Bradford City and Bradford Districts Statement on Optegra Yorkshire Eye... 2014/15

Bradford City and Bradford Districts Statement on Optegra Yorkshire Eye Clinic Quality Account
Bradford City and Bradford Districts Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) welcome the opportunity
to review and feedback on the quality account for 2014/15.The CCGs believe this to be an honest
reflection of achievements and challenges, demonstrating commitment to the provision of safe,
quality services.
Positive achievements highlighted throughout the account include the following:
An improved performance in their patient satisfaction survey reaching a net promoter score
of 84.
Achieved full compliance regarding the use of the World Health Organisation (WHO) surgical
Rolling out an educational programme for all staff on the safeguarding of adults and
children, updating policies and introducing two link nurses on site.
Progress has been made against the 2014/15 priorities as follows:
Full compliance with the lens checking protocol
Success has been evident in improving patient experience. Waiting times in clinic areas have
been reduced and a nurse co coordinator role has been established. Patients are now
provided with an emergency telephone number on their day of surgery to manage any
The CQUIN scheme was fully achieved.
No formal complaints were received.
The required statements of assurance have been provided, demonstrating achievement
against the essential standards.
The priorities for 2015/16 have been determined by evaluating and acting upon governance
processes and learning from both staff and patient feedback.
The CCGs note these priorities for improvement but recommend that Optegra consider
further more stretching targets within year. The focus is on the following:
Preventable measures being introduced to ensure that Never Events do not occur include
the continued use of the WHO checklist, to roll out the lens check protocol to all surgical
interventions and continue to risk asses all patients for venous thrombo embolism (VTE).
Infection control audits will continue to take place as will the quarterly infection prevention
committee meetings and robust structures and systems are evident, however
commissioners would consider this to be core business.
Sign up to the CQUIN scheme which involves:
1. continue with the FFT (friends and family test)
2. progress from day case to outpatient appointments thus increasing the number of
outpatient procedures to improve patient experience.
A phlebotomy service will be offered to consultants.
During 2015-16 Optegra aim to improve skill mix and enhance staff clinical skills through
further education and training. This will include staff being trained in visual field examination
and bandage contact lens removal.
Bradford City and Bradford District CCGs accept that the evidence within the quality account
reflects the continued steps to quality improvement.
Helen Hirst
Chief Officer
NHS Bradford City CCG and NHS Bradford Districts CCG