
Educational Policies & Curriculum Committee
Minutes for November 3, 2009 - Meeting #3
3:30 p.m. – MHB-315
Members in attendance: George Hart (ENGL), Heloisa Herscovitz (JOUR), Guy
Yamishiro (ECON), Sophia Pandya (RLST), Jennifer Reed (WGSS), Mark Wiley (CLA),
Cherie Dougan (CLA).
Guests: Joe Magadino (ECON), Ken Green (PSYCH), Bonnie Gasior (RGRLL), Amy
Hesye (COMM).
EPCC #2 (October 2, 2009) minutes approved.
No Announcements / Additions to the Agenda
Curriculum Reviews
A. Economics Department
1) Program Change: ECON MA02. Delete MGMT 300 from core requirements,
delete one emphasis and add emphasis on Forecasting for Logistics.
 Department will make sure that the totals for 14 unit requirement under
#2 work out correctly. Specifically, change requirement under B from
ECON 420 to GLG 520.
 Change approved.
2) New Course: ECON 520, Forecasting. 2 units at C5
 The typos in the catalog copy on the cover sheet will be fixed.
 Under VI, Methods of Instruction on the SCO, the parenthetical statement
‘or the objectives of the instructor’ will be deleted.
 Course is approved.
B. History Department
1) Program Change: HISTBA01 Oral History Program. List HIST 402 instead of
 Change is approved.
C. Psychology Department
1) Program Change: PSYBA01; Changing requirements
 Department will make sure the all the department names under #7 on
requirements will be current.
 Change is approved.
2) Program Change: PSY UM01; Adding PSY 337 and 343 to list of choices.
 Change is approved.
3) New Course: PSY 337. Psychology of Happiness 3 units at C2
Suggestion to incorporate the application of theories into the Measurable
Outcomes, as it is noted in the Methods of Instruction.
Cover sheet “prerequisites” delete the abbreviation ‘psy’ from the last two
Course is approved.
D. Political Science Department
1) New Course: POSC 479. Senior Seminar Global Politics 3 units at C5.
 Discrepancy in prerequisite courses: 9 units on cover sheet; 6 units in the
 The phrase “global studies” appears in the catalog description on the
SCO, when the phrase “global politics” is used elsewhere.
 The language used in the Measurable Outcomes needs to be more
 Course is tabled to allow the department to consider revisions.
E. Spanish Program
1) Program Change: RGRBA03; Change to requirements.
 Addition of new courses is approved, but the discontinuance of the option
may need further documentation. Associate Dean will advise.
2) Program Change: RGRUM05; Eliminate SPAN 314 and demonstration of
oral fluency.
 Deletion Approved.
F. Communication Studies
1) Type 3 Topic, 2nd Read; COMM 590A. Theory and Criticism of Presidential
 Title was changed to fit the content.
 Course was approved.
 Comm. Department will submit the forms necessary to the Dean’s Office
to change the titles of the 490 and 590 courses, dropping “speech” from
the title.
Adjourned 4:40
EPCC meetings are scheduled the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of each month in MHB-315.. The next
scheduled meeting is Tuesday, November 10th. One original and 9 copies of curriculum
changes/proposals should be forwarded to Cherie Dougan by Monday, Nov. 3rd to make an agenda this