Clinical/Internship Experiences Dispositions Evaluation (Form M) To Be Completed by Cooperating Teacher/University Supervisor Candidate/Intern: Course: School & Grade Level: Semester: Please evaluate the candidate on the following characteristics and check whether the candidate is at the Target, Acceptable, or Unacceptable level. Please provide evidence of your evaluations. Elements Attitude Emotional maturity, Initiative, Responsiveness to professional feedback (receptivity and responsiveness) Comments: Revised 4/29/11 Unacceptable/Needs Improvement 1-2 Acceptable 3-4 vents frustration inappropriately, needs step-bystep instruction, rejects/ignores ideas and suggestions, excessively negative or inappropriately responds to other students, blames others for problems frustration sometimes interferes with classroom performance, operates independently with direction, occasionally accepts ideas and suggestions, demonstrates minimal responsiveness Target 5 handles frustration appropriately, demonstrates independence and initiative, demonstrates receptivity to constructive feedback, listens and responds thoughtfully to feedback Rating Elements Diversity Values multiple aspects of diversity: respects children and adults of various cultural backgrounds, ethnicities, religions, sexual orientations, social classes, abilities and political beliefs Unacceptable/Needs Improvement 1-2 Acceptable 3-4 Target 5 Demonstrates no respect for cultural, racial, gender and/or religious differences; Demonstrates partiality toward certain groups Demonstrates respect for cultural, racial, and religious differences by openly discussing, reading, and displaying materials that represent the different cultures, races, genders, and/or religions periodically; Shows no partiality toward certain groups of students Treats all students, teachers, and parents with respect; Acknowledges and celebrates various cultures, races, and religions by openly discussing, reading stories, and displaying pictures that represent different cultures, races, genders, and/or religions throughout the clinical experience. Negative attitude; Displays little interest in students, content, and teaching Positive most of the time; Displays interest in students, content, and teaching Always positive; Helps students outside of class time; Searches for innovative methods; Shares ideas; Participates in school activities outside of class time Dresses unprofessionally; Does not observe dress code; Displays no care in personal hygiene Generally dresses professionally and observes dress codes; Exhibits care in personal hygiene Always dresses professionally at school and at extracurricular events; Exhibits care in personal hygiene Comments: Enthusiasm Demonstrates a positive interest and commitment to student learning and teaching Comments: Personal Appearance Demonstrates attire that is in alignment with the suggested SOE dress code Comments: Revised 4/29/11 Rating Elements Professionalism Demonstrates adherence to the standards of ethical conduct including academic honesty and confidentiality Unacceptable/Needs Improvement 1-2 Acceptable 3-4 Target 5 Gossips; Does not keep information confidential; Dishonest Observes confidentiality; Demonstrates honesty and integrity Observes confidentiality; Demonstrates honesty, integrity, and willingness to accept responsibilities beyond the classroom (e.g., athletics, school committees, clubs); Enthusiastic about the teaching profession; Serves as a model of behavior expected of an educator; Arrives late to school or class or leaves early Arrives and leaves at assigned times Arrives early and stays late as necessary Does not interact well with students, parents, faculty, and/or staff Interacts positively with students, parents, faculty, and staff Interacts positively with students, faculty, staff, and parents; Initiates contributions to class, school activities or parent conferences which are well received Comments: Punctuality Meets all time expectations Comments: Rapport Demonstrates an ability to effectively communicate and interact with others Comments: Revised 4/29/11 Rating Elements Reliability Recognizes and fulfills all professional expectations Unacceptable/Needs Improvement 1-2 Acceptable 3-4 Target 5 Tasks are not completed within a prescribed time Completes tasks within prescribed times Completes all tasks within prescribed times Displays a lack of concern for students’ abilities and/or needs Exhibits care and concern for students’ abilities and needs Exhibits care and concern for students’ abilities and needs; Spends additional time (after school, after class) with students who need help; Seeks information and advice from parents and staff to improve students’ education Comments: Sensitivity Demonstrates empathy and understanding for others Comments: Teacher Comments: *Please describe your concern(s) so that it may be addressed. Your suggestions to assist the candidate are welcomed. Signature of Cooperating Teacher/University Supervisor Revised 4/29/11 Date School Rating