Botany CSU Trial Garden Self-Guided Field Trip/ Lab Purpose: to become acquainted with different types of flowering plants that can grow in the Fort Collins area Due Date: Directions to Gardens: from FCHS, take Prospect WEST (toward the foothills) to Remington. Turn right (North). Park on Remington. Gardens are between Remington and College Avenue, between Prospect and Pitkin, (in front of the former Fort Collins High School). Materials: white paper (6) clipboard pencils field trip handout colored pencils Method: 1. Read over entire activity before you arrive, so that you can plan your walk through the gardens, and decide on which plants to draw and describe. (See map.) 2. Go to Trial Gardens (take Mom, friends, &/or a picnic lunch for fun). 3. Proceed through the gardens, answering questions as you go, taking notes. 4. Draw as you go, or save all drawing until the end. *Drawings must be in the results section of the lab write-up 5. Sketch ½ page drawing (in pencil) on un-lined paper, of each of 2 different types of flowers and 2 different types of leaves. Fill the space with the drawing. Place title (Scientific and Common) names CENTERED, UNDER the drawing. Underline titles with a ruler. Color and shade your drawings. (total= 4 drawings, 5 points each.=20 points) 6. Watch for this as you do the lab: Which flower smelled the best to you? Which section was it in?(2) 7. Answer all questions (complete sentence answers), under the Questions section of the lab write-up. Include names of areas & question numbers. 8. Use the FCHS LAB WRITE-UP TEMPLATE & GUIDELINES on the Botany Webpage. Follow directions very carefully. Questions: Flower bed SE of the Gazebo (hint: Foothills are to the WEST! 1. What color is Verbena bipinnatifida? What soil conditions does it like? What does xeric mean? (3) 2. What color of Columbine is in this bed? (1) 3. What is the common name of Rhynchelytrum nerviglume? What type of plant does it resemble? (2) 4. What color are the seed pods of mock bearberry? How tall is this plant? (2) SECTION H 5. What kind of flower is in this section? What shape does this flower have? (2) SECTION E 6. What are three colors that salvia comes in? (3) SECTION D 7. What is the name of the tall spike of blue flowers? (1) 8. What is the genus name of the flowers that look like a small purple ball? (1) 9. What is the genus name of ”Torch Yellow”? (1) SECTION I 10. Besides petunias, what other genus is in this bed? Name three of your favorite color of these. (4) SECTION N 11. What type of flower is in this bed besides begonias? (1) SECTION J 12. What type of flower are most of the plants in this section? (1) SECTION C 13. What is the orange or yellow flame-shaped flower? (1) SECTION B 14. What is the name of the really large whitish flower with the dark red/pink center? (1) SECTION K 15. What are the scientific and common names of the very tall (more than waist-high) plant that looks like huge grass? (2) SECTION L 16. What is the common name of “hero Bee” and “Golden Gate” in the center of this flower bed?? CONTAINERS on NE side of gardens 17. What is the common name of Danziger? (1) 18. What numbers are the pots of scotch moss? (2) 19. What color is the lobelia? (1) 20. What is the tall plant that looks like a tree? (1) 21. What color is ageratum? (1) SECTION AD 22. What colors are the ornamental peppers? (4) SECTIONS SA, SB, & SC 23. Why are these plants in the shade? (1) 24. Name and describe flowers and leaves of your favorite Impatiens. (shape, size, color, etc). (3) 25. Name and describe flowers and leaves of your favorite Begonia. (shape, size, color, etc). (3) ☼☼☼☼☼☼☼☼☼☼☼☼☼☼☼☼☼☼☼☼☼☼☼☼ 26. Which flower smelled the best to you? Which section was it in? (2) Botany CSU Trial Garden Self-Guided Field Trip/ Lab Teacher Brief 1. No Hypothesis Needed in Introduction 2. Delete: Materials Data Tables Method Calculations Observations Graphs 3. Under Conclusions, delete : Hypothesis Sources of Error Trial Garden Grading Rubric Title Introduction Materials Method Results Sketches/diagrams Questions Conclusions Purpose Student Learning CSU Trial Garden Self-Guided Field Trip Permission Form ______________________________________________(PRINT) has my permission to go to the CSU Trial Gardens in front of the former Fort Collins High School, in order to complete an activity for his/her (Honors) Botany class. I understand the student will be providing his/her own transportation, and that he/she assumes all responsibility or liability for his/her own safety during this activity. I understand that my student’s behavior reflects on his/her school, and will (of course) be appropriate during this activity.. NAME of parent or guardian_________________________________(PRINT) NAME of parent /guardian__________________________________(signature) DATE____________________________________ CSU Trial Garden Self-Guided Field Trip Permission Form ______________________________________________(PRINT) has my permission to go to the CSU Trial Gardens in front of the former Fort Collins High School, in order to complete an activity for his/her (Honors) Botany class. I understand the student will be providing his/her own transportation, and that he/she assumes all responsibility or liability for his/her own safety during this activity. I understand that my student’s behavior reflects on his/her school, and will (of course) be appropriate during this activity.. NAME of parent or guardian_________________________________(PRINT) NAME of parent /guardian__________________________________(signature) DATE____________________________________ CSU Trial Garden Self-Guided Field Trip Permission Form ______________________________________________(PRINT) has my permission to go to the CSU Trial Gardens in front of the former Fort Collins High School, in order to complete an activity for his/her (Honors) Botany class. I understand the student will be providing his/her own transportation, and that he/she assumes all responsibility or liability for his/her own safety during this activity. I understand that my student’s behavior reflects on his/her school, and will (of course) be appropriate during this activity.. NAME of parent or guardian_________________________________(PRINT) NAME of parent /guardian__________________________________(signature) DATE____________________________________