List of Conference Participants

List of Conference Participants
List of Conference Participants
Grant Belchamber
Senior Research Officer
Australian Council of Trade Unions
Leo Bonato
Economics Department
Reserve Bank of New Zealand
Jeff Borland
Visiting Fellow
Centre for Economic Policy Research
The Australian National University
John Buchanan
Deputy Director
Australian Centre for Industrial
Relations Research and Training
The University of Sydney
Bruce Chapman
Professor of Economics and Director
Centre for Economic Policy Research
The Australian National University
Peter Dawkins
Professor of Economics and Director
The Melbourne Institute of Applied
Economic and Social Research
The University of Melbourne
Guy Debelle
Senior Research Economist
Reserve Bank of Australia
Mardi Dungey
Department of Economics
La Trobe University
Claudia Goldin
Professor of Economics
Harvard University and
Visiting Scholar
The Russell Sage Foundation
Bob Gregory
Professor of Economics
Research School of Social Sciences
Australian National University
Stephen Grenville
Deputy Governor
Reserve Bank of Australia
David Gruen
Head of Economic Research
Reserve Bank of Australia
Nicholas Gruen
Assistant Director
Business Council of Australia
Keith Hancock
Honorary Research Fellow
The University of Adelaide
Ann Harding
Professor of Economics
and Director
National Centre for Social and
Economic Modelling
University of Canberra
Barry Hughes
Chief Economist
Credit Suisse First Boston
Jacqui Dwyer
Senior Economist
(Prices, Wages and Labour)
Reserve Bank of Australia
Richard Jackman
Professor of Economics
Centre for Economic Performance
The London School of Economics and
Political Science
Malcolm Edey
Head of Economic Analysis
Reserve Bank of Australia
Lawrence Katz
Professor of Economics
Harvard University
John Freebairn
Professor of Economics
The University of Melbourne
Michael Keating
Visiting Fellow
The Research School of Social Sciences
The Australian National University
Peter Kenyon
Professor of Economics and Director
Institute for Research into
International Competitiveness
Curtin University of Technology
Philip Lowe
Head of System Stability
Reserve Bank of Australia
Alison McClelland
Deputy President
Australian Council of Social Service
Warwick McKibbin
Professor of Economics
Research School of Pacific
and Asian Studies
The Australian National University
David Maré
Research and Monitoring
Department of Labour, New Zealand
John Martin
Deputy Director
Directorate for Education,
Employment, Labour and Social
Organisation for Economic
Co-operation and Development
John Nevile
Emeritus Professor
School of Economics
The University of New South Wales
Adrian Pagan
Professor of Economics
Research School of Social Sciences
Australian National University
List of Conference Participants
John Pitchford
Emeritus Professor and Visiting Fellow
The Research School of Social Sciences
The Australian National University
Gary Potts
Deputy Secretary
The Treasury
John Quiggin
Professor of Economics
James Cook University of
North Queensland
Chris Richardson
Access Economics
Sue Richardson
Associate Professor of Economics
The University of Adelaide
Steve Sedgwick
Department of Employment, Education,
Training and Youth Affairs
Judith Sloan
Professor of Labour Studies
and Director
National Institute of Labour Studies
The Flinders University
of South Australia
Glenn Stevens
Assistant Governor (Economic)
Reserve Bank of Australia
Mark Wooden
Professor of Economics and
Deputy Director
National Institute of Labour Studies
The Flinders University
of South Australia