Pacific University School of Social Sciences Pathways Transfer Guide  Kapiolani Community College 

Pacific University School of Social Sciences Pathways Transfer Guide Kapiolani Community College Transfer Admissions Counselor Tania Hand 1‐800‐677‐6712 Registrar’s Office Contacts JoLynn Graham 503‐352‐2292 Advising Center Gretchen Po er 503‐352‐2800 gpo Students are advised to consult early with the Transfer Admissions Counselor and the Advising Center at Pacific University A Pacific University Bachelor’s Degree is comprised of 3 parts: Major, Core, and Elec ves. This guide is designed to help you select founda on courses for your major. Use this guide in conjunc on with the “Pacific University Transfer Guide for Kapiolani Commu‐
nity College” which addresses selec ng courses to meet our Core requirements. Future transfer students should discuss with a Pacific Advisor the amount of founda on courses for your major and the amount of core you should plan to transfer to Pacific. If you have ques ons regarding major selec on or emphasis selec on (for Environmental Studies and Interna onal Studies), the Ad‐
vising Center or Admissions Office will connect you with a Faculty Advisor in your proposed major. Pathways for Future Pacific Transfer Students in the Social Sciences Major 1st and 2nd Year Major Founda on Courses at Pacific KCC Transfer Equivalencies Anthropology Introduc on to Anthropology: ANTH 101 ANTH 200 Economics Economics of Social Issues (Macro): ECON 101 ECON 131 Economics of Markets & Governments (Micro): ECON 102 ECON 130 Precalculus (unless higher math placement): MATH 125 MTH 135 & 140 Accoun ng Principles: BA 201 ACC 201 Sta s cs: MATH 207 MTH 115 Intro to Environmental Science: ENV 200 BIO 124 & 124L Environmental Studies: Policy, Culture, & Society Introductory Courses in selected concentra on (Economics, Ethics, History, or Poli cs & Government): Economics: Econ of Social Issues (Macro) : ECON 101 ECON 131 Econ of Markets & Gov (Micro): ECON 102 ECON 130 History OR Ethics: Ethics & Society: PHIL 202 PHIL 101 Intro to Philosophy (or alterna ve): PHIL 100 PHIL 100 OR History: 100‐level or 200‐level course in History 1‐2 courses in HST (see advisor) OR Poli cs & Government: Intro to US Poli cs: POLS 140 POLS 130 8 Semester Credits of survey History Courses Contact the Advising Center for op ons 8 Semester Credits of 200‐level topics History Courses Contact the Advising Center for op ons More Majors Con nued on Back
Con nued from Front
Major 1st and 2nd Year Major Founda ons Courses at Pacific KCC Transfer Equivalencies Interna onal Studies Intercultural Comm: IS 201 (see advisor for other op
ons) No Equivalency Introductory Courses in selected emphasis: (Asian Studies, La n American Studies, Western European Studies, or Interna onal Policy) Asian Studies: East Asian Hist Course: HIST 111 or 112 (See Pacific advisor for op ons) OR La n American Studies: La n American History or Poli‐ (See Pacific advisor for op ons) cs Course: HIST/POLS 239 or HIST/POLS 241 OR Western European Studies: Western Civiliza on II or III: HIST 103 or 104 (See Pacific advisor for op ons) OR Interna onal Policy: Econ of Markets & Gov: ECON 102 ECON 130 OR Addi onal op on for Interna onal Students: American Studies Emphasis Poli cs & Government Psychology American History I & II: HIST 141 & 142 (See Pacific Advisor for op ons) Economics of Social Issues (Macro): ECON 101 ECON 131 OR Econ of Markets & Governments (Micro): ECON 102 OR ECON 132 Two History Courses Contact the Pacific Advising Center Introduc
on to American Government: POLS 140 POLS 130 Introduc on to Psychology: PSY 150 PSY 100 Public Health (BA and BS Sta s cs: MATH 207 (or PSY 350 or SOC 301) op ons) Prerequisites for Upper Division Elec ves: MATH 115 Introduc on to Psychology: PSY 150 PSY 100 OR Introduc on to Sociology: SOC 101 OR SOC 100 OR Social Problems: SOC 102 OR SOC 218 Public Health Elec ves Contact Advising Center for Op ons For Bachelor of Science (BS) in Public Health (Contact Advising Center about BA science elec ves) General Biology: BIOL 202 & 204 BIOL 171, 171L, 172, & 172L General Chemistry: CHEM 220 & 230 CHEM 161, 161L, 162 & 162L Social Work Sociology Introduc on to Psychology: PSY 150 Introduc on to Soc: SOC 101 OR Social Problems: SOC 102 Sta s cs: MATH 207 (or PSY 350 or SOC 301) 2 Social Work elec ves PSY 100 SOC 100 OR SOC 218 MATH 115 Contact Advising Center for Equivalencies Introduc
on to Soc: SOC 101 OR Social Problems: SOC 102 SOC 100 OR SOC 218  Only courses of “C‐” or higher will be considered for transfer credit  To graduate from Pacific you need 124 semester hours (186 quarter hours). 30 of the last 40 semester hours must be from Pacific. This guide is subject to change and should not be regarded as a contract between Pacific University and students a ending Kapiola‐
ni Community College. Contact with Pacific is recommended for the most current informa on.
Rev: 12/16/2014 