General Physics I PHY 161.001/002 --- Spring 2016 Syllabus Physics Department --- Mercer University Text (eBook): Fundamentals of Physics, 9th edition, by Halliday, Resnick and Walker Class Lecture Meetings: MWF 12-12:50am in SEB 110 Lab Meetings in SEB 219: 161.001/T 9:25am-12:05, 161.002/R 12:15pm-2:55 Instructor (including labs): Dr. Jose L. Balduz Jr. email:, office: SEB 205, phone: 478-301-2229 office hours: MW 4:30-5:30pm, T 2-3pm, R 3-4pm, or by appointment (try email)... Course web page: Please also see Physics Department home page at Students must already have a working knowledge of geometry, algebra and trigonometry. Co-requisite or pre-requisite: MAT 191 Calculus I. WebAssign and the eBook: This will cost $45.95 + optional $44.75 (total $90.70) for the HRW9 eBook. Reading assignments / Reading quizzes (8% of total grade): (closed-book) Conceptual questions. Classwork (15% of total grade): (open-book) Groupwork. Homework (one or more per chapter, for 12% of total grade): WebAssign. Lab work (15% of total grade): Lab reports: Groupwork. Pre-exam practice problem sessions: (closed-book) During the lab session before each exam (A, B, C and D), students will do classwork in groups, instead of a lab exercise. Exams (four, for 30% of the total grade): (closed-book) The four exams (A, B, C and D) will consist entirely of numerical problems. Exam A (TBA): 1-D Kinematics and Vectors [Ch. 1-3], Exam B (TBA): 2-D Kinematics and Newton's Laws [Ch. 4-5], Exam C (TBA): Newton’s Laws and Energy [Ch. 6-7], Exam D (TBA): Conservation of Energy and Momentum [Ch. 8-9]. Note: Only the best three scores from the four exams (A, B, C and D) will be counted. Final exam (20% of the total grade): Monday, May 2, 2-5pm (closed-book) The final exam will be comprehensive. The first part will contain numerical problems. The second part will contain both qualitative and quantitative multiple choice questions. Dropped grades: There will be no dropped grades, but see exams (A, B, C and D). Extra credit: There will be no extra-credit work, except what is associated with the assessment posttest.