NAMED PROFESSORSHIPS CRITERIA The University of Wisconsin-Stout named professorships are to be viewed as an investment in individuals who have demonstrated outstanding performance and show promise for continued professional development and contributions to UW-Stout. The process for awarding the professorships begins with an individual making application at the department level. The department then forwards the nomination(s) to the college or school governance committee with a copy to the dean. (See the attached procedural steps for further clarification of the process.) The document will be reviewed at the college or school level and be forwarded to an all-university committee for final review and recommendation. The following criteria will apply in the selection of the Professorship awards. 1. Faculty member must be tenured at the time of application. Preference will be given to those holding the rank of “professor;” however, consideration will be given to those at the “associate professor” rank. 2. Faculty member must be employed full-time at UW-Stout and be engaged in academic pursuits which contribute to the mission of UW-Stout. 3. A brief application of NO MORE THAN TWO PAGES will be accepted. The application is to reflect both past contributions and intended contributions in teaching, research and scholarship, and professional service as defined in the Faculty/Academic Staff/Limited Appointees Handbook (page 3-27). Emphasis should be placed on the intended use and outcome of the professorship in alignment with the mission of UW-Stout. Within the TWO-PAGE APPLICATION should be a statement of the plan for the professorship that identifies intentions for professional development, a brief budget detail, and a condensed vita. A cover sheet to verify review at each level will be attached by the department before forwarding to the college/school. 4. Efforts to provide broad representation from all the colleges/schools in the university will be made in awarding the professorships. 5. Previously named professors will be eligible to apply five years after completion of a professorship award.