Senior Final Review Nervous System

Senior Final Review
Nervous System
o Functional unit of the nervous system would be?
o Know the parts of the neuron and what they do:
 Axon
 Cell body
 Dendrites
 Nucleus
 Synaptic terminal/knob
 Myelin
 Neurotransmitter
What is the synapse and know its purpose.
Two ways that an action potential can move down the axon would be?
It is all coming back – doing great, keep going!
What structures comprises the central nervous system?
How is the peripheral nervous system broken down?
What are the major lobes of the brain?
What structures make up the brain stem?
Name the structure that connects to left and right hemisphere.
Explain the difference between myelinated and unmyelinated axons.
Be able to identify bipolar, multipolar and unipolar neurons. Which would be sensory?
Explain the purpose of neuroglia cells.
Circulatory System (Blood & Heart)
o What is the function of the following components:
 Atrium
 Arteries
 Semilunar valves
 Ventricles
 Veins
 AV valve
o How does blood flow through the heart and body?
o What separates the right atrium from the right ventricle?
o What separates the left atrium from the left ventricle?
o What are the layers of the heart wall? Which is thickest?
o Define pericardium.
o Discuss the functions of the circulatory system.
o In which vessels would you find valves and why?
o Define systole & diastole.
o Understand the conduction system of the heart (physiology):
 AV node
 Purkinje Fibers
 Bundle Fibers
 SA node
 Bundle of His
o What makes the “lub dub” sound of the heart?
o What antigens would you find on a red blood cell if the person and type B+ blood?
o Doing great – get up and stretch, get that blood pumping!
o What is the lifespan of a RBC?
o What is the shape of a RBC?
o Where are RBC formed?
o What is the function of WBC?
o Define hemopoiesis.
o What does a hematocrit measure?
o Name the cellular components that are found in our blood.
Respiratory System
o Functions of this system include?
o Know the structures of the respiratory system and their functions:
 Airway between the larynx & primary bronchi
 Structure of gas exchange
 Where are the vocal cords located (called?)?
o Snack break!
o Understand the following terms:
 Tidal volume
 Minimal air
 Respiratory reserve volume
 Residual volume
 Vital capacity
 Inspiratory reserve volume
o Can you identify the terms if given a graph?
o Name the instrument used to measure lung volume.
o Know how oxygen and carbon dioxide compare throughout the body (where would you expect
these gasses to be high/low? For example, which would be higher – O2 or CO2 between the tissues
and the blood stream?) What controls breathing rate.
o What happens to you diaphragm when you inhale? Exhale?
o Functional unit of the respiratory system?
o Where do each of the following take place:
 Internal
 External
 Pulmonary
Immune System
o Know the function of the following cells:
 Natural killer cells
 B cells
 T cells
 Macrophages
o Know the difference between specific & nonspecific defenses (examples of each).
o Which cell releases interleukins and what know the purpose of interleukins.
o Where are B and T cells found?
o What cell produces antibodies?
o Immune cell that does not leave the lymph system?
o How are memory T cells produced?
o Function of memory T cells?
Digestive System
o Define:
 Chime
 Deglutition
 Bolus
o What are the basic building blocks of:
 Proteins
o Which enzyme does the following:
 Breakdown proteins
 Metabolism
 Anabolism
 Catabolism
 Rugae
 Absorption
 Digestion
 Carbohydrates
 Lipids
 Breakdown lipids
 Breakdown carbohydrates
What is the difference between an accessory organ non-accessory organ? Give an example of each.
What does the epiglottis do?
What structure makes bile? Where is it stored?
Snack time – cookie break!
What is the purpose of bile?
What is peristalsis?
Where does the majority of absorption take place?
What is a sphincter? Name the types of sphincters and where they would be found.
The majority of digestion occurs in this location.
How many pairs of salivary glands are there?
Where would I find the cecum?
Where is the appendix located? Function?
Urinary System
What is the functional unit of the urinary system?
How does urine get to the outside of the body?
Name the organ in which urine is formed.
What is the purpose of the glomerulus?
Where do the following activities take place:
 Filtration
 Reabsorption
 Secretion
What organs make up this system?
What are the general characteristics of normal urine?
What does the odor of urine tell you about a person’s health?
What did the Benedict’s solution test for in our lab?
What is the purpose of a urinalysis test?
Reproductive System
o Be able to label male & female reproduction diagrams
o Where are sperm and ova made?
o Define:
 Gametogenesis
 Haploid cell
 Diploid cell
 Gamete
o Compare and contrast mitosis and meiosis.
o Know the structures and function of the male & female reproductive system:
 Uterus
 Ductus deferens
 Rete tubules
 Testes
 Epididymis
 Urethra
 Protstate gland
 Prepuce
 Vagina
 Glans
 Uterine tube
o Easy stuff – feeling confident for the final 
 Zygote
How many viable sperm are produced in spermatogenesis?
How many viable ova are produced in oogenesis?
What is a polar body? Explain the purpose of a polar body.
How many chromosomes are in a stem cell?
How many chromosomes are in a gamete?
Where & when does fertilization of ovum occur?
What is the function of the female hormones (FSH & LH)?
If you understand this review sheet you will do just fine on the final. Take a deep breath and relax,
you know this stuff!