Science Learning Community: Science and Engineering Lesson Plans Rescue Rover..Ruff..Ruff! Kris Ingli

Science Learning Community: Science and Engineering Lesson Plans
Rescue Rover..Ruff..Ruff!
Kris Ingli
(modeled after a activity)
Grade Level and Subject Area
Physical Science..grade 9 (some sophomores if transferred in or if repeating)
Time Frame
3 days out of a three week period.
Objectives: Upon completion of this unit, students will be able to:
Part 1: My Rescue Device
Design and create a final rescue device incorporating simple machines. (HS-PS2-3.)
Communicate the design process and indicate the science principles/concepts you took into account when
Part 2: A Different groups Rescue device
Test and evaluate a different groups rescue device
Fill out the evaluation form for the rescue device you tested and evaluated
Communicate the positives and negatives of the device tested in a written, organized manner.
Next Generation Science Standards
HS-ETS1-1: Analyze a challenge to specify qualitative and quantitative criteria and constraints for solutions
that account for societal needs and wants.
HS-ETS1-2.Design a solution to a complex real -world problem by breaking it down into smaller, more
manageable problems that can be solved through engineering.
HS-ETS1-3 Evaluate a solution to a real world problem based on prioritized criteria and trade-offs that
account for a range of constraints, including cost, safety, reliability.
Standards for Technological Literacy
Standard 9: Students will develop an understanding of engineering design.
Common Core State Standards in Mathematics
MP.2 Reason abstractly and quantitatively. (HS-ETS1-1),(HS-ETS1-3),(HS-ETS1-4)
Funded by an Elementary and Secondary Education Act Title IIb Wisconsin Improving Teacher Quality Grant in
Partnership with the University of Wisconsin-Stout
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Science Learning Community: Science and Engineering Lesson Plans
MP.4 Model with mathematics. (HS-ETS1-1),(HS-ETS1-2),(HS-ETS1-3),(HS-ETS1-4
Common Core State Standards in English and Language Arts
WHST.11-12.7Conduct a short and a more sustained research project to solve a problem; narrow or
broaden the inquiry when appropriate; synthesize multiple sources about the product thus demonstrating
understanding of the subject under investigation. (HS-PS2-3)(HS-PS2-5)
RST.11-12.7:Integrate and evaluate multiple sources of information presented in diverse formats and
media in order to address a question or solve a problem. (HS-ETS1-1)(HS-ETS1-3)
RST.11-12.8: Evaluate the data, analysis and conclusions in a science or technical test, verifying the data
when possible and corroborating or challenging conclusions with other sources of information. (HS-ETS1)(HS-ETS1-3)
RST.11-12.9: Synthesize information into a coherent understanding of a process, phenomenon, or
concept, resolving conflicting information when possible. (HS-ETS1-1)(HS-ETS1-3)
Prior Learning
This is a culminating project to include such concepts as Force, Impulse, Energy and Simple Machines
Funded by an Elementary and Secondary Education Act Title IIb Wisconsin Improving Teacher Quality Grant in
Partnership with the University of Wisconsin-Stout
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Science Learning Community: Science and Engineering Lesson Plans
Materials List
Stuffed animal
clothes pins
paper cups
Paper plates
popsicle sticks
3-meters of string
construction paper
Plastic bags
paper clips
Meter stick
rubber bands
binder clips
brass fasteners
Technology: Computer
Resources: Classroom Notes or Power Point, Physical Science Textbook, internet
Funded by an Elementary and Secondary Education Act Title IIb Wisconsin Improving Teacher Quality Grant in
Partnership with the University of Wisconsin-Stout
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Science Learning Community: Science and Engineering Lesson Plans
Objective: Upon completion of this lesson, students will be able to:
Use engineering practices to plan, develop, construct and evaluate a project.
This is a culminating activity so we will have covered and been assessed on all physical science
topics through SIMPLE MACHINES.
Prior assessment relative to the content would be worksheets, labs and chapter tests and quizzes.
Procedures Part 1
20 min.
Individually design 2-3 rescue devices
a. Thoroughly explain your design
reasoning-principles to your partners.
b. Label your design drawings to indicate
materials chosen and why.
Individually imagine,
sketch and
communicate ideas
for 2 or more
prototype rescue
Team building.
45 min.
Build 2 prototypes using different
a. Document the building process and DO
NOT deviate from the design plan
Combine team
prototypes and
decide on two
models. Build them.
Create a final
45 min.
45 min: 1
Test prototypes 3 times each
a. Communicate the successes and failures
relative to each trial.
Develop a list of pro’s and con’s for each
Pick one prototype and redesign -make
a. List and defend all changes made to the
rescue device
Test and Evaluate
another group rescue
Part 2: Final Device Testing
Give your final product with instructions
to the group assigned to test and evaluate
Funded by an Elementary and Secondary Education Act Title IIb Wisconsin Improving Teacher Quality Grant in
Partnership with the University of Wisconsin-Stout
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Science Learning Community: Science and Engineering Lesson Plans
Get the final product from the group you
need to evaluate.
a. Use the evaluation rubric to score your
groups device.
Formative Assessment
Student teams will create an invention journal which will include all prototype designs and design principles,
and communication process undergone throughout the planning, designing and building of their rescue device.
Journal will be periodically checked for updates and progress.
Students will submit their final project with a detailed operating manual (sheet) to be assessed
Students will be given another student teams device to evaluate for functionality. They will turn that in to me. I
will provide a copy for the device team.
We will as a class, showcase each device, operating success and what they learned from the project.
Summative Assessment
I will count this as a test grade. 75% Based on Journal, 15% on final device and operating manual, 10% based on
students assessment of it’s working ability.
Appendix A : Rescue Rover Activity
PROBLEM: Your pet has fallen into an old empty sewer hole. You must design and build
a device that lifts your pet up at least 1.0 meter within a 3 minute period. Your pet should
1. Design and create a final rescue device
2. Communicate the design process
Funded by an Elementary and Secondary Education Act Title IIb Wisconsin Improving Teacher Quality Grant in
Partnership with the University of Wisconsin-Stout
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Science Learning Community: Science and Engineering Lesson Plans
3. Test and evaluate another groups rescue device
4. Communicate the positives and negatives of the device tested to the group.
Individually design 2-3 rescue devices
a. Thoroughly explain your design reasoning-principles to your partners.
b. Label your design drawings to indicate materials chosen and why.
Build 2 prototypes using different materials
a. Document the building process and DO NOT deviate from the design plan
Test prototypes 3 times each
a. Communicate the successes and failures relative to each trial.
Develop a list of pro’s and con’s for each prototype
Pick one prototype and redesign -make improvements
a. List and defend all changes made to the rescue device
Give your final product with instructions to the group assigned to test and
evaluate it.
Get the final product from the group you need to evaluate.
a. Use the evaluation rubric to score your groups device.
Stuffed animal
clothes pins
Paper cups
paper plates
popsicle sticks
String-3 meters
construction paper
plastic spoons
Plastic bags
paper clips
Brass fasteners
meter stick
rubber bands
binder clips
Appendix B : Rescue Rover Evaluation of Groups Device (Taken from
Evaluation Phase
Evaluate your assigned teams' results, complete the evaluation worksheet,
and present your findings to the device owners.
Use this worksheet to evaluate the group device .
Funded by an Elementary and Secondary Education Act Title IIb Wisconsin Improving Teacher Quality Grant in
Partnership with the University of Wisconsin-Stout
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Science Learning Community: Science and Engineering Lesson Plans
“Rescue Rover” lesson:
1. Did they succeed in creating a device that could rescue a pet from a
sewer in under three minutes? If so, how long did it take? If not, why
did it fail?
2. Did you decide to revise your original design or request additional
materials while in the construction phase? Why?
3. Did you negotiate any material trades with other teams? How did that
process work for you?
4. If you could have had access to materials that were different than
those provided, what would your team have requested? Why?
5. Do you think that engineers have to adapt their original plans during
the construction of systems or products? Why might they?
6. If you had to do it all over again, how would your planned design
change? Why?
7. What designs or methods did you see other teams try that you
thought worked well?
8. Do you think you would have been able to complete this project
easier if you were working alone? Explain...
9. What adjustments would you have to make to your design if you
were required to rescue two puppies at the same time? Try it!
Do you think this challenge would have been any different if you
were rescuing a person? If so how?
Funded by an Elementary and Secondary Education Act Title IIb Wisconsin Improving Teacher Quality Grant in
Partnership with the University of Wisconsin-Stout
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