1105 Flexion and Traction Effect on G-C6 Foraminal Space S. Craig Humphreys, LaurieLomasney,T~D, MD, Jt$Lrey Chase, MD, Avinash Patwardhan, Scott%. Hodges, DO ABSTRACT. Humphreys SC, Chase J, Patwardhan A, Shuster J, Lomasney L, Hodges SD. Flexion and traction effect on C5-C6 foraminal space. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1998;79: 1105-9. Objective: To determine the effects of cervical flexion and traction on foraminal volume and isthmus area at the C5-C6 foraminal space in cadavers. Design: This study evaluated the foraminal space at C5-C6 in cadaver specimens during flexion and traction of the cervical spine. Setting: An orthopedic biomechanics laboratory and department of radiology of a university medical center. Patients or Other Participants: Nine cadaver cervical spines, Cl through T3, were used in the study. Superficial tissueswere dissected, preserving the ligaments. Interventions: Proximal and distal portions of the cadaver spines were potted using bone cement. Spines were mounted and imaged with computed tomography in neutral position, 15” of flexion, and maximum flexion with and without 251bs of axial traction. Main Outcome Measures: The areas and volumes of the foramen were measured and calculated. Results: Flexion alone significantly increased the foraminal volume and isthmus area at C5-C6. Traction resulted in little additional change. Conclusions: For cervical spines with mild to moderate degenerative changes at C5-C6, cervical flexion with or without traction produces significant increasesin foraminal volume and area at the foraminal isthmus. 0 1998 by the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine and the American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation T HE COMPLEX REGIONAL anatomy of the cervical spine has been well studied.’ The cervical spine gives off dorsal and ventral roots that coalesce at each spinal level to form cervical nerve roots. Compression of the root or ganglion may produce radicular pain. Kikuchi and associates2showed in their cadaveric study that three factors are responsible for radicular symptoms: abnormalities of the nerve and nerve roots, changes of bone and soft tissue adjacent to the nerve, and their relationship to each other. Causes of radiculopathy may include From the Chattanooga Orthopaedic Group, Foundation for Research; Chattanooga, TN (Drs. Humphrey, Hodges); the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery (Drs. Chase, Patwardhan) and Department of Radiology (Dr. Lomasney), Loyola University Chicago, Maywood, IL,; and the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC (Dr. Shuster). Submitted for publication January 6, 1998. Accepted in revised form April 7, 1998. Presented at the 1995 Cewical Spine Research Society Annual Meeting, November 30 to December 2,1995, Sante Fe, NM. No commercial party having a direct financial interest in the results of the research supporting this article has or will confer a benefit upon the authors or upon any organization with which the authors are associated. Reprint requests to S. Craig Humphyeys, MD, Chattanooga Ortbopaedic Group, 605 Glenwood Avenue, Suite 303, Chattanooga, TN 37404. 0 1998 by the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine and the American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 0003-9993/98/7909-4812$3.00/O PhD, John Shuster, MD, congenital abnormalities, traumatic, metabolic, oncologic, vascular, infectious, or degenerative diseases. Various tests have been developed to aid in detecting the source of radicular pain. Spurling’s and Scoville’s test3 rotates and laterally bends the patient’s head maximally toward the affected side. With the head and neck in this position, a vertical force is applied to the uppermost portion of the cranium. This position is believed to bulge the intervertebral disc and decrease the foraminal height, causing foraminal impingement. The force to the head is transmitted to the intervertebral disc, which are further bulged, causing maximum encroachment on the intervertebral foramen. The extension test applies maximal extension for 15 to 25 seconds, causing posterior disc bulging and foraminal impingement.4 Finally, the shoulder abduction relief test puts the patient’s affected arm in maximum abduction with the hand resting on the head. This can offer relief from radicular symptoms by opening the foramen. These tests suggest that head and arm position affect the foraminal area available for the exiting nerve root and thus affect radiculopathy. Previous studies have investigated the effect of head position on foraminal area and pressure. Farmer and Wisneski4 took pressure measurements in the neural foramina of the C5, C6, and C7 nerve roots at various positions of the head and ipsolateral arm in cadaver specimens. Increasing neck extension resulted in significantly greater pressure at each root tested. Abduction of the arm was shown to significantly reduce pressure measurements. It was concluded that head and arm position could be adjusted to reduce neuroforaminal pressure by increasing foraminal area. Yoo et al5 investigated changes in foraminal area at the C5, C6, and C7 levels. They determined that increases in foraminal area occurred with neck flexion, whereas extension decreased the area. Many nonsurgical modalities exist to alleviate cervical radiculopathy and pain. These include rest, antiinflammatory medication, physical therapy, injections, and traction. The mechanism of action of cervical traction is controversial. Some suggest that traction alleviates muscular spasm and enlarges the neural foramen. Others have suggested that the rest and immobility of traction provides relief by decreasing the inflammation, and still others have suggested that flexion in combination with traction and/or immobilization is beneficial.7 Based on the results of studies that showed a correlation between head position and foraminal area, it was hypothesized that a combination of llexion and traction could benefit foraminal anatomy. In the current study computed tomography (CT) was used to investigate foraminal area/volume, and to determine the effects of varied flexion angles and traction on the foraminal space. The purpose of this study was to determine whether combined flexion and traction was capable of increasing foraminal area in cadaver spines in an attempt to reduce radiculopathy. METHODS Ten fresh frozen human spine specimens (age range, 65 to 80 years) were obtained with intact ligaments, paravertebral muscles, and nervous tissue, as well as overlying muscle and soft tissues. The skin and soft cutaneous tissues were removed. Cl through T3 was separated from the remainder of the spine. Arch Phys Med Rehabil Vol 79, September 1998 1106 EFFECTS OF FLEXION AND TRACTION ON FORAMEN, Humphreys The superficial tissueswere dissected, preserving the ligaments. Care was taken to avoid disrupting the relationship of the osseous anatomy and the intervertebral discs. Specimens were stored at -2O”C, which has been shown to have no significant effect on the dimensions of the intervertebral foramen Specimens were kept moist to avoid desiccation. To exclude any specimen with significant pathologic condition, anteriorposterior, lateral, and oblique x-rays were taken. Additionally, all specimens were evaluated with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Tl-weighted sagittal and TZweighted axial and sagittal images were obtained. X-ray and MRI data were reviewed by a musculoskeletal radiologist. X-ray and MRI were reviewed independently for each specimen. Two grades were given to each specimen, one for disc degeneration and the other for changes in osseous anatomy. Disc degeneration was graded as follows: 0, normal; 1, mild (minimal disc height loss); 2, moderate (disc height loss with moderate proliferative changes); 3, severe (obliteration of disc space). Changes in osseous anatomy were graded on the following scale: 0, normal; 1, mild (mild degenerative changes); 2, moderate (facet spurring with encroachment of foraminal space); 3, severe (severe encroachment of foraminal space from bony spurs). One specimen was excluded from the study after plain radiographic analysis and MRI because of fusion at C3-C4 and severe degenerative changes, leaving nine specimens for testing. Experimental Setup A radiolucent apparatus was designed to simulate cervical traction (fig 1). This was then custom-fit to the CT table. The jig allowed for different-sized specimens and control of flexion angle and traction weight. Proximal (Cl-2) and distal (T2-3) portions of the specimen were potted using bone cement. Specimens were secured to the jig, and each specimen was CT imaged on a GE High Speed Advantage spiral CT scanner.a Tube current was 200nA, and tube potential was 1OOkV.There was no gantry tilt. Scans were performed in both the standard and bone algorithm. A large field of view was used for scanning and a 15 field of view for display. Anteroposterior and lateral scouts were taken before each scan to confirm flexion angle and standardize cuts. Specimens were scanned at 3-mm increments with 1: 1 pitch, from the superior endplate of C3 to the inferior endplate of C7. Specimens were scanned without traction weight and with 25-lb axial traction at neutral, 15” flexion from neutral, and maximum flexion as measured by the Cobb method Fig 1. Experimental Arch Phys Med Rehabil apparatus Vol79, with September specimen 1998 attached. Fig 2. Reformatted sagittal CT images for one specimen at one condition. Image at top left is at the medial margin of the foraminal canal, with the other 5 images moving laterally through the foramen. Arrow indicates C5-C6 foramen. from C2 to C7. This resulted in six scansper specimen. Traction was applied with a direction of pull perpendicular to the endplate of C2. A 30-minute interval was observed before scanning after the weight was applied or removed to allow for stretching and recovery of the soft tissues.Axial image data was reformatted to 3-mm slices at l-mm increments. Reformatted images were constructed in the sagittal plane. The image was then manipulated to a plane parallel to the medial margin of the C5-C6 foramen based on the morphologic appearance of the vertebrae, pedicles, and facets to accommodate canal obliquity. Sequential l-mm images along the foramen were obtained from medial to lateral for a total of six images. All images to be measured were saved, coded, and stored on optical disk with annotation on the image to mark the foramen of interest. Measurements Measurements were performed independently by three orthopedic surgeons. Each image was digitized (Lasico 1280b) from hard copy films to obtain the cross-sectional area of the C5-C6 foramen (fig 2). The six areas were stacked end to end, and the volume of the foramen was calculated. The digitizer was calibrated using known magnification scales that appear on each CT image. EFFECTS OF FLEXION AND TRACTION Confirmation of Methods A radiopaque (Teflon) block was prepared with six holes from 3 to 8mm at l-mm increments. The block was imaged with CT at different obliquities to simulate the cadaveric anatomy. The block was imaged, reformatted, reconstructed, and measured in a manner identical to the cadaveric specimens. The measured volume and area of the Teflon standard were found to be within lmm3 and lmm* of actual values, respectively, which is within the limits of error of the imaging software and testing parameters. Statistical Analysis A descriptive statistical analysis was performed to calculate the means and standard deviations of all dependent variables (area and volume). The differences between the dependent variables were calculated by using a repeated measures analysis of variance (ANOVA), with post hoc multiple comparisons where indicated. Because of multiple comparisons, the level of significance for rejecting the null hypothesis was set at the 1% probability level (0~= .Ol). RESULTS The average grade for both disc degeneration and changes in osseousanatomy was between 1 and 2. The average volume and isthmus areas from the nine specimens, along with standard deviations, are shown in fig 3. The shape of the foramen approximates an hourglass with its narrowest aspect (isthmus) 3 to 4mm from the medial margin of the foramen. This was determined by examining the changes in the cross-sectional areas through the foramen as shown in figure 4. This general appearance was seen in all specimens regardless of flexion angle of traction. Flexion alone significantly increased foraminal volume and isthmus area, but as the specimens assumed an increasingly flexed position there was a smaller incremental increase in foraminal size. The addition of 15” flexion increased the volume 23% (p = .003), and the area 23% (p = .007) from neutral. Maximal flexion increased the volume 34% (p = ,002) and the area 36% (I, = ,002) from neutral. Although traction at each flexion angle increased the foraminal volume and isthmus area as compared with flexion alone, these changes were not statistically significant (significance of traction on volume: neutral, p = .057; 15”, p = .015; maximal Fig 3. Results area (mms). (standard deviations): n, volume (mm3); tZI, isthmus ON FORAMEN, Humphreys 300 zi E A A 200 - :L m A A 3 4 0 -1 0 1 2 Distance from spinal Fig 4. Area along the foraminal canal for the six tested conditions are shown. between these two extremes. canal 5 6 (mm) one specimen. The remaining Only two of plots fall flexion, p = .209; significance of traction on area: neutral, p = .046; 15”, p = .050; maximal flexion, p = .322). Traction at neutral position did approach significance (p = .046). The largest volume and the largest isthmus area were found with maximal flexion and traction, but these were not significantly larger than the values with maximal flexion alone. As the area of each foramen was directly measured, these values were used to assess interobserver and intraobserver error. There was no significant difference between observers 0, = .151), with standard deviation consistently less than 10% of the mean. There was also no significant interaction between the observers and the condition tested (p = .973). DISCUSSION In patients in whom foraminal encroachment is the culprit in radicular pathology, cervical traction and flexion are thought to increase the foraminal area and volume, hypothetically allowing increased vascularity, decreased compression on the nerve root, and a subsequent decrease in inflammation.6x7 The intervertebral foramen is comprised of the vertebral bodies anteriorly, pedicles superiorly and inferiorly, and lamina posteriorly as they meet the posterior aspect of the pedicles to form the pillars that support the facets of the zygapophyseal joints. The foramen is most often studied radiographically using 45” oblique views. Qualitative assessment of its size and encroachment are limited. Looking at the spine threedimensionally, as with our CT reconstructions, has allowed us to create the cervical chamber through which the nerve root and accompanying meninges traverse. The chamber is illustrated in figure 5, which shows a 45” oblique view of the intervertebral foramen and the nerve root. Segnarbieux and coworkers9 have termed this the interpedicular compartment, whereas Giles and KaverilO call it the intervertebral canal. Because this chamber is obliquely oriented the foramen, as seen on plain radiographs, it is not necessarily an accurate, nor clinically a reliable indicator of spinal nerve encroachment. Therefore, CT with the option of reformation in any plane was the imaging technique of choice in this study. It is a reliable portrayal of cervical spine anatomy and can localize anatomic lesions.‘r Intravenous contrastenhanced CT studies can accurately delineate the epidural space.‘* Preoperative assessment and planning is enhanced by Arch Phys Med Fiehabil Vol79, September 1999 1108 EFFECTS OF FLEXION AND TRACTION Fig 5. A 45O oblique view of the intervertebral foramen and the nerve root. The anterior root (a) lies anteroinferiorly, adjacent to the uncovertebral joint, and the posterior root (p) is close to the superior articular process. its use. Newer two-dimensional dynamic reconstruction and three-dimensional reconstruction allow additional precision and representation of anatomy. Zinreich6,13reported that threedimensional CT gave additional information in more than 50% of cases.6,13 Smith and associatest4 showed that threedimensional reconstruction gives a better representation of the lumbar intervertebral tunnel than plain CT. Our reconstructed images reconfirmed that the cervical foramen is shaped like an hourglass with the isthmus positioned close to the center of the foramen or 3 to 4mm from the spinal canal. Volumetric measurements could also be made allowing repeated measurements under various conditions. We investigated the effects of flexion with and without traction at C5-C6 in cadaver spines, the level most commonly involved in cervical radiculopathy.15 Traction weight must be great enough to overcome friction of the head and body on the traction table and the dynamic state of the patient and tissues.16,17Only then will it lead to anatomic changes. In the current study, the dynamic state of the patient tissues was not taken into account. Traction is also limited by the development of pain, radicular symptoms, or constitutional changes in the patient. Judovichls found that at least 251bs was needed to change posterior cervical spine elements, Jackson19 showed that distraction was produced with 20 to 251bs., and Colachis and Strohm1,s,20used 301bsin their in their experiments. Others Arch Phys Med Rehabil Vol 79, September 1998 ON FORAMEN, Humphreys found that 1201bsof traction was needed to cause disc rupture at C5-C6.21 Therefore, we chose 251bs as a reasonable amount both clinically and experimentally. The cervical spine in its neutral position assumes a lordotic curve. This is due to the greater height of the intervertebral disc anteriorly. Using the Cobb angle, the normal neutral position is 10 to 15” of lordosis. The normal range of motion has been determined to be 35” of flexion and 26” of hyperextension,20 which is consistent with Holmes and coworkers,22 who found a total range of motion of 60” to 70”. They discuss other studies showing slightly larger ranges (SO’ to 90”) using different methods of angular assessment,which if taken into account are not inconsistent with their results. Thus, using the Cobb angle, normal range of motion is 35” to 50” of lordosis to 20” to 30” of kyphosis. Crue23 studied foraminal height using plain radiographs and no traction and showed that llexion increases foraminal height. Yoo and associates showed this fact in cadaver specimens by inserting calibrated cylindrical probes into the cervical foramen. Compared with foraminal diameter in the neutral position, he showed statistically significant reductions in foraminal diameter of 10% and 13% at 20” and 30” of extension, respectively. Conversely, in flexion there was a statistically significant increase of 8% and 20% at 20” and 30” of flexion, respectively. This is easily confirmed and universally accepted and is primarily due to intervertebral separation posteriorly, which also increased with traction. As discussed earlier, this two-dimensional view, though helpful, may be incomplete. The degree of foraminal narrowing on plain radiographs correlates poorly with electromyographic and clinical findings, as well as with myelographic findings. Duration of traction is dependent on method of traction used, but it must allow for optimal anatomic change. Collachis and Strohm,1,s,20using intermittent traction and human subjects, showed that 301bs of traction for 7 seconds produced separation of the vertebral interspace. No significant difference in separation was noted at 7, 30, and 60 seconds, and the maximal mean separation took place at 25 minutes with minimal anterior residual separation 20 minutes after traction was removed. Therefore, we allowed an interval of 30 minutes between the application of a load and foraminal space. This study used fresh frozen cadaveric spine specimens without the cranium and spine musculature. As such, the role of the spinal musculature was not assessed. Traction may play a role in neutralizing the weight of the head and in alleviating spasm in the paravertebral and cranial muscles. Smith14 found that foraminal measurements from reformatted three-dimensional CT images underestimated true foraminal measurements as measured by calipers. However, this is not likely to affect the conclusions of this study on the relative effects of flexion and traction on the foraminal space. Maximal flexion as defined in our study may not be tolerated well by patients and may be impractical as a treatment option. Our results supported the use of flexion with or without 251bs of traction to increase the foraminal volume and the crosssectional area at the isthmus of the foramen. In our trials with flexion at 15” and at maximal flexion, traction provided little additional benefit. Traction in the neutral position, however, did provide some degree of foraminal enlargement in both volume and isthmus area. The initial enlargement with traction alone likely represents the limit of elastic deformation by the soft tissues. The enlargement of the foramen with 15” of llexion and maximum flexion represents the posterior aspect of the superior vertebra as it is distracted away from the inferior vertebra. The small subsequent area and volume added by traction in flexion indicates that flexion pretensions the posterior soft tissues. A EFFECTS OF FLEXION AND TRACTION limitation of this study was that it used a static model without spinal musculature. It is possible that in the dynamic model traction may alleviate symptoms, including muscle spasms. Cervical neural impingement is a significant clinical problem with disability requiring treatment. Controversy exists as to treatment method. This cadaveric study indicates that Aexion plays a dominant role in increasing foratninal volume and area, with little additive effect of traction. References 1. Colachis SC, Strohm BR. A study of tractive forces and angle of pull on vertebral interspaces in the cervical spine. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1965;46:820-30. 2. 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Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1965;46:815-9. 22 Holmes A, Wang C, Han ZH, Dang GT. The range and nature of flexion-extension motion in the cervical spine. Spine 1994;19: 250510. 23 Crue BL. Importance of flexion in cervical traction for radiculitis. US Armed Forces Med J 1957;8:374-80. Suppliers a. General Electric Medical Systems, PO Box 414, Milwaukee, 53201. b. Lasico, 2451 Riverside Drive, Los Angeles, CA 90039. Arch Phys Med Rehabil Vol 79, September WI 1998