Dahlgren Professorship Application Information FACULTY SENATE FACULTY & ACADEMIC STAFF SENATE 2016 – 2017 DAHLGREN PROFESSORSHIP APPLICATION INFORMATION The Dahlgren Professorships are in honor of Reinhold and Borghild Eng Dahlgren who graduated from the Stout Institute in 1917 and 1918 respectively. Upon their death they left a bequest to the Stout University Foundation, part of which has been used to endow some DAHLGREN PROFESSORSHIPS. Following are conditions of selection of such professors and purpose and use of the awards. PURPOSE: Dahlgren Professorships are awarded in recognition of outstanding ability and promise and provide support for the recipient's professional activities. TITLE: Each person named shall carry the title of Dahlgren Professor for the duration of the appointment. ELIGIBILITY: Tenured members of the University of Wisconsin-Stout faculty are eligible. Faculty members on sabbatical leave are eligible for this award. LENGTH OF APPOINTMENT: Each Dahlgren Professor shall be appointed for a one-year period. Consecutive appointments will not be made. EMPHASIS: In any given year, the Chancellor may announce an emphasis to be encouraged in keeping with UW-Stout's mission. Check the Faculty Senate website to determine if there is an emphasis for the current year. SELECTION: The procedural steps can be found on the Faculty Senate website. CHANGE OF PROCEDURES: The Chancellor, with advice from appropriate organizations or individuals, may modify the emphasis and the number and size of the awards. TIMELINE FOR USING THE FUNDS: Funds are awarded for a 12-month time period. Funds may be carried over for 6 months past the end date with approval through Research Services. Research Services will secure approval from the Foundation Office. See the Senate Office website for more details about the process. AVAILABILITY: One Dahlgren Professorship for $8500 is available for July 1, 2016 - June 30, 2017. APPLICATION INFORMATION: 1. A brief application of NO MORE THAN TWO PAGES will be accepted. The application is to reflect both past contributions and intended contributions in teaching, research and scholarship, and professional services as defined in the Faculty/Academic Staff/Limited Appointees Handbook. 2. Emphasis should be placed on intended use and outcome of the professorship in alignment with the mission of UW-Stout. 3. Within the TWO PAGE APPLICATION should be a statement of the plan for the professorship that identifies intentions for professional development, a brief budget detail and a condensed vita. 4. Please attach the Dahlgren Cover Sheet (printed on blue) to your application. The cover sheet is a part of the application which is submitted to the Chancellor and can be found on the Faculty Senate website. DOCUMENT NO: FS-607 EFFECTIVE: 10/15/2014 APPROVAL: Faculty Senate Chair SUPERSEDES: 10/8/13 1 of 1 The user is responsible for ensuring this is the current revision. Thank you!