Oceania 23,061 13.9% 19 Source: AACSB International Business School Questionnaire (2012–13) BUSINESS SCHOOL DATA G U IDE 23 ENROLLMENT MBA ENROLLMENT, PERCENTAGE BY PROGRAM TYPE (2012–2013) PROGRAM TYPE U.S. GLOBAL (EXCLUDING U.S.) Full-Time Traditional Two Year 27.4 19.6 Full-Time Accelerated 3.4 5.1 Full-Time Distance Learning 0.9 0.8 Full-Time Other 4.6 24.8 Part-Time Evenings and Weekends 41.5 15.9 Part-Time Off Campus 3.8 5.0 Part-Time Distance Learning 1.5 6.3 Part-Time Other 7.0 4.8 Traditional Executive Education 7.8 15.4 Other Executive Education 2.1 2.3 Source: AACSB International Business School Questionnaire (2012–13) MBA AND SPECIALIZED MASTER’S DEGREE ENROLLMENT, PERCENTAGE BY FULL-TIME AND PART-TIME STATUS (2012–2013) PROGRAM TYPE MBA Specialized Master’s U.S. GLOBAL (EXCLUDING U.S.) Full-Time 46.8 65.8 Part-Time 53.2 34.2 Full-Time 64.7 72.0 Part-Time 35.3 28.0 Source: AACSB International Business School Questionnaire (2012–13) MBA ENROLLMENT PERCENTAGE BY GENDER AND REGION (2012–2013) REGION MALE % FEMALE % Africa - - Asia 62.3% 37.7% Europe 59.2% 40.8% Latin America & Caribbean 68.7% 31.3% North America 62.9% 37.1% Oceania 64.7% 35.3% Source: AACSB International Business School Questionnaire (2012–13) 24 BUSI NES S SC HOO L DATA GUIDE ENROLLMENT SPECIALIZED MASTERS ENROLLMENT PERCENTAGE BY GENDER AND REGION (2012–2013) REGION MALE % FEMALE % Africa - - Asia 49.0% 51.0% Europe 49.8% 50.2% Latin America & Caribbean 62.4% 37.6% North America 53.2% 46.8% Oceania 45.3% 54.7% Source: AACSB International Business School Questionnaire (2012–13) MBA ENROLLMENT PERCENTAGE BY CITIZENSHIP - U.S. (2012–2013) CITIZENSHIP PERCENT Citizens or Permanent Visas 85.8 Residents without Permanent Visas 14.2 Source: AACSB International Business School Questionnaire (2012–13) MBA ENROLLMENT PERCENTAGE BY CITIZENSHIP - GLOBAL (EXCLUDING U.S.) (2012–2013) CITIZENSHIP PERCENT Citizens or Permanent Residents 72.3 Residents without Permanent Visas 27.7 Source: AACSB International Business School Questionnaire (2012–13) DOCTORAL DEGREE ENROLLMENT AND PERCENTAGES BY REGION (2012–2013) REGION ENROLLED PERCENTAGE # OF SCHOOLS REPORTING Africa 2 0.2% 1 Asia 4,458 13.0% 42 Europe 7,321 22.2% 62 Latin America & Caribbean 374 3.6% 9 North America 7,621 58.4% 144 Oceania 2,759 2.6% 20 Source: AACSB International Business School Questionnaire (2012–13) BUSINESS SCHOOL DATA G U IDE 25 ENROLLMENT DOCTORAL ENROLLMENT PERCENTAGE BY GENDER AND REGION (2012–2013) REGION MALE % FEMALE % Africa - - Asia 60.1% 39.9% Europe 60.6% 39.4% Latin America & Caribbean 62.5% 37.5% North America 61.2% 38.8% Oceania 53.1% 46.9% Source: AACSB International Business School Questionnaire (2012–13) DOCTORAL ENROLLMENT, PERCENTAGE BY CITIZENSHIP – U.S. (2012–2013) CITIZENSHIP PERCENT Citizens or Permanent Visas 56.4 Residents without Permanent Visas 43.6 Source: AACSB International Business School Questionnaire (2012–13) DOCTORAL ENROLLMENT, PERCENTAGE BY CITIZENSHIP – GLOBAL (EXCLUDING U.S.) (2012–2013) CITIZENSHIP PERCENT Citizens or Permanent Residents 60.1 Residents without Permanent Visas 39.9 Source: AACSB International Business School Questionnaire (2012–13) 26 BUSI NES S SC HOO L DATA GUIDE ENROLLMENT FOREIGN STUDENTS STUDYING IN THE U.S., PERCENTAGE BY FIELD/DISCIPLINE (2012–2013) Agriculture 1.3 Business and Management 21.8 Education 2.1 Engineering 18.8 Fine and Applied Arts 5.6 Health Professions 3.8 Humanities 2.1 Intensive English Language 4.9 Mathematics and Computer Sciences 9.5 Physical and Life Sciences 8.4 Social Sciences 8.9 Undeclared 3.0 Other 9.8 Source: Institute of International Education (2013). “International Students by Field of Study, 2011/12- 2012/13.” Open Doors Report on International Educational Exchange. Retrieved from http://www.iie.org/opendoors. U.S. STUDENTS STUDYING ABROAD, PERCENTAGE BY FIELD/DISCIPLINE (2011–2012) Agriculture 1.2 Business & Management 20.5 Education 4.1 Engineering 3.9 Fine & Applied Arts 7.8 Foreign Languages 5.3 Health Professions 5.7 Humanities 10.8 Mathematics & Computer Sciences 1.7 Physical or Life Sciences 8.6 Social Sciences 22.4 Undeclared 3.0 Other 5.0 Source: Institute of International Education (2013). “Fields of Study of U.S. Study Abroad Students, 2000/012011/12.” Open Doors Report on International Educational Exchange. Retrieved from http://www.iie.org/opendoors. BUSINESS SCHOOL DATA G U IDE 27 BUSINESS SCHOOL FACULTY FULL-TIME PARTICIPATING AND SUPPORTING FACULTY (2012–2013) SCHOOL, LOCATION, AND TYPE AVERAGE NUMBER PARTICIPATING AVERAGE NUMBER SUPPORTING NUMBER OF SCHOOLS REPORTING Global (Excluding U.S.) 110 56 200 U.S. 60 22 496 Public Accredited 64 22 311 Public Non-Accredited 33 21 26 Public (All) 62 22 337 Private Accredited 60 27 136 Private Non-Accredited 45 29 23 Private (All) 58 27 159 Accredited (All) 64 24 447 Non-Accredited (All) 39 25 49 Source: AACSB International Business School Questionnaire (2012–13) PERCENTAGE OF FULL-TIME BUSINESS FACULTY BY GENDER AND RANK - ALL MEMBERS (2013–2014) RANK MALE FEMALE Professor 80.7 19.3 Associate Professor 68.9 31.1 Assistant Professor 62.4 37.6 Instructor 60.6 39.4 New Doctorate 63.5 36.5 ABD* 64.3 35.7 All 69.4 30.6 *Completed “all but dissertation” requirement of doctoral program. Source: AACSB International Salary Survey (2013–14) PERCENTAGE OF AQ/PQ FACULTY BY REGION - ALL SCHOOLS (2012–2013) REGION AQ% PQ% NEITHER % Africa 82.0 14.3 3.7 Asia 72.0 21.0 7.0 Europe 61.8 27.8 10.4 Latin America & Caribbean 49.7 46.5 3.8 Northern America 59.4 35.0 5.6 Oceania 71.6 12.2 16.2 Source: AACSB International Business School Questionnaire (2012–13) 28 BUSI NES S SC HOO L DATA GUIDE BUSINESS SCHOOL FACULTY PERCENTAGE OF FACULTY POSITIONS WITHIN AACSB - ALL SCHOOLS (2012–2013) 2.9% 20.8% FT Non-Tenured FTE of PT Faculty (no GTAs) FT Tenured FT Tenure Track FTE of T Faculty (with GTAs) 44.4% 16.0% 15.9% Note: FTE = Full-Time Equivalency; PT = Part-Time; FT = Full-Time; GTAs = Graduate Teaching Assistant. Source: AACSB International Business School Questionnaire (2012–13) AVERAGE OPERATING BUDGET PER FULL-TIME FACULTY MEMBER (IN USD) – U.S. 300,000.00 250,000.00 200,000.00 150,000.00 100,000.00 50,000.00 0.00 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 Based on Yearly Participation in AACSB International Business School Questionnaire AVERAGE OPERATING BUDGET PER FULL-TIME FACULTY MEMBER (IN USD) – GLOBAL (EXCLUDING U.S.) 440,000.00 420,000.00 400,000.00 380,000.00 360,000.00 340,000.00 320,000.00 300,000.00 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 Based on Yearly Participation in AACSB International Business School Questionnaire BUSINESS SCHOOL DATA G U IDE 29 BUSINESS SCHOOL FACULTY PERCENTAGE FULL-TIME BUSINESS FACULTY BY CITIZENSHIP – U.S. (2012–2013) CITIZENSHIP PERCENT U.S. Citizens or Permanent Visas 94.7 Non-U.S. Citizens without Permanent Visas 5.3 Source: AACSB International Business School Questionnaire (2012–13) PERCENTAGE FULL-TIME BUSINESS FACULTY BY CITIZENSHIP – GLOBAL (EXCLUDING U.S.) (2012–2013) CITIZENSHIP PERCENT Host Country 67.4 Other Country of Origin or Birthplace 32.6 Source: AACSB International Business School Questionnaire (2012–13) PERCENTAGE OF RESEARCH DOCTORATES AMONG FULL-TIME FACULTY BY REGION (2012–2013) 90.0% 80.0% 80.1% 81.4% 80.2% 73.0% 73.4% 70.0% 62.5% 60.0% 50.0% 40.0% 30.0% 20.0% 10.0% 0.0% Africa Asia Europe Latin America & Carribbean North America Source: AACSB International Business School Questionnaire (2012–13) 30 BUSI NES S SC HOO L DATA GUIDE Oceania BUSINESS SCHOOL FACULTY FULL-TIME BUSINESS FACULTY BY DISCIPLINE – ALL MEMBERS (2013–2014) DISCIPLINE NUMBER PERCENT Accounting 5,342 16.4 Behavioral Science/Organizational Behavior 1,024 3.1 Business Communication 489 1.5 Business Education 49 0.2 Business Ethics 157 0.5 Business Law/Legal Environment 867 2.7 Computer Information Systems (CIS)/Management Information Systems (MIS) 2,600 8.0 E-Business (including e-commerce) 53 0.2 Economics/Managerial Economics 3,067 9.4 Entrepreneurship/Small Business Administration 628 1.9 Finance (includes banking) 4,470 13.7 General Business 154 0.5 Health Services/Hospital Administration 118 0.4 Hotel/Restaurant/Tourism 222 0.7 Human Resource Management (includes personnel and industry/labor relations) 703 2.2 Insurance 129 0.4 International Business 429 1.3 Management 3,311 10.2 Marketing 4,224 13.0 Operations Research 258 0.8 Production/Operations Management 1,223 3.8 Public Administration 108 0.3 Quantitative Methods 400 1.2 Real Estate 175 0.5 Statistics 362 1.1 Strategic Management 1,106 3.4 Supply Chain Management/Transportation/Logistics 409 1.3 Taxation 182 0.6 Other 293 0.9 Source: AACSB International Salary Survey (2013-14) BUSINESS SCHOOL DATA G U IDE 31 BUSINESS SCHOOL FACULTY FULL-TIME BUSINESS FACULTY BY RACE/ETHNICITY - U.S. (2012–2013) RACE/ETHNICITY PERCENT American Indian or Alaskan Native 0.3 Asian or Pacific Islander 14.5 Black, Non-Hispanic 3.8 Hispanic 2.3 White, Non-Hispanic 71.1 Race/Ethnicity Unknown 2.2 Not Reported 5.8 Source: AACSB International Business School Questionnaire (2012–13) AVERAGE FULL-TIME BUSINESS FACULTY SALARIES: PROFESSOR (2013–2014) U.S. SCHOOLS GLOBAL (EXCLUDING U.S.) (USD IN THOUSANDS) (USD IN THOUSANDS) FIELD/DISCIPLINE All New Hires All New Hires Accounting/Taxation 152.6 153.0 144.7 146.7 CIS/MIS 141.3 149.3 120.5 79.9 Economics/Managerial Economics 135.8 176.1 134.8 124.4 Finance/Banking/Real Estate/Insurance 176.7 217.2 151.3 155.1 Management/Behavioral Science/ 152.0 International Business/Strategic Management 173.2 99.8 73.8 Marketing 155.6 210.7 140.5 126.3 Production/Operations Management 150.3 - 155.4 - Quantitative Methods/Operations Research/Statistics 150.0 151.0 127.9 109.5 Combined (includes all disciplines, including those not named above) 151.8 179.8 139.7 111.7 Source: AACSB International Salary Survey (2013–14) 32 BUSI NES S SC HOO L DATA GUIDE BUSINESS SCHOOL FACULTY AVERAGE FULL-TIME FACULTY SALARIES: ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR (2013–2014) U.S. SCHOOLS GLOBAL (EXCLUDING U.S.) (USD IN THOUSANDS) (USD IN THOUSANDS) FIELD/DISCIPLINE All New Hires All New Hires Accounting/Taxation 130.4 151.1 132.1 107.4 CIS/MIS 117.0 128.8 109.5 - Economics/Managerial Economics 101.5 128.3 96.0 86.4 Finance/Banking/Real Estate/Insurance 140.3 166.7 127.3 78.8 Management/Behavioral Science/ International Business/Strategic Management 119.4 130.3 84.6 66.4 Marketing 122.3 140.0 117.0 119.2 Production/Operations Management 127.0 117.9 118.9 100.5 Quantitative Methods/Operations Research/Statistics 112.4 108.3 108.3 - Combined (includes all disciplines, including those not named above) 121.7 138.7 115.0 97.3 Source: AACSB International Salary Survey (2013–14) AVERAGE FULL-TIME FACULTY SALARIES: ASSISTANT PROFESSOR (2013–2014) U.S. SCHOOLS GLOBAL (EXCLUDING U.S.) (USD IN THOUSANDS) (USD IN THOUSANDS) FIELD/DISCIPLINE All New Hires All New Hires Accounting/Taxation 135.8 139.7 108.9 115.5 CIS/MIS 107.4 110.0 86.0 92.9 Economics/Managerial Economics 96.3 94.7 77.8 76.5 Finance/Banking/Real Estate/Insurance 145.3 146.8 106.3 111.8 Management/Behavioral Science/ International Business/Strategic Management 111.8 111.6 74.0 80.5 Marketing 117.8 121.6 92.0 79.9 Production/Operations Management 124.0 123.4 95.6 100.6 Quantitative Methods/Operations Research/Statistics 111.6 120.7 83.1 77.4 Combined (includes all disciplines, including those not named above) 119.5 121.1 93.2 94.8 Source: AACSB International Salary Survey (2013–14) BUSINESS SCHOOL DATA G U IDE 33 BUSINESS SCHOOL FACULTY AVERAGE FULL-TIME BUSINESS FACULTY SALARIES: INSTRUCTORS (2013–2014) U.S. SCHOOLS GLOBAL (EXCLUDING U.S.) (USD IN THOUSANDS) (USD IN THOUSANDS) FIELD/DISCIPLINE All New Hires All New Hires Accounting/Taxation 73.4 71.2 77.0 60.1 CIS/MIS 68.7 72.6 75.6 55.3 Economics/Managerial Economics 64.7 62.4 60.4 52.5 Finance/Banking/Real Estate/Insurance 85.1 89.2 77.5 67.7 Management/Behavioral Science/ International Business/Strategic Management 73.4 69.7 69.6 58.5 Marketing 71.7 73.8 69.7 59.5 Production/Operations Management 79.5 74.8 78.5 - Quantitative Methods/Operations Research/Statistics 66.8 68.6 74.8 46.8 Combined (includes all disciplines, including those not named above) 72.8 71.5 73.7 59.2 Source: AACSB International Salary Survey (2013-14) 34 BUSI NES S SC HOO L DATA GUIDE BUSINESS SCHOOL FACULTY PERCENTAGE NET PLANNED GROWTH IN NUMBER OF FULL-TIME DOCTORAL POSITIONS BY DISCIPLINE (2013–2014) FIELD/DISCIPLINE U.S. GLOBAL (EXCLUDING U.S.) Accounting 22.0 17.0 Behavioral Science 3.4 3.4 Business Communications 0.9 0.0 Business Education 0.2 0.0 Business Ethics 0.5 0.5 Business Law 2.3 1.0 CIS/MIS 7.3 4.9 E-Business 0.0 0.5 Economics 6.0 5.3 Finance 12.6 20.4 General Business 0.1 0.5 HR Management 1.0 1.5 Health/Hospital Management 1.3 0.5 Hotel/Restaurant 0.8 1.0 Insurance 0.7 0.0 International Business 1.0 3.9 Logistics 1.9 2.9 Management 10.2 9.2 Marketing 10.8 13.1 Operations Management 2.5 1.5 Operations Research 0.9 0.5 Public Administration 0.4 0.0 Quantitative Methods 1.4 0.5 Real Estate 0.9 0.5 Small Business 4.1 4.4 Statistics 0.9 0.0 Strategic Management 4.0 4.9 Taxation 1.0 0.0 All Others 0.6 3.4 Source: AACSB International Salary Survey (2013–14) BUSINESS SCHOOL DATA G U IDE 35 ADMINISTRATIVE PERSONNEL PERCENTAGE FULL-TIME ADMINISTRATIVE PERSONNEL BY GENDER – U.S. (2013–2014) POSITION MALE FEMALE Dean 78.4 21.6 Associate Dean 66.3 33.7 Assistant Dean 35.1 64.9 Assistant Dean or Director: Development 45.9 54.1 Assistant Dean or Director: Finance and Administration 32.2 67.8 Assistant Dean or Director: Information Technology 84.1 15.9 School of Accounting, Director, etc. 72.0 28.0 Assistant Dean or Director: Undergraduate Programs 32.0 68.0 Assistant Dean or Director: Graduate Programs 52.5 47.5 Assistant Dean or Director: Career Services/Placement 34.8 65.2 Director of Cooperative Programs 34.8 65.2 Assistant Dean or Director: Executive Education 44.8 55.2 Director of Internship 29.5 70.5 MBA/Master’s Admissions Director 34.6 65.4 Assistant Dean or Director: MBA Programs 50.0 50.0 Small Business Administration Director 61.2 38.8 Director of Communications/Public Relations 30.4 69.6 Executive MBA (EMBA) Director 49.4 50.6 Director of Research 71.0 29.0 Director of Distance Education 47.1 52.9 Major Gifts Officer 31.6 68.4 Director of Business Library Services 31.3 68.7 Other 43.3 56.7 ALL ADMINISTRATIVE POSITIONS 52.0 48.0 Source: AACSB International Salary Survey (2013–14) 36 BUSI NES S SC HOO L DATA GUIDE ADMINISTRATIVE PERSONNEL PERCENTAGE OF FULL-TIME ADMINISTRATIVE PERSONNEL BY GENDER – GLOBAL (EXCLUDING U.S.) (2013–2014) POSITION MALE FEMALE Dean 80.8 19.2 Associate Dean 76.6 23.4 Assistant Dean 75.0 25.0 Assistant Dean or Director: Development 60.0 40.0 Assistant Dean or Director: Finance and Administration 33.3 66.7 Assistant Dean or Director: Information Technology 88.9 11.1 School of Accounting, Director, etc. 100.0 0.0 Assistant Dean or Director: Undergraduate Programs 75.0 25.0 Assistant Dean or Director: Graduate Programs 71.1 28.9 Assistant Dean or Director: Career Services/Placement 33.3 66.7 Director of Cooperative Programs 50.0 50.0 Assistant Dean or Director: Executive Education 61.1 38.9 Director of Internship 50.0 50.0 MBA/Master’s Admissions Director 41.2 58.8 Assistant Dean or Director: MBA Programs 63.2 36.8 Small Business Administration Director 50.0 50.0 Director of Communications/Public Relations 41.2 58.8 Executive MBA (EMBA) Director 92.3 7.7 Director of Research 83.3 16.7 Director of Distance Education - - Major Gifts Officer 0.0 100.0 Director of Business Library Services 50.0 50.0 Other 32.3 67.7 ALL ADMINISTRATIVE POSITIONS 49.8 50.2 Source: AACSB International Salary Survey (2013–14) BUSINESS SCHOOL DATA G U IDE 37 ADMINISTRATIVE PERSONNEL FULL-TIME AVERAGE SALARY BY POSITION – U.S. (2013–2014) POSITION AVERAGE 9 MONTHS (USD IN THOUSANDS) AVERAGE 12 MONTHS (USD IN THOUSANDS) Dean 318.2 236.3 Associate Dean 198.5 176.3 Assistant Dean 146.9 104.3 Assistant Dean or Director: Development - 115.2 Assistant Dean or Director: Finance and Administration - 110.0 Assistant Dean or Director: Information Technology - 106.9 Accounting Department Chair 155.5 168.5 School of Accounting, Director, etc. 150.6 193.6 Academic Department Chair 146.7 160.1 Assistant Dean or Director: Undergraduate Programs 143.1 97.0 Assistant Dean or Director: Graduate Programs 142.7 118.4 Assistant Dean or Director: Career Services/Placement - 101.4 Director of Cooperative Programs 157.3 71.3 Assistant Dean or Director: Executive Education - 132.7 Director of Internship 56.5 59.8 MBA/Master’s Admissions Director 85.1 87.5 Assistant Dean or Director: MBA Programs 105.1 121.2 Small Business Administration Director - 88.6 Director of Communications/Public Relations - 89.9 Executive MBA (EMBA) Director 132.7 116.6 Director of Research 150.7 154.2 Director of Distance Education - 98.5 Major Gifts Officer - 91.1 Director of Business Library Services - 88.8 Other 121.5 77.8 Source: AACSB International Salary Survey (2013–14) 38 BUSI NES S SC HOO L DATA GUIDE ADMINISTRATIVE PERSONNEL FULL-TIME AVERAGE SALARY BY POSITION – GLOBAL (EXCLUDING U.S.) (2013–2014) POSITION AVERAGE 9 MONTHS (USD IN THOUSANDS) AVERAGE 12 MONTHS (USD IN THOUSANDS) Dean 105.6 221.0 Associate Dean 141.9 153.8 Assistant Dean 66.7 108.4 Assistant Dean or Director: Development - 102.6 Assistant Dean or Director: Finance and Administration - 112.3 Assistant Dean or Director: Information Technology - 99.5 Accounting Department Chair 86.0 126.4 School of Accounting, Director, etc. - 140.3 Academic Department Chair 70.5 131.7 Assistant Dean or Director: Undergraduate Programs 49.2 112.1 Assistant Dean or Director: Graduate Programs 91.1 108.6 Assistant Dean or Director: Career Services/Placement - 90.0 Director of Cooperative Programs - 92.1 Assistant Dean or Director: Executive Education - 130.0 Director of Internship - - MBA/Master’s Admissions Director 85.8 90.3 Assistant Dean or Director: MBA Programs - 101.5 Small Business Administration Director - 101.0 Director of Communications/Public Relations - 90.5 Executive MBA (EMBA) Director 141.1 108.5 Director of Research - 142.9 Director of Distance Education - 106.9 Major Gifts Officer - 80.9 Director of Business Library Services - 87.3 Other 90.4 62.9 Source: AACSB International Salary Survey (2013–14) BUSINESS SCHOOL DATA G U IDE 39 FINANCES MEAN OPERATING BUDGET BY GEOGRAPHIC REGION (2012–2013) 48.7 45.7 50 Millions (USD) 40 30 19.2 19.1 16.2 20 8.1 10 0 Africa (4) Asia (76) Europe (85) Latin America & Carribbean (25) North America (557) Oceania (24) Numbers in Parenthesis Indicate Survey Participants by Region. Source: AACSB International Business School Questionnaire (2012–13) MEAN OPERATING BUDGET BY INSTITUTIONAL CONTROL TYPE (2012–2013) 35 32.4 Millions (USD) 30 24.3 25 21.9 20 15 10 Public (482) Private Not For Profit (237) Numbers in Parenthesis Indicate Survey Participants by Type. Source: AACSB International Business School Questionnaire (2012–13) 40 BUSI NES S SC HOO L DATA GUIDE Private For Profit (13) FINANCES MEAN ENDOWMENT MARKET VALUE BY GEOGRAPHIC REGION (2012–2013) 35 28.4 30 Millions (USD) 25 21.7 20 15 9.8 10 5 8.5 6.6 4.6 0 Africa (3) Asia (22) Europe (28) Latin America & Caribbean (8) Northern America (482) Oceania (10) Numbers in Parenthesis Indicate Survey Participants by Region. Source: AACSB International Business School Questionnaire (2012–13) MEAN PERCENTAGES OF THE USES OF OPERATING FUNDS BY GEOGRAPHIC REGION (2012–2013) 100% 90% 80% 38.3% 42.2% 25.2% 70% 60% 50% 74.8% 40% 30% 57.8% 61.7% 20% 10% 0% Asia (52) Europe (72) Salary Northern America (512) Non-Salary Numbers in Parenthesis Indicate Survey Participants by Region. Source: AACSB International Business School Questionnaire (2012–13) BUSINESS SCHOOL DATA G U IDE 41 COLLABORATIONS COLLABORATIONS BY BUSINESS UNIT TYPE – WORLDWIDE (2012–2013) REPORTING SCHOOLS NAMED AS PARTNERS NONBUSINESS ACADEMIC UNITS NAMED AS PARTNERS NONSCHOOLS NAMED AS PARTNERS NUMBER OF COLLABORATIONS INVOLVING NAMED PARTNERS* REGION REPORTING SCHOOLS TOTAL BUSINESS SCHOOLS NAMED AS PARTNERS Africa 2 65 1 1 3 152 Asia 55 678 45 14 17 2,146 Europe 82 973 74 43 22 4,282 Latin America & Caribbean 23 203 20 2 3 724 Northern America 228 452 154 30 6 1,280 Oceania 13 55 12 1 2 413 TOTAL WORLD 403 2,426 306 91 53 8,735 *Note: Each collaboration may involve multiple partners in multiple countries/regions, hence the global total is not equal to the sum of the country/regional totals. Source: AACSB International Collaborations Survey (2012–13) DESIRED AND EXISTING COLLABORATIONS BY REGION (2012–2013) African Reporting Schools (n=1): Desired Collaborations African Reporting Schools: Existing Partnerships 1 1.0 26.9% 0.9 0.8 7.7% 0.7 # in Africa 0.0% # in Asia 19.2% 0.6 # in Latin America 0.4 & Caribbean 0.3 # in North America 0.2 0.1 0.0 0 0 in Africa in Asia 0 0 in in Latin America Europe & Caribbean 0 0 in Northern America in Oceania 11.5% with No Regional Preference 35 25 23.5% 19 20 14 15 12 10 5 Asian Reporting Schools: Existing Partnerships 29 30 4 2 2.4% in Asia in in Latin America in Northern in Europe & Caribbean America Oceania 4.4% # in Africa 1.5% # in Asia # In Oceania 29.5% 4 0 in Africa # in Europe 34.6% Asian Reporting Schools (n=34): Desired Collaborations with No Regional Preference # in Latin America & Caribbean # in North America # in Europe 38.7% 42 # In Oceania 0.5 BUSI NES S SC HOO L DATA GUIDE COLLABORATIONS DESIRED AND EXISTING COLLABORATIONS BY REGION (2012–2013) European Reporting Schools (n=36): Desired Collaborations 38 40 35 25 20 20 4.2% 1.7% # in Africa # in Asia 19.9% 19 14 15 5 14.2% 8.5% 28 30 10 European Reporting Schools: Existing Partnerships # in North America # in Europe 0 in Africa in Asia in in Latin America in Northern in Europe & Caribbean America Oceania with No Regional Preference 51.6% Latin American & Caribbean Reporting Schools (n=17): Desired Collaborations 30 24 25 20 2.6% 24.3% 25 1.4% 7.6% 22.4% 10 5 Latin American & Carribean Reporting Schools: Existing Partnerships 19 15 6 3 5 # in Africa # in Asia # In Oceania # in Latin America 5 & Caribbean 0 in Africa # in Latin America & Caribbean 7 6 # In Oceania in Asia in in Latin America in Northern in Europe & Caribbean America Oceania with No Regional Preference # in North America # in Europe 41.7% Northern American Reporting Schools (n=110): Desired Collaborations 133 140 120 9.2% 80 13 in Asia & Caribbean # in North America 17 in in Latin America in Northern in Europe & Caribbean America Oceania with No Regional Preference 4 2 0 6.8% 14.5% 0.8% 0.5% 3 3 in Africa # in Asia # In Oceania & Caribbean 1 0 in Asia # in Africa # in Latin America 1 0 # in Europe Oceanian Reporting Schools: Existing Partnerships 5 5 30.6% 46.7% Oceanian Reporting Schools (n=3): Desired Collaborations 6 # in Asia # in Latin America 34 19 in Africa # in Africa # In Oceania 0 1 4.5% 1.4% 55 60 20 7.7% 94 100 40 Northern American Reporting Schools: Existing Partnerships in in Latin America in Northern in Europe & Caribbean America Oceania 0 with No Regional Preference # in North America 46.8% 30.8% # in Europe Note: Desired collaborations reported in “The Americas” are included in the totals of both Latin America & Caribbean and Northern America, as they could apply to either. Source: AACSB International Collaborations Survey (2012–13) BUSINESS SCHOOL DATA G U IDE 43 AACSB INTERNATIONAL RESOURCES AACSB DataDirect Gain access to specific, customizable business school data that is vital to everyday decision-making through the most comprehensive business school database in the world. Participation in DataDirect surveys provides you with high-quality data and reports about the characteristics, practices, trends, and environments of business programs worldwide—information you won’t find anywhere else. For more information visit www.aacsb.edu/datadirect. Data at a Glance Further enhance your access to important business school data with additional graphs and charts at www.aacsb.edu/knowledge/data/dataglance. AACSB Knowledge Explore AACSB’s hub of knowledge—the source for the latest data, research, insights, and resources pertaining to management education at www.aacsb.edu/knowledge. AACSB Exchange Enhance your networking and learning experience through AACSB Exchange— the largest network of business schools, exclusive to AACSB members. Featuring member-generated content, AACSB Exchange is your networking tool to connect with peers and experts within the management education industry, around the world. Activate your account today at TheExchange.aacsb.edu. BizEd and eNEWSLINE Discover the latest news, trends, and ideas in management education worldwide with subscriptions to AACSB’s publications. Award-winning BizEd magazine features in-depth reporting and interviews with leading business practitioners and educators, distributed to more than 40,000 management educators worldwide in print and digital formats. eNEWSLINE is AACSB’s monthly electronic newsletter that covers news and issues related to the world’s business schools. Subscribe to both online at www.aacsb.edu/publications. For a complete list of AACSB-accredited institutions, visit: www.aacsb.edu/accreditation/accredited-members 44 BUSI NES S SC HOO L DATA GUIDE BUSINESS SCHOOL DATA GUID E 45 46 BUSI NES S SC HOO L DATA GUIDE BUSINESS SCHOOL DATA GUID E 47 48 BUSI NES S SC HOO L DATA GUIDE