Cells & Heredity: Chapter 3 Study Guide! Vocabulary

Name: ____________________________
Cells & Heredity: Chapter 3 Study Guide!
Vocabulary: Know the definitions and concepts that go with each term
1. Trait ___________________________________________________________________
2. Heredity ________________________________________________________________
3. Genetics ________________________________________________________________
4. Purebred ________________________________________________________________
5. Gene ___________________________________________________________________
6. Allele __________________________________________________________________
7. Dominant allele __________________________________________________________
8. Recessive allele __________________________________________________________
9. Hybrid _________________________________________________________________
10. Probability ______________________________________________________________
11. Punnett square ___________________________________________________________
12. Phenotype _______________________________________________________________
13. Genotype _______________________________________________________________
14. Homozygous ____________________________________________________________
15. Heterozygous ____________________________________________________________
16. Codominance ____________________________________________________________
17. Meiosis ________________________________________________________________
18. Messenger RNA __________________________________________________________
19. Transfer RNA ____________________________________________________________
20. Chromosomes ___________________________________________________________
21. Codominant traits _________________________________________________________
22. Cytoplasm ______________________________________________________________
23. Mutation ________________________________________________________________
24. Protein synthesis _________________________________________________________
Key Ideas:
1) Gregor Mendel’s work was the foundation for understanding why offspring
have traits ______________ to their parents.
2) According to the chromosome theory of inheritance, genes are carried from
parents to offspring on _____________________.
3) When a plant has two recessive alleles for short stems, its alleles are written
as ________
4) When a plant has one dominant and one recessive allele, its alleles are
written as _______
5) When a plant has two dominant alleles, its alleles are written as __________
6) If a coin lands heads up once, then there is a ________ percent chance that
the coin will land heads up the next time.
7) Unlike DNA, RNA contains the nitrogen base _____________.
Key Concepts:
1) Be able to analyze a given Punnett square. More specifically, be able to
classify the genotypes and phenotypes of the offspring. Also, be able to
identify what percentage of the offspring will have each phenotype.
2) Be able to describe what occurs during the process of protein synthesis.
3) Be able to explain why messenger RNA is necessary for protein synthesis.