International LNG Trade The Emergence of a Short-Term Market by Panagiotis G. Athanasopoulos M. Sc. Marine and Ocean Technology and Science National Technical University of Athens, 2004 Dipl. Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering National Technical University of Athens, 2001 SUBMITTED TO THE DEPARTMENT OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE IN OCEAN SYSTEMS MANAGEMENT AT THE MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY JUNE 2006 C Panagiotis G. Athanasopoulos, MMVI. All rights reserved The author hereby grants to MIT permission to reproduce and to distribute publicly paper and electronic copies of this thesis document in whole or in part in any medium now known or hereafter created. Signature of the author.................... ................................... DepartiieiifiTMeehanical Engineering May 12, 2006 A C ertified by ................................... Dr. Henry Accepted by........................... MASSACHUSETTS INSITIfITE. ..........-:......... 9. . . .. .... . .. . .. - N .......................... Dr. Lallit Anand, Professor of Mechanical Engineering Chairman, Department Committee in Graduate Student OF TECHNOLOGY JUL 14 2006 LIBRARIES .............. . .................... Marcus, Professor of Marine Systems Thesis Supervisor ARCHIVES Page intentionally left blank 2 International LNG Trade The Emergence of a Short-Term Market by Panagiotis G. Athanasopoulos Submitted to the Department of Mechanical Engineering on May 12, 2006 in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Ocean Systems Management ABSTRACT Natural gas is estimated to be the fastest growing component of world primary energy consumption. Liquefied natural gas (LNG) supply chain is a way of transporting natural gas over seas, by following a procedure of gas liquefaction, transportation in specialized tankers and regasification. During the last decade the LNG market changed substantial with the emergence of a short-term market. Analysis was performed examining the needs, the conditions and the risks of this change. The implications of the short-term market were investigated and an assessment was made regarding the future of a global LNG market. Certain risk management approaches were introduced and the implications of cost reduction in the LNG supply chain were examined. A computer model was created to investigate the profitability, on behalf of the shipowner, of three short-term trading routes. The future liquefaction and regasification capacity were presented, along with the future growth of the LNG fleet. Finally, a forecast for the future level of the LNG short-term trade was conducted. Thesis Supervisor: Dr. Henry S. Marcus Title: Professor of Marine Systems 3 AKNOWLEDGEMENTS I am indebted and very grateful to my Thesis Supervisor, Dr. Henry S. Marcus, for his support and guidance not only during the preparation of this study, but also during the whole time that I have spent in MIT. Furthermore, I would like to thank my friends Takis, Nikos, Despoina, Sofia, Michalis, Dimitris, George and Christina, Charis and Stavroula for their care and support during the whole course. Dora has a very special place in my heart and I thank her for her love and support. Being there for me each time I needed her gave me the strength to carry on. Last, but definitely not least, I would like to thank my family, George, Amalia, Chrysoula and Charilaos for providing me the opportunity of studying in MIT and helping me, in numerous ways, on the completion of my studies. I dedicate this Thesis to my grandmother Maria whose words still vividly sound in my ears: "Bpe KepX! Ba~t(dipe! Tdiar poo U\V TOV iXa VY60, Paoti; Oa toD Etqa.........' 4 va yivrtg! Na To iub? 9a to it6! MOpt TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT .......................................................................................................................... 3 AKNOWLEDGEMENTS ............................................................................................... 4 TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................................. 5 LIST OF FIGURES .......................................................................................................... 9 LIST OF TABLES .......................................................................................................... 12 NOMENCLATURE AND ACRONYMS ...................................................................... 13 CHAPTER 1 - INTRODUCTION.....................................1 B AC K GR OU N D ................................................................................................................... 15 P URPO SE ........................................................................................................................... 17 PR O CEDU RE ...................................................................................................................... 18 CHAPTER 2 - INTERNATIONAL LNG TRADE........................................................19 GLOBAL NATURAL GAS CONSUMPTION.........................................................................19 EVOLUTION OF LNG TRADE .......................................................................................... 22 LNG EXPORTING COUNTRIES-LIQUEFACTION PLANTS .................................................. 26 LNG IMPORTING COUNTRIES-REGASIFICATION PLANTS ............................................. 28 CURRENT LNG FLEET....................................................................................................31 CHAPTER 3 - FINANCING LNG PROJECTS............................................................34 TRADITIONAL LONG -TERM CONTRACTUAL FRAMEWORK ............................................ 5 34 SALES AND PURCHASE AGREEMENT .............................................................................. 36 S P A R IGID ITIE S ................................................................................................................ 40 EVOLUTION OF LONG-TERM CONTRACTS .................................................................... 42 EMERGENCE OF SHORT-TERM LNG MARKET ............................................................... 45 LNG MARKET .................................................. 48 LNG MARKET............................................ 52 TRANSPORTATION CONDITIONS OF SHORT-TERM LNG MARKET ................................ 54 NATURAL CONDITIONS OF SHORT-TERM ECONOMIC CONDITIONS OF SHORT-TERM INSTITUTIONAL CONDITIONS OF SHORT-TERM LNG MARKET......................................57 RISKS IN LNG PROJECTS................................................................................................59 POLITICA L R ISK ................................................................................................................ 60 T ECH N ICAL R ISK ............................................................................................................... 64 FINANCIAL R ISK ................................................................................................................ 66 RISK MANAGEMENT TECHNIQUES IN LNG PROJECTS...................................................69 DOWNSTREAM AND MIDSTREAM INTEGRATION........................................................... 71 UPSTREAM AND MIDSTREAM INTEGRATION ................................................................ 76 PRICING DEVELOPMENTS IN LNG CONTRACTS.............................................................78 POTENTIAL OF RISK HEDGING BY USING FINANCIAL DERIVATIVES..................................80 CHAPTER 4 - COST REDUCTION IN LNG SUPPLY CHAIN.............................84 COST REDUCTION IN LNG SUPPLY CHAIN.....................................................................84 COST REDUCTION IN GAS PRODUCTION ......................................................................... COST REDUCTION IN LIQUEFACTION.............................................................................86 COST REDUCTION IN SHIPPING......................................................................................88 6 85 COST REDUCTION IN REGASIFICATION...........................................................................91 COST REDUCTION AND LNG ECONOMIC FEASIBILITY ................................................. 92 CHAPTER 5 - PRICE ARBITRAGE BETWEEN LNG MARKETS .................... 95 PRICE ARBITRAGE IN LNG TRADE .................................................................................... 95 PRICE ARBITRAGE IN THE ATLANTIC BASIN................................................................. 98 PRICE ARBITRAGE IN THE PACIFIC BASIN ....................................................................... 102 CHAPTER 6 - FINANCIAL FEASIBILITY OF SHORT-TERM LNG TRADING IN THREE ROUTES............................................................................................................105 A NNUAL PROFITABILITY ................................................................................................. 105 CHAPTER 7 - FUTURE INTERNATIONAL LNG TRADE.....................................110 FUTURE LN G DEM AND ................................................................................................... LNG REGASIFICATION TERMINALS CONSTRUCTED UNTIL 2011 .................................... FUTURE LNG PRODUCTION ............................................................................................ 110 116 118 LNG LIQUEFACTION TERMINALS CONSTRUCTED UNTIL 2011 ....................................... 124 FUTURE LN G FLEET ....................................................................................................... 125 FORECAST OF LNG SHORT-TERM TRADE ....................................................................... 131 CHAPTER 8 - CONCLUSIONS....................................................................................135 WORKS CITED...............................................................................................................138 WORKS CONSULTED .................................................................................................. 141 APPENDIX I .................................................................................................................... 144 7 APPENDIX 11 ............................................................................. 8 147 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1: World marketed energy use by fuel type, 1970-2025. ..................................... 15 Figure 2: Fuel share of world electricity generation, 2002-2025.....................................16 Figure 3: (a) World natural gas consumption and (b) consumption by end user, 1980-2025. ...................................................................................................................................... 19 Figure 4: (a) Natural gas consumption by region and (b) increases in consumption by co u n try g ro u p ............................................................................................................... 21 Figure 5: Natural gas consumption in mature market economies by source, 2002-2025....21 Figure 6: World gas reserves as of January 1, 2006 ....................................................... 22 Figure 7: The L NG chain ................................................................................................. 23 Figure 8: Expansion of LNG markets under medium and long-term contracts........24 Figure 9: Natural gas and LNG trade, 1970-2004............................................................25 Figure 10: Natural gas and LNG contractual flows in 2004 ............................................ 26 Figure 11: LN G im ports, 1970-2004 .............................................................................. 29 Figure 12: Methane Pioneer, the first LNG carrier..........................................................31 Figure 13: Total LNG fleet and orderbook, 1970-2005...................................................32 Figure 14: Representation of the gas contract arrangement............................................35 Figure 15: Long-term and short-term LNG markets............................................................46 Figure 16: Evolution of short-term LNG trade, 1993-2004..................47 Figure 17: Conditions and dynamic structure of the short-term LNG market.........48 Figure 18: LNG exports compared with liquefaction capacity.......................................49 Figure 19: Source of short-term exports by region ............................................................. 9 50 Figure 20: Destination of short-term imports by country ................................................ 51 Figure 21: Cumulative incremental growth of the world's capacity and trade................53 Figure 22: Cumulative growth of new and de-bottlenecked capacity..............................54 Figure 23: LNG tanker capacity and tanker demand, 1978-2002....................................56 59 Figure 24: Risks encountered in LNG projects.............................................................. Figure 25: Sourcing of global LNG traded volumes.......................................................61 Figure 26: Risk management in LNG projects. .................................. 70 Figure 27: A regionally diversified portfolio greenfield LNG projects compared to the upstream capital budgets of selected companies.....................................................75 Figure 28: Long-term LNG price formula for the European market ............................... 79 Figure 29: Costs in the LNG supply chain, 1980s-2004................................................85 Figure 30 : Total transportation cost per MBtu for a 145,000 m2 LNG vessel................89 Figure 31: LNG newbuilding prices, 1980 to 2005 ....................................................... 90 Figure 32 : Long-term LNG shipping rates .................................................................... 91 Figure 33 : Netback analysis for the Bonny project in 1998 and in 2004.......................93 Figure 34 : Regional distribution of uncommitted volumes of the 2010 firm and probable LN G p rojects ................................................................................................................ 96 Figure 35 : Movement of Trinidad's LNG volumes between USA and Spain, 1999 to 2003. ...................................................................................................................................... 99 Figure 36 : Netbacks to Trinidad, Nigeria and Qatar from shipping to Spain, USA and Japan, Decem ber 2000. .............................................................................................. 10 100 Figure 37 : Netbacks to Trinidad, Nigeria and Qatar from shipping to Spain, USA and 1 Japan, Septem ber 200 1...............................................................................................10 Figure 38 : Netbacks to Trinidad, Nigeria and Qatar from shipping to Spain, USA and Japan , N ovem ber 2002 ............................................................................................... 10 1 Figure 39 : Illustrative netbacks for selected Atlantic arbitrage patterns...........................102 Figure 40 : Illustrative netback calculations for Qatar from the US Golf Coast, Spanish and Jap anese m arket...................................................................................................103 Figure 41: Annual profit calculations for the route Dohra to Spain. ................................ 107 Figure 42 : Annual profit calculations for the route Dohra to Boston. .............................. 108 Figure 43 : Annual profit calculations for the route Dohra to Japan. ................................ 109 Figure 44: Global LNG demand forecast, 2010-2020 ...................................................... 110 Figure 45 : LN G dem and forecast for A sia........................................................................111 Figure 46 : LNG dem and forecast for Europe ................................................................... 114 Figure 47 : LNG demand forecast for North America.......................................................115 Figure 48 : Global liquefaction outlook in 2005................................................................119 Figure 49 : Global existing and future liquefaction capacity as of 2005 ........................... 120 Figure 50 : Delivery dates of the LNG vessels in order until April 2006..........................129 Figure 51: LNG trade flows in 2002 and expected further flows by 2012.......................131 Figure 52 : Forecast analysis of the LNG short-term trade percentage. ............................ 133 11 LIST OF TABLES Table 1: LNG liquefaction plants as of April 2005 ......................................................... 27 Table 2: LNG regasification plants as of April, 2005..................................................... 30 Table 3: Expansion of upstream companies to the midstream and downstream sectors ..... 73 Table 4: Expansion of downstream companies to the midstream and upstream sectors ..... 77 T able 5 : Ship's characteristics and costs...........................................................................105 Table 6 Distance and travel time for the three trading routes..........................................106 Table 7 Planned LNG regasification terminals................................................................117 Table 8 : Liquefaction plants with signed SPA/HOA ........................................................ 124 Table 9 : World LNG orderbook as of April 21st 2006......................................................126 Table 10 : Estimated number of required LNG vessels until 2011....................................130 Table 11 : Forecast analysis...............................................................................................145 Table 12 : Annual profit results for the route Dohra to Spain ........................................... 148 Table 13 : Annual profit results for the route Dohra to Boston ......................................... 149 Table 14 : Annual profit results for the route Dohra to Japan ........................................... 150 12 NOMENCLATURE AND ACRONYMS Bcf - Billion cubic feet Bcm - Billion cubic meters BTU - British Thermal Unit c.i.f - cost, insurance and freight CCGT - Combined Cycle Gas Turbine CNOOC - Chinese Offshore Oil Company CRE - Comision Regulatora de Energia d.e.s. - delivered ex ship DFDE - Duel Fuel Diesel Electric EPC - Engineering, procurement and construction f.o.b - free on board FERC - Federal Energy Regulatory Committee GTI - Gas Technology Institute IOC - International Oil Companies IPE - Intrnational Petroleum Excange JCC - Japanese Crude Cocktail Kogas - Korea Gas Company LNG - Liquefied Natural Gas Mtpa - Million tons per annum NBP - National Balancing Point 13 NIGEC - National Iranian Gas Export Policy NPC - National Petroleum Council NWS - Australian North West Shelf NYMEX - New York Merchantile Exchange OECD - Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development OTC - Over The Counter RasGas - Ras Laffan Natural Liquified Gas Corporation SPA - Sales and Purchase Agreement STS - Ship To Ship TAGP - Trans ASEAN Gas Pipeline TaP - Take and Pay TEPCO - Tokyo Eelectric Power Company ToP - Take or Pay 14 CHAPTER 1 - INTRODUCTION BACKGROUND The development of the global natural gas industry over the past 30 years has been remarkable by any measure. In volume terms the reserve base has roughly doubled, and annual usage has grown by more than 100% as presented in Figure 1. Quladrl-on Btu Projections 250History 200 150 100 -coal Renewables 1 raI Gas 50 __________________Nuclear 1970 1980 2002 1990 2015 2025 Figure 1: World marketed energy use by fuel type, 1970-2025. (EIA, 2005) Prior to the energy crises in 1970s, and the oil and energy price increases that followed, natural gas was very much a poor relation in the energy business. Oil was cheap, the costs of developing and transporting gas to market were high for the developer, and the economic returns to the host government from such developments was significantly less than for oil. Apart from the events in the 1970s, the environmental movements which followed highlighted the advantages of natural gas as a fuel compared with oil products and coal when levels of polluting emissions were considered. However, the attribute which 15 opened up a new demand sector for the natural gas, was the high efficiency of gas-toelectricity conversion through the use of gas in combined cycle gas turbines (CCGT).(ECSSR, 2001) Natural gas is expected to be a favored choice for new electricity generation capacity built over the next two decades. The natural gas share of total energy used to generate electricity worldwide will increase, according to the EIA forecast, from 18% in 2002 to 24% in 2025, (Figure 2), with other energy sources showing small losses in market share. (EIA, 2005) -ercen of' Total 10c 8C *~tural -0as 6C *Nuclear MRenewal es 40 ECoal MOU 20 C 2002 2010 2015 2020 2025 Figure 2: Fuel share of world electricity generation, 2002-2025. (EIA, 2005) Where local supplies of natural gas are not available in adequate quantities, the trend has been to acquire gas from foreign suppliers either as pipeline gas or as liquefied natural gas (LNG). Historically, the LNG industry started in 1959 when the vessel Methane Pioneer transported the first LNG shipment from Louisiana to the UK's Canvey Island. The following years more countries, like Japan, Italy, Spain, France and Taiwan commenced importing LNG and currently plans are at an advanced stage for India and 16 China. According to statistical data the percentage of natural gas traded as LNG increased from 24.7% in 1993, to 26.2% in 2004. (BP, 2005) Liquefied natural gas is expected to play an increasingly important role in the natural gas industry and global energy markets in the next several years. The combination of: i. Higher natural gas prices ii. Lower LNG costs iii. Riding gas import demand, with a new demand wave triggered by gas to power iv. Traditional gas exporting countries, like Australia, Canada and Norway, now becoming import dependent and v. The desire of gas producers to monetize their gas reserves is setting the stage for increased global LNG trade. (EIA, 2003) PURPOSE The purpose of this thesis is, apart from providing a brief overview of the international liquefied natural gas market, to concentrate on the evolving contractual framework of the LNG chain. Specifically, this research will focus on the emergence of short-term trading; a practice increasingly used in recent years in order to cover part of peak gas demand. Effort will be given to identify the changes of the LNG trade and the linkage between different gas markets, which is the result of shifting gas volumes between regions based on differences in their supply and demand balance. The conditions and implications of the emergence of the short-term LNG market will be analyzed and a financial evaluation of three trading routes will be examined. Finally, the future of the international LNG supply chain will be assessed. 17 PROCEDURE First the issue of international LNG trade will be addressed by presenting the global gas consumption and the main LNG import and export countries. Also, the most updated data regarding the current LNG fleet will be provided. Then the financing of LNG projects will be introduced. The traditional long-term contracts will be reviewed and their revolution during the last years. Most importantly, this section will focus on the emerging short-trade market and the risks associated with the greenfield projects. The methods of risk migration for the stakeholders of the industry will be presented along with the overview of the potential usage of financial derivatives. After the contractual framework overview the issue of cost reduction in the LNG supply chain will be discussed. Cost reduction in liquefaction, regasification and transportation of natural gas will be addressed and special attention will be drawn over the influence of LNG transportation cost to match supply and demand. The presence of price arbitrage in the Atlantic basin will be addressed next as a driving force behind the growth of the short-term LNG trade. The possibility of a price arbitrage in the Pacific basin will be also overviewed. An examination of the profitability of three short-term trading routes will then be conducted on behalf of the shipowner. The minimum number of round trips and the minimum value of spot-rate will be calculated for a newbuild 150,000 m3 LNG vessel. Finally, there will be a look into the future growth of the international LNG trade, by presenting the forecasted future gas demand and the LNG production and imports. The new terminals planned or under construction will be discussed along with the future LNG ships fleet. Then the expected growth of the short-term market will be estimated. 18 CHAPTER 2- INTERNATIONAL LNG TRADE GLOBAL NATURAL GAS CONSUMPTION According to the Energy Information Administration natural gas is projected to be the component fastest growing of world primary energy consumption.(EIA, 2005) Consumption of natural gas worldwide will increase by an average of 2.3% annually from 2002 to 2025, compared with projected annual growth rates of 1.9% for oil consumption and 2.0% for coal consumption. As presented in Figure 3a, from 2002 to 2025, consumption of natural gas is projected to increase by almost 70%, from 92 trillion cubic feet to 156 trillion cubic feet, and its share of total energy consumption on a Btu basis is projected to grow from 23% to 25%. Gas use for power generation has become the driver for the recent wave of gas demand. Based on the analysis of EIA, the electric power sector will account for 51% of the total incremental growth in worldwide natural gas demand over the next 15 years (Figure 3b). Tr ICi iocu eeri H3scory 2 E- Projection S e ':' F VErI 1Transportation industnal 142 - 128 111 - Residea 92 2 142 111 120 73 (a) 92 (b) Figure 3: (a) World natural gas consumption and (b) consumption by end user, 1980-2025. (EIA, 2005) 19 By analyzing the forecasts a very interesting conclusion is reached regarding the future growth of the LNG trade. A close look at the forecasted consumption, Figures 4 and 5, leads to two conclusions. First, the consumption in the emerging economies of Asia will almost triple and the reason for that is the rapid expansion of natural gas industry in India and China. The Chinese government is committed to a rapid increase in the share of natural gas in the country's energy mix. India is also stepping into the international LNG trade scene with the power and fertilizer sectors being forecasted as the main consumers. The second conclusion is that in the mature market economies, where natural gas markets are more established, consumption of natural gas is projected to increase by an annual average of 1.6% from 2002 to 2025. It should be noted that according to the forecasts the largest incremental growth in the mature market economies is projected for North America, at 11 trillion cubic feet. However, this increase in the consumption is not followed by a relevant increase of the production. This disparity between the increase projected for natural gas consumption in the mature market economies and the much smaller increase projected for their gas production points to an increasing dependence on the transitional and emerging market economies for gas supplies, as presented in Figure 5. In 2002, the mature market economies accounted for 42% of the world's total natural gas production and 50% of the world's natural gas consumption; in 2025, they are projected to account for only 29% of production and 43% of consumption. As a result, the mature market economies are expected to rely on imports of natural gas from other parts of the world to meet almost one-third of their natural gas consumption in 2025, up from 15 percent in 2002. 20 Trillion Cubic Feet 100 History Prjechons *Mature Market Econorries ETransibonal Economies MEr erging Economies 80- EE/FSU Ergrci#g Asi3 North Amnca 60- 40k 0 1980 1990 2002 I1 2010 2015 2020 Mid le East Westem Europe &ent-a d r ~-tAnle rica Antca Mature Market Asia I 6 2025 1'0 1 Trilion Cubic Feet (a) (b) Figure 4: (a) Natural gas consumption by region and (b) increases in consumption by country group. (EIA, 2005) 100- Trillion Cubic Feet 80- MErl rg ng Economies Imports MEE/FSU Imports *(kmnesic Production 604020- ' 0 2002 2010 2015 2020 2025 Figure 5: Natural gas consumption in mature market economies by source, 2002-2025. (EIA, 2005) The importance and potential of LNG trade is revealed when the regional reserves are examined. In Figure 6 the world reserves of natural gas as of [St of January 2006 are plotted. Leaving aside Russia, which may account for 27.5% of the total world reserves, but does not have until now a clear market framework and LNG export strategy and uses 21 20 pipelines for the transportation of its resources, the majority of the world's reserves are concentrated in Middle East. The share of the Middle East countries, 38.1% of the world reserves, is not only impressive but also indicative of the demand for LNG transportation from the Middle East region to the mature markets of North America and Western Europe, and the emerging economies of Asia. 184-7 Nigeria United States UAE 2 Saudi Arabia Qatar ,:0.2 Iran Russia 12-1 Total World 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 Natural Gas Reserves (Trillion Cubic Feet) Figure 6: World gas reserves as of January 1, 2006. Source (Oil & Gas Journal, 2005) EVOLUTION OF LNG TRADE An LNG project represents a chain of investments whose ultimate success is at risk to the possible failure of its weakest link. As it is illustrated in Figure 7 the chain consists of five links: field development and production, where the natural gas is extracted; liquefaction, at this stage natural gas is liquefied in a liquefaction plant known as train; shipping in special tankers with heavily insulated tanks; regasification where the LNG is gasified and finally distribution to the marketers. 22 Production Liquefaction Transportation 4 Distribution Regasification Figure 7: The LNG chain. (Buoncristian, 2005) Prior to the development of the LNG chain described above, the transportation of natural gas was limited to movements that could be served by pipeline. Gas was unable to utilize the mainstay of international oil trade, namely marine transportation. The scene changed in 1960 with the construction of the first base-load liquefaction plant at Arzew, Algeria to process natural gas form the giant Hassi R' Mel field. (Greenwald, 1998) The latter was part of the so called CAMEL project which was the first commercial LNG trade to deliver Algerian gas to the UK and France. By 1969, three more trades had started from Algeria to France, Italy and Spain, and one from the Cook Inlet of Alaska to Japan, the first Pacific project. While the first deliveries from Algeria were comparatively short hauls 23 to Europe, the USA entered the market first in 1973 when deliveries started for the small Distrigas (Cabot) project at Everett, MA. The development of the early US projects took place during a period of unprecedented change in international energy markets. This included the two oil price shocks, the widespread nationalization of the international oil companies' concession areas within OPEC, and the restructuring of the North American gas industry. While LNG imports into Europe continued to increase, the North American trade nearly collapsed, thereby blunting what was expected to be a substantial growth in Atlantic Basin trade. With the substantial slowdown in interest in LNG in the Atlantic, the balance of interest shifted to the Pacific as Korea and Taiwan joined Japan as importers.(Jensen, 2004) In Figure 8 the expansion of the LNG market under medium and long term contracts is presented. 196A9 krr BIm DateDae Exqft~pwt AkIE DT1970-1979 ekr limp 1971 1- UY QAItaly ibya US Itl 161Algeria Brunei St 969Indonesia Abu Dhabi Japan 1973 I2 1973 1977 1 E 3 Al gria ! USA 1990-199 18 Dake i 192 Km1MFrance 197 19 1991 K9orea 20 199f Nigeapnn98Italy 1999 As&Kra2004 Turkc 1999 Taiwan 1990 ur MaasaKorea 1991 Indonesia Taiwan 1990 1998 Ja Korea 1999 Figure 8: Expansion of LNG markets under medium and long-term contracts. Source (Odawara, 2004) The rate of increase of LNG trade followed the rate of increase of the natural gas until 1994. From 1994 to 2004, LNG showed a remarkable growth and revealed as one of the fastest growing sectors of the international energy industry. During that period LNG trade grew on average 7.4% per year surpassing the growth rate of natural gas as presented in 24 Figure 9. The total amount of LNG traded in 2004, on a contractual basis, was equal to . 177.95 billion in 3 Billion m 3 210 3,000 2,500 175 2 2,000 140 F 1,500e 105 1,000- 70 500- 35 0 0 70 72 74 76 78 80 82 84 86 88 Natural Gas (left axis) - 90 92 94 96 98 00 02 04 LNG (right axis) Figure 9: Natural gas and LNG trade, 1970-2004. (Gardiner, October 25th, 2005) The flows of international LNG trade in 2004 are illustrated in Figure 10. It should be mentioned that the values in the table of Figure 10 are based on a contractual basis and may not correspond accurately to physical flows. In order to have a more precise view of the LNG flows the regasification and liquefaction capacities of the plants should also be taken under consideration. By examining the historical evolution of the LNG flows, it is clear that during the last two years certain notable changes in the LNG trade occurred. These changes originated from movements of gas exporting countries in Middle East, like Qatar, which are making active efforts to expand to markets of new LNG importing countries, like India and China, which have not been among the traditional players in the LNG market of the Asian-Pacific region. (Odawara, 2004) 25 Major trade movements Trade flows worldwide fbillion cubic metros) AN.22 62. 0 2.25 3.41 11.04 13.13 -00 10.75 7.11 USA Canada Mexico 7.20 S. & Cent. America Eurasia Europe & Middle East Africa Asia 4 Natural gas Pacific LNG ,Trade movements 2004 - liquefied natural gas (LNG) To I From LISA & Tego Dominican Republic Puerto Rico Italy Portugal Span Turkey Asia Pacific India Japan South Korea Taiwan - - 0.57 - - - - - - - Nigena Australia - 3.41 - 0.33 0.42 - - - - - - - 2.85 - - - 1.20 3.91 0.20 0.63 - - - 6.58 3.24 - 2.63 9.22 7.96 7.10 0.08 - - 0.30 - - - - 0.27 0.34 - IJA 13.13 - 0.18 - - - 1.68 - - - 1,48 6.00 - - - 0.68 Europe Belgium France Greece Malysa Lka Gatr - S. & Cent. America Indon+sta Algeria Oman North America USA I - Billion cubic metres 0.0 - 6.72 0.55 2.10 - - - - 0,83 - 3.8 1.31 4.81 1.063 Bn~E - 0.18 - - - - - - 0.16 0.24 11.20 0.55 8.29 1.21 21.19 7.30 16.63 6.25 4.05 0.06 - - 5.00 knpo s 18.471 0.11 0.68 2.85 7.63 0.55 5.90 1.31 17.51 4.27 2.63 76.95 29.89 9.13 Figure 10: Natural gas and LNG contractual flows in 2004. (BP, 2005) LNG EXPORTING COUNTRIES-LIQUEFACTION PLANTS Since the 1960s the number of exporting countries rose from 2 to 13. Up until April 2005 the world LNG production capacity was equal to 158.6 billion m 3 per year with 72 production trains as illustrated in Table 1. Three countries Nigeria, Malaysia and Qatar hold 38.5% of the total LNG production. 26 Table 1: LNG liquefaction plants as of April 2005. Source (Suzuki & Morikawa, 2005) and cornpanies sites 47.6 30 RAfrica Algeria Arzew GL4Z Arzew GLlZ Arzew GL2Z Skikda GLlK Skikda GL2K 3 6 6 3 3 7.8 8 2.8 3 Damietta LNG Egyptian LNG 1 2 5.5 7.2 UFG, EGAS, EGPC BG, Petronas, EGAS, EGPC Spain Italy, France, USA Mara el Brega Nigeria 3 2.6 Serte Oil Spain Nigeria LNG 3 9.6 NNPC, Shell, Total, ENI 1.1 Europe, America Sonatrach Egypt Libya Italy, France, 32.5 13 Middle East Abu Dhabi Sai ADGAS 3 5.4 ADNOC, Mitsui, BP, Total Japa, Spain Oman LNG 2 6.6 Shell, Total, Mitsui, Patrex, Itochu, Mitsubishi, Oman Japa, South Korea, Spain Qatargas 3 9.2 Total, Mitsui, ExxonMobil, Marubeni, Qatar Petroleum Japan Spain RasGas 2 6.6 Total, Mitsui, ExxonMobil, Marubeni, Qatar Petroleum, Kogas, LNG Japan, Itochu South Korea RasGas 3 4.7 Qatar Petroleum, ExxonMobil India 2 1.1 ConocoPhillips, Marathon Japan 3 9.6 BP, BG, Repsol USA, Spain 5 7.2 Brunei, Shell, Mitsubishi Japan, South Korea 5 2 1 3 1 13.2 6 3.1 4.5 2 3 8.1 Oman Qatar North America USA Kenai Trinidad Tobago Atlantic LNG Asia Pacific 10.7 5 28 70.4 Brunei Brunei LNG Indonesia Bontang I, II, IV Bontang III, VI Bontang V Arun I, II Arun I Malaysia Malaysia LNG I PT Badak NGL PT Arun NGL Japan Taiwan South Korea Japan South Korea Petronas, Mitsubishi, Sarawak Japan Malaysia LNG 11 2 7.8 Petronas, Mitsubishi, Sarawak, Shell Japan, South Korea, Malaysia LNG III Australia NWS 76 World Total 2 6.8 Petronas, Mitsubishi, Sarawak, Shell, Nippon Oil Japan, South Korea 11.7 Woodside, Shell, Chevron, BP, MMI Japan 4 161.2 27 Africa, Algeria and Nigeria are the major production countries. In Algeria specifically, Sonatrach, the Algerian national oil company, has the world's largest equity share in LNG plants. Nigeria's LNG activities are set to increase rapidly during the next decade with plans for additional LNG facilities being developed at the West Niger Delta. Asia is a very important exporting region, with almost half of the world's exporting capacity and liquefaction plants. Malaysia is the world's largest exporter with 22.7 billion m3 production per year. Indonesia is second but with important plants under construction, like the Tangguh project which is dedicated to supplying LNG to China. Middle East has recently emerged as a major LNG exporting region with plants in UAE, Oman and Qatar. However, what will be interesting the following years is the attitude of Iran towards gas exportation. Iran, the holder of the world's second largest gas reserves, is developing an LNG export policy under National Iranian Gas Export Policy (NIGEP) which advances with a slow rate. In America Trinidad and Tobago are the major exporting countries, but in the future several other countries, mainly from South America, are planning to construct and operate liquefaction plants. LNG IMPORTING COUNTRIES-REGASIFICATION PLANTS Asian markets, mostly Japan and Korea, currently dominate the LNG trade. Japan was the first Asian country to import LNG and is currently the world's biggest importer with 76.97 billion m 3 contractual imports in 2004, as it is presented in Figure 11. South Korea started to import LNG in 1986 and is now the world's second largest importer with 29.89 28 billion m3 . India is also emerging as an LNG importer with the first LNG shipment delivered to the Indian company Petronet from Qatar's RasGas at the beginning of 2004. LNG imports in Europe are expected to grow from the current level of 9%, to 25% in 10 years. The USA will be the key for LNG market growth, from 2002 to 2003 LNG imports doubled to 14.6 billion m3 , while in 2004 imports increased by 26.5% to 18.47 billion i 3 200 180 160 140 120 100 806040 20 II IL 0. 70 72 74 76 MJapan 78 80 82 84 86 ES.Korea 88 90 0 Europe 92 94 96 98 00 '02 '04 MOther Figure 11: LNG imports, 1970-2004. (Gardiner, October 25th, 2005) In Table 2 the world's total regasification plants are presented as of April, 2005. Japan has 24 regasification plants with a total capacity of 60.47 billion m3 . USA is second with 4 regasification plants and a capacity of 24.4 billion m3 . Continuing increases in demand and the reforms of European gas market are leading to new opportunities for LNG, especially for the Mediterranean countries which account for 21.6% of the world's regasification capacity. 29 Table 2: LNG re asification lants as of A ril, 2005. Suzuki & Morikawa, 2005 and companies sites 1322 26.1 North America USA 5.4 155 285 373 189 Tractebel LNG Trunkline LNG Dominion Southern LNG Excelerate (This is an offshore receiving terminal and not a regasification plant) 160 EcoElectrica 160 AES Tobata Fukuoka Nagasaki Kagoshima 0.15 0.4 7 9.5 6 1.5 3.5 0.34 1.4 3.1 0.8 3 0.3 4 8.5 2.6 2.6 0.2 1.3 2.6 1.3 0.2 0.1 0.08 80 720 860 2660 540 600 1180 177 300 640 200 200 160 480 180 740 520 85 480 460 480 70 35 36 Sendai City Gas Nikhokan LNG Tokyo Electric Tokyo Electric Tokyo Electric Tokyo Gas Tokyo Gas Shimizu LNG Chubu Electric Chita LNG Toho Gas Chubu Electric Toho Gas Chubu Electric Osaka Gas Osaka Gas Kansai Electric Hiroshima Gas Chugoku Electric Oita LNG Kitagamishu LNG Saibu LNG Saibu LNG Nihon Gas Yung An 7.44 690 CPC Daheii 5 320 Petronet Pyeongtack Inchon Tongyoung 7.2 7.2 3 1000 1680 420 Kogas Everett Lake Charles Cove Point Elba Island 7.7 7.7 3.4 Gulf Gateway Deepwater Port 500 mcfday Puerto Rico 1.3 Penualas Dominic Reb. Andres 0.6 4146 90.31 Asia Japan Sendai Higashi Niigata Futtsu Sodegama Higashi Ogishima Ogishima Negishi Sodeshi Chita Kyodo Chita Chita Midorihama Yokkaichi LNG Yokkaichi Kawagoe Senboku Himeji Himeji LNG Hatsukaichi Yanai Oita Taiwan India South Korea 43.1 Europe Belgium 510 Zeebrugge 4.8 261 Fluxys Fos-sur-Mer Montoir de Bretagne 5.8 8.2 150 360 Gaz do France Panigalia 2.6 100 Nam Barcelona Cartagena Huelva Bilbao 6.2 0.9 2.7 2 240 55 165 160 Enagas Sines 3.8 120 Transgas Revythoussa 1.5 130 DEPA 255 Botas France Italy Spain Portugal Greece Turkey Marmara Ereglisi World Total 4.6 159.51 5978 30 CURRENT LNG FLEET More than 50 years ago in 1954, active studies started in four countries, Norway, France, United Kingdom and USA, for ship designs to transport LNG. After five years Continental Oil Co. and Union Stockyards joined to convert a dry cargo vessel into an LNG carrier. The resulting Methane Pioneer, presented in Figure 12, transported the first LNG shipment in the world. (Greenwald, 1998) Figure 12: Methane Pioneer, the first LNG carrier. (Heath, 2005) From 1959 until 1984 there was a steady but slow increase in the number of LNG vessels with a total fleet in 1984 just below 80. From 1985 to 1993 there was stagnation in the LNG orders with no interest from the shipowner community in ordering new vessels. This image started to change after 1994 with an almost exponentially increasing interest for LNG tankers and new orders reaching the level of 113 vessels in 2004 and 136 vessels until April 2006. (Hine, 2006a) The two types of tank design are the spherical tank or 31 Moss and the membrane tank design. In Figure 13 the LNG fleet and the world's orderbook are illustrated from 1970 to 2005. Number of vessels 200 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 *~iIII 40 . i I 2: 1970 1975 1980 1990 1985 1995 2000 2005 U Orderbook E Total Fleet Figure 13: Total LNG fleet and orderbook, 1970-2005. (Gardiner, October 25th, 2005) Until July, 2005 the total LNG fleet was equal to 177 vessels with a total deadweight of 11,461,384 tons. The average deadweight of the fleet was 64,753.58 tons, while the average age was equal to 14.35 years. (Lloyd's Register, 2006) However, with more ships delivered, up until April 21" 2006 the total number of LNG ships was equal to 197 according to LNG Shipping Solutions.(TradeWinds, 2006a) The standard cargo tank size in the 1970s and 1980s was 125,000m3, and in the 1990s 135,000m 3 . In the last three or four years, the standard size has increased to 145,000m 3 and 155,000m 3 . Specifically, in the Qatar expansion project, which is the largest LNG project in terms of required capital, it was decided to use vessels with a cargo tank size of over 210,000m3. The LNG vessels can be categorized according to their size in five classes: 32 i. Med-max of 75,000 m3 tank volume ii. Conventional of 135,000-160,000 m 3 tank volume iii. 'Atlantic-max' of 175,000 m3 tank volume iv. Q-flex of 210,000 m3 tank volume v. Q-max of 250,000 m 3 and above tank volume. (Powell-Kite, 2005) On March 2006 Qatar Ship Acquisition Team signed with Samsung shipyard a shipbuilding contract for three 266,000 cbm ships for delivery in 2008, as part of its 70 LNG ships plan. When complete, they will be the largest LNG vessels in the world.(Hine, 2006b) Driving the increasing trend is the market's demand for increased efficiencies and transportation cost reductions. In the Qatar project, the importer's main receiving terminal is on the Gulf Coast in North America, making the line one of the longest distance trade lines in the world. It takes more than 45 days for the round trip, making efficient transportation critical for the success of the project. (Hashimoto, 2005) Passing to the propulsion systems of the LNG vessels it is clear that the need for reliable steam turbine engine is ever increasing, with much skepticism in the shipowning cycles at the innovative French companies of Gaz de France and Chantiers de I' Atlantique for building dual fuelled diesel electric (DFDE) vessels. However, BP and AP Moller followed the example of Gaz de France and ordered 4 and 2 DFDE ships respectively in 2004. Also, Qatar aided by ExxonMobil, allocated 8 new 200,000 m3 vessels with slowspeed diesel engines equipped with re-liquefaction plants.(BRS, 2005) 33 CHAPTER 3 - FINANCING LNG PROJECTS TRADITIONAL LONG -TERM CONTRACTUAL FRAMEWORK In the gas industry long-term contractual relationships have been used successfully for many years to deal with the long-term nature and the high specificity of investment in all parts of the gas chain from exploration and production to the final customer. The rationale behind this is the nature of gas as a natural resource coming from reservoirs whose size can vary from small fields of 1 bcm to giant fields with over 10,000 bcm of gas, the high specificity and costs of the investment to transport end distribute gas, as well as the substantial investment that bids consumers to gas once they have made an investment decision. Each of the elements along the chain, from production to the final customer, has to be linked and aligned in a way that allows all participants to hedge their long-term risks of gas supply and earn an adequate return in investment or compensation for a finite resource.(IEA, 2004) In Figure 14 the manner in which the various contracts bind the respective participants in an LNG project is presented. The upstream gas producer must make a contract with the hosting government which will give him the rights, in respect of a specific area, to explore, produce, transport, process and sell natural gas. Then usually the gas producer forms a joint venture with other companies with one of the group appointed as operator. The effect of this structure is that the companies have operated as if they were shareholders in a corporation, rather than as independent and competitive corporate entities. The producer must also come to an agreement through the engineering, procurement and construction 34 Production Liquefaction Shipping Regasification Figure 14: Representation of the gas contract arrangement. 35 Distribution contracts (EPC) with subcontractors because he may not have the ability to build the required infrastructure, like for example offshore facilities. An upstream gas producer capable of building the plant will nonetheless have to turn to major subcontractors for the provision of specialty items. Then the transportation of the LNG is done with tankers dedicated to that specific trade to ensure continuity of supply. There are times that the gas producer has his own fleet, but when this is not the case, producers and purchasers turn to third party vessel owners and/or operators who provide the necessary carriage through long term charters or other transportation arrangements. Moving down the supply chain, the downstream gas purchaser makes certain EPC contracts for the construction of the regasification plants and the required infrastructure, for the transportation of the LNG to the plant and then to the pipeline grid. Lastly, the gas purchaser comes to agreement with the gas end users through certain sale contracts. However, above and before all the contracts and agreements of the traditional long term gas contractual framework lays the LNG Sale and Purchase Agreement (SPA) between the upstream gas producer and the downstream gas purchaser, which will be discussed in the following section. SALES AND PURCHASE AGREEMENT The traditional LNG project of the previous years featured a carefully structured system of risk sharing among the participants. Central to the project was the long-term import contract between buyer and seller for LNG, known as the Sale and Purchase 36 Agreement or SPA. (Jensen, 2004) The SPA agreement is the sine qua non for proceeding to the development of the LNG chain. For a greenfield development identification of a suitable buyer and negotiation of the sales terms from the developer's marketing team will have taken years of concentrated effort, begun long before the development decision is taken and the search for an EPC contractor has begun. An accurate example of the latter is the QatarGas project. Incorporated n 1984, serious project planning began only in 1992, after QatarGas secured a long-term SPA with Chubu Electric of Japan for the supply of 4 million tons of LNG per year, with option of an additional 2 million tons which was exercised later. The risk sharing logic of the SPA contract was embodied in the phrase 'the buyer takes the volume risk and the seller takes the price risk'. Hence most contracts featured Take-or-Pay (ToP) clauses to assure buyer purchase of some minimum level and a price escalation clause to transfer responsibility for energy price fluctuations to the seller. De facto the buyer commits a certain share of his market. The minimum pay obligation puts an implicit limit on how much other gas the buyer can buy, unless he develops more demand. The obligation to grant a competitive price will implicitly restrict the seller from selling into the same market via another channel. Long-term contracts thereby divide the risks associated with large gas projects, like commitment of large reserves and of substantial capital, between producers and importers. They typically put the price risk on the seller, and the risk related to marketing the gas on the buyer (IEA, 2004) ToP clauses have been a hallmark of LNG sale and purchase arrangements since their inception. Essentially, they try to ensure that the buyer does not fail to undertake its 37 contractually required quantities, thereby depriving seller of the constant flow of revenues needed to cover its costs and to realize a return on its investment. The buyer may argue that the seller has not really lost anything when a cargo is not lifted, since the seller still has the LNG can dispose it in some other fashion. In this case, however, if the buyer does not take its full contract quantities during a given period, it was problematic whether and when the seller would still have an opportunity to recover the resulting lost revenues. The quantities for which a buyer must pay, even if not taken, is the difference by which the quantities actually taken by the buyer during a given period are less than the quantities the buyer was contractually obligated to take during that period. Normally LNG contract quantities are measured in terms of British thermal units (Btu) rather by volume, since it is the heating value of the commodity in its delivered stage that is of primary interest to the buyer when considering its energy requirements and comparing LNG's cost to other energy sources.(Greenwald, 1998) Early long-term import contracts were typically for twenty years duration, although longer contracts were common. The contract term was, and still is, measured from the time sales reach their 'plateau', or even annual delivery rate, following an initial 'rump-up' period during which sales levels increase in steps up to the plateau. Once the liquefaction facilities are up and running, the rate at which they are operated can be increased rather rapidly up to their design capacity. For this reason, and because a seller's cash flow will be at its lower levels during the initial years, the seller prefer to minimize the duration of the 'rump-up' period and maximize the volumes taken during that period. Buyers on the other hand, may maintain that they need to phase in the volumes under the new purchase 38 arrangements, since their taking of additional quantities may have to be harmonized with the tapering off of purchases from other suppliers or with a gradual build-up of demand. The point of delivery might be either free-on-board (f.o.b.) or delivered ex ship (d.e.s.), depending on which party assumed the tanker transportation responsibility, but in either case the operation of the receipt and regasification terminal was downstream of the point of delivery and thus outside the scope of the contract. Tankers might be owned by buyer, seller or independent shipowners, but, as we mentioned at the earlier section, traditionally were dedicated to the specific trade, usually for the life of the contract. The early contracts viewed oil, not gas, as the competitive target and thus price risk in the indexation clauses was principally defined in oil terms, a pattern that persists in some markets to this day. Since the main substitute for gas were fuel oils, in some cases crude oils, the gas price was pegged to the prices of the next best substitute of gas, gasoil for small customers and for process use, and heavy oil for large industrial use. The base price allowed the importer to recover the cost for the infrastructure from the import point to the consumer. Over time substitutes came up, such as coal and electricity. In that way LNG price structure in each region was linked to a favored combination of crude oils or reference energy sources, with each seller and buyer having its own preferred indices for escalation. However, in the following section it will be showed that for some countries this price structure changed as gas-to-gas competition emerged.(IEA, 2004) In the original pattern of LNG project development, nearly all buyers were either government monopoly or franchised utility companies from OECD countries. Sellers were typically either major oil companies or national oil companies of producing countries. 39 Hence, financial creditworthiness for the project was usually not an issue. This enabled LNG projects to obtain favorable financing, giving them a debt-equity ratio and cost of capital more nearly resembling utility financing than that of corporate equity. Since most of the purchasers were regulated utilities or government monopoly companies, they were effectively able to lay off some of the market risk to their end use customers.(Jensen, 2004) SPA RIGIDITIES Over the last decades the dynamics of the LNG trade evolved and greater flexibility between the sellers and the buyers became of growing importance. The SPA imposed certain rigidities preventing the compliance of the contractual framework with the market needs. Specifically, the SPA envisioned a system in which particular trades were essentially self-contained, involving a specified liquefaction facility as the source of the LNG and dedicated tankers to shuttle between the specific plant and its destination. The bilateral nature of the trades made it unnecessary to build in design flexibility for the tankers to serve other ports, and questions of interchangeable gas quality were largely ignored. Even today some terminals cannot accept cargoes from some liquefaction plants because they fail to meet the quality specifications of the new terminal. This is a major issue in both the USA and UK, where special nitrogen ballasting may be required to accommodate some of the cargoes in order to change the cargo's heating value, namely the . amount of Btus per million m3 The volume obligation in the long-term contract was embodied in the Take-or-Pay clause, and commonly obligated the buyer to take a minimum of 90% of his annual 40 contract quantity. The contract was designed to ensure that the debt service on the financing could be met and thus, ideally, would provide for level cash flow over the contract period. But real markets seldom behave ideally. Most markets grow so that a volume that is keyed to current demand will be inadequate to meet future requirements several years in the future. In order to face this problem the features of 'plateau' volume and 'ramp-up' period, which were mentioned in the previous section, were introduced providing the buyer a way to grow into his volume commitment. Even with these features the SPA still could not address successfully the distinct seasonal swings of some markets with large proportion of temperature-sensitive load or the market uncertainties surrounding economic cycles. The need to adapt the rigid contract structures to the realities of a somewhat uncertain market led the LNG buyers and sellers to use mutual agreements to adjust over and under commitments among themselves. In the following sections it will be shown that these bilateral agreements, better described as short-term sales, were the predecessors of the short-term trading market. Another rigidity of the traditional contract was that the LNG tankers were dedicated to a specific trade. This had several effects. Even though some surplus tanker capacity could occur at times when buyers were taking their contractual minimums, it was difficult to reschedule the surplus vessels since they were technically committed to the buyer's trade at his discretion. And the fact that newbuild tankers were commonly ordered to service a new LNG contract, left some existing tankers that had become surplus for one reason or another to remain in lay-up. A number of tankers originally ordered for the Algeria/US trades and the PacIndonesia project from Indonesia to the US West Coast in 41 the 1970s remained in lay-up for fifteen years or more when those trades were abandoned. (Jensen, 2004) Finally, one of the major constraining features of most SPA contracts was the 'Destination Restriction' clause. This limited the ability of the buyer to resell any surpluses that he might experience to his own account to a third party outside the national borders, thereby preserving any margin on the resale for the account of the seller. EVOLUTION OF LONG-TERM CONTRACTS The traditional long-term contracts as described before have been changing under the pressure of new market dynamics. Although long-term contracts are not likely to disappear, LNG importing companies are seeking increased flexibility and better contract terms. A reason for the latter is that during the last years, interest in LNG has spread to smaller buyers, such as independent power projects, who differ significantly from their traditional predecessors, and whose creditworthiness may be in question. Hence the financial risks of the newer projects are often inferior to those that marked the early days of the industry and they may be less able to obtain favorable financial terms. Government backing may either be unavailable or of relatively little value in securing the cash flows and assurances that lenders to projects may require. (Greenwald, 1998) However, the evolution of long-term contracts can be mainly attributed to the restructuring of the gas and electricity industry. The theoretical model for the restructuring of the gas industry represents a substantial challenge to this highly-structured, risk-averse form of business relationships. 42 Gas industry restructure was predicated on the assumption that the traditional form of government monopoly or regulated public utility operation of electricity and gas is inefficient and that a system that introduces market competition inherently provides lower prices and more desirable service options for consumers. It envisioned free market competition among buyers and sellers to set commodity prices for gas leading to a 'gas-togas competition'. (Jensen, 2004) The restructuring process in USA and UK in the 1980s, facilitated by oversupply, lower gas demand than expected and falling fuel oil prices, led to the collapse of the longterm ToP contracts. In the following years many parties settled their contracts by including additional price flexibility and dropping ToP obligations. Significant changes in the structure and pricing were observed mainly in the volume and pricing clauses. These changes were the following: * Shorter terms for new contracts, namely between 8 and 15 years in Europe and 15 and 20 in Asia instead of the traditional 20-25 years * Smaller volumes ranging from 0.5 to 3 bcm per year for new contracts or renewals of LNG contracts. These were favored by the increasing share of gas in power generation and the multiplication of regasification plants * Greater flexibility in reviewed contractual terms with more flexibility in swing. Swing is a contractual commitment allowing a buyer to vary up to specified limits the amount of gas it can take at the wellhead, beach or border 43 " Reduction in the ToP minimums or the inclusion of optional cargoes at the buyer's discretion " New price indices with electricity pool prices and spot gas prices. With the removal of the European ban on the use of gas in large power plants, gas-to-gas competition developing in the UK and with pipeline-to-pipeline competition in Germany, more gas was sold to the power plants. In German contracts the import price formulas were adjusted by pegging a share of the price to the price of imported coal; in UK the import price were pegged to the spot prices in National Balancing Point (NBP) " Drop of destination clauses. These clauses were not in line with European competition law as they restrict the resale and flow of gas between countries. Nigeria LNG in December 2002 was the first external supplier to remove destination clauses from existing future contracts with European customers. (IEA, 2004) An example, where the above mentioned changes are clearly presented, is the renewal contracts of the Japanese utilities. When Japanese utilities renewed an expiring 20-year, 360 Bcf per year (7.4 million tons per year) contract for Malaysian LNG, they reportedly obtained a 5-percent price reduction, a two-tier contract arrangement whereby 58 Bcf (1.2 million tons per year) is sold for 4 years and the rest for 15 years, and an agreement that about one-fourth of the volumes will be sold f.o.b., which will increase shipping flexibility 44 and reduce freight costs for the buyers. The contract also covers short-term purchases. (EIA, 2003) EMERGENCE OF SHORT-TERM LNG MARKET One very significant result of the changing environment described in the previous sections has been the emergence of a short-term LNG market. The short-term LNG market includes all cargos not traded under long-term agreements and has two separate but coherent parts, the paper part and the physical part. The paper side of this market is represented by the future contracts, whose duration varies from 1 to 12 months and are traded in International Petroleum Exchange in London (IPE) and in New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX). The physical side of trading LNG in the short term is represented by the spot trading with spot deliveries varying from I to 30 days, trading in major interconnections of the natural gas pipelines grid like Henry Hub and Zeebrugee. Since it is very common with many agencies, like the International Energy Agency and the US Energy Information Administration, to use the term spot-trading for labeling all short-term trading, the terms spot-trading and short-term LNG trading will be used interchangeably. In Figure 15 the current two LNG markets are presented. 45 Figure 15: Long-term and short-term LNG markets. The first short-term trading LNG cargoes can be traced at the start of the 1990s. As presented in Figure 16 the size of the LNG short-term trade in 1993 was almost negligible; namely, the percentage of short-term trade was equal to 1.66% of the global LNG trade. After a short period of marginal increase, short term trade reached a minimum value of 0.75% in 1998. That year marked the beginning of a favorable period for the short-term LNG market. In less than a decade, from 1998 to 2004, the share of short-term trade increased five times reaching the level of 10.1% in 2004. It should be noted that even though in 2001 many stakeholders of the LNG industry feared that the bankruptcy of Enron, one of the biggest natural gas trading companies, would influence negatively the short-term trade, the volumes traded under sort-term contracts continued to grow. 46 Total trade Short term trade (million tons) 200 (% total) 12% 1 *% 10% 150 8% 6% 100 4% 50 2% 0 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 -0% 2002 2003 2004 Figure 16: Evolution of short-term LNG trade, 1993-2004. The emergence and growth of the short-term market was based on two factors. The first factor was the existence of certain conditions which fostered the birth of spot trading. These conditions can be categorized in four groups: natural, economic, transportation and institutional. (Mazighi Hachemi, E. A., 2003) The second factor was the existence of a reinforcing loop, inherent in the structure of this market illustrated in Figure 17. The existence of an organized market for the short-term transactions increased the flexibility and innovation of the trade, with the usage of several financial derivatives and flexible clauses in the short-term contracts. The latter increased the willingness of producers to sell in a short-term, non-contracted basis, which in turn augmented the liquidity of the market. High liquidity in the market led to an increasing need for organization and structuring in order to increase its effectiveness. This reinforcing loop operates until a limit is reached regarding the quantity of LNG that the stakeholders are willing to trade on a short-term 47 basis. In the following sections each one of the required conditions, which led to the emergence of the short-term market, is examined. Figure 17: Conditions and dynamic structure of the short-term LNG market. NATURAL CONDITIONS OF SHORT-TERM LNG MARKET Natural conditions refer first to the existence of surpluses and deficits in gas supply, in other words an increase of the liquefaction capacity of the exporting countries and a decrease of the domestic production of the importing countries, and second to sudden augmentations in gas demand, which must be accompanied by an increase of the regasification capacity. The previous parameters combined increase the number of buyers and sellers leading to an increased liquidity of the gas market. Historically, the first time that this phenomenon occured was during the 1980s when substantial surpluses of LNG 48 capacity relative to demand existed as a result of pricing disputes between Algeria and its customers. (Jensen, 2004) BCMI 200 150 - r Earlv Surpkues ;42c( in 191' Largely Later 5urpluses 22. In 1999 Largely Attributabke tc Expansicon in the Face of r -- E Lagging Pa-ific Demand/ AttributaleI- t- th- Algerian Political Dispute and Clsing U.S. Terrnnal of 100 50 1975 1995 1985 Figure 18: LNG exports compared with liquefaction capacity. (Jensen, 2004) The early appearance of capacity surpluses east of Suez in the early 1990s seems to be a chaotic coincidence and not the result of a well designed plan. It was the result of over 8 million tons of de-bottlenecking capacity additions in Southeast Asia during a period when both Indonesia and Malaysia were adding expansion trains. It was sustained later by the 1997-1998 Asian financial crises and by the emergence of new export capacity from Qatar and Oman in the Gulf. But by 1999, further Middle East expansions, as well as the startup of Trinidad and Nigeria in the Atlantic Basin, institutionalized the surpluses and by now some of the excess capacity appears to have been created deliberately to enable companies to participate in spot and short-term trading opportunities. It should be noted that the RasGas project, in 1999, and the Oman LNG project, in 2000, were both commercially innovative, since they were the first projects starting construction without 49 long-term commitments for the total capacity (Marie-Francoise Chabrelie, 2003) In Figure 17 of the previous page the LNG liquefaction capacity and the actual trade are compared. In Figure 18 it is clear that the Pacific Basin provided much of the earlier short-term volume, but the active trading market that has developed in the Atlantic Basin has provided an opportunity for Atlantic and Middle East sources to grow rapidly. BCMI SMiddle East oAtlantic But Now the Atlantic Basin and the Middle East Dominate Short Term 10.01 Basin Pacific Basin Exports The Pacific Bas in Was Important Earlier 2.5 0.0 1992 2000 1995 2002 Figure 19: Source of short-term exports by region. (Jensen, 2004) The destinations for this trading activity have been remarkably concentrated. Since 1996, four countries, namely USA, Spain, Japan and Korea, have accounted for more than 80% of the short-term volumes as illustrated in Figure 19. The dynamics of this highly targeted concentration are easily explained. Starting with the USA the obvious reason for the increase in sport trade was the reemergence of the LNG market due to the high level of prices in 2000-2001, which led to spot cargoes being redirected from Europe to the US, in addition to the direct LNG spot 50 purchases. About 4 bcm per year was imported to the USA under spot or short-term contracts during the period 2000 to 2002. Again in 2003, Figure 19, sustained high level of prices in the USA led to a surge in spot purchases and the rerouting of LNG cargoes initially destined for Europe to the US market.(IEA, 2004) BCM All OOther Q 10.0 Spain, Japan and Korea - Have Accounted for Korea Ja n Since 1996, Four Countries -the US. Q 80% or More of Short Term Purchases - 7.5 1p1 us 2.5 0.0 - 5.0 1992 1995 2000 2002 Figure 20: Destination of short-term imports by country. (Jensen, 2004) Spain and Korea had their role in the increase of the LNG cargo deviations since they relied heavily in spot-term trading. The two countries adopted a strategy to meet peak winter demand, by relying on spot cargoes to cover their seasonal demand. Spain imported 4 bcm of LNG under spot basis in 2002. Kogas bought 43 spot cargoes, total volume 3 bcm, during the winter of 2002-2003. Lastly, Japan greatly affected spot trading especially after 2003. During the end of 2002 and the beginning of 2003 Japan decided to shut-down 17 nuclear power plants which led Japanese utilities to resort to power generation by gas fired power based on LNG, resulting in increased spot sales or swaps with other Asian buyers. Hence, Tokyo 51 Electric Power Company (TEPCO) bought around 30 cargoes in the six months ending September 3 0 th, 2003 and TEPCO and Kogas swapped 12 LNG cargoes in 2003. Japanese LNG imports increased to 80 bcm in 2003 with the TEPCO nuclear shut-down structurally added 3 mtpa of demand and caused a short-term spot supply squeeze. (IEA, 2004) ECONOMIC CONDITIONS OF SHORT-TERM LNG MARKET The second condition is the increasing willingness of producers to sell more LNG on a short-term basis. The decreasing cost of liquefaction during the last years, as it will be examined in latter section, certainly reduces the capital at risk in LNG plants and enable producers to sell more on a short-term basis. Apart from the decreasing liquefaction cost the root of the economic conditions lays under the softening of the rigidities of the old style long-term ToP contracts, which enabled extra volumes to trade on a short-term basis. These flexible volumes originate from the mismatch between customer market growth and the early availability of full capacity to cover the plateau period of the contract. The volumes of the 'ramp-up' period of the longterm contracts are increasingly being utilized to feed the short-term market. 'Ramp-up' volumes have existed for many years but their availability for short-term transactions is more recent. Because they become available when projects start up, they can be quickly put on the market without waiting for complex negotiations between buyer and seller. Actual ramp-up capacity potentially available for short-term markets is comparatively large relative to their actual utilization for short-term market sales. This is illustrated in 52 Figure 20, which shows the incremental growth of capacity, contract exports and shortterm sales since 1992. (Jensen, 2004) BCM 100 - Surplus capacity Short Term Exports Cont ract Exports 25 0 1993 1995 2000 1997 2002 Note: Capacity Figures Are as of the End of Year and Thus May Overstate Annual Surplus in an Expansion Year Figure 21: Cumulative incremental growth of the world's capacity and trade.(Jensen, 2004) In addition, as the industry ages, more and more gas is coming to the end of the original contract period, enabling the sellers to renew the original agreement or to take back the volumes for more flexible sales. This de-bottlenecking of existing facilities creates capacity that has already been financed by the original contract. With increased competition among projects for the market, companies seem more willing to commit to a project with some portion of the output 'uncovered'. And since the seller's greatest concern is debt service while the loan obligation is still outstanding, it may increasingly be possible to tailor the contract length to the shorter period of loan payout, giving the seller greater flexibility to put volumes on the short-term market. In Figure 21 the growth in new and de-bottlenecked capacity are compared since 1990. De-bottlenecking effectively added about one sixth of the incremental volume since that time. 53 75 Debottlenecking of Old Capacity Accounts for AboLut One Sixth of the Increase This E . BCM E Capacity Past Decade 50 25 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1998 1997 1998 1999 200 21001 2002 Figure 22: Cumulative growth of new and de-bottlenecked capacity. (Jensen, 2004) TRANSPORTATION CONDITIONS OF SHORT-TERM LNG MARKET The emergence and the increase of the short-term LNG trade inherently require uncommitted shipping. The absence of available and uncommitted LNG vessels a priori stops any initiative of short-term trading as it was proved in the period when traditional long-term was the common practice. Under the traditional long-term contracts, LNG tankers were dedicated to specific trades with rigid obligations to deliver the maximum contract quantity at the buyer's discretion. This had as a result an unavailability of transporting other cargoes even when the LNG buyer was taking his minimum contracted volumes. New long-term contracts required newbuildings, a practice which led eventually to a relatively inflexible tanker fleet. If a LNG vessel were to be idled for any reason, it was very difficult to find another charter for it and it was likely to be laid up. This is exactly what happened the late 1970s 54 and early 1980s, when several trades, for which tankers had been ordered, either failed to materialize or collapsed after a brief period of operation. These included the failed PacIndonesia trade from Indonesia to California and the Algeria - US trades to Cove Point, Elba Island and Lake Charles, which shut down after less than two years. In addition, two tankers that had been built on speculation never got contracts. All in all, fifteen tankers were laid up by these events. Although six of these were subsequently scrapped, the remaining nine remained idle, several for more than twenty years, before being refitted for a newer, more flexible tanker market. (Jensen, 2004) The contract clauses also tended to prevent the scheduling of tankers to cover cross shipping. Cross shipping is a method which is based on exchange agreements and minimizes transportation costs by effectively crossing the sailing course of dedicated tankers. To illustrate, ConocoPhillips was considering at one point the possibility of bringing its Bayu Undan gas in the Timor Sea, via an Australian liquefaction plant, into a possible Baja California terminal. It also is an owner of the Cook Inlet, Alaska LNG plant that is dedicated to the Japanese market. Had this venture gone ahead under the old dedicated tanker ground rules, the combined cross trade of Alaska-Japan and Bayu UndanMexico would have had a combined shipping distance of 10,547 nautical miles; 3,250 nautical miles form Alaska to Japan and 7,287 from Darwin to Baja. However had it been possible to make a flexible exchange deal of Alaska to Baja and Darwin to Japan, the combined shipping distance would have been more than halved; 2,191 for Alaska-Baja and 2,864 for the Australian shipment or 5,055 nautical miles total. Cross shipping is now a 55 major issue with the growing geographic dispersion of supply sources and markets and it is likely to be more important in the future.(Jensen, 2004) Thciusands of BCM Nattical Miles 700 700 600 500 - Contracted Capacity Factor 9 in18 Contracted Capacity Factor 72% in 1%3 - Net Surpus Contracted Capacity Factor 83% in 2001 O Capacityp ld [11 ECapacity Short Te rm *Utilization o nact 400- 200 MilM 0 1980 1985 1990 1995 [11 Fifteen vessels built for collapsed trades or on speculation 2000 Figure 23: LNG tanker capacity and tanker demand, 1978-2002. (Jens en, 2004) The tanker inflexibility began to give way in the early 1990s as it is illustrated in Figure 23 where tanker capacity, expressed in thousands of bcm nautical miles, compared with contract transportation utilization is presented. One of the first changes was the renewal of the Alaska - Japan contract in 1994. The contract renewal coincided with a debottlenecking of the plant and a decision to use somewhat larger newbuild LNG vessels for the renewed contract. This idled the two vessels used in the original contract, which were then purchased by BG and placed in other service. The latter favored the change of the dominant perception of limited effective life of LNG vessels. The stakeholders started to recognize that LNG tankers may have a useful life of more than 30 years and need not to be replaced when a contract extension has been negotiated. As a result a new class of 56 secondhand tankers began to appear in the market. This pattern accelerated with the replacement of five Gotaas Larsen ships that were chartered to the original Abu DhabiJapan contract when an expanded trade was initiated in 1995-1997. An illustrative example of the previous arguments is the fix by Gas de France of Galeomma, a 125,000 cbm, 28 years old LNG vessel controlled by Shell, for a short term contract of six months which happened on April 2006. (TradeWinds, 2006b) INSTITUTIONAL CONDITIONS OF SHORT-TERM LNG MARKET If we look at the historical experience of the internationalization of oil trade flows, the creation of a short-term market for natural gas trade required the emergence of organized markets for both the trading of gas molecules and their shipping. Organized markets take shape under certain institutional conditions, among other things. These institutional conditions, which facilitated the emergence of the short-term market, derived from the restructuring process of the gas industries in the USA and UK. The main goal of the restructure was to make gas industry more competitive and focused on essential elements. The first was regulatory intervention in existing contractual relationships between buyer and sellers, freeing sellers to ship for the lowest gas among suppliers. The second element was the requirement the transportation systems be open to third party access to enable producers and consumers to negotiate directly with one another, without the monopoly control of a merchant transporter. The restructuring model foresaw the LNG chain reconstructed efficiently through independent competitive offerings of each of the relevant links, which are free to operate independently of one 57 another. And since many market decisions involve time lags between buyers' and sellers' revenue objectives with volatile price behavior in the meantime, it also provides a system of risk management through the use of various types of financial derivatives like futures contracts, options and swaps. In USA the Federal Energy Regulatory Committee (FERC) issued the 436 Order which granted third-party access to pipelines to producers and consumers. Taking advantage of the supply surplus, this access boosted the development of a short-trade market, spot and future contracts, which decreased the price level of gas. Pipeline companies faced severe financial difficulties as a result of the ToP provisions, as they were no longer able to take delivery of the contract quantities. To alleviate the obligations of the pipelines, FERC intervened with Order 500 which granted ToP credits to pipelines if they granted third party access (TPA) to their creditors. In UK regulatory reforms, along with oversupply, led to complete restructuring of long-term ToP contracts and the development of spot sales. Contract obligations were very costly to change for the companies involved as there were no re-opener clauses. It cost British Gas 2.5 billion to renegotiate its contracts with North Sea producers when gas prices dropped to 9 per thm, while the cost to British Gas for buying it averaged 19 per thm.(IEA, 2004) Following UK's example the European Union made obligatory third party access to all the greenfields and old regasification terminals. (Mazighi Hachemi, E. A., 2003) 58 RISKS IN LNG PROJECTS Risk is inherent in every major international construction and trading project. LNG trade by its nature is vulnerable to a number of risks, which the traditional LNG trading model tried to minimize through contractual intervention. The emergence of the short-term market has actually shifted the balance of risks among the parties in ways that made necessary the introduction of new risk management tools and risk allocation techniques, not previously utilized in the traditional, risk-averse model of LNG trade. The three main categories of risk encountered in the LNG projects are political, technical and financial risk and are illustrated in Figure 24. olitical instabil ationalization erritorialdis overnment bre enfield develo technology onstruction cost erruns and del ice risk olume risk erest rate Figure 24: Risks encountered in LNG projects. In the following sections we will overview these three risk categories and focus on the influence of the short-term LNG market to the financial risk and the risk management tools utilized by the stakeholders. 59 POLITICAL RISK The emergence of the short-term LNG market created more opportunities but also new challenges for both buyers and sellers. One challenge of great importance is how the security of supply is affected by geopolitical dynamics of the countries possessing the gas reserves. On one hand, the flexibility created by competitive markets, enables more LNG suppliers to access more markets and mobilize gas resources in a shorter period of time. Looking on the buyers it allows access to more and more flexible supplies playing a critical role in the balancing of gas supply and demand between different regions, by allowing arbitrage and purchasing cost optimization. On the other hand the LNG market flexibility raises several issues, linked with the location of LNG resources. According to OECD, by 2030 LNG trade is expected to account for about 50% of total trade and 16% of global gas consumption. As shown in Figure 25, most of the projects to be developed over the next 30 years are located in non-OECD countries, the exceptions being Australia, Norway and Alaska. OPEC countries hold a little more than half of global gas reserves and their exports counted for 37.6% of the global LNG trade in 2004. By 2030, the last figure is expected to grow to more than 60% of global LNG trade. If exports from other non-OECD countries are added, that means that 90% of global LNG would come from non-OECD countries. The geopolitical implications of this trade pattern are similar to that of the oil trade and give rise to the same concerns. The development of LNG trade could lead to similar geopolitical complications as were experienced for oil in the past. LNG suppliers from non-OECD countries could possibly try to influence LNG prices by trying to withhold capacity from the market, as is the case for OPEC and oil. (IEA, 2004) 60 600 - 300 200 - '00 100 - -4 - 500 - 700 - 800 0 - OPEC 2030 2020 2010 2002 E3 Non-OECD U OECD Figure 25: Sourcing of global LNG traded volumes.(IEA, 2004) The traditional politic risks in greenfield and brownfield LNG projects include nationalization, government breach of contract, political instability and territorial dispute. In some countries there may be no sound basis for these concerns, for example the UK remains one of the most unstable investment environments due to fiscal risk; however, LNG projects in developing countries may require support from export credit agencies because of augmented political risk. The latter leads to significant complications regarding the project finance process. (Martin, 2005) The risk of nationalization is realized when the government of the host country decides to nationalize the assets of a project or the shares of a project company in discriminatory or arbitrary manner without the payment of a fair compensation to the project company. The nationalization risk is of particular relevance in the case of emerging market projects like LNG projects, where the existence of the blooming of nationalist policies may tempt government to nationalize these projects. A breach of contract by the 61 government occurs when an authority of the host country does not recognize its obligations in relation to any substantial part of the project company's rights under a project contract. Typically these two kinds of political risk are addressed by appropriate risk reduction and distribution mechanisms, such as political risk insurance coverage, government guarantees and assurances or credit support from the sponsors and other participants in the project. (Buljevich & Park, 1999) Political instability is main issue of the LNG trade since the concentration of the majority of gas resources in a few countries who do not have solid political foundations increases the risk of supply disruption. A recent example is Indonesia. Indonesia is currently the world's largest LNG exporter. Unrest in the separatist Aceh region created a major supply cut in 2001 when ExxonMobil had to shutdown three of the four fields supplying the Arun liquefaction LNG plant after repeated attacks on its workers from separatist rebels. This forced Pertamina, the state Indonesian oil and gas company, to declare a state of force majeure at the plant, which was closed for seven months. This resulted in changes in the way LNG was traded, with more flexibility requested by buyers and more cooperation developing between suppliers. After the disruption in 2001, Indonesia, Malaysia and Brunei pledged to work closely together to cover possible supply problems. There are still violent conflicts in Aceh and separatist sentiment is also growing in Irian Jaya. Territorial dispute is of major importance especially for the countries of Middle East. The case of Iran is a very clear example. Iran, the holder of the world's second largest gas reserves, is developing an LNG export policy under NIGEC (National Iranian Gas Export 62 Policy) with four LNG projects planned. However, these projects have been stalled, faced with the current development in the United Nations Security Council. A last vivid example is the delay of the LNG projects between Australia and Indonesia from the joint shelf between East Timor and Australia, as East Timor entered into a treaty originally signed between Australia and Indonesia, before East Timor's independence. The Sunrise project, which also lies on the shelf between East Timor and Australia, is still facing an agreement over the landing and liquefaction site and the split of royalties.(IEA, 2004) On a general perspective, until now LNG producers have maintained good relationships with their individual customers. Otherwise, they would risk not only losing their export revenues, but also jeopardizing their reputation in the case of a breach of delivery contract. The current LNG business is also characterized as a buyers' market. There are many LNG projects and a number of gas fields waiting for development and for customers. Fields also tend to be developed on a joint venture basis, which creates considerable competition on the supply side and often commits government-owned companies. In the following years the trend is towards a more global market and increasing LNG supplies from only a few OPEC member countries: Qatar, Indonesia, Nigeria and Algeria. Therefore, although gas resources are abundant and LNG projects numerous, there is no room for complacency, and diversification policies should continue. The growing diversity of supply sources may help buyers to mitigate the political risks. Similarly, major companies with investments in affected countries can only spread the risks by investing in a portfolio of supply sources.(IEA, 2004) 63 TECHNICAL RISK Technical risk refers to the losses of a probable temporal or permanent disruption of the LNG project during its construction, start-up, operation or maintenance. The main elements of technical risk are associated with greenfield development, new technology in regasification, liquefaction and transportation, construction delay and cost overrun and EPC contracts risk. As far as greenfield development is concerned, for the last 40 years the LNG industry enjoyed a virtually unblemished safety record in the development and operation of new projects. A recent study conducted by the International Gas Union on the safety record of the LNG industry concluded that there have been no reports worldwide of offsite damage resulting from an incident at an LNG facility. (IGU, 2003) LNG liquefaction terminals have technologically evolved and grown in number since the first plant to be operated on a commercial basis was established at Arzew in Algeria in 1964. The early plants were built more or less according to refinery standards while later generations of plants have benefited from the development of LNG's own standards and practices, similar to the lean designs that are now customary in the gas industry. Lessons are taken from past incidents, mainly through the evolution of the design of the plants, which have become safer and more reliable, and also in the accumulated experience of operating companies. The number of incidents in LNG plants is similar to, or lower than those in refineries. For many years, the LNG industry has implemented Safety and Management Systems and Environmental Management Systems in the day-to-day operation of LNG plants, either in response to compulsory regulatory requirements, or on a voluntary basis. (IEA, 2004) 64 Based on the available data the transportation risk of LNG is limited. Over the past 40 years, there have been more than 40,000 LNG ship voyages, covering more than 60 million miles without any major incidents involving a major release of LNG in port or in sea. It must be noted that unlike oil tankers double containment has been the standard in LNG vessels from the start. The LNG fleet has an absolute safety and reliability record since the high asset value and safety levels demanded the ships tend to be very well maintained and operated. Regasification terminals also carry a limited technical risk having an excellent security record. Not one accident has been reported since the beginning of commercial LNG trade. However, local opposition and environmental considerations have often delayed or even blocked the building of new terminals. The local population is more demanding than in the past insisting that industrial sites are based further away from residential areas. Construction cost overruns occur when the actual construction and start up costs of an LNG project are higher than the figures estimated in the financial plan. If the projected construction costs are exceeded, additional funds will be required for the completion of the LNG project. Additionally, if construction cost overruns are not distributed to a creditworthy third party, such additional funds need be financed by the sponsors through additional equity contributions or subordinated shareholders loans or otherwise by new debt financing not contemplated in the financial plan. Construction delays can present a series of difficult problems for the LNG project's success, namely the increase in the interest burden of the LNG project during the construction phase, which in turn leads to financial cot overruns not contemplated in the financial plan. Also, the delay in 65 commencement of the operating phase leads to a delay in the commencement of the LNG project revenue stream. In LNG projects construction delays result from supplies and materials shortfalls, and delays, mainly for the regasification plants, in obtaining the necessary permits and authorizations. (Buljevich & Park, 1999) The experience, reputation and creditworthiness of each of the subcontractors in a LNG project to whom projects risks are allocated are essential for the success of a project. Engineering, procurement and construction contracts between the joint venture of the companies developing the project and the subcontractors are based on the experience and credit standing of the subcontractors and are of utmost importance to avoid or at least minimize the technical risk. (Buljevich & Park, 1999) One of the main risk mitigation mechanisms used for the technical risk are cash completion agreements, performance bonds and corporate guarantees. Another risk reduction tool is contingent credit facilities granted by the lenders or other project participants for purposes of making available additional financing to cover potential cost overruns. Closing, a risk spreading technique gaining ground the last years, is the diversification of the traditional parties' business activities by expanding in all the areas of the LNG supply chain. In a following section this trend will be examined in detail. FINANCIAL RISK Financial risk is probably the key challenge in financing LNG projects. The reliability of expected cash flows is essential for the financial feasibility of the project and lenders 66 typically require a level of certainty as to the future volume demand, and sale prices of the gas to be produced from a certain project. The level of future demand is associated with the so called volume risk. Volume risk refers to the loss from the probable disequilibrium between the volume that the buyer is contracted to buy and the demand in the market in which the gas is sold. In the long-term ToP contracts the buyer was obliged to take a minimum level of gas volume having the risk if the demand escalated, there would not be enough gas supply to match it. The rigidity imposed from these contracts forced the sellers and buyers to bilateral transactions in order to adjust to commitments among themselves. The emergence of a short-term LNG market implies that a certain quantity of gas will flow with priority to markets with high prices. One consequence of the latter is that markets with low prices will need stocks of gas in order to meet their demand, whereas the satisfaction of this demand was provided before through the ToP contracts. In other words the reduction of the volume risk for the importer will need a certain amount of commercial stock building. (Mazighi Hachemi, E. A., 2004) Apart from the volume risk the financial risk central to the LNG projects financing structure is the price risk. Price risk is actually the loss from the probable fluctuation of the gas price from the level agreed between the LNG buyer and seller. A minimum price was contracted in the SPA of the long-term contracts in order to transfer responsibility energy price fluctuations to the seller. Simply stated the minimum price approach establishes a benchmark price level, usually determined by reference to the historical LNG prices applicable over a base period in the relevant buyer's market, and subject to escalation to 67 maintain the level of the minimum price in real terms over time. The minimum price concept, as originally devised, was meant to address two important considerations especially applicable to greenfield projects. The first issue was project viability, namely the need to convince the project's stakeholders that the project has an acceptable rate of return on investment, even if there was a significant drop in energy prices. The second issue was project financing. Developers' concerns about massive debt appearing on their balance sheets led to the development of new financing methods. Limited resource project financing is less concerned with the developer's financial standing than it is with having a secure access to LNG sales revenues that are assured to provide sufficient returns to cover the borrower's debt service obligations. (Greenwald, 1998) Another risk that should be noted in this section is the interest rate risk. Financial projections must include realistic rate assumptions and the projected cash flows of the project must accommodate statistically reasonable increase in interest rates without jeopardizing the LNG project's feasibility. Interest rate protection agreements can be designed to transfer or mitigate such risk generally or in certain specific contingencies. In LNG projects the most common derivative instrument used for mitigating interest rate risk is the coupon swap, where the project company swaps its floating rate interest payment obligations into a fixed rate. Finally the risk of currency devaluation is present in every international project which has a portion of its costs denominated in one or more foreign currencies, since it is exposed to the risk of fluctuations in the exchange rate between such foreign currencies and the local currency in which the project is generating its revenues. In most of the LNG projects 68 this risk appears to be of relatively minor concern as all revenues and costs accrue in $ US. However, by the very nature of the off-take agreements the LNG buyer still poses a very subtle and indirect currency risk. If the buyer generates its revenue in a local currency an adverse currency movement might imperil his ability to honor the SPA. An illustrative example of what was discussed before is the case of Ras Laffan Natural Liquified Gas Corporation project (RasGas), which process and sells gas from a field offshore of Qatar to Korea Gas Company (Kogas), for resale to the Korea Electric Power Company (Kepco). Kogas generates all its revenue in Korean Won. During the Asian financial crisis Korean Won depreciated against the $ US and the effective cost of LNG doubled in local currency terms. Hence, exchange rate risk when borne by the buyer has a tendency to transform itself into a credit risk. (Dailami & Hauswald, 2000) RISK MANAGEMENT TECHNIQUES IN LNG PROJECTS Risk management techniques in LNG projects consist of a combination of five different but interrelated steps as presented in Figure 26. The first step is to identify the risks. In the previous sections it was presented that for the LNG projects the inherent risks are political, technical and financial. Their quantification and assessment is usually accomplished with the usage of probabilistic models which determine their magnitude and its epistemic uncertainty. At the third step risk reduction techniques are applied to reduce the overall risk facing the LNG project participants to the lowest possible level. In the following sections three risk reduction tools, namely downstream and midstream integration, upstream and 69 midstream integration and efficient pricing mechanisms, which were developed or modified after the emergence of the short-term LNG market will be examined. Figure 26: Risk management in LNG projects. At the fourth step the risks are distributed among the various project participants in a way that is mutually acceptable. In long-term term contracts this was done with the ToP contracts, but as mentioned before current contracts are more flexible and are structured more like a Take-and-Pay (TaP) contract where the buyer is not unconditionally obligated to pay for a minimum volume of gas. The last step is essentially a means for each participant to individually further reduce its allocated risks through hedging, which is the usage of financial derivatives as an 70 additional risk spreading mechanism, and political or commercial insurance. In the following sections the underlined risk management tools of Figure 26 will be presented DOWNSTREAM AND MIDSTREAM INTEGRATION According to the business segmentation of traditional LNG projects the upstream, midstream and downstream sectors refer to the gas well development and liquefaction plant operation sector, LNG transportation sector, and LNG reception, regasification and marketing sector respectively. The developments in the LNG trade the last decade has led the traditional LNG market players to diversified business activities, as an answer to the change in the balance of risks and rewards produced by the clash between the two structural models of the international LNG industry. Specifically, one of the reasons that the international oil companies (IOC) are advancing into the downstream market is to monetize their upstream assets, leverage their gas reserves and allow for faster launch of upstream projects by securing gas outlets.(Dubois, 2004) Another reason for the downstream and midstream integration is that in the liberalized markets, like USA, UK and now Japan, LNG importers, such as power and gas companies, need various flexibilities in their contracts which are limited by the ability of the sellers to provide the required gas volumes. International oil companies and trading houses see the latter as a new business opportunity to offer volume risk hedging options. In liquid markets such as the US and the UK, exporters are exposed to relatively higher price risk, but volume risk is relatively low. Therefore, IOC and trading houses can sell their LNG 71 relatively easily if price volatility is not considered. It should be noted that a possible future outcome of this trend might be that the LNG will be delivered from multiple liquefaction facilities to multiple destinations, within the range set by the SPA, in order to & maximize profit. As a result, the liquidity of the LNG market will be increased. (Suzuki Morikawa, 2005) In Table 3 recent cases in which traditional players in the upstream sector, of the natural gas industry, made active efforts to expand into the midstream and downstream sector are presented. These cases can be categorized in four categories depending on their content. The first category includes cases in which the players that hold interests in the upstream sector order hold and operate LNG tankers. This measure can be regarded as part of a business strategy aiming to increase the cost-efficiency of the LNG chain as a whole, while securing flexibility by transporting to the downstream sector the company's assets, which are located in different locations, in the upstream sector. As forms of LNG trade are expected to be further diversified in the future, these companies are working toward achieving centralized control of LNG marketing and LNG tanker operation with a view of establishing a system that will be able to respond immediately to market demand. The latter will eventually decrease the financial risk associated with the volume demand. The second category includes cases in which traditional upstream companies participate in projects for constructing LNG receiving terminals in natural gas consuming countries. Among others, noteworthy cases are the movements toward: 72 Table 3: Expansion of upstream companies to the midstream and downstream sectors. (Odawara, 2004) Integration to Midstream Ordered construction of LNG tankers for organizing its own fleet Participation in LNG receiving termina construction Joint construction, with Sempra, of LNG receiving terminal in Costa Azul Rights' acquisition for LNG storage and regasification capacity usage Acquisition of subsidiaries and affiliated companies that engage in LNG trade Obtained right to use capacity Cove Point LNG receiving terminal Started construction of a LNG receiving terminal in Altamira, Mexico. Acquired 26.7% of interests in GDFs Fos Cavaou LNG receiving terminal in Southern France Acquired the right to use the capacity of the Bilbao LNG receiving terminal Organized a fleet of LNG tankers under its .curd2%o ntrssi h N Acquired jointly with Sonatrach the rights to use the Acquired 30% of interests in the company holding the own control Acurd2%o neet nteLG capacity of the Grain LNG receiving terminal in UK Guangdong LNG receiving terminal reception project in Kirishna Putnam, India Acquired 35% of interests in SK Power that was constructing a gas-fired power plant in Gwangyang Jointly construction with Qatar Petroleum (QP) of the South Hook LNG receiving terminal in UK Acquired jointly with QP the right to use the capacity of the Zeebrugge LNG receiving terminal owned by Fluxy Acquired approval for constructing the Port Perican offshore LNG receiving terminal Acquired 20% of interests in the South Pars LNG terminal in Iran Acquired 30% of interests in the Dragon Acquired the right to use 50% of the capacity of the LNG receiving terminal in Milford Haven, ADragon terminal. UK Acquired the right to use the capacity of the Cove Point terminal jointly with BP and Shell Organized a fleet under its own control mainly targeting the Atlantic market Started construction of the Brindisi LNG receiving terminal Acquired the rights to use the capacity of the Elba terminal in US Acquired 60% of interests in Freeport LNG the constructor of LNG terminal in US Acquired the right to use the capacity of the Elba LNG receiving terminal 73 Acquired, jointly with QP 45% interests in the North Adriatic LNG import project " Global cooperation between oil majors, which have already established their position in the world as interest holders in the natural gas upstream sector, and state owned oil companies, like the cooperation between ExxonMobil and Qatar Petroleum " Cooperation between oil majors and gas companies, which have established their position in the downstream sector, like the cooperation between Shell and Sempra. The third category includes cases in which traditional players acquire the right to regulate use of LNG storage and regasification capacity of LNG receiving terminals. This is also called capacity trade. This measure is taken by interest holders in the natural gas upstream sector to rent, for a certain period, LNG storage and regasification capacity from companies operating LNG receiving terminals. Particularly after 2000, capacity trade has become popular in the European and North American markets windows and regulations have been improved along with the progress of market liberalization. (Odawara, 2004) The fourth category includes cases in which interest holders in the natural gas upstream sector establish or acquire subsidiaries and affiliated companies that engage in LNG purchase and sale or in the power-gas industry, thereby launching and stabilizing LNG export projects in which they are involved. This measure also seems to actually contribute to demonstrating such players' supply capacity in the market, and in particular, it is obviously regarded as part of the movement toward vertical integration in the LNG chain led by oil majors. (Odawara, 2004) 74 Before closing it should be noted that integration is not without cost and the price tag for the highest degree of diversity is so large that few companies can afford it. Figure 27 illustrates a 'greenfield entry fee' for what might be described as a fully diversified LNG portfolio involving supplies in the Pacific Basin, Middle East and Atlantic Basin and matching terminal capacity in Asia, Europe and North America. The $15 billion price tag is compared to the 2002 capital expenditures of the five super majors, the 'five sisters', together with the smaller ConocoPhillips. BG is also a major player but, as a gas company, difficult to compare with the upstream oil producers. Figure 27 assumes that 25% of total upstream capital budgets are available for LNG, taking 60% of the budget for the world outside North America and Europe and 40% of that is targeted on gas. It is apparent that the entry fee remains large compared to available investment dollars for these very large companies. CAPEX - $BILLION $1 $15.5 Bn for a Set of Three 25% of IUprrsfen CAPEX Potential LNG Budgets Plus Middle EastvUS Plus NigeriaSpain $10 .. an U -;- egasIrmaon ni TaiDW Trasport IndonesiaJapan LNG $10i Liquefaction $5 Assumptions: Two 33 MMT Trains. $3.86 Field Investment per Annual Mcf. Cornpany Upstream Budgets @C 25% Based on GD% Invested Outside North America & Europe and 40% Invested in Gas Figure 27: A regionally diversified portfolio greenfield LNG projects compared to the upstream capital budgets of selected companies. (Jensen, 2004) 75 UPSTREAM AND MIDSTREAM INTEGRATION The other face of integration in the LNG industry is that of downstream companies integrating to the midstream and upstream sectors. For the LNG buyers who still exert some control over their own markets, the possibility of acquiring an upstream position in production, usually expected to be the most profitable link in the chain, offers a method of upstream integration. The main reason behind that is the need to cover risks by securing a diversified portfolio of LNG supplies and carrier capacity. Essentially upstream and midstream integration is a method for doing risk-hedging and adding value along the LNG chain. In Table 4 recent cases of traditional players in the downstream expanding into the upstream and midstream sectors such as production, transportation and importation are presented. The cases of Table 4 are divided in two categories. The first category includes the case in which the traditional LNG buyers construct and hold their own tankers. This measure is not intended only to reduce transportation cost by securing the f.o.b. option in LNG import contracts. Rather, the specific companies seem to take this measure with the objective of securing opportunities to actively adjust themselves to the changes in the market environment, not only acting as LNG importers but also shifting their position to act as LNG sellers. (Odawara, 2004) The second category of Table 4 includes cases in which the LNG importing companies participate and acquire interest in the gas development field and liquefaction plant operation sectors of LNG exporters. In the cases of this category measures are being taken in line with national policy in addition to the projects led by private businesses, such as formations of corporate consortiums led by state owned companies. Kogas in Korea was 76 Table 4: Expansion of downstream companies to the midstream and upstream sectors. (Odawara, 2004), (IEA, 2004) Ist~aio t MidsreamAcquliitin of interests in gps fiM dvlpetand Acquired interests in SEGAS that manages the ELNG Damietta LNG export terminal in Egypt, and 6(r% of the right to use the liquefaction capacity of the terminal for 20 years Holding 8% of interests in Qalhat LNG in Oman Announce 4 year investment plan targeting projects for conistructing LNG receiving terminals in USA, via a joint venture established with Repsol Constructing and holding its own ships Akuired Holding 10% in Greater Sunrise gas field and Evans Shoal gas 10% of interests in the first train of Atlantic LNG of interests in the Bayu-Undang gas field in Constructing and holding its own ships Acquired 3.36%/ Constructing and holding its own ships Acquired 6.72% of interests in the Bayu-Undang gas field in Damwn LNG export project Darwin LNG export project Oman LNG respectively of the ROK LNG consortium Acquired 5% of interests in RasGas and through the formation Holding 10% of interests in Block Al gas field in Myanmar Acquired 17% of interests in Indonesia's Tangguh, 25% in Australia's NWS and 12.5% in Gorgon joint venture Joint venture with Nissho Iwai Corp and Sumitomo Corp with a 6.%iIdosi'Tngu Ordered 4 LNG tankers for transporting RasGas LNG to the Taizhong LNG receiving stk Holding 5 ships of its own Holding 5% of interests in ELNG Holding 12% of interests in the Snohvit LNG export project one of the first buyers to acquire an upstream stake by obtaining an interest in Qatar's Rasgas project. It has also been the path of the. Chinese Offshore Oil Company (CNOOC) in acquiring an equity interest in the Australian North West Shelf project as a part of the Guangdong purchase contract. This has also been the route that Tokyo Electric and Tokyo Gas have followed in acquiring an equity interest in the Bayu Undan project in the Timor Sea. (IEA, 2004) 77 PRICING DEVELOPMENTS IN LNG CONTRACTS Over the long-term horizon of LNG contracts one of the key elements of risk management is the determination of the right price formula and the most efficient price review mechanism. These two will implement the most appropriate risk reduction strategy with regards to the LNG contract price. (Dubois, 2004) Traditionally the long-term LNG contract prices have been indexed in oil prices. However the emergence of the short-term LNG market has paved the way to a wider and more flexible approach of pricing in the LNG industry. Suppliers are adopting different pricing policies according to the buyers' market For instance, Qatar, which sells on the three main LNG markets, has pegged its LNG sales to crude oil prices in Japan, to Henry Hub spot prices in the US, to NBP spot prices in the UK and to fuel oil prices in continental Europe. In Japan, c.i.f LNG prices are based on a basket of crude oils imported into the country, known as the Japanese Crude Cocktail (JCC), which are adjusted on a monthly basis. In the past, this "cocktail" was a convenient basis for gas pricing because the main competitor of gas was light crude oils, whose prices are reflected in the JCC. However, as gas in electricity generation, which is the major user of gas in Japan, is no longer competing with crude oil, Japanese buyers require more flexibility in volume and pricing. Moreover, the contract signed by Australian North West Shelf (NWS) with Chinese buyers has set a new benchmark for LNG pricing in Asia. The price formula is reported to be similar to that used for the NWS Japanese contracts; namely an S-curve formula based on the average price of a cocktail of imported crude oils, designed to protect the parties against sharp swings in oil prices. However, based on a reference barrel of $18, NWS 78 partners have lowered the c.i.f. price to China to around $3/mBtu, or about 15% below the current Japanese price. Moreover, the slope of the S-curve is not as steep as under the Japanese formula. This means that for a price of $25/b, China would pay 25% less than Japanese buyers. This price cut will greatly affect renegotiation of the Asian contracts of about 25 mtpa, including Japanese contracts with NWS partners, which come up for renewal before the end of the decade. (IEA, 2004) European LNG contracts have predominantly been linked to the evolution of gasoil and heavy fuel oil prices, with a reference period usually of six months to one year. However, the recent developments associated with the short-term LNG market have led to the introduction of alternative indices into the structure of the price formula. In some contracts other indices, such as electricity pool prices, inflation level, NBP prices for UK and emerging gas hubs prices like Zeebrugge Hub in Belgium, have now been included to reflect the new dynamic of the LNG market. A vivid example of the latter is the introduction of electricity pool prices in the formula negotiated between Trinidad and Tobago and Spain's Gas Natural. In Figure 28 an example of a long-term LNG price formula for the European market is presented. Figure 28: Long-term LNG price formula for the European market. (Dubois, 2004) 79 In the US market, LNG prices are generally linked to the Henry Hub prices. Ex-ship prices tend to represent 80% to 90% of the futures prices at Henry Hub, as they are adjusted for the location of the LNG terminal. LNG supply will seek highest differential compared with Henry Hub spot prices first: Everett; Cove Point; Elba Island and then Lake Charles. However, the arrival of sudden large LNG supplies flowing directly into the US gas grid has an impact on the basis to Henry Hub prices and sometimes completely annihilates it. (IEA, 2004) POTENTIAL OF RISK HEDGING BY USING FINANCIAL DERIVATIVES The conditions which recently fostered the emergence of the LNG short-term market have also given birth to the idea of risk hedging by using financial derivatives. Specifically, the concept was the usage of financial derivatives, for long-term as well as short-term risk management, in order to exempt the seller from relying on long-term contracts for his future cash flow and utilize the longer-term derivatives market in order to lock in prices. Under this concept financial derivatives in LNG market could be used to hedge multi-billion dollar LNG investments, thereby replacing the long-term contract in managing project risk. The predominant market for natural gas derivatives is the New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX), which is a for-profit corporation organized under the laws of the state of Delaware and has been in continuous operation as a commodity exchange for more than 130 years. NYMEX is the largest exchange in the world for the trading of futures and option contracts based on physical commodities. NYMEX futures market has proved to be 80 highly successful and serves as a potential model for gas risk management in USA and other countries. It has provided a very liquid vehicle for hedging short-term USA gas market transactions and enabled companies to stabilize revenues and profitability when market volatility would otherwise cause them to fluctuate unacceptably. The three common hedging techniques used by gas buyers and sellers in NYMEX are the following: " Buying or selling futures. A future is an agreement to buy or sell a specific amount of gas at a specific location at a specified date and price. All futures are traded through NYMEX that also guarantees performance of the counterparties. Currently, gas futures are offered at Henry Hub in Louisiana. Most futures positions are not closed out by actual delivery but simply through buying or selling at a later date through the exchange. Because of the integrated pipeline network in the USA, futures are commonly used to hedge risk across the USA and Canada.(Shively & Ferrare, 2003) " Buying or selling options. An option is a right, but not an obligation, to purchase or sell a future at a specific price within a specific time frame. Options have a lower cost than futures and are used to create price ceilings and floors rather than an absolute price guarantee. There are two types of options. A call option grants the buyer the right to purchase a future at a specific price while a put option grants the right to sell a future at a specific price. The cost of this right is called the option premium. For the buyer, the risk of the option is limited to the option premium since if the option price is not supported by the 81 market, the buyer will simply allow the option to expire. The seller however has & an unlimited risk unless he has hedged the risk in some other way.(Shively Ferrare, 2003) * Over the counter (OTC) derivatives. Since the standard provisions of the futures and options markets often do not fit with a specific customer's needs, financial service companies and large marketers offer OTC derivatives that mimic many of the features of the futures/options markets but at different locations and under different terms. In NYMEX exchange of futures for swaps (EFS) transactions are provided as an additional instrument to add flexibility to participants trading and risk management portfolios. The parties to EFS are allowed to privately negotiate the execution of an OTC swap and related futures ) transaction on their own pricing terms. (NYMEX, Natural gas derivatives have enabled buyers and sellers to lock in current market pricing conditions for physical transactions that will not take place until some time in the future. Applied to LNG, it would enable the parties to offset the sometimes irregular delivery of LNG cargoes. For example a transaction for Middle East LNG for the USA East Coast can be locked in to the current market price despite the fact that it might take three weeks for the vessel to deliver the cargo. The futures quotations on the NYMEX exchange are available for 72 months into the future, while for longer-term risk management, the EFS transactions extend the hedging period years into the future. However, the liquidity of the NYMEX market drops off significantly for later transactions, 82 making it increasingly difficult to move large volumes without affecting the market. There are no published figures for swaps activity, but its liquidity is also very poor for longerterm transactions.(Jensen, 2004) All financial derivatives depend on counter parties to offset the positions of those who want to hedge prices. For example, if a gas seller uses a futures contract to hedge against a price decline, someone in the market must be prepared to take a matching contrary position to balance the transaction. For near months, market speculators contribute significantly to that role, but as contracts lengthen, speculative activity tends to decline. For longer-term positions, the market has relied more and more on the specialist market trading companies and the investment banks as the counter parties. Enron, for example, was a major specialist in long-term gas swaps. One of the principal consequences of its bankruptcy proceeding has been to default on some of its longer-term commitments, adversely affecting the profitability of those who relied on it for hedges. (Jensen, 2004) The near collapse of the trading companies has markedly changed the outlook for long-term risk management in LNG. Since some of the affected companies were leaders in the effort to develop the long-term derivatives market, their problems, and in some cases complete withdrawal from trading activities, have sharply reduced the number of players who are prepared to accept that risk. If the idea that a financial derivatives contract could be used to hedge multi-billion dollar LNG investments was questionable before, it is now almost completely discredited. (Jensen, 2004) 83 CHAPTER 4 - COST REDUCTION IN LNG SUPPLY CHAIN COST REDUCTION IN LNG SUPPLY CHAIN In the last 20 years costs in the LNG supply chain have been declining steadily. LNG projects are considered among the most expensive energy projects in the world and accurate data on LNG plant costs are difficult to pinpoint since costs vary widely depending on location and whether a project is greenfield or brownfield. The four main price components of an LNG project from the gas field to the receiving terminal are: " Gas production cost, which refers to the associated cost for bringing the gas from the reservoir to the LNG plant " Liquefaction cost, which includes all the costs relevant to gas treating, liquefaction, LPG and condensate recovery, LNG loading and storage * Shipping cost, which encloses the cost for obtaining the LNG tankers and transporting the LNG " Regasification cost, which includes all the costs relevant to unloading, storage, and regasification of the gas In Figure 29 the total cost of the LNG supply chain is illustrated for two time periods, namely the 1980s and 2004. During this 20 years period the total cost of the LNG supply 84 chain decreased by 31.7%, from 4.1 to 2.8 $/MBtu. In the following sections a brief examination for each cost segment will be presented. US$/MBtu 5Total Cost = 4.1 - 4 0.8 Total Cost = 2.80 31.4 0.75 - 2 0 2004 1980s 0 Regasification B Shipping 0 Liquefaction EJ Gas Production Figure 29 : Costs in the LNG supply chain, 1980s-2004.(Gardiner, October 25th, 2005), (lEA, 2004) COST REDUCTION IN GAS PRODUCTION The gas production cost is the segment of the LNG supply chain with the smallest reduction during the last 20 years. In the middle of 1980s the mean production cost was equal to 0.8 $/MBtu, while in 2004 that was slightly decreased to 0.75 $/MBtu. Even though the technologies used today enable the big international oil companies to extract more efficiently larger volume of gas, the cost of current infrastructure is much higher than it was 20 years ago mainly increasing substantially the cost per MBtu. 85 The driving force of the gas production sector during the last two decades has been the technological developments in gas reserves detection and extraction. More precise and efficient acoustic and seismic methods, along with the usage of underwater vehicles, reduced the required time for detecting gas reserves both onshore and offshore but at a greater cost. At the same time new drilling techniques enabling horizontal along with vertical drilling paved the way for shorter and more efficient drilling period, but the required engineering infrastructure for these kinds of drilling techniques is much more expensive than the one used 20 years ago. The advance of fiber optics gave the ability, especially at the offshore platforms, to perform a wide variety of tasks in greater depths while new designed platforms are able to extract gas from a depth of 6,000 feet below the sea level. A reduction in the production cost was experienced, because these new technologies gave access to more gas reserves without having to repeat the traditional steps of drilling and extracting for each reserve, but since the same technologies are associated with a higher cost, the cost reduction in the gas production segment of the LNG supply chain has been small. COST REDUCTION IN LIQUEFACTION The largest cost component in the LNG value chain is the liquefaction plant, which consists of one or more trains, or production units. LNG plant costs are typically high relative to comparable energy projects for a number of reasons, including remote locations, strict design and safety standards, large amounts of cryogenic material required, and a historic tendency to overdesign to ensure supply security. 86 Liquefaction plants typically consist of one or two processing trains. The standard economic size of each train is now about 4.0 mtpa. Adding a second train once a plant is built can reduce the unit cost of a liquefaction train by 20-30%. According to Gas Technology Institute (GTI), construction of a liquefaction plant that annually produces 8.2 mtpa of LNG could cost $1.5 to $2.0 billion depending on land costs, environmental and safety regulations, labor costs and other local market conditions. Roughly half of that amount is for construction and related costs, 30% is for equipment, and 20% is for bulk materials. The liquefaction trains account for approximately half the costs of operating an LNG plant, storage and loading facilities for 24%, utilities 16%, and other facilities account for the final 1 1%.(EIA, 2003) The cost of liquefaction dropped in the last 20 years from 1.4 $/MBtu in 1980s to 1 $/MBtu in 2004. The main factors driving costs downward include: " Reduction of over-design margins " Larger and fewer storage tanks * Improved technology like gas turbines, larger axial compressors, multiple compressors, turbines on a single shaft * Improved engineering techniques * Competitive lump-sum bidding. The cost of adding trains to existing projects is significantly lower than building a new greenfield plant, since many of the facility components are already in place. Major 87 economies of scale have been achieved by increasing the size of liquefaction trains, therefore requiring fewer trains to achieve the same output. In the early days of the industry, trains with annual capacities of 1.0 to 2.0 mtpa were the norm; today, the Damietta LNG in Egypt is the train with the largest capacity in the world, namely 5.5 mtpa, while a 7.8 mtpa train is planned for Qatar.(EIA, 2003) Technological progress over the past four decades has led to a sharp decrease in investment and operating costs of liquefaction plants. The average unit investment for a liquefaction plant dropped from some $550 a ton per year of capacity in the 1960s in Algeria, to approximately $433 in 1983 in Malaysia, to $396 in 1996 for QatarGas, to $273 in 2000 for Oman LNG. Further reduction through expansion of the size of trains will be achieved when QatarGas 2 will start operating. According to EIA the liquefaction cost will decrease to 200 $ a ton per year capacity by 2010 and to $150 by 2030.(Odawara, 2004) COST REDUCTION IN SHIPPING Focusing on the percentage of shipping cost in the LNG supply chain it can be seen from Figure 29 that in the 20 years period that we examine, shipping cost decreased by 46.2%, from 1.3 $/MBtu to 0.7 $/MBtu. The main factors behind this decrease are examined further down. Most LNG vessels are dedicated to particular LNG projects and are owned by LNG importing and exporting companies or shipping companies. Independent shipping companies own only a small percentage of the LNG tanker fleet. LNG shipping costs are determined by the daily charter rate, which is a function of the price of the ship, the cost of 88 financing, and operating costs. In Figure 30 the total transportation cost per MBtu for a 145,000 m2 LNG vessel is presented depending on the distance between the regasification and liquefaction plant. 145,000 Cu.M Vessel 1.61.4 1.2 0.8 0.60.4 0.2 0 2,000 4,000 6,000 8,000 10,000 12,000 20,000 25,000 Miles -R/Trip N Capital D Operating 0Voyage Figure 30 : Total transportation cost per MBtu for a 145,000 m2 LNG vessel.(Gardiner, October 25th, 2005) Substantial reductions in cost have been achieved over recent decades thanks to economies of scale. Tanker sizes have increased from some 40,000 m 2 for the first generation to more than 200,000 m 2 nowadays. As far as the newbuilding prices are concerned in Figure 31 the history of LNG vessels newbuilding prices is illustrated for the time period from 1980 to 2005. After 1997 costs for LNG tankers dropped significantly in the wake of the Asian crisis and because of an increase in the number of shipyards entering the market of LNG tankers. The latter enhanced competition and drove the prices to lower levels. However, after 2002 the prices for LNG newbuildings have been rising steadily mainly because of an increased demand and a lack of slots in the shipyards. 89 An interesting conclusion that can be extracted from Figure 31 is that even though the prices for LNG vessels followed quite closely the general trend in newbuilding prices of other ship types, their volatility is much greater. A possible explanation could be the limited shipbuilding capability for LNG vessels of the previous years, which permitted the shipyards to monetize greatly any increase in the demand for LNG vessels. 30025020015010050 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 - VLCC (Right) - LNG Carrier (150,000 cu.m.) - CapeSize (Right) Figure 31 : LNG newbuilding prices, 1980 to 2005.(Gardiner, October 25th, 2005) As far as LNG freight rates are concerned, there is no set market for LNG tanker rates, as there is for crude oil tanker rates. Long term rates have eased in the last couple of years as ship supply has increased. The rates for the recently emerged short-term trade have followed the long-term rates with a delay, as it will be presented in a later section. The price arbitrage between the Pacific and Atlantic gas markets is the main driving force behind the changes in the short-term rates. 90 US$/Day 75,000 - 70,000 - 65,000 - 60,000 - 55,000 - 50,000 - 45,000 40,000 2000 Figure 32 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Long-term LNG shipping rates. (Gardiner, October 25th, 2005) COST REDUCTION IN REGASIFICATION Regasification plant costs depend on throughput capacity, land development and labour costs, which vary considerably according to location, and storage capacity. The reduction in the regasification cost over the last 20 years was equal to 41.6%, from 6 $/MBtu to 3.5 $/MBtu. Currently, regasification cost is the smallest segment of the total cost for the LNG supply chain, which makes more difficult any further reduction in this sector. Regarding the cost of the terminals GTI estimates that it can range from $100 million for a small terminal, to $2 billion or higher for a state-of-the-art Japanese facility. In the United States, most new terminals are estimated to cost $200 to $300 million for an output capacity from 3.8 to 7.7 mtpa of natural gas.(EIA, 2003) 91 By far the most expensive items in a terminal are the storage tanks, which can account for one-third to one-half of the entire cost, depending on the kind of tank. The tank type, in turn, is dictated largely by location and local regulatory requirements. Therefore efforts have been made to reduce cost through economies of scale. The storage capacity of a LNG tank expanded from 40,000 m 3 in the early days to 100,000-140,000 m 3 in the 1990s and 160,000-200,000 m 3 thereafter. ExxonMobil has recently obtained a patent for LNG storage tank technology called modular tank which will enable further significant reduction in construction cost and time. (Odawara, 2004) Marine facilities are another major cost item, especially if significant dredging of the ship channel is needed, which could add as much as $100 million to the cost of the terminal. Based on the current data the probability of increased future dredging activities in the mature LNG markets is positively correlated with the size of the LNG vessels. COST REDUCTION AND LNG ECONOMIc FEASIBILITY The cost reduction in the LNG supply along with the optimistic projections of global gas demand had certain implications for the LNG industry. The most remarkable was the effect on the economic feasibility of LNG greenfield projects. Nigeria provides an excellent illustration of LNG economics evolution. In the mid-1990s, after thirty years of off-and-on industry discussions of an LNG project, a consortium of Shell, AGIP, Elf and Nigerian National Petroleum Company, started negotiations on what has become the Bonny LNG project in that country. Initially the sponsors could not demonstrate economic feasibility for a project destined for Italian and US markets. But by acquiring very low-cost 92 options on seven laid up LNG tankers, at a time when the price of new builds was at an alltime high, and taking advantage of the technological driven cost reductions in the LNG chain, they succeeded in reducing the project costs enough to make it economic. Base Netback [1] - f$0.211 A Mid-1990s Perspective 5% of the Update Tanker Costs - $0.28 Update Plant Costs - $0.31 Netback Improvement is Driven by a Change in Price Expectations 2-3.76 MMT Trains Price @ EIA 2004 $0.17 -0.88 ($0.50 * $0.00 I $0.50 . $MMBTU 1 $1.00 . 1 $1.50 . Improved Netback -$41 $2,00 [1] Assuming EFIA's 2001 Price Forecast for 2010, 3-2.5 MMT Trains, 11 135,00 CuM Tankers, Fant and Tankers Prk-ed @ Pr-Tdinidad Levels Figure 33 Netback analysis for the Bonny project in 1998 and in 2004.(Jensen, 2004) The first value of Figure 33 illustrates the economics that a new Nigerian greenfield project destined for the US Gulf Coast might have faced in 1998, given the designs, costs and market price expectations of the period. As is evident, the project was a non-starter since the initial netback from the expected Gulf Coast market price to the inlet of the liquefaction plant was negative (-$0.21). For clarification purposes we will remind that netback calculation is the measure of the value of any given LNG sale. This calculation takes the price of gas in the marketplace and subtracts the transportation cost plus gathering and processing costs, if applicable, thereby netting a price in the supply basin. 93 LNG producers with market alternatives will calculate the netback from various markets to determine which market is most lucrative. Also in Figure 33 the improvements in netback, as a result of using current cost estimates for the original design, as well as the design improvements in plant economics from increasing plant sizes, two 3.75 mtpa trains instead of three 2.5 mtpa trains, are presented. The common mid 1990s view of relatively low prices for 2010 has been changing and the 2004 price projection was 32% higher for 2010. The results of these improvements were impressive and the netback from -$0.21, increased to $1.04 making the project economic feasible.(Jensen, 2004) 94 CHAPTER 5 - PRICE ARBITRAGE BETWEEN LNG MARKETS PRICE ARBITRAGE IN LNG TRADE An important part of the new short-term LNG trading pattern is the emergence of arbitrage between the LNG markets. The emergence of price arbitrage has as a result a shift in the LNG cargoes to whichever market will offer the highest netback. Namely, the magnitude of the profit margin, calculated by the LNG cost and the LNG price at each market, determines the final destination point for the LNG cargo. Price arbitrage is mostly developed within the Atlantic Basin, primarily involving supplies from Trinidad and Nigeria and markets in the United States and Europe, primarily in Spain. The active role of Middle East during the last decade in the supply of LNG has facilitated the development of another pattern of arbitrage between Northeast Asian markets and Atlantic Basin markets via shipments from the Middle East. Middle East suppliers, principally Qatar, are in a position to ship either to Asia or to the Atlantic Basin as markets dictate. Figure 34 illustrates the distribution of the uncommitted volumes of the firm and probable LNG projects scheduled to start operation in 2010. It can be seen that the majority of the uncommitted volumes is located in the Atlantic Basin, where arbitrage has been the most active. The uncommitted volumes include self-contracting where the seller contracts with his own marketing affiliate in order to achieve downstream integration. If these system sales are intended to serve previously-determined integrated markets, they may be less flexible than their appearance as uncommitted volumes would suggest. For example, several of the companies that have self-contracted have acquired regasification 95 terminal capacity in several markets, clearly intending to move LNG through their own integrated systems much as they might earlier have done with third-party contracting. (Jensen, 2004) BCM INCREASE OVER 2002 140 120 - Uncommitted or "System" The Middle East Has Been Much More Oriented 100 - Volumes are Towards Third Large in the Atlantic Basin Party Contracts 80 Probable Co ntract Fir c Co nract Contract 60 40 Probable Uncommitted Firm Uncommitted Expirations Loom Important in the Pacific Basin as -Issues - 20 0 -20 Atlantic Basin Middle East Pacific Basin [11 Includes both uncommitted and self-contracted volumes Figure 34: Regional distribution of uncommitted volumes of the 2010 firm and probable LNG projects.(Jensen, 2004) It was mentioned earlier that arbitrage enables the trading company to divert cargoes to those markets that provide the highest netbacks. However, the capability to arbitrage requires sufficient excess capacity in tankers and receipt terminals to take advantage of market opportunities when they occur. Some of the excess capacity is the result of the normal imbalances between supply and demand which can be utilized when available to seek out the best netbacks. The surplus receipt capacity in the terminals in the USA was in part a lingering result of the collapse of the Algeria-US trade in the 1980s. But companies can elect to create excess tanker and terminal capacity in order to take advantage of arbitrage trading. However, the deliberate creation of excess capacity is not without a cost. 96 In order to create an annual surplus capacity in receipt terminals of 25% a 10% increase in the costs of regasification is required. The creation of excess tanker capacity through purchases of newbuild tankers is somewhat more costly. A 25% spare capacity may cause about a 21% increase in tanker costs. However, the short-term tanker trading has tended to concentrate on used tankers that are no longer in their original service. For such vessels the costs can be considerably reduced below newbuild excess capacity levels. (Jensen, 2004) Closing, we will mention some of the companies with presence in LNG projects on both sides of the Atlantic optimizing the use of their assets by using arbitrage opportunities. One of them is Tractebel, which owns US Cabot LNG, now Tractebel LNG North America, and Belgian Distrigas LNG assets. Its Everett terminal has a prime location, close to customers and downstream from historic pipeline bottlenecks to transport gas from the Gulf of Mexico to the North-East. Tractebel is also partner of the Trinidad Atlantic LNG project and is developing a regasification terminal in the Bahamas, Bahamas LNG at Freeport. BG, another Atlantic arbitrager, has also acquired producing LNG assets in the Atlantic basin: in Egypt, Nigeria, Equatorial Guinea and Trinidad, owns the Lake Charles terminal in the US, and has recently acquired rights in Elba Island. It is also involved in the Italian regasification terminal at Brindisi and is developing a new terminal project in the US, Keyspan LNG, Providence, RI. The Spanish company Repsol has also developed an LNG strategy based on synergies in the Atlantic Basin. The company is an equity partner in the Trinidad & Tobago project and a shareholder of Spain's Gas Natural. This has allowed the company to develop swap 97 agreements involving exchanges of Trinidad and Algerian LNG. Gaz de France and Statoil are the two other companies developing Atlantic arbitrager positions. Gaz de France rerouted 12 Algerian LNG cargoes to the US in 2003 through its joint-venture with Sonatrach Med LNG & Gas to benefit from price differentials between the US and European markets. Statoil, which is developing the LNG Snohvit project with customers on both sides of the Atlantic, has bought a long-term one-third entry capacity at the Cove Point terminal in the US.(IEA, 2004) PRICE ARBITRAGE IN THE ATLANTIC BASIN Much of the interregional arbitrage that has occurred to date has been in the Atlantic Basin primarily involving Trinidad and Nigeria as suppliers and the USA and Europe primarily Spain as market destinations. Figure 35 provides an example of how the arbitrage between USA and Spain during the time period 1999 to 2003 influenced the flow of Trinidad's LNG exporting volume. It should be noted that the prices in the US Gulf Coast are derived from Henry Hub market prices by allowing for a $0.35 regasification charge and a $0.10 basis differential from the terminal to Henry Hub. Spanish prices are LNG import prices as liquid. Since Spanish imports include a substantial quantity of contract volumes with their formula prices, the two price series are not completely comparable. The Spanish import prices are inherently more stable than US market prices. The values of Figure 35 show that from October 1999 until April 2000 the prices of LNG in the USA gas market fell below the prices in Spain and the green line in the Figure which represents the price differential took negative values. The latter resulted to a shift of 98 the LNG flow towards the Spanish market. The following fall and winter United States first experienced its gas price shock, and it appeared that anyone with access to a US terminal could make substantial profits by buying in the surplus LNG market and selling into the high-priced shortage market in the USA. Many of the proposed new North American terminal proposals appeared during this period and frequently involved US marketing companies without upstream LNG assets. Trinidad after November 2000 stopped shipping to Spain and supplied all its LNG volume to the USA. 1,000,000 and 5.0 +I 900,00 1 800,00 3.0 700,00 Volume US Spain 600,00 m2 LNG 500,00 $/MMBtu 1.0 400,00300,00-.. l .. ..... - - - - - - 0.0 200,00100,00 'AMJ JAS 1999 JFMAMJ JASONJFMAMJ JAS 2000 2001 JFMMJ JASON JFMAMJJAS 2002 2003 Henry Hub - Spain Price - Figure 35: Movement of Trinidad's LNG volumes between USA and Spain, 1999 to 2003. (Ball, 2004) However, the during the spring of 2001 gas prices collapsed as market surpluses developed and access to US terminal capacity no longer appeared so attractive. During 2001, the Atlantic Basin arbitrage worked in favor of Europe where prices remained 99 stronger. Then in late 2002, Tokyo Electric ran into difficulty with its nuclear facilities and shut down seventeen plants. This upset LNG markets and tanker availability again affecting the market arbitrage in the Atlantic Basin. In order to capture the broader picture of price arbitrage in the Atlantic market in Figures 36, 37 and 38 the netbacks are illustrated from three selected markets, Trinidad, Nigeria and Qatar, to three suppliers, Spain, Japan and USA, during the same three periods, 2000, 2002 and 2002, as examined before for the Trinidad's LNG exports. In December 2000, when US prices were very strong, Trinidad, Nigeria and Qatar all could achieve higher netbacks from the USA, assuming they had access to terminal capacity, than they could achieve by shipping to Spain or in Qatar's case to Japan. But by the following September, US prices had collapsed and both Trinidad and Nigeria preferred shipments to Spain while Qatar preferred Japan. F.O.2 Loading Port Trinidad/Spain Transport Trinidad-LakeChades NigeriaSpain Nigeria-LakeCharles - For Shippers With Access to U.S. Terminal Capacity, the U.S. Market i. Preferred 4 Qatar:Spain ;!1:@Y QatarLakeCharles 9 Qatar/Japan U 1 4 2 0 0 S.MMBtu Figure 36 : Netbacks to Trinidad, Nigeria and Qatar from shipping to Spain, USA and Japan, December 2000. (Jensen, 2004) 100 F.O.B Loading Port Trinidad..Spain ] Trinidad-LakeCharies NigeriaSpain 5555 Transport Tnnidad and Nigeria Prefer ~ Spain NigerialakeCharles Qatar Prefers Japan Qatar:Spain Qstar/LakeCharles QatariJapan a a~a I I I 2 3 4 IIIa , I 1 0 5 S.MMBtu Figure 37 : Netbacks to Trinidad, Nigeria and Qatar from shipping to Spain, USA and Japan, September 2001. (Jensen, 2004) The strengthening of the Asian markets following Tokyo Electric's nuclear shutdown in 2002 caused each shipper to prefer a different market; namely Trinidad to the USA Nigeria to Spain, and Qatar to Japan. S Trinidad'Spain FO.B Loading Port ~. ] Trinidad-LakeCharies Nigeria-Spain 5.,.~ NigerialakeChades 55 Transport Trinidad Prefers the U.S., Nigeria refers Spain ~ -55 Qatar Prefers Japan Qatar:Spain Qatar/LakeCharles QatariJapan 0 1 2 3 $.MMBtu 4 5 6 Figure 38: Netbacks to Trinidad, Nigeria and Qatar from shipping to Spain, USA and Japan, November 2002. (Jensen, 2004) 101 In Figure 39 the netback performance from actual prices in the previous selected markets from 2000 through 2003 is illustrated. The time series captures the changing trends in netback advantage that have been illustrated for the selected months of the Figures 36, 37, and 38. It is clear that the prices have fluctuated substantially on both sides of the Atlantic, providing ample opportunity for arbitrage. SiMMBtu 10 Lake Charles --- Trinidad and Nigeria Have Similar Netback. From Spain Ni ri Lae Charles / 9 Trndad/ 8 But Trinidad Does Better Against the U.S. Gulf Coast 7 Trindad or Nigera/Spain 6 4 3 2 1.0 Jul 00 Jul 02 Jul 01 Jul 03 [11 US Prices are Market Prices; Spanish Prices are Import Prices and Inc4ude Irnports with Relatively Stable Contract Terns Figure 39 : Illustrative netbacks for selected Atlantic arbitrage patterns. (Jensen, 2004) PRICE ARBITRAGE IN THE PACiFIC BASIN In the Pacific basin, an arbitrage pattern is not possible as long as no regasification capacity is available on the US west coast or Mexico. Even when such capacity becomes available, transportation distances may be a limiting factor for the development of arbitrage possibilities. Such a development would involve much larger differences in shipping distances than in the Atlantic basin. For example, it would take three times more 102 ships to deliver an equivalent amount of LNG from Indonesia's Bontang to California as it now does to Japan. However, as the LNG market evolves, the Middle East is going to act as a swing supplier. The Atlantic basin market will be connected to the Pacific basin via Middle East producers, which may export to both markets. This is illustrated in Figure 40, which shows the potential netbacks for Qatar from the US Gulf Coast, Spain and Japan. $/MMBtu 8 US Gulf Coast is an Attractive Market When US Prices Strong are 7 Lake hre Lk Charles Japan Usually Gives Better Netbacks Than Spain But is Much Lees Active m Short Term Markets 6 Spain Japn 4 2 0 Jul 00 Jul 02 Jul 01 Jul 03 [1] US Priosa are Market Prices; Spanish and Japanese Prices are Import Prices and Include Imports with Relatively Stable Contract Tens Figure 40 : Illustrative netback calculations for Qatar from the US Golf Coast, Spanish and Japanese market. (Jensen, 2004) The Japanese price data, like the Spanish price data, are for all LNG imports and thus include the stabilizing effect of contractual volumes. When US prices have been strong, they have provided the best netbacks to the Middle East. Japan usually provides better netbacks than does Spain, but the fact that Japan has a much more limited short-term market tends to focus the Middle East trading volumes on Europe. Japanese prices based on the traditional crude oil linkage formulas that have been utilized in that country, have 103 tended to be among the world's highest. The expiration of a significant number of Australian and Indonesian contracts toward the end decade has the potential to weaken Asian prices and to change the relative shape of the curves of Figure 40. 104 CHAPTER 6 - FINANCIAL FEASIBILITY OF SHORT-TERM IN THREE ROUTES LNG TRADING ANNUAL VESSEL'S PROFITABILITY In order to investigate the financial feasibility of short-term LNG trading an analysis was performed aiming to calculate the profits of a shipowner trading his ship, under shortterm contracts, in three different routes. The characteristics of the ship along with the values for the relevant costs are presented in Table 5. Table 5 : Ship's characteristics and costs. Ship Characterisics Annua _Opraing TkMe ( Mr) 8,400 Capital Expenses CAPEX ($/d;!y) $ 39,389 Qpratinq Exp!nses 1nsuanWJ~t$ Repars (c~j$ Stores ; 2,900.00 900.00 $ 500.00 $ 500.00 $ 5,200.00 OPEX $10,000 VoyIge Expenses Voyage Cost ($/day) $ 19,000 105 The LNG vessel is newbuild with cargo carrying capacity 150,000 m 3 and purchase cost $220 million. $20 million are financed by equity and the rest of the $200 million is financed by debt. The interest of the loan was assumed equal to 6% and the payback period was determined to 30 years. The loading and unloading time for the cargo was set to 24 hours and the assumption was made that the vessel will be operational for 350 days per year. The selected liquefaction plant from where the cargo will be loaded is the RasGas plant situated in Qatar. The reason for choosing Qatar as the cargo loading point is its strategic position, which enables shipping both to the East Coast of North America and to the West part of the Pacific Basin. The three cargo destinations chosen are the South coast of Spain, the East coast of USA, specifically Boston, and Japan. The travel time for the round trips from Dohra to the three destinations, along with the maximum number of round trips that the vessel can complete in one year, are illustrated in Table 6. Table 6 : Distance and travel time for the three trading routes. Dohra to Dohra to Dohra to Spain Boston Japan 5,700 23.75 25.75 13.6 9,600 40.00 42.00 8.3 7,300 30.42 32.42 10.8 The objective of this analysis is to estimate the annual profit of the shipowner based on two parameters, the freight rate expressed in $/MBtu and the number of round trips per year. A range was selected for these two parameters and the annual profit was calculated 106 for all the possible combinations of the two parameters. The equations used and the results of the calculations are presented in Appendix II. For the first trading route, Qatar to Spain, the results of the annual profit are presented in the three-dimensional graph of Figure 41. The main conclusion that can be stated is that for all the values of the selected price range, if the vessel makes three or less round trips per year the shipowner will make losses. As the number of round trips increases, the required rate for closing the year with a profit decreases, as it was logically expected. The minimum value of the rate for this trading route is equal to 0.65 $/MBtu. For lower values than this, short-term trading in this route is not profitable, no matter how many trips the vessel will do during the year. Profit calculation for an 150,000 m3 LNG vessel trading in the short-term market between Dohra and Spain Profit ($1,000) $60,0G $45,000 $15,0 - $30, -$15,000- -$30,00 0 0.15 0.3 0.45 0.6 0.75 0.9 1.05 1.2 Rate ($/MBtu) 1.35 1.5 1.65 1.8 1.95 1 U -30000-15000 U -15000-0 00-15000 015000-30000 E30000-45000 045000-60000 Figure 41 : Annual profit calculations for the route Dohra to Spain. 107 Number of Round Trips The second trading route, namely from Dohra to Boston, has the longest traveling distance, which means that the increased voyage cost will require a higher rate than the other two routes in order to be profitable. Indeed by looking the results it is clear that the minimum value of the rate is equal to 0.95 $/MBtu. The latter value is 46.2% higher than the one of the Dohra-Spain route and we estimate that an increase in the rates of this route will be driven by an increase of the USA gas demand combined with a shortage of LNG from the Atlantic Basin suppliers. The minimum number of round trips is equal to three which is the same with the previous examined route. The results of the profit calculations are presented in Figure 42. Profit calculation for an 150,000 m3 LNG vessel trading in the short-term market between Dohra and US East Coast (Boston) Proft ($1,000) $30, $20,000 $10,000- $0-$10,000- -$30,OOD- 0 0.15 0.3 0.45 0.6 0.75 0.9 1.05 1.2 Rate ($JMBtu) 1.35 1.5 1.65 1.8 1.95 7 $ -$20,000- Number of Round Trips 1-30000-20000 0-20000-10000 03-10000-0 00-10000 010000-20000 820000-30000 Figure 42 : Annual profit calculations for the route Dohra to Boston. Finally, the profitability of the last route, from Dohra to Japan, is the profitabilites of the previous two routes. The minimum number of the return trips is again three, which 108 shows that for the selected range of rates the total number of the return trips the vessel will make, independently of the combination of the trading routes, must be more than three in order to have a profit. The minimum rate is equal to 0.75 $/MBtu which is 15.4% higher than the one of the route Dohra to Spain. The minimum profit is equal to $199,000 and is achieved with 6 return trips at a rate of 1.15 $/MBtu. The results of the calculations are illustrated in Figure 43. Profit calculation for an 150,000 m3 LNG vessel trading in the short-term market between Dohra and Japan Profit ($1,000) $50,000 $40,000$30,00 $20,000- $10,000 -$10,000 -$20,000- 0 -$30,000- 0 0.15 0.3 045 06 075 0.9 1.05 1.2 Rate ($/MBtu) 1.35 1.5 1.65 1.8 1.95 1 4 Number of Round Trips B-30000-20000 U-20000-10000 0 -10000-0 00-10000 E10000-20000 020000-30000 E30000-40000 040000-50000 Figure 43 : Annual profit calculations for the route Dohra to Japan. 109 CHAPTER 7 - FUTURE INTERNATIONAL LNG TRADE FUTURE LNG DEMAND In the following years natural gas will capture an increasingly greater share of the world's energy use. As we mentioned in Chapter 1 natural gas is currently the fastest growing primary energy source. The annual increase of natural gas consumption worldwide until 2020 is projected to be equal to 2.3%. LNG in the years to come will enforce its role in the international natural gas trade mainly because of a regional imbalance between the natural gas supply countries. The combination of increased natural gas demand and reduction of gas reserves in USA and Europe, excluding Russia, also contributes to the augmentation of LNG trade. Global LNG demand forecast according to Cedlgaz and Gas Strategies 450 400 350300- 250- o South America O North America 200- KEurope MAsia 150 100- 50- 2003 LNG demand edigaz Low I Gedigaz High Gas I Strategies 2010 LNG demand forecast I Gedigaz Low Cedigaz High Gas Strategies 2020 LNG demand forecast Figure 44: Global LNG demand forecast, 2010-2020. Sources (Marie-Francoise Chabrelie, 2003; Suzuki & Morikawa, 2005) 110 In Figure 41 of the previous page the forecast of Cedigaz and Gas Strategies regarding the global LNG demand for the years of 2010 and 2020 is presented. In 2010 Cedigaz predicts that the mean value of LNG demand will be equal to 217 mtpa, with the low demand scenario forecasting 201 mtpa and the high demand 234 mtpa, while Gas Strategies believes that it will be greater and equal to 320 mtpa. For 2020 Cedigaz predicts a 320 mtpa for the world's LNG demand according to the low demand scenario and 380 mtpa according to the high demand. Gas Strategies is more optimistic forecasting a global LNG demand equal to 393 mtpa. In the Figures 42, 43 and 44 the regional forecast regarding LNG demand are presented for the same time period of Figure 41. Cedigaz believes that LNG demand in the LNG demand forecast in Asia according to Cedigaz and Gas Strategies - 20 180- 160 -4 140120- E Other U China mtpa 100 Oindia OTaiwan South Korea 6W0 - E Japan 4020- 0-2003 LNG Cedigaz Lo Cedigaz High demand 2010 LNG demand Gas Strategies Cedigaz Low Cedigaz forecast High Gas Strategies 2020 LNG demand forecast & Figure 45: LNG demand forecast for Asia. Sources (Marie-Francoise Chabrelie, 2003; Suzuki Morikawa, 2005) 111 Asian market for the year 2010 will increase by 29.7%, low demand scenario, or by 39.3%, high demand scenario, from the level of 2003 LNG demand. For 2020 the percentage of increase is 75% and 95.2% respectively. The forecast of Gas Strategies provides a 46.4% increase for 2010 and a 119% increase for 2020. LNG in Asia market is and will continue to be the basic type of natural gas supply mainly because of geopolitical reasons. Currently no international natural gas pipeline exists in the Asia-Pacific region, excluding some areas in Southeast Asia where the Dolphin project is carried out between Qatar, Oman and UAE. The two main pipeline projects which have drawn the attention of the gas industry the last two years are the Trans ASEAN Gas Pipeline (TAGP), extending from East Siberia to China and ROK; and the project for pipeline extending from gas producing countries such as Iran, Turkmenistan and Myanmar to India. The latter was abandoned when the political tension, between the countries in which the pipeline is to pass through, were brought into surface. The former faces an uncertain future since an agreement between the concerning countries has not yet been reached. The emergence of Qatar as a major supply country, the uncertain political future of Iran and the pressure from certain members of OECD towards Russia points to the conclusion that the only way in the near future of exporting natural gas from the Asian countries will be by LNG. In the European market while natural gas demand is expected to increase due to the movement trending away from the use of nuclear energy, the interregional sufficiency will decline. As both Norwegian and Algerian reserves are constrained, by 2020, most of the incremental gas supply would have to come by pipeline from transition economies, mostly 112 Russia and the Caspian Sea, and in the form of LNG from the Middle East, West Africa and Latin America. By that time, European supplies will be dominated by Russian/ FSU gas supplies and LNG imported from countries from Africa and the Middle East area. However, the unit cost of getting European gas to market is expected to rise as more remote and costly sources are tapped. Piped gas from North Africa and the Nadym-Pur-Taz region in Russia are the lowest cost options, but supplies from these sources will not be sufficient to meet projected demand after 2010. Pipeline projects based on fields in the Yamal Peninsula and the Shtokmanov field in the Barents Sea in Russia are among the most expensive longer-term options. That leaves LNG as the most efficient solution for the supply of gas to the European market. LNG traded both under long-term contracts and on spot markets, will play a much more important role in supplying the European gas market if supply costs continue to fall. LNG imports will become especially important if Russian gas sector reforms lag and investments in Russian fields fall short of expectations. This could happen, if investment in new Russian fields is insufficient to compensate for the decline in production from existing fields. In any event, the distances over which LNG imports from new sources need to be shipped may well drive costs and prices up. In Figure 42 the forecast of LNG demand in the European market is presented. The forecast of Cedigaz for 2010 shows a 86.7% increase for the low demand scenario and a 126.7% increase for the high demand. Gas Strategies' forecast for the same year a 296.7% increase. For 2020 Cedigaz predicts a 190% and a 266.7% increase for the two scenarios, while Gas Strategies believes that an increase of 276.7% is more probable. 113 LNG demand forecast in Europe according to Cedigaz and Gas Strategies 140- 120- 100- SmOthers * UK 80- ETurkey E U Spain * Portugal 0 Italy O Greece E France * Belgium mtpa 60 - 40 LNG demand S-2003 C-edigaz Lo. Cedigaz Hig Gas Strategies Cedigaz Low 2010 LNG demand forecast Cedigaz High SGasi Strategies 2020 LNG demand forecast Figure 46 LNG demand forecast for Europe. Sources (Marie-Francoise Chabrelie, 2003; Suzuki & Morikawa, 2005) In North America the gas market essentially consists of two countries USA and Canada with the possible entrance of Mexico in the next years. According to the forecasts of Cedigaz in 2010 the LNG demand will be greater than the one of 2003 by 219%, low demand scenario, or 318%, high demand scenario. Gas Strategies is very optimistic about the future role of Mexico and predicts an increase of 600%. As for 2020 the increasing role of LNG imports in the USA leads Cedigaz to a prediction of a 645% and 872.2% respectively for the two scenarios. Gas Strategies concludes that the LNG demand will be equal to 91 mbta, which represents a 727.7% increase from 2003. The above mentioned data are illustrated in Figure 44. For years the USA market has been dominated by a surplus of supply and low gas prices giving little opportunity for LNG. Starting in 2000 tight supply capacities led to a 114 sharp rise in prices which peaked at $ 10/MBtu in January 2001 before dropping again. There is no doubt that LNG imports are going to expand quickly and contribute to a growing share of USA gas supply. A report by the Unites States National Petroleum Council (NPC) titled "Balancing Natural Gas Policy" indicates that the USA natural gas market is facing a fundamental change, which is the increasing dependence on imports from outside the region due to the decline in self-dependence and reduction in Canada's export capacity. Considering such change the report mentions that in order to lower the natural gas price and reduce price volatility it is necessary to develop new supply sources, promote infrastructural improvement and expand LNG imports with a view to reduce a potential gap between supply and demand. LNG demand forecast In North America according to Cedigaz and Gas Strategies 120- 76 80 -- - - - 100- o Others mtpa Mexico -0 0 Canada 40- 2003 LN demnand Cedigaz Low 0 Cedigaz High 2010 LNG demand Gas Strategies forecast USA Cedigaz Low Cedigaz High Gas I Strategies 2020 LNG demnand forecast Figure 47: LNG demand forecast for North America. Sources (Marie-Francoise Chabrelie, 2003; Suzuki & Morikawa, 2005) 115 In Mexico while efforts have been made to increase self-sufficiency by shifting the emphasis on the development policy from oil to natural gas, the Comision Regulatora de Energia (CRE) expects that domestic demand, mainly for power generation, will exceed domestic production. Considering the necessity to import LNG from a medium and longterm perspective, projects for constructing LNG receiving terminals are being carried out on the coast of the Gulf of Mexico. Canada currently is self sufficient for natural gas but by 2020 the cost to extract gas from the remaining gas reserves will increase significantly making LNG imports a more economical solution to satisfy gas demand. Currently in Canada with a view to achieve self sufficiency and LNG export to the USA, several projects in constructing LNG receiving & terminals are being promoted in the Atlantic Coast and the Pacific Coast. (Suzuki Morikawa, 2005) In South America the role of LNG will be of minor importance for the following years since the official energy policies of the South American countries are mainly focused towards oil. Currently LNG imports are minimal and the potential future interest of Brazil and Chile is uncertain for the time being. LNG REGASIFICATION TERMINALS CONSTRUCTED UNTIL 2011 An urge for constructing LNG regasification plants is apparent in several countries both traditional players and new entries in the LNG market. In Table 5 a collection of the most probable projects be constructed is presented according to their current status. It 116 anesis &Morikawa, 2005), cor 7Suzuki LNieaflcaIes Plane laned L G r asfiction terminals. TableSouc7:Tabl sites 132.62 North America Canada Point Tupper 7.67 2007 Bear Head LNG-Anadarko Port Pelican (Offshore), LA Freeport, TX Sabine, LA Fall River, MA Corpus Cristi, TX Corpus Cristi, TX Corpus Cristi, TX Sabine, TX 12.26 11.5 19.93 6.13 19.93 7.67 7.67 7.67 2007 2007 Chevron Cheniere Energy, ConocoPhillips Chenier Energy Hess LNG Cheniere Energy ExxonMobil Ingleside Energy ExxonMobil Cost Azul Coronado Island Puerto Libertad Penualas 7.67 10.73 9.96 3.83 2007 2007 2008 2008 Shell, Sempra Chevron DKRW Energy Tractebel 6.44 0.4 2007 2009 AES Ocean Express ENAP Putian, Fujian Qingdao, Shangdong Shanghai Ningbo, Zhejiang Rudong, Jiangsu Darlian, Liaoning Tiangjing Zhuhai, Guangdong Swatou, Guangdong Guangxi Hong Kong 2.6 -5.0 3.0 3.0 2007 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2010 2010 2010 2010 2011 CNOOC, Fujian Investment Sinopec Tokyo Electric Tokyo Electric Tokyo Electric Tokyo Gas Tokyo Gas Shimizu LNG Chubu Electric Chita LNG Toho Gas Cilegon 3 2007 PLN Korean 1.5 2008 LG-Caltex Oil Kochi Ennore 2.5 2.5-3.0 2007 2008 IOC, Petronas Taichung 4.5 2008 CPC TBD 3.0-5.0 2010 PTT 0.9-1.08 2011 Contact Energy, Genesis Energy Fos-sur-Mer 2 6 2007 Gaz de France, Total Brindisi Syracuse Rovigo 6 5.84 3.7 2008 2010 2008 BG, Enel Shell, ERG ExxonMobil, Edison Reganosa 2.1 2007 Milford Haven 22.76 2007 USA 2007 2007 2008 Mexico 6.84 Central America Bahama Chile 49-65.08 Asia China 3.0-5.0 3.0-6.0 3.0-6.0 3.04.0 2.0-4.0 3.0 3.0 2.5 Indonesia South Korea India Petronet Taiwan Thailand New Zealand TBD 46.4 Europe France Italy Spain Endesa, Union Fenosa, Sonatrach UK World Total 234.86-243.76 117 Petroplus, BG, Petronas, ExxonMobil, Qatar Petroleum should be mentioned that for the USA only the projects approved by FERC, MARAD and the Coast Guard are included in Table 5. At this point two notes should be made. First, the Rovigo LNG terminal presented in Table 5 will be located offshore the coast of Italy in the North Adriatic Sea and will be the largest terminal of its kind in the world. The shipyard which will construct it is Aker Kvaerner. Second, in recent months there has been an increased interest for constructing LNGRV vessels. LNGRV are LNG vessels equipped with regasification equipment in order to regasify the LNG on ship and transfer it through a pipeline to the shore. Their main advantage is that they do not require a permanent regasification terminal onshore, which reduces dramatically the total cost of an LNG project and makes it ideal, from a public point of view, for delivering gas in regions with high environmental constraints. However, these kinds of vessels are approximately $50 million more expensive than ordinary LNGs, and even though their technology has been proven onshore, their efficiency in the marine environment will be proved with time. Currently, Excelerate Energy owns two of these ships with capacity 138,000 m3 , while seven more have been ordered; 3 for Excelerate Energy paired with Exmar, two solely for Exmar and two for Hoegh and MOL. FUTURE LNG PRODUCTION LNG production capacity is set to expand rapidly the following years with expansion plans in brownfield projects and greenfield projects in new supply countries. Even when allowances are made for delays to project start ups, the impact on LNG trade and ship 118 demand will be pronounced. In Figures 45 and 46 the existing and future global liquefaction capacity is presented. Specifically in Figure 45 the global liquefaction capacity from 1970 until 2005 is illustrated along with the projects that have signed SPA or MOU contracts. It is shown that, according to current data, the liquefaction capacity in 2014 will be equal to 237.9 mtpa, almost 47.5% greater than the capacity in 2005. Global Liquefaction Outlook mtpa 3- 280 - E Capaclty Under Production Awarded 260 240 220 200 180 160 140 120 7% Average Annual 100 Growth Rate 80 60 40 20 70 72 74 76 78 80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 98 W 02 04 06 08 10 16 Figure 48: Global liquefaction outlook in 2005. (Buoncristian, 2005) The distribution of the liquefaction capacity in four categories is illustrated in Figure 45. According to their status liquefaction plants are categorized in existing, under construction, planned and speculative. The sum of existing and under construction categories is the one shown in Figure 45 for the year 2014. It is quite impressive that 40.4% of the planned liquefaction capacity, namely 43.7 mtpa, is allocated in the Middle East region highlighting the importance of this region to the future of the LNG trade. 119 Global Liquefaction Capacity North America [ Europe Existing 161.2 Under Construction Planned 76.7 225.8 Latin America " Africa SOMEONE Middle East AsialPacific 0 20 E Existing 40 80 60 E Under Construction 100 U Planned 120 140 160 mtpa 0 Speculative Figure 49: Global existing and future liquefaction capacity as of 2005. (Gardiner, October 25th, 2005) Future LNG production will be greatly influenced by the future role of five major supply countries, namely Iran and Qatar from Middle East, Russia from Europe, and Nigeria, Angola and Equatorial Guinea from West Africa. In the following paragraphs a brief overview of the countries mentioned above will be presented. The LNG industry is now focusing with great interest on the plethora of upcoming projects in West Africa. So far the region has only one LNG producer Nigeria LNG (NLNG) but another four, Equatorial Guinea, Brass LNG, Angola LNG and Olokola LNG, are scheduled to begin the next five years. The NLNG project started after several years delay but since the first cargo was shipped in 1999 it has expanded quickly. NLNG's fourth and fifth liquefaction trains came onstream in 2006 and production is set to rise to 22 mtpa once train six starts to operate in 2007. Unofficial information proclaims that 120 NLNG has already signed an MOU agreement selling all the production from train seven to the USA. A final investment decision on the train is due in December 2006.(Hine, 2006d) Brass LNG is the second greenfield project launched in Nigeria and recently it was announced that 6 mtpa of its planned 10 mtpa production has been sold with BP, BG and Suez buying 2 mtpa each. However, the project is expected to face a delay since on February 2006 Chevron, a major stakeholder, pulled out from the project and a replacement procedure was launched. Energy major Total, Centica from UK and various Japanese companies have been mentioned as possible replacements. Closing, Olokola LNG (OKLNG) is the last and biggest LNG project in Nigeria. OKLNG will be composed by four trains of 5.5 mtpa each. Start-up date is scheduled for late 2010 and the total cost is estimated at $6 billions. Nigeria is expected to play a predominant role especially in the LNG short-term trade because of its proximity to the European and North American market compared to the Middle East suppliers.(Hine, 2006d) Political stability will be an essential factor for the future of the Nigerian projects; the Nigerian oil workers strike in 2003 showed that energy supplies could be disrupted by local social actions. Angola and Equatorial Guinea are moving towards their first LNG projects. In Angola the announced project will be of 6 mtpa capacity with Sonangol, Chevron, BP, ExxonMobil and Total as stakeholders. The Equatorial LNG project near Malabo will have one train with capacity 3.4 mtpa and BG as the main investor. Russia holds the largest amounts of natural gas in the world, 27.5% of the global natural gas reserves, and is certain that it will significantly affect the future LNG trade. Since the break-up of the Soviet Union the Russian economy has been fuelled by the 121 energy sector, which accounted for almost 25% of the GDP. Russia's state controlled natural gas company Gazprom holds about 65% of the country's reserves, produces nearly 90% of Russian gas and operates the national natural gas pipeline grid. One of the main goals for Gazprom is to become the world's leader in the LNG & market and is focused mainly on the USA market. According to the Gazprom Marketing Trading LNG department, Russia could be exporting 65 mtpa of LNG by 2015. Shtokman field located 348 miles north of Russia's Arctic coastline in Barents Sea is the main project that Gazprom is focused on. The project will be realized in three phases and upon completion it will be the largest liquefaction project in the world with total capacity of 45 mtpa. The importing markets will be the USA Gulf Coast and the eastern or north-eastern coast of Canada. On a much smaller scale, but more immediately realizable, is the Baltic LNG project in which Gazprom plans to convert gas it already exports via pipeline into LNG and ship it out through a new 5 mtpa terminal from Primorsk or Ust-Luga near St. Petersburg. It should be noted though that since Russian business remains highly politicized, LNG exports may face unexpected delays and commence after the planned start-up date of 2010. In the meanwhile Gazprom made its first step in the LNG short-term trade on April of 2006. The Greek owned LNG vessel 'Maran Gas Asclepius' delivered the first spot-trade csargo of Gazprom in the UK market. The cargo originated from Egypt and its original destination was the Spanish market. However, price arbitrage between UK and Spain denoted that the cargo should be diverted to Spain. 122 Qatar had a big effect on the world LNG dynamics the past two years. The current Emir of Qatar envisioned his country to become the world's biggest supplier in the following years. However, because of Qatar's geographical position, situated between the world's current largest consumers, Japan and Korea and the USA, the greenfield projects had to take full advantage of the economies of scale. Currently Qatar is the fourth largest LNG exporter after Indonesia, Malaysia and Algeria, with 20.5 mtpa and has SPA/MOU signed for an additional 55.9 mtpa. If production capacity proceeds according to plan, Qatar will have nearly 76 mtpa of production capacity by 2012, and it will become the world's largest LNG exporter. Finally, Iran is the second country after Russia with the biggest natural gas reserves in the world, but the political instability that is presently facing reduces the probabilities of developing an LNG export industry in the immediate future. As it was mentioned in an earlier chapter, Iran was developing an LNG export policy under NIGEC (National Iranian Gas Export Policy). Four LNG projects were planned, each with some 9-10 mtpa, although with no startup date or investment decision taken so far. For the time being, no one project is likely to move ahead, and the negotiations between NIGEC and BG and ENEL, who are primarily interested in securing LNG at competitive prices, have stopped. In general unless the political situation in the Middle East is settled, LNG coming from this region will not necessarily be considered as secure supplies. This is reflected in the rather low credit-rating of Iran and other countries in the Gulf region. 123 LNG LIQUEFACTION TERMINALS CONSTRUCTED UNTIL 2011 The plans for the construction of LNG liquefaction plants worldwide are numerous but only a part of them will finally be realized. In Figure 6 the liquefaction plants with signed SPA/HOA worldwide are illustrated. Table 8: Liquefaction plants with signed SPA/HOA. Source (Suzuki & Morikawa, 2005), (Hine, 2006c) 52.5 Africa Angola 5 Sonagol, Chevron, BP, Total, ExxonMobil, Norsk Hydro Angola LNG 2010 EquatoralGuinea Equatoral Guinea LNG 2007 3.4 Marathon, Mitsui, Marubeni, Sonagas Olokola LNG Brass LNG Nigeria LNG (train 7) 2010 2010 2010 22 10 8 NNPC, Chevron, BG, Shell NNPC, ConocoPhillips, Agip NNPC, Shell, Total, ENI USA Nigeria LNG (train 6) 2010 4.1 NNPC, Shell, Total, ENI USA, Europe, Mexico 2006 3.7 Oman LNG, Omani government, Union Fenosa Europe, Asia Qatargas II (train 4,5) 2007 15.6 Qatar Petroleum, ExxonMobil, Total UK, France, USA RasGas II (train 5) 2007 4.7 Ras Laffan LNG Company Limited Europe RasGas III (train 6,7) QatarGas III QatarGas IV Yemen Yemen LNG (train 1,2) 2008 2008 2010 15.6 7.5 7.8 Ras Laffan LNG Company Limited Qatar Petroleum, ConocoPhillips Qatar Petroleum, Shell USA USA Europe 2008 6.7 Total, Yemen Gas, SK Asia, Europe 4.2 Petro, Statoil, Total, RWE, Amerada Hess USA, Europe 2007 9.6 Mitsui, Shell, Mitsubishi Asia 2008 7.6 BP, MI Berau, CNOOC, Nisseki Berau, LNG Japan, KG Berau Wiriagar Asia, Japan 3.5 Eni, Santos, Inpex, Tokyo Gas, Tokyo Electric Asia Nigeria 61.6 Middle East Oman Qalhat LNG (train 3) Qatar Europe Norway 4.2 Snohvit LNG Asia Pacific Russia Sakhalin II (train 1,2) Indonesia Tangguh (train 1,2) 2007 20.7 Australia Darwin LNG World Total 2006 139 124 The total liquefaction capacity is equal to 139 mtpa with the majority of the potential capacity, 61.6 mtpa, concentrated in Middle East and specifically Qatar. Attention should also be paid to the trend of enlarging the liquefaction capacity in order to achieve economies of scale and reduce the cost. FUTURE LNG FLEET LNG shipping has become one of last years most active sectors in shipping with unparalleled new orders and a forecast growth expected to continue. Another unique future is the occurrence of speculative orders and an increase in the size of the vessels along with a possible demise of the steam turbine. Since the emergence of LNG shipping the conservatism regarding new technical developments was center of the owners' philosophy. That had as a result almost no new developments in the last 40 years. However, the last 4 years the shipping worlds has experienced a sharp size increase from 145,000 cbm in 2002 to more than 200,000 cbm in the next years. Apart from the size increase, the choice of Gaz de France for using dual fuelled diesel electric propulsion was another innovation that surprised many stakeholders. Shell is currently investigating new gas turbines designs while direct drive slow speed diesel engine propulsion with a reliquefaction plant, as the means to dispose of the boil-off gas, will become increasingly common in the following years. The world LNG orderbook as of April 210 2006 is illustrated in Table 7. For each shipyard the ordered vessels are categorized according to their owner, size their scheduled delivery date. 125 Table 9: World LNG orderbook as of April 21" 2006.(Hine, 2006a) Mo ier (z Y emen) Chevron Oman MISC BG Teekay (Qatar) OSG (Qatar) Petronet NYK (Nigeria LNG) K Line (Tangguh) QGTC (Qatar) Hoegh LNG U AF 2 1 4 7 4 2 1 2 3 3 2 IM I Golar 140,UUU/I14,UUU 154,000 145,000 145,000 145,000 216,200 216,200 154,800 149,600 153,000 266,000 145,000 mar uL-uec uv Jul 08-May 09 Jul-06 Nov 06-08 Apr 06-Feb 08 Feb-Jun 08 Oct 07/Jan 08 Sep-06 Jun 07/Aug 07 Nov 08-Jan 09 Aug 08-Nov 09 2009 14, 1UU/1 bb,UUU Jun ubiu1u May 06/Jan 07 Mar 06-Jun 08 Dec-06 Oct-06 Aug 06/May 07 Dec 06/Mar 07 Mar 08/Sep 09 Dec-06 Mar/Nov 08 Feb-Aug 08 Nov 07-Feb 08 2009 145,000 2 5 2 1 2 156,100 138,000 145,700 3 151,700 2 5 2 5 4 3 148,000 138,000/150,900 145,000 210,100 209,000 264,000 Dynacom 3 149,700 NYK Tsakos BP JS (Qatar) 3 149,700 1 3 150,000 155,000 3 216,200 NLNG OSG (Qatar) 1 141,000 2 216,200 3 1 1 1 155,000 150,000 155,000 155.000 Bergesen (NLNG) BWGas (Yemen) Knutsen Maran Gas (Qatar) Teekay (Qatar) Sovcomflot/NYK (Tangguh) Exmar/Excelerate Korea Line (Kogas) JS (Qatar) Pronav (Qatar) QGTC (Qatar) 148,300 & Huyndai Heavy Industries Huvndai Samhn Teekay (Tangguh) HMM (Kogas) MOL BP 126 May 07-Mar 08 Oct 07-Dec 07 Mar-06 Jun 07-Jan 08 Aug-Sep 08 Mar-06 Oct 07/Jan 08 2008 Mar-08 Sep-06 2008 Hanjin Heavy Industries 2 ships IsiA vanucean (yemen) 1 Kogas I 150,00 150,01 Tepco NYK/Sovcom flot Hoegh/MOL (Snohvit) MISC Oman 3 2 1 5 1 138,000/145,400 147,200 147,208 145,000/157,000 145 500 MUL (I OKYO uas) 140,UUU Tokyo Gas K Line (Snohvit) K Line (Cheniere) Lino Kaium NYK/Osaka Gas NYK/Osaka Gas (Oman) Hiroshima Gas 2 Jaoanese Owners 2 Imabari shipbuildir 145,000 140,000 145,000 145,000 145,000/153,000 153,000 19,500 2,500 Nov-U0 2009 Mar 06-Mar 09 Dec 07/Feb 08 Apr-06 Mar 07-Dec 08 Jun-06 uec-uu Mar-06 Jun-06 Dec-07 Dec-08 Sep 06/Nov 08 Dec-08 Sep-07 4 shiDs 154,200 Nov 07/08 154,200 Nov-09 1 154.200 Nov-10 1 21 145,000 2,500 Dec-06 2 - 1 I 147,200 Mav-08 I 2 1 MOL Line(Yemen) K IMOL 3 nh C |Gaz de France Gaz de France Gaz de France & Mitsui Engineerng Shinbuildina rim orsk (Sakhalin) 127 I The total number of vessels in order is 136 with the majority of them constructed in Korean shipyards. Actually, in 2006 over half of the turnover of two of Korea's largest shipyards, Daewoo shipbuilding & Marine Engineering and Samsung Heavy Industries, will derive from LNG carriers, which clearly shows the huge influence that the rapid expansion of the world's LNG fleet has had on the shipbuilding sector. Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering, which was the first shipyard to target the LNG sector aggressively along with Samsung Heavy Industries have been vying for the total number of vessels on order over the past year. Japanese shipyards have still a major role in LNG shipbuilding although to a lesser extent then their Korean competitors. In 2005 STX Shipbuilding in Korea and Japan's Imabari Shipbuilding Co has joined the previous mentioned shipyards in LNG construction while the Chinese shipyards are expected to make a massive move behind the new entrant Hudong Zhonghua Shipbuilding.(Hine, 2006a) By examining the history of LNG shipbuilding during the last 128 three decades it becomes clear that LNG shipbuilding has gravitated from Europe to Japan and then to South Korea. Over the next two decades it is expected to see Chinese shipyards figure more prominently in the LNG shipbuilding sector. The delivery schedule of the LNG vessels presented in Table 7 is illustrated in Figure 47. Delivery dates of the LNG vessels of the April 2006 orderbook 8 87 7- 6 .6 6 oz > 5- - - - 5 5 - -J 0 z 4 3 2 12 22 2 2 2 2 2 2 Delivery Date U Number of delivered LNG vessels Figure 50 : Delivery dates of the LNG vessels in order until April 2006. One shipbuilding agreement that should be noted is the one between Qatar's LNG producers and three largest shipyards in Korea, Hyundai, Samsung and Daewoo. Under this agreement which was officially concluded in early 2005, around 95 berth slots have been set aside for the vessels of the Qatargas and RasGas projects. According to the agreement the berths extend into the third quarter of 2012 in case new LNG production 129 deals are firmed up. (Hine, 2006a) It is estimated that based on the requirements of the current scheduled LNG projects in Qatar a total of 70 will be required until 2010. In Table 8 an estimation of the required LNG ships over the next five years is presented based on the requirements of the planned LNG projects. According to the estimations of the LNG producers 119 LNG vessels will be required in addition to the number of the vessels listed in the orderbook. The latter will be the main driving force behind the expansion of several shipyards into LNG construction the following years. Table 10 Estimated number of reuired LNG vessels until 2011. Hine, 2006a) Gassi Touil, Algeria Skikda replacement, Algeria Danietta train 2, Egypt 4 4.5 5 3 1 3 Equatorial Guinea train 2 Camisea LNG, Peru Trinidad train 5 Angola LNG Gorgon Australia Pluto, Australia Pars LNG, Iran OK LNG trains 1,2, Nigeria Nigeria LNG train 7 Baltic LNG, Russia NIOC LNG, Iran Brass LNG, Nigeria OK LNG trains 3, 4, Nigeria Shtokman, Russia 3.8 4 5.2 5 10 7 10 10 4.1 5 8 10 10 15 5 4 3 7 6 6 8 13 8 6 6 10 13 17 119 Total Closing, an apparent change that is worth noting is the introduction of new types of organizations becoming involved in owning LNG vessels as it is illustrates in the owners category of Table 7. While the previous decades LNG vessels were mainly owned or leased by a joint venture formed between the developer and the production company, this 130 has been changing during the last years. Independent shipowners as well as end LNG exporters, like Oman, Qatar and NLNG, and importers, like Tokyo Gas and Osaka Gas, have been ordering new LNG vessels. FORECAST OF LNG SHORT-TERM TRADE LNG short-term trade as a percentage of total LNG trade has been increasing steadily during the last 6 years as it was illustrated in Figure 16 of Chapter 3. The future growth of LNG short-term trade will be dictated by the interaction of global gas dynamics and local specifics in the importing and exporting countries. LNG trade flows are expected to bridge the Pacific and Atlantic basin markets, as presented in Figure 47, and short-term trading will be one of the main driving forces behind that. At the same time the price arbitrage for the Asian gas exporters, between Europe and the American East Coast will create a linkage between these three regions. (Mazighi Hachemi, E. A., 2003) LNG markets LNG supply - 9 LNG flows in 2002 Expected further flows by 2012 Figure 51 : LNG trade flows in 2002 and expected further flows by 2012. (Wit, 2004) 131 Global integration of the LNG industry and trade along with the resulting expansion of open markets in an international scale will provide the appropriate conditions for the future growth of short-term trading. However, limitations are posed to the participants in the industry, as they seek to balance the rewards of a more open and competitive market with the investment risks inherent in this capital-intensive business. The more enthusiastic advocates of the fully-competitive market model see the growth of short-term trading in LNG as the wave of the future, and one that signals the demise of the traditional LNG long-term trading. Certainly, the surplus of LNG offerings in the past several years has appeared to create a buyers' market in LNG, and short-term trading is steadily increasing. This suggests that it might be possible in the relatively near future for buyers to contemplate the possibility of relying totally on short-term or spot purchases, with reliance on financial derivatives for risk management, as the free market model would suggest. There is little evidence, however, that sellers are ready for such a radical change. Both Mobil in Qatar and Shell in Oman in 1996 supposedly considered the option of justifying new LNG trains on the basis of large spot volumes, but rejected it as too risky. Based on the current global energy status no country during the last years has placed as much as 30% of its exports in any one year in short-term trading, and all expansions, like the financing of the earlier trains, have been based on underlying long-term contracts. Since no supplier has yet undertaken to build a new facility on a purely speculative basis without strong indications that it will have the contracts in hand for much of the volume, it would seem that the long-term LNG trading pattern holds a predominant position. 132 However, it is clear that companies are willing to take greater speculative risks that they can convert active negotiations into contracts than they might have done in an earlier period. The Asia Pacific market has proved to be the most competitive and the initial decision to move forward on Sakhalin II appears to have been taken with only 58% heads of agreement coverage, 29% coverage of the two train project, of the first train to Japanese customers. In order to estimate the growth trend of the LNG short-term trade a forecast analysis was performed using a polynomial equation and the Verhulst equation. The results are illustrated in Figure 48, while the assumptions and the details of the analysis are presented in Appendix I. 40 - Forecast analysis of the LNG short-term trade percentage 35 30 0 :29.3% il421.4%~ M 0 15 C 0T 0 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 Year a * Historic LNG short-term trade percentage Verhuist equation - Polynomial Regression Figure 52 : Forecast analysis of the LNG short-term trade percentage. 133 2025 The analysis reveals that until 2010 the percentage of short-term LNG trade will be in the range of 21-29% of the total LNG trade. The forecast using the polynomial equation predicts a 29.3%, while the Verhulst equation forecasts a percentage equal to 21.4%. Less optimistic forecasts, like the one made by EIA in 2003, estimate the short-term trading percentage to reach 15 to 20% of the LNG trade until 2012. (EIA, 2003) At the same time LNG shipping companies like Excelerate Energy estimate a value of 30% for the year 2010. Heuristically, since the range of our forecast analysis lies between the two estimations, it can be assumed that the mean value of our forecast, namely 25%, might be a safe estimation of the future LNG short-term trade percentage for the year 2010. 134 CHAPTER 8 - CONCLUSIONS Taken under consideration all the information and data presented in this study it becomes clear that the static and conservative pattern of the traditional LNG trade has entered a new dynamic era. One of the products of this era has been the emergence of the short-term LNG trade market as described and analyzed herein. It can be easily derived is that the LNG trade will increase drastically exceeding a total trade volume of 220 billion m3 at the end of this decade. North America will emerge as the largest LNG importer, mainly because of the combination of growing gas demand for power generation and the deterioration of the traditional North American supplies; namely the Canadian gas supply because of an increasing Canadian gas demand and a reduction of gas reserves. Europe will continue to relay on its surplus from the North Sea reserves but unless Russia's Gamproz materializes its expansion projects, LNG imports are expected to rise steeply the next years. The emergence of the previous mentioned markets shifts the balance of the LNG growth to the Atlantic basin with the traditional markets of the Pacific basin becoming less important than before. The supply side of LNG is reshaping with the entrance of Middle East and West Africa countries in the LNG supply group. Qatar has entered aggressively in the LNG scene with the ambition to become the world's largest LNG supplier. Abu Dhabi and Oman will play an important role in the future, while the LNG potential of Iran is very large but its future is unclear at the moment. Nigeria and Algeria are already major players 135 while Egypt is poised to join them. Angola and Equatorial Guinea will be the future entrants from the African region. During the last ten years traditional long-term contracts with ToP clauses became much more flexible and a new short-term market emerged as result of capacity surpluses, low utilization of the LNG fleet and regulatory reformations. We forecast that the shortterm market will increase steadily the following years and achieve a percentage of 25% of the total LNG trade at year 2010. However, since the LNG projects are capital intensive with substantial financial risk, we estimate that new projects will still perceive a percentage of long-term financial coverage of more than 50%. Also, the potential usage of financial derivatives, as a tool to hedge financial risk in the multi-billion dollars LNG investments, appears highly unlikely after the financial bankruptcy of the major energy merchant traders, like Enron. The declining costs of the LNG supply chain, along with the growing diversity of the supply sources and the loosening of the traditional rigid industry structure have created an interconnected system which can transmit price signals between previously isolated regional gas markets. After 1999 the signs of an active arbitrage market in the Atlantic basin are apparent with shipments form Trinidad or Nigeria diverted either to USA or Spain depending on the local market price. The role of Qatar, along with the other Middle East countries exporting LNG, as suppliers to both the traditional markets in Northeast Asia and the emerging markets on the Atlantic basin verifies that price signals are also transmitted between Asia and the Atlantic basin. 136 Currently the LNG fleet consists of 197 vessels with 136 more scheduled to be delivered until 2010. The percentage of the orderbook over the existing fleet is quite high and equal to 69%. If the LNG projects under planning get to be realized, an additional number of 119 LNG vessels will be required in the following 5 years. Although the size of the orderbook is quite high, the possibility of a surplus of LNG vessels is quite low since the percentage of speculative orders is small, in 2004 it was equal to 2%. The vessels are ordered for specific projects so if gas demand continues as projected, the risk is shifted to the completion and operation of the liquefaction plant. With projects like the ones of Qatar which require a fleet of 70 ships, any geopolitical instability would greatly influence the utilization of the LNG fleet. The trend of ordering LNGRV is expected to increase with more companies like Hoegh LNG following the steps of Excelerate Energy. Currently, seven LNGRV are scheduled for delivery until 2010 but the possibility of ship-to-ship (STS) gas transfers might be a good incentive for more orders of this kind. The current picture of the LNG market does not lead to the conclusion that it will achieve the flexibility of the world oil market. The LNG transportation cost prevents the physical movement of the commodity over long distances in the way that oil is transported. 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P= KPoe"l K(2) K+PO (er t -1) where K is the maximum percentage that the short-term trade can achieve, Po is the initial percentage and r is the growth rate. The selection of the Verhulst equation was based on the assumption that the short-term trade is part of dynamic system enhanced in the LNG trade with several factors forming reinforcing and balancing loops affecting the maximum percentage that short-term LNG trade can achieve. We assumed that the growth trend will follow an S-curve with z\a steep increase in the growth rate during the first period and then a gradually softening until a maximum percentage is achieved. For the value of Po we selected the value of the short-term trade percentage for 1993, while for the growth rate r the average growth rate from 1993 to 2004 was calculated and used. The initial value of K was set to 10% and an optimization procedure commenced by 144 of the using the Solver module of Excel program. The goal was to minimize the value mean square error MSE for the values from 1993 to 2004 by changing the values of K and r. The values of K and r which were in a logical range and minimized MSE, were finally chosen for the forecast. The data of the analysis are presented in Table 9. 1993 1 66 1994 1.78 1I 0.933 0.072 2 0.466 3 1.336 1.476 1.134 -0.281 -0.635 -2.136 -1.277 -1.821 0.432 -0.297 0.977 0.577 1.175 2.61 1996 1.57 -0.398 4 1.216 1.851 1997 1 68 0 070 5 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 0.75 2.30 2.60 5.85 6.31 8.95 10.11 -0.996 2.075 0.128 1.254 0.077 0.419 0.130 Average Rate=0.299 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1.380 1.827 2.558 3.572 4.869 6.450 8.314 10.462 2.315 2.885 3.579 4.418 5.421 6.602 7.973 9.533 13 14 15 12.893 15.607 18.605 11.274 16 17 21.886 25.451 17.267 19.361 18 29.299 21.410 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 , , 1995 2005 15.184 19 33.430 23.359 37.845 42.543 25.165 26.800 22 23 24 47.525 52.790 58.338 28.247 29.504 30.576 2017 25 64.170 31.479 2018 2019 2020 26 27 28 70.285 76.684 83.366 32.230 32.847 33.351 2013 2014 2015 2016 R II.9~4 145 4.562 1.631 3.317 0.187 0.088 0.954 0.332 1.534 13.170 20 21 2011 2012 0.727 0.605 2.425 1.739 0.3538 0.0074 0.2374 It should be noted that for the calculation of MSE the values of the years 1995 and 1998 was discarded because it was considered that they would bias the final result. 146 APPENDIX 11 The annual profit calculations presented in Chapter 6 was based on Equation (3) which calculates the revenue from the specific number of trips and subtracts the annual operating and capital expenses, and the voyages expense for the steaming period of the vessel. P = RT(Rate x ECC) - RT x TD x (OPEX + CAPEX + VC) -(365 - TD) x (OPEX + CAPEX) (3) " RT=Number of return trips " Rate= The rate in $/MBtu * ECC=Energy carrying capacity which is equal to 150,000(m3 )*600*35.5(ft 3/m3 )* 1,000(Btu/ft 3)/1,000,000=3,177,000 MBtu * TD=The duration of the round trip in days " OPEX=Operating expenses per day in $/day * CAPEX=Capital expenses per day deriving from the amortized payment of the loan per day in $/day * VC=Voyage cost per day of steaming in $/day The annual profits were calculated for a range of the rates from 0 to 2 $/MBtu with a step of 0.05 $/MBtu, for all the possible number of return trips per year. The results are presented in the following tables. 147 Table 12 ! Animl nrnfit re'ninlte fhr thi rmiiti ThI 0.65 416,451 5 0.7 0.75 -$18,292 3 0.8 415,974 -$15,818 415,857 415,498 415,339 415,180 415,021 2 414,863 3 1 3 -$8,534 -8,057 47,581 44,099 5 47,104 86,628 46,151 45,875 -$3,463 -2,828 42,193 -$1,557 $922 -$286 $349 $984 $1,620 $2,255 $2,891 $3,528 $4,161 $4,797 $5,432 1 1.05 1.1 1.15 1.2 1.25 1.3 1.35 1.4 1.45 1.5 1.55 1.6 1.65 1.7 1.75 1.8 1.85 1.9 1.95 2 -$14,704 -$14,545 -$14,386 414,227 414,068 -$13,909 -$13,751 -$13,592 -$13,433 $13274 -$13,115 -$12,956 412,797 412639 -$12,480 412,321 412,162 I I t 5 - 0.9 0.95 416,133 - 0.85 417,086 ) 49,487 49,010 45,198 -4,722 44245 43,768 3,292 -$2,815 42,339 -$1,862 41,386 -$909 -$433 44,734 -4 -4 -4 4 4 -4 B . 3 1 I 5 3 D 7 4 148 a 422,430 421,000 419,571 418,141 416,711 415,282 413,852 411,774 410,993 -$9,563 47,962 48,559 -$7,765 -,971 46,177 -$5,382 -$4,588 -$3,794 -$3,000 42,205. 41,411 4N17 $177 $972 $1,766 $2,560 $3,354 $4,149 $4,943 $5,737 $6,531 $7,326 $8,120 $8,914 $9,708 $10,503 $11,297 0 421,941 420,670 419,399 418,128 416,88 415,587 414,318 413,045 410,504 49,233 - 416,928 418,789 -$18,610 I 2 - 417,404 417,245 -4 -4 $ 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5 0.55 0.6 -417,112 416,635 418,159 415,682 415,208 414,729 414,253 -$13,776 -$13,299 -$12,823 -412,346 411,870 411,393 -410,917 -410,440 49,964 $ 417,563 418,078 417,442 418,807 416,171 415,536 -14,901 414,265 413,830 -$12,994 -$12,359 411,724 -$11,088 410,453 49,817 49,182 48,547 47,911 -$7,278 4",640 46,005 -$5,370 $ 0.3 417,588 $ 0.2 0.25 2 5 -4 -1 1 -4 -4 $ 418,713 418,198 418,040 417,881 417,722 0.15 -$20,473 419,879 418,885 418,090 -$17,296 416,502 415,708 414,913 -14,119 413,325 -$12,531 411,736 410,942 410,148 49,354 $ -$19,984 -$19,348 - 418,357 -$19,495 419,018 418,541 418,085 $ 5 - 0.1 181 $ 0 0.05 $4,123 $5,235 $6,347 $7,459 $8,571 $9,683 $10,795 $11,907 $13,019 $14,131 $15,243 $16,355 $17,467 $18,579 $19,691 $20,803 $21,914 $23,026 -46,891 -$5,420 44,150 -$2,879 41,608 -$337 $934 $2,204 $3,475 $4,746 $6,017 $7,288 $8,558 $9,829 $11,100 $12,371 $13,642 $14,912 $16,183 $17,454 $18,725 $19,996 $21,266 $22,537 $23,808 $25,079 $26,350 $27,620 $28,891 412,423 48,134 -$6,704 45,274 43,845 42,415 -985 $444 $1,874 $3,304 $4,733 $6,163 $7,593 $9,022 $10,452 $11,882 $13,311 $14,741 $16,170 $17,600 $19,030 $20,459 $21,889 $23,319 $24,748 $26,178 $27,608 $29,037 $30,467 $31,897 $33,328 $34,756 9 ;1 -2 4 S 7 a 0 1 F- 423,409 421,6861 -$19,914 418,167 -$18,419 414,672 412,924 -$11,177 -$9,430 47,682 I -$5,935 3 44,188 -42,440 -4893 $1,05 $7,262 $8,851 $10,439 $12,028 $13,816 $15,205 $18,793 $18,382 $19,970 $21,559 $23,147 $24,738 $26,324 $27,913 $29,501 $31,090 $32,678 $34,267 $35,855 $37,444 $39,032 $40,621 $2,802 $4,549 $6,296 $8,044 $9,791 $11,538 $13,286 $15,033 $16,780 $18,528 $20,275 $22,023 $23,770 $25,517 $27,265 $29,012 $30,759 $32,507 $34,254 $36,001 $37,749 $39,496 $41,243 $42,991 $44,738 $46,485 Tah'- 13 ! Annimal nrnfit r $19,623 419,305 418,987 418,670 -$18,352 -$18,034 -$17,717 -$17,399 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.4 -$17,554 -$17,081 0.45 0.5 0.55 -$17,395 417,236 0.6 -$16,919 0.65 0.7 0.75 416,760 -$16,764 416,446 416,128 415,810 -$15,493 0.8 0.85 0.9 0.95 1 1.05 1.1 1.15 1.2 1.25 1.3 1.35 1.4 1.45 1.5 1.55 1.6 417,077 416,601 416,442 -$16,283 416,124 -$15,175 4$15,966 4$13,904 414,857 -$14,540 -$14,222 -$15,807 -$13,587 -$15,648 4$15,489 -$13,269 -$15,330 415,171 415,012 -$14,854 -$14,695 414,536 -$14,377 -$14,218 414,059 -$13,900 -$13,742 1.65 -$13,583 1.7 1.75 1.8 1.85 1.9 1.95 2 -$13,424 -$13,265 -$13,106 412,947 -$12,789 -$12,630 -$12,471 -$12,951 412,633 -$12,316 411,998 -$11,680 -$11,363 -$11,045 -$10,727 410,410 -$10,092 -9,774 -$9,456 -$9,139 -$8,821 -$8,503 -$8,186 47,868 -$7,550 -$7,233 -$6,915 1 4 41 8 41 1 4$ 5 41 8 -$1 2 -$1 5 -$1 8 41 2 41 5 41 , I 9 -$1 2 -$l 6 9 3 41 41 6 -$1 9 3 41 -1 8 -$ 0 -$i 3 41 $ 0.25 0.3 0.35 -$18,666 418,507 -$18,348 $18,189 418,031 417,872 417,713 -$ -$ -$ "$ .$ $ 418,825 -4 $ 0 0.05 -$ -$ S ) t 1 -$4,698 1 r -$4,063 -$3,428 -$2,792 -$2,157 -$1,521 -$886 -$251 $385 $1,020 $1,656 $2,291 $2,926 $3,562 $4,197 I t 3 -$ ,,, I -$ 5 -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$21,219 -$20,583 -$19,948 -$19,313 -$18,677 -$18,042 -$17,406 -$16,771 -$16,136 -$15,500 -$14,865 -$14,229 -$13,594 -$12,959 -$12,323 -$11,688 -$11,052 -$10,417 -$9,782 -$9,146 -$8,511 -$7,875 -$7,240 -$6,605 -$5,969 -$5,334 5 5 1 rM I -$22,017 -$21,223 -$20,428 -$19,634 -$18,840 418,046 -$17,251 -$16,457 -$15,663 -$14,869 -$14,074 -$13,280 -$12,486 411,692 -$10,897 -$10,103 -$9,309 -$8,515 -$7,720 -$6,926 -$6,132 -$5,338 -$4,540 -$3,749 -$2,956 -$2,161 -$1,366 -$572 $222 $1,016 $1,811 $2,605 $3,399 $4,193 $4,988 $5,782 $6,576 $7,370 $8,165 $8,959 $9,753 149 -$22,815 -$21,862 -$20,909 -$19,956 -$19,002 418,049 417,096 -$16,143 415,190 -$14,237 -$13,284 -$12,331 -$11,378 -$10,425 -$9,471 -$8,518 -$7,565 -$6,612 -$5,659 -$4,706 -$3,753 -$2,800 -$1,847 -$4 $604 $1,013 $1,966 $2,919 $3,872 $4,825 $5,778 $6,731 $7,684 $8,637 $9,591 $10,544 $11,497 $12,450 $13,403 $14,356 $15,309 1 -$23,613 -$22,501 -$21,389 -$20,277 -$19,165 -$18,053 -$16,941 -$15,829 -$14,717 -$13,605 -$12,493 -$11,381 -$10,269 -$9,157 -$8,046 -$6,934 45,822 -$4,710 -$3,598 -$2,486 -$1,374 -$262 $850 $1,962 $3,074 $4,186 $5,298 $6,410 $7,522 $8,634 $9,746 $10,858 $11,970 $13,082 $14,193 $15,305 $16,417 $17,529 $18,641 $19,753 $20,865 -$24,411 -$23,140 -$21,869 -$20,598 -$19,328 418,057 -$16,786 -$15,515 -$14,244 -$12,974 -$11,703 -$10,432 -$9,161 -$7,890 -$6,620 -$5,349 -$4,078 -$2,807 -$1,536 -$24,650 -$23,332 -$22,013 -$20,695 -$19,376 -$18,058 -$16,739 -$15,421 -$14,103 -$12,784 411,466 -$10,147 -$8,829 -$7,510 -$6,192 -$4,873 -$3,555 -$2,236 -$918 -$266 $400 $1,005 $2,276 $3,547 $4,818 $6,088 $7,359 $8,630 $9,901 $11,172 $12,442 $13,713 $14,984 $16,255 $17,526 $18,796 $20,067 $21,338 $22,609 $23,880 $25,150 $26,421 $1,719 $3,037 $4,356 $5,674 $6,993 $8,311 $9,630 $10,948 $12,267 $13,585 $14,903 $16,222 $17,540 $18,859 $20,177 $21,496 $22,814 $24,133 $25,451 $26,770 $28,088 Table 14 : Annual profit results for the route Dohra to Japan - I I I - I I I S -$15,307 -$15,148 414,989 -$14,830 -$14,671 -$14,513 - -$15,466 - $15,625 I -$12,86 -$12,23C 4$11,5911 - _ 4$14,13E 4$13,501 -$10,951 -$10,3249 -$9,689 4$9,053 -$8,418 4$7,782 -$7,147 -$6,512 -$5,876 -$5,241 -$4,605 -$3,970 1.35 -$14,54 4$3,335 1.4 1.45 1.5 1.55 1.6 1.65 1.7 1.75 1.8 1.85 1.9 1.95 2 -$14,195 -$14,036 -$13,877 -$13,718 -$13,560 -$13,401 -$13,242 -$13,083 -$12,924 -$12,765 412,606 -$12,448 -$12,289 -$2,699 -$2,064 -$1,428 -$793 -$158 $478 $1,113 $1,749 $2,384 $3,019 $3,655 $4,290 $4,926 I -| ,575 1,781 987 193 398 604 810 016 221 427 633 839 044 4 -$ 4 4 4 44,985 4$3,555 4 -1 I -1 4 -1 $2,164 Ii .1~ 4 6 250 156 38 133 927 721 515 $4,310 $5,104 $5,898 $6,692 $7,487 $8,281 $9,075 $9,869 $10,664 150 42,125 -$696 $734 ,058 4 ,011 4 ,964 4 ,918 4 ,871 4 .824 $8,777 $9,730 $10,683 $11,636 $12,589 $13,542 $14,495 $15,449 $16,402 $1,013 $2,125 .$3,237 $4,349 $6,461 $6,572 $7,684 $8,796 $9,908 $11,020 $12,132 $13,244 $14,356 $15,468 $16,580 $17,692 $18,804 $19,916 $21,028 $22,140 $3,733 $5,003 $6,274 $7,545 $8,816 $10,087 $11,357 $12,828 $13,899 $15,170 $16,441 $17,711 $18,982 $20,253 $21,524 $22,795 $24,065 $25,336 $26,607 $27,878 $3,593 $5,023 $6,453 $7,882 $9,312 $10,742 $12,171 $13,601 $15,030 $16,460 $17,890 $19,319 $20,749 $22,179 $23,608 $25,038 $26,468 $27,897 $29,327 $30,757 $32,186 $33,616 . 4 4 4 $ -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -I -4 -4 -4 -$23,570 -$22,140 -$20,711 I -$19,281 S$17,851 -$16,422 I -$14,992 I -$13,5683 S I -$12,133 -$10,703 -$9,274 S -$7,844 -$6,414 4 - I I I 1 -$ - - -$15,407 -$14,7729 - 418,04 - - -$17,31 : -$18,878 ,106 ,312 ,518 ,724 ,929 .135 ,341 ,547 .,752 .958 ,164 :,370 $ - I - 416,419 416,260 418,101 _$15,942_ 415,783 I - -$18325 -$18,166 -$18,007 _ -$17,848 -$17,890 -$17,531 417,372 -$17,213 -$17,054 -$16,895 -$16,737 $18,578 - 0.9 0.95 1 1.05 1.1 1.15 1.2 1.25 1.3 418,484 - -I S-4 -4 S-4 -4 I 0.05 0.1 0.15 .2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5 0.55 0.6 0.65 0.7 0.75 0.8 0.85 -$9,889 48,301 -$6,712 -$5,124 -$3,535 -$1,947 -$358 7 1,230 $2,819 $4,407 $5,996 $7,584 $9,173 $10,761 $12,350 $13,938 $15,527 $17,115 $18,704 $20,292 $21,881 $23,469 $25,058 $26,648 $28,235 $29,823 $31,412 $33,000 $34,589 $36,177 $37,766 $39,354 -$9,239 -$7,523 -$5,807 44,092 -$2,376 -$881 $1,055 $2,771 $4,486 $6,202 $7,917 $9,633 $11,348 $13,064 $14,780 $16,495 $18,211 $19,926 $21,642 $23,358 $25,073 $26,789 $28,504 $30,220 $31,935 $33,651 $35,367 $37,082 $38,798 $40,513 $42,229 $43,944