Spring 2011 EDUC 376/576 CROSS CULTURAL

EDUC 376/576
420 McCalmont Hall
(715) 232-1622
Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION...................................................................................................... 3
COURSE DESCRIPTION & GOALS ............................................................................ 3
OBJECTIVES OF EDUC 376/576 ............................................................................... 4
STUDENT RESPONSIBILITIES ................................................................................... 7
EVALUATION .......................................................................................................... 7
ENROLLED IN EDUC 376/576.................................................................................. 8
EXAMPLES OF ACCEPTABLE INVOLVEMENT ........................................................... 8
TEMPLATE FOR WRITING JOURNAL NOTES ............................................................ 9
SAMPLE LETTER FOR TRANSFER HOURS............................................................... 10
“ONCE PLACEMENT SITE IS CONFIRMED” FORM.................................................. 12
CROSS-CULTURAL EXPERIENCE VERIFICATON FORM ........................................... 13
FINAL REFLECTION PAPER EVALUATION SHEET.................................................. 199
Today’s teachers remain predominantly white while the student body is ethnically and
culturally diverse. If teachers are going to work effectively with all of their students, they
need to develop definite critical, creative, multicultural competencies. They need to view
differences among people as positive qualities, learn how to respect and affirm their
students’ cultural backgrounds, and understand the different life experiences and related
perceptions they bring to school. This knowledge is necessary if teachers are to prepare
students to live within a complex, multicultural society.
The EDUC 376/576 Cross Cultural Field Experience course provides real, actual, handson experience. Students will engage in 50 hours of direct involvement with students who
come from cultural backgrounds different from their own. These student populations are
defined by the Department of Public Instruction (DPI). For those seeking PK-12 licenses,
these hours need to be completed with students in a PK-12 educational setting. The
students can range in age from pre-school to young adults. Children birth to two or three
years of age should NOT be the primary population.
Pre-service teachers will undertake supervised field experience in an educational setting
with diverse students to meet the following goals. Working examples of these goals will
be available on the D2L content page for your EDUC 376/576 course (Section 12), or
your EDUC 336/536.
Increase their cultural awareness;
Enhance their cultural understanding;
Develop cultural sensitivity;
Learn about and demonstrate appreciation and respect for ethnic and cultural
Pre-service teachers will focus on acquiring the cultural knowledge, competence, skills,
and dispositions necessary to facilitate learning for all students.
Cross Cultural Field Experience Handbook
More specific course objectives cover the following Wisconsin Teaching Standards. In
addition to the above goals, during and at the end of the field experience, pre-service
teachers will be able to:
I. Reflect on their observations and practices with students from diverse groups.
II. Articulate the importance of equity and respect in the teaching and learning process.
III. Understand the influence of culture and identity and the impact of bias and
discrimination on education and learning.
IV. Articulate and demonstrate effective and meaningful educational practices for
students from diverse backgrounds.
V. Apply strategies to maximize meaningful student learning and other positive
outcomes for students in educational settings.
Graduate Objective:
VI. Evaluate a curriculum, teaching strategy/instructional technique or intervention
program to determine its effectiveness with students from diverse backgrounds.
Standard #1: The teacher understands the central concepts, tools of inquiry, and
structures of the discipline(s) s/he teaches and create learning experiences that make these
aspects of subject matter meaningful for students.
The teacher appreciates multiple perspectives and conveys to learners how
knowledge is developed from the vantage point of the learner.
Standard #2: The teacher understands how children learn and develop, and can provide
learning opportunities that support their intellectual, social, and personal development.
The teacher understands that students’ physical, social, emotional, moral and
cognitive development influence learning and knows how to address these factors when
making instructional decisions.
Standard #3: The teacher understands how students differ in their approaches to
learning and creates instructional opportunities that are adapted to diverse learners.
The teacher understands and can identify differences in approaches to learning and
performance, including different learning styles, multiple intelligences, and performance
modes, and can design instruction that helps use students’ strengths as the basis for
The teacher knows about the process of second language acquisition and about
strategies to support the learning of students whose first language is not English.
The teacher understands how students’ learning is influenced by individual
experiences, talents, and prior learning as well as language, culture, family and
community values.
Cross Cultural Field Experience Handbook
The teacher appreciates and values human diversity, show respect for students’
varied talents and perspectives, and is committed to the pursuit of “individually
configured excellence.”
The teacher is sensitive to community and cultural norms.
The teacher uses teaching approaches that are sensitive to the multiple experiences
of learners and that address different learning and performance modes.
The teacher seeks to understand students’ families, cultures, and communities, and
uses this information as a basis for connecting instructions to students’ experiences (e.g.,
drawing explicit connections between subject matter and community matters, making
assignments that can be related to students’ experiences and cultures).
The teacher brings multiple perspectives to the discussion of subject matter,
including attention to students’ personal, family, and community experiences and cultural
The teacher creates a learning community in which individual differences are
Standard #4: The teacher understands and uses a variety of instructional strategies to
encourage students’ development of critical thinking, problem solving, and performance
The teacher values flexibility and reciprocity in the teaching process as necessary
for adapting instruction to student responses, ideas, and needs.
The teacher uses multiple teaching and learning strategies to engage students in
active learning opportunities that promote the development of critical thinking, problem
solving, and performance capabilities and that help students assume responsibility for
identifying and using learning resources.
Standard #5: The teacher uses an understanding of individual and group motivation and
behavior to create learning environments that encourage positive social interactions,
active engagement in learning, and self-motivation.
The teacher knows how to help people work productively and cooperatively with
each other in complex social settings.
The teacher understands the principles of effective classroom management and can
use a range of strategies to promote positive relationships, cooperation and purposeful
learning in the classroom.
The teacher recognizes factors and situations that are likely to promote or diminish
intrinsic motivation, and knows how to help students become self-motivated.
The teacher engages students in individual and cooperative learning activities that
help them develop the motivation to achieve, be, for example, relating lessons to
students’ personal interests, allowing students to have choices in their learning, and
leading students to ask questions and pursue problems that are meaningful to them.
Cross Cultural Field Experience Handbook
Standard #6: The teacher uses knowledge of effective verbal, nonverbal, and media
communication techniques to foster active inquiry, collaboration, and supportive
interaction in the classroom.
The teacher understands how cultural and gender differences can affect
communication in the classroom.
The teacher recognizes the importance of nonverbal as well as verbal
The teacher appreciates the cultural dimensions of communication, responds
appropriately, and seeks to foster culturally sensitive communication by and among all
students in the class.
Standard #9: The teacher is a reflective practitioner who continually evaluates the
effects of his/her choices and actions on others (students, parents, and other professionals
in the learning community) and who actively seeks out opportunities to grow
The teacher understands critical frameworks for reflecting on teaching practice (e.g.,
frameworks from social, cultural and philosophical foundations of education).
The teacher uses classroom observation, information about students, cultural, social,
and philosophical frameworks, and research as sources for evaluating the outcomes of
teaching and learning and as a basis for reflecting on and revising practice.
Standard #10: The teacher fosters relationships with school colleagues, parents, and
agencies in the larger community to support students’ learning and well-being.
The teacher understands how factors in the students’ environment outside of school
(e.g., family circumstances, community environments, health and economic conditions)
may influence students’ lives and learning.
The teacher values and appreciates the importance of all aspects of a child’s
The teacher establishes respectful and productive relationships with parents and
guardians from diverse home and community situations, and seeks to develop cooperative
partnerships in support of student learning and well-being.
The teacher talks with and listens to the students, is sensitive and responsive to clues
of distress, investigates situations, and seeks outside help as needed and appropriate to
remedy problems. The teacher acts as an advocate for students.
Cross Cultural Field Experience Handbook
1) Personal Information form. This form will be completed on the first day of class.
Students should be given their assignment in the second week and begin in week two
or three.
2) Once Placement Is Confirmed Form. Students will fill out and submit this form to
420 McCalmont once their field placement site supervisors have confirmed their
placement and they are ready to begin or have begun their placement
3) Cross-Cultural Verification Form. We need numbers not checks on this form. Write
down how many students from different ethnic populations you have worked with.
DPI and NCATE have mandated that we provide you with teaching experience with
students from backgrounds other than your own and learn how to relate to all students
in this multicultural society. The form is due at the end of the semester.
4) Each student must obtain verification and submit a letter of request to transfer any
previous hours (maximum 25) of multicultural experience into EDUC 376/576.
5) Remember that this is an important part of your educational preparation. If you make
a commitment to a student, agency school, or club, it is your responsibility to follow
through. Failure to do so could reflect heavily on recommendation for certification.
Attainment of course goals and objectives of this course will be determined by evaluating
the following forms and paper. You will find the forms and templates in the handbook.
This handbook and a template for the Journal may also be found on D2L:
1) Rating Form: Give a copy to your supervisor to fill out and sign.
2) Journal: Each student must maintain an ongoing journal that demonstrates how s/he
has met the course goals and objectives with the target population(s). A blank journal
template is provided on page 9 of this handbook. The journal will be submitted to the
instructor on the last day of the semester, after completion of the 50 hours.
Midterm Journal: Students will email a page from their journals to the professor
after three weeks at their placements, during the week of 2/21. On receipt of this
page, the professor will provide students with feedback so they can evaluate the
extent to which there are meeting course goals and objectives.
3) Final Reflection Paper. For this paper, please respond to the categories on the
rubric, which is the last page in the handbook. Attach the rubric to a hard copy of your
paper before you hand it in. ALSO, place the paper in the drop box. (3-5 pages).
4) “Midterm” Interview: You are responsible for arranging an Interview with the
professor during the week of 3/7/11. At this time you will also be expected to
discuss your EDUC 336/576 research project.
Cross Cultural Field Experience Handbook
5) Graduates will be expected to complete an additional project: Evaluate a curriculum,
instructional technique or intervention program to determine its effectiveness with
students from diverse backgrounds.
Remember: For all education students seeking licensure in the PK-12 schools, all
placements need to be in settings that create opportunities to interact or work with PK-12
students from diverse backgrounds based on ethnicity, race, or language.
Sojourner Truth Academy, Minneapolis
Emerson Bilingual Elementary, Minneapolis
Anishinabe Academy, Minneapolis
A number of other higher diverse schools in the twin Cities
Lac du Flambeau Elementary School
Barron High School, Barron, Wisconsin
River Heights After School Program
Oaklawn Elementary, Menomonie
Menomonie Middle School/ Menomonie Middle School after school tutoring
Wakanda Elementary, Menomonie
Elk Mound Elementary
Milwaukee Public Schools
Headstart Programs
 Working in a tutoring relationship (i.e. supporting English Language Learners,
students from a ethnic background different from your own who need subject
matter support) with persons from a culture different from your own.
 With supervision, teaching a small group of students from a ethnic background
different from your own; and/or
Cross Cultural Field Experience Handbook
Date & Times of
First Name of Student(s)
Ethnicity, Grade Level
& School
What I did to meet EDUC 376/576 CrossCultural Goals and Objectives
Total Hours
Cross Cultural Field Experience Handbook
Work Site’s Letterhead
To whom it may concern:
This letter verifies that _________________ completed ____ hours of cross cultural field
experience from January, XXXX to March, XXXX.
_______________ worked at ______________ as an America Reads tutor. A large
married student housing complex for the University of Minnesota is located nearby. The
large majority of occupants are international students with their children. We always
have foreign born children in our classes, many of whom speak limited English or no
English. Most are from Korea, Mexico, India, Iran and Japan. ________ not only
tutored those students but also dealt with questions and concerns from parents. He/she
handled all situations with great ease and I know he/she enjoyed the diversity of our
student population.
I would be happy to answer any further questions you have concerning
______________’s experience.
Minneapolis Public Schools
Cross Cultural Field Experience Handbook
Name: _____________________________________________ ID # _____________________
Local/Home Address: _________________________________________________________
Phone Number ______________________________ E-Mail _________________________
Major:_______________ ___FR ___Soph ___Jr ___Sr ___Grad _______Exp. Grad Date
Do you have transportation ____Yes ____No
Foreign Language Training? ___Yes ___No What language?_____________ Yrs?____
Have you taken any reading methods courses? ____ Which? _______________________
Semester that you registered for? Fall 201_, Winterm 201_, Spring 201_, or Summer 201_
Do you have any previous experience working with diverse populations? ___Yes___No
Please explain: ________________________________________________________________
Preferred Placement___________________________________________________________
Cross Cultural Field Experience Handbook
Name____________________________________________ ID#_______________________________
Name of School______________________________________________________________________
Name of Group__________________________________________ Size of Group _______________
Your Role
Description of Experience and Duties____________________________________________________
Supervisor’s Name and Title
Date From:____________________ Date To: ____________________ Estimated Hours _________
Days and Times Committed
Experience is:
________Cross Cultural Field Experience (EDUC-376/576)
________Self-initiated volunteer experience
________Other (specify)_____________________________________
If this is a self initiated experience, write name, title, and address of the official who gave you permission to have this
Approved _______________________________________________ Date______________________
University Supervisor
File the following form in Room 420 McCalmont Hall
Address _____________________________________________ Major__________________
Location of Experience: ________________________________________________________
Cooperating Supervisor ___________________________
University Supervisor:_________________________________________________________
Number of Clock Hours Expected ___________
Date From:________________
Date To:_______________
Number of Clock Hours Completed________________
Total number of persons worked with in this cross-cultural experience_______
Number who were:
_____African American
_____American Indian
_____Other Asian American
_____Foreign Born Person of Color
_____Other (please describe)______________________________________________
Describe exactly what you did:
___Other: ___________________________________________
Cross Cultural Field Experience Handbook
___Led activities
Circle one:
Midterm Final
Student: _________________________________________Semester: Fall
Degree Program or Area and Course Number: ______________________
Date: ___________________
Spring Summer
Year: ___________________
Grade Level:______________ID#: ________________
P = Proficient (performs competently at an experienced student teacher or practicum student); B = Basic (performs successfully as beginning
student teacher or practicum student); E = Emerging (performs with minimal competency; regular supervision required); U =
Unsatisfactory/Incomplete (requires more knowledge/experience); N/O = Not Observed (competency not observed)
Please check each of the following competencies in the space that best represents
your judgment of the student’s clinical performance based on the Wisconsin Teacher(4)
Standards. (*Related Danielson Domains/Components)
(3) (2)
School-Based Supervisor
The pre-service teacher demonstrates awareness of the cultural backgrounds of the
students they have been working with in their field placement.
Relevant WI Teacher Standard(s)
1. Teachers know the subjects they are teaching/educators know the content of their profession.
2. Teachers/educators know how children grow.
9. Teachers/educators are able to evaluate themselves.
1b.Demonstrating Knowledge of Students*
Demonstrating knowledge of core cross-cultural issues*
Demonstrating knowledge, respect & validation of differing values, cultures and beliefs, including race,
ethnicity, class, age, gender and sexual orientation*
2a.Creating an Environment of Respect and Rapport*
2b.Establishing a Culture for Learning*
3c.Engaging Students in Learning*
Understanding the cultural context that varies with students*
3e.Demonstrating Flexibility and Responsiveness*
Demonstrating cultural knowledge of students*
Demonstrating knowledge of the effects of bias, stereotyping, discrimination, and racism*
4a.Reflecting on Teaching* or Practice*
4e.Growing and Developing Professionally*
4f. Demonstrating self assessment, reflection & self-awareness of own culture, assumptions,
stereotypes, and biases*
The pre-service teacher demonstrates understanding of the cultural needs of
the students they have been working with in their field placement.
Relevant WI Teacher Standard(s)
1. Teachers know the subjects they are teaching/educators know the content of their profession.
2. Teachers/educators know how children grow.
3. Teachers/educators understand that children learn differently.
9. Teachers/educators are able to evaluate themselves.
1b.Demonstrating Knowledge of Students*
Demonstrating knowledge of core cross-cultural issues*
Demonstrating knowledge, respect & validation of differing values, cultures and beliefs, including
race, ethnicity, class, age, gender and sexual orientation*
2a.Creating an Environment of Respect and Rapport*
2b.Establishing a Culture for Learning*
3c.Engaging Students in Learning*
Understanding the cultural context that varies with students*
3e.Demonstrating Flexibility and Responsiveness*
Demonstrating cultural knowledge of students*
Demonstrating knowledge of the effects of bias, stereotyping, discrimination, and racism*
4a.Reflecting on Teaching* or Practice*
4e.Growing and Developing Professionally*
4f.Demonstrating self assessment, reflection & self-awareness of own culture, assumptions,
stereotypes, and biases*
Cross Cultural Field Experience Handbook
The pre-service teacher demonstrates cultural sensitivity in building
relationship with students.
Relevant WI Teacher Standard(s)
1. Teachers know the subjects they are teaching/educators know the content of their profession.
2. Teachers/educators know how children grow.
3. Teachers/educators understand that children learn differently.
9. Teachers/educators are able to evaluate themselves.
1b.Demonstrating Knowledge of Students*
Demonstrating knowledge of core cross-cultural issues*
Demonstrating knowledge, respect & validation of differing values, cultures and beliefs, including
race, ethnicity, class, age, gender and sexual orientation*
2a.Creating an Environment of Respect and Rapport*
2b.Establishing a Culture for Learning*
3c.Engaging Students in Learning*
Understanding the cultural context that varies with students*
3e.Demonstrating Flexibility and Responsiveness*
Demonstrating cultural knowledge of students*
Demonstrating knowledge of the effects of bias, stereotyping, discrimination, and racism*
4a.Reflecting on Teaching* or Practice*
4e.Growing and Developing Professionally*
4f.Demonstrating self assessment, reflection & self-awareness of own culture, assumptions,
stereotypes, and biases*
The pre-service teacher acquires and demonstrates appreciation for ethnic
diversity, & understands that children learn differently.
Relevant WI Teacher Standard(s)
2. Teachers/educators know how children grow.
3. Teachers/educators understand that children learn differently.
9. Teachers/educators are able to evaluate themselves.
1b.Demonstrating Knowledge of Students*
Demonstrating knowledge of core cross-cultural issues*
Demonstrating knowledge, respect & validation of differing values, cultures and beliefs, including
race, ethnicity, class, age, gender and sexual orientation*
2a.Creating an Environment of Respect and Rapport*
2b.Establishing a Culture for Learning*
3c.Engaging Students in Learning*
Understanding the cultural context that varies with students*
3e.Demonstrating Flexibility and Responsiveness*
Demonstrating cultural knowledge of students*
Demonstrating knowledge of the effects of bias, stereotyping, discrimination, and racism*
4a.Reflecting on Teaching* or Practice*
4e.Growing and Developing Professionally*
4f.Demonstrating self assessment, reflection & self-awareness of own culture, assumptions,
stereotypes, and biases*
Cross Cultural Field Experience Handbook
Please check each of the following competencies in the space that best represents
your judgment of the student’s clinical performance based on the Wisconsin
Teacher Standards. (*Related Danielson Domains/Components)
(4) (3) (2) (1)
School-Based Supervisor
V. Reflect on your observations and practices with individuals from
diverse groups
Relevant WI Teacher Standard(s)
1. Teachers know the subjects they are teaching/educators know the content of their
2. Teachers/educators know how children grow.
3. Teachers/educators understand that children learn differently.
7. Teachers/educators are able to plan different kinds of lessons/services
9. Teachers/educators are able to evaluate themselves.
1b.Demonstrating Knowledge of Students*
Demonstrating knowledge of core cross-cultural issues*
Demonstrating knowledge, respect & validation of differing values, cultures and beliefs,
including race, ethnicity, class, age, gender and sexual orientation*
2a.Creating an Environment of Respect and Rapport*
2b. Establishing a Culture for Learning*
3c. Engaging Students in Learning*
Understanding the cultural context that varies with students*
3e. Demonstrating Flexibility and Responsiveness*
Demonstrating cultural knowledge of students*
Demonstrating knowledge of the effects of bias, stereotyping, discrimination, and racism*
4a. Reflecting on Teaching* or Practice*
4e. Growing and Developing Professionally*
4f. Demonstrating self assessment, reflection & self-awareness of own culture, assumptions,
stereotypes, and biases*
VI. Articulate the importance of equity and respect in the teaching
and learning process.
Relevant WI Teacher Standard(s)
9. Teachers/educators are able to evaluate themselves.
1b.Demonstrating Knowledge of Students*
Demonstrating knowledge of core cross-cultural issues*
Demonstrating knowledge, respect & validation of differing values, cultures and
beliefs, including race, ethnicity, class, age, gender and sexual orientation*
2a.Creating an Environment of Respect and Rapport*
2b.Establishing a Culture for Learning*
3c.Understanding the cultural context that varies with students*
3e.Demonstrating Flexibility and Responsiveness*
Demonstrating cultural knowledge of students*
Demonstrating knowledge of the effects of bias, stereotyping, discrimination, and
4a.Reflecting on Teaching* or Practice*
4e.Growing and Developing Professionally*
4f. Demonstrating self assessment, reflection & self-awareness of own culture,
assumptions, stereotypes, and biases*
Cross Cultural Field Experience Handbook
Understand the influence of culture and identity, and the
potential impact of bias, power, and discrimination on
education and learning.
Relevant WI Teacher Standard(s)
1. Teachers know the subjects they are teaching/educators know the content of their
2. Teachers/educators know how children grow.
3. Teachers/educators understand that children learn differently.
7. Teachers/educators are able to plan different kinds of lessons/services
9. Teachers/educators are able to evaluate themselves.
1b.Demonstrating Knowledge of Students*
Demonstrating knowledge of core cross-cultural issues*
Demonstrating knowledge, respect & validation of differing values, cultures and beliefs,
including race, ethnicity, class, age, gender and sexual orientation*
2a.Creating an Environment of Respect and Rapport*
2b.Establishing a Culture for Learning*
3c.Understanding the cultural context that varies with students*
3e.Demonstrating Flexibility and Responsiveness*
Demonstrating cultural knowledge of students*
Demonstrating knowledge of the effects of bias, stereotyping, discrimination, and racism*
4a. Reflecting on Teaching* or Practice*
4f. Demonstrating self assessment, reflection & self-awareness of own culture, assumptions,
stereotypes, and biases*
VIII. Demonstrate effective and meaningful educational practices
for students from diverse backgrounds.
Relevant WI Teacher Standard(s)
1. Teachers know the subjects they are teaching/educators know the content of their
2. Teachers/educators know how children grow.
3. Teachers/educators understand that children learn differently.
7. Teachers/educators are able to plan different kinds of lessons/services
9. Teachers/educators are able to evaluate themselves.
1b. Demonstrating Knowledge of Students*
Demonstrating knowledge of core cross-cultural issues*
Demonstrating knowledge, respect & validation of differing values, cultures and beliefs,
including race, ethnicity, class, age, gender and sexual orientation*
2a. Creating an Environment of Respect and Rapport*
2b. Establishing a Culture for Learning*
3c. Engaging Students in Learning*
Understanding the cultural context that varies with students*
3e. Demonstrating Flexibility and Responsiveness*
Demonstrating cultural knowledge of students*
Demonstrating knowledge of the effects of bias, stereotyping, discrimination, and racism*
4a. Reflecting on Teaching* or Practice*
4e. Growing and Developing Professionally*
4f. Demonstrating self assessment, reflection & self-awareness of own culture, assumptions,
stereotypes, and biases*
Cross Cultural Field Experience Handbook
IX. Apply strategies to maximize student learning and other positive
outcomes for students in the educational setting.
Relevant WI Teacher Standard(s)
1. Teachers know the subjects they are teaching/educators know the content of their
2. Teachers/educators know how children grow.
3. Teachers/educators understand that children learn differently.
7. Teachers/educators are able to plan different kinds of lessons/services
9. Teachers/educators are able to evaluate themselves.
1b. Demonstrating Knowledge of Students*
Demonstrating knowledge of core cross-cultural issues*
Demonstrating knowledge, respect & validation of differing values, cultures and beliefs,
including race, ethnicity, class, age, gender and sexual orientation*
2a. Creating an Environment of Respect and Rapport*
2b. Establishing a Culture for Learning*
3c. Engaging Students in Learning*
Understanding the cultural context that varies with students*
3e. Demonstrating Flexibility and Responsiveness*
Demonstrating cultural knowledge of students*
Demonstrating knowledge of the effects of bias, stereotyping, discrimination, and racism*
Student Comments:
State strengths and areas for growth and how you are addressing these.
School-Based Supervisor Comments:
Supervisor: _______________________________
Date: ________________
University Supervisor Signature and Date: __________________________________________________________________________________
(University Signature Required Only for Midterm and Final Evaluation)
Cross Cultural Field Experience Handbook
1. Did the student thoroughly reflect on his or her observations and practices?
Not at all (0)
Somewhat (1)
Yes (2)
Very well (3)
Exceedingly well (4)
2. Did the student address the importance of equity and respect in the teaching and learning
Not at all (0)
Somewhat (1)
Yes (2)
Very well (3)
Exceedingly well (4)
3. Did the student describe the influence of culture and identity the potential impact of bias
and discrimination on education and learning in the educational context?
Not at all (0)
Somewhat (1)
Yes (2)
Very well (3)
Exceedingly well (4)
4. Does the student identify and describe effective and meaningful practices observed or
practiced in the educational setting?
Not at all (0)
Somewhat (1)
Yes (2)
Very well (3)
Exceedingly well (4)
5. Did the student identify potential strategies to maximize student learning or other
outcomes for students in the educational setting?
Not at all (0) Somewhat (1)
Yes (2)
Very well (3)
Exceedingly well (4)
6. Did the student use correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation?
Not at all (0) Somewhat (1)
Yes (2)
Very well (3)
Exceedingly well (4)
Cross Cultural Field Experience Handbook