OBJECTIVES: Make you aware of how prevalent science is in the news and how science affects your life. Give you experience in identifying the key points in an article and to communicate those points in a summary. Provide you with the opportunity to gain experience speaking in front of a group. Allow you to use creativity in designing a poster to display your articles and summaries. Provide the opportunity to work on interpersonal skills. EXPECTATIONS: You will produce a current events poster according to the following criteria: 1. You will work in pairs or groups of three. 2. Each group member will choose three articles that pertain to science and attach the complete article to the poster. The articles you select cannot already be summaries. 3. The summaries must include: * a 4-5 sentence summary of the main points of the article. * identification of the key people in the article * how the article pertains to science * who the information impacts, i.e. you personally, PHS, the Fort Collins community, etc. 4. You will be graded on the structure, grammar, punctuation, etc. The information should be written in paragraph format. 5. The summaries must be typed and include the following heading: ARTICLE TITLE______________________ AUTHOR____________________________ DATE OF PUBLICATION______________ NAME OF PUBLICATION_____________ SUMMARY WRITTEN BY_____________ 6. You may only use articles that have not been used in your class period. 7. As a group, you will present the poster to the class and each individual will give a brief oral summary of their articles. 8. Posters are due on Tuesday at the beginning of class. You will present your poster on Thursday. LATE POSTERS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. 9. You need to provide this sheet when your poster is due or 10 points will be deducted from your final poster grade. DATE DUE_____________________________________________________________ PARTNER(S)___________________________________________________________ CURRENT EVENTS POSTER – GRADING CRITERIA NAME____________________________________________ POSTER – This portion of your grade is based the quality of: CURRENT EVENTS LABEL (5) POSTER DESIGN (15) ARTICLES/SUMMARIES – Attached/Complete (5) /5 /15 /5 TOTAL /25 SUMMARIES – This portion of your grade is based on: TITLE OF ARTICLE #1 #2 #3 LABEL FORMAT – 3 pts. Each Article title, author, publication date, publication, summary written by /3 /3 /3 CONTENT – 10 pts. Each Discussed main points (4), grammar (1) Punctuation (1), key people(2), relate to science (1), who impacts (1) QUALITY OF TYPING – 2pts. Each Typos, etc. TOTAL PER SUMMARY /4 /1 /1 /2 /1 /1 /4 /1 /1 /2 /1 /1 /4 /1 /1 /2 /1 /1 /10 /10 /10 2 /2 /15 /15 /2 /15 TOTAL PRESENTATION – This portion of your grade is based on: #1 SUMMARY CONTENT – 5 pts.each /5 /45 #2 /5 #3 /5 /3 /3 RELATE TO SCIENCE/WHO IMPACTS 3 pts. Each /3 DELIVERY – eye contact, poise, energy enthusiasm ( 6 pts. ) /6 TOTAL /30 GRAND TOTAL /100