Art Class 5 Credits - 12/16/2007
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6
Complete at least two art pieces. Bring in completed work for critiques. Begin work on
Art History 1.
Complete at least two art pieces. Select one of your pieces and complete the first two Art
Critiques (one from you, one from someone else.) Complete Art History 1. Begin work
on Art History 2.
Complete at least two art pieces. Complete Art History 2. Begin work on Artist 1.
Complete at least two art pieces. Complete Artist 1. Begin work on Artist 2.
Complete at least two art pieces. Select one of your pieces and complete the second two
Art Critiques (one from you, one from someone else.) Complete Artist 2. Begin work on
Art Timeline.
Complete at least two art pieces. Complete Art Timeline.
This is a general art class, designed to improve basic techniques. You will also explore some of the history
and development of art.
You will complete at least 12 art pieces in this class.
It is expected that you spend approximately 2 – 3 hours finishing each piece.
Work with a real object, or a clean photograph of it, in front of you as you work on each piece. In this
course you will focus more on realism rather than abstract pieces.
Look at the rubric, attached on the last page, to guide your work. Grading is based much more on effort
and improvement than on ability.
You will complete a minimum of two drawings or paintings for each of the subjects below.
Bring in the 1st art piece in each subject to be critiqued before you begin work on the 2nd art piece in that
subject. You will be expected to improve on the 2nd art piece, using the comments you received on the
1st work.
Flower or vegetable still life
Human figure
A pair of shoes
A view out of a window
A view from an unusual perspective (for example, the view of a room through a keyhole)
You may use any style you prefer but you must be able to explain your choice.
You will need to call ahead to schedule a time to have your work critiqued.
Every art piece should be presented to your teacher for a verbal critique.
Select two of your art pieces.
Have someone you know complete the attached ART CRITIQUES.
Complete an attached SELF CRITIQUE for each piece. You will turn in all written critiques.
Art Class 5 Credits - 12/16/2007
STANDARD FOR ALL PAPERS: 3 - 5 pages. Typewritten. Double-spaced. Size 12, tms new
roman, arial or similar font. 1” margins. Bibliography with at least 3 sources. Review the rubric, on
the last attached page, to guide your work.
ART HISTORY 1: Select and describe any art style developed more than 400 years ago from anywhere
in the world.
ART HISTORY 2: Select and describe any art style developed less than 400 years ago from anywhere in
the world.
ARTIST 1: Select any classical-master artist that produced work more than 150 years ago. Examples
would include but are not limited to; Katsushika Hokusai, Gianlorenzo Bernini, Rosa Bonheur, Hubert
van Eyck and Albrecht Durer.
a. His/her basic biographical details
b. How, where and why he/she became an artist
c. His/her artistic styles throughout life
d. How he/she influenced the world of art and humanity in general
e. What, in your opinion, is his or her most famous or best work
ARTIST 2: Select any modern artist that produced work within the last 150 years. Examples would
include; Marc Chagall, Diego Rivera, Georgia O’Keeffe, Amedeo Modigliani, and Mary Cassatt.
a. His/her basic biographical details
b. How, where and why he/she became an artist
c. His/her artistic styles throughout life
d. How he/she influenced the world of art and humanity in general
e. What, in your opinion, is his or her most famous or best work
Create a timeline representing important developments in art. For each development you will include:
a. A date when the development began to be seen in the art world
b. Where in the world this development was first seen
c. Three to four sentences of description about the development and its importance to art
Include at least 8 of the following developments:
Art Class 5 Credits - 12/16/2007
Title of Piece:
Please help this student improve as an artist by analyzing this piece of artwork.
Please focus on comments that will help the artist improve rather than just saying that you like or dislike something in the
Thank you for your time and attention.
What stands out the most when you first see it? Why does is stand out?
As you keep looking, what else seems important? Why does it seem important?
What leads your eye around from place to place?
Describe the feelings and meanings this artwork represents to you?
What other things interest you about this artwork?
Additional Comments:
Art Class 5 Credits - 12/16/2007
Title of Piece:
Please help this student improve as an artist by analyzing this piece of artwork.
Please focus on comments that will help the artist improve rather than just saying that you like or dislike something in the
Thank you for your time and attention.
What stands out the most when you first see it? Why does is stand out?
As you keep looking, what else seems important? Why does it seem important?
What leads your eye around from place to place?
Describe the feelings and meanings this artwork represents to you?
What other things interest you about this artwork?
Additional Comments:
Art Class 5 Credits - 12/16/2007
Title of Piece:
How does this work compare to your previous work?
What elements show feeling and expressiveness?
How does it show thought?
How original and innovative is the work?
How does it improve or expand from your past work?
How well does the work meet the requirements of the assignment?
How is the style appropriate for the art assignment?
How does the work show clear consistent effort?
Is it free from mistakes that distract from the unity and effectiveness of the whole?
What is one thing that you would improve about this piece if you redid it?
Art Class 5 Credits - 12/16/2007
Title of Piece:
How does this work compare to your previous work?
What elements show feeling and expressiveness?
How does it show thought?
How original and innovative is the work?
How does it improve or expand from your past work?
How well does the work meet the requirements of the assignment?
How is the style appropriate for the art assignment?
How does the work show clear consistent effort?
Is it free from mistakes that distract from the unity and effectiveness of the whole?
What is one thing that you would improve about this piece if you redid it?
Art Class 5 Credits - 12/16/2007
Art Pieces Rubric
The piece is preplanned and
shows complete and detailed
image of subject with detailed
shapes, patterns, and
shading. Texture is used to
add interest and depth.
The piece shows careful
preparation and shows
detailed image of subject, but
there is limited pattern,
shading, and texture.
Uses very clean paper and
materials with little smudging
and properly erased lines.
Uses clean materials with little Uses somewhat clean
Student misuses
smudging and few extraneous materials with some smudging materials and does
and some extraneous lines.
not adequately
cleanup piece.
Time was used wisely. Much
time and effort went into the
planning, design and
Time was used wisely.
Student could have put in
more time and effort into
Composition Student applied ideas of unity, Student applied principles of
contrast, balance, movement,
direction, emphasis, and
center of interest with great
unity, contrast, balance,
movement, direction,
emphasis, and center of
interest with fair skill.
Piece lacks refinement. There
is minimal use of pattern,
texture and shading with few
Lines are muddy and
ragged edges. The
piece lacks texture or
Time was not always used
wisely. More time and effort
would have improved the
Piece shows little
time or effort in
Student showed minimal
composition skills.
The student appears
to have put no effort
into composition
Artist Papers Rubric
Characteristics Student identifies multiple
significant characteristics that
distinguish this artist's work or
school/period from others and
uses these to recognize other
works by this artist.
Student identifies multiple
significant characteristics
that distinguish this
artist's work or this
school/period from
Student identifies 1 or 2
significant characteristics
that distinguish this artist's
work or this school/period
from others.
Student cannot identify
characteristics that
distinguish this artist's
work or period/school.
Recognition of Student can accurately name 4 Student can accurately
works by this artist and describe name 2 works by this
Student can either
Student is not able to
accurately name or
name or describe this
describe at least 2 works by artist's works.
this artist.
them in some detail.
Influence of
Student is able to give several
detailed examples of how the
time period(s) in which an artist
lived influenced his/her work.
Student is able to give a
couple of examples of
how the time period(s) in
which an artist lived
influenced his/her work.
Influence of
other artists
Student is able to name at least
2 artists who influenced the
artist and points out areas
where one can see these
Student is able to name Student is able to name at
at least 2 artists who
least 1 artist who influenced
influenced the artist being the artist being studied.
Accurately describes several
dominant elements or principles
used by the artist and accurately
relates how they are used.
Accurately describes a
couple of dominant
elements and principles
and accurately relates
how these are used.
Student is able to give one
example of how the time
period(s) in which an artist
lived influenced his/her
Student has difficulty
describing how the time
periods in which artists
lived influenced their
Student does not know
which other painters
influenced the one
being studied.
Describes some elements Has trouble picking out
and principles used, but has the dominant elements.
difficulty describing the
meaning or feeling of the