AACSB APPEAL PROCEDURE FOR ACCREDITATION DECISIONS Only the following adverse decisions may be appealed: (1) Denial of initial accreditation, (2) Revocation of accredited status, or (3) During the process of establishing eligibility, seeking initial AACSB accreditation, removal from the initial accreditation process by the Initial Accreditation Committee or the Accounting Accreditation Committee. The status of the business school or accounting unit will remain unchanged pending the outcome of an appeal. The only bases for an appeal are violations of written AACSB procedures or that the decision appealed is arbitrary and capricious and in substantial disregard of material facts. The procedures for an appeal are: 1. A business school or accounting unit's request for an appeal hearing must be submitted in writing to the AACSB International president within thirty (30) days of notification of the negative decision. The basis of appeal must be clearly stated and relate directly to AACSB accreditation standards or processes. 2. When an appeal is filed, an Appeal Panel will be convened. Members of the Appeal Panel shall be drawn from among the members of the Accreditation Council who have no connection to the appellant and did not participate in the adverse action being appealed from. 3. Upon receipt of the request for appeal, and within thirty (30) days of receipt of the appeal request, the AACSB board chair (or designee) shall provide the appellant business school or accounting unit with the names of three Accreditation Council member representatives willing to serve on an appeal panel, from which the appellant shall select one person to serve on the appeal panel. The appellant may require the submission of a new list of three Accreditation Council members if it finds that all three of the initial submissions have a demonstrable conflict of interest and therefore should not so serve. 4. The appellant business school or accounting unit shall concurrently provide AACSB with three names of Accreditation Council member representatives willing to serve on the appeal panel within thirty (30) days of delivery of the appeal request, from which AACSB Board Chair (or designee) must select one person to serve on the panel. AACSB’s representative may require the submission of a new list of three Accreditation Council members if it finds that all three of the initial submissions have a demonstrable conflict of interest and therefore should not so serve. 5. Within twenty-one (21) days of confirmation of their selection, the two members thus chosen shall select a third member willing to serve on the appeal panel from the AACSB International Effective: August 2012 Accreditation Council or a non-educational AACSB member representative. If any members of the Appeal Panel subsequently are unwilling to serve, the process is repeated and the time frame may be extended by agreement of all parties. 6. For accounting accreditation appeals, Accreditation Council representatives shall include accounting program directors or faculty members from schools possessing accounting accreditation. 7. The appeal panel shall not include any members of the peer review team, accreditation committees, or Board of Directors who participated in the process leading to the decision under appeal. Appeal panel members should possess knowledge of the respective accounting or business accreditation process which is subject to the appeal. 8. The three appeal panel members shall choose one of its members to serve as chair. The appeal panel chair shall determine the date of the appeal hearing and shall notify all parties at least thirty (30) days in advance of the appeal hearing. The appeal hearing shall be an open proceeding unless the appellant business school or accounting unit requests that it be closed. The appeal hearing date shall be within six (6) months of notification of the adverse decision and will take place at the AACSB International Headquarters location. 9. AACSB staff shall provide each panel member and all participating parties with copies of all correspondence, reports, and other materials relating to the decision being appealed, along with a copy of the request for appeal. 10. All costs and expenses incurred by AACSB in providing for the appeal hearing, expenses of the appeal hearing panel, and all other expenses (exclusive of legal fees, if any) in connection with the appeal shall be borne by the appellant business school or accounting unit. This includes the meeting costs and travel costs of the appeal panel and AACSB’s and the host business school or accounting unit’s staff and representatives at the hearing. A deposit for estimated expenses is required to be submitted by the appellant business school or accounting unit within thirty (30) days of receipt of the appeal request. Additional expenses will be paid by the appellant school or refunds of deposits will be reimbursed immediately following the hearing. 11. Either party of the appeal hearing panel may request a transcript of the hearing. The request for a transcript must be sent to the appeal panel chair at least twenty (20) days before the date of the hearing. Costs of the transcript will be shared equally by the appellant business school or accounting unit and AACSB. Any legal fees incurred by AACSB shall be paid by the corporation. 12. The appeal hearing shall be conducted in accordance with procedures determined by the panel. Representatives of the appellant business school or accounting unit and AACSB shall have the right to appear before the panel, to present evidence, to crossexamine witnesses, to be represented by counsel, and to present oral argument, all within the limitations prescribed by the panel chair. All evidence presented must relate AACSB International Effective: August 2012 to the facts and circumstances that existed at the time of the original decision. New evidence regarding facts and circumstances for periods after the original decision date is not allowed. The appeal hearing shall normally proceed in the following order (clarifying questions may be raised at any stage): Appellant business school or accounting unit presents its case AACSB presents rebuttal Rebuttal by appellant, if desired Summation by AACSB Summation by appellant business school or accounting unit 13. In reviewing the decision, the appeal hearing panel shall be limited to consideration of facts that existed at the appellant business school or accounting unit prior to and at the time of the decision, not on changes in conditions since the decision or the appellant business school or accounting unit's plans for change. Subject to the professional judgment of the appeal panel, the decision shall be sustained by the appeal hearing panel unless the appellant business school or accounting unit shows by clear and convincing evidence that the decision being appealed is arbitrary and capricious and in substantial disregard of material facts in existence at the time of the original decision. For a procedural or process error by AACSB to constitute grounds for reversal, the appellant business school or accounting unit must show that it has been prejudiced by such error. 14. The appeal panel must either reverse or sustain the decision being appealed. If a majority of the appeal panel votes to reverse the decision by a majority vote, the decision is reversed; otherwise, the decision is sustained. 15. The appeal panel decision shall be in writing and shall include a statement of the grounds for the decision. The decision shall be submitted to the appellant business school or accounting unit and AACSB within thirty (30) days of the hearing. 16. The decision of the appeal panel shall be final. 17. All parties to the appeal process (including members of the appeal hearing panel) are expected to adhere to the time schedule stated in the steps of the Appeal Procedure. All parties should be notified immediately if any extension of time is required, and for good cause the appeal panel may grant reasonable extensions to the appellant or AACSB. Delinquency of more than fifteen (15) days on the part of the business school or accounting unit shall be grounds for the panel to declare the appeal withdrawn. AACSB International Effective: August 2012