October 19, 2009 NOTICE TO RESIDENTS OF THE MILWAUKEE AREA TECHNICAL COLLEGE DISTRICT, WISCONSIN A regular open meeting of the EDUCATION, SERVICES, AND INSTITUTIONAL RELATIONS COMMITTEE of the Milwaukee Area Technical College District Board, Wisconsin, will be held in the BOARD ROOM (ROOM M210) of the MILWAUKEE AREA TECHNICAL COLLEGE, 700 West State Street, Milwaukee, Wisconsin on WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 21, 2009, beginning at 3:00 P.M.* The agenda** for said meeting is presented as follows: The agenda for said meeting is presented as follows: A. Roll Call B. Compliance with the Open Meetings Law C. Approval of Minutes – September 16, 2009 - Attachment 1 D. Comments from the Public E. Action Items 1. Resolution (E00016-10-09) to Approve Designation of Milwaukee Area Technical College State Public Officials – Attachment 2 2. Resolution (E00017-10-09) to Approve the Title/Number Change for the Program Titled Food Service (31-303-x) – Attachment 3 3. Resolution (E00018-10-09) to Approve the Title/Number Change for the Program Titled Special Event Management (31-109-x) – Attachment 4 4. Resolution (E00019-10-09) to Approve the Title/Number Change from e-Commerce/Web Administration (10-153-2) to e-Business Technology Specialist (10-153-3) – Attachment 5 F. Discussion Items 1. Program Quality Review i. Music Occupations Program – Attachment 6 ii. Carpentry Technical Diploma Program – Attachment 7 iii. Fire Protection Technician Program – Attachment 8 2. Advertising Campaign Review G. Information Items 1. Quarterly Advisory Committee Report – Attachment 9 2. Enrollment Update H. Miscellaneous Items 1. Communications and Petitions 2. Information Items I. Old Business/New Business 1. Date of Next Meeting: November 18, 2009 Board Room (M210) Milwaukee Campus Committee Members: Holmes, Michalski, Webber * Other members of the MATC Board may be present, although they will not be participating as members of this committee. This meeting may be conducted in part by telephone. Telephone speakers will be available to allow the public to hear those parts of the proceedings that are open to the public. ** Action may be taken on any agenda item, whether designated as an action item or not. Agenda items may be moved into Closed Session for discussion when it becomes apparent that a Closed Session is appropriate under Section 19.85 of the Wisconsin Statutes. The Board may return into Open Session to take action on any item discussed in Closed Session. Reasonable accommodations are available through the ADA Office for individuals who need assistance. Please call 414-297-6221 to schedule services at least 48 hours prior to the meeting. 2 Attachment ESIR - 1 MILWAUKEE AREA TECHNICAL COLLEGE DISTRICT BOARD EDUCATION, SERVICES, AND INSTITUTIONAL RELATIONS September 16, 2009 CALL TO ORDER The regular monthly meeting of the Education, Services, and Institutional Relations Committee of the Milwaukee Area Technical College District Board was held in open session on Wednesday, September 16, 2009, and called to order by Director Holmes at 3:02 p.m. in the Board Room, Room M210, at the Milwaukee Campus of Milwaukee Area Technical College. ITEM A: ROLL CALL Present: Ms. Melanie Holmes, Mr. Bobbie Webber Excused: Mr. Thomas Michalski ITEM B: COMPLIANCE WITH THE OPEN MEETINGS LAW The Education, Services, and Institutional Relations Committee meeting was noticed in compliance with the Wisconsin Open Meetings Law. ITEM C: APPROVAL OF MINUTES – August 20, 2009 – Attachment 1 Motion: The minutes were approved with a correction of the day of the week changed to Thursday. Action: Motion approved. ITEM D: COMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC ITEM E: ACTION ITEMS E-1 Tentative Meeting Schedule – Attachment 2 Discussion: All future ESIR meetings will be held on Wednesdays at 3:00 pm. Motion: It was moved by Mr. Webber, seconded by Ms. Holmes, to approve the ESIR Meeting schedule – Attachment 2. Action: Motion Approved E-2 Resolution in Support of American Graduation Initiative – Attachment 3 Discussion: Dr. Vicki Martin, Interim President, briefly explained that many of the larger schools across the country are adopting a resolution similar to this and Mr. Dan Clancy, president, WTCS, also wrote a letter of support. Education, Services, and Institutional Relations Minutes of September 16, 2009 Page 2 Motion: It was moved by Mr. Webber, seconded by Ms. Holmes, to approve Resolution in Support of American Graduation Initiative – Attachment 3. Action: Motion Approved ITEM G: DISCUSSION ITEMS F-1 Advisory Committee Community Relations – Attachment 4 Discussion Dr. Evonne Carter, interim provost, introduced Ms. Barbara Cannell, interim associate provost, to give a brief overview of how the advisory committees work and the history behind those committees. Ms. Holmes noted that these committees are one of the most important connections we have with the business community and the importance of making sure these committees are functioning at a high level. Copies of the brochure will be distributed at the Board meeting. F-2 Policy Review – A0101 – MATC Mission Statement – Attachment 5 Discussion Dr. Carter explained that this discussion originally came up at the Board retreat. As a result of the work of the presidents of Local 212, Local 587 and MATC, a draft mission statement was developed. This draft was distributed to the college community for feedback. Janice Falkenberg noted that the Board makes the final decision on the Mission Statement for the college. Ms. Holmes expressed her concern about the slogan. The mission statement should describe what we do and who we are as MATC. Mr. Webber explained that every employee/student of the college should be able to know what our mission statement is. Ms. Holmes asked that this discussion be taken to the full board. ITEM H: INFORMATION ITEMS G-1 Enrollment Update Mr. Al Pinckney reported that enrollments are up 14% from this time last year. ITEM I: MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS I-1 COMMUNICATIONS AND PETITIONS None I-2 INFORMATION ITEMS ITEM J: OLD BUSINESS/NEW BUSINESS – Date of Next Meeting, October 21, 2009; 3:00 PM Milwaukee Campus, Board Room (M210) ADJOURNMENT The Committee adjourned at 3:20 p.m. Education, Services, and Institutional Relations Minutes of September 16, 2009 Page 3 Respectfully submitted, `|v{xÄx `A VÉÇÜÉç Michele M. Conroy Administrative Specialist to the Provost++ Attachment ESIR - 2 RESOLUTION TO APPROVE DESIGNATION OF MILWAUKEE AREA TECHNICAL COLLEGE STATE PUBLIC OFFICIALS BACKGROUND The State of Wisconsin Government Accountiblity Board has requested that the Milwaukee Area Technical College District Board review its current position designations and adopt a resolution identifying those positions in the district that are designated state public official positions in accordance with Wisconsin’s Government Accountability Board. RESOLUTION RESOLVED that for purposes of Wisconsin’s Code of Ethics for Public Officials and Employees, sec. 19.41 through 19.59, Stats., the Milwaukee Area Technical College District Board designates the following positions equivalent to deputy, associate, or assistant district directors as per state statutes, and indicates its understanding that the current occupants of those positions and their successors to those positions are state public officials to whom the Wisconsin Ethics Code applies: President Provost Vice President, Finance Vice President and General Counsel Vice President, Student Services General Manager, Public Television Vice President, Mequon Campus Vice President, Oak Creek Campus Vice President, West Allis Campus Associate Vice President, Information Technology ATTACHMENT ESIR - 3 Resolution to Approve the Title/Number Change For the Program Titled Food Service (31-303-x) Background Information: The modifications are intended to upgrade the Food Service Diploma courses from 300-level to 100level, and allow for laddering into the Culinary Arts AAS Degree program. It is designed so that after students complete their first year Food Service Diploma, they will be eligible to ladder into the third semester of the Culinary Arts AAS Degree program. These courses will also transfer into the other Hospitality Programs and allow students’ more program flexibility. It will also, most likely, create more of a demand for the program. In order to fully implement these changes, the Food Service Diploma program must be changed from a one semester technical diploma program to a one year technical diploma program. This change requires a request for a title/number change from Food Service (30-303-7) to Food Service (31-303x), so that students will receive sufficient benefit from the alignment with Culinary Arts. Resolution BE IT RESOLVED, that the District Board of the Milwaukee Area Technical College submit a request to the Wisconsin Technical College System for consideration and approval of the title/number change for the program titled Food Service. 10/16/09 ATTACHMENT ESIR - 4 Resolution to Approve the Title/Number Change For the Program Titled Special Event Management (31-109-x) Background Information: The modifications are intended to upgrade the Special Event Management courses from 300-level to 100-level, and allow for laddering into the Hotel/Hospitality and Meeting and Event Planning AAS Degree programs. DACUM and focus group meetings were held with workers from the industry and the results show that Event Planning and Management is the direction of the future and that this diploma is a feeder for the two associate degree programs. In order to fully implement these changes, the Special Event Management program must be changed from a one semester technical diploma program to a one year technical diploma program. This change requires a request for a title/number change from Special Event Management (30-109-2) to Special Event Management (31-109-x), so that students will receive sufficient benefit from the alignment with the previously mentioned associate degrees. Resolution BE IT RESOLVED, that the District Board of the Milwaukee Area Technical College submit a request to the Wisconsin Technical College System for consideration and approval of the title/number change for the program titled Special Event Management. 10/16/09 ATTACHMENT ESIR - 5 Resolution to Approve the Title/Number Change From e-Commerce/Web Administration (10-153-2) To e-Business Technology Specialist (10-153-3) Background Information: Northeast Technical College has a program titled E-Business Technology Specialist, and MATC will modify their e-Commerce Web Administration program name to the same. Changing the focus of the program from e-Commerce to e-Business should increase enrollments and better prepare graduates for available jobs in the industry. Based on DACUM results, a name change is needed to reflect the direction that the program is going in. Resolution BE IT RESOLVED, that the District Board of the Milwaukee Area Technical College submit a request to the Wisconsin Technical College System for consideration and approval of the title/number change from e-Commerce/Web Administration to e-Business Technology Specialist. 10/16/09 Attachment ESIR - 6 QUALITY REVIEW PROCESS PROGRAM PROFILE Music Occupations (10-805-1) This Associate Degree program went through a quality review process during the 2008 academic year. The internal program quality review team was comprised of Marcia Clarke-Yapi and Robbie Heighway. The Music Occupations program is a two-year associate degree program designed to extend musical skills and increase possibilities in the music industry. The program focuses on meeting the needs of musicians working the real world of agents and gigs. Client Reporting Data was provided to reviewers from FY2004 to FY2008. Selected data are reviewed below. Demographics for FY 2008: 1. During FY2008, 137 students were enrolled in the program. This number is slightly higher than the five-year average enrollment of 129 students. Of all those enrolled in 2008, 27.7% were full-time and 72.3% were part-time students. 2. The program generated 75.6 FTEs during FY2008. FTEs increased by 10% from FY2007 and were 2% higher than FY2004 (74). The program reached its peak enrollment during the five-year period in FY2008 at 75.6 FTEs. 3. Males were 79.6% and females were 20.4% of the FY2008 enrollment. This gender ratio was relatively constant during the five-year period with an average NTO female enrollment of 22.9%. 4. Program enrollments for FY2008 included 70 minority students (45.5%). The percentage of minority enrollment for FY2008 was 3.5% higher than the five-year average (42%) for the program. Course Completion and Other Selected Outcomes for FY 2008: 1. The course completion rate for these programs in face-to-face sections was 66.9% for FY2008. There were no alternative delivery sections for FY2008. 2. The graduation index is calculated by dividing the number of graduates in FY2008 by the number of students enrolled in the program code that same year. The annual graduation index for this program for FY2008 was 8% or 11 of the 137 students enrolled. 3. Employment and wage data for this program were available for FY2008, when MATC graduate employment reports show that the annual average wage for program graduates was $40,560.00. 4. The Graduate Employment Report reported that 60% of the program graduates were employed within six months and that statewide the projected demand was for 127 positions. Music Occupations Page 1 of 1 Music Occupations Part IV Action Plan 3/31/2009-5/30/2009 Printed on: 10/16/2009 Improvement Plan Program Name Music Occupations Indicator Name Action Item Planned Outcome: Indicator Name Action Item Planned Outcome: Indicator Name Action Item Planned Outcome: College Division LIBERAL ARTS AND SCIENCES Advisory Committee Review Date 4/21/2009 Student Satisfaction Attainment Acquire additional teaching and storage space, replace and/or upgrade equipment, technology and media. When improvements have been made to facilities, the impact on student satisfaction will be dramatic. The biggest teaching obstacles are the facilities and the equipment. Although positive results are currently being achieved, removal of facilities limitations will greatly enhance the program, allowing energies to be redirected and refocused. Second Year Retention Increased advising for at risk students, increase student awareness of program demands and expectations, hold regularly scheduled Q & Q/ roundtable discussions with faculty and students, develop a music student handbook,encourage use of music tutors, increase music tutor availability. Students will better understand program demands and expectations. Students will successfully complete course requirements and be able to progress through the program courses. Students will have a readily available resource guide to assist them in problem solving and be given feedback in a supportive environment. Collaborate with Others Increase collaboration within the department through group faculty projects such as performances, team teaching and presentations. Increase group assessment within the performance based courses. Group planning sessions within the music department for curriculum based collaborative projects. Cross Divisional Collegial planning to develop supportive inclusive curriculum. Students will observe the connection between collaborative efforts and quality outcomes. The collaborative essence of music will be reinforced. Collaborating across dicvisions will serve to combine and support our various resources in order to strengthen the individual program goals and in addition, the collective creative technologies. file://T:\ESIR\2009-2010\October\Source\ESIR06b Music Action Plan.htm 10/19/2009 Music Academic Assessment Rubric Milwaukee Area Technical College Student: _________________________________ Date: ____________________Rating:__________ Class: ___________________________________ Instructor: ________________________________ Comments: (Draft) This will assess academic knowledge and ability apart from performance. 1 Key Signatures Major Minor Scales Major (Ionian) Minor (Aeolian) Dorian Phrygian Lydian Mixolydian Locrian Note Recognition 2V Poor Student is able to identify existing key signature or build requested key signature less than 70% of the time. Poor Student is able to spell scales with less than 70%accuracy. Poor Student is able to spell notes with less than 70% accuracy. Sight Reading Poor Student is able to sight read passage with less than 70% accuracy. Vocabulary Music terminology Poor Student will be able to define and use standard music terminology with less than 70% accuracy. 33 pts Fair Student is able to identify existing key signature or build requested key signature 7080 % of the time. Fair Student is able to spell scales with 70-80% accuracy. Fair Student is able to spell notes with 70-80% accuracy. Fair Student is able to sight read passage with 70-80% accuracy. 44 pts Good Excellent Student is able to identify existing key signature or build requested key signature 8194% of the time. Student is able to identify existing key signature and build requested key signature 95-100% of the time. Good Student is able to spell scales with 81-94% accuracy. Good Student is able to spell notes with 81-94 % accuracy. Good Student is able to sight read passage with 8194% accuracy. Excellent Student is able to spell all major, minor and other modes of scales with 95-100% accuracy. Excellent Student is able to spell notes with 95-100 % accuracy. Excellent Student is able to sight read passage with 95100% accuracy. Fair Good Excellent Student will be able to define and use standard music terminology with 70-80% accuracy. Student will be able to define and use standard music terminology with 81-94% accuracy. Student will be able to define and use standard music terminology with 95-100% accuracy. Chord Recognition Harmonic Analysis Chord Construction Realization Voicing Written Notation Poor Student is able to analyze example with less than 70% accuracy. Poor Fair Student will be able to realize chords and progressions and/or use appropriate voicing with less than 70% accuracy. Student will be able to realize chords and progressions and/or use appropriate voicing with 70-80% accuracy. Poor Student will be able to notate music example with less than 70% accuracy. Aural Recognition-Melodic Intervals Scales Melody Aural Recognition-Harmonic Single Chords Chord Progressions Aural Recognition-Rhythmic Poor Student will be able to identify and/or transcribe music example with less than 70% accuracy. Poor Student will be able to identify and/or transcribe music example with less than 70% accuracy. Poor Student will be able to identify and/or transcribe music example with less than 70% accuracy. Form Analysis rah 10.16.09 Fair Student is able to analyze example with 70-80% accuracy. Fair Student will be able to notate music example with 70-80% accuracy. Fair Student will be able to identify and/or transcribe music example with 70-80% accuracy. Fair Student will be able to identify and/or transcribe music example with 70-80% accuracy. Fair Student will be able to identify and/or transcribe music example with 70-80% accuracy. Good Student is able to analyze example with 8194% accuracy. Good Student will be able to realize chords and progressions and/or use appropriate voicing with 8194% accuracy. Good Student will be able to notate music example with 81-94% accuracy. Excellent Student is able to analyze example with 95-100% accuracy. Excellent Student will be able to realize chords and progressions and/or use appropriate voicing with 95-100% accuracy. Excellent Student will be able to notate music example with 95-100% accuracy. Good Excellent Student will be able to identify and/or transcribe music example with 81-94% accuracy. Student will be able to identify and/or transcribe music example with 95-100% accuracy. Good Student will be able to identify and/or transcribe music example with 81-94% accuracy. Excellent Student will be able to identify and/or transcribe music example with 95-100% accuracy. Good Excellent Student will be able to identify and/or transcribe music example with 81-94% accuracy. Student will be able to identify and/or transcribe music example with 95-100% accuracy. Poor Fair Good Excellent Student will be able to analyze and chart music example with less than 70% accuracy. Student will be able to analyze and chart music example with 7080% accuracy. Student will be able to analyze and chart music example with 8194% accuracy. Student will be able to analyze and chart music example with 95-100% accuracy. Music Performance: Individual Assessment Name ____________________________ Date___________ Teacher_____________________ Class________________ Rating_______ CATEGORY 4 Excellent 3 Good 2 Fair 1 Poor Rhythm Tempo is secure and rhythms are consistently accurate and stylistically appropriate. Tempo is secure and there are slight (1-2) rhythmic errors. Tempo is somewhat unsteady. Some rhythms are accurate, however, frequent or repeated errors. Note Accuracy Notes are consistently accurate and secure. Perhaps a couple (1-2) performance errors, but does not detract from the overall performance. Notes are mostly accurate with several (3-4) errors, just slightly detracting from overall performance. Repeated errors, Frequent wrong notes, showing a lack of A few detracting significantly from the performance. inaccurate notes are played, detracting somewhat from the overall performance. Pitch Intonation is very accurate and secure. An occasional, isolated intonation problem, but most of the time pitch is accurate and secure. Some accurate pitches, but there are frequent and/or repeated intonation problems. Dynamics There is a dynamic range and variation that is consistent and appropriate to the style and interpretation of the piece being performed. Dynamic levels are There is only slight mostly appropriate, but dynamic variation. lack consistent attention. Phrasing Phrasing is apparent and always consistent and appropriate to the style of music being played. Phrasing is mostly apparent and consistent and appropriate to the style of music being played. Phrasing is There is little or no occasionally apparent evidence of phrasing. and consistent and appropriate to the style of music being played. Expression and Style The student performs piece stylistically appropriate and with creative nuance. Performance exhibits a moderate amount of style appropriate to particular genre, however, is not completely thorough. Performance exhibits moments of creative nuance, but much of the piece is lacking in style. Memorization The piece is memorized The piece is memorized Memory is not secure. The piece is not securely and performed and performed with Performance contained memorized. accurately. only slight (1-2) slips frequent (3+) slips. Stage Presence Student appears relaxed, comfortable and confident and focused with good energy. Exhibits appropriate command of the stage and fully engages their audience. rah 10.15.09 Student exhibits moderate level of comfort, confidence, energy and/or focus, displays appropriate behavior and is rarely distracted. Student exhibits a low level of comfort, confidence, energy and/or focus, displays timidity, engages audience slightly. Beat is generally unsteady and/or frequent rhythmic errors, detracting significantly from the overall performance. Intonation is consistently troublesome and there are very few accurate pitches. Attention to dynamic levels is not obvious. There is absence of range and dynamics are at a static level throughout the piece. Performance of the piece is severely lacking in expression, style and creative nuance, leaving it stylistically bland. Student appears anxious and uncomfortable, or is very unfocused and distracted, has low energy, does not engage audience and/or uses inappropriate behavior. 10-805-1 MUSIC OCCUPATIONS State Indicators Quality Review Process Scorecard FY2008 Actual Performance FY2008 Threshold Target Performance Average Performance Average of of 4 lowest in the State 4 highest in the State Course Completion 67.72 67.72 81.26 Special Populations Course Completion 66.25 66.25 79.50 Minority Course Completion 60.78 60.78 72.94 Second Year Retention 40.30 40.30 48.36 Third Year Retention 34.29 34.29 41.15 Third Year Graduation 8.57 8.57 10.28 Fifth Year Graduation 11.69 11.69 14.03 100.00 90.00 100.00 33.33 33.33 40.00 N/A N/A N/A Job Placement - All Employment Job Placement - Related Employment Non-Traditional Gender Actual Performance FY2008 Threshold Performance Target Performance Score Score Score 0.0 1.0 6.0 0 3 5 Communicate Effectively 4.55 3.54 4.60 Collaborate with Others 4.50 3.66 4.78 Respect Diversity 3.88 3.44 4.81 Demonstrate Responsibility 4.43 3.74 4.88 Think Critically 4.38 3.74 4.84 Utilize Technology 4.50 3.38 4.87 Apply Math and Science 4.19 2.97 4.69 4 4 5 5) Employer Satisfaction Attainment N/A N/A N/A 6) Program Indicator 1 N/A N/A N/A 7) Program Indicator 2 N/A N/A N/A MATC Indicators 1) Student Outcomes Assessment 2) Program Currency 3) Core Ability Attainment: 4) Student Satisfaction Attainment Footnotes: Targets will be set in consultation with each program area or will be consistent with college-wide percent increase in FTEs 1) Actual = Source is Student Outcomes Assessment administered by MATC. Threshold = avg of all responding MATC programs, Target = avg of four highest performing MATC programs 2) Actual = Source is Program Currency Assessment administered by MATC. Threshold = avg of all responding MATC programs, Target = avg of four highest performing MATC programs 3) Actual = Source is Core Abilities Assessment administered by MATC. Threshold = avg of all responding MATC programs, Target = avg of four highest performing MATC programs 4) Actual = Source is Student Satisfaction Survey administered by MATC. Threshold = avg of all responding MATC programs, Target = avg of four highest performing MATC programs 5) To be provided in the future. Prepared by LeeAnn Mikula Institutional Research March 2009 Quality Review Process Scorecard FY2008 10-805-1 MUSIC OCCUPATIONS FY2004 N 1) Program Enrollment: Headcount Full-Time Part-Time (I) 2) Program Enrollment: FTEs (I) 119 34 85 N 28.6 71.4 74.0 3) Graduation (I) 4) Racial/Ethnic Minority Students FY2005 % (I) FY2006 % 130 32 98 N 24.6 75.4 70.8 FY2007 % 130 43 87 N 33.1 66.9 71.7 FY2008 % 129 37 92 N 28.7 71.3 68.5 % 137 38 99 27.7 72.3 75.6 6 5.0 4 3.1 10 7.7 4 3.1 11 8.0 50 42.0 52 40.0 51 39.2 47 36.4 56 40.9 (II) 5) Section Completion Rate Traditional Delivery Total Enrollment Pass Non-Pass Other Alternative Delivery Total Enrollment Pass Non-Pass Other 597 426 39 132 N/A N/A N/A N/A 71.4 6.5 22.1 N/A N/A N/A 567 411 58 98 N/A N/A N/A N/A 72.5 10.2 17.3 N/A N/A N/A 626 449 64 113 N/A N/A N/A N/A 71.7 10.2 18.1 N/A N/A N/A 645 261 39 345 N/A N/A N/A N/A Footnotes: N/A = Not Available Source is State Report VE215330. Racial/Ethnic minorities include Black/African American, Hispanic, Asian or Pacific Islander and Native American Graduation counts include those entered on COSMO by the closing of Client Reporting and with a graduation date within the year being reported Also included are those who met requirements for graduation but chose not to apply for graduation. (II) Source is COSMO. These are the course completion rates of students in both traditional and alternative delivery sections with the same department as the department of the program. Pass: C or better, AU and P. Non-Pass: U. Other:W, Uw, I, IP and no grade. Note: Prior to 2008, a passing grade was D- or better. (I) Prepared by LeeAnn Mikula Institutional Research March 2009 40.5 6.0 53.5 N/A N/A N/A 879 588 94 143 N/A N/A N/A N/A 66.9 10.7 16.3 N/A N/A N/A Quality Review Process Scorecard FY2008 10-805-1 MUSIC OCCUPATIONS Program Enrollment Headcount 150 Total Headcount Full-Time Part-Time 100 50 0 FY2004 FY2005 FY2006 FY2007 FY2008 FTEs 78.0 76.0 74.0 72.0 70.0 68.0 66.0 64.0 FTEs FY2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Graduation 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Graduation FY2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Minorities 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Actual Percent FY2004 Prepared by LeeAnn Mikula Institutional Research March 2009 2005 2006 2007 2008 Quality Review Process Scorecard FY2008 10-805-1 MUSIC OCCUPATIONS FY2004 N FY2005 % N FY2006 % N FY2007 % N FY2008 % N % ENROLLMENT(I) Total 119 130 130 129 137 GENDER(I)(2) Male 83 69.7 102 78.5 104 80.0 100 77.5 109 79.6 Female 36 30.3 28 21.5 26 20.0 29 22.5 28 20.4 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * Indian 1 0.9 2 1.6 2 1.6 0 0.0 2 1.6 Asian 3 2.6 N/A N/A 3 2.4 4 3.4 4 3.3 Black 40 34.8 39 31.2 38 30.9 36 30.8 43 35.0 5.7 N/A ETHNICITY(I)(3)(5) Hispanic Pacific Islander White N/A 6 5.2 8 6.4 8 6.5 7 6.0 7 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 0 0.0 0 0.0 65 56.5 76 60.8 72 58.5 70 59.8 67 54.5 4 * 5 * 7 * 12 * 14 * AGE(4) less than 18 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 18-24 84 70.6 100 76.9 96 73.8 90 69.8 90 65.7 25-34 26 21.8 20 15.4 21 16.2 29 22.5 24 17.5 35-49 4 3.4 5 3.8 8 6.2 7 5.4 10 7.3 50-0ver 5 4.2 5 3.8 5 3.8 3 2.3 5 3.6 N/A 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * Footnote: N/A = Not Available (I) Source is State Report VE215330. (2) Gender percentages are based on total known gender, not total enrollment. * N/A gender percentage is not computed. (3) Ethnicity percentages are based on total known ethnicity, not total enrollment. * N/A ethnicity percentage is not computed. (4) Age percentages are based on total known age, not total enrollment. * N/A age percentage is not computed. (5) Pacific Islander ethnicity not reported separately prior to FY2007. Previous years combined with Asian. Prepared by LeeAnn Mikula Institutional Research March 2009 Quality Review Process Scorecard FY2008 108051 1) Program Enrollment: Headcount Total headcount is taken from WTCSB report VE215330. This report is prepared based on data sent to the State through Client Reporting. We are able to report up to two program codes per student. The student will be counted once under each program code reported if the student has taken courses that are applicable towards graduation during the year reported. The year reported to the WTCSB includes the summer, fall and spring terms, starting with summer. NOTE: Because of the way program codes are assigned at MATC, this number may be greater than the actual number of students who are actively taking courses in the program. 2) Program Enrollment: FTE Total FTE is taken from WTCSB report VE215330. This report is prepared based on data sent to the State through Client Reporting. The formula to calculate FTEs is: total credits for the year/30. All credits that can be attributed to the program are counted with that program. For example if a student is reported as being admitted in an associate degree program as well as a one-year technical diploma and the student took associate degree level classes (aid code = 10) as well as technical diploma level classes (aid code = 31) then the total associate degree level credits would be attributed to both the associate degree level program as well as the one-year technical diploma. The technical diploma level credits would be attributed to the technical diploma only. 3) Graduation Total graduation is taken from WTCSB report VE215330. This report is prepared based on data sent to the State through Client Reporting. This number includes students who completed all requirement for graduation and who applied and paid the graduation fee. Another condition for graduation reporting is that the student must have taken a course applicable towards graduation in the year being reported. Starting in FY2003 we are also reporting as graduates those students who completed the program requirements but who chose not to apply for graduation. 4) Racial/Ethnic Minority Students This is the sum of all minority categories found in WTCSB report VE215330. This report is prepared based on data sent to the State through Client Reporting. 5) Section Completion Rate Of all students enrolled in the sections identified in indicator 5, only those present on the date-of-record or those who have received 10% of the potential hours of instruction (PHI) are evaluated for course completion. The date-of-record for full-time sections (16 weeks) is the 12th day of the semester. For sections 15 weeks or less we calculate 10% of PHI. Completion is grouped in 3 categories: Pass: Includes grades of: • C or better (As of 2008; In prior years, a passing grade was D- or better) • P = Pass Non-Pass: Includes grades or statuses of: • W = Withdrawn • UW = Withdrawn by Instructor • U = Unsatisfactory • I = Incomplete • IP = In Progress Other: Includes grades of: • AU = Audit • Missing Grade Prepared by LeeAnn Mikula Institutional Research March 2009 Attachment ESIR - 7 QUALITY REVIEW PROCESS PROGRAM PROFILE Carpentry Technical Diploma (31-410-1) This Technical Diploma program went through a quality review process during the 2008 academic year. The internal program quality review team was comprised Michael Benner, George Slattery and Don Starr. The Carpentry program is a two-semester technical diploma program designed to prepare students for employment in the construction of residential and commercial structures. The program focuses on reading construction drawings and learning about the materials commonly used by carpenters while utilizing both hand and power tools. Client Reporting Data was provided to reviewers from FY2004 to FY2008. Selected data are reviewed below. Demographics for FY 2008: 1. During FY2008, 72 students were enrolled in the program. This number is slightly lower than the five-year average enrollment of 83 students. Of all those enrolled in 2008, 62.5% were full-time and 37.5% were part-time students. 2. The program generated 55.9 FTEs during FY2008. FTEs decreased by 3.5% from FY2007 and were 13.9% lower than FY2004 (64.9). The program reached its peak enrollment during the five-year period in FY2005 at 74.7 FTEs. 3. Males were 95.8% and females were 4.2% of the FY2008 enrollment. This gender ratio was relatively constant during the five-year period with an average NTO female enrollment of 5.24%. 4. Program enrollments for FY2008 included 31 minority students (43.1%). The percentage of minority enrollment for FY2008 was 4% lower than the five-year average (47.5%) for the program. Course Completion and Other Selected Outcomes for FY 2008: 1. The course completion rate for these programs in face-to-face sections was 79.5% for FY2008. There were no alternative delivery sections for FY2008. 2. The graduation index is calculated by dividing the number of graduates in FY2008 by the number of students enrolled in the program code that same year. The annual graduation index for this program for FY2008 was 37.5% or 27 of the 72 students enrolled. 3. Employment and wage data for this program were available for FY2008, when MATC graduate employment reports show that the annual average wage for program graduates was $25,538.24. 4. The Graduate Employment Report reported that 84% of the program graduates were employed within six months and that statewide the projected demand was for 1,619 positions. 31-410-1 CARPENTRY State Indicators Quality Review Process Scorecard FY2008 Actual Performance FY2008 Target Threshold Performance Average Performance Average of 4 highest in the State of 4 lowest in the State Course Completion 71.83 71.83 86.20 Special Populations Course Completion 68.29 68.29 81.95 Minority Course Completion 66.67 66.67 80.00 Second Year Retention 47.54 47.54 57.05 Fall to Spring Retention 85.71 85.71 94.75 Third Year Retention 46.67 46.67 56.00 Third Year Graduation 46.67 46.67 56.00 One Year Graduation 100.00 90.00 100.00 Fifth Year Graduation Second Year Graduation 42.11 42.11 50.53 100.00 90.00 100.00 Job Placement - All Employment 87.50 87.50 100.00 Job Placement - Related Employment 56.25 56.25 67.50 4.17 4.17 5.00 Non-Traditional Gender Actual Performance FY2008 Threshold Performance Target Performance Score Score Score 0.0 1.0 6.0 0 3 5 Communicate Effectively 4.06 3.54 4.54 Collaborate with Others 3.95 3.72 4.78 Respect Diversity 3.93 3.44 4.77 Demonstrate Responsibility 3.98 3.77 4.84 Think Critically 4.21 3.75 4.84 Utilize Technology 4.11 3.38 4.88 Apply Math and Science 3.64 2.97 4.69 4) Student Satisfaction Attainment 3.9 3.7 5 5) Employer Satisfaction Attainment N/A N/A N/A 6) Program Indicator 1 N/A N/A N/A 7) Program Indicator 2 N/A N/A N/A MATC Indicators 1) Student Outcomes Assessment 2) Program Currency 3) Core Ability Attainment: Footnotes: Targets will be set in consultation with each program area or will be consistent with college-wide percent increase in FTEs 1) Actual = Source is Student Outcomes Assessment administered by MATC. Threshold = avg of all responding MATC programs, Target = avg of four highest performing MATC programs 2) Actual = Source is Program Currency Assessment administered by MATC. Threshold = avg of all responding MATC programs, Target = avg of four highest performing MATC programs 3) Actual = Source is Core Abilities Assessment administered by MATC. Threshold = avg of all responding MATC programs, Target = avg of four highest performing MATC programs 4) Actual = Source is Student Satisfaction Survey administered by MATC. Threshold = avg of all responding MATC programs, Target = avg of four highest performing MATC programs 5) To be provided in the future. Prepared by LeeAnn Mikula Institutional Research March 2009 Quality Review Process Scorecard FY2008 31-410-1 CARPENTRY FY2004 N 1) Program Enrollment: Headcount Full-Time Part-Time (I) 2) Program Enrollment: FTEs (I) 87 47 40 N 54.0 46.0 64.9 3) Graduation (I) 4) Racial/Ethnic Minority Students FY2005 % (I) FY2006 % 109 54 55 N 49.5 50.5 74.7 FY2007 % 75 51 24 N 68.0 32.0 61.5 FY2008 % 74 45 29 N 60.8 39.2 57.9 % 72 45 27 62.5 37.5 55.9 31 35.6 34 31.2 33 44.0 28 37.8 27 37.5 44 50.6 50 45.9 30 40.0 40 54.1 31 43.1 (II) 5) Section Completion Rate Traditional Delivery Total Enrollment Pass Non-Pass Other Alternative Delivery Total Enrollment Pass Non-Pass Other 577 501 19 57 N/A N/A N/A N/A 86.8 3.3 9.9 N/A N/A N/A 503 443 40 20 N/A N/A N/A N/A 88.1 8.0 4.0 N/A N/A N/A 534 430 39 65 N/A N/A N/A N/A 80.5 7.3 12.2 N/A N/A N/A 480 267 15 198 N/A N/A N/A N/A Footnotes: N/A = Not Available Source is State Report VE215330. Racial/Ethnic minorities include Black/African American, Hispanic, Asian or Pacific Islander and Native American Graduation counts include those entered on COSMO by the closing of Client Reporting and with a graduation date within the year being reported Also included are those who met requirements for graduation but chose not to apply for graduation. (II) Source is COSMO. These are the course completion rates of students in both traditional and alternative delivery sections with the same department as the department of the program. Pass: C or better, AU and P. Non-Pass: U. Other:W, Uw, I, IP and no grade. Note: Prior to 2008, a passing grade was D- or better. (I) Prepared by LeeAnn Mikula Institutional Research March 2009 55.6 3.1 41.3 N/A N/A N/A 531 422 32 46 N/A N/A N/A N/A 79.5 6.0 8.7 N/A N/A N/A Quality Review Process Scorecard FY2008 31-410-1 CARPENTRY Program Enrollment Headcount 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 Total Headcount Full-Time Part-Time FY2004 FY2005 FY2006 FY2007 FY2008 FTEs 80.0 60.0 40.0 FTEs 20.0 0.0 FY2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Graduation 40 30 20 Graduation 10 0 FY2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Minorities 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Actual Percent FY2004 Prepared by LeeAnn Mikula Institutional Research March 2009 2005 2006 2007 2008 Quality Review Process Scorecard FY2008 31-410-1 CARPENTRY FY2004 N FY2005 % N FY2006 % N FY2007 % N FY2008 % N % ENROLLMENT(I) Total 87 109 75 74 72 GENDER(I)(2) Male 78 89.7 105 96.3 71 94.7 72 97.3 69 95.8 Female 9 10.3 4 3.7 4 5.3 2 2.7 3 4.2 N/A 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * Indian 3 3.7 3 2.8 2 2.7 0 0.0 1 1.4 Asian 3 3.7 N/A N/A 3 4.0 1 1.4 1 1.4 Black 31 38.3 41 38.7 19 25.3 35 47.9 27 37.5 2.8 ETHNICITY(I)(3)(5) Hispanic Pacific Islander White N/A 7 8.6 4 3.8 6 8.0 4 5.5 2 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 0 0.0 0 0.0 37 45.7 58 54.7 45 60.0 33 45.2 41 56.9 6 * 3 * 0 * 1 * 0 * AGE(4) less than 18 0 0.0 3 2.8 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 18-24 53 60.9 76 69.7 51 68.0 47 63.5 50 69.4 25-34 23 26.4 23 21.1 17 22.7 21 28.4 18 25.0 35-49 8 9.2 6 5.5 6 8.0 3 4.1 4 5.6 50-0ver 3 3.4 1 0.9 1 1.3 3 4.1 0 0.0 N/A 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * Footnote: N/A = Not Available (I) Source is State Report VE215330. (2) Gender percentages are based on total known gender, not total enrollment. * N/A gender percentage is not computed. (3) Ethnicity percentages are based on total known ethnicity, not total enrollment. * N/A ethnicity percentage is not computed. (4) Age percentages are based on total known age, not total enrollment. * N/A age percentage is not computed. (5) Pacific Islander ethnicity not reported separately prior to FY2007. Previous years combined with Asian. Prepared by LeeAnn Mikula Institutional Research March 2009 Quality Review Process Scorecard FY2008 314101 1) Program Enrollment: Headcount Total headcount is taken from WTCSB report VE215330. This report is prepared based on data sent to the State through Client Reporting. We are able to report up to two program codes per student. The student will be counted once under each program code reported if the student has taken courses that are applicable towards graduation during the year reported. The year reported to the WTCSB includes the summer, fall and spring terms, starting with summer. NOTE: Because of the way program codes are assigned at MATC, this number may be greater than the actual number of students who are actively taking courses in the program. 2) Program Enrollment: FTE Total FTE is taken from WTCSB report VE215330. This report is prepared based on data sent to the State through Client Reporting. The formula to calculate FTEs is: total credits for the year/30. All credits that can be attributed to the program are counted with that program. For example if a student is reported as being admitted in an associate degree program as well as a one-year technical diploma and the student took associate degree level classes (aid code = 10) as well as technical diploma level classes (aid code = 31) then the total associate degree level credits would be attributed to both the associate degree level program as well as the one-year technical diploma. The technical diploma level credits would be attributed to the technical diploma only. 3) Graduation Total graduation is taken from WTCSB report VE215330. This report is prepared based on data sent to the State through Client Reporting. This number includes students who completed all requirement for graduation and who applied and paid the graduation fee. Another condition for graduation reporting is that the student must have taken a course applicable towards graduation in the year being reported. Starting in FY2003 we are also reporting as graduates those students who completed the program requirements but who chose not to apply for graduation. 4) Racial/Ethnic Minority Students This is the sum of all minority categories found in WTCSB report VE215330. This report is prepared based on data sent to the State through Client Reporting. 5) Section Completion Rate Of all students enrolled in the sections identified in indicator 5, only those present on the date-of-record or those who have received 10% of the potential hours of instruction (PHI) are evaluated for course completion. The date-of-record for full-time sections (16 weeks) is the 12th day of the semester. For sections 15 weeks or less we calculate 10% of PHI. Completion is grouped in 3 categories: Pass: Includes grades of: • C or better (As of 2008; In prior years, a passing grade was D- or better) • P = Pass Non-Pass: Includes grades or statuses of: • W = Withdrawn • UW = Withdrawn by Instructor • U = Unsatisfactory • I = Incomplete • IP = In Progress Other: Includes grades of: • AU = Audit • Missing Grade Prepared by LeeAnn Mikula Institutional Research March 2009 Attachment ESIR - 8 QUALITY REVIEW PROCESS PROGRAM PROFILE Fire Protection Technician (10-503-2) This Associate Degree program went through a quality review process during the 2008 academic year. The internal program quality review team was comprised Vince Vitale and Jim Piech. The Fire Protection Technician program is an associate degree program designed to prepare students for employment in the fire service and/or fire-related functions within private industry. The program focuses on both instructing qualified high school graduates who are seeking career in the fire services as well as updating firefighters and officers on new and advanced firefighting techniques. Client Reporting Data was provided to reviewers from FY2004 to FY2008. Selected data are reviewed below. Demographics for FY 2008: 1. During FY2008, 201 students were enrolled in the program. Of all those enrolled in 2008, 40.8% were full-time and 59.2% were part-time students. 2. The program generated 127.8 FTEs during FY2008. 3. Males were 95% and females were 5% of the FY2008 enrollment. 4. Program enrollments for FY2008 included 32 minority students (14.2%). Course Completion and Other Selected Outcomes for FY 2008: 1. The course completion rate for these programs in face-to-face sections was 79.1% for FY2008. There were no alternative delivery sections for FY2008. 2. The graduation index is calculated by dividing the number of graduates in FY2008 by the number of students enrolled in the program code that same year. The annual graduation index for this program for FY2008 was 6.5% or 13 of the 201 students enrolled. 3. Employment and wage data for this program were available for FY2008, when MATC graduate employment reports show that the annual average wage for program graduates was $35,926.22. 4. The Graduate Employment Report reported that 82% of the program graduates were employed within six months and that statewide the projected demand was for 443 positions. 10-503-1 FIRE SCIENCE State Indicators Quality Review Process Scorecard FY2008 Actual Performance FY2008 Threshold Target Performance Average Performance Average of of 4 lowest in the State 4 highest in the State Course Completion 69.91 69.91 100.00 Special Populations Course Completion 69.23 69.23 100.00 Minority Course Completion 50.00 50.00 61.54 Second Year Retention 42.71 3.13 51.72 Third Year Retention 44.35 12.82 44.35 Third Year Graduation 26.61 7.69 26.61 Fifth Year Graduation 37.69 16.67 37.69 Job Placement - All Employment 90.91 90.91 100.00 Job Placement - Related Employment 63.64 47.83 100.00 8.55 0.00 8.55 Non-Traditional Gender Actual Performance FY2008 Threshold Performance Target Performance Score Score Score 0.0 1.0 6.0 0 3 5 Communicate Effectively 0.00 3.54 4.60 Collaborate with Others 0.00 3.66 4.78 Respect Diversity 0.00 3.44 4.81 Demonstrate Responsibility 0.00 3.74 4.88 Think Critically 0.00 3.74 4.84 Utilize Technology 0.00 3.38 4.87 Apply Math and Science 0.00 2.97 4.69 0 4 5 5) Employer Satisfaction Attainment N/A N/A N/A 6) Program Indicator 1 N/A N/A N/A 7) Program Indicator 2 N/A N/A N/A MATC Indicators 1) Student Outcomes Assessment 2) Program Currency 3) Core Ability Attainment: 4) Student Satisfaction Attainment Footnotes: Targets will be set in consultation with each program area or will be consistent with college-wide percent increase in FTEs 1) Actual = Source is Student Outcomes Assessment administered by MATC. Threshold = avg of all responding MATC programs, Target = avg of four highest performing MATC programs 2) Actual = Source is Program Currency Assessment administered by MATC. Threshold = avg of all responding MATC programs, Target = avg of four highest performing MATC programs 3) Actual = Source is Core Abilities Assessment administered by MATC. Threshold = avg of all responding MATC programs, Target = avg of four highest performing MATC programs 4) Actual = Source is Student Satisfaction Survey administered by MATC. Threshold = avg of all responding MATC programs, Target = avg of four highest performing MATC programs 5) To be provided in the future. Prepared by LeeAnn Mikula Institutional Research March 2009 Quality Review Process Scorecard FY2008 10-503-1 FIRE SCIENCE FY2004 N 1) Program Enrollment: Headcount Full-Time Part-Time (I) 2) Program Enrollment: FTEs (I) 306 52 254 N 17.0 83.0 154.2 3) Graduation (I) 4) Racial/Ethnic Minority Students FY2005 % (I) FY2006 % 300 64 236 N 21.3 78.7 153.2 FY2007 % 294 89 205 N 30.3 69.7 161.9 FY2008 % 251 58 193 N 23.1 76.9 131.2 % 119 33 86 27.7 72.3 62.2 49 16.0 61 20.3 60 20.4 55 21.9 29 24.4 28 9.2 31 10.3 36 12.2 39 15.5 16 13.4 (II) 5) Section Completion Rate Traditional Delivery Total Enrollment Pass Non-Pass Other Alternative Delivery Total Enrollment Pass Non-Pass Other 1036 902 16 118 N/A N/A N/A N/A 87.1 1.5 11.4 N/A N/A N/A 1036 909 12 115 N/A N/A N/A N/A 87.7 1.2 11.1 N/A N/A N/A 1085 947 20 118 N/A N/A N/A N/A 87.3 1.8 10.9 N/A N/A N/A 858 390 3 465 N/A N/A N/A N/A Footnotes: N/A = Not Available Source is State Report VE215330. Racial/Ethnic minorities include Black/African American, Hispanic, Asian or Pacific Islander and Native American Graduation counts include those entered on COSMO by the closing of Client Reporting and with a graduation date within the year being reported Also included are those who met requirements for graduation but chose not to apply for graduation. (II) Source is COSMO. These are the course completion rates of students in both traditional and alternative delivery sections with the same department as the department of the program. Pass: C or better, AU and P. Non-Pass: U. Other:W, Uw, I, IP and no grade. Note: Prior to 2008, a passing grade was D- or better. (I) Prepared by LeeAnn Mikula Institutional Research March 2009 45.5 0.3 54.2 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Quality Review Process Scorecard FY2008 10-503-1 FIRE SCIENCE Program Enrollment Headcount 400 300 Total Headcount Full-Time Part-Time 200 100 0 FY2004 FY2005 FY2006 FY2007 FY2008 FTEs 200.0 150.0 100.0 FTEs 50.0 0.0 FY2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Graduation 80 60 40 Graduation 20 0 FY2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Minorities 50 40 30 20 10 0 Actual Percent FY2004 Prepared by LeeAnn Mikula Institutional Research March 2009 2005 2006 2007 2008 Quality Review Process Scorecard FY2008 10-503-1 FIRE SCIENCE FY2004 N FY2005 % N FY2006 % N FY2007 % N FY2008 % N % ENROLLMENT(I) Total 306 300 294 251 119 GENDER(I)(2) Male 281 92.1 281 93.7 273 92.9 230 91.6 109 91.6 24 7.9 19 6.3 21 7.1 21 8.4 10 8.4 1 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * Indian 3 1.0 3 1.0 3 1.0 7 2.8 3 2.6 Asian 6 2.0 N/A N/A 5 1.7 4 1.6 0 0.0 Black 7 2.4 10 3.4 12 4.2 9 3.6 5 4.3 6.8 Female N/A ETHNICITY(I)(3)(5) Hispanic 12 4.1 13 4.5 16 5.6 18 7.3 8 Pacific Islander N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 1 0.4 0 0.0 White 265 90.4 264 91.0 252 87.5 209 84.6 101 86.3 13 * 10 * 6 * 4 * 2 * N/A AGE(4) less than 18 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 18-24 201 65.9 205 68.6 216 73.5 181 72.1 80 67.2 25-34 78 25.6 73 24.4 58 19.7 54 21.5 29 24.4 35-49 25 8.2 21 7.0 19 6.5 12 4.8 8 6.7 50-0ver 1 0.3 0 0.0 1 0.3 1 0.4 0 0.0 N/A 1 * 1 * 0 * 0 * 0 * Footnote: N/A = Not Available (I) Source is State Report VE215330. (2) Gender percentages are based on total known gender, not total enrollment. * N/A gender percentage is not computed. (3) Ethnicity percentages are based on total known ethnicity, not total enrollment. * N/A ethnicity percentage is not computed. (4) Age percentages are based on total known age, not total enrollment. * N/A age percentage is not computed. (5) Pacific Islander ethnicity not reported separately prior to FY2007. Previous years combined with Asian. Prepared by LeeAnn Mikula Institutional Research March 2009 Quality Review Process Scorecard FY2008 105031 1) Program Enrollment: Headcount Total headcount is taken from WTCSB report VE215330. This report is prepared based on data sent to the State through Client Reporting. We are able to report up to two program codes per student. The student will be counted once under each program code reported if the student has taken courses that are applicable towards graduation during the year reported. The year reported to the WTCSB includes the summer, fall and spring terms, starting with summer. NOTE: Because of the way program codes are assigned at MATC, this number may be greater than the actual number of students who are actively taking courses in the program. 2) Program Enrollment: FTE Total FTE is taken from WTCSB report VE215330. This report is prepared based on data sent to the State through Client Reporting. The formula to calculate FTEs is: total credits for the year/30. All credits that can be attributed to the program are counted with that program. For example if a student is reported as being admitted in an associate degree program as well as a one-year technical diploma and the student took associate degree level classes (aid code = 10) as well as technical diploma level classes (aid code = 31) then the total associate degree level credits would be attributed to both the associate degree level program as well as the one-year technical diploma. The technical diploma level credits would be attributed to the technical diploma only. 3) Graduation Total graduation is taken from WTCSB report VE215330. This report is prepared based on data sent to the State through Client Reporting. This number includes students who completed all requirement for graduation and who applied and paid the graduation fee. Another condition for graduation reporting is that the student must have taken a course applicable towards graduation in the year being reported. Starting in FY2003 we are also reporting as graduates those students who completed the program requirements but who chose not to apply for graduation. 4) Racial/Ethnic Minority Students This is the sum of all minority categories found in WTCSB report VE215330. This report is prepared based on data sent to the State through Client Reporting. 5) Section Completion Rate Of all students enrolled in the sections identified in indicator 5, only those present on the date-of-record or those who have received 10% of the potential hours of instruction (PHI) are evaluated for course completion. The date-of-record for full-time sections (16 weeks) is the 12th day of the semester. For sections 15 weeks or less we calculate 10% of PHI. Completion is grouped in 3 categories: Pass: Includes grades of: • C or better (As of 2008; In prior years, a passing grade was D- or better) • P = Pass Non-Pass: Includes grades or statuses of: • W = Withdrawn • UW = Withdrawn by Instructor • U = Unsatisfactory • I = Incomplete • IP = In Progress Other: Includes grades of: • AU = Audit • Missing Grade Prepared by LeeAnn Mikula Institutional Research March 2009 Attachment ESIR - 9 REPORT ON ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP JULY, AUGUST, AND SEPTEMBER, 2009 MEMBERS RECENTLY VAC LEFT COMMITTEE MEMBERS NEWLY ADDED BUSINESS, GRAPHIC ARTS, & INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY ACCOUNTING 9 members 0 1 grad(s) BAKING PRODUCTION 11 members 4 grad(s) BANKING AND FINANCE 12 members 0 0 0 grad(s) BARBER COSMETOLOGIST APPRENTICESHIP 15 members 4 grad(s) 0 Yolanda McGowan Secretary of Regulation and Licesnsing DRL (Supervisor/Mgr/Nonminority) Celia Jackson Secretary of Regulation and Licesnsing DRL (Supervisor/Mgr/Nonminority) BARBER/COSMETOLOGIST 12 members 6 grad(s) BUSINESS MANAGEMENT 5 members 4 2 grad(s) CULINARY ARTS 11 members 0 0 4 grad(s) Page 1 VAC: Number of vacancies on the Committee, based on a minimum of nine members. Prepared by the Office of Curriculum Management REPORT ON ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP JULY, AUGUST, AND SEPTEMBER, 2009 MEMBERS RECENTLY VAC LEFT COMMITTEE eCOMMERCE/WEB ADMINISTRATION 12 members 3 grad(s) 0 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH & POLLUTION CONTROL TECH 15 members 4 grad(s) 0 GRAPHIC DESIGN 0 11 members 0 2 grad(s) HOTEL/HOSPITALITYMEETING/EVENT MANAGEMENT 15 members 3 grad(s) 0 INFORMATION SECURITY SPECIALIST 23 members 2 grad(s) 0 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 0 22 members Greg Kosmeder J.C. Penny IT Manager (Supervisor/Mgr/Nonminority) 7 grad(s) HORTICULTURE 10 members William Kellner J C P Logistics LP Transportation Manager (Supervisor/Mgr/Nonminority) MEMBERS NEWLY ADDED Alan C. Upstrom David J. Frank Landscape Contracting, I Sales Manager (Labor/Nonminority) 1 grad(s) Page 2 VAC: Number of vacancies on the Committee, based on a minimum of nine members. Prepared by the Office of Curriculum Management REPORT ON ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP JULY, AUGUST, AND SEPTEMBER, 2009 MEMBERS RECENTLY VAC LEFT COMMITTEE INTERIOR DESIGN 12 members 0 4 grad(s) MANAGEMENT DEVELOPMENT 12 members 6 grad(s) 0 MARKETING 0 10 members 4 1 grad(s) PHOTOGRAPHY 12 members 0 5 grad(s) REAL ESTATE 10 members 0 2 grad(s) PARALEGAL 5 members 0 1 grad(s) OFFICE TECHNOLOGY 9 members Pam Janotta Aramark Assidtant Food Service Director (Labor/Nonminority) 5 grad(s) MUSIC OCCUPATIONS 10 members MEMBERS NEWLY ADDED 0 0 grad(s) RETAIL MANAGEMENT/FASHION MARKETING 8 members 4 grad(s) 1 Page 3 VAC: Number of vacancies on the Committee, based on a minimum of nine members. Prepared by the Office of Curriculum Management REPORT ON ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP JULY, AUGUST, AND SEPTEMBER, 2009 MEMBERS RECENTLY VAC LEFT COMMITTEE SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT 7 members 2 2 grad(s) VI-COM/COMPUTER GRAPHICS 10 members MEMBERS NEWLY ADDED 0 4 grad(s) BUSINESS, GRAPHIC ARTS, & INFORMATION TECHNOLOGYDIVISION HEALTH OCCUPATIONS ANESTHESIA TECHNOLOGY 9 members 0 5 grad(s) Robert Schlemm Aurora Medical Center, Racine Staff RN (Labor/Minority) Julie Mull Columbia St. Mary's Anesthesia Technician (Labor/Nonminority) Sam Ortiz University of Chicago Hospital Anesthesia Technician (Labor/Minority) Mary McGavock Elmbrook Memorial Hospital Anesthesia Technician (Supervisor/Mgr/Nonminority) ASSOCIATE DEGREE NURSING 7 members 2 2 grad(s) Page 4 VAC: Number of vacancies on the Committee, based on a minimum of nine members. Prepared by the Office of Curriculum Management REPORT ON ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP JULY, AUGUST, AND SEPTEMBER, 2009 MEMBERS RECENTLY VAC LEFT COMMITTEE CARDIOVASCULAR TECHNOLOGY 13 members 4 grad(s) 0 CLINICAL LABORATORY TECHNICIAN PHLEBOTOMY 10 members 0 grad(s) 0 DENTAL ASSISTANT 0 10 members 1 2 grad(s) DENTAL LABORATORY TECHNOLOGY 6 members 4 grad(s) 3 DIETETIC TECHNICIAN/DIETARY MANAGER 12 members 5 grad(s) 0 FUNERAL SERVICE 0 10 members 6 grad(s) HEALTH UNIT COORDINATOR 12 members 0 4 grad(s) MEDICAL ASSISTANT 7 members Linda Dreher Jennifer Talatzko-Wurth Arrythmia Center for Southern WisconsWheaton Franciscan All Saints Racine Echocardographer Echocardiographer (Labor/Nonminority) (Labor/Nonminority) 4 grad(s) DENTAL HYGIENE 8 members MEMBERS NEWLY ADDED 2 4 grad(s) Page 5 VAC: Number of vacancies on the Committee, based on a minimum of nine members. Prepared by the Office of Curriculum Management REPORT ON ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP JULY, AUGUST, AND SEPTEMBER, 2009 MEMBERS RECENTLY VAC LEFT COMMITTEE MEDICAL CODING 8 members 2 0 grad(s) NURSING ASSISTANT 6 members 1 3 grad(s) MEDICAL INTERPRETER 7 members 3 1 grad(s) OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY ASSISTANT 12 members 7 grad(s) 0 OPTICIANRY SCIENCE 0 9 members 3 grad(s) PHARMACY TECHNICIAN 9 members MEMBERS NEWLY ADDED 0 3 grad(s) Philip Hsu Community Memorial Hospital Director of Pharmacy (Supervisor/Mgr/Minority) Lou Hefle Newcastle Pharmacy Consultant Pharmacist (Consult/Nonminority) PHYSICAL THERAPIST ASSISTANT 9 members 4 grad(s) 0 Page 6 VAC: Number of vacancies on the Committee, based on a minimum of nine members. Prepared by the Office of Curriculum Management REPORT ON ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP JULY, AUGUST, AND SEPTEMBER, 2009 MEMBERS RECENTLY VAC LEFT COMMITTEE PRACTICAL NURSING 6 members 2 4 grad(s) SURGICAL TECHNOLOGY 13 members 0 9 grad(s) RESPIRATORY CARE 7 members 0 4 grad(s) RENAL DIALYSIS TECHNICIAN 9 members 3 3 grad(s) RADIOGRAPHY 12 members MEMBERS NEWLY ADDED 0 6 grad(s) HEALTH OCCUPATIONSDIVISION LIBERAL ARTS & SCIENCES CHEMICAL TECHNICIAN 13 members 0 4 grad(s) EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION 14 members 3 grad(s) 0 HUMAN SERVICE ASSOCIATE 0 13 members Michael Katz Molded Dimensions President (Supervisor/Mgr/Nonminority) 4 grad(s) Page 7 VAC: Number of vacancies on the Committee, based on a minimum of nine members. Prepared by the Office of Curriculum Management REPORT ON ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP JULY, AUGUST, AND SEPTEMBER, 2009 MEMBERS RECENTLY VAC LEFT COMMITTEE INTERPRETER TECHNICIAN 6 members 3 0 grad(s) TEACHER EDUCATION TRACK 14 members MEMBERS NEWLY ADDED 0 0 grad(s) LIBERAL ARTS & SCIENCESDIVISION PRE-COLLEGE PRE-COLLEGE EDUCATION 10 members 0 0 grad(s) PRE-COLLEGEDIVISION TECHNOLOGY & APPLIED SCIENCES AIR CONDITIONING REFRIGERATION 14 members 8 grad(s) 0 APPLIANCE TECHNICIAN 1 8 members 1 grad(s) ARCHITECTURAL TECHNOLOGY 10 members 3 grad(s) 0 Page 8 VAC: Number of vacancies on the Committee, based on a minimum of nine members. Prepared by the Office of Curriculum Management REPORT ON ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP JULY, AUGUST, AND SEPTEMBER, 2009 MEMBERS RECENTLY VAC LEFT COMMITTEE AUTOMOBILE/AUTO BODY SERVICING 17 members 4 grad(s) 0 MEMBERS NEWLY ADDED John Fleming American Family Insurance Damage Senior Adjustor (Labor/Nonminority) Ray Pederson Foundation of the WATDA Executive Director (Supervisor/Mgr/Nonminority) Eric Sauer Wisconsin Lift Truck Technical Training Manager (Supervisor/Mgr/Nonminority) Daniel Kolasinski Concours Mercedes-Benz Service Manager (Supervisor/Mgr/Nonminority) AUTOMOTIVE TECHNOLOGY 6 members 0 grad(s) AVIATION MECHANICS 11 members 3 0 2 grad(s) BIOMEDICAL ELECTRONICS TECHNOLOGY 11 members 4 grad(s) 0 Page 9 VAC: Number of vacancies on the Committee, based on a minimum of nine members. Prepared by the Office of Curriculum Management REPORT ON ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP JULY, AUGUST, AND SEPTEMBER, 2009 MEMBERS RECENTLY VAC LEFT COMMITTEE BRICKLAYING AND MASONRY 7 members MEMBERS NEWLY ADDED 2 4 grad(s) CARPENTERS & CABINETMAKERS 7 members 1 grad(s) 2 CIVIL ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY 7 members 2 grad(s) 2 COMPUTER ELECTRONICS TECHNOLOGY 7 members 2 grad(s) 2 CRIMINAL JUSTICE LAW ENFORCEMENT 10 members 4 grad(s) 0 Pamela Hoderman UW Milwaukee Police Lieutenant (Labor/Nonminority) Michael J. Marzion University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee Chief of Police (Interim) (Supervisor/Mgr/Nonminority) Page 10 VAC: Number of vacancies on the Committee, based on a minimum of nine members. Prepared by the Office of Curriculum Management REPORT ON ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP JULY, AUGUST, AND SEPTEMBER, 2009 MEMBERS RECENTLY VAC LEFT COMMITTEE DIESEL & POWERTRAIN SERVICING 17 members 3 grad(s) 0 MEMBERS NEWLY ADDED Ray Pedersen Jeff Dowd Foundation of the Wis. Auto & Truck DFoundation of the WATDA Executive Director Consultant (Supervisor/Mgr/Nonminority) (Consult/Nonminority) Curtis Block Jet Repair Services Service Manager (Supervisor/Mgr/Nonminority) Frank Bednar Milwaukee County Transit System Manager of Administrative Services (Supervisor/Mgr/Nonminority) Scott Bartlein Barry Fleet Services, LLc Fleet Manager (Supervisor/Mgr/Nonminority) Mike Wehr Milwaukee County Transit System Director of Maintenance (Supervisor/Mgr/Nonminority) Page 11 VAC: Number of vacancies on the Committee, based on a minimum of nine members. Prepared by the Office of Curriculum Management REPORT ON ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP JULY, AUGUST, AND SEPTEMBER, 2009 MEMBERS RECENTLY VAC LEFT COMMITTEE MEMBERS NEWLY ADDED Jeffrey Tews City of Milwaukee Fleet Operations Manager (Supervisor/Mgr/Nonminority) David Harvey Milwaukee County Transit System Manager of Shop Operations (Supervisor/Mgr/Nonminority) ELECTRICITY - DIPLOMA 8 members 1 2 grad(s) ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY 10 members 5 grad(s) 0 ELECTRONIC TECHNOLOGY COMMUNICATION 3 members 1 grad(s) 6 ELECTRONIC TECHNOLOGY CONTROLS AUTOMATION 7 members 3 grad(s) 2 FIRE SCIENCE/EMS 0 10 members John Liegeois Siemens Account Manager (Supervisor/Mgr/Nonminority) 5 grad(s) Page 12 VAC: Number of vacancies on the Committee, based on a minimum of nine members. Prepared by the Office of Curriculum Management REPORT ON ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP JULY, AUGUST, AND SEPTEMBER, 2009 MEMBERS RECENTLY VAC LEFT COMMITTEE LINE MECHANIC 7 members 2 0 grad(s) MACHINE TOOL & COMPUTER NUMERICAL CONTROL 4 members 1 grad(s) 5 MACHINE TRADES APPRENTICE 8 members 1 grad(s) 1 MAINTENANCE & INDUSTRIAL ELECTRICIAN APPRENTICE 9 members 2 grad(s) 0 MECHANICAL DRAFTING & DESIGN 10 members 4 grad(s) 0 PAINTING & DECORATING APPRENTICE 6 members 2 grad(s) 3 PREPARATORY PLUMBING 0 9 members 1 grad(s) SHEET METAL APPRENTICE 9 members 0 5 grad(s) TOOL & DIE MAKING 9 members MEMBERS NEWLY ADDED 0 3 grad(s) Page 13 VAC: Number of vacancies on the Committee, based on a minimum of nine members. Prepared by the Office of Curriculum Management REPORT ON ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP JULY, AUGUST, AND SEPTEMBER, 2009 MEMBERS RECENTLY VAC LEFT COMMITTEE WELDING/WELD TECH 8 members MEMBERS NEWLY ADDED 1 4 grad(s) TECHNOLOGY & APPLIED SCIENCESDIVISION TELEVISION & VIDEO PRODUCTION TELEVISION VIDEO PRODUCTION 10 members 1 grad(s) 0 TELEVISION & VIDEO PRODUCTIONDIVISION Page 14 VAC: Number of vacancies on the Committee, based on a minimum of nine members. Prepared by the Office of Curriculum Management Advisory Committee Data Summary - by Committee Jul - Sep, 2009 Category Advisory Committee Gender Minority Female Male Total Mgt Labor Consultants Grads Accounting 9 7 1 1 1 4 5 1 Air Conditioning Refrigeration 14 12 1 1 2 1 13 8 Anesthesia Technology 9 3 5 1 2 6 3 5 Appliance Technician 8 7 0 1 2 0 8 1 Architectural Technology 10 5 3 2 2 4 6 3 Associate Degree Nursing 7 5 0 2 1 7 0 2 Automobile/auto Body Servicing 19 14* 2* 2* 0 1 18 4 Automotive Technology 6 5 0 1 1 1 5 0 Aviation Mechanics 11 7 2 2 2 0 11 2 Baking Production 11 6 5 0 3 6 5 4 Banking And Finance 12 10 1 1 4 10 2 0 Barber Cosmetologist Apprenticeship 15 11 3 1 8 7 8 4 Barber/cosmetologist 12 10 2 0 8 9 3 6 Biomedical Electronics Technology 11 3 8 0 2 3 8 4 Bricklaying And Masonry 7 3 3 1 1 1 6 4 Business Management 5 5 0 0 1 1 4 2 Cardiovascular Technology 13 5 8 0 2 8 5 4 Carpenters & Cabinetmakers 7 6 0 1 0 1 6 1 Chemical Technician 13 8 4 1 2 3 10 4 Civil Engineering Technology 7 4 3 0 1 2 5 2 Clinical Laboratory Technician Phlebotomy 10 7 2 1 1 7 3 0 Computer Electronics Technology 7 3 3 1 0 1 6 2 Criminal Justice Law Enforcement 10 9 0 1 1 1 9 4 Culinary Arts 11 7 3 1 1 4 7 4 Dental Assistant 10 6 2 2 0 8 2 4 Dental Hygiene 8 4* 2* 1* 1 4 4 2 Dental Laboratory Technology 6 5 1 0 0 1 5 4 Diesel & Powertrain Servicing 17 12* 2* 2* 1 1 16 3 Dietetic Technician/dietary Manager 12 9 2 1 2 8 4 4 Early Childhood Education 14 10 0 4 5 12 2 3 Ecommerce/web Administration 12 10 1 1 1 3 9 3 Electricity - Diploma 8 5 3 0 2 3 5 2 Electronic Engineering Technology 10 5 4 1 3 2 8 5 Electronic Technology Communication 3 1 1 1 0 0 3 1 Electronic Technology Controls Automation 7 4 3 0 2 1 6 3 Environmental Health & Pollution Control Tech 14 6 8 0 2 4 10 4 Events Management & Planning 4 4 0 0 2 3 1 1 Fire Science/ems 10 6 3 1 1 1 9 5 Funeral Service 10 10 0 0 1 1 9 6 * Category Information Incomplete 10/16/2009 Page 1 of 4 Advisory Committee Data Summary - by Committee Jul - Sep, 2009 Category Advisory Committee Gender Minority Female Male Total Mgt Labor Consultants Grads Graphic Design 11 7 3 1 1 4 7 7 Health Unit Coordinator 12 5 7 0 3 11 1 4 Horticulture 10 6 4 0 0 3 7 2 Hotel/hospitality-meeting/event Management 15 13 2 0 4 8 7 3 Human Service Associate 13 5* 4* 3* 6 11 2 4 Information Security Specialist 23 16* 6* 0* 2 3 20 2 Information Technology 22 11 9 2 5 4 18 1 Interior Design 12 8 3 1 1 8 4 4 Interpreter Technician 6 5 0 1 0 4 2 0 Line Mechanic 7 5 2 0 2 2 5 0 Machine Tool & Computer Numerical Control 4 4 0 0 0 1 3 1 Machine Trades Apprentice 8 4 2 2 0 3 5 1 Maintenance & Industrial Electrician Apprentice 9 3 4 2 0 2 7 2 Management Development 12 10 2 0 2 6 6 6 Marketing 10 9 1 0 3 5 5 5 Mechanical Drafting & Design 10 7 3 0 0 2 8 4 Medical Assistant 7 3 4 0 2 7 0 4 Medical Coding 8 3 3 2 1 8 0 3 Medical Interpreter 7 3 3 1 6 5 2 0 Music Occupations 10 6 1 3 3 2 8 1 Nursing Assistant 6 3 3 0 1 6 0 1 Occupational Therapy Assistant 12 3 9 0 1 9 3 7 Office Technology 9 6 3 0 0 9 0 2 Opticianry Science 9 5 4 0 1 4 5 3 Painting & Decorating Apprentice 6 1 3 2 1 1 5 2 Paralegal 5 3 2 0 3 4 1 1 Pharmacy Technician 9 6 3 0 1 6 3 3 Photography 12 10 2 0 1 3 9 5 Physical Therapist Assistant 9 3 3 3 1 7 2 4 Practical Nursing 6 3 2 1 3 4 2 3 Pre-college Education 10 8 2 0 1 5 5 0 Preparatory Plumbing 9 6* 1* 1* 1 1 8 1 Radiography 12 4 7 1 2 8 4 4 Real Estate 10 9 1 0 1 3 7 0 Renal Dialysis Technician 9 4 5 0 4 9 0 9 Respiratory Care 7 4* 2* 0* 1 5 2 4 Retail Management/fashion Marketing 8 8 0 0 2 5 3 4 Sheet Metal Apprentice 9 4 2 3 0 1 8 5 Supply Chain Management 7 6 1 0 1 2 5 2 * Category Information Incomplete 10/16/2009 Page 2 of 4 Advisory Committee Data Summary - by Committee Jul - Sep, 2009 Category Advisory Committee Gender Minority Female Male Total Mgt Labor Consultants Surgical Technology 13 4 8 1 3 7 6 6 Teacher Education Track 14 4 1 9 6 10 4 0 Television Video Production 10 3 5 2 3 2 8 1 Tool & Die Making 9 7 2 0 1 0 9 3 Vi-com/computer Graphics 10 6 4 0 0 1 9 4 Welding/weld Tech 8 6 2 0 0 1 7 4 * Category Information Incomplete 10/16/2009 Grads Page 3 of 4 Advisory Committee Data Summary - by Division Division Total Members Category Mgt Labor Gender Consultants Minority Female Male Grads Business, Graphic Arts, & Information Technology 291 210 72% 68 23% 12 4% 60 21% 121 42% 170 58% 78 27% Health Occupations 211 107 51% 85 40% 17 8% 40 19% 146 69% 65 31% 86 41% Liberal Arts & Sciences 60 32 53% 9 15% 18 30% 19 32% 11 18% 40 67% 20 33% 5 Pre-college 10 8 80% 2 20% 0 0% 1 10% 5 50% 50% 0 0% Technology & Applied Sciences 251 158 63% 62 25% 28 11% 28 11% 38 15% 213 85% 77 31% Television & Video Production 10 3 30% 5 50% 2 20% 3 30% 2 20% 1 10% TOTAL 833 518 62% 231 28% 77 9% * Category Information Incomplete 10/16/2009 8 80% 151 18% 352 42% 481 58% 253 30% Page 4 of 4 REPORT ON ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETINGS Text11: Text13: DATE TIME LOCATION ADVISORY MEETING 9/14/2009 9:00 AM A200E -- South Campus FIRE SCIENCE/EMS 9/15/2009 9:00 AM A102 -- South Campus CRIMINAL JUSTICE --LAW ENFORCEMENT 9/17/2009 10:00 AM M206 -- Milwaukee Campus BAKING PRODUCTION 9/28/2009 10:30 AM M612 -- Milwaukee Campus BARBER COSMETOLOGIST APPRENTICESHIP Friday, October 16, 2009 Page 1 of 1