ETNA Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis. Volume 30, pp. 128-143, 2008. Copyright 2008, Kent State University. ISSN 1068-9613. Kent State University THE DYNAMICAL MOTION OF THE ZEROS OF THE PARTIAL SUMS OF , AND ITS RELATIONSHIP TO DISCREPANCY THEORY RICHARD S. VARGA , AMOS J. CARPENTER , AND BRYAN W. LEWIS Dedicated to Edward B. Saff on his 64th birthday, January 2, 2008. With by ! " Abstract. % denoting the -th partial sum of% , let its zeros be denoted " $# &% for any positive integer . If ' and '( are any angles with )+*,' *-'.(/*102 , let 35476 498 be the associated sector, in the z-plane, defined by ! " If K,L 1924 that % ! %CBEDFHG B " 354:6 94 8; =<?>@A' '.( #JI " " 5# &%NM 34:6 498O represents the number of zeros of P in the sector 354:6 498 , then Szegő showed in SQ RST VUXW K1LZY. " " % \[ &% M 34:6 498O ( _ ` ^] ] 0 2 a ( are defined in the text. The associated discrepancy function is defined by % % bVRScHd " " (`_ e ' '(f& gK-hY. \[ &%Ni 34:6 498j _ lkm] ] I a 02 n % % One of our new results shows, for any ' with )=*E' *E2 , that D c % % bVRScod QSs G ?tvu P' 02 _ ' 5prq a a a % q ' where is a positive constant, depending only on . Also new in this % % % paper is a study of the cyclical nature of bVRScHd ' ' ( , as a function of , when )=*E' % *E2 and ' ( w02 _ ' . An upper bound for the approximate cycle length, in a this case, is determined in terms of . All this can be viewed in our Interactive Supplement, which shows ] of the partial sums of f and their associated discrepancies. the dynamical motion of the (normalized) zeros where ] and ] Key words. partial sums of , Szegő curve, discrepancy function AMS subject classifications. 30C15, 30E15 yf | | } 1. Introduction. Let xzy|{H}\~ denotez the -th partial sum of for each yf ` positive integer , and denote the zeros of xy|{H}\~ by V} y$ . Let 6 8 be the sector in the complex plane > , defined by ^. (1.1) 6 8 V}w> } z yf `J§ for angles and such that E ¡£¢¤ . Let ¥¦{:z} y 6 8 ~ represent the number of zeros of x y {¨}N~ that lie in the sector 6 8 . A beautiful result of Szegő [7] states that ©«ª¬ z yf ``§ ¥£{7V} y 6 8 ~ X² (1.2) ±° ° y®­¡¯ ¢¤ where if ³´¯ ¼ (1.3) is the closed curve (called the Szegő curve) in the unit disk which is given by f· ³¯µV}lr>$¶ } ¶v¸¹»º ¶ }&¶ ¸® Received April 12, 2007. Accepted for publication January 31, 2008. Published online on May 29, 2008. Recommended by D. Lubinsky. Institute for Computational Mathematics, Kent State University, Kent, OH 44242, U.S.A. E-mail: Department of Mathematics and Actuarial Science, Butler University, Indianapolis, IN 46208, U.S.A. E-mail: Rocketcalc, 100 West Crain Avenue, Kent, OH 44240, U.S.A. E-mail: 128 ETNA Kent State University THE DYNAMICAL MOTION OF THE ZEROS OF THE PARTIAL SUMS OF 129 6 then there are unique positive values ½¯r{» ~ and ½V¯g{» ~ , in {¨5¸V~ , such that ½V¯g{¨ ~ z¾ and 8 V¾ ª Á ½z¯r{¨ ~ are points of ³E¯ of (1.3). The angles in (1.2) are then defined by °¿ (1.4) S¦ª ²1½ ¯ {¨ ~eÀ Âlø®¢eÄ ¿ ¿ ¿ ° ¿ The discrepancy function Å À.Æ y {» :~ , for the zeros in 6 8 , is defined as ª V yf `JÊ X² (1.5) Å À.Æ y {¨ :~ÇS¥ÉÈ®V} y ª 6 8Ë ²1-Ì° ° Ä ¢¤ Í It follows from (1.2) that the function Å ÀÆy|{¨ ~ would behave, at worst, like Îe{»J~ , as ª in this paper is to © show in Theorem ©© Á\Ù©Ú¡ © Ø result that rÏÑÐ . Our first aim 2.5ª«Øthe sharper Õ ® (1.6) Å À.Æ y {» :~Ò£Ó º CÔ¹»º EÀ:Ö×´Æ where Ó is a positive constant depending on and . It is of interest to note that Szegő [7] showed that the associated discrepancy function, but now in the Û -plane under the mapping f· Û££} ª is bounded as a function of . ¯ ` Our second aim is to . closely study the cyclical nature of the sequence zÅ À.Æ y {» :~f y Specifically, for r ¤ and É¢¤Ü²Ý , the approximate cyclic length, of what we call the short-term pattern, is determined as a function of . (Long-term patterns are also ° described in Section 3.) Our third aim in this paper is to illustrate the dynamical motion of the zeros of x y {»m}N~ , as Þ VÞ accompanying this paper. This allows the reader to varies, with our Interactive Supplement ? ß input , in the range ¤ , where ¡Sࢤg², , and to input , the degree of ¤ xzy|{»m}N~ , in the range ¸ ¢ . The reader’s computer then graphs the zeros of xy|{¨m}\~ inª the } -plane. On increasing , one sees the actual “fanning out” of the zeros of xy|{¨m}\~ , into the upper and lower half-planes of the } -plane. In addition, the discrepancy function, . each -th step. This calculation is Å ÀÆy|{» ~ , is then displayed to four decimal digits, at ` based on the stored zeros of all polynomials zx y {»m}N~ y , whose zeros were all determined to ¢ decimal digits. 2. Background and statement of results. To study the behavior of the zeros of the partial sums x y ®{¨}N&~ of V , it is convenientª to study instead the Vnormalized partial sums x y {¨m}\~á yf ` yA ` y {¨m}\~ , whose zeros, henceforth denoted by z } , have the same arguments as the zeros of x y {H}\~ . This leaves Å À.Æ y {» ~ in (1.5) unchanged. An application of the Eneström-Kakeya (see [4, p. 137, Exercise 2], or [6, p.88, Problem z Theorem 22]) shows yf ` that all zeros V} y of x y {»m}N~ lie in the unit disk âãäV}åv>æ?¶ }&¶ ¸ for any compactness considerations, there are necessarily accumulation points in â for èç¸ . From é ¯ ` z yA ` , and Szegő [7] established that each such accumulation point must lie on the z} y y curve ³ ¯ of (1.3), and, conversely, that each point of ³ ¯ is an accumulation point of these zeros of xVy|{»m}N~ . Buckholtz [1] later proved that all zeros of all xVy|{¨m}\~ lie outside of ³´¯ for any 1çภ, and that ª ÙVê ÁNÚ (2.1) Å À where ª Ùzê Å À V} z yë yf ìVí ³´¯lî ¢ ï ¬ z} z yë yf ` í ³´¯lîJ Õ Ô¹»º èçฮ ª Ùzê ð fñ&zñ H{ Å À y } z í y ³´¯lî»~f ETNA Kent State University 130 ª Ùzê R. S. VARGA, ¬òªÁ A. J. CARPENTER, AND B. W. LEWIS z í z where Å À } y ³¯lîáS and ó®ôõ ¶ } y²Ý}&¶Ä It was shown in [2] that the exponent of ¸ ¢ ß for in (2.1) is the best possible, and that the constant ¢ can be reduced in (2.1) to Ä ö öXö÷\ø .1 In [2], the following curve was defined for each positive integer : f· f· ï y ¶ } ¶ ýy ¢¤|gþ þ ûü þ · þ (2.2) ³ y úù }w>àÿ¶ }ë¶ . ¸® and ·| y ¶ }ë¶\çåÆAº\À y where ý y , defined by ý y · ï y ¢ ¤| y is the exact error in Stirling’s formula. For calculations of ýVy when is very large, the following asymptotic series (cf. Henrici [3]) for ýy can be useful: · ·m ß · ¸ Þ ýy Ò ¸ ² À`rÏ Ð¦ ¸z¢ ¢ ÷¸ and © º · ·| ý y Ò ¸V¢ ² ß ö · ² z¸ ¢ö · · z¸ ö® ²A ¸ ¸ ® ÀJrÏÑÐ¦Ä ¸ , each ³´y curve gives a much better approximation to For any fixed with \ } ~ where the zeros of xzª y|ÙV{¨m lie, in that from [2, Theorem 4], ê Å À (2.3) V} V yë yf ` í ³y\î& Ì ¸ Í ÀJÜÏ Ð¦ Svz}r>à$¶ }/² ¸N¶N!\ . The exponent of ¢ for in (2.3) was shown in [2] to be where best possible. As defined in (2.2), the curve ³y is not a closed curve, so we make the following modifications of (2.2). First, as will be explained in the proof of Proposition 2.1 in Section 5, the curve ³ y of (2.2) can· be extended, for each äçú¸ , to the boundary of â in two #"$ and %¾ "$ , where ' unique points, ¾! & y æ¤ for each ±ç ¸ . Then, the circular +è z¾ # ) arc ( * ² & y ,& .y - is annexed to the extended ³ y curve, thereby producing the following closed curve ³ / y in â : f· Á f· ¶ y ¦ýy ï ¢¤| þ þ +è 8 }w >ë¶ } #¾ ) * ^® (2.4) ³ / y S1 0 ( ² & y ,& .y - Ä þ þ y 476 ¶ }&¶ ¸® Å & y 2 } ¢¤w3 ² & 5 The curves ³ / y , for rø®÷ , and Ð , are given below in Figure 2.1. We remark that it can be shown that & y can be expressed as the convergent series Þ ¸®Äø : 9 ø 5Ä ¢ ®< 9 ø;ø <¸ 9 À`rÏÑÐ Ä (2.5) &y = ÔÌ Í With the above definitions, we state the following proposition, whose proof is sketched in Section 5. P ROPOSITION 2.1. For each positive integer , the following are valid: bzRScod % for discrepancy numbers ' ' ( , which are given to four decimal digits in the Interactive Supa plement, we truncate, in the text, the displayed fractional part of noninteger numbers to six decimal digits. 1 Except ETNA Kent State University THE DYNAMICAL MOTION OF THE ZEROS OF THE PARTIAL SUMS OF & 1 131 ³/ & â 0.5 0 ³´ /¯ 0 -0.5 ³/ -1 -1 -0.5 0 F IG . 2.1. The curve ?> , for /A@ 0.5 aCB , and 1 u . i) The curve ³ / y is a simple closed curve in â which is star-shaped with respect to }+¦ ; ¢¤´²D&$y , there is a unique number ½Vym{¨~ , with @½zym{»\~ ¸ , ii) For each with &$y such that }+å½zym{¨~ V¾ is a point of ³ò /f· y , and satisfies ~y }${H} #¾ E.$GF I H ï (2.6) ê ýy ¢¤|Õ{:¸Ç²1}N~ ªÁ where J y {»~ is defined, & y .¢¤ Ù K ² Á & y î , by ê on the interval ª«Á ·| í ½ y {»~eÀ (2.7) J y {»\~;S /²1½ y {¨~eÀ Lî ÝM Ì ¸Ç²è½zym{»\~eÆAº\ÀmÍ ê iii) N J y O{ & y ~= ¢¤ for each çภ; iv) For each fixed @çø , J y {»~ is a strictly increasing function of on & y .¢¤wK ² & y î , and z z T S<U for each integer with ¸ , there is a unique point } P y Q ½ P y V¾<R $ on the V ² &$y , such that curve ³ / y , with &$yw P y ¢¤w3 V (2.8) J y { P y ~£¢¤ í z yf ` z vz}òr>£ denotes the (exact) zeros of x y {»m}N~ , then, for any } y not in v) If z} y ¶ }¡² ¸N¶\8 \ , where is fixed with l! ¸ , V z ¸ y ¶®W Ì YXex1rÏÑÐ Í where the constant, implicit in { y 8 ~ , depends only on . (2.9) ¶} y ²V} P ETNA Kent State University 132 R. S. VARGA, A. J. CARPENTER, AND B. W. LEWIS z yf ` § ¥ V} yë 6 8 , one would Next, it would appear that to precisely z determine yA ` need to know many very precise zeros z} yë of xzy|{¨m}\~ . This,z for large, would be a yf ` § daunting task! However, we give a very accurate estimate of ¥ z} y 6 8 , which avoids finding any zeros of x y {»m}N~ . This estimate is stated below in Proposition 2.2, after some preliminary definitions are introduced. Fixing any with ^± ¤ , consider any positive integer such that & y , where we see from (2.5) that this inequality holds for all sufficiently large. Then, from y y part ii) of Proposition 2.1, there is a unique number , with ½ ¨ { ~ ´ ½ ¨ { X ~ à ¸ , such that 6 }èSÔ½ y {» ~ z¾ is a point of ³ / y which satisfies (2.6). With J y {» ~ defined in (2.7), and, Ø ÙØ ÙJªÁ\ÙØ Ø ÁNÚ Ø © with the following notation2: ZTZ\[]T] ® [ Õ [ S À `¹»º it follows, from the strictly increasing nature of J/y from part iv) of Proposition 2.1, that ZTZ ]:] Jy?{» ~ ¢¤ ç^5Ä (2.10) This brings us to the statement of P ROPOSITION Given any with ¤ , the number of zeros of x y {¨m}\~ in the . 2.2. sector ²Ç } is approximately ZTZ ]:] (2.11) ¢ J y {» ~ ¢¤ so that, by symmetry, (2.12) ¥ÔÈ®z} z y yA ` Ê 6 :^ · Ä 6 Ë w²-¢ ZTZ J y {» ~ ¢¤ ]:] Ä The proof of Proposition 2.2 is given in Section 5. To illustrate ¤ ¢ , and we now the result of (2.12) of Proposition 2.2, suppose that choose - , and , . Then, from part ii) of Proposition 2.1, ½ y {»¤ ¢®~ and J y {¨¤ ¢~ are numerically determined to be Þ ß ß I_ :_ Ä ß M ß ¸ ö and J : {»¤ ¢~ ¢¤gv¸ 5 Ä 5¸ö ¸ Þ and (2.13) 0 ½½ I {¨{¨¤¤ ¢®¢®~~£ £Ä and J {»¤ ¢~ ¢¤gv¸ Ä XNø Ä From (2.12), this gives :_ z I_ f ` § 9 9 ZTZ :_ ]T] Ä ^ ^ ~ ²,¢ J {»¤ ¢~ ¢¤ ²-¢{:¸~C£ö¢ and û ü ¥ {9z} : ù z I f ` § 9 9 ZTZ : ]T] Ä ¥ {9z} ^ ^ ~ ²,¢ J {»¤ ¢~ ¢¤ ²-¢{:¸ ~C£ö¸Ä (2.14) ` Because we have all the zeros of Vx y {¨m}\~f y to an accuracy of ¢®® decimal digits, it turns out that the final numbers of (2.14), i.e., and ö ¢ ö5¸ , are :_ : exactly åß the number of the zeros of x { ®}N~ and x { }\~ , respectively, in the sector ¤ ¢ ¤ ¢ , without having directly ¤ and determined any zeros of x y {¨m}\~ . In addition, in the symmetric sector case of ß ß ¢ ¤ ¤ ¸ ¤ ¸ , it follows from (1.4) that and ² , so that ° ° ¢ ¢ ¢ Dz ¸ ° ° ¸ ¤ £Ä ö¸VøÇ ¢¤ ¢ B 2 Note that this is not the floor function `badc , which is defined as the greatest integer a . ETNA Kent State University THE DYNAMICAL MOTION OF THE ZEROS OF THE PARTIAL SUMS OF which givesª us from (1.5) and (2.14) that Á ª ß Þ :_ ¤ ¤ ß®ß (2.15) Å ÀÆ l¸®ÄS÷®¢ ¢ e ÅÅ À.Æ Ì ¢ ¢ Í I Ì ß ¤ ¢ ¤ ¢ Í ²X5Ä 133 ¢ö®öÄ The two numerical discrepancies of (2.15) agree with the rounded numbers, in these cases, of the Interactive Supplement of this paper. We remark X that in (2.11) to estimate the number of zeros of x y {¨m}\~ , åusing . the expression in the sector ²Ç } , is generally very accurate, but it is evident that this estimate can be faulty when J y {» ~ ¢¤ is exceedingly close to anª integer, and this can change the estimate in (2.12) by f?¢ . This will be considered in more detail in Section 5. Our next result gives an equivalent representation for Å À.Æ y {» .¢¤l² ~ , where its proof is given in Section 5. P ROPOSITION 2.3. Given any with ^ µ¤ , assume that Ü ¢¤1²^ , the symmetric case. Then, for any positive integer , ª : Z Z ª«Á y {¨ ~ y {» ~ ]:] J J Å À.ÆAym{¨ : ~á ²-Ù ¢ Á 0 ¤ 4 ¢ ¤ ·m ½ y {» ~eÀ ª«Á ¸ ¤ ê (2.16) ² 0 Ì ¤ ¸Ç²1½ym{¨ ~eƺÀe Í 4 0 /À ¤ ½ y {¨ ~Õ²1½ ¯ {¨ ~ î 4 Ä We remark that each of the three quantities in braces, in (2.16), can be seen to be positive. For example, the first term in braces in (2.16) canÁNÚ be seen, ª ÙIi using (2.10), to satisfy ÁNÚ Jy|{» ~ ²-¢ Z:Z Jy|{¨ ~ ]:] ¢e h g ò ^¤C çà¸®Ä (2.17) 0 4 ¤ ¢¤ Next, we have the result of Proposition 2.4, whose proof is again given in Section 5. ªÁ © ªÁ P ROPOSITION ê 2.4. Given any fixed with ò^ ¤ , ?À º {H¢¤|J~ ½ ¯ {» ~eÀ ½yJ{» ~Õ²1½z¯Ü{» ~9î|Ò À`ÜÏ Ð Ä (2.18) Ì ¯ ¤ ¢¤ ¸Ç²1½ {¨ ~eƺÀe Í Then, because of the properties of the terms in braces in (2.16), we have ª with ò^ © ¤ , assume ¢¤w²1 . Then, T HEOREM 2.5. Given any (2.19) Å À.Æ y {» :~Ò¦Ó º Cj Xex1rÏ Ð¦ Ó kå is dependent only on . where l ¤ To numerically illustrate here the result of (2.19) we have, in the case , that, as ¢ ªÁ © shown in Section 5, /À ¤ ¤ ¤ ¸ º {H¢¤|J~ ½y È Ë ² q Ò (2.20) ¤ m ½y È ¢ Ë ²è½V¯ È ¢ oË n ¤ p ¢ ¢ ¤ as ÜÏÿÐ . This means that the last term in braces in (2.16) tends slowly to /Ð as ÜÏÑÐ , while the other two terms in braces in (2.16) can be seen to be bounded. More concretely, we ¤ have that for , ¢ ß ¤ ¸ (2.21) ½ y È Ë ² q v¸V¢eÄ ÷öX÷\ø÷E¹»º Üv¸z Ä ¤ p ¢ ETNA Kent State University 134 R. S. VARGA, A. J. CARPENTER, AND B. W. LEWIS ª of the 3. The interesting oscillations of rs7x ty|{» : ~ in the symmetric case. One ¯ ` most intriging results, from this research, is that actual calculations of zÅ À.ÆVy?{» : ~f y , in the symmetric case, produce patterns of two distinct types, which likely could not have been conjectured purely from theoretical results. For the ª symmetric case, these patterns can be classified as ª short-term patterns of increases of the Å À.Æ y {¨ :z~f and (3.1) 0 long-term patterns of increases or decreases of the Å À.Æ y {» ~fÄ ª Both of these patterns can be immediately seen from our Interactive Supplement, which was screen, written in Java by our third author. On setting ¦¤ ¢ , one sees, at the bottom of the ß Å À V Æ m y » { ¤ e ¢ ¤ ¢~ , a short-term pattern of a sequence of four or five successive increases in ß where the increases at each step are approximately Ä \¢ , followed by a long-term pattern, in which the short-term patterns are successively slightly increasing or slightly decreasing from step to step. This can also be seen to be the case in other choices of , as well. We remark that these short-term and long-term patterns are valid only for symmetric sectors. Our next theoretical result here has to do with the short-term patterns. T HEOREM 3.1. Given any with ^ ¤ , assume that u ¦¢¤ ²ò , the symmetric sector case, and let be determined from (1.4). Then, the length P of each short-term pattern ° is at most uP (3.2) v¸vxw ¢¤ oy ° [|{ [ for all sufficiently large, where the floor function z is defined . as ^ } the greatest integer ^} . It follows Þ result of (3.2), consider theÞ case Þ ÞÞ As an example ofthe of and ß I^ ~;àÄS÷ ¢\;ø , and Ä ø® ø . In this case, ~ 6 Ô¸V÷eÄS÷®¢¢ ÷ from (1.4) that ½V¯r{»¤ , ° so that from (3.2), uP v¸xw ¢¤ v¸xw ¢¤ o y v¸öÄ ° In this case, the short term pattern consists of at most ¸zö steps. This can from our ^} , to be correct. Similarly, for be^ seen, ^ Interactive Supplement, with and , ß ß ~ ^ I ½ ¯ {»¤ ¢~ £Ä öNø \ø , and ø®ÄS¢\¢ ¸zö , so that 6 £÷eÄS¢®¢ ¢ ¸ , so that ° uP oy £öÄ ° In this case, the short term pattern consists of at most 6 steps. Again, this can be verified from our Interactive Supplement. 4. Extensions. With satisfying £ ¤ , and with 䢤@² , we have considered only symmetric sectors in the previous sections, and we now extend these results to general sectors 6 8 , of (1.1), where 1à wÔ¢¤ . Note however that since the zeros, of the real polynomial x y {¨m}\~ , occur in conjugate complex pairs, we may assume, without loss of generality, that . Then, either satisfies ¦ ¤ ¤ Ý ¢¤ , or @ ^ ¤ . With / S£¢¤g ²è and / /S£¢¤g²1V , we consider the following three cases. Case 1. ^ ¤ , ¤ ? ¢¤ , and / ¤ , which is shown in Figure 4.1. It is then geometrically evident, from Figure 4.1, that V yf ` § z yA ` § % ¥ È z} y& 6 6 Ë ¥ È z} yë 8 8 Ë z yf ì Ê ¥ È V} y 6 8 Ë ¢ ETNA Kent State University THE DYNAMICAL MOTION OF THE ZEROS OF THE PARTIAL SUMS OF 1 / 135 0.5 0 0 -0.5 / -1 -1 -0.5 F IG . 4.1. Case 1: 0 % )=* ' *2 , 2 B 0.5 1 ' ( * 02 , and )=* ' % *K' > ( and, on using the definition of (1.5), it can ª ª be verified that ª (4.1) Å ÀÆ y {» ~ m Å À.Æ y {¨ G / . ~ ÝÅ À.Æ y {/ :~ n B 2 . ¢eÄ Case 2. @¤ , ¤è^?墤 , and / / @¤ , which is shown in Figure 4.2. Similarly, we obtain ª ª ª Å À.Æy|{¨ : ~ Å ÀÆy|{ / : ~ @Å ÀÆym{» / ~ n ¢e (4.2) m The final case to be considered is ¤ , which isª shown in Figureª 4.3, and it similarly follows that Case 3. ò^ ^ ª y n (4.3) Å À.Æ y {¨ :z~ Å ÀÆ y {» / ~Õ², Å À Æ » { / ~ ¢e ª m Thus, we have shown how the general function Å À.Æ y {¨ Vz~ can be expressed in terms of symmetric sectors. This will be used below to extend the result of Theorem 2.5, on symmetric sectors, to general sectors. Its proof is given in Section 5. ª T HEOREM 4.1. Given any angles and © with ò^ ? ¢¤ , then, (4.4) Å À.ÆAym{» : ~Ò¦Ó where Ólkå is dependent only on and . º CjXex1rÏ Ð¦ ETNA Kent State University 136 R. S. VARGA, A. J. CARPENTER, AND B. W. LEWIS 1 V/ 0.5 0 0 -0.5 / -1 -1 -0.5 F IG . 4.2. Case 2: )=* ' % 0 0.5 1 *´2 , 2+*E'(* 02 , and )á* '> (* ' 1 % *´2 . 0.5 0 0 -0.5 / / -1 -1 -0.5 F IG . 4.3. Case 3: 0 )=*´' % 0.5 * ' ( B 2 . 1 ETNA Kent State University THE DYNAMICAL MOTION OF THE ZEROS OF THE PARTIAL SUMS OF 137 5. Proofs. Proof of Proposition 2.1. For each positive integer , let &ëy be the largest positive number such that ¾%"$ is a point of ³ from (2.4), / y , i.e., · : T9 :9 ï y F "$ H ¦ýy ¢¤|Õ{o¢²,¢ÆAºÀ&5y~ ¢ýy ï ¤|{:¸Ç²1ƺÀo&$y5~ Ä (5.1) With yw£¢{7¸;²,ÆAºÀ&5y5~ , the squaring of the expression in (5.1) gives d $ £¢¤|ý y y|Ä (5.2) Then, the largest of the two positive solutions of (5.2), called y , can be expressed as the convergent expression Þ Þ Þ ß ß Þ 5Ä ÷ ¸ 5Ä ¢÷ ¢® (5.3) y £¢Ä M ² Ì ` À rÏ Ð¦Ä Í From (5.2) and y S£¢{:¸Ç²1ƺÀo& y ~ , it can then be verified that Þ ·|h y ¸ÄSø ø ÄS¢ ®I9 ø®ø; I¸ 9 ÀJÜÏ ï (5.4) & y ƺÀ ¸Ç² ÔÌ ¢2 Í Ð¦ which was stated in (2.5). Then, improving slightly on the discussion in [2, Section 3], it follows that, for any with &ëy-Ã袤ܲ&$y , there is a unique positive ½Vy|{»~l ¸ such that ½ym{¨~ V¾ is a point on ³ò / y . Thus, having annexed the circular arc V}+ ¾ ²*&$y ,&5yë to form the curve ³/ y , then ³/ y is a simple closed curve in â which is star-shaped with respect to }è± , giving part i) of Proposition 2.1. Part ii) of Proposition 2.1 then follows Þ from equations (3.12) and (3.13) of [2]. It can be verified from (5.4) and (2.7) that J O{ & ~ Ä \¢®¢ ¢®¢ radians, and that J?y|C{ &5y5~ is strictly decreasing in to ¤ ¢¡¸Ä ÷\ø ø ö , as ÜÏ Ð . Thus, ß (5.5) J y C{ & y ~=墤r£öÄS ¢ ¸ ÷ for each èçฮ from which part iii) of Proposition 2.1 follows. · ·that J y {»~ is a strictly increasing Next, for any fixed Ýç¸ , it·mwas stated in [2, p. ·|118] y y function of on the interval ƺÀ y ¢¤g²1ƺÀ y1 , where the end-points of this interval come from the definition of the curve ³ y in (2.2). Recalling thatê the curve ³ / y of (2.4) is just an extension of the curve ³ y to the boundary of â , the proof from [2] similarly shows that J y {»~ is a strictly increasing function of on the longer interval & y .¢¤ = ² & y î , where & y is the largest number such that #¾ "$ is a point of ³ / y , and this gives iv) of Proposition 2.1. Finally, the proof of v) of Proposition 2.1 again comes directly from [2, p. 118], completing the proof. ¤ , and let Proof of Proposition 2.2. With Proposition 2.1, assume that &$y 6 }+ ½zy|{» ~ V¾ be the associated unique point of ³ò / y , i.e., · y þ } } þ þ ï þ v¸® þ þ þ ýy ¢¤|{7¸Ç²,}N~ þ þ þ which means solving the following equation for ½y|{¨ ~ : f · : $ F 6 H 6 y : 9 ½ y {» ~ ½ y {» ~ (5.6) ï ø®Ä ýy ¢¤|l¸Ç²-¢½zy|{» ~eƺÀe ݽ y {» ~f ZTZ ]:] Then from (2.7), compute J y {» ~ , as well as J y {¨ ~ ¢¤ . This latter number then estimates the number of zeros of x y {»m}N~ in the sector ´^ , and, as x y {¨m}\~ , with positive ETNA Kent State University 138 R. S. VARGA, A. J. CARPENTER, AND B. W. LEWIS ZTZ ]T] | y » { ~ esticoefficients, has no zeros on the positive real axis, the even number ¢ J¡ ¢¤ number ê V x | y » { m N } ~ Ç ² mates ZTthe total of zeros of in the symmetric sector . Thus, Z ]T] ,²å¢ J y {» ~ ¢¤ estimates the total number of zeros of x y {¨m}\~ in the complementary symmetric sector .¢¤ ²1 î , which is stated in (2.12). This leads us to the Proof of Proposition 2.3. From (2.12) and (1.5), we have that ª ZTZ J y {» ~ ]T] X² (5.7) Å ÀÆ y {» ¢¤w²è ~ w²-¢ ²1¡Ì° ° Ä ¢¤ ¢¤ Í Since ¢¤/ ²´ , it follows from (1.3) and (1.4) that ½ ¯ {¨~ ½ ¯ {¨ ~ and £¢¤/² . ° ° X² ° øDz° . Substituting this in (5.7) gives Thus, ° ¢¤ ¤ ª Z:Z J y {¨ ~ ]:] (5.8) Å ÀÆ y {» .¢¤w²1 ~ ° ²-¢ Ä ¤ ¢¤ ª«Á Next, we canê rewrite (2.7) asªÁ Ù Á ªÁ ·| ½y|{¨ ~eÀ /À {»½ ¯ {» ~ì²è½ y {» ~:~& J y {» ~å ²è½ ¯ {» ~À \î Ì ¸Ç²1½ y {» ~ÆAºÀ Í ªÁ which from (1.4) gives ªÁ Ù Á ·| ½y|{¨ ~eÀ Jy|{» ~¦ ° - Ý?À {H½z¯g{¨ ~Õ²1½y|{¨ ~~& Ì ¸Ç²è½ y {» ~eÆAº\Àe Í ª«Á or equivalently, ª«Á Ù Á ·| ½ y {¨ ~eÀ Jy|{» ~C²è ² W ²è/À {H½z¯g{¨ ~Õ²1½y|{¨ ~:~|Ä (5.9) Ì ° y ¸Ç²è½ {» ~ÆAºÀ Í Substituting the above expression for ¤ in (5.8) then gives ª ° T Z Z ªÁ y|{» ~ ]T] J y|{» ~ J ²,Ù ¢ Á Å À.Æ y {» .¢¤ ²1 ~ 0 ¤ 4 ·| ¢¤ ªÁ ¸ ½yJ{» ~eÀ ² 0 ¤ ê (5.10) Ì ¤ ¸Ç²è½ y {» ~eÆAº\Àe Í 4 0 /À ¤ ½zym{» ~C²è½V¯r{» ~9î 4 which gives the desired result of (2.16) of Proposition 2.3. As previously remarked, the terms in the three braces of (5.10) are all positive. Moreover, the first term in brackets satisfies, from the definition in (2.10), the inequalities of (2.17), for any èçภ. We next turn to the Proof of Proposition 2.4. Given any fixed with @ ¤ , the quantity in the braces ªÁ of (2.18) satisfies ê Á\Ú ì /À (5.11) ½ y {» ~C²è½ ¯ {» ~9 î k^ ¹»º 1çฮ ¤ ª«Á since ½ y {» ~ k@½ ¯ {» ~ for any 1磸 . Next, setê /À y {¨ ~= (5.12) ½ y {¨ ~Õ²1½ ¯ {¨ ~ î9Ä ¤ ETNA Kent State University THE DYNAMICAL MOTION OF THE ZEROS OF THE PARTIAL SUMS OF It follows from (5.6) that f· I $GF 6 H 6 - y ½ym{¨ ª~ IÙ ( i ½ym{¨ ~ (5.13) f· : g 6 õ F 6H ½ ¯ {» ~ ýy ï ( ¢¤| ¸Ç²-¢½zy|{» ~eÆAº\Àe 139 -½ y {» ~ - T9 ¸Ä Setting ½ y {¨ = ~ S¦½ ¯ {» ~= y {¨ ~A (5.14) so that y|{¨ ~ Ì|¸ (5.15) k for all 1磸 , then the first equation of (5.13) can be expressed as y {¨ ~ 0òÌm¸ y {¨ ~ · $GF 6 H : 6 y 4 ½V¯r{» ~Í ½V¯r{» ~Í : 9 ï ( ¸Ç²-¢½ y {» ~eƺÀe ݽ y {» ~ Ä ýy ¢¤| ½ ¯ {» ~ © On taking © logarithms and dividing by , we have © Ø g y {» ~ 3 º {o¢¤|J~ (5.16) º Ì| ¸ ² y {¨ ~eƺÀe º º ½z¯g{¨ ~Í ¢ Hence, for large,© we see that zy|{» ~ is small and positive, © Ø so that Ø Ù.Ø y {» ~ y {» ~ º g º Å º Ì ¸ ½ ¯ {¨ ~®Í ½ ¯ {¨ ~ © This gives from (5.16) that y {» ~ 0 ¸ ²1ƺÀe ½V¯r{» ~ y|{¨ ~Ò º (5.18) H{ ¢¤|J~ ¢ º g Ø {o¢¤|J~ ½ ¯ {» ~ Ì ¢ ¸Ç²1½ ¯ {» ~eÆ ºÀe Í Thus, from (5.12) and (5.14),© º © º Å Å ªÁ À CÄ ¬ Ø Ù.Ø ¬ ÀÄ ÙØ ¬ ªÁ À C © which we can write as (5.17) 4 Ø y|{¨ ~Ò º À`rÏ Ð¦Ä ª«Á o{ ¢¤|J~ ½z¯r{¨ e ~ À Ì ¢¤ ¸Ç²1½ ¯ {» e ~ ƺÀe Í À`gÏÑЦ so that y {» ~ is unbounded as ÜÏ Ð . : We remark that for very large, the accuracy of the approximation of (5.18) is also very large. We estimate that the result of (2.21), for ä¸ , is accurate to over ® decimal digits! ê 2.3 and 2.4. The Proof of Theorem 2.5. This is an easy consequence of Propositions the negative first term in braces of (5.10) always lies in the interval ¨ { V ¢ î , from (2.17). Next, second term in (5.10), for ò^ ¤ , clearly always lies in the interval ² .î , since ¤ , by hypothesis, lies in {¨5¸V~ , and, because the argument of the next term in turn is always positive, then this term can be no more than . Hence, as the third term in braces of (2.16) tends to /Ð , as ÜÏ Ð , then (2.19) of Theorem 2.5 follows. ETNA Kent State University 140 R. S. VARGA, A. J. CARPENTER, AND B. W. LEWIS Proof of Theorem 3.1. Given any with ¤ , assume that ¢¤-²å , so that the sector 6 8 of (1.1) is symmetric about the real axis. zTo the number estimate yA ` of zeros of x y {»m}N~ in 6 8 , wez use the fact that the numbers } P y , are, from yf ì y y (2.9), close to the actual zeros V } of x » { m N } ~ . In particular, consider the unique points z z V¾ : R S<U $ y f ` } P yE1½ P y of ³ / y , for which (cf. (2.8))©© z C (5.19) J y { P y ~;¦¢¤ ¹»º ¸ C so that, from (2.6), z }P (5.20) ý y ï f· R S<U $ ~ y z ¸Ä ¢¤|{:¸Ç²} P y ~ z y|{} P y z V :S<U Then, in place of the points } P y ½ P y V¾ R $ spaced (in angle) points, defined as ¶;Û P y ¶®Ã¸® with . ÛP z f ` , we consider the following uniformly y for all ¸ CÄ ¸ z We remark that asking z if the approximate zero } P y of xzy|{»m}N~ is in the sector 6 8 is equivalent to asking if Û P y of (5.20) satisfies y|{» ~ J y|{¨ ~ å. z J ÛP y ¢¤ ² Ä (5.22) £¸ ¦¸ V We further remark that, as Û P y can be expressed as T 9 ·| F y H f· < S U $ R z z < S U Y $ R ï z Û P yE }P y ý y ¢¤|{:¸Ç ² }P y ~ (5.21) V y ¢¤ we directly see, on letting Ï Ð , how the Szegő curve ³ ¯ of z T(1.3) AT ` plays a major role in * Û P the result of (1.2). We also show, in Figure 5.1, zthe numbers from (5.21). yf ì Next, we order the approximate zeros } P y of x y {»m}N~ by their increasing arguments, i.e., ® f . . (5.23) }P y }VP y } P y y 墤CÄ The “fanning out” of the exact zeros of x y {¨m}\~ , above and below the real axis as increases, as can be seen in more detail in the Interactive Supplement, implies that, in the closed upper half-plane, . V . z ¦¸ (5.24) }P y k } P y for all ¸ ¢ and that, in the open lower half-plane, we have the reverse: (5.25) . }P z y ® }P z y for all ¸ ¢ CÄ As the nonreal zeros of the real polynomial x y {»m}N~ occur in conjugate complex pairs, it is sufficient to consider the motion (with respect Vto ) of the zeros, only in the upper half-plane yf ` of (5.24). Now, as the approximate zeros } P y of x y {¨m}\~ , were derived (cf. (5.24)) ETNA Kent State University THE DYNAMICAL MOTION OF THE ZEROS OF THE PARTIAL SUMS OF 1 141 â 0.5 0 0 -0.5 ³/ -1 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 !¡¢ " %\£ \% £ | \% £ # % as ¤ ’s and the zeros of \ @T¥f as ¦ ’s. F IG . 5.1. z z T S¨U as specific points } P y §½ P y z¾ R $ of the curve ³ / y , then the following analog of (5.24) necessarily holds, i.e., from (5.21), . z . z ¦¸ ¢¤ ¢¤ Û P yE k Û P y for all ¸ Ä (5.26) ¦¸ © @¢ ¢ In addition, we see from (2.1) that (5.27) }P V y 6 8 J if and only if y »{ ~ ¦¸ or, equivalently from (5.21), (5.28) }P z y r 6 8 if and only if J y »{ ~ ¦¸ . z ÛP ¢¤ ©¦¸ J y J y {¨z~ ©¦¸ y {»z~ Ä ¦¸ We note, for an odd positive integer, say g¢;ª ¸ , that from (5.21) we have (5.29) . ÛP « I « ¢¤{¬ª¦¸z~ ;¢ ª ¢ ¦¤CÄ This means that xzfI « {:{o¢;ª¦¸z~:}\~ , which has exactly one (negative) real zero, corresponds to the point ÛP « I« , Vwhich is also real and negative, from (5.21). Next, suppose that } P y is exactly on the boundary of the symmetric sector 6 8 in the upper half-plane, i.e., ® V ¢¤ J y {» ~ where ¸ ¦¸ Û P y´ Ä (5.30) ¸ ¦¸ ¢ ETNA Kent State University 142 If satisfies ¸ (5.31) R. S. VARGA, A. J. CARPENTER, AND B. W. LEWIS y ·m , then . ÛP z ® y ÛP f ¢¤{ ¦¸z~ ¦¸ y ¤C f which implies that } P y is also f in the upper half-plane of 6 8 . It is then evident, from (5.31), that the numbers MÛ P «l «®­ y are all in the upper half-plane, with strictly decreasing arguments, as ª increases. (This is the analog, in the Û -plane, of the “fanning out” of the zeros of x y {»m}N~ , in the upper half-plane.) Û P « «®­ y , is the smallest M Next, what we seek, from this fanning out of the numbers f f f u } P y } P y ¯ are all in the upper half-plane nonnegative integer f so that } P y&G of 6 8 , while } P y ¯ is out of this sector. This implies from (5.30) that y {¨ ~ ¢¤{ ¸V~ J ¢¤ ¢¤{ ¦¸z~ u ¸ ç Ì u ¢ (5.32) k ¸ ¦¸ Í so that u (5.33) ¦ ¸ u ¦¸®Ä From (5.30), we can write these inequalities as (5.34) u J ¢ ¤ y {» ~ {¨¦¸z~ u ¸Ä Next, it follows from©(2.7) and (1.4) that ªÁ ª«¬ Jyë{¨ ~ ¦ ²è½V¯g{» ~eÀ l (5.35) y®­¡¯ ° ¦¸ where ½ ¯ {¨ ~ lies on ³ ¯ . Then, as (5.30) implies that (5.36) ¦ ¸ ¢ ¤ y {¨ ~ »{ © ¸V~ J we see, assuming that is large, from (5.35) and (2.7) that Jy|{¨ ~ Ä ° ± ¸ ° Moreover, (5.36), coupled with the last inequality of (5.33), gives approximately that (5.37) u ¢¤ u ¸Ä ° u Thus, (5.37) says that ¢¤ is a good approximation of the positive in (5.33), when ° is large, but, as the Interactive Supplement shows, it can also be quite good for small f as u such y ¯ ² well. Furthermore, this implies that the maximum nonnegative integer that } P z 6 8 when } P y , is given approximately by (5.38) ¸ w ¢¤ |y ° which is independent of , and this is the desired result of (3.2) of Theorem 3.1. ETNA Kent State University THE DYNAMICAL MOTION OF THE ZEROS OF THE PARTIAL SUMS OF 143 z We return to the assumption z that } P y is exactly on the boundary off á 6 8 in the upper half-plane. Suppose now that } P y is outside the sector 6 8 , while } P y is in 6 8 . This gives the inequalities . f . V y&{¨ ~ J ÛP y k k ÛP y Ä ¸ © y ´ is in ª 6 8 , while Then the smallest nonnegative integer f on seeking u ³ suchu that } P y ´ is not, it similarly follows that ³ }P , where satisfies (5.33). Proof of Theorem 4.1. The results of (4.1) - (4.3) show in these cases how Å ÀÆ y {» :z ~ can be expressed in terms of discrepancies for symmetric sectors. In particular, for any ªÁ with @¤ ª , with ?£¢¤ © ²1 , it follows from Propositions 2.3 and 2.4 that º {o¢¤|J~ ½ ¯ {» ~À q (5.39) Å ÀÆ y {» ~Ò À`rÏ Ð¦Ä ¢¤ p ¸Ç²è½V¯r{» ~eÆAº\Àe ªÁ But, it can be verified that the function (5.40) ص$ÁØ ½z¯Ü{»~eÀ gÅ ¸Ç²è½ ¯ {»\~eÆAº\À Á Å+º {H¢¤J~f ª © is strictly decreasing, we see, in all cases, that from +1 to -1, in , so that, from (4.1) - (4.3), Å ÀÆ y {» VV~Ò£Ó º , where ¶ Ó kå is dependent only on and . Acknowledgment. The authors thank Professor Thomas Kriecherbauer for his sage comments and correction. REFERENCES [1] J. D. B UCKHOLTZ , A characterization of the exponential series, Part II, Amer. Math. Monthly, 73 (1966), pp. 121–123. [2] A. J. C ARPENTER , R. S. VARGA , AND J. WALDVOGEL , Asymptotics for the zeros of the partial sums of f . I., Rocky Mountain J. Math., 21 (1991), pp. 99–120. [3] P. H ENRICI , Applied and Computational Complex Analysis, Vol. 2, John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1977. [4] M. M ARDEN , Geometry of Polynomials, Math. 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