World Literature Final Research Paper/Presentation Yearlong Project


World Literature

Final Research Paper/Presentation

Yearlong Project

Over the course of the year, we have worked extensively on this yearlong project. You have researched authors, chosen one to focus on, read a text by your author, written a book critique, and responded to others’ reviews of this text. You have invested a lot of time in

‘getting to know’ your author.

As a culmination of this project, you will write a research paper and give a presentation that not only shares your research about your author, but also gives you the opportunity to convince your classmates and your instructor that your author and/or text should (or should not) be included in the World Literature curriculum.


 Paper will need to be 3-5 pages (double spaced)

 MLA format: Correct in-text citation and MLA works cited page

 Must incorporate at least 5 sources (please use a combination of actual books, online databases through the media center website, and the Internet. Websites used must be credible—no Wikipedia!) Some of the sources will be the ones you originally found back in

September, but you may need to do additional research to really give enough information on your person.

 Paper must be an argument as to why (or why not) your person/text should be incorporated into the World Literature curriculum.

 Oral presentation (5-8 minutes) with visuals. This should not be a reading of your paper, but rather the opportunity to talk to us about your author/text and its merits. You should incorporate information you found and used in your paper, but prepare an actual presentation of this information for us. Please feel free to use posters, overheads, or power point to get your information across. Do NOT stand up there and read information to us!



Tuesday, March 30 th

Monday, April 19 th

Tuesday, April 20 th

Thursday, April 22 nd

Friday, April 23 rd

May 3 rd -May 7 th

May 7 th - May 18 th

Thursday, May 20 th &

Friday, May 21 st

Go over requirements for final paper/presentation

Lab for additional research/start drafting paper

Lab to draft

Lab to draft

Lab to draft/turn-in draft to me by end of period

Conference with me about your paper (50 points)

Revise paper/Prepare presentation

Final presentations/turn-in portfolio

 Your portfolio should be put in a 2-pocket folder and must include all parts of your yearlong project.

Note about grading:

I will provide you with a rubric for the paper/presentation in May.

The paper is worth 100 points and the presentation is worth 50 points. In addition, the conference with me is worth 50 points.

You will turn in the portfolio with all of your work to document the process of your yearlong project. The portfolio will not be worth points, but I will give 20 points of extra credit for a complete portfolio. o Your portfolio should include:

 Initial research on your five authors (with a grade)

 MLA works cited page for your initial research

 Formal proposal (compare/contrast) on your two authors (with a grade)

 Signature on your proposal documenting our conference in November

 Book critique (with a grade)

 Summary/Responses (with a grade)

 Rough draft of paper with my comments

 Signature on your rough draft documenting our conference in May

 Final paper and formal works cited page

Note about final project presentations:

You will sign-up for a presentation slot prior to the presentation days and are expected to be ready on that day. Just so there isn’t any misunderstanding….

If you are not ready to go on the day you are supposed to present, you will receive a

ZERO for the entire paper/presentation (150 points)

If you have an unexcused absence on the day you are supposed to present you will receive a ZERO for the entire paper/presentation (150 points).
