ALTERNATIVE ELECTRIC GENERATION IMPACT SIMULATOR AEGIS, DESCRIPTION AND EXAMPLES James Gruhl Energy Laboratory Report No. MIT-EL 79-010 November 1978 I ALTERNATIVE ELECTRIC GENERATION IMPACT SIMULATOR AEGIS, DESCRIPTION AND EXAMPLES by James Gruhl MIT Energy Laboratory Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139 sponsored by Northeast Utilities Service Company New England Electric System under the M.I.T. Energy Laboratory Electric Utility Program Energy Laboratory Report No. MIT-EL 79-010 November 1978 NOTICE AND ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This report was prepared at the MIT Energy Laboratory, Cambridge, Mass., as an account of a small portion of the work performed on prediction of air pollution standards and strategies for meeting those standards. This research was sponsored by Northeast Utilities Service Corporation, under the principal direction of Denning Powell and with the assistance of William Renfro, and was sponsored by New England Electric System, under the direction of Bradley Schrader. These people are to be congratulated on their foresight, as the use and/or sponsorship of this program has now begun at E.P.A., E.P.R.I., and, ina major new effort, at D.O.E. This research was conducted as part of the M.I.T. Electric Power Program, William Hinkle, program manager. None of these organizations nor any person acting on behalf of organizations: (a)makes any warranty or representation, express orthese implied, with respect to the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of the information contained in this report, or that the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report may not infringe privately owned rights; or (b)assumes any liabilities with respect to the use of, or for damages resulting from the use of, any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report. Mentions of products or policies do not necessarily imply endorsements of those products or policies by any of these organizations. 2 U ABSTRACT This simulator should be viewed as a framework for assembling and manipulating information about the economics, emissions, ambient concentrations, and potential health impacts of different types and configurations of electric power generating facilities. The framework is probabilistic, and thus results in several measures of the range of various consequences, inother words, a graphic display of the quality of the various predictions. The current version of the model is to be considered a testing version, as there are certain approximations implicit in some of the manipulations, scaling procedures, and the data base is incomplete inportions. As a result of additional fundings, the data base should be at the state of the art by September 1979 and additional refinements to various manipulations, inparticular the economic and dispersions, should be completed by June 1980. There are, nevertheless, a tremendous number of useful exercises that can be performed on the current model version. In addition, the simulator is structured so that it iseasy to improve the sophistication of certain manipulations, or to replace generic data, or update or add new data. Versions of the simulator are available so that itcan be operated in batch or interactive modes. 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page NOTICE AND ACKNOLWEDGMENTS........ ABSTRACT. ........................ ... 2 .............................. TABLE OF CONTENTS ................... ... ...................... ............................ 1. Summary of Capabilities ........................................... 2. General Modeling Philosophy .. . 3. Input/Output Procedures ... .. ............ 4. Current Status of Modules and Recommendations.. 5. References ... .. 5 ........ .................. 16 .................... 53 .............. 61 ..................................................... Appendix A -- Additional Simulation Examples .......................... 4 4 0 81 1. Summary of Capabilities This document contains discussions about a computerized tool for predicting the economics, resource uses, emissions, ambient concentration, and health impact levels from combinations of: 1) fuel types and sources, 2) pretreatment equipment, 3) generation equipment, 4) abatement equipment, 5) site types for different dispersive potentials, 6) site types for different population densities, and 7) available health effects models. The framework of this mechanism has been the principal focus of this portion of the project, although a number of existing government and industry sources have been searched for data relevant to this mechanism. Some of the structural issues addressed have included: 1) types of components that should explicitly be incorporated, 2) mechanisms for modular addition or updating of data, 3) generic pieces ofinformation that could easily be used for testing and simple exercises, 4) specific air pollutants that should be collected within the simulator, 5) the treatment and display of probabilistic information models, and finally 6) means for evaluating the validity of complex computerized models. It is important that there be a realization of the magnitude of this effort. This has been an exploratory project, altogether encompassing 5 about one-half of a man-year. Half of this time was used to address the task of predicting, with measures of uncertainty, the air emission and This research ambient standards expected over the next 30 years. culminated in oral presentations on "speculations about Future Ambient Air Quality Regulations." The remainder of this project was used to address the possibility of a simulation of the consequences of electric power production. The majority of this time was spent on the structural issues previously listed. The data base, thus, is the weakest portion of this project, and any uses of the simulator should be carefully augmented with a study of the adequacy of the underlying data. Fortunately, it is not difficult to update the data base in any of the sections of the simulator. Also, fortunately, there is a major undertaking under way to complete and update this data base by September 1979. There are, nonetheless, a tremendous number of important exercises that can be conducted with the current version of the model, and examples are presented of some of these. First, it is important to understand the basic structure of the model. All of the quantities collected or manipulated within the model correspond to actual physical flows. Figure 1 shows some of these flows that take place in the standard use of the model. There are two principal advantages of such a "physically significant" framework, namely: 1) all of the data requirements correspond to real measurements that can be made, and 2) the structure is simple enough to allow for a quantification of the profile of the uncertainty associated with any of the flows or eventual outputs. 6 MODELS MEANS OF IDENTIFICATION OPTIONS Combustion I .TjFuel sources and constituents - lists fuel OJ' - input/output or transfer functions Pretreatment _J,~ I fuel Combustion Analytic Chemistry - emission constituents -- U emissions - modified Guassian - static aero'chemistry - density roses Health nemissions Atmospheric Characteristics .1] meteorological profiles, background pollutant levels ambient 7t Demographic CharacteristicsI IL I I Abatement 11 Dispersion and Exposures process types, operating and design parameters population density profiles exposures specific effects Health Impacts - dose-response curves Figure 1 Combined Probabilistic Simulator of a Technology-Specific and Site-Specific Situation 7 It is not immediately obvious what types of internal variables must be collected to ensure the appropriate performances of the various options, and this has been an area of considerable effort in the setup of the framework of the current model version. Although there is considerable unevenness in the qualities of the different data, Table 1 is a listing of the modules which are in place in the current version of the simulator. The question of accuracy, or validity, is paramount in the minds of informed users of any large computerized models. An extensive undertaking into the area of model validity has been conducted as part of this project. The conclusion was that the ideal situation would be to quantitatively display the validity of all outputs as a normal course of the report generating phase. This has been accomplished in this project, and may be a unique and important aspect of this project. Tables 2 and 3 display some of the uncertainties that have been studied in an attempt to quantify the validity of the model's outputs. There may be some considerable ground left to cover concerning the capabilities of this simulator with respect to accuracy, but hopefully the majority of this ground will be covered in the process of updating the data base. In closing this section on capabilities it is perhaps useful to present a list of potential questions that could be addressed with this simulator, since it is probably difficult to appreciate the potential of this probabilistic simulator as a highly sophisticated and expert planning and policy tool. Some of the questions to which it could offer quick turnaround answers include: 1. What level of validity exists in the ever more frequent assessments of health impacts of electric power? 8 Table 1 'J 1 TF ;JNaTIVE ELECTDIC rrI.eTIP vnr1U ES TTtr I'laCT vFILY PLVJ'ErF FJ!FL OPTIONvS AE: FRFE FlJL AtJr) FOTHEP'4AL ITIPAINt'JS C.)AL NAT AVE CAL MIOrA)FST PEtINJ RATIl PITTSUJOG-H St:A' PITT C)AL WEST VI-GIrJIA HTT CO)AL EASTERN OHIO) ITIJM COAL C4.L FAST KEJTUCK 9[TII WEST KEITUCK ITlM CO4L v CJAL eTTPU ILLJN()I NO SO WEST TN)IA\JA IT COAL MISS OKLA TX^S LIGNITE WESTERN COORADO CnAL WYO'MING SUqRITUJM COAL WESTERN DAKOTAS IIGIJTTE EAST CENIT MONTANA COAL NARPAGA,JSETT AtJTHPA CAL JNUCLEAP FFLS TYPE 1 nIL TYPE 2 OIL VENEZ OTL SrALF OIL' ,.ATtJPAL G45 SOL IO !WA'STE iJNhlTCIPAL S01 I WSTF f)FST RESID SO,11I rPlC lAF E fD RIOASs PLAlJTtTION FL PPECLEANING OPTIONS ARE: PrYS COAL CE.!, 3 \EN--FI PHYS COaL CLEAN 4 EN-FI SOLVENT REFINED COAL COAL OIL CO4R! Iij.EF.'FICTIn.J 'STTONFJ/GENETTION COAl !lF' ESLFIJ,I7ATT ON Oi.T n(,s 4'E: D:ECT CrJV coaJ)r FLITII) q'D ATiA3S STA^\r)'kN) FLUID B-, tT;i'.4S LO' PDLL EsS TANDF)4kO FLUID HrOf) FLUID RFD PESS _:LO' PJLL , r) 3OFN YCLF COAL COMqITNF) CYCLF CnOAl. N3 1 CUN'ItrJEn CYCL Cl J)3? O R FU CYC Cnt A. l. COt9 COrI JC) CYCI COUtIN E) PyVOLY, TS COAhL C'I FUFL CELL. PHO,HO OIL ACIU OLT CAiHOW'JnTE FUEL CLL. R I _. IP=CT FT:i.:l ) (OIL T J n'4L C):JVF GACS TJ)'3 JT (A, nIP CT FIP EF) f4JL:.H 9 SIuJLATO)R - aEGIS Table 1 (continued) LIGHT WTE. 0=AC0'0 P-KS LIGHT WtATED :,ACT,)D 31IL HIGH T:P GAS PrACTOO L1t '4ET FT zF) '.CT D T TOK.AuK F:IS1ln\ .FACT WATF CL ,AIX O COq. WASTE O: PEqID l Cr HYDqOELcCTQ'TC FSFPVOIR WIrlr) Tn LAnDE OEVTCE S(LAa T-4E.'AI. CFNTrPAL SOLAP P-TO/OL ILTCON GEOTHEPAAL OT wATeR OCEAN TE;mAL SIJFqGO Ar)OITIVF OPTIONS RF:. PAW IITPASTONE NO 1359 ARATmFE'4T OPTION A: PAT ICOLAT.E: NO~JE AGHO.S' FTI.TFR 96. LECTP0,zT4T1 PCIP 99 LECTPOnTATIC RcIP HIGH INTENJSTY %CPUBE3E.S: IIIZq SCPURdE? LTmFRT TOW~;A SCPUrE L4E TW,.. ;tiwAY SCP'J85_EP MG 0 FGENEPAi3L NOx PEOV'lv._ SCPIJ3;F'R NH3 CATALYTTC NOX PE'AV MFTEOPO.OGICAL A) AC<GOJUNID PTIONSI STaNDARD DIL.UrIOk SCA..E 10 OTHrEo OPTIgNS AF'POCHE'ICAI. OPTi)NJS AE: SUI FUR: No ~!E SULFATION NAS+R0q'< ¢iENi S.:G: PHOTOCHF\ICAL S.r40G 4D))tL ODrANJIC: ORGA.IC AEPnCEHMICAL PnPIJATT( DNSITY OPTONS Rr-'' /VV OF ALL nE"JSITY P.TT IN)lI ;J DOINT TN 10 --ST 710OJ I. ]9` ACTl)l CAt F#T CLI F IS; 1 97U TROJA J J )Q FTT4A/F AiFoAL q TH&P TJ !'0 F;T-FI 'E STF$ 10 AE: Table 1 (continued) HFALITH fJr) PLIJTTON! 1'JDFX n9TIJ4S .5F: CHE'MICL E.ILTH ;A:DFLS: rJnNF AVF. OF ALL C HFAL r LAt;.1-L.!',t arqC) .n .'(,Or L A1t)IJ SEpG TOx "10M)FL RUIFCHLEY mO1EL C AW'Ow' ODEt_. CH4,MAN HY 13 OOnFL C.ESS 1 76 0')r1L FEQP P S OODFL FIrKLEA 1975 'o40FL GLASS.4 GFFN-FijPG, - l_o G(iiLSTEr t.ILOCK )974 401) HA;-I]LTO. 3PoO<,HAVEk. .3DD HICE R0YCE TACE EL-M HOrDSON M3OFL TNT INST APPL SYS N 400 LAtABFPT 19/0 v.OFL LAM.4MERS SCHILLING MODEL LARSFN 1970 SYNE~RG m')EL LAVE FEcUJG 1973 4O)EL LAVE £SES<IN 1 69 MODFL. LAVE SERsKINJ 1972 '40E'.AWTHER MOFL LEE F AttfME.!T 19r9 m)ODEL L INDEEPG MfO)EL MARTI"J PADL.FY MODFL 0RTH-M,KHFRi NAS t THIL.LY rANCFR TOXIC ,403D farIATION 1.4)ELS: AVFR OF ALI RAO) t)OF 100D RETq JA; 172 DOSE ,',')FL GES.'0 1:?C 1976 n0SF 'h3) NCPP 1976 nOSE mo0EL tNEPS G R'VI/FE 1977 M .):L IJ'JCFAf 1976 OOSF MO)- L WASH-14 n 1975 DOSF MOD COSTS ANO ITIDEXFS: /VE o OF Ll CST mOrDL S HAMILTON,-Ro0<H COcT O0D rKNEESE rOST M;)F:L LAVE SEgS IfJ 1969 CnSTS LAVF SEw1PIN 197? CnSTS NAT ACAnF'41FS COST IO)LL IPT-O.lT, ATP, PLL Il)tJEX AfJrT-A/N f U.IY IY NEX CI-GDEF.%!c C4JINRD IE)LX CHI-CO.tiST P(J) INDF FV1-TET:,E, VALIE TlE)n-x _AP.1.Ft , SCIILIrG,lNn-l '4AOT-'IT'PF .T'? .lal TNIt) (,OI)-Oi)A, pTI) AP 0 T1 Pit1J'EA-I H Q I.IN nD I.)t-_ 11 Table 2. Common Structural Deficiencies That Cause Loss of Predictive Qualities in Environmental Models _ __ Aggregation _ - averaging of factors and effects over model regions and time periods (although aggregation over time periods usually enhances predictive quality) Simplification - components capable of coupling complex effects are simplified or missing; deterministic, instead of probabilistic, format is used Indexes - use of measures loosely correlated with effects that are otherwise difficult to predict, e.g. S02 as sole index of air quality, species diversity as index of aquatic community health, and so on Crudeness - lacking capabilities for identifying coal types, plant types, or other necessary details -. structural mistakes in model due to Invalidity logical or behavioral inaccuracies, lack of variables, etc. Unverifiable - structural mistakes due to inaccuracies of algorithmic or computational implementation Undocumented - misuses of model due to undocumented features in structure, or undocumented limits to range of applicability' _____ __ ·_ 12 Table 3 Example of Data Deficiencies That Will Cause Compromises in the Quality of Public Health Impact Predictions _ Fuels ___ _ _ - uncertainties in levels of various contaminants in fuels, uncertainties in characterization of volatility, heat content, and other properties of the fuels Precleaning - general lack of knowledge of. capabilities of precleaning options Combustion - unknown levels of pollutant'removal, formation, and form inemissions Posttreatment - uncertainties in performance of control equipment with respect to certain pollutants Dispersion - uncertainties in dispersion; effects of correlation of operating and natural cycles; uncertainties in climatological data - lack of information about the Aerochemistry transformation of pollutants in the atmosphere uncertainties with respect to population densities and population susceptibilities unknown magnitudes and causes of health impacts Demography Health Impacts _ __ _ __ 13 2. Where are the faults and implications in EPA standards, abatement strategies and retrofit programs? For example, further siting limitations may leave no acceptable sites, see Figure 2. 3. What are the actual comparative effects of coal versus nuclear, or coal versus oil obtainable from state-of-the-knowledge information, and what is the certainty with which these effects are known? 4. How can generation and control equipment be chosen to minimize retrofit and shutdown problems? 5. How can sites be selected on the basis of minimizing future sensitive situations concerning health effects? 6. What is the best information on the quality of fuels from various sources, such as different coal sources, and what kinds of long-term fuel contracts will look best in light of predicted future standards? and the most important question of course is the one which will first arise the day the answer is needed. 14 Figure 2 Example of current siting difficulties faced by 5000MWe FEC (fossil energy centers) on the basis of exclusion from national public lands, urban areas, air quality maintenance areas, and particulate and S02 levels only (NTIS report# ANL-76-XX-11) F]S Arcas tnlikoely to lrevide sitSable :.!' sites. Areas orst likely to provide suithbc ' ": sites wit!out comtsidrin. distal. u to ad,u!nt eC:t! rerernes Cc3os5it Screen withnut Crnn iderin r] l :oServes 15 2. General Modeling Philosophy What data are necessary for a decision maker to properly choose among several similar advanced energy technologies? To answer this question it is necessary to first gain perspective of the overall regional energy situations. The potential performance of any new energy technology must be measured in this overall context. On the national level Tables 4 and 5 show the objectives, constraints, and controls that define this overall problem area. The performances of electric power related energy technologies within this broad context must also be weighed against their performance in the related but slightly different problem area defined by their regional power pool or individual utility perspectives. The constraints, objectives and controls of concern at this region level are outlined in Table 6. A brief scan of these two problem formulations shows that an overall evaluation of the potential performance of any upcoming energy technology requires information about: 1) economics, in terms of cost of unit energy output, investment and operating costs; / 2) timeliness, availability for commercial use and fit into energy-economic context; 3) resource consumption, including use of unpolluted air and water, materials, fuels, manpower, and capital; 4) environmental, safety, and health characteristics; 5) Basic research, meaning those contributions that will also apply to other processes; 6) institutional factors such as public image and government-industry interference and cooperation; and 16 Table 4 Constraints and Performance Measures or Objectives of the National Electric Energy Situation -- --___ __.. -· -J _ -I · 1 EConstraints:o Energy Resources Fuel Non-Fuel Conservation Potential Materials Capital Manpower Time ectivesj:(all are essentially public perception of quality of life) Survival of System Vulnerability to Foreign Disruption Infrastructure Problems Satisfying Energy Demands with Minimum Cost Environmental Protection Materials Vegetation Animal Life(Non-Human) Human Well-Being Other Quality-of-Life Measures lCorntros:(related to electric power) Policy Actions(see next page) ---- - -- - ~I-s"U"e - -- - ---- 17 -- Table 5 Actions That Can Be Used to Control the National Energy Situation PoliCv Act ions) Information Public Awareness of Technologies Risks/Benefits Public Awareness of Conservation Measure Cost/Benefits Fiscal Chances, Incgntives, Uses R&D Funding Advanced Generation Centralized and Distributed Conventional and Unconventional Co-Generation Fuel Conversion Nuclear Storage Advanced Transmission Abatement Alternatives System Studies Operating Strategies Planning Strategies Potential Uncertainties Research Payoffs Health and Environmental Effects Information Cost of Financing State Financing Incentives for Market Penetration Tariffs, Regulation of Fuel, Plant, Wage Costs. Btu Taxes i I Regulatory Changes Change Rate of Return Accelerate Licensing of Attractive Alternatives Include Work-In-Progress in Rate Base Forced Retirement of Plants and Retrofitting Regulate Reserve Margin Load Management Peak Load Pricing Seasonal Pricing Rationing and Source Regulations Influence Economic/Demographic Trends Conservation Policies Environnentallv Motivated Actions Change Environmental Standards Change Siting Restrictions Capital Equipment Requirements Operating and Planning Strategy Requirements - --- I-- -18 -- I Table 6 The Formulation of the Information and Components of the Electric Utility Energy Alternatives Problem Constraints: 1 Energy Resources Fuel Non-Fuel Conservation Potential Energy Technologies Capital and Cash Flow Sites Manpower Materials Time Frame Environmental Standards i [Objectives: Survival of Private Power Sector Satisfactory Reliability (meeting demand) Satisfactory Cost of Electricity Profit to Investors Cost Effectiveness High Efficiency-.._ Awareness of National Research and Trends Avoid Retrofits Avoid Costly Interventions and Moratoriums Contrs: i (all depend on time frame constraint) R&D Funding .Influence Policy Actions Generation Expansion ' Technology and Fuel Choices Site Selection Transmission Expansion Production Scheduling Nuclear Refueling Hydro Scheduling Maintenance Scheduling Unit Commitment Economic Dispatch and Faster Controls Demand Modification Pricing Policies Conservation and Growth Incentives Public Awareness of Conservation _ g I I I,- 7) national security enhancement, primarily in aiming at replacing or avoiding cartel-vulnerable products, such as foreign oil or imported rare metals, and avoiding disruptions that could affect the survival of the establishment. The effort required to develop these kinds of information can be broken into two separate tasks: 1) The assessment work that can be done by scientists and engineers, which should result inobjective, unambiguous technical information; and 2) The evaluation work that is performed by a decision maker, which will incorporate subjective judgments and which will vary according to the perspective of each individual. What will be discussed here is the importance of separating tasks (1)and (2), the set of information that should be transferred from (1) to (2), and the potential for feedback and interaction from task (2)back to task (1). First, it should be emphatically stated that it ismost important to make as clear a division between the engineering work and the policy work as ispossible. Qualitative or subjective arguments imbedded in the results of engineering assessments not only reduce the usefulness of those assessments but render them suspect in the view of people with slightly different judgmental perspectives. The question then arises as to what infact is the necessary and sufficient information about an energy technology that can be made available by an engineer that will allow the policy makers to make the most intelligent decisions.. Here there are basically two types of information needed: 20 1) Assumptive information - exactly what is the basis of the assessment, has there been scaling up from small facilities, what sort of economic judgments are imbedded in the cost information, what exactly are the fuel, the plant design, and modeling assumptions; 2) Assessment information - expected values of all of the economic and engineering data, reduced to their most usable form but not incorporating any hidden subjective trade-offs between unlike quantities. Assumptive Information The assumptive information should consist of descriptive and numerical information, specifically that information which must be assumed to develop assessment numbers. Some of the many types of assumptions that may be involved are included in Table 7. Of course, in making comparisons between different energy technologies, it is not sufficientto use the same assumptions for all technologies, since some assumptions will tend to bias the comparison. The comparison of energy technologies on the basis of economic evaluations is a conventional practice. It is rarely, however, that these comparisons can be made on common economic assumptions, and more rarely that competing technologies can be compared using a series of assumptions about several values of key economic parameters. Some of the most detailed models that are capable of handling such sensitivity studies for conventional coal, oil, gas, and nuclear fueled facilities are available from the Department of Energy and Oak Ridge National Laboratory. programs- Examples of these models are the CONCEPT, PLANT, and ORCOST In most projects it is likely that some options and some 21 Table 7 Example List of Assumptive Information from Gruhl, et al., 1976] 1) Basic Assumptions A. Year (if a particular year is to be the time for the -comparison) - example: 1988 B. Regional Considerations - Fuel - example: - Plant - example: fuel from Western Kentucky located in New England, rural site. - Load/Demand - example: customers in New England, load shape typical of New England. C. Power System - example: power system is small, predominately oil-fired, this would then reflect upon the usefulness of this particular facility with respect to the power generation mix available on this type of power system and the replacement cost of power that would be likely. 2) Economics Whether or not, and which, economic factors should be available as parametric factors would depend entirely upon the sophistication of the modeling of accounting procedures that is desired. Possible levels of accounting sophistication include: Oth Order - Exact accounting procedure to be used would be specified as would the exact values for ecomonic factors, such as cost of capital. 1st Order - Ability to use parameterization of economic factors and different accounting procedures for the major expenditure items, such as construction, licensing, equipment, and other 22 Table 7 (continued) Secondary expenses, such primary investments. as transportation investments that would affect transportation costs as passed on to the utilities would be handled as described in Zeroth Order procedure. 2nd Order - Primary and secondary (or indirectly affecting) expenditures could be modeled with parameterized economic factors and various accounting procedures and tertiary influences would use prespecified procedure as in Zeroth Order. 3) Performance A. Capacity Factor (design) -example: 65% (i.e. baseload) B. Exact descriptions of Equipment Designs and Assumptions. 4) Environmental A. Emission Standards - example: B. Ambient Standards - example: 1 current standards disregard . . __ 73 parameters will inevitably be fixed in an accuracy versus complexity trade-off. In a Zeroth Order effort no economic factor could be parameterized, they would all be pre-fixed. In a 1st Order procedure, such as in the ECAS study (NASA, 1976), examples of parametric economic factors would include those shown in Table 8. In many cases, such as cost of capital, assumptions must be made in order to develop meaningful cost information. Since the exact numbers are unknown,sensitivity studies with respect to these parameters are essential. Assessment Information Here some attempt is made at displaying the set of quantitative performance information that should ideally be passed from the engineering studies to the policies studies. As shown in Table. 6 there are two broad categories of environmental assessment information: (1) binding constraints that is,regulatory requirements, such as air quality standards or limited sites, and (2) performance objectives, that is,obligations to society, such as preservation of materials, vegetation, animal, and human health. The overwhelming majority of energy system models that include environmental information explicitly are aimed directly at testing (1), the binding constraints. Accommodating those binding constraints, to a large extent, dictates the level of geographic disaggregation that is carried by those models. Table 9 shows the types of environmental information that can be incorporated if a site-specific energy model is used. 24 Table 8 Varied, A. Example List of Economic Information That Might be Parametrically principally from the ECAS study (NASA, 1976)]. Accounting Procedures 1) Depreciation Options: a) straight line b) sum-of-the-years-digits o) combination of (a) and (b) switching at a given year 2) Fraction of Year to Discount Annual Expenses - example: 3) 0.50 Time Factors a) base year for escalations - example: 1971.0 b) year construction started - example: 1971.0 c) year of commercial operation - example: 1979.5 d) length of workweek (hrs) - example: 40.0 e) year for present-worthing of dollars - example: 1975.0 B. Treatment of Debt and Equity 1) Bond Repayment Options a) proportional case b) uniform principal reduction c) uniform annual payment d) delayed uniform principal reduction, include starting year for delayed option 2) Annual Interest Rate on Debt (%) - example: 7.5% 3) Fraction of Initial Investment Raised by Debt 4) Earning Rate on Equity (after tax) 5) Debt/Equity Ratio C. Escalation Rates 1) Initial Equipment Escalation Rate (%) - example: i i 2) Equipment Escalation Rate () - example: - 5.0% - 5.0% -·---`------`D·--·-"-I 25- Table 8 (continued) ,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- 3) Initial Material Escalation Rate () - example: 4) 5.0% Material Escalation Rate () - example: 5.0% 5) Initial Labor Escalation Rate (%) - example: 10.0% 6) Labor Ecalation Rate (%) - example: 7) 10.0% Uniform Overall Escalation Rate () - example: 0.0% 8) Escalation Rate on O&M Cost (%/yr) - example: 9) 0.0% Escalation Rate on Fuel Cost (%/yr) - example: 0.0% D. Indexes for Uniform Parameterization 1) Site Labor Productivity Index - example: 1.0 2) Equipment Cost Index - example: 3) Materials Cost Index - example: 4) 1.0 Labor Cost Index - example: E. 1.0 1.0 Insurance 1) Property Insurance (fraction of plant investment/yr) - example: 0.001 2) Additional Liability Insurance (for nuclear accidents, oil conflagrations, etc., $/yr or $/yr/MWh) - example: 0.000 F. Taxes 1) Federal Income Tax Rate (fractional) - example: 0.041 2) State Income Tax Rate (fractional) 3) State Gross Revenue Tax Rate (fractional) 4) Property Tax Rate on Plant (fraction/yr) 5) Other Taxes (fraction/yr) 26 Table 9 Categories of Environmental Information That Have Been Included in Site-Specific Energy Models RESOURCE REQUIREMENTS 1) Renewable Energy (as % of primary energy) 2) Land Use (acres/yr) A. On-Site Requirements B. Waste Disposal and Other C. Pondage Requirements 3) Manpower Requirement (non-operating, man-yrs) 4) Water Consumption (gallons/yr) 5) Materials Requirements (tons/yr/material) 6) By-Products (disposal costs or sales, $/yr) ENVIRONMENTAL CONSEQUENCES 1) Emission Standards (% of each standard) 2) Emissions (normal and upset) A. Air Pollutants (tons/yr, BTU/yr for specific pollutants) B. Water Pollutants (tons/yr, BTU/yr specific pollutants) C. Waste Solids (tons/yr for specific wastes) D. Radioactive Pollutants (curies/yr) E. Noise (decibels/full load at plant boundary) 3) Upset Conditions (hrs/yr) 4) Ambient Standards (% of each standard) 5) Occupational Health A. Mortalities Onsite (per year) B. Morbidities Onsite (per year) C. Days Lost Onsite (per year) D. Mortalities Offsite (per year) E. Morbidities Offsite (per year) F. Days Lost Offsite (per year) 6) Public Health (Routine) A. Mortalities (per year) Cancer (total) Cardiovascular Bronchopulmonary CNS B. Mutations (total) C. Morbidities (per year) Respiratory Asthma Pneumonia Chronic Respiratory Children's Thyroid Cardiovascular D. Days Lost (per year) 7) Public Health (Offsite) A. Mortalities (per year) Cancer (total) B. Mutations (total) 27 Table 9 (continued) C. Morbidities (per year) D. Days Lost (per year) 8) Public Health (Catastrophic) A. Probability of Occurrence (per year) B. Mortalities (per year) Cancer (total) Bronchopulmonary Cardiovascular C. Mutations (total) D. Morbidities (per year) Thyroid E. Days Lost (per year) 9) Pollution Related Damage Costs and Indexes A. Public Health Costs ($/year) B. Biota Costs ($/year) C. Materials Damage Costs ($/year) D. Aesthetic Costs ($/year) E. Subjective Indexes 28 ii iI I I I i i The portion of the list in Table 9 that perhaps requires more amplification is the specification of the set of pollutants that should be included to define the set of pollutants to be investigated the argument that is generally put forward involves including every pollutant about which there exists adequate emission information. This, of course, strongly biases the investigation in favor of the technologies about which the least information is available, and this bias need not necessarily be accepted as inevitable. It can be avoided by not allowing question marks or "unknown" to show up in the list of emissions, and instead forcing a speculation on the possible levels, even if it is just "zero to worst case." Of course, it is impossible to include levels of emissions for all pollutants, there are more than 602 inorganic and 491 organic air emissions from coal facilities, so some aggregation is unavoidable. Table 10 displays systematic considerations that can be useful for determining which pollutants should be incorporated. From these types of lists some priorities can be developed concerning which pollutants to investigate. For example, highest priorities for incorporation should go to those items that consistently occur in these different lists, such as compounds of sulfur, nitrogen, beryllium, arsenic, and uranium/radioactivity. In this way the size of the bookkeeping and manipulation efforts necessary for including this emission information can be kept reasonable. From the perspective of commercialization potential, another set of pollutants which should receive consideration is those that are now and may in the future be regulated. Some foresight as to what these 29 TablelO Dfferent Ways in Which Pollutants Are Shown to be Important for Inclusion in Energy/Environmental Systems Models ( al..1976) _~~~~-- - Great Variability among Coal 1) Arsenic (sometimes 100 to 1000 times national average) 2) Barium (1 to 3000 ppm) 3) Beryllium (0.1-1000 ppm) 4) Boron (100-1000 ppm) 5) Germanium (25-3000 ppm) 6) Uranium (1-200 ppm) 7) Sulfur (3000-120000 ppm) 8) Nitrogen 9) Chromium i I I, 10) Cobalt 11) Copper 12) Lead 13) Manganese 14) Molybdenum 15) Nickel 16) Vanadium 17) Zinc I 18) Zirconium Eseane Pollution Control Euiment Due to Volatility (or other 1) Mercury (about 100%) 2) Arsenic (about 80%) 3) Beryllium (about 100%) 4) Nitrogen (about 100%) 5) Sulfur (about 99%) roperties) Relative National moortance of Power Plants as an Emission Source (Goldberg, 1973) and (Starr, Greenfield and Hausknecht, 1972) 1) SOX (73.5%) I" 2) Beryllium (68.0%) 3) Chromium (53.5%) -- - 30 Table 1 0 (continued) I4) Selenium (50.5%) 5) NOx (43.8%) 6) -Vanaditum (34.2%) 7) Boron (32.2%) 8) Particulates (31.4%) 9) Nickel (26.8% but mostly oil) 10) Barium (24.8%) 11) Mercury (22.0%) 12) Flourides (17.7%) 13) Magnesium (8.5%) 14) .Lead (7.7%) 15) Arsenic (5.5%) 16) Tin (4.5%) 1 Annroaching Ambient Standards or Recommended 1) SO, 2) Total Suspended Particulates 3) NOX 4) Ozone/Oxidants 5) Hydrocarbons 6) Beryllium (20% of recommended levels) evels (site sDecific) II i II I 7) Radiation (10% of recommended levels) Imortant from Standooint o.f Health Effects Research 1) sox 2) Particulate Sulfates 3) Sulfuric Acid Aerosols 4) NOx 5) 6) NO Ammonia 7) Particulate Hydrocarbons (carcinogenic potency ++++) I i I 1I 3 i i I 8) Particulate Hydrocarbons (carcinogenic potency ++) 31 I Table 1](continued) 9) Particulate Hydrocarbons (carcinogenic potency I) 10) 11) Particulate Hydrocarbons (carcinogenic potency +) Heat 12) Radionuclides 13) 1#) SiO Arsenic 15) Asbestos 16) Beryllium 17) 18) 19) 20) 21) 22) Chromium Lead Mercury Nickel Tin Vanadium 23) Zinc Svnergistic Pollutants - Potentiators. -. 1) so, 2) NO z 3) Total Suspended Particulates 4) '5) Ozone, Reactive Gaseous Hydrocarbons 6) Metal Oxides 7) Iron Svnergitic Pollutants - Anta&onizers (Rossiblv benefigial to health)l 1) Arsenic 2) Cadmium 3) Copper 4) Manganese 5) Particulates Hydrocarbon (carcinogenic potency-) 6) Selenium 7) Titanium 8) Water Hardness 32 pollutants may be can be gleaned from several sources: the revised Clean Air Act Amendments, the concerns expressed by members of the epidemiological, toxicological, and regulatory communities, the lowest emissions levels from available control technologies, and the pollutants investigated in various mechanisms aimed at policy evaluations or stated as being important such as are displayed in Tables 11, 12, and 13. Whereas the Teknekron model contains perhaps the most site-specific capabilities of any current national energy system model, the SEAS mechanism of Table 11 collects more pollutants than any of the commonly used energy system models. A crude first attempt at a list of air pollutants that would be important for electric power and environmental models is presented in Table 14. It must be realized, however, that such a list will vary considerably depending upon the intended applicatons of those models. Evaluating and Improving Predictive Quality There is no such thing as perfect predictive quality, only varying degrees of assurance. The extent to which perfect validity can be approached depends overwhelmingly upon whether the data upon which the model is based are: (1) accurate or inaccurate (2) sparse or dense in the region of interest, and (3) historical data or designed data; designed in that the ranges of the variables of interest have been filled parametrically by well-placed replicable experiments. Historical data, which play a major role in energy/environmental models, are inherently weaker in that the resulting models are susceptible to "capitalization on chance" effects. 33 With that intrinsic weakness it is Table 11 List of Pollutants Collected for Use in the SEAS Mecnanism (USEPA, 1975) _1 __ I II I iIi II II consists uf a ninc-cligit coc, as follow: The 1st and 2nd diaits: Residual Category Particulates Sulfur Oxides Nitrogcn Oxides Hydrocarbons Carbon Monoxide Photochemical Oxidants Other Gases and tlists Cdors Biological Oxygen Demand ygen Demand Chemical Total Organic Carbon Suspehded Sl-ds i Dissolved Solids i Nutrients Acids Bases Oils and Greases Surfactants Pathogens Waste Water Thermal Loading Combustible Solid Waste lion-Combustible Solid :iste Bulky Waste · 'Hazardcus Waste Hining Waste , Industrial Sludges Sewage Sludge Herbicides Insecticides Fungicides iiscellaneous Pesticides Radionuclides to Air Radionuclides to Water Radionuclides to Land i 3rd and 4th dinits: (Continuca) 13 .Carbar.ate Insecticides 14 . 'Cesium-134 15 16. '17 '18 19 20' 213 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 3rd and 4th digits: Residual Component I Not Applicable - Aluminum Ammonium Hydroxide - __ ____ 03 0.4 OS '06 07 ' 08 09 10 Antirony 01 Appliances 02 03 Arsenic 04 '. Asbestos 05 A sh Automobiles .06 Bacteria 07 . Darim-10 ' .08 ' Berylliu. 09 10 Doron 11 Botanical Insecticides 12 Cadmium 00 'Cesium-137 Cesiun-144 Chlora;xAdrif Chlorine ChromiurCobalt-60 GO Concrete, masonry . Copper Copper Fungicides Crop Waste Cyanide Dithiocarbamate Fungicides Ferric Chloride Ferric Sulfate Ferrous letals Fluorine Food .Waste Garden Waste Glass Household Furniture . Hydrogen-3 Inorganic Herbicides Inorganic Insecticides Iodine-129 Iodine-131 . KCrypton-8S 01 02 ______ 34 Lanthanum-140 Lead ___ __ 12 13 14 S15 .16 17 19- 20 .21 22. 23 24 25 26 27 * 28 -29 30 31 32 33 34. 35 36. 37 38 39 40 41 42 '43 44 Table 11 continued _ __ ___ 3rd and 4th dicits: 5th diqit: Carrier Medium! Reporting Category (Contilued) Leathler Livestock Wastoe Mercury Mine Overburden Mine Tailings Mtiscellareous Fungicides Nitrates 'Non-Ferrous Metals, Miscellaneous . Organic Herbicideta Organic Mercury Fungicides Organochlorine Insecticides Organophosphorus Insecticides Other Synthetic Organic Insecticides Paper Phenols Phosphates Ptlhalimide Fungicides Plastics Radiunt-266 Radon-222 Rubber Rutheniu-l106 Sand, StonG, Soil . 'Selenium Slag Strontim-90 Tellurium Textiles Thalium Tires Vanadium Viruses Water, Cooling Water, Process. Wood Zinc _ _ 45 46 47 48 49 ,50 51 1 2 3 4 S Air Water Land Leachate Pesticide Radiation 6 6th d.igit. 52 53' * point 54 Area 55 Mobile Source 56 Product-of 57. 58 59 60 '61 62 63 64 65 66 67 .68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 _ 35 7th digit: Combustion 1 2 3 . Yes 2 No 8th digit: Type of Economic Activity 1 2 .3 4 Extraction Production Distribution Consumption Disposal 9th digit: None Low Medium High .. . 5 Toxicity 1 2 3 4 Table 12 * List of pollutants. that EPA conveys to its researchers as its perception of potential probelems in the e!lergy field. IxM*Ii)ir,[i LIST 01 C:c!ICAi, A'D PrlrYSCAI. FORMS (01 )':3I,!tJ i':'TS OF CONCitR'' c . ;:OP.;S POI.I,U1r;:T C!: TCI, Sulfur Co.llpolnds o Elcmental sulfur o Oxidized (sulfur dioxide, sulfur trioxidc, sulfites, sulfates) . Reduced* (hydrogen sulfide, carbonyl sulfide, sulfides, disulfides) Related air measurencment: TRS (total reduced sulfur) Nitrogen ComnounLds · Oxidized (nitric oxide , nitrogen dioxide , nitrates, nitrites) o Reduced (armonia, cyanides, canates, 'hydrazines). Related air measure:ent: . NO x (nitrogen oxides) ..- .--- -- -- . . . Organic Conpounds . l . ° Hydrocarbons - aliphatics - olefins -aromatics (benzene, toluene, xylene, etc.) polmnuclcar aromatic (benzo(a)pyrene, o etc.) .. Oxygenated Hydrocarbons -acids (acetic, benzoic, etc.) . a nhydrides I - ketones - epoxides - ethers - lactoncs (cresols, xyienols, etc.) - alcohols. (methyl, etc.) -phenols - peroxides -polynuclear - ozonides (oxa.arencs, ring carbonyls) - aldchydes (formaldchyde, -etc.) _ 36 i i iI I I i Tablel2 (continued) ° lalolc:it ed ly)tldrocarbonis - chloronated, pol chlcronitc! - fluorinated Sulfur-containirg Hldrocarbons .-Mercaptans - Thiophecnes - Ileteroc)clic/monlocyclic o (thio) - Polynuclear (tlio arenes) Nitrogen-containing IlHydrocarbons - amines - aliphatic I - aromatic (analines, naphthylamines, etc.) - Heterocyclic monocyclic (aziridines, pyridines, pyrolles) - Nitro compounds (PkN, methylethylnitrites) - Nitrosamines (Dimethylnitrosamine, etc.) - Polynuclcear - Aza arcnes (acradene, etc.) Organomcetallics (metal-containing Hydrocarbons) - metal carbonyls - chelates - sul-fonates ·I - metal alkyls I Related air and water mcasurements: *~ ~~ ,~ Total gaseous hydrocarbons (FID) - air Naphtha - water Tar, oil and grease - water TOC (Total Organic Carbon) - water BOD' (Biological Oxygen Demand) - water COD (Chmical Oxygen Demand) - water t . . * Carbon; o Carbon monoxide Carbon dioxide *O Carbonates - * Ozone ---. . I~~~~ . J i Carbon Comnnounds O ~.I* - I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ · r.a· Table 12 (continued) (liC1, etc.) o Cho:i;' o Fluorides (oiF, ctc.) Iydrocar n Co:;aoJldl ion Hydroxides (illorgnic acids) )lydrogen o o . Relatcd water m:asure-ment: pH Arsenic Co.:ounds Beryllium Copounds . · Cadmium Compounds Chromium Comnounds Lead Comlounds r ----- -rr·-·rrr-· -~r~r~·-· r · .. r·r. e·. e.. -$.,. .. _-*· e . Manganese Cornounds Mercury Co:o.ns . . Nickel Cornhounds Phosphorous Co..:ounds Selenium Copotmunds V'anaditum Co.rounds Zinc . Zinc Co. unds t . .ds . . - I Table 12 (cbntinued) Pol lutants from coal processes of interest due to carcinogenic suspicions (NTIS report# FE 2213-1) dI4sse O t(wm or 'JSvetted CdC1:w:enic Or Cocarc.nogenic Prot.esstnq nd t;tilization Of Coal d:wttla J Co.po;nds A soCat-. (13. 14 15. 16. 17). Copound C asS Poinuclear Ac-jtc y.vdrocarbon Representat e Cor Pound Structure CH 3 Anthracernes-' 3;10-diethylOa: tn racere CM4 3 * Chrysenes (hrysene Bedza thracenes. benzo(a)an thtracene Fluranthenes - benzo(j Iflucrantene Cholanthrenes O-ethylychol danthrenP Benzcpyrenes benzo(a )pyrene Dibenzpyrenes dibenzo(a,h)yrene :itrcqen-. Sulfur- C.,, ane Ow.Fc--Cotaiiirl POlvCvjic C-oosrds dibenz(o,h'acridine mono-and diben:acridines -benzocarbe:oles -co ' le I-beqz(c ,9carbazole dibenzocerbazoles k . 0 .- I t ' 711-b( d,e)anthra:en-7-one benzathrones u) .39 I a Table-12 (continued) Classes of .l..n or Suspected Cdrcifoeflic r Cd,'CtrOnenic 'al:J til:ation of Coal Coound$ AsciateJ vit: 'r:e;seq (contl .ued) R Cao-.Zund Class esentative Co:o:,d Structure rcr.t'aTi A tC ... i.r t Amninoaobenzenes 4-dtetll.nodzobenzene ',o¥2 0 4'nO "H 7 taphthylmines . %-nphthylairi~lne ,I, noroanic Substences As tricalciun arsenate Ca3AsO4 )2 Se. selenid salt [.12]se Co cobalt sulfide CoS .;i -if nickel cerbonyl Be Beryllium oxide BeO Cr chro;ate salts [H2]CrO4 Fb lead chroiate PbCrO4 .. Zn zinc chr* ate ZnCrO' ele;rnrtal cercury Ilg cadmiui sulfide CdS *lg - Cd Cocarcinoens end Prooting Acents Phenol s/nnapthols Long chain aliphatic hydrocerbons' n-dodecane sulfur dioxide S02 O . 014 2-naphthol nitrogen oxides · . . -; 40 , C.3-(c1 SO2 2 )8 -C3 Table 13 c;n::ca; S XA.LLS .Oz:xC I-- *, C, I1. ,Ind, 7 .12 CI,3r V *'::* enth:c 3. 4. +4 nec C 2. 3 '+ 3 ,abtcI ac n- Dlbenr:[n,l 4 +3 eno cJi;'cian:hrene 3 - -- - I-Z--- C'- .Str it .ur +4 cthylc.oacth:cna H.3 S. 6. +3 eno:o[orpyrc:e Dberrot*r.,jpvr.ce 1 . 1 -NII, .+3 . 00( *, Dlbenzot[a,jpvr.e 8. c,Ccar:ol Dtbenzotc .+3 t:nore Found -ocation Stack PO*-1 W.3C-2 °3 JPI- l 3 xethylckholazthrer. IPO.*4 *diben[a,] athracene *I O a ;.nalysi 1 Am0 Az~aljLs 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 166 0 0 0 0 69 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O dirwthylten 1 falanthrcr.e ouzo] [a pyrene G3. Cs Ases Ca test I:o. 1G6 O o0 0 169 0 0 00 O O o 3 166 O O 166 16 00 1 169 0 o0 o 0 o O O O O o O o 0 0 000 0 000 oO 'OO OO O 0 0 000 e 00 0 X 0 0 0 0 0 X f.ou.nd no PON fowid scza PC: A r Data lssirg zaetruna=nt; calibratad for ': cr of tezo icr.ers :eOabive to OthZC: hcvn. icow2rS 'hen peosonco *3a not vetified. . !7c7'C'-- . ic P~l.'r* * * o;an: rnor~al (PC.. a Excerpts from NTIS report "Hazardous and Organic.M atcrial from Industrial Boilers" 41 Table 14 List of the Most Important Air Pollutants to be Included in an Electric Power/Environmental Model SOx Sulfates Sulfuric Acid Aerosol NOx NO NO2 NO3 Ozone and Oxidants Particulates, Total Particulates, Respirable (.less than 3 microns) CO CO2 Hydrocarbons, Total Inert Hydrocarbons Reactive Hydrocarbons Hydrocarbons of Carcinogenic Potency ++++ Hydrocarbons of Carcinogenic Potency +++ Hydrocarbons of Carcinogenic Potency ++ Hydrocarbons of Carcinogenic Potency + Trace Elements: Arsenic Beryllium Cadmium Chromium Cobalt Lead Manganese Mercury Nickel Selenium Tin Vanadium Zinc Radioactivity to Air 42 most important to try to improve the predictive quality by corrective measures that can be suggested by appropriate breadth and quality of the evaluation processes. The array of validation techniques available for this evaluation and improvement process includes those listed in Table This list was compiled from 761 references collected for (Gruhl, 15. Gruhl, 1978). These validation techniques involve two steps - first some piece of the model is examined or changed - then this action is evaluated with respect to some basis for comparison. Of the 20 possible actions times7 possible comparisons only about half of these 140 combinations makes sense. In Table 15: Observed data are historical or other data used to build the model; input and output are those data associated with a particular predictive use of the completed model; and parameters are those constants or specified functions that are intended to remain unchanged for different model applications. There is clearly an undisguised and urgentneed for probabilistic measures of the quality of predictions from energy/environmental models before they are used in important policy decisions. Treatment of Probabilities The probabilistic treatments in the current version of AEGIS are somewhat of an approximation. Before discussing how it is now accomplished it is instructive to discuss how it should be done ideally. Beginning with the deterministic notation: y= f(x) where y = the vector of model outputs, x = the vector of model inputs, and f = the functional combinations of inputs that create the outputs. 43 Table i5 Outline of Various Schemes for Evaluating and Enhancing Predictive Quality EXAMINATIONS OR CHANGES ACTIONS: OBSERVED DATA: 1.1 Examinations of the observed, historical, or estimation data OBSERVATIONS-TO-STRUCTURAL: Observed data perturbation effects on structure and parameters Propagation of estimation error on structure and parameters Measures of fit of structure and parameters to observed data Effect of correlated or irrelevant observed or estimation data on structure and parameters 2.5 Sensitivity analysis: quality of fit of structure and parameters to observed data for altered structure and parameters (includes ridge regression) 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 OBSERVATION-TO-OUTPUT: 3.1 Effects of correlated or irrelevant observed data on outputs INPUT: 4.1 Base case or recommended input data examinations INPUT-TO-OUTPUT: 5.1 Examine outputs with respect to base case input data 5.2 Simplify, e.g. linearize, this relationship to provide understanding 5.3 Simplify (e.g. linearize) structural form analytically, or group parameters to provide better understanding, elimination of small effects, grouping of equations, grouping of parallel tasks 5.4 Develop confidence measures on outputs by propagating input error distributions through structural error distributions STRUCTURE: 6.1 Structural form and parameter examinations 6.2 Respecification, that is,make more-sophisticated some of the structural components 6.3 Decompose structure physically or graphically 6.4 Provide new model components to check effects of assumed data or relationships 44 Table 15 (continued) _ __ · STRUCTURAL-TO-OUTPUT: 7.1 Examination of outputs for various structural and parametric perturbations and error distributions OUTPUT: 8.1 Examination of outputs OUTPUT-TO-INPUT: Examination of optimal inputs (controls) to reach target outputs 9.2 Contribution analysis, percentage changes in outputs due to changes in inputs 9.1 BASES FOR COMPARISON A. Comparison with other empirical models B. Comparison with theoretical or analytical models C. Comparison with hand calculations or reprogrammed versions of model components D. Data splitting on observed data, by time or region E. Obtain new estimation/prediction data with time, new experiments, or in.simulated environments F. Examination of reasonableness and accuracy, that is, comparison with understanding G. Examination of appropriateness and detail 45 Now instead of constant deterministic values, suppose the inputs are specified as functions representing the probabilistic distribution of the values of the inputs, say xp. Likewise the outputs would then be functions yp generated by convolutions and other combinations, F, of the inputs. Thus, the ultimately precise probabilistic formulation would be p = F(xp) The problem with this ideal method is that the functions cannot be precisely stored in a computer, thus a discretized representation of the input and output are the best that can be used n, Zn In the current version of the simulator there are five discrete points that represent the probablistic distribution, the points at which the probability of being less than that value is 0%, 16%, 50%, 84%, and 100%. Now the problem with these discrete values is that neither f nor There are two possible F is the appropriate transforming function. approaches to the development of the appropriate discrete transform. The first requires the fitting of functional relationships, from a set of generalized Probability functions, to the discrete points. regenerates p from Xn and is termed Xn. This somewhat Now, assuming Xn is x very close to Zp 4 %p F(Xn). This yp can be discretized to develop yn. For a given set of generalized probability functions it should be possible to develop a general formula, G, for obtaining the -n: =n G(Xn). The details of this have not been worked out. 46 The second approach is the more approximate approach and involves worst case analysis. Suppose m is such that m is 2, that is the minimum and maximum values of p. It is computationally quite easy, for any f, to determine the m, that is, the minimum and maximum values of 4p, by simple tests using f over the range between the minimum and maximum, am. Call this transform : 4 = j(xm)- What would happen if we were to operate Yn that is on n, n = 5; in fact does (xn), ]1,5 g(x1,5), -2,4 n(2 -3 :" ), 9(x3). It can be thoughtout that middle point 3 l1and 5 will be perfectly accurate. is not precisely the same as The (X3), but it does happen that (.3), while not the median, is the deterministic case, which has some value. The deviation points, -2,4, are also not precise, but they are very close. The advantages of this second approach are the ease of its implementation and the speed of its computation. Further analytic work is in progress on this point, along with some examples, to see if this probabilistic treatment should be modified in the future. Illustrative Example For the sake of example it is easiest to choose an environmental quantity that is estimated quite often. This example is thus concerned with the annual public health mortalities from the routine operation of a large, coal-fired facility. Table 16 shows the results of a collection 47 Table 16 Collection of a Number of Estimates of Public Health Impacts of Coal and Nuclear Power Plants Ooal Po-er Plant IoooufeA) Diseases 0 uown -0 -O .7-2.8 .1 0. 0 0 0 70,000 | 4710 . -r- 0 .001-.008 .14-8.5 9,OOQ . . * - .13-.57 k' tnown - 0 . ........ .001-.071 .0 0 uO-uOwn 0 471nt11 .---- '.. ...---- 1 .:0 . O - . conosic .18. -- 0 .0Onown ' . _ _l Ases Deaths. canceor . .- -O .9-3 chz'on res Deaths non-cancer Total . 0O 0 ._ow -O t.o Expoted Other f£fcts . - -' . mutations Nuclear 2w -61 ransport Caste .92-7.3 -0· . 17-150 Genetic heart/lun T iccidents Dispoal . Deaths non-cancer Deaths cancer Jatastroph outine ZShFissions Accidents 0 . 0 .003-.0154 -. 71-1.9 0 *001 -. 44 Genetic cono numbbr ic L'.° . displayed as neans, or men - ' ,, an.d maium; lon-tm 48 -' 485,000 - effects ntgrate. of several published estimates. There are some unknowns in this table but on the whole the estimates do not show a tremendous amount of variability, especially considering the lack of specifications of fuel sources, combustion types, site types, population density patterns, and so on. If one wanted to incorporate public health mortalities in a national energy model are these the numbers that should be used? As was just mentioned these numbers are to be tested against site-specific and technology-specific cases in which the uncertainties in all of the data are carried forward to the uncertainty in the output. First a Base Case is generated: = size = 1900 MWe, year = 1998, coal Southern West Virginia Bituminous, plant = MHD, capacity factor = 70%, stack = 235 meters, meteorology = average U.S. site, demographics = 0.8 times Indian Point in 1980 (estimated), and health impact model = LAMM a deterministic linear additive mortality model based upon consensus and recommended standards. Even assuming that the deterministic health model is perfect, there is still enough uncertainty in the description of characteristics and components of the coal seam, performance of the MHD facility, and so on, to cause a two order of magnitude variation in predicted mortalities, see Table 17. As can be seen, the principal causes for these uncertainties are due to the variations in the nickel and beryllium emissions from the facility. These ranges can be traced back, in part, to uncertainties in the levels of these constituents in the coal seam, but the primary uncertainties exist in the state of the knowledge about MHD removal of nickel (1 to 99%) and beryllium (1 to 75%). This clearly defines the data limitations to the predictive quality of this power plant/mortality information. Give this Base Case and its inherent uncertainties the next question becomes: 49 What are the Table 17 Annual Public Health Mortalities From the Facility Simulated 900MWe MHD I BASE CASE minimum 0.10 1 dev low 0.97 median 2.94 1 dev high 6.26 maximum 9.70 Percent of Base Case Range Attributible to Various Pollutants Nickel Beryllium Particulates NOx SOx Arsenic Uranium/Radium 64.0% 22.1% 5,1% 3.2% 2.9% 1.1% 0.6% - I I 50 magnitudes of the additional uncertainties introduced by structural inaccuracies, specifically aggregations and lack of specificity? Table 18 gives an idea of how the magnitude of the uncertainty changes with lack of specificity in several individual components. As can be seen from the bottom of Table 18 there is almost seven orders of magnitude variation in the various estimates of mortality data. Two orders of magnitude are, again, due to data inaccuracies; another two orders are due to variations between health models; and almost three orders of magnitude are due to aggregation of different generic site types. 51 Table 18 Effects That Certain Lacks of Specificity Have on the Range of Uncertainty About Annual Public Health Impacts Changes From Base Case Assumptions Annual Mortalities Maximum Minimum No Change from Base Case 0.10 9.70 COALS Whole Range of U.S. Bituminous Coals 0.08 48.08 COMBUSTORS Range for Various Fluid Bed, MHD, and Advanced Conventional 0.10 32.60 METEOROLOGIC SITES Range Over All U.S. Site Types 0.08 11.87 DEMOGRAPHIC SITES Range Over All U.S. Site Types 0.02 22.31 HEALTH IMPACT MODELS Range Over Several Models 0.0005 9.70 6.4X10 -5 454. ALL COMBINATIONS Range Over All Combinations from Best Case to Worst Case 52 3. INPUT/OUTPUT PROCEDURES The input and output procedures for this simulator are quite straightforward. For the sake of example, the procedures for the use of the interactive form of the simulator are presented. A flowchart of the procedure is presented in Figure 3, showing the potential paths through the various subroutines in the simulator. Table 19 shows the interactive nature of the program's input routine. Table 20 displays the listing of the input assumptions and acts both as a means for the user to verify the assumptions and for the formal record of the simulation run. The output from the open cycle magnetohydrodynamic power plant simulation is shown in Table 21, displaying the range of uncertainty associated with each of the 109 performance measures. Minus numbers, such as -1., or letters, such as NA, are indications that these are performance values that are not predicted by the particular modules chosen by the user. Additional examples of the use of this simulator are presented in Appendix A. Assimilating the important information from these long lists of performance measures could be a formidable task. It could be even more difficult to make a comparison of several alternative sets of performance measures. Some though has been given as to how such comparisons and evaluations could be made. Although it has not been computerized, Figure 4 represents a procedure that could be operated manually or possibly even examined for ideas about comparative techniques. 53 NA = # Examples NB = Prob. Display NC = # Displays ND = Max, in or No Prompti Figure 3 Flowchart of Procedures for the Use of the Interactive Version of the Simulator 54 Table 19 Input session for use of AEGIS program - terminal responses are in CAPITALS, user responses are in lower case; this is an example of the no-prompt option. 4 cc rl N C C N o'Q * * CL C: - , v . '. .I C. LL C -4 C I',: .. . % N c C_ · X ,-4 C. * - C c C- _-Cs ,.,, C - - - W-C <C A ._ C .Z C N: c.C aCC C C c a a >-C. Ci Z: O C I,, C C ca* Cc C , c.- w c*,q ,-- : < - C c-tC -: - -C,- - = cc C C - cr L: Z,. W" = rl wI C; -C - -- D C z zI W U c t<r. < - - C .It C LL C rL LL F U: C C~ .'C C a c: -- U: U:,-:> =J LQ - ' > )-C .---. - CL *i CL: k C C.I--C .. C >LCvC > _ Z _ Z < : C O - C Nr. =I C ... a c h: C. : II *. ,CC I Cr. h:U : r. C h NU L. C C' = c: C- lCN 2 C C: t: UC -. ! , U C U (U ) LI = C < ] X = X I 1 V4 -= -J - .. an n N n :=",. _ C - L ,- L- "J O W 55 U - CC %:C C_.4 1e C%C %N Ca CC C CC r- . IICN ·1I %C C: > U#. _ NL': .. <; U- 1: C ', ZCr ceCr.: C C - (. rq Iv-: CC _ a: CI v L:C cW - ..La z~. : _*. : II >- -C C_ LL WCC. < L C cc -Z . -L -- c C --- - 0 v. C C- - ce L'C JC C -:: O Cr t . -i : CN 0 .: W-! - aC-C_ : C U CC .. c. CC c:C - - Z - C C C-C,: Cf - - IC cc : 'UJ C: . : . r. r. _J_ % 11 I C. Table 20 Display to user of the assumptions that will be used in this particular session. .o I .. i 1 i :: I. i i * J C "Cw (S LiI z I- r- 7 C I- w Z CCl= CC CtC C G ca I- c C-Cc tL LL C CC z z c z' z U LL: = = zC' Z c C CLL- <_ I- I OC _ Z c iC Zc c M Z drz C c Gc >- &- - IIn Ce = -- V.,c~cc_- - LL: _ I- C, v -,_- _ -- _ O I< t;0. : II I = ec , I - - II L o C;I *-- I*' G - La ,' - - <CL t. CC L C>>- >- -C I.U L.: I-- u.: C- >- C e _-- WCC.Z-- -: _ .-C'- - C - ._ > -C -- = C= C F ->C. <-= - C _- - -: -- = = C'z: C-- C-. L < L' C : a -C._C. I -- * C,----.~: - .I - L:C.<-- ,C L.CZ --CWI c : C -I-w : _-- C I I*c .) a - Z ;ci i:| - _ C ~~~ _e <. . -L W .C I __ - - 0 ' t .I·d 56 C . WC---; C-. - cfI ; . I I I I I I I * C3 C O c I C-- I I Xcl I < C, CN C r. . Ccc'~ r. '.qr PA.:? *1L C,: C. -i C UL c r- C 60 UL C C A c C.: C' C cc C. -I" C C.... . o e C ** IL:. V%; C I 1 t M"I C 4 a I I Performance measures for the technology/site options Table 21 * chosen for this simulation. C IC C Ccc . U. C C C CCw 3-- C' UL LA *C * *CC CV CC c.* ; e. tc c4 r C, .-4 - i . c: W C Lw C = C ·h . FC . ( -C - r, W. W. W qr I cuCi I C :UI c. C I- C-. C4 I >9-4 C r C r- C r . C c C C-i -C' :>, *t CC C c CCC Cc C i' r C c . C . r- .: C14 0- , W cc tr. CA -. · · CCC ~. eC: a.( ,. C . .- ., .I - 4 S I I · I CC <01 I W I O* C *. I= C C * -4 C P- C.4C.C-. _h C 4W _. _ C. CU C C C- C C C: C. C C P.- G C C Ct; C-- CCCC CCC Cu- CH .Pv.C C C * . C C . * . CCC. Lr% C - C I I CC_; r.I JI C C.C C t CCr. * r-P I I I I II I I C C v ," .. e. aa C C* C * C.C C )r ri Cl _3 : .5- C C LK -S H C. l _i- 1 c* * * *G c < a < CS G.b .. W (,: C- I C CJ.C C. C. t *C £ 0. C C. r-: N I -C C: C* C C C C C.,. C, _ C=A r-. CC C LC. r. -C C LA.L C LCJC c:r! . . I . . C C-.- -' t_ eC c;-: *C I I . . L . ,C: ct I 4 ::=, *"r..: C .*_. cC. C~ v ._ c- II C M O -4 (' CC .tu- CV - v- C C U. m Ft C LA 4= LCcC * · s X * * *V.C * Un r\ _: *> t NC I Ln C LA P N C CO mCAC _t u- H C LA LA CC .1 C1 C f C U m I .- I I . *i. - L I Li. < A Iii C C I I I -^ I V .- I L" I .' L I C I -- *-c -U: --: c G I F- L.: I ._ CI --I : i iI I I V)WL> 4. -- < iII I I'-I :=J i r.c I I * I *..__ _1 _I I I I -J< I *..= i II II .,_ C?i III ~ C:l 3 I c_ c. iw C i I C LI C '' c C- C C L.< I L I V. C I I C I.' II C. I C] I--,C C C I.-' LA C I ; I C a1* C IW I I -- '- -.. _ -- z ._ . _ LC _ rn-- K C C-- - - I I _ I I -crc I I C: C FC .< I I L ( C I I ^ I C/: L I I u: c-- _ < I C I LL I I C I V C VLL C' F--, . C V :c: ., C </ 12 _ I I C .-I I I.C , ,f. III_ C'I * I ^ -LL' I - : C . C.: I I C" , .III L= -=£1<II C.... L' .IgI I - C: I| C C: ; :;I rh I < ' Ci C : : C _4 IC : <; 'I I |t- a, C LU W CVCV U.LL I. I C.: C - I C I I I-- - I I C: C I C <<C. C V I I L-I I I v- I_ 1 I I " h I : I C __ CL: _ LL V L0 Le ' | = x =_ IJ|C C n C _ O Table 21 Continued display of performance measures. IL CC CC + I* r-i C : PM rcC e-4 C I" *.C U * · ",-4 C -I + IA L -,K.C , Fd W to,-i ". L · *.C.r. ec C. ' L IL I. i' C" C1 G: CN .Cre· f I16 I .. - . 1 . , -c ·r in 'LL7 c .*.rC W. e- W'. e C T. o; C vI C %4C-; CC -: o;Z. - '. . = ', " · . CC I -4 ;. u. *ccn * C.' .W . r. CC ' W .W +.+ *C i CC C.C C CC CCCC CC C*4C C ICC a c: *L cc rl. c c: -C.. * *C.rC. o C . LC CC C- C. C. *C; C I. · * ). '-4C r. - C%: C C . ,,e c- C. C C; .IC C - -, C -: r **C: =3% v-I · IC : CCC ' ,- . C -= · C. c cCic * ': 0t 0r _ 'C ' C C C i 0 S . U-I Cv-: Wn UI OC 0 -, le * C C ' * CC ; C. , * r - U.f C + ' hI CC . CC rt.L.. P% r..- · I C ' C C ' _ C. C; 14CC *;.CrU In C C'- C · 4-IH C CCC I I I IWLI LL: -I + C Gc.e C * · * C A.NC . C-Ct C ' *Ce-L W. W. C W_ . I. -I c .. - Icc N ._- . 0 0 0 L; L' 0 * u-I uI C * .= C.:C . c C c CS c :* C . .. . C C LZ C C .. * in uW. inL C I cc v- - vII N . i .0 i .i I C C C C 0. . . *4 *c .~ IL t i 0 . *I *F W. iM W. i C C CC IC I . W. * n C C=4C ' WVC; (- 0 . r" C ·C U. _: CN u I I L' I Hec C Lrn M I. -lC ir. C= C c%.-; n 0. in i.MIC C C n S. un .. IC in -L :r CC N C IC G. * .= e in PO u. Z 3 V C , = Ln *_ C' CvCNC n N : LL D Lm LL 3C% C: 0 lcc OC. C C. W. ; C c; C N Ct:C C. IA C 0 * N in _I =e ,-4 in in C, 1%-P% C -.. CLC-I U,. n -I CC C C: .C r C .I rN C t C 3t C 19_ mr: ,..- In. C I. C -* L i C C t:_ r C urVr MV h4 Mn W. n U. CCCCCCO C + I: i nt * C CC I IL : L: .1-IrCC II LL LL' C C I LL: - ** W. W -i, v. S C CCC I + L: L: . ·C : _- .: = C _C. .C cC r-4 _ C. . t C C I L: C. _. C C . · *SNI' C U: LL' W " W- 3 C = _;O u-CN inC. C. C Sn. . 3% -I I% i., 0 00CCCCCC CCCCCCC ; , . _-: C: N C, · r-i I. "r% C' C C 3%-N " C _! 4= .i C. C. C .C C; C G in I IC N t N i NC IC N it C i. : N Cr C-r. LC c ** I eN . * *%W. *N C" CIZ;. CCC C , CC 0CC em : .cvN ;. .r 0 · CCCC *CCCNCC . ce C'%fN C 1 U.: CC t%- I IC CCC C * * .3 C C .. · · vI · * C CCCCCCCCCC C e' . u- C. ·e-IC. *CCC C . * eI."C. * * *.caIn *eC , C I c0 d. . · ht' Iu . Cg s' c , n 0 *0 Ui i . W C P cc 3% t^ - -C -q C -% _- c4 - C :r W C t cc C; * C + CC + 4,_- i'.C C CC I++ LL L CC CCCCC C C C CC CC W - NCN in:Win. : C C C i LL : LL: t C, C -Ii :I W . IC I A: ' M* C I 0 :? C C C C IS 11111 LL: Us U: W. W'. rL- r Le Cv a V L C e4 C IC ' UC C + L *;. I-. " Ci *C †-,, a C--C . . rL *, . - W. N nU\ C4 v., : + 4; LL: C. C C C C cc C C CC- .C C. a C.c Cc u. C cW.M V- c e. * C CC0C0CC b LLb n C -4 C C. 4C C i CW IC le.. C ;, 4 in C-. u- uCC u: .4 C 1 in C 3 CO r.C. 4 lc *c O-C3 r-I C w- c .- 4 · C CC.CCCCO C 4 4- ,: L I, 6 CO · CCCCCCO C C C c tC C IC C t4L.C G. · .-·. 4c Co C CC +4 C CC N C -- i * * C.00 * W C CI I C 4c co 000 . I c A · '-C . .Jr < u: t-C -C -; :-' C c *C, C CC- Ca- U c (= w * - * c.~e . C = > -- ) C: W C-j L ;C C, CL C L I' w-J- C: C: -_- W " JC -C I-C C: : C C CCC i-- C -I I-- ,mU_ C._.-C: _ C% C c c.- C I(,-. LC -z C :- - C3-. . C = <C c. - : _ : U ;U C CCC = <C t a, =. 2 53 .. .Ce' ' .' C . . , C_ -. #%1- %,,'0,,~ C::LI I Z X 3 Completion of display; -1.0 values indicate information not Table 21 predicted by modules chosen. C CCC I C !L C'C. C..I IN t'C' IC a.,-C. · *C(r · r, c C C. C:C CC c o cC C'CcC c c CCC CCC cccccccccccc c c c c c c o C C C c c COCC C C C CCCCC CC r: lii r, ri c · CCCCCC · · Lr. % . . .""lC ' oc *t.HOCK C C C Cc c C c CC* c I. cC c g;_ ga1I C C c C CC . *-I* .- . C COOC C CCCC C C C CO C% *0 C .C C oC S I csc CCC W : C e· cCc C -. *: 4. C CCCCCC c W-,. I r. *, cc*nc G'.G"'C cC mnhnr.uc. . C V, OI4 : .I ,.V 4.4Oe - I C CC I An, -: .s:UC C C CC CCCCC CCCCC=CCC I * * ,: I33a:H c C CC . . IL W LA cU c., C C c U0 O C M r 4CCC C .. - 0 cC C G C CCC O CCCCC CC C *VrITt CCCCCC C CC: C *rC; . C *C lIe S rl (c rl C C C C I *I H ,;CC_1 *-:. r ;. .a: C I W. " m. r C C4 C 0 -v - a C. CC* C 09-,f% cIJA rCC CCC CCCCCCC rC C CC C CC C C C C C CC C C C CC CC CCC C C C CCC C C C C C C C CC c C Cc C n CCCC CCCCC t C r4 C rC I. r _ I. C C C co CCCO cCC .Ac Ut C I C aCIn Ii.C *VCV :; '. ,'qCC C · C e, CCCCC C C c C C t Ci.:;. 4.4 .4 4.I4.; 4 .4l.4.44..4. I I I I I I I *Mnn CCC LO Il U.· · : Cr· ;* * r C:I 'C : 0 liii,1 : * .4 0 C *:t N a CG 0 0*. 0 rC *i II I I CCC r-I r I I ·i -# I '' U-. C cc C Di imC. C,4C C A IC.i',1'u%,.--C SC ·. .r .4 C CC C C C C C C CCC o : .. ,C a.. * *&'. C I * - . C'C C CCCCCCCC CCCCCCCCC . : I 4.4 III VC.C C CC c c c I .*.4 1v I .. 4 ·. CcCa c en 0 C. *0 . *C 4 v- . 4V I I IuI . :-:. I 0 0 a .... ': . .C I CC C C CCCC CCC CCCC C C C L = C: C.,% cc C c C 0 I. 5 I . . I C C -. I . 4.4 I I I I r-: -' _. I I C I .I . I I I I I I I CCcCICCIC .. c .CrC -C C W%s C; C. C G. tr\ C1 _I C. C C C V4 CCC C - C C C C S*. -I; ,--4 I ccC C. C: CCC · r,..c. · · t0. C I . C U- C U: C M = If. IIIII C C C CC c c c CC CCCC CC C C C C c 5CCCCCCC cCS C I = c · eC Ci', C CCCCC i.4: 1: ISI 0: C C I .. 4 .1 ILC OICO . -: I C . CCCCC .: C W * CCC C C CCC cC C C C C C C c I r.C C C C C C C C C C C C C C -:'Jt CCC I I I I I 0 t C CC CO * 0 I I a IC Z a 0 I ., . '- I a. C ). -· i C C. c : C cc : -. < cc _-<-. )-Cr CC >0 I = FV a- U OC Cv : .: U- L : C C C tCc _ Cc, C( >-- = - - :C C- V C I C: > c i1· · ~~-- I.. . C- C:^ C ~VVLCC o* . C.-- C - - _ C - :. I-,- v v -- C ¢-: = . C - I- C -- C C. CL. C ;>-~' ,~ Li- Z~~ c .;- « W C~~~~ CC C v . ,: v = v ,. C~r'i-- , v C ~. C :, -. -CCC ~ ~ ;::I--I------ CC ,C C , _ _ ,: . - Cc - C v C:-, . - C C:- 4C C CV .-.- -- C -~ "C C-"_C _ C - v C v -' tC _ C J-- LUI- C V -- U) aj _ =. ,C C'~- _- a- C = - C= Ct _- C Le atl -U:e _C C' .~ ~--'C * , c= _ = . _ .: -- C<-:C::C -'" ,,, e: ---C C. C C -0 C _'_= ' : CC :: >CC ,C = _ c " -c: : b.: 3 = : 0= IL ·- 59 C Is I_ I4 0 --- -~ =-F * b3 .4 0 a O 0 G IV 14 U '64 Li 0 to "4 -4 3 S 0 W~C V 0 Au) O _ to 44 a. F,4 II 00 On % 014.0.6 . . '4 C 4 1 00 , 045Vz f 4 _ a, IV. ) 0-4 " 4 a : o r -4 . 4dd .e 00 O 4 I 64 0 "fi gg* I AA a. ..4Z's e C - - · r =- J·-·-o·r =··· U4) - - - ~~"W""""""""I~~~~I---0 !~~~~~~I -Io ! F~~~~~~~~~l~ 0 i a es -,41 54 IL l. -1- 0| , I oa . 0 - -4 .) 00 0 0 .C O 04 .0 o ,. 0 r>e > .0 0 ,-i O n 1-4 0 = o O 0 -'4-4 L aU 00 4.0A0. - 0' 0 --Q·· 00 O0 0~J0 e) C Ooe 0 Us > v004 0; 4 :) >4 CS C4. 5a - s",t: L:. Al u ~4 4..6 E 0 v. 4 la d i CC 4 C - a) c- e, d oao >JO r>E z 1-04 I rC .3 -C 64 . ra 0 o04 0 '6 -, , 0sE -4 o 0 -4 -E d i a0i E a)-ik W 0 ° u 4o 40 6 - C C E C ~4- -4' 4 UW v ...4 O. 4)4 4 1- 4- 0 0 4 4 4 >. :4 C J44 Ai b40 W 04 C6a > )1 6 C LI 4 a0 )c ii -ca 4 r:. E.0 -434 L C , - 0.05 .. m. .i4J tp1~ of0 V C aC V 4 4 O44 I., 4.0 -4 h0 30 -L # 4 )OO 00 Ss C -4 40 0 J 'I 0 -. o 4 Qa , C 3c 0 ** . tl4 S . 3 C EC -4 o40 )06-4 O > o O . i ^C t- 0t. 4 00C VM0.4 . *4. - · 4 C . 0 O 0 0 4) -a 4 " o * U4 .C 0 0 0 0 ** .I .4 U) =/IQ, a L3. ' _ _ _ - & 0 .454 * C R 3 C r: U -0:3C 0 a e 41 -P:I r. 0 I , - -445 l _-,-t ·- U *0 (.3 / * 4 / 41 6 0 ' 0 1( 0 -- 4 a ad a V- . C) e^ Y . * 4)0 '25 .- 44 :4 aE 0 18 0 * 4 544'44. - t US : r/c >st :h -MWC.J tU '%," V)3 0 L fr 4. a a1i. C 0C 9· 5. 6t -4 { C4 v0' n 6 C. A 0.A I0 -. . ,= , V41 1iV O ·I I s_ as: w _,OI> 14~~~~,4 i rl w4At 10 | 0.0 -4 >. c5 U, I Ca I ._) *FO.UI'3 .o 0)f 10 410 '-4 o41) rI S a.' 3 1 4 s .=,.. _ i 6O I-I .t1 $4 0 1vI0. Ai.1 !1o >. u I" : 0 '.3 40) *$C. 0 " t, 4-404 U f { , ,.4 14 >" 4 s§E _. -4 u i 412:3 14J a4) I, 84 ) T ° O a4UO *4 0 00 4 6 Ai0' 5i 0 pI 41511~ __z ,-o : 1 ar· y4i :>*g.,-U e4 .r Hv < I 54y U1 H 44 7O :. \ //.um.o 0 C I r). 3.6 4 0 .e * a4 'O @i-.4 .I *v ..0 a 0g 40O~ t4'. 10: :*) ,r~ i C I00 >.40 I* 54e .s *4 31 -4U O r4 p (1 4. CURRENT STATUS OF MODULES AND RECOMMENDATIONS It was the original intent for the structure of this simulator to carry with it the documentation for every number and every function in an on-line retrievable file. Table 22 shows the retrieval index; and Tables 23 and 24 showsamples of the way in which this documentation was initially intended to be set up. idea. There were two major problems with this First, the storage requirements for this material grew to thepoint where it was resulting in anunjustifiable expense. Second, all of the users initially interested in this simulator were only interested in the batch model version. carried on-line. For these reasons the documentation is now Due to the immature stage of this model, this documentation and the current listing of the code are made available separate from this report -- in that way hopefully preserving the useful life of this report past the upcoming revisions in the data base. It is appropriate here to discuss some of the general characteristics of the various modules. As shown in Figure 5, the first module encountered is the fuels module. For each different fuel type there is information about its cost, heat content, mineral and moisture contents, elemental constituencies, and occupational hazards per million BTU. The costs of the fuels are collected on a per-quantity basis as delivered to the center of the New England area and prepared for power plant use. To make these costs generally applicable would require changing the costs to mine-mouth costs, querying the user about the specific geographic locaton of the facility, and creating a lookup table of transportation modes and costs between the supply and demand regions. Such costs are readily available as this type of exercise is carried out in many national energy system models, for example the ICF Coal and 61 Table Outline of documentation format and code 22 LL' ~- cr L: CQO Cc: _I: >C- Z C: :c C C - C- :' C r', -C- C _ C: L >-- . C:. C:- C -C C 2: Cr. . C W--< C ~: <- . C _- C : LC-.:: LLI - ,, c c L: <L .: L. !--~ S L ¢_ < C I<E: c.: Lv C tn - : C tL: C LL- = C. -< -- c( = - .,- C C rt. L' L. L1 C - CtZ- C t % ZC C ~. - .: c - -,_r-' ,C; , s' < C _rrCC _. _Z C:L -C - C11CC1CC ." L:C -- -Z , C: L. ..C .Z L: C -c- .C C ._. D (LL C U. _-C < t>C -LL: C r= LL Z LL'. J -_ U c-"- -C -c; - 11 CrC _ L_ .< C C; F -. :C C- -- -- LL:C C c =2:!- C- C C: C - -- . C C=3" C LOC: ~ Z <CCC < I c F : I-L.; ( I <C- L:- CL Q, .;LL: -- 1 - - - <-z. C<LL LI: I C Ld _< C :-Id: C Z I: C .- - CX LL; L: Z<C C tC .;C L: C. 2 LL C a:< CC C - LC LI: C t.; CI CCL' .t f Li L:CC: C < CZ: _; --- r. c: L.C c C; I! Ii _ . ,, c -: ·- -_ LL' __-. ' CFC CL F- - -C Iz.z C. C.,. I1 :C C -: x 2:L: C L.: LI: --L Ia =-C C I n C. a LLL -- -- i 62 LLL -> c '--f Table23 example MHD documentation related to previous Open cycle . C Z ,-: 0 Ic 4N C *: . Z -m 0 l C sC C C .c 3_ -% - _ Of - c C C I C~ C C cc~ Cr ·CC . er, v : I:cs c t. _ C- Lr. - C:. - rq (o . LJ CO ,: I ut J(. -rC L_ C * _,I _ Fr, * ~C; _I L. I.B: ,- rC . *C C; _'C _ C-C < · LC~~~L C c-- Z, : .0 cr. C CTr C/ ,, _ - n LLJ C. W .C CUL .C . L" C oC C I. I ~G~~~~~~~~~~~' - C ;Ii I- L ' (/ <: I -C : 4 ' i :t ;1 C * .: - I B 0 4s - ;: C i I C2 F - i i-i -, M A CCI C C .C cc . Lr. rLt -. :S-.t *C U C L C Cr. - C: C C C U~ - I C -.UI',' C' cr. C;CC, . I t :· = Z 43s"' LC;LACC W LL .U&C2~.UK, LC,-r'r o , c,.Ms C: Z - . Ln C" LAr > . C Z -CJc C. -t-. C,U , ' . r'u , - %. UC3 C:: ·I _ . cJ U(.I-C. :C. . ;-. t= _- _C C C; Ct ', 'C Zb: : -. ,~ *>< < Z ' W 1_ -· Z-. C. C=--CI rcC .- c:; -_.C' C I t-, . *C <,,' C C,:r' b~~r; L ah ** st CLC:G l r .L U· : _J sC3 C-* V= < r _ C; ZC lL Z -Z.C,. L~rC: i . C -Z-~6 s C F __ -U. I\ r.U c C-o i· L. C. C CZ b; C : c Lt' t (: C LL C t C: "' C; cc ,cW;C._ T _C . i'H . r C; I H - ,_- .L ~. ~*" ~.~ 0KS ~~ CT OLC~ 't ,·cC= _ tj c- ·. LL > _+ C+ Z- : v _C os C ," J C-> C' a =~:· CT F t;^ =: ''- = C:v *C v C uuu= C ; ,? ;..' .- -: ; r. r:-I. ~.~ C! cr.., or %0C. t~ i--Z <6 Z c~. Of ;- C ; ,"(-. *-J ar C-._LL: eC t, .< C <: - C _ *_.' C. 03LL - s CC C 9 <,.,.: ;C - ~ L _ i 1-. c =;: C H _C- ' C % ~ C'. cUE-:F C: ~.~~~~~.~... f L s ,s ~s F(r f'_. *c..: _s- -<:cr: _.. . * Z· , - U~ CU: 2_ U, C; c: L;.: )LG r =3.: -c OC - C': C1s: ac. rs ,- c<. rc: , tL·tL CQ=C. %W= %W cC < 'zV:0g' C ;7 %-: r sC" C 14 C: -~,. c 5C,*. -C ~ c Oc. r,-r. -,.-C E... _W Z , L %C-,.<<C::.= L. C ·- :-: r%C,C. s|..U C- Ce. cr. r.-* oc CC ' C It --l C; :C< G C m g-: * _'; C C: r' L , : 4~C -r. C 1- i C. C :t C Z _ Cl_.i-:~~~r C. .T..: or:~ "? V, C; c.C:~ C: .SLL CC _\ < . . < ' LL Cr c L ; _ e t: ;\L v 3 -Z IL < Q F Z r; < w LW' C I' LL C ---- C W<V,< CLI <, L: LL: L C GL:= _! C sL _ c/: (r. mh.. CL _4~ (r. O _G Lt '~vL;:C~ ' CUWC! < 2 a_ C; -1 CV M CCC CCC C C`fC NC CCC C C CCC C C C _ I C f.C_ Cc cc = L CCC occLC or- C C -1 -4- trl --4 ,,iLn ,4 tC r':C C Cm-e-W. CV ¢s CN C: -L ric " . - V - C: C.: C!_ Cc --. LAe-- t-; r - _;- - r; I C CC CC Ct Ct Ct _ M r- a 1 r-, it u- C C C. C ) C C C C C C C C v:: L::{.: tr t: v; t C C CC C C CM Vr, V- c~ CCC n . C , cC, c c c c tc C-C CCC C CCCCCCC n e c cc c C C C C CCC C C CC CC C- C C C C = L=: L:= L:-tr Lr t t: tr: (zd tr M; M C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C CC C; C= Ca C=: L=: tcz. t C C C.C n C cc Cc , v. CC , c c c c c cccc C CC;0 C 63 _, W.. PC c CC C C CCC m P, -.M W. c c c c c a , .C M c G CC C CC G 2! 23 Table (open cycle MHD documentation continued) 0-: C) C ur. C O CC LLZ V-4 '-I -r i i Z C L. n . C LL C * -C _C.) W C a- - c- *n - tr. . "- c~ LL- In % Lt C LC C tc CC 3~., f. C C u) -- LL: cNLL < C, < ,- o.0 - I-- C - C11 ta C:r o al IC - r-. -; - If <:a- Ln C- C - !c -. CZ ccI-,--- s_ rs -= ;ir I c, -- C Cc' c -L · %r--; %'' z- F C; :. ; cc: - <i- cc=.Z _= Lrru.zFI- H CU: L: vt C._ cc 'a >-< : r: -c. C C _: C...: C· LLL. LICC: c. .- L- -C: < - - <-C_; -- C: c--- *~ ~~ V C__i~ er( C: C < a 1 -: C < L: ', C ·- Li C L: .(- L C -u.: C < < = C: C C Cv 'VV_ vv C, C r-IC C ;-- Ccz:;r C C C) C-- C_-Z C_ CC cc C- cc_ CC ccc C c.- : CC ;CC_ c L: v _*z L*. * -L.: L. = --~ LLL ,e u n. _ cr tC C r<= -'r._r.'< a C i--- c C -< -- CL c; ~ . C U v '2. .: HC -, -- C C C: ; L:W . _ C W - :;. ' *.: _ - =, ". CCL' O' -- C - -- --. %- C CC C z t - C r-I V-i aLn UL, I. L C CC CC LA c-4 r- c C Cc r-IC u' C C C-: C: CC. C ,C cc C %: : CC C C .-cc 64 C C_- C C : C; C G C C CC I .%% CCCC h'rb. . Ln ,cc CCC C LI: C C) (j._ C c C CC Z~s a-cz:, * C-C a-- C c ,i_ r.--i r- rC -I - -J LU. If. : C LC LC cC C= C_ c ( -C. .C- t: :DWt. C- S*a--LsCC.: - r, <C Cc- c. c_ C. <C . - C; C- C C). :c -. <- C C 'C.... - ct:_%C; L.: r-1 C: r-. C i-.. . -I-r u c,: * _ ' -CC ,. ,.. -: C : rto Fe.,' r,. - a. -C *= * - -cc--c-H F -_ . -c C; 0U: 2'i _< '. -. ,, . C-c_=tCC.- t - r. . -C: 0 C- C: -a-SLz7( " _ .. <C < '-' *: <LI -; - !-- * aC- C C - --L- C *-. ccr- C P. % C. Cr i C r C J UC -* C-I-- C ocr. - r, - ar -; : C - - t. tCCC L - t'. 3 C 3- C; ! tr. C.C C: I Cr C--C -I Ca . C Z C ' r-. C..C- - 0; * U-,Ur. C: r:r.: -C ri II . _: *C a Ln C _J ,, - * CC ;CC I - - i. CS: - * G a oc c, - 0 0. < c W C C C c ' tcr CCCC C C C _ .C C c C . C C. C C CCC C c _ CL _ C- C C Table 23 (open cycle MHD documentation continued) W tC C c c LI Cc% In 1-4cc M- U. cc Ct c C CC '1: C; C C C . <O z c Z W.Pr. Cr r C C - in ,-: Z I] -- <G -- LU t - <; · cC <Ce-: LL C-- < C,: (L L)- -r-:: · CC Ct C C C. C C wI,- - w -C .: WC. o , C !:- C, W c . : V Cr. . C, C. L LC C - cC: : . s C L.CL. c. Lr -C -CC ' OC-I -r. CL r LztC Lf -: -- r F-- ~,' · I-.D _CC C CcC " -W -,C CC < '.C r-: · C I-uLn , , - . . .c . _- C c . . cr .C G -C .CC.r- , Cn c_ 2: < - ' C E. C. C. .- "-: , · t< . C C Cc W . c.Cr. v -3=- I- I-' C C C. C t'. Z- c. C-: < C' - v.. % %--: * ; u-I n · c C C e I.- r C- 'C.' tc tC c - C C j Lr, C c. C cc CCCr. " --, *>ce- e V: cCCCC. C C- -LJ: Zt oZ _L; I h G: ' -L - C ; .: * C <<< < C. i: G; c : C_ C< C LW - iaL =c: cU CI- =C; OC to r_ jz L C U,' C C_'--- - -J C L. z±; C - C C-; V-= r:.= C C 1" C CC Ir - cc c_ TC c CCCCCCC --c in c C C'i C r C; L - C i. - =Cc cc c C ,r, C C C Cn IA in i CCC c c -C C a G C . -: _ ' ' -C cCl r. , -: E C: ._ _ c e< -- < w: 2 C. .'C-C Lc.'.C--< L_ C:= £ C_ CCC> C; a I C- Ic: o*: -Z <_;: 'rC: LL --: I= Z=>-c C'c_ c r-CZ -: CC _<: r cc 'C IC LA r-; ' t- C-: C C C C U- L_. C C C CJ - C c-I L C r-4 c- 1- C *-li-I -i v-I C- V-f -:Lci C .- LL . C C . C a ;- I r C --C. ! P ri in c re. i . % . C cr-C 4 -C C rr-I r-r-; t_ CZ .C: C- cc c c C VC WC c. c CCCC CC: C C C-- C- C: C C C C- 65 C, : : .r--:- C C:C.CCt. r.. t c C r 4 C- r-C-. C C. C c.c ccc Cc c c C .C n -i C, C C : Table 23 (open cycle MHD documentation continued) C C r cc c C C C 0 (C (C Cc ;t II C C C, C__ r. c V, , !CUt:U IxlCC % LLCL.C Ixl . -- rc C C C - LU J C (C", C . C .< - C * o: c .1U a: a C LL .:'L _L: -r C- - t C C LT. cC- (,_,C C I,. - z : · cc _C - . C r. C ' C *=C C-C C C. c,;..~' sC .cC QC ,.J : Q_: C cU; ccL C-- .a C C -I c 'Lmo -C -C -, 'C U C C_ cc : cc C ,-c CL 'L L C <. LCCC. C -.. t _r v-r--S C- .s -C cL -,. cc: L_. M U P C C -C -. _ ,< <: cc c C -S -, : _ C~h C C; cc C .;C eC; a : - ' c Nt )gC Z r C. ;U ;t :X C -: <: c - C-, C C C.; --. < ,~ c C LL L,C C C _ _C -C e -C, N - = C - I :L ' C C/CL-~ c c -c. W C/ cs, oc*. czc ( , L-N. ,-: - U2s,r c/) L 0 H *rC: C, G C C. (c. CCC<C: v.: cc. ' %, ,< . .C' -C - C12J^j _._-.: . - C -c I-. C C C C Cre - C . _ .,C H , Cr. ,* C c C esCCC.; _ C= > C;:: LU-: 'LL C U< Z _C < zc - :_, L - ---CS r-. C<:N. - .C r - < C N C er: =< <. C C-C. C - t: < < .i.I : cr Cr W2 <S( ( C.; < LLCC cc -J L;: < o' CL LL < U < C - oNL: C C_ c; C CIC( C Z C CC ,c C' _E _i J~u u C_ .% v, m- C ~ s-I C- (I" -4 C: PC C v-A C C C-- cc C--c N. Co cC cc CC C C C ". r-A " rt-I C -I - -i-IC t C C Lm u. ul u(n I s c; L C r-- CO C C Pe in c LL. C (: C LC (S EC C (C c C- C CC CCCC C C C C im.% m -% -. r% .-N -% r . .i, c C C C C C C C C' ri LU C - _. Cc C. -: - ri -C:0c cc cc cc CC OC Ci-; v-I r-I F -- ti .2 ( CC CCC C C ,CC G C C: C- ,CcC C CC' C 66 CC CJ v-I C'4 r' -:t Ln C s-I C\ C C C C C C r-i -4 V-4 C C Ca r -r-I v-f -If -I -Ii r --r-I CS C Cl' C C,: c,:C L C C CCC.CCC C CC CCC CCC 4= Z- (CCC s"r -I S C: C4 C C C CC i tr. r-. Or. t-, KC. C CC CCC CCC r C CC4 " C C CCC. CC C% C C CC ,C C C C C C Table 23 (open cycle MHD documentation continued) *C C * C.· C C C C C ·t * C Cc I to r-I C 0 CC C: C C C C C C · . . 0 a -I r-I r r- :t C-- C * C rl cc o C U C C r t · ' i Ct · C C * C C C Orq LA Co * *_C C C c * 4 cc C .t C * C C C C 0 C n. C > N · C C· ac' i %. * 0 Wb W. V% n c C C * *i C* C(. C C cC t4 c. -C C L cc. E. )- r>-C C I c~_. C· -C 11 C . r-c C t CC . n, '.;I . Zr-I , Z' -- v = %C0 V %- i C C in Ui - C : Ct ; . .. . O O - C NW I C . a -I - rI oC rs I C 0 o a _ C C 0 0 C . * 0 v-I r-I -- I ; -_- G.C C C C -C 0 r-I C < C 5 i vI ~~~r-f C v-I rt -- U; . C C 5 & . C, OCv CZ tD . u--l c I o- ' L; < C 0 I M .0 C : --- ,r cr c I- c _L- C f- P * * nc l. C · · *. D ;sr 0 * I CC *Z I-CCr_Qr-CI U C..,C %C C 4 I. -t uin . C - C * *C * OC , - * C :t C%' (4Ca C * * C O' C *< C 5 . .; U. C C cv C LL C :--I C, c C It I CC rI C C r-I I r-I I r-I C I - C. cr. r-- Or- cr I _t N) C3 _-~. ^^ _ hJ Ct: Z% -i- -LLL -C N U3! _t C C -_--W 'O 5 W-- : 'C t C C C 3 I %1I 2 .'C v- Z.C; < C Ct C. C' r Cr4 C r- -IcN CCC r-I rl T-I CI NcI, c . cI I ' 04 CN CN' CV C C C C C C _~ - F - C 0J L z--. C- .. CK > , C X N C C C C C CC CCCC C C. CCC "' C C N VNC I C C C, C CCC CC CCC C C C .. 67 C C C'C L.C C C CC CrC ,c,~: 0t C C. Z 0 vC C%, =_= = >- cc - L:'= C C= -I C C. N , Z- C C %LU % C.) C Z U r-I C r-I C r- C -I C -I C rV C -I C C--rI C H Cr4 IC -HC VH- GC ( n i: i .t n LA (C : C: n C CCC W . r% , : C- C- r-C r. C CCCCCC C CC , C..; C Z - w C CI wt C -' %W d1 C LUIa CV r-I N -I Nr-4 c C('W-I v C: CCc -I C CC r C IC C q=CC C; M Mn 1 u4. n LW.L, C NC LL: c CC M H, CC LC C CCCC W :C Z: LLCu-I c.: cr. Z CLC -"A r C C > r'.l .C C Z U: rl_ a: _r~ < C ._%C -_cC r,,.' -.-- Z -- I: . I% i n. C C P. 01 C: C . C i iin i r- i in C CCCCCCCC CCC C; CC P Mr CC C CC ini CC C OC C O C C Table 23 (open cycle MHD documentation continued) )4C C c c c. c C C C * C C C C4 C o) C- el c c c C c= C C C C C .CL * - * 0 . C c C C -C C C. c oc C C C r- N. c C) *- Irb crJ co C ". Ltl = ' C. c C c cc C -2: L OC r. I': C c Z: Cr C C U LU r: CaC C . CC - C V, t..r - * C C C C ~C ,; Cit C *:" -: CC C CC -C C C *.- C C C-- -.C . - . IL. LL C/: E: C<: C C < _. C c : u% C C C I IC e I - CU L. <C_, c. C_ rc cl L-L J - t C- C --C Ct r T. Ln Z C ? C . ,. C cCLr~ cc N - N-. - N N. r C r. -_C ,a: Z " c C C ,'-iC C:-' C':' >Z c' -I * < -CC. C .C r Cr I , L:CLJC _.(j., ^-7= r---UC <- _ <Z CC , C , C- _ X,- CZ C L. C, C C cC -i. c..CCC C r c C \ u .r C C LL: s_ s z<L: F CC C' Ci < L C LL'_ c-. HU-C:=CC'l C * C = En2 ~LL I -~ - c3: , I. -r-C, : C r-IC C ,- C- t- C C c C C c. c c c C C C. C C CCCC . "C CC~C L C C C C C C C C C - _ C C CC C; C C < o < C - - -- r-i C - <C ' < < CC.CC : C C C 3 -I C C C C C C C C C v-4 CC CCC CCC CC CC c Lc C C 68 -4 - C C .C -r. C .. cC Cc C C C C C C C C C_ a: C. c _ C>: r C C - _. C<-I t----L <.cC -4 '-c NCi- ,~. c Cs -C ~-I -jC--L.: __';2 L C-CZ .: ; ~z Ct-. uC. ~--; ,-4 -,cc C C Cl C C C s. C : F\ C )-t--: LvNr . _ c _ r. s vs ICCeC <C t<::: ru-. -, -CN I! C C'%' : I% I % I N. *- t. _- C - C - > S - * -- cr --, ctf. C. C. C C: c' C I' N. ;-- -- LC LT. - C L' C: is c: C JR I · _- - 2Z : N.- C. C IC . . d,- -C, , I C * rl - u- C C)_ O C * vd4 ; L. -: -C < C ,' C CO:C * CC C C CF 2_ C LL-C L. Ln .--. r _ ---' C- C C . C C H C P %C CL- C *C C: < L. C '- " O * 2: C C _ ,tn. e.2- - C CC I ,-: .- %C. C. /r, Lr. - f-, I C UE VI s.- -i- C C C C C: C C C CCCCC C CCCCC C CCC C C C CCC C C CC C CCC C C C C C CCC CCC C CC CCCC C C CC r. C-. Table23. cycle MHD documentation continued) (open .<* F- z <cc *O C C co -.f o C) CC 0 u L.L: CCc C C1L,- C to C C cC * * CF-.JC . _C <C X, CLuJ * C--C , . C jI c_, N an w-:I r_ C: CC . . c * C -4 C C CC) IL C C CC-_ CZCZ'.. C _ ''-c C C C -- CL!. <1W .LU! (. S 3 *F-w .< ~C. CC C U) C# C: C C-4 CrC ZC~ C *CO>_ CM W ~U~W-_-C _-- _C- i- - --- -:C L - C-J C I- * _tf -- c- C F--.>- C, C~ < L- Mc CsC I < '- 1:' ,L., WC LL: .L_.. *< O-- - CC U C' < Cr C C cc C C .; t. CrZ cc W C Z C I. C U% L 'W LL . C I C . CC C X-. I U -C l-- CO J- C:: -- L:=; -C .- :ww -I, .<.J c:< ¢. V. < C L** ..... C. Z-<C. -Cc E> \-- _C-C - C Cr[' C CC "- :- :L. -'_.CD: I - _W I t~ " C' .J U_¢_<; -- C C C; wO W C: : L r- x u -C cCWOC.LlI. <=W = - -c;c C u-C C CC . < ' <C C C.:: CL<C; CC L I C:-L LL fC, C-toW ..- -U C U-- - U- <- C-C<. UF-- mL v cc= <C. c C:C C,... -. u-. c M x C.-r- < cLLQCc-<C-CC£o -C. X _Z H~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Cr. < C V-! = .. C- C I . < LL!% V.C'. CO <C Z c CCW C LLC: ' C:C <ICC r-CCcc I LFU : Z "rCU'-L: C C I LZ C - CZLZ ." F-C -C-. C =. C C J C_C. -'. .* cccJ).-. W V C * . *. * - . Cr. C c C0CZ*<--LU:._:W * -- W 4 c I--CCOCC f- LI.CLL --- CO. C. = U UOCC-C C '.c O 0 -j C C Ca< Ic XCC-' *CW..ICCC - *CC. )Wa cc _ *oZ< Y c , Z - I C L O C - .: : C: C C\< -U..=< . 4-t < *c *c--C QC; C.;-. !, M: C., . W O- cC * C ' C cc !_ to _-C C I = C I L:I. - C _ , C C .. LL W. C - . LLcc C U *< v * .. -I-<-W,,'c .c,~ !- .z tZtJ<(L cr.~ *C,:ZC0 ;/.. J C: >.-< .J C I -CCC.;lLQ C . 4g ILJ c: Z LC IL U ,. ('' c - -- zL,c- c:=c c . I IL u_; C< 0< -j C C 3,.-]. CLL:<1CC~~rI C: ** cc . c C W. <C C -.. F -: : X . S C C C FI-L Cf * = . *-c CL,- u-LL-C * C, '..-e C1 ...'L 'oO LtJ L e -: Wn W <_c LL C: - C-tc LL C Z CZ~~~~~r · " I.t'tL F-C -i- - -;r, zoc * ** * L'a c CC C- Z C -0 c_: x; C:- C _:*Fc~C~s -a C-' Wc =LL <* Z I C; W_ U CC-C F-W :: C >l ~ a uC --'- CCcz r.. co r-; C ic c .-t.L r.2 -!.-._: (.; r--f:C.. t,: ,-.I, -C C C u1 UWv-i <4CC'cC _ C C, C L - e(0MC .. > %9-fC e'~C~a~r~u-~ ~u-IC 3 C L-- C F-~-1r ' C *CW=CZ I' .. Wc: c <,-Z_CCa Z c I' ,_ _ -". C .<I 0 < '1C--t';~> I.~,i.___.-l C- . ~-. ~ r-.C---X-.-::¢ ,J i-c -. ~ -%c~(. .i _--, o!WFC G _Z-. /. -c. - = C LC..C.. . - < C' IL tLL: < Z::. CJ C:. C C. ..C C.,, _.. 49= i_. ,. ~c, C ._ J C. W CW r- C w C <C - C 'CA ZJ< -]--CO C-CC-<I->.4 .JC_-= ',O C -.: -C .: u <C:: WLL: V.n<W .A:t wf . . J < <c . C i C C in LU c C LA LS CZ CZ: {; OC C tn t.-% W te C CC C CC C C C'IM c-- W-, C CC CC O -t r LAf L L -C = c C CC v% re C C c . C" I: . cC C C-C-I C I L L= M L= L= L=: L= L5 C= L7 C_; C CCC CC C . ' tA, tfn .^- e WtI C C C C C C C C C CC-C. C .- =_C-W < .4W -_? C 69 C C C." _ a< C -- ~ C: = '-, CC', C r.c Z C - c c C u- c e C -I CV CC C C CC C -C C C C rC C r- rC r - r ..c C cc Cc C C C C C C OC L tJ. zI LA w% U. I-S U. tW S LA U. L L L L Lr. t C tC C C C r v LL *-- .CtZ : . :-C; - W C C CC C CL C 'c-c F-C F ; W=< -F-c .C: -We'-L4 < c; - . < -_ CZ< CW.< . C L L.* : . CL= CO-- -- -=- D =4 _C L ' C .c: t, c .c: cC : C. u C< C C LL CO: C M.-C: C _ C -U- CC c Cv CCC v_ C C I L Lj _ WZC: < C; - WILJ.CO C <C=; '*C C L:. :C . r-4 -IC -- C4 C ' F-O<~ -z < C. C, C:. C_: r t C =s C- C C C r's W. fpA tv C C CC C- C _-I CIC I- L -- L- L= CC C C P. N-%?A v-. t v-s C C C C C C C C = CC vs CC CC L= L= L= C- C C = G C C C C C C . tf% % -.-s e% W% Pr% te% C C C C C C C C C CC C C C C: Table cycle (open 23 *n MHD documentation completed) Z - ·c _ · '. . Ct. CC j cC (-133 0 _C;:1 cc- C Z- LL - , Z ' -C * C:C c_ C D /. -I-C r r C:C :- r,- c c < C oO c C ,C-. a' >- Z .- L· *-' -<LL --LL. Z -Ct,:3 r C- _< X --- 1. <-t._ __C C c. ' UC LJ ./ r-<" >-C... c *-*J I C _: < .:Cr :" C .' C-- U ,_ "C CC \W. -c.b _ c-, <Cr : .C . -- - -- vl: C. * ; " . ?Bfsf- c cC C C C -- C . : C C ' C: C_. C , tC- - ce c C -C ' _ .. - 0 "-'- . - C: ( C C-:C N . vC ' -- C) Occ cN C WI c . FN- C C CC: C C 70 On-line retrieval of documentation of LAMM health impact model. Table 24 C C:; 3: 3C cU: ., LC - Z-- V M- + C C c: C ': C ( cc ' C C Z :. - C. cr-- CL C.C- r - C ., I ,, I C C 2 c: >- :X : : + .-,< oLz · U --L - + C C C , C : r, < cCaz _,c<z C"LU : C: UtL: - cCLu:C -1 L: _r-. :C C r' .' Ct- I-F C IC o~; <: (rC C <ZCL U1Z .I-CL._ C c C-I- C L. r-1 C LL+ Ci: C: L C C i. r'i- CLU ., +t.CI: LU r' CC: C' r C rVC C rH C C CC C C C C c CCCC C C:C C C C C rr. CCCC C CC -I ri C C C C v-r-i t- C C C C C C C CCzC. 71 CJ 0 o-- 4- e C Ci A c C -. 0 4 InC C -- %IV 4i o O 4-, go 3 r-. r5 4) ,J In0 IL 4I-' cn w I O :) C 4. 0. r- V) 0 4C *1O L) 0V .: 4-, UV 0 C- E O0 .,. C) 0 C -- C- J 4. C) C)G U C) . UC C) C) C C) O 0 V) *w U, . :3 *_ L- 72 Electric Utilities Model. All costs are in terms of 1978 dollars, and in the current version there are no real escalation rates for facilities planned for some time far in the future. Precleaning is an option. If a type of coal or oil precleaning is selected, the fuel data are massaged to account for losses, costs, removal efficiencies, additional occupational hazards, and so on. Precleaning adds only to the cost of the fuel, not to the investment cost of the generating facility. In the case of dedicated precleaning facilities it may be important to recode this portion to carry forward the investment costs. The generation options are modeled with their principal sophistication in the emissions portions. Economics, availabilities, resource consumptions, and other factors are carried along, but without some of the flexibility one might like to have. Table 25, for example, shows some additional sophistication that might be important to add to the economic capabilities of the simulator. In addition, storage capabilities are not included in the simulator, except some inflexible proportions that are tied to some of the alternative sources, such as solar and wind generators. The intent of the simulator was to be a collection of the front runners, as far as designs were concerned, in each of the major generator types. For fluid bed combustors, where there are several "front runners" it was necessary to create several different choices. This, of course, would be possible for some of the other combustion types, or it would be possible to pull out some key design parameters as options. The latter course would require only a little more effort to implement in the current version of the simulator, but 73 Table 25 Some Possible Future Directions for Improving the Fiscal Modeling in the Simulator -- -- -variable year dollars 1. 6 per year 2. Handy-'fiitman electric light & power extrap. 3. Engineerinz 1.ews Record index xtrap -various de-recation schemes 1. strai1ht line 2. sum of year's dizits 3. combination switchin3 at given ear -insurance costs 1. property 2. liability -debt/equitty features I. debtoL/equity ratio 2. annual interest rate on debt 3. earning rate on euity 4. bond repayment otions -proportional -uniform principl reduction -uniform annual pzayment -uniform rln red starting at given year -variable interest durin onstruc, on -taxes 1. federal inone ta: rte 2. state income tax rate 3. state ross revenue tax rate 4. proper'ty tax on plant 5. other -various resent worth com outations __ _I_ __ICI·___ _ 74 __ ___ I P., would require extensive information about the system's overall performance as a function of the variable parameter. Additional sophistications in the generation module could include explicit handling of costs during construction, different materials use problems and variations in costs as a function of greater or lesser amounts of ash, etc., or a more explicit and accurate handling of water and solid pollutants. The abatement module, in the current version, is not very sophisticated. The procedure is much the same as the precleaning module except that emissions constituencies are treated rather than fuel constituencies. One of the major improvements that is needed in this module is a modeling and treatment of particular size distributions. There are very different expectations and costs of precipitators based on the size distributions of the particulates. There was an initial effort to make the atmospheric dispersion and the population density information responsive to specific situations. Figure 6 shows the general capabilities included in the dispersion model, and Figure 7 is a flowchart of that POLCON model. It quickly became apparent that the amount of input information would create a tremendous burden for the user. The principal reason for this burden is that there is apparently no existing technique for taking time-collapsed statistics about emissions, wind speed, wind direction, mixing depth, and stability, and creating time-collapsed statistics about concentrations. A Department of Energy contract is currently examining precisely this issue, partly as a result of the problem identified in this project. Whether (1) this results in a viable technique, or whether (2) there is a tie-in capability to draw out meteorologic and demographic information 75 ii:ure 6 Point Source Dispersion to Ambient Levels Modified Sector-Averaged Gaussian Dispersion Model source superposition turbulence measures downwash modeling variable winds modeling terrain corrections plume slipstreaming mixing layer slipstreaming surface roughness variable plume rise rain washouts backgroun modeling 76 TIME, SOURCE, RECEPTOR LOOPS GAUSS. OR SECTOR, MAX. OR PROFILE Figure 7 Flowchart for the Creation of Ambient Concentrations from Meteorologic and Emissions Information 77 from EPA and Brookhaven data bases and then using a chronological simulation, in either case the amount of information actually passed from these dispersion and demographic exercises to the simulator is quite small. For this reason, the current version of the model just carries generic dispersion and demographic information, set up and scalable to cover the full range of situations that might be of interest. One potential future direction for some of this work would involve the investigation of the differences in simulator results that would occur due to the use of different dispersion models, such as: 1) sector-averaged POLCON, 2) Gaussian POLCON, 3) Gaussian PTMAX/PTDIS/PTMTP (EPA), 4) Gaussian CDM profiles (EPA), 5) Gaussian CRSTER yr. max. (EPA), 6) probablistic Hoult-Weil, or 7) long range dispersion modeling. The final module of the simulator contains a wide range of different air pollution/health impact models. These models are different than anything else modeled in the simulator in that they are all deterministic. The reason for this is that they have been reported in the literature only as deterministic models. This is a serious problem in that it carries the presumption of exactness. An attempt has been made to somewhat correct for this difficulty by displaying a large number of these models, so their spread can somehow be indicative of their validity. The ideal solution to this problem would be to go back into the data used to develop these models and create the probabilistic models that should have been reported in the first place. 78 Some research along this line has been conducted by John Viren (Viren, 1978), and additional work along this line is planned as part of an MIT-Harvard Medical School contract with D.O.E. (contact J. Gruhl for further details). 79 5. REFERENCES Goldberg, A.J., 1973. "Survey of Emissions and Controls for Hazardous and Other Pollutants," EPA, NTIS #PB-223 568, Springfield, VA. Gruhl, J., 1978. "Predictive Qualities of Environmental Information in Energy Models," Proceedings Integration of Environmental Considerations into Energy-Economic Models, EPRI Special Report, 42pp, October. Gruhl, J. and N.H. Gruhl, 1978. "Methods and Examples of Model Validation - An Annotated Bibliography," MIT Energy Lab Working Paper MIT-EL 78-022WP, July. Gruhl, J., F.C. Schweppe, M.F. Ruane and S. Finger, 1976. "Systematic Methodology for the Comparison of Environmental Control Technologies for Coal-Fired Electric Generation," MIT Energy Lab Report MIT-EL 76-012 for DOE Contract W31-109-Eng-38, pp. 216, November. Gruhl, J. and A.E. Sotak, 1978. "Comparing Advanced Energy Cycles and Developing Priorities for Future R&D," MIT Energy Lab Report MIT-EL 78-030, 54 pp., A ugust. Gruhl, J. et al., 1978. "Evaluation of Health Effects of Air Pollution in the Chestnut Ridge Area," U.S. Department of Energy, Human Health Studies Program, Report C00-4968-1, December. NASA, 1976. "Comparative Evaluation of Phase One of the Energy Conversion Alternatives Study," NASA-Lewis Labs Report TM X 71855, February. Starr, C., M.A. Greenfield and D.H. Hausknecht, 1972. "A Comparison of Public Health Risks: Nuclear vs Oil-Fired Power Plants," in ERDA-69, NTIS, Springfield, VA. Viren, J.R., 1978. "Cross-Sectional Estimates of Mortality due to Fossil Fuel Pollutants: A Case for Spurious Association," TR-17900, Division of Policy Analysis, U.S. Department of Energy, Washington, D.C., August. 80 APPENDIX A Available upon special request from the author are three additional examples of the use of the AEGIS simulator. They have been excluded from this final version of the report partly because of volume and partly because it has been decided that they should not stand alone without listings of the associated data and structural assumptions. Readers who still have interest in obtaining additional information about this model are encouraged to request from the author the latest listing of code and documentation. All of the material developed during the course of this contract is in the public domain. 81