School of Hospitality Leadership Program Student Learning Outcomes (PSLOs)

School of Hospitality Leadership
Program Student Learning Outcomes (PSLOs)
Hotel, Restaurant, and Tourism Management, B.S.
HRTM Program Student Learning Outcomes (PSLOs)
to provide technical, analytical and critical thinking skills appropriate for the hospitality managers
(Critical Thinking) (PSLO1 – links to USLO1), including:
a. Inquiry, analysis and problem solving
b. Higher order qualitative and quantitative reasoning
c. Technology based/simulated managerial applications for hospitality environments
to comprehend and articulate written and oral communications as appropriate for hospitality
environments (Communications) (PSLO2 – links to USLO2),
a. Listening, speaking, reading, writing and information literacy in hospitality environments
b. Effective communication appropriate to the hospitality discipline
to apply strategies for managing diverse multicultural hospitality workplaces (Multicultural
workplace management) (PSLO3 – links to USLO3),
a. Study of principles specific to managing a diverse and multicultural workforce within the
discipline of hospitality
b. Global and cultural awareness within hospitality environments; ability to interact and work
with people from diverse backgrounds and cultures
c. Collaborative skills; ability to manage and lead teams toward established workgroup or
organizational goals
d. Ability to empathize and understand stakeholders (employees, management, guests, and
industry representatives) who are different from themselves
to review and apply managerial, financial, computer, and technical concepts as needed to be a
successful manager within the hospitality industry (Integrative Learning) (PSLO4 – links
a. Synthesis and advanced accomplishment across general and specialized studies
b. Undergraduate application of knowledge and skills for solving complex problems
c. Undergraduate and graduate experiential opportunities; internships, Study Abroad education,
service-learning options, etc.
d. The ability to understand and solve problems from multiple perspectives and disciplines
To understand the concepts of civic responsibility and workplace ethics (Civic Responsibility) (
(PSLO5 – links to USLO5)
a. Social and civic responsible practices in the hospitality industry
b. Local and global engagement relative to sustainable objectives
c. Individual, team, and organizational ethical practices as practiced in the hospitality industry
d. Certificate and Professional learning opportunities in the hospitality industry