Population Genetics (Chp. 13-15) Allele Frequencies- Chp. 13 pp. 263-276 Changing Allele Frequencies- Chp. 14 pp. 277-298 Origins of Evolution- Chp. pp. 15 299-322 Study genetics on different levels (the order that this class has been in) 1. 2. 3. 4. Biochemical level- Nitrogenous bases, genes, amino acid, protein Organismal level- individuals of different organisms Population level- Humans in a certain area/race/country/continents/classroom Other levels (Human Race) Chapter 13 Population- any group of members of the same species in a given geographical area at a specific time Population genetics – a branch that considers all of the alleles in a population which constitute a gene pool Gene Flow- the movement of alleles due to migration between populations I. Importance- use allele frequencies to track genetic variants a. Microevolution-small steps in genetic change b. Changes happen when i. Individuals of one genotype are more likely to produce offspring with each other than those of other genotypes. (non random mating) ii. Individuals migrate iii. Reproductively isolated groups form within larger population (genetic drift) iv. mutation introduces new alleles into a population v. People with a particular genotype are more likely to produce viable, fertile offspring under a specific environmental condition than individuals of other genotypes (natural selection) c. Macroevolution-formation of a new species (two individuals of the opposite sex can no longer reproduce) d. Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium-frequencies of alleles stays constant (very rare) i. Hardy - math, Weinberg - geneticist ii. In order for alleles to stay the same the following must be met. 1. Random Mating2. No migration 3. Mutation does not occur 4. Characteristics of the offspring are not selected against by the environment 5. Population is very large iii. Equation- (fig. 13.1) 1. p = dominant alleles and q = recessive alleles 2. p + q = 1.0 3. p2 + 2pq + q2 = 1.0 (p2 = homozygous dominant, 2pq = heterozygous, q2 = homozygous recessive) II. Practical Applications- in order to use the equation we need to know the frequency of one genotype (usually the homozygous recessive) a. Use known incidence of condition in the population to tell people their chances of producing offspring with different condition b. X-Linked traits alter this equation III. DNA Finger Printing- calculate probabilities that certain genetic variants occur in two places by chance (fig 13.4 and 13.5) a. Restriction Enzymes-cut DNA at particular short sequences b. SNPs (single nucleotide polymorphisms)- create different fragment lengths that can be mapped. c. Electrophoresis separates fragments of different sizes d. Population Statistics are used to interpret DNA fingerprint (tracked alleles must fit HardyWeinberg- not protein encoding genes) Chapter 14 I. II. III. IV. V. Nonrandom matinga. Choose mates (can alter Hardy-Weinberg by using a selection coefficient) b. Disproportionate contribution to the next generation c. Cultural traditions / Inbreeding i. Can figure out the inbreeding coefficient (F) by manipulating Hardy-Weinberg ii. When inbreeding happens the amount of heterozygous genotypes is reduced iii. The measurement is called heterozygosity (2pq –H)__ iv. F = 2pq Where H = observed heterozygosity v. F = 0 (no inbreeding) vi. F = 1 (self fertilization) Migration a. Tracked using historical, geographical, and Linguistic clues b. Must be accounted for using modifications to Hardy-Weinberg i. q = m │(q – qm)│ 1. m = rate of migration (# of migrants ÷ #of natives) 2. q = change in recessive allele frequency 3. qm = recessive allele frequency of the immigrants Genetic Drift- changes in gene frequencies because small groups are separated a. Founder Effect- small groups of people leave their homes i. Can amplify certain allele frequencies b. Population Bottleneck- when many members of a group die i. only a few individuals are left to replenish the population Mutation a. introduces new alleles Natural Selection- survival rate changed based on phenotypes a. phenotypes therefore change genotypes and allele frequencies b. can remove alleles or retain alleles c. Balanced Polymorphism- retaining “bad” alleles because the heterozygote has an advantage i. this allows disease-causing alleles to persist ii. ex: carriers for sickle cell are resistant to malaria Chapter 15 (Covered using a PowerPoint) I. II. III. IV. Human Origins Molecular Evolution Molecular Clocks Eugenics