Physical Chemistry 8th Edition Syllabus Attachment:

Tipler/Mosca Physics For Scientists and Engineers Syllabus Attachment:
The required textbook for this course is Physics for Scientists and Engineers, 6th Edition
by Tipler and Mosca. This text contains explanations of the concepts we’ll be covering
in this course, as well as high-quality illustrations and photos, problem-solving
walkthroughs, a math review, and the problems from which homework may be assigned.
Alternate Version of the Text: You also have an eBook option available at the book’s
web site. The e-book is an interactive on-line version of the text available at
approximately half the text price (via online purchase). It contains the full text
integrated with a wealth of interactive multimedia resources, such as animations and
videos. You can take notes, highlight, and bookmark, mirroring the print-book
experience. You can learn more about the eBook at
Optional Paragraph if You Are Using PhysicsPortal:
Physics Portal is a learning management system containing the eBook, study resources
such as tutorials and animations, and an Assignment manager. We will be using the
Physics Portal for homework, so you will need to obtain access to it through the
textbook-access code package or directly from the Web site at Please note that the PhysicsPortal includes the eBook –
you do not need to acquire both.
Optional Paragraph if You Are Using WebAssign:
WebAssign is an online homework system containing problems from the textbook, as
well as study resources such as animations and tutorials. We will be using WebAssign
for homework, so you will need to obtain access to it through the textbook-access code
package or directly from the Web site at