
you have brains in your head
you have feet in your shoes
you can steer yourself
any direction you choose
Dr Seuss
This booklet was compiled to assist Grade 9 learners and their
parents in making the correct decisions with regards to subjects for the FET phase (Grade 10–12).
In recent years the South African education system has gone
through significant changes, at times making parents feel at a
loss to guide learners. Grade 9 learners are often not aware of
the importance of choosing the correct subjects and may make
decisions for the wrong reasons, for instance:
� They may avoid a subject because they don’t like the teacher.
� They may choose a subject because their friends have chosen
� They may choose a subject because it is easy.
Parents on the other hand, may encourage learners to choose
inappropriate subjects because:
� The parent finds that subject interesting or wish that s/he
had taken it at school.
� The parent has specific ideas for the learner’s future,
without a proper understanding of the learner’s aptitudes
and interests.
This booklet will help to prevent the above and guide parents
and learners to choose the correct subject combination so that:
1. Learners will be able to enter a course of study in which
they are interested in when leaving school.
2. Learners become skilled in areas that will assist them in
their future careers.
3. Learners’ potential are explored and developed.
In order to make the correct decision parents and learners need
to be informed about the content of specific subjects. It is also
important to understand what skills and interests are required
to be successful in a subject.
Chapter Outline
Chapter 2 of this booklet provides an overview of the key
changes in the new curriculum. It also provides short descriptions of the content of each FET subject.
Chapter 3 discusses the importance of interests and skills in
choosing the correct subject. It also lists the appropriate skills
and interests required to succeed in a particular subject.
Chapter 4 contains a questionnaire that will help learners
identify appropriate subjects through indicating their preferred
activities and types of careers. The chapter also provides a
short description of each career field and lists the minimum
requirements for institutes of higher education – in the case
where further studies are required.
One of the toughest questions posed by the new curriculum is
whether the learner should choose Mathematics or Mathematical Literacy. Chapter 5 focuses on this question and explores
issues to consider when making this important decision.
The last chapter of this booklet provides further practical
tools and guidelines to parents and learners. It focuses on
gathering more information on careers and career opportunities, so that the learner gains a better understanding of the
realities of the world of work.
Using the booklet
To the Learner
� It is best to go through this booklet when you are relaxed
(not during the exams) and when a parent/guardian figure is
available to help you. Try to plan a specific afternoon with
an adult.
� Do not see the booklet as “homework”. It can be a fun experience. It will help you understand more about yourself and
help you to make the right decisions for YOUR future.
To the Parent
� The learner will get the best value from this booklet if s/he
is supported by an adult who works through the booklet
with him/her.
� It is best to plan a specific time to work through the booklet.
Set a date for a quiet afternoon or weekend.
� Try to approach it from a fun perspective. It can be a valuable opportunity to bond and increase your understanding
of the learner.